Phosphenes as optical phantoms

Quite often a person in total darkness or with closed eyes begins to see strange colored formations that can have different shapes, color and brightness.Despite the numerous appeals of patients and complex medical research, the essence of these phenomena is not fully understood.


  • 1Definition and types of symptoms
  • 2Causes
  • 3Concomitant symptoms
  • 4Possible diseases
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition and types of symptoms

These optical manifestations can be very different. Phosphides can appear in the singular or in the form of several formations.The visual picture is never repeated.Most often, phosphenes have the form of the simplest geometric figures, among which the following forms predominate:

  • points;
  • irregular circles;
  • segments of straight or curved lines;
  • light spots.
Different forms of phosphene

Such optical phantoms can change their configuration.Usually, when you try to focus on some kind of education, it begins to move and leaves the field of view in order to appear in an instant in an altered form.

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Phosphene is usually dominated by pastel shades of different colors:

  • bluish;
  • pale green;
  • yellow-orange;
  • brown.

In some cases, phosphenes can take the form of bright stars of predominantly blue color. Statistics show that such formations can signal a possible serious illness.

People born blind, never observe these optical phantoms, but in persons with acquired blindness one can cause the appearance of phosphenes, using certain methods of stimulation of the brain.

Phosphides can be induced artificially.Strong magnetic or electric fields can be used as stimuli. The effect of the appearance of optical formations can be achieved by stimulation of certain zones of the cerebral cortex with the help of inserted electrodes. You can call phosphenes yourself.To do this, close your eyes and press on the eyeball. Any way to diagnose fixing phosphenes is impossible, therefore, all the information about these formations the doctor ophthalmologist can receive only from the patient.It is noticed that in a person with a high temperature, phosphenes appear almost always.


It is already known that phosphenes are not directly related to the organ of vision and are projected directly in the cerebral cortex.There are a number of external and internal reasons that can provoke this phenomenon. For these reasons, the following violations occur:

  • trauma to the skull;
  • a blow to the eye area;
  • some diseases;
  • eye hemorrhage;
  • sudden increase in intraocular pressure.

Phosphinates can also occur with sharp turns of the head, loss of balance and as a result of poisoning the body with some toxin.Post-alcoholic syndrome is almost always accompanied by the appearance of clearly discernible optical phantoms. The difficulty of breathing due to the appearance in the air of even a small amount of carbon monoxide is accompanied by the appearance of bright color figures. Such a symptom is a harbinger of loss of consciousness, so it is necessary to leave the infected area as soon as possible.

In some cases, phosphenes may also appear in the light.In this case, they are superimposed on the visible image, which causes optical illusions accompanied by dizziness and loss of spatial orientation. Very often the appearance of phosphenes is preceded by some pathology of the organism, but this is not necessary.

Optical phantoms in the eye can arise from prolonged work on the computer, prolonged reading or from working in bright light.In this case, the appearance of phosphenes is associated with eye fatigue and after a certain rest they pass. The cause for concern may be the situation where light figures appear too often and for no apparent reason. It should be borne in mind that in people over 40 years of age, phosphenes appear as a consequence of the aging process of the organism as a whole and of the organs of sight in particular.

Symptoms of eye fatigue

Phosphides can be a sign of a serious illness. If they suddenly occur, you need to see a doctor.

Concomitant symptoms

Concomitant symptoms are usually associated with a disease.Most often it has a direct relationship to the organ of vision. Most often, such symptoms are headache and pain in the eyeball. In patients with hypertension, the appearance of phosphenes is usually associated with a sharp increase in blood pressure, which can be spontaneous.

In some eye pathologies, patients experience severe dizziness and loss of balance.Similar symptoms are caused by a brain tumor. Therefore, the patient with a complaint of permanent optical phantoms in the eyes may be directed to a survey of doctors of another specialization.

Possible diseases

The list of diseases that can cause the appearance of phosphenes is quite large.This includes not only the pathology of the organs of vision, but also general, quite severe, diseases of the whole organism:

  • abnormalities in the vitreous body;
  • detachment or rupture of the retina;
  • migraine;

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension
  • retinitis;
  • choroiditis;
  • brain tumor.

Disturbances in the vitreous humus are most often of age origin.This formation gradually loses its original form. Decreasing in size, the vitreous body, moves behind itself the retina. This process also causes the appearance of light flashes of varying intensity. At an early stage, this does not pose a great danger, but further displacement of the vitreous can cause detachment or rupture of the retina, which is a serious pathology.

Often detachment of the retina can trigger not only various eye diseases, but also severe physical exertion, trauma or stressful situations.

If after training in sports or as a result of trauma, light formations appear that do not pass for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Migraines can be of a paroxysmal nature and a harbinger of an attack can be headaches and emerging phosphenes.If light effects occur, and there is no headache, this is a sign of eye migraine, in which you should contact a neurologist.

Among the vascular diseases that cause the appearance of phosphenes, diabetes and hypertension are leading.Treatment of these pathologies involved doctors of the appropriate profile. Violation of blood circulation in the tissues of the eye and especially the retina is always accompanied by the appearance of visual phantoms.

Retinitis, which is an inflammation of the retina of the eye, is caused by an infection that can affect the entire vascular system of the organ of vision.When untimely and inadequate treatment, this pathology can cause severe visual impairment until complete blindness, so it is so important to visit the ophthalmologist on time and regularly.

The brain tumor, especially affecting the occipital part, is accompanied by constant appearances of light shapes of various shapes and colors.Diagnosis of this pathology is carried out by special methods using computer tomography.


After the patient complained of the appearance of light images in the eyes, the doctor conducts the necessary diagnostic procedures for the precise identification and localization of the disease.There may be several such procedures:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the eye;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • angiography.
Conduction of ophthalmoscopy

Similarly, visual acuity is determined by special tables.If necessary, the doctor can appoint a computer tomography, as well as consultations of specialists of different profiles. To identify common diseases, the patient must pass all required tests and, if necessary, undergo a complete examination of the body.

Tables with images of optotypes that are most often used to control visual acuity


Since the appearance of phosphenes is only a symptom indicative of the presence of the disease, the therapeutic process is directed, first of all, to the elimination of a specific pathology. The treatment process is strictly individual and depends on the type of the disease, its severity and the age of the patient. If the disease is not related to the scope of the ophthalmologist, other doctors are involved in the healing process. They can be specialists in vascular diseases, a neurologist and a cardiologist.

Eye diseases of an infectious nature are treated with antimicrobials.When eliminating physical damage to the eye, you must use a laser or a surgical procedure. With general therapy, vitamins and preparations containing microelements necessary for the body are shown.



The single appearance of phosphenes in the organs of vision is not a cause for concern, but if it is regular is repeated, despite the well-being and absence of other negative symptoms, a visit to the ophthalmologist certainly.People with diabetes, high blood pressure and other risk factors should avoid even small physical exertion.