How to mitigate cough at home

And how at home to soften a strong cough That's why it was easier to me in an hour!



Inhalations with validol: stretch 1 tablet of validol, 7 drops of iodine, 1 hour. l. drinking soda. Boil 2 cups of water, pour in all the ingredients, stir. Pour hot mixture into teapot or inhaler. Breathe through the tip of the kettle with steam in the tech. 10 min. before bedtime. In 3 days even the most persistent cough will pass.

. Stewards of mashed potatoes: boil potatoes in a peel, peel, mash. Breast and back cover the paper and put a potato on it. Close the top with cellophane, wrap it. Keep until it cools.

. Infusion of raw onions: raw onion finely chopped and pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. To drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before a dream on a half-glass.

. Setochka of iodine: take a cotton swab, moisten with alcohol tincture of iodine, draw on the patient's chest "mesh, each line is drawn at a distance, -2 cm.

. Lemon with glycerin: with chronic chronic cough - 1 lemon simmer for 10 minutes. When it becomes soft, squeeze the juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of purified glycerine (buy in a pharmacy) and mix thoroughly, then top up the melted and liquid honey - until complete glass.

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If the cough is harsh, then take a mixture of 1 teaspoon per day. When a cough worries at night - 1 teaspoon per night and one more - at night. With a strong cough - 1 teaspoon in the morning, before dinner, after dinner and at night. With the weakening of cough, the number of receptions is reduced. Keep the mixture is not in the refrigerator, but simply in a cool place, shake before use.

Beverage from burnt sugar: 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar-sand put in a bowl of stainless steel, put on a small fire and slowly melt the sugar on fire, as for caramel. The color of the melted sugar should be from dark yellow to brown. Sugar should not burn and smoke! Melt sugar pour cold boiled water at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar for 1-2 glasses of water. Give the patient to drink a solution half a cup every time he starts coughing. Cough passes after such drinking for at least an hour.


Have a drink of Hexoral. Should help.


Weld the potatoes and get some steam over the pot.


Milk with honey warm + inhalation with mint :)
Health to you!
If all of you wish health, then certainly it will be better! :)

Abakum Kravets

Now, only today it was, mine is also there

Friend of human

Take stopptussin, tussin - plus, tusuprex or kodelak - they suppress the cough reflex.

How and how to soften the throat with dry cough: drugs and folk remedies

Dry cough is one of the most common symptoms of upper respiratory tract diseases. But sometimes it can be caused by other reasons.

In any case, with a dry cough, the sore throat is irritated even more, the mucous membrane is injured, there is pain in the chest and hypochondrium.

You can soften the cough at home using folk recipes.

What is a cough

Understanding the nature of the occurrence of cough, where it comes from and what is needed, it will be much easier to cope with it at home. At its core it is a protective reaction of the throat, bronchi and lungs.

When you cough, there is a sharp, spasm-like muscle contraction, the lungs then push the air out - a cough arises.

On the inner surface of the lungs there are receptors that react to stimuli and cause a cough reflex. Cough reflex is necessary, thanks to it foreign bodies, slime, dust, microorganisms are removed from the respiratory tract and they are cleaned.

But with a dry cough, sputum is very small, it is also called unproductive. Do not try to suppress cough, on the contrary, you need to stimulate the formation and departure of sputum in order to speed up recovery. If the dry cough is not treated, it will go to chronic.

And then already treatment at home with folk remedies will not be effective, more serious drugs will be needed and much more time to restore health.

Treatment at home with a dry cough

With a dry, non-productive cough for softening the throat at home, you can use these tools and methods:

  • Back and chest massage;
  • Steam inhalation with dry cough;
  • Medications;
  • Folk remedies.

Massage of the chest will be more effective if carried out using various flavors and ointments, which are easy to prepare yourself. For example, you can try this simple recipe:

  1. Take one medium sized bulb, peel it and chop it with a knife or a small grater.
  2. Obtained onion gruel in equal proportions to combine with goose fat.
  3. Rub a mixture of onions and fat in the neck and chest for the night, after which heat wrap your throat with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.
This remedy almost never causes allergies and side effects, it can be used until the dry cough disappears completely. But it is worth remembering that the onion smell is very persistent - it can become an obstacle if the patient is forced to go to work. Although with a dry cough and cold, it is better to stay at home for a few days.

Also well calms the throat with a dry cough broth mother-and-stepmother. You can use this medicinal plant in both dry and fresh forms, stems, flowers and leaves are used. The recipe for cooking decoction from mother-and-stepmother to soften the throat is as follows:

  • Take a handful of chopped herbs;
  • Fold in a saucepan or enamelled saucepan;
  • Pour two glasses of hot water and bring to a boil;
  • Remove from heat and press under cover for one hour;
  • Strain, take one third of the glass three to four times a day.

The same broth can also be used for gargling or steam inhalations. To dry cough quickly moved to moist, folk medicine recommends a comprehensive treatment. First you should drink half a cup of warm nettle decoction. In half an hour, take the same decoction of licorice root or elecampane.

Before going to bed, you need to do inhalation using eucalyptus leaves or pine buds - these two medicinal plants very well remove the inflammation of the throat and promote liquefaction and sputum discharge. And at night rub it with ointment from goose fat and onion gruel.

If all these prescriptions are fulfilled exactly, it will be easier for the patient on the second day, and after a few days the dry cough will go to the wet one and sputum will begin to depart.

If the condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor and start a medication.

How to treat a wet cough at home

From wet cough, in contrast to dry, you need to get rid of - the faster will be withdrawn from the lungs and bronchial sputum, the rather, the patient will recover, as along with the mucus go and pathogens, pathogens, viruses or bacteria.

First of all, you need a copious drink. You should drink at least two liters a day of warm herbal tea from linden, mint, sage, broth of wild rose or ordinary tea with leaves of raspberries and strawberries. It is useful to drink currant from currants or cowberries, drink from lemon and honey.

Very good not only relieve cough, but also strengthen the immunity of hazelnuts and honey. But you need to know how to properly use them to get the most benefit. To do this, hazelnut is cleaned and pounded, then 50 gr. crushed nuts mixed with 100 gr. honey.

This medicine should be eaten in small portions throughout the day, washed down with warmed milk. Alkaline mineral water that can be added to milk will strengthen the healing effect of the drug.

It promotes the dilution and spillage of onion syrup. Prepare it this way:

  1. Two heads of onion peeled and finely chopped, folded into a glass jar.
  2. Fall asleep with the same amount of sugar.
  3. Cover and let it sit until the sugar is completely dissolved, and the onions will not let the juice go.
  4. Take onion syrup on one tablespoon 4-5 times a day. It usually takes 3-4 days to get rid of a cough.

With a moist cough, you can also do inhalation by adding soda, iodine, essential oils of conifers to the water.

What else do you need to know

A dry, intractable cough can be provoked by external aggressive factors. It is indoor or outdoor dust, gassed air, evaporation of chemicals in the production, pollen of flowers and plants. Bad habits can also be the culprits of a dry cough.

Therefore, to soften the throat and quickly recover, it is not enough to use only medicines or medicines. At least for the duration of treatment should stop smoking, monitor the cleanliness of the house, regularly ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.

Avoid staying in areas where the air is polluted, do not enter the smoky premises. And if the cause of dry cough is in allergies, it is necessary to establish an allergen-stimulus and eliminate it.

Some prefer to treat cough with traditional means, which were used even dozens of years ago - these are cans and mustards with a dry cough. Both procedures help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of sore throat and bronchi. But you need to be able to properly carry them out and not break the technology, otherwise you can burn the patient's skin.

In addition, both mustard plasters and banks should not be placed on the heart area. And if the patient has fever, such activities are strictly prohibited. It is better to drink milk with honey and soda, while honey should be eaten separately, and washed down with warm milk - so it stores more nutrients.

Another thing is to constantly dissolve the lozenges and lollipops from cough, which you can cook yourself from burnt sugar and decoction of medicinal herbs. How to cure a cough and soften it will tell Elena Malysheva in the video in this article.

How to quickly relieve dry cough?


Gulyaeva Maria

Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can put more honey - to taste! You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night. Another excellent cough remedy is radish with honey - the main thing is not on an empty stomach or you can dilute a little with water.
But a delicious recipe!
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant.
Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).

Olga Kazakevich

syrup of licorice, ATSTS, Ambraksol

™ Miracle ™

as much as possible to suck lollipops from coughs such as Strepsils, Travisil, etc.

Happy Mom

Syrup of licorice root. The pharmacy costs 20 rubles. 1 teaspoon to dissolve on third of a glass of water. To give to drink on 1 teaspoon to the child till a year, from a year - on 2 after meal.


At the lecture, at the lesson chew gum with peppermint, immediately relief. But this is not a cure.


Cough dry, obtrusive, painful, painful, the child is disturbed by sleep and appetite. - Antitussive medicines (Sinekod, Libeksin, Broncholitin (for children over 3 years old), Stoptussin).
Cough with thick, viscous, poorly expectorated sputum - Mucolytic drugs (ATSTS) and mucolytic drugs with expectorant effect (Bromhexin, Bronchosan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Lazolvan, Halixol, Medox, Fljuditik) preparations based on plant extracts (Prospan, Herbion Syrup primrose). Cough is unproductive, but not intrusive and does not disturb the sleep and appetite of children - Expectorants (Dr. Mom, Altey, Mukaltin, Licorice, Pertussin, Suprima-bronho).

Lena Evsyukova

Try Prospan, it relieves spasm of the bronchi and trachea, facilitates coughing, dilutes sputum. when the cough becomes damp (days after 5), start taking ACC also for 5 days without canceling Proscan, the dosage depends on the child's age (see the insert). If there is a runny nose in the pharmacy Protargol (3-4 p / d), and for the throat, Sebidine or Aerosol Oracept is also 3-4 r / d.

KRISTINA Yanovskaya

Inhalation for 15 minutes 3 times a day until relief (sage, eucalyptus, with mineral water and soda), milk is warm 1 glass + soda at the tip = knife at night

karolina plavina

I did not believe it until I tried it (ACTS, Ambroxol, mucaltin did not help). She took a black radish, cut out the middle and filled the hole with honey. She closed it with a film. After three hours or four, the resulting juice was given to the son on a tablespoon once every 3 hours. When the juice was coming to an end, she added honey. On the 2nd day the cough became productive (wet), the 4th passed.

Ksyu Grabina

I'm always cared for from a cough. It facilitates coughing, transfers dry cough to wet. Before going to bed, you can put more mustard and a glass of warm milk with butter and honey.

Tip 1: How to relieve dry child cough

One of the first signs of a cold is a cough. And most often at the beginning of the disease it is dry, scratching the mucous, and this causes a lot of painful sensations in the child. But if from the first days of the disease to carry out various anti-inflammatory procedures, you can not only soften the cough, but also cure it faster.

You will need

  1. - warm alkaline and vitaminized drinks;
  2. - a set for compress, mustard plasters;
  3. - sea salt, herb or essential oil of rosemary, sage, chamomile for inhalations
  4. - cough syrup "Dr. MOM "Pertussin "Ambroghexal "Lazolvan "Bromgeksin."


  1. During a cold due to inflammation of the respiratory tract, the natural moistening of the mucosa is disturbed. As a result, it becomes dry, so coughing and causing painful sensations. This process occurs within 2-4 days, until the formation of sputum. But in order to accelerate this moment and alleviate the suffering of the child, it is better to conduct intensive treatment with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.
  2. Treatment of cough in children has significant differences from treatment in adults, because it is more difficult for babies to make inhalations or drink healthy drinks. However, the variety of procedures allows to achieve a positive result in the treatment of colds.
  3. For the treatment of dry cough in a child, use warming procedures, but on condition that the body temperature is not increased.
  4. Since the child can not be forced to inhale hot steam from the tea spout, use inhalation in another way. Spread a large sea salt in the pan. Add a pinch of rosemary, sage or chamomile, or 1 drop of essential oil of any of these plants. When they begin to emit fragrance, pour everything into a deep plate and bring it close to the baby so that it inhales the aroma of medicinal plants. Repeat this procedure several times a day.
  5. If the temperature is not increased, warm the baby's chest with compress and mustard plasters. These procedures contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood supply, so that the inflammatory process occurs more quickly. For compress use ordinary warm water. Dampen the fabric in it, gently squeezing it out, put it to the chest, cover it with oilcloth, cotton wool and wrap it with a woolen scarf. Leave it overnight. For a compress, you can use boiled mashed potatoes in a hot form. Add a few drops of vegetable oil, wrap everything in a dense fabric and attach it to the chest, and to keep it warm longer, cover it with foil. Set the mustards during the day. To avoid irritation of the skin, apply them through a thin cloth. Even so, they will show their useful properties.
  6. To cough softly, let's often and gradually take warm drinks: warmed milk with mineral water or a pinch of soda and honey, just warm mineral water. Also, let's have tea with lemon, more delicious sweet and sour fruit drinks and compotes.
  7. For the period of treatment of dry cough in the child, all the warming procedures are carried out several times a day, and after them, make sure that the baby was in bed. Observe the rules for caring for the patient: ventilate the room frequently, conduct wet cleaning in it and maintain the humidity of the air - hang a wet diaper or put a jar of water. These measures are necessary for good ventilation of the lungs and facilitate breathing.
  8. At night, when the cough becomes strong and paroxysmal, you can give the baby a syrup to suppress it, preferably of vegetable origin, for example, "Dr. MOM and when the cough becomes wet - "Pertussin." "Ambroghexal "Lazolvan "Bromgeksin." They are more suitable for liquefaction and excretion with a cough of phlegm. The dosage of any of them depends on the age of the child, so before using, carefully read the instructions: study all contraindications and side effects. Most of the drugs for coughing are contraindicated for children under 2 years old.

Treatment of barking cough in a child

When the child begins to cough, definitely, he has some kind of failure in the body. Often this symptom is not at all a sign of a beginning cold, as many parents perceive it, but a sign of another serious illness. Familiarize yourself with systematized information about what causes a barking cough in a child and why it is so important to show the baby to a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Also, you will learn about ways to relieve the condition of a sick kid at home, and how to properly treat this symptom with allergies and laryngitis.

Causes of coughing with bark in a child

Why does this symptom of many diseases have such a definition - dry barking cough? It is called dry, because there are sputum in the respiratory tract, which irritate the receptors, but they do not separate and do not clear away. In this case, the sound of a cough is very loud, like a dog's barking, then accompanied by a hoarse voice. Such a condition must necessarily be treated, because the mucus does not clear, remains in the baby's lungs, so there is no recovery.

If, in the process of coughing, phlegm recedes, this is also a sign of various diseases. See in what cases a cough in combination with other symptoms signals the onset of a serious illness in the child. Having looked through the list of possible ailments, you will understand the need to call a specialist in a timely manner if you hear a barking cough from your child. An experienced doctor will quickly put an accurate diagnosis and choose an effective treatment.

Without temperature

The combination of such two factors as a strong cough in a child without a temperature indicates that a stimulus has entered the lungs, for example:

  • dust particles;
  • allergen;
  • excessively dry, cold or hot air;
  • foreign body;
  • causative agent of infection.

Absence of body temperature when coughing should not relax parents, because often this state of the baby means the manifestation of an allergic reaction. If you leave the child without proper care, the situation can get much worse. To establish the exact cause of a strong, frequent cough without fever, and to prevent possible severe effects of this symptom (eg, laryngeal edema), do not hesitate to contact the doctor. How to recognize an allergic cough? You can suspect it if there are such factors:

  1. The child does not show any other signs of a cold or a viral infection: a runny nose, fever, a sore throat, etc.
  2. There were changes in the regime: the kid was eating something new or was in a new area.

With temperature

A barking cough at a high body temperature occurs when an infant gets into the airway of the baby, or if it has bronchitis, diphtheria, whooping cough. If, at the indicated symptoms, the baby has a husky voice at the same time, it is worthwhile to suspect laryngitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. This ailment is especially dangerous for kids less than a year and one-year-old children. Often it is manifested at night, cases of exacerbation in the morning are rare. A small lumen of the baby's larynx with a laryngitis narrows, the child begins to gasp. In such cases, a doctor should render proper assistance.

Paroxysmal dry

When the baby coughs with attacks, and more pronounced a strong coughing in the child at night, you must suspect a false croup. This disease can cause choking. Simultaneously, such symptoms can be signs of pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx. Suddenly, in the form of severe attacks, without coughing up phlegm manifests a cough for allergies. Determine the exact cause of this reaction of the child's organism can and should only be a doctor, because such symptoms are characteristic of many serious diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough.

With phlegm

Isolation of purulent or bloody sputum on the background of long (more than a week) cough, wheezing with breathing and general malaise - an occasion to immediately turn to the pediatrician. The reasons for this state of the child can be:

  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to external stimuli;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary abscess;
  • oncology of the respiratory system.

How to treat a severe cough in a child at home

During a fit of cough, the frequency of breathing is reduced. A child, especially a baby, can be very frightened of this, because the attack can begin in a dream. To ease the baby's condition, follow these recommendations:

  1. The child should be reassured, it is better to plant it, having rested on a high pillow.
  2. Give him a warm (not hot!) Enveloping drink, for example, a glass of warm milk with honey or 1 hour. l. butter.
  3. According to the prescription of the doctor, take off the cough with medications, make inhalations or apply traditional medicine.


The medicine is selected by a specialist after the cause of irritation of the respiratory tract is established. To stop further deterioration of health, first of all, drug treatment of the detected disease is prescribed, and then symptomatic cough treatment. In this case, such drugs are used:

  • mucolytic - contribute to the dilution of sputum and facilitate its withdrawal from the lungs: "Bromgeksin "Lazolvan etc .;
  • expectorant - affect the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, so that the secret "Mukaltin "Pertusin "Gedelix etc., is quickly separated.

People's means

Before applying therapeutic measures, it is very important to create the right microclimate in the room where the child is. To do this, you must do frequent wet cleaning, air the room, make sure that the air in it is well moistened. The implementation of such recommendations, plus a back massage of the baby, which helps to separate sputum is the main advice, how to cough a baby or a more adult child. Allow the child to play, move, do not try to keep him in bed - so the secret from the respiratory tract will be quickly excreted.

Such a folk remedy will help to cope with a cough:

  1. It is necessary to finely grate medium-sized black radish, stir it with 3 tbsp. l. honey. Insist such mixture in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Squeeze juice, give the child 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. milk, add 1 tbsp. l. sage. Boil the mixture, wrap it and let it brew for half an hour. Before going to bed, give this child a warm drink.
  3. Putting a child to sleep, it is necessary to grate his back and chest with black radish juice or camphor oil well.


A good answer to the question of how to relieve a coughing attack with bronchitis will be the use of inhalations. For example, you can mitigate an unpleasant symptom of dry cough, using a nebulizer solution based on drugs "Berodual" or "Atrovent". When sputum appeared, their conclusion would be facilitated by inhalation with mucolytics: "ATSTS "Ambrobene etc. If at hand there are no special devices, the child can simply breathe over the steam:

  • soda solution (1 tbsp. l. per liter of water);
  • decoction of medicinal herbs: thyme, linden, chamomile, mint;
  • hot water with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, pine, mint, almond.

Features of treatment barking cough

A strong cough in a child causes different reasons, so it is important to individually and thoroughly approach treatment. This will prevent further complications of the disease. If you hear a barking cough in a child, do not associate it automatically with a cold and do not begin self-treatment. Address to the expert, he in time will prompt, what it is necessary to spend treatment if at the child an allergic cough or he was ill with a laryngitis.

With allergies

The very first action, if a child develops such a reaction of the body - is to get rid of the pathogen. Than to treat an allergic cough? The doctor will select the right antihistamine drug, which will remove irritation of the mucosa. To accurately determine what the body responds to, you may need to consult an allergist. To remove the edema of respiratory tract tissues, inhalations with such drugs are made:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: "Dexamethasone "Budesonide
  • bronchodilators for the elimination of spasm of the bronchi: "Ventolin "Berotek."

With laryngitis

For the successful treatment of this ailment, one must first deal with the cause of barking cough: infection, allergen, to protect the child from stress. For this purpose, antiviral or antihistamine drugs, antibiotics are used. At such illness though strong cough is observed, but bronchodilators do not apply. This group of drugs affects the tone of the bronchial muscles, and not the larynx, which is inflamed with laryngitis.

To facilitate the state of the child with this disease in the room where he sleeps and walks, it is very important to maintain the optimum air temperature (not above +18 degrees) and sufficient humidity. With regard to drugs for laryngeal softening, inhalations with such medicines are effectively used:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, which remove the swelling of the tissues: "Tonzillon N "Epinephrine
  • means, softening cough and moisturizing the larynx, for example, degassed water "Borjomi".

Video: Komarovsky on how to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold

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