Constant rhinitis in the baby

What if the child has a runny nose?

If there is a persistent cold in the child, what should I do? This question often arises from the parents.First of all, it should be understood that this symptomatology is manifested in children with rhinitis, that is, when the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed.To begin the correct treatment of this disease, it is necessary to find out the forms and causes of the disease and only after taking any action.

Why there is a constant runny nose in children

Such a disease, as rhinitis, can cause a lot of inconvenience, so you should make every effort to eliminate it. But first the doctor should establish the causes of the disease. Thus, rhinitis can be catarrhal, atrophic, hypertrophic and vasomotor. Such forms depend on the causes of the disease.

If we talk about catarrhal form, then it is chronic and occurs if the disease was not completely eliminated. In this case, the mucous membrane is destroyed by harmful microorganisms, which also can weaken the immune system of the child's body. With this disease, you can have a headache, worsens the sense of smell, the nose is constantly stuffed, nose breathing is broken, mucous discharge from the nose often occurs.

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If we talk about a hypertrophic runny nose, then such a disorder appears in the nasal cavity in the pathological proliferation of tissues. This happens when, for one reason or another, the nasal septum is curved, and also if the patient constantly uses vasoconstrictive drops. This pathology also develops when a person is long in a gassy or dusty place.

Symptoms with this form are similar to the previous one, that is, they manifest themselves in the form of headaches, diffuse states, rapid fatigue. Hypertrophic form of the disease leads to the fact that the sense of smell is broken and the timbre of the voice changes, the patient suffers from abundant mucous secretions, which have a permanent character.

When children develop atrophic rhinitis, it is very difficult to talk about the reasons, because medical workers can not firmly state the factors that provoke it. However, it is commonly believed that this form makes itself felt after trauma. This pathology occurs when the child has frequent rhinitis or an operation was performed in the nasal cavity. Infringement and under influence of other factors, for example, an unfavorable climate develops also.

If the rhinitis is atrophic, it will still be accompanied by dryness and constriction in the nose, where, as a rule, crusts are formed. The patient is losing his sense of smell, bleeding appears.

When children become sick with a vasomotor runny nose, it means that they have a disturbed tone in the vascular wall. It can be caused by various diseases. For example, such as hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia, some endocrine diseases. During the pathology, the nasal congestion arises, which has an alternating character (laid down either the right or the left nasal passage).

It should be noted that all forms of the common cold, listed above, not only have a different nature, but also require a different therapeutic approach. For this reason, the diagnosis of the disease, as well as the treatment of a runny nose in children should only be dealt with by a doctor, since If the methods for eliminating rhinitis are wrong, this will only exacerbate the situation and cause serious complications.

How to act with a persistent cold in the child

If the common cold in a child develops into an intrusive problem, then parents should pay special attention to this. Most often in both children and adults, such a disease manifests itself in the autumn or winter time. This phenomenon is not necessarily caused by a particular disease. This ailment can make itself felt after hypothermia or in an unhealthy climate, as well as as a result of respiratory infection (influenza).

The most difficult to tolerate this pathology is the kids, because they can not independently influence the situation or complain about poor health. Therefore, in this situation, parents should be more serious about the common cold, because it can appear during chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

How can we ensure that the runny nose of the child does not have a permanent character? To begin with, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal passages when treating a common cold. To do this, as often as possible, wash the sick kid's nose, or let him blow his nose from time to time. Moistening the nasal cavity also plays a very important role, because when dry, unpleasant crusts can form.

By the way, to moisten the moves, you do not need to buy too expensive. Sufficiently normal mineral or sea water (saline solution). Often with such a disease, irritation of the mucosa develops. To prevent this from happening, you can use an oil solution, which should include vitamins E and A.

Several times a day, the baby needs to instill special drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect. But with these drugs must be treated very carefully.

So, before using, you should read the medication instructions, as some of them can cause addiction in children, so they are not recommended for use more than five days in a row. However, if the treatment is organized correctly, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

After the above procedure with vasoconstrictive action is carried out, it will be necessary to apply a suitable ointment or drops. But in any case, it should be understood that the drugs do not need to be selected independently, it is necessary to do this after consulting a doctor. This rule applies to antibacterial drops, which are important when purulent discharge occurs.

Recommendations and prevention

With regard to preventive measures, special attention should be paid to the choice of clothing in which the baby is on walks and shoes. He should always have dry feet, he should not be too hot or cold. After a walk, you should always examine the legs of the child and make sure that they are not wet and cold. Otherwise, timely application of appropriate measures is important. So, you just need to put the crumb in a hot water bath, or let it hold the legs in a special tray for a while, to which mustard is added. A glass of warm milk with a small amount of honey will also be superfluous.

In addition, the child should not be in contact with colds.


As a preventive measure, the strengthening of immunity with balanced food, which must include dairy products, vegetable and fruit salads, meat and fish products.

Physical exercises also have a positive effect on the growing body. But if it is noticed that the child significantly weakened immunity, then you need to turn to the pediatrician. He, in turn, will appoint suitable immunomodulators, which have a natural character. It can be garlic or red clover, St. John's wort or celandine, and many other means.

In addition, in order for the therapy to be more effective, attention should be paid to the situation in which the baby falls asleep. The head should be raised, that is, it should be done so that the child's torso is higher than the legs. To do this, you can simply lay a pillow.


Thanks to this simple method, the outflow of mucus occurs more quickly and freely. In addition, if the approach to eliminating this disease is correct, the runny nose will not only not threaten the health of the crumbs, but it will never happen again.

How to cure a permanent runny nose in a child?


Vitaliy Fedas

Do not forget that the common cold can be allergic, as a protective reaction of the body to an antigen of any genesis. You should consult an allergist doctor, make alergo tests and look for allergens at home later, and also get rid of them (carpets can be, upholstered furniture, different toys, a house. animals, dust, books, etc.).
First of all, check if the child's allergies are coniferous: for this, buy in the pharmacy aromatic fir oil or thuja and drop a tiny bit on the inner surface of the child's forearm in the middle third, after 20 minutes, see if there will be redness, swelling, bumps, rashes, if not - allergies no. The child can be taken to the mestnost with coniferous plantations. The air soaked in phytoncides, coniferous resins and ozone will be curative.
You can drive to the mountainous area, there ICP should fall. And allergens in the forest and in the mountains - on-a-ah-a-a lot less.
And I'll give you one grandfather's prescription (doctors only pass it to each other, there is not written in one of the directories), after you in the same way check if the child has allergies to iodine. Only dilute iodine with water: before you drop on your forearm.
Very many of these simplest recipes cure chronic rhinitis and even hr.haymoritis.
And what was the purpose of interferon? What did the smear from the nose? Did they sow staphylococcus? Or what?
And why is ICP increased? Was there a birth injury?
You need a competent specialist. It is desirable the pediatrist. If you happen to be in Kiev, I can give you associate professors and professors from the Department of Pediatrics of the Kiev Medical School. I think there will help your child.
With HI. family doctor Vitaly Fedas


Beet juice is a very good remedy for the common cold... squeeze and bury 3 times a day (for a child, not to dilute the juice with water).


try su-jok therapy. This is the Chinese method of influencing certain points by pressing. in my family the device from "Zepter" has got accustomed. called bioptron, heals with light. rinse with salt water from the syringe, holding the baby over the bath. and drop the aquamaris try. only by age look.


Drops including aquamaris with a slight obstruction and saline solutions help, and not chronic. A wash is necessary in general in the office of the ENT doctor, find a COLONIC plant, the juice of which is buried in the nose for 1 drop, first the baby sneezes, then it passes, or DIOXIDINE, too, a little bit. On the other hand, it may be an allergic reaction to something, it is necessary to make allergens. To us the doctor-infektsionist about snot said that this is a protective organism's recipe for infection. Consult an infectious disease specialist.
Allergies are great. You can do them endlessly and on needles and on larch and yolk and on dust, etc. And to remove the symptoms of the baby should be as soon as possible. Another sovet: aloe juice, you can not even dilute with water 1-2 drops in the nose. Watch carefully for the child, so that no sagging or spasms. Did not pay attention to ICP. Urgently to the neurologist-neurologist, we have the same history, one-on-one, this can not be completely ignored. ICP should be urgently removed, so that by year 1 you have not received cerebral palsy (God forbid). We were very frightened by this. Until now, we stand at the neurologist on the register.
There will be questions, write. Unfortunately, in this field of experience we have - more than enough.

Constant rhinitis: causes and treatment of a persistent cold

A persistent runny nose can be an independent disease. Often the common cold is aggravated in the winter, in the autumn, because the body adapts to the climate change. A severe runny nose occurs with an acute respiratory viral infection, if it is not treated in time, it will eventually develop into a chronic form.

Causes of a permanent cold

The symptom is accompanied by a headache, the nose rubs and turns red. Permanent rhinitis is an inflammatory reaction of the nasal mucosa. Most common cold provoked by a viral infection.

To the causes of persistent cold:

  • Sharp temperature changes.
  • Abuse of spicy food.
  • Negative exposure to tobacco smoke.
  • Unfavorable ecological situation.

A persistent runny nose can be triggered by adenoids, a foreign body entering the nose. Chronic rhinitis often occurs as a result of a nasal injury, deviation into the septum. In some situations, a persistent runny nose is caused by an allergic reaction, a tumor or polyps in the nose.

The constant rhinitis for the child is especially dangerous, it negatively affects their way of life. The child does not eat well, can not sleep, it's hard for him to breathe.

Forms of a permanent cold

  • Catarrhal formappears because the cold was not healed. Malicious bacteria lead to destruction of the nasal mucosa. If the rhinitis is not treated in time, everything can end with problems with the immune system. With this form there is a strong headache, a person's sense of smell is worse, a nose is pawned, nasal breathing is disrupted.
  • Hypertrophic formarises from the fact that the tissues that form the bone skeleton grow. A persistent runny nose appears due to a curved nasal septum. Also, the hypertrophic form develops when a person uses vasoconstrictive drops for a long time, remains in a gassy or dusty place for a long time. At the patient because of a rhinitis constantly scattered condition, he quickly gets tired, there are problems with an olfaction.
  • Atrophic forma persistent runny nose is a consequence of an injury or occurs after a nasal surgery. At an atrophic rhinitis dryness in a nose is observed, after that crusts start to be formed. Man completely loses his sense of smell, everything ends with nosebleeds.

Vasomotor perennial runny nose

Symptoms occur when the vascular tone is disturbed. A persistent runny nose appears due to hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia, asthenic-vegetative syndrome, due to endocrine diseases. Vasomotor permanent rhinitis is characterized by alternate obstruction of the left and right nostrils. The sense of smell with vasomotor rhinitis is not disturbed. Diagnosis can be done only by the attending physician. If the rhinitis is not treated in time, serious complications will arise.

Prevention of a permanent cold in the child

Necessarily need to clean the nasal passages, flush the nose to the child. Do not forget to moisten the nasal mucosa. To do this, use sea water, salt solution. Remove irritation from the mucous membrane, moisten it with an oil solution containing vitamin A, E.

If the nose is heavily embedded, breathing is disrupted, vasoconstrictive drops can be used. They should not get carried away, they lead to serious complications. Man gets used to the remedy and can not do without drops in the future.

Additionally, you must pay attention to your position during sleep. Put a pillow higher, the upper part of the trunk should be slightly raised. So the mucus will quickly and freely retreat.

Consequences of a persistent cold

  • The immune system decreases, other diseases can start to develop.
  • Sleep deteriorates and lays the nose.
  • The sense of smell disappears or decreases.

A child's runny nose leads to a decline in school performance. The child is constantly flabby and weak, quickly tired. It is dangerous when the chronic rhinitis passes into sinusitis, sinusitis, and other inflammatory ENT diseases.

Methods of treatment of a permanent cold

Folk remedies can only be used if the runny nose is not running. Most often this is an auxiliary. Treatment will depend on the cause that caused the symptom. If a persistent runny nose has appeared due to a viral infection, such methods will be prescribed:

  • Preparations for strengthening the immune system.
  • Drops that purify the nasopharynx.
  • Medications that do not give infection appear later.

In the case of an allergic rhinitis drugs are prescribed that will help reduce sensitivity to different allergens. The best antihistamines are Cromoglin, Allergodyl, also glucocorticosteroids - Fliksonase, Nazonex. With the help of drugs can suppress symptoms, prevent further aggravation. Pay attention to the air in the room, it must be clean. Do wet cleaning, as often as possible, ventilate the room.

If you are sure that you have a persistent runny nose due to an allergy, you should create a homehypoallergenic conditions:

  • Get rid of a wool blanket, pillows with feathers, soft toys.
  • Buy an air purifier, do a wet cleaning.
  • Give up household chemicals, use only hypoallergenic powders.
  • Keep food diary, exclude foods that can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Give up your pets. Often there is an allergic reaction to cats or dogs.

In this way, a persistent runny nose appears for a reason, it provokes a specific factor. If you do not cure rhinitis in time, it will go into chronic form. When you have allergic rhinitis, first find out what irritates your mucous membrane, then avoid contact with the allergen. Take care that the persistent runny nose does not develop into chronic sinusitis or sinusitis, which have serious health consequences.

Rhinitis in children: everything you need to know about the disease

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa in medicine is commonly called a runny nose or rhinitis. At first glance, the discharge from the nose may seem quite harmless phenomenon, but in fact such a process can bring many troubles and complications. That is why the runny nose of a child should be cured at an early stage of its development.

Causes of rhinitis in children

The main causes of a cold in children are hypothermia, infectious diseases of the nose, viral catarrhal diseases, prolonged exposure to mechanical and thermal factors, adverse climatic conditions. Also, among the most common causes of the onset of a cold in children is a sharp temperature drop, especially in the autumn-winter period. Frequent occurrences of the common cold indicate a weakening of the child's immunity, so measures should be taken to strengthen it.

The main manifestations of rhinitis

As a rule, when the disease occurs, both nasal passages are affected, as a result of which the breathing of the child is significantly hampered. Children can complain to parents about such unpleasant sensations, which are the main signs of rhinitis:

  • dryness in the nose
  • burning
  • headache
  • sneeze
  • nasal congestion

In addition to this symptom in a few days begin to appear discharge from the nose. At first they are transparent and dense, and eventually become dense and yellow-green. In children, the sense of smell disappears partially or completely, the taste perception deteriorates, and sometimes the temperature rises.

Types of rhinitis in children

In pediatrics, based on the causes of the development of the disease and the nature of its course, it is common to divide rhinitis into several species. The following classification is considered traditional:

  1. Infectious rhinitis
  2. Allergic rhinitis
  3. Vasomotor rhinitis
  4. Atrophic rhinitis

In the nasal cavity, various viruses and bacteria often enter, causing a runny nose. In infectious rhinitis in children, the following stages of the course of the disease are observed:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa
  • development of a protective mucous secretion
  • a change in the color of the mucus secreted - it becomes yellow-green and dense
  • reduction of mucus secretion and complete recovery

Allergic rhinitis occurs in situations where the child is in contact with an allergen. In such cases, there is burning and itching in the nasal passages, accompanied by sneezing and secretion of liquid of transparent color. This kind of runny nose can have a long, protracted character, occurs mainly in the spring-summer period, when trees and plants bloom. Often an infectious type of the disease is accompanied by a cut in the eyes, lacrimation, nasal congestion. The vasomotor type is observed in healthy people immediately after recovery from the common cold. It manifests as a blocked nose, a clear liquid with a drop in air temperature.The cause of atrophic rhinitis is the long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops.Regular vasospasms lead to disruption of the mucosa, which ceases to perform its protective function. The child has dryness and burning in the nose, sniffing, especially during sleep.

Runny nose in newborns

The development of rhinitis in infants has its own characteristics. The disease in them proceeds in more complex form, because even a slight mucosal edema closes the narrow nasal passages that are too narrow. Therefore, a runny nose in early childhood leads to a worsening of the feeding process, because when sucking a baby, the baby needs to breathe periodically with his mouth. This situation can lead to poor sleep, anxiety and moodiness of the child, which is associated with poor health and malnutrition.Often, children during sleep have attacks of breathlessness and suffocation, so parents should always be near.Breathing through the mouth causes a rapid spread of the disease in the lower respiratory tract.

Possible complications

Rhinitis in newborns and infants often leads to many complications. Pediatricians distinguish such major complications:

  1. Weight loss. Reducing the weight of a newborn child during the course of the disease is considered the most common complication, and the safest. Nasal congestion worsens the process of breastfeeding or bottles, which soon affects the weight of the baby. Parents should not worry much, because after recovery the child will immediately gain the lost body weight.
  2. Infection of ENT organs. Prolonged cold in the child often becomes the cause of infection of other ENT organs, resulting in otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other diseases.
  3. Pneumonia. This is one of the most complex and dangerous diseases that occurs when sputum, saturated with bacteria, gets into the lungs together with the inhaled air.
  4. Formation of sores on the mucous membranes of the nose. Painful sores occur with a protracted runny nose.

Stages of rhinitis in newborns

The flow of rhinitis in newborns has 3 stages, each of which has its own characteristics. At the first stage there is a narrowing of the vessels, blushing of the mucous membranes, dryness occurs in the nose. The child has symptoms such as burning in the nose and sneezing, he becomes restless. Treatment at an early stage of the common cold gives positive results in a short time, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to notice a runny nose at this stage. At the second stage of the disease, the vessels dilate, there is swelling of the mucous membranes, there are secretions of clear and watery mucus from the nose. If you look at the nasal mucosa, you can notice that they get red, inflamed color, there is lacrimation. Treatment at this stage is very important, since its absence can lead to the development of many complications of rhinitis. The most difficult and dangerous is the runny stage of the cold that occurs when the baby is not treated for a long time. Mucus in the nasal passages thickens, acquires a yellow-green color, which makes breathing difficult for the child. Treatment in such situations will be difficult and time-consuming.

Treatment of rhinitis in newborns

After the birth of the child, all the necessary conditions must be created in the room where it is located. First of all, the air should be cool and moderately moist, it is important not to allow dryness in the room. The room should be regularly ventilated and wet-cleaned in it. Such actions will prevent the onset of a cold in the baby. But in case of getting into the nasal passages of a viral infection, parents should provide their child with proper treatment. With a cold in a newborn in the nose, you can drip saline, it moistens the nasal passages and liquefies the mucus. Pediatricians often prescribe such medications from the common cold:

  • salin
  • nazivin
  • interferon
  • euphorbium compositum

It is strictly forbidden when treating the common cold in babies to perform such actions as washing the nose out of the pear and dripping antibiotics into the nose.

Treatment of a cold in children

First aid

Regardless of the type of rhinitis and the stage of its course before starting the use of medications, it is necessary to provide first aid aimed at alleviating the child's condition. First of all, you should do the following: Raise the headboard of the child's bed so that the child's head is above the entire body. This will help to remove the mucus that accumulates in the nose, and prevent it from sinking into the lungs.

  1. If a newborn has accumulated mucus in the nose, you can suck it with a small pear or syringe.
  2. Do not allow sputum to dry out. To do this, periodically drip saline into the spout. Do such manipulations as often as necessary.

Remedies for treatment of rhinitis

In the treatment of a cold in children, the use of special medicines is often unavoidable. Their main action is the relief of nasal breathing during illness. This category of drugs is divided into two groups - local and systemic decongestants. With the use of such funds, the vessels of the nasal mucosa are narrowed. After their application, there is removal of the edema of the mucosa and the normalization of respiration. Especially their use is inevitable when it becomes necessary to treat a prolonged runny nose in children. Currently, a large number of medicines are being manufactured, and parents should understand that all firms produce one drug under different names. That is why, when visiting a pharmacy, you need to pay attention not to the name of the drug, but to its composition - the active substance.When buying a drug, it is important to consider the cause of the disease, its stage and nature of the course, and the age of the child.

Inhalation with cold

Conduction of inhalations in the common cold is considered to be the most effective method of treatment, since the drug thus quickly enters the nasal passages and performs its function. The inhaled medicine immediately has an anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa, removing puffiness and improving breathing. To perform the procedure, you can visit a special office in the children's polyclinic, or you can spend at home buying an inhaler. Usually, in the treatment of the common cold, eucalyptus is used. To make such a solution, you need to pour a spoonful of grass with half a liter of water and boil in a saucepan with the lid closed for 10 minutes. Cool to 35 degrees and hold inhalation. In the same way, you can prepare a decoction of calendula flowers. In addition, you can buy aromatic oil for inhalation. If the child refuses such procedures, you can use the aroma lamp.

How to avoid rhinitis?

Avoiding the development of colds in childhood is very difficult, but, nevertheless, parents often take preventive measures to strengthen the child's body. If the child came from the street with cold hands or feet, you can make a warm bath for your feet. Mustard baths are considered effective, after which you should wear warm socks. At night you can drink warm milk with the addition of honey and oil, which will improve the breathing of the nose. For preventive purposes, many specialists recommend practicing hardening of a child, starting from the earliest age. This approach will increase the resistance of the child's organism to unfavorable weather conditions.

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