Cold treatment of folk remedies quickly

How to cure a cold a day: proven methods

With chills and mild ailments, from which in most cases a cold starts, emergency measures should be taken - if in your plans are not to get sick and sit for a couple of days with a temperature, and then another week to walk, without parting with the nasal handkerchief.

Toto cure a cold in one day, it is best to hold it at home and not go anywhere. But this day we should use the maximum benefit for our health and dedicate it to the fight against a beginning cold, as well as ARI and ARVI. In this we will be helped not only by pharmacy products, but also by tried home remedies: lime blossom, raspberry tea, hot milk with honey, onions, garlic and mustard. We'll start with it ...

Cold treatment for one day: warm up and sweat

If you are frozen, then first thing you need to keep warm. Frozen feet will perfectly warm hot tub with mustard - something that we simply call "get your feet". In a basin with hot water (not lower than +40-42 ° C), dissolve a spoonful and a half of mustard powder and keep the feet for 15 minutes, when necessary pouring hot water. After that, you need to wipe your feet thoroughly, put on woolen socks and lie under a warm blanket. You can just pour a mustard powder into your socks instead of a hot hot tub and go to bed. And if you did not have dry mustard on hand, rub your feet with vodka and put on warm socks.

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Cold hands warmed under a stream of hot water: five minutes, raising the temperature from pleasantly warm to hot (+ 42-43 ° C). Then dry up our hands and put on something warm with long sleeves. To enhance the effect, you can put warm mittens on your hands and spend the next 60 minutes wrapped in a woolen blanket.

To sweat, and, therefore, get rid of toxins and try to cure a cold for the day, the body needs more fluid than usual. Therefore, we will drink - exclusively in hot form: tea with raspberry jam, tea with lemon and honey, decoction of lime blossom, thyme, chamomile or elderberry flowers with mint. Prepare the broths of medicinal plants is simple: a glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers or herbs, brewed with steep boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes. Herbal teas for a cold drink on, liter per day. And the total daily volume of fluid with symptoms of a cold or ODS should be at least two liters.

"Just in case" you measured the temperature and saw that the thermometer's column went up - do not panic. If the body temperature does not exceed + 38 ° C, then doctors do not advise her to shoot down, because a rise in temperature is evidence that human immunity began to fight the disease. And we can and should help him cure a cold in one day, for example, after drinking hot tea with the root of ginger, which strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infection from developing. To make ginger tea, a piece of 2 cm long root is peeled, finely chopped, put together with tea brew into a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. In this healing drink you can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of natural honey.

By the way, after you have drunk, be sure to wipe the skin with a well-pressed hot towel - to remove the toxins that have emerged, and change to dry.

How quickly to cure a cold with a cold?

If the cold has made itself known about the stuffiness of the nose, you need to take the initiative on yourself and apply the methods proven by generations to combat the first symptoms of the common cold.

Among the multitude of folk remedies for treating colds with colds is a sufficient amount of very effective - especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose with the Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day (or bury 2 drops of juice in each nostril). Often used table salt, which is mixed with butter. This home-made ointment (a third of a teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of salt and slightly warmed up) lubricates the nose from the outside. And to wash the nose, which moistens the mucous and facilitates nasal breathing, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is carried out as follows: one nostril is closed with a finger, and the second is drawn into the nose by a solution of salt (the same is done by the second nostril).

An ancient folk remedy for a common cold with a cold is a common onion.

It is enough to cut the bulb in half and breathe phytoncides that stand out from the cut. Phytoncids onions have a bactericidal property and are able to neutralize even the diphtheria bacillus and the causative agent of tuberculosis Koch's wand. So with a cold they can cope easily: you need several times a day for 10 minutes to keep in the nostrils of cotton swabs, moistened with onion juice.

Effective remedy for colds for colds - bury your nose with any warm oil (for example, olive, sea-buckthorn, menthol) or oil solution of retinol acetate (vitamin A). Should also help the balm "Star if they have to cover the nose and the wings of the nose before going to bed.

Of the pharmacies nasal drugs with a blocked nose, the drops "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Nazol "Nazivin" and sprays "Sanorin Otryvin Vibrocil Delufen etc.,

How for a day to cure a cough for a cold?

When a cough is the first sign that you are trapped in a cold, you need to start by rubbing your back and chest cells with ointments, which contain essential oils, and which have a disinfecting, distracting and irritating effect act.

You can rub over the chest for the night with a mixture of castor oil (2 tbsp. spoons) with turpentine (1 tbsp. spoon) or finished medicinal turpentine ointment. This tool is rubbed into the skin of the chest (except the heart area) and the soles of the feet, warmly wrapped. With the help of two or three rubbing, you can cure a cough for almost a day for a cold. But it should be borne in mind that such procedures can not be carried out at elevated temperature.

An irreplaceable cough remedy (and not only) has proven badger fat. Due to its composition, badger fat has a restorative, anti-inflammatory and even immunostimulating effect on the human body. With this fat, you need to rub your back and chest for the night. And in folk medicine is very popular such a recipe: for 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder mixed with 50 g of butter and 50 g of crushed leaves of aloe (centennial). Add 5 g of mummy and propolis, as well as 50 g of medical alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

For the treatment of cough for a cold 1 hour. A spoonful of this mixture is bred in a glass of water and rubbed for the night back, chest and calf muscles of the legs. And for internal use - as a powerful fortifying agent - 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture dissolve in a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips (before eating).

Instead of tea to cough for colds, you must drink broths from medicinal herbs: oregano, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, peppermint. A glass of boiling water is taken by a handful of herbs and brewed like tea, which after 15 minutes of insisting is ready for use - a glass three times a day. Special chest coughs are sold in pharmacies. For example, in "Breast Collection No. 1" contains the root of the althea, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother and the ore of the oregano; and in "Breast Collection No. 2" - the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, the leaves of the plantain and the root of licorice. These phytopreparations are produced in filter bags and are easily brewed.

A good remedy for a strong cough is the fresh juice of black radish, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Radish needs to be washed, peeled and finely chopped. Then mix with granulated sugar in the proportion: and put in a jar, tightly closing the lid. After 4-5 hours radish will give healing juice, which should be taken - 1 tablespoon at least three times during the day.

One of the effective methods of cough treatment is steam inhalations. For example, with oil of eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine. Drip a few drops of oil in a bowl of boiling water, sit down, tilt your head above the container, cover with a towel and breathe steam. These simple home procedures have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

Aerosol inhalations are also useful, which are carried out with the help of pocket inhalers. Most often, essential oils (menthol, anise, eucalyptus, peach), as well as natural honey and propolis (alcohol solution) are included in the mixtures. Here is the recipe for honey inhalation with propolis: 1-2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a glass of boiled water and drop 6-8 drops of propolis. Water can be replaced by a% solution of furacilin. Duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

If we talk about pharmaceuticals for cough, then drugs such as Glauvent, Libexin or Tusuprex inhibit the cough reflex, but do not depress respiration. And "Tusuprex" has not only an antitussive effect, but also a weak expectorant. These drugs doctors recommend taking three times a day for one tablet.

To the group of drugs that have enveloping, expectorating and mucolytic (diluting sputum) effects are "Acetylcysteine "Bromgexin "Ambroxol" (a synonym for "Lazolvan"), etc. Remember that many medications have a side effect and often not one. It is for this reason that medications for treating a cough for colds are recommended after consultation with a doctor.

How for a day to cure a throat for a cold?

Rinsing is the first emergency method with perspiration and pain in the throat for colds. The most effective for gargles for a long time are considered decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and three-color violets. Prepare them is not difficult: 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the plate. The broth should be insisted in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. Gargle should be often and warm decoction, it will remove inflammation of the mucosa and help for a day to cure a cold.

Sore throat is very useful to rinse with this composition: in 200 ml of warm boiled water, dissolve a teaspoon of table salt and soda, add 8-10 drops of iodine. And even such a solution: for a glass of warm water take 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

For a day to cure a cold is not easy, but honey and lemon always come to our rescue. At the first hints of sore throat cut a circle of lemon, put on top a teaspoon of honey - and in the mouth! And chew! And then swallow. Every hour the procedure can be repeated.

Do you trust drugstores more? On health! In the pharmacy, a large selection of all sorts of lollipops from the pain in the throat, for example, "Strepsils" and "Koldakt Lorkpils based on a chemical such as antiseptic amylmetacresol. And in candies "Strepsils plus" there is an anesthetic - lidocaine. Tablets under the tongue of "Septefril" contain the strongest antiseptic substance decamethoxin, which It is used in the treatment of purulent and fungal skin lesions, as well as for the treatment of the hands and the operated site in surgery.

And in "Tharyngepte which removes perspiration in the throat and discomfort when swallowing, the main active substance is the drug ambazone with a strong bacteriostatic effect. Doctors prescribe ambazone in the treatment of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

Cold treatment for one day with medications

At the first symptoms of a cold, people often take advertised medicines. For example, "Arbidol which is considered an antiviral agent that increases immunity. It contains the active ingredient umifenovir, as well as inorganic pigment titanium dioxide (E 171) and yellow food coloring "sunset sunset" - E 110. The latter has a negative effect on the human body, therefore it is banned in the US and some countries of Europe. It should also be noted that the drug "Arbidol" (Russian production), the World Health Organization (WHO) does not consider as a promising antiviral drug, but The US Food and Drug Administration refused to register it in the United States as a medicinal product preparation.

One can not but rejoice at the quick action of preparations such as "Coldrex Hotem" or "Teraflu used to treat a cold in one day. Their effectiveness has been tried by many, but not everyone knows that the therapeutic effect of powders on colds is due to the presence in their composition of a maximum single dose of paracetamol - a popular antipyretic and analgesic all over the world preparation. With prolonged use and in high doses, paracetamol can cause allergic reactions, as well as toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

In addition to paracetamol, cold powder from different brands contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, which narrows the vessels of the nasal mucosa. So do not be surprised if after 3-4 days of taking an anti-cold powder you will feel a burning sensation, dryness or tingling in the nose. This is the action of phenylephrine. And in the list of its side effects are listed: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, skin rash, angioedema, increased blood pressure and palpitations.

What folk remedies can quickly cure a cold? Temperature 3,.


Andrey Naumov

It's very simple to catch a cold today, but not everyone knows how to cure it. Many run to the pharmacy and buy soluble, effervescent and other expensive drugs, and if they are of use? There are several rules for choosing and applying these tools. And also do not forget about the proven methods of treating the common cold, cough and throat.
Rule one. Only the doctor can prescribe the antibiotic you need and only in case of emergency. Antibiotics are acceptable in the treatment of influenza, angina, pneumonia and other severe colds. Beginning with the same treatment of conventional ORZ from them is stupid and extremely harmful.
Rule two. Do not rely on soluble drugs, which advertisements you often see on TV. These drugs are emergency and short-term action. They do not heal, but only take off the symptoms for a while, bring the person to the form, in order to do the right thing - having worked the shift, having made a report - he went on to get sick further. To take them several days in a row, in the hope of curing a cold in this way, is not only senseless, but also dangerous, especially for the kidneys.
The third rule. Instead of spending money on expensive and not always effective drugs, refer to proven folk remedies.
At the first signs of a cold put on the chest and back mustard, drink 2 cups of hot tea with raspberries, lime blossom and lemon or hot milk with honey and a small amount of soda.
Traditional milk and tea can be replaced with a drink, not so common, but no less useful, - mulled wine.
Pour a few glasses of red semidry wine (at least semisweet) in a small saucepan. Put on a slow fire. While the wine is warming up, add a few peas of sweet pepper, a couple of lemon slices, a little cloves, cinnamon and sugar. In mulled wine it is not forbidden to put mandarins, oranges, grapefruits, apples, and also add nutmeg, cognac and black pepper (with the latter - very carefully). In no case do not bring mulled wine to a boil. Drink should be hot. Then go to bed, take cover with a warm blanket, put a warmer on your feet. The next morning after a sound sleep and a strong sweating, the cold can retreat.
If you wet your feet when you get home, immediately rub them with vodka and put on a dry woolen socks.
An alternative to this procedure is the mustard foot bath. To do this, in the basin with hot water, lower your legs and keep them for 15-20 minutes, pouring hot water from time to time. The bath will be more effective if you add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard. After the procedure, put on warm socks and go to bed.
Try not to use at the same time different, but the same type of medicine, otherwise you risk getting an overdose of a single active substance. For example, the therapeutic dose of paracetamol is very small. If you take more than 5 grams per day, then you risk very much damage the liver. Paracetamol sometimes disappears under various names: acitaminophen (in American medicines), calpola, panadol, effergangan in amount of not less than 1 gram per tablet, it is also included in the composition of maltose, solpadein, saridone and many other complex preparations. Therefore, carefully read the instructions to the medicines that are going to be treated at the same time. Better stop on one.


Colds are common.
Write in a personal that you have just the temperature - cough, runny nose and stuff.

Sergey Troshin

If you woke up with a stuffy nose and the sensation that the throat is about to break down, take immunal. It will tone your immunity. 40 drops of the drug dissolve in 1 tablespoon of boiled water at room temperature and drink. Then during the day, take another 20 drops every 1-2 hours.
An alternative to immunal is arbidol. This drug also mobilizes the immune system and prevents the development of complications of the common cold. It should be taken before meals for 2 tablets every 6 hours.
To prevent the development of cold helps and homeopathic antigrippin. In the first two days, every 30 minutes, keep in your mouth until 5 granules of the drug dissolve completely. During the next week - every 2 hours. Antigrippin can be taken alone or in combination with the immune and arbidol.
Not later than half an hour before leaving the house, drink hot tea with lemon and 1 tablespoon of rose hip syrup.
If you are "disconnected" at work, then at the first signs of malaise starve until the evening. In this case, hunger will act like a medicine.
A good effect gives acupressure. Sit back, relax. With the tips of the index fingers, make light rotational movements clockwise. Massage the symmetrically located points at the inner edges of the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes, in the upper third of the nasolabial folds. Massage of each pair of points - for one minute.
The remaining recommendations are the same as in the morning: immunal, arbidol or antigrippin.
Do not rely on widely advertised soluble cold medicines containing paracetamol. These drugs are emergency and short-term action. They can be accepted only in one case: you feel that your head hurts, you are shivering, and you still have to get to the house.
After a working day, the arsenal of funds for fighting colds is supplemented with a lot of "grandmother's" recipes.
Here are a few drinks that can stop colds. Choose any to your taste. For a better effect, they should be combined with taking the above medications.
1. The first signs of a cold will perfectly help to remove herbal tea from dried leaves of plantain, linden flowers and peppermint. This collection will relieve inflammation and reduce puffiness. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the collection pour boiling water in a teapot in a volume of 250-300 ml, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Add a teaspoon infusion of 1 teaspoon cognac, 2 teaspoons of honey and drink.
2. Antiviral action has the following tea. A tablespoon of chopped peppermint leaves pour a glass of boiling water, heat 5 minutes in a water bath, strain. Then stir in this infusion a teaspoon of honey. Finely chopped clove of garlic in a cup and mash with a spoon. Squeeze into it about 1/4 part of the lemon, pour in a warm mint infusion with honey and mix everything thoroughly. Drink this remedy in a warm form.
After you have drunk a healing drink, make a mustard foot bath. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to the hot water tank. Lower your legs and hold for 15-20 minutes, from time to time carefully adding hot water. After the procedure, vigorously rub your feet with a towel, put on dry woolen socks and go to bed.
Take cover with a warm blanket and put a heating pad at your feet. In advance, it would be good to chop several pieces of garlic in a bowl, place the onion head and put it next to the bed.
During the night you will properly sweat, and in the morning the cold is likely to recede. And you will be ready for new labor exploits.

Valentina Rozing (Jacević)

There is such a tool, it helps very well, take two proteins from the egg, whisk and bring in a glass of warm milk, carefully and sing, so you need to do it three times a day. You can do everything by half.

Nadezhda Aksenenko

as soon as the first signs of a cold appear, tea with mint and honey for the night. At a temperature, even insignificant, 3, in no case neither mustard plasters nor bathroom is recommended. Rub your feet with alcohol or vodka, put on socks, at first simple, then woolen and can go to bed. It helps me. If you have a sore throat, eat a tablespoon of honey, at night, without drinking anything.

Tamara Batalova

1. Do not panic! )))))))
In the rest everything is simple. The temperature can not be brought down by tablets to 38-3,. (the organism itself struggles)
2. 3 times a day, take the immunal.
3. In the pharmacy there is a linden, tea bags. every 2-3 hours. (excellent knocks down the tempo, removes toxins with sweat)
4. A plentiful drink of tea with honey, jam, hot mors. (removes toxins from urine, feeds the necessary trace elements)
Curiously, but the temperature knocks down and increases the immunity of chicken broth!!! !
5. Every 4 hours to instill natizine (it just narrows the blood vessels) -
After 5 minutes, spray the whole. (creates local immunity, etc. heals a cold for 1-2 days)
Esli sore throat, as quickly as possible will help falimint. and so the rinse with decoction of leaves of eucalyptus, etc.
This method is constantly treated, raises to my feet for 2-3 days, without causing any inconvenience.


Colds include a number of diseases caused by hypothermia.
Symptoms: General malaise, cough, runny nose, sometimes fever. Symptoms do not appear momentarily and do not go away right away, some, for example, a runny nose or cough, can last for a long time. It is possible to reduce the sense of smell. Sometimes padding and noise in the ears, weakness.
Non-traditional and popular methods of treatment and prevention of colds:
1) Grind to a pecker-like condition 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook not slowly in 1L. water for 3 hours. Cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
2) Have a daily baked onion before noticeable improvement. A roasted blouse, unlike a fresh one, can be eaten without restrictions.
3) At the first signs of a cold, lightly heat half a liter of milk and pour a fresh chicken egg into it and add 1 teaspoon of honey and butter. Thoroughly stir everything and drink at night. By morning, the malaise will pass.
4) Sprinkle mustard powder in stockings or socks and walk for several days.
5) Grate garlic on a small grater and mix it with honey in the ratio:. Before going to bed take 1 teaspoon, washing with warm water.
6) Grind to a pecker-like condition 100 gr. onions and pour 40ml. table vinegar, insist for half an hour in a tightly closed container, then strain and mix with 4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture 1 teaspoon every half hour.
7) Wipe through a sieve ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture.
8) Cut small cubes of black radish and put it in a saucepan with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 4-5 times a day and at night before bedtime.
9) Grind 2 egg yolks of raw eggs with sugar, add butter and take between meals.
10) Before going to bed and day it is useful to spend 15-20 minutes of steam inhalation with garlic-honey mixture. After inhalation it is very good to get warm, go to bed and take 2-3 tablespoons of honey with tea from dry raspberries.
11) take 1 part of the linden flowers and 1 part of the raspberry fruit. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink hot at night for 1-2 cups.
12) Take 40gr. fruits of raspberries and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. Pour 2 glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes. Drink before going to bed for 1-2 glasses.
13) In the first days of a cold, drink a glass of warm boiled water with 5 drops of iodine dissolved in it, after which chew a clove of garlic.
14) Pour 1 teaspoon of dried powdered dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
15) 1 tablespoon dry chopped mug leaf pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. With sore throat rinse with this infusion of the throat.

Elena the Wise

This temperature is better not to knock down. Let the body fight itself, harden

D. C.

Folk remedies for cold treatment
Finely chop several cloves of purified garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Then boil this mixture and allow it to cool. Take several times a day on a teaspoonful - this will significantly soften the clinical course of the disease.
With a cold, bury 3-5 drops of menthol oil in your nose while lubricating your forehead, whiskey, nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor and do the same procedure.
Fresh pine needles (100 g) rinse and grind, then pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the fire. To insist 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving in a drink 1 tablespoon of honey. Infusion is rich in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and trace elements. It has a bactericidal effect, accelerates recovery in case of flu, cold.
From the cold, tea with ginger and honey will help. Rub 1/4 cup of ginger on the grater, add a glass of honey and cook. In the tea, add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture.
Mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of fresh marigold juice, 15 g of melted cocoa butter, 10 g of honey, 5 g of propolis. With a cold, moisten the fleece in this compound and insert it into the nose for 20 minutes.
To cure a runny nose, it is very useful to sweat in a steam Russian bath. At the same time it is recommended to rub the sacrum with grated radish (well in half with grated horseradish) mixed with a small the amount of honey and salt, and after leaving the bath, drink 2-4 cups of decoction from the flowers of lime, elderberry or chamomile with an admixture of juice sour berries.
With a protracted runny nose, the child sew a narrow bag of linen cloth, fill it with a warm, steeply cooked millet porridge and put the pouch on the nose area so that it covers the maxillary sinuses. Keep as long as heat remains.
With a cold, dig in 3-5 drops of aloe in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing back your head and massaging after digging in the wings of your nose.
It is very useful to use a decoction of fresh or dried berries of strawberries or raspberries, going to bed, and this is to breathe a decoction prepared from the leaves of sage, God's tree (wormwood medicinal) and wormwood bitter.
With a cold, it is recommended to instill 2 times a day a mixture of the extract of Ledum and vegetable oil. 1 g of Ligulium extract is mixed with 9 g of vegetable oil, boil and steal this mixture in the oven for several minutes. Extract of Ledum: brew 2 teaspoons of Ledum 1 cup of boiling water, put on a light yolk, keep until you boil half the water.
Boil a glass of milk. The onion head of medium size, grate on a fine grater, pour boiling milk and stir well. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then drink warmly for half an hour.
Stir in a glass of hot milk 2 tablespoons of honey and drink during the day for 2-3 hours.
Garlic, grate on a fine grater and mix with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day with water.
A glass of black currant berries fill with a glass of vodka, add a glass of sugar syrup and insist 30 days in a dark place, occasionally shaking. Take 1 glass a day or pour 1 tablespoon tincture into a glass of hot tea.
At the very beginning of the common cold, if it does not accompany such a disease as the flu, it is recommended to drink 1/2 cup of water with five drops of iodine.
Against a chronic cold, iodine will also help. Dissolve 6-7 drops with 2 teaspoons of boiled water and bury the mixture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. In addition, during the day, you often need to inhale vapors of iodine directly from the bottle first one, then another nostril. Sea salt is also rich in iodine and has a strong antiseptic effect. It is diluted in the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of warm water for adults and 500 ml for children.

Maria Kurganova

I like folk remedies more as prevention, well, as an addition to treatment. Hot tea with honey and lemon, herbal collection, garlic, but the basis of treatment - all the same medicine, you can not joke with health. If Orvi, then Amiksin helps, it is safe and helps quickly, for 3 days usually get better.

Galina Myskina

And we are preventing the catarrhal diseases with breathing oil. I unfold the napkins on the house and drop oil on them. We go-weed) And in the kindergarten to the child a handkerchief with droplets of oil I put (directly in the top pocket). And you know, there is something to brag about, this year did not hurt at all! You see what prevention means!

Inga Karpova

For me, folk remedies are not medicines. Only as an adjunct to the main treatment. If she caught a cold. I begin to cough immediately. From Cough Prospan and for a week I am healthy. Before going to bed I can put a pack of potatoes. well, and the juice of black radish with honey, as in childhood.

Oksana Sadykova

And I usually when I get sick, I immediately feel like my throat starts to tear. Therefore, I begin to treat my throat. Immediately bioparoksom pshikayu. You know, thanks to this spray, the throat passes very quickly. So it turns out without serious consequences will cope with the disease.

Evgenia Shemyakin

That's agree, the best thing is prevention. There's nothing to argue about. By the way, doctors now talk a lot about this topic and advise. At us in children's policlinic of the doctor the butter or oil breathe in preventive whole recommend (about it already above mentioned). So I agree, really helps from all sorts of viruses to escape. I myself and my husband and child must drip a few drops on my clothes. There is nothing complicated, but real protection.

Yevgenia Roganova

I must say, I am against the use of traditional medicine. There are no guarantees that will help. And harm can be done to yourself such that then it is not clear how to save you doctors will (do not think, and the common cold can give complications). But at the same time I am against the use of chemistry. Especially now there are so many drugs that do not contain chemistry and at the same time help with colds are good. For example, there is a good ointment - evamenol is called. So here she is with a cold just great help (you have to rub her). For a few days recover!

Yaroslav Sorokin

I am also against folk remedies, they can help, in my opinion, only in combination with a strong and proven remedy. I found this for myself and my husband after one event at work. I had an important conference in the afternoon, and in the morning I came already pasted completely, my colleague gave me an amixin tablet, and although not completely, but to the conference I was more or less healthy, the symptoms began to disappear, and I was able to perform. Since then, we have been taking with her husband at the first sign of a cold.

How quickly to cure a cold with folk remedies

When the first symptoms of a cold do not immediately grab for the pill. Try to stop a cough or runny nose with domestic folk remedies. And do not forget that the earlier treatment is started, the easier it is to defeat a cold.

You will need

  1. - grass chamomile, linden, St. John's wort, sage, thyme;
  2. - soda;
  3. - iodine;
  4. - salt;
  5. - garlic, onion;
  6. - mustard powder;
  7. - honey;
  8. - ginger;
  9. - Radish juice.


  1. With a cold and cough, inhalations are very effective. Put in a pan one tablespoon of dry chamomile, thyme and sage, three tablespoons of needles and pour two liters of boiling water. Lean over the pan, covered with a blanket, and breathe one by one with your nose and mouth. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. After rinse your face with cold water. Inhalations run twice a day.
  2. When coughing and bole in the throat, it is useful to gargle with herbs infused with herbs. Pour one tablespoon of chamomile and sage mixture with a glass of steep boiling water. Boil in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Cool and rinse throat several times a day. Effectively rinse with decoctions of the bark of oak, willow, badana, Icelandic moss. You can also gargle with a warm solution of baking soda and salt with iodine (about one tablespoon of soda and salt and 30 drops of alcohol solution of iodine per liter of water). The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.
  3. With sore throats, as often as possible, keep in your mouth pieces of honeycomb, gill, dry root of comfrey, althea, pieces of mushroom chaga, cloves of chives, pieces of onions, beets. These antimicrobial agents will not allow the infection to spread deeper.
  4. Will help to quickly curecoldsdelicious tea with ginger and honey. Root ginger on the grater - about a quarter of a glass. Add a little honey and boil in a little water for about 10 minutes. Ready mixture add to regular tea on a teaspoon. Drink 3-5 times a day.
  5. Always keep your feet warm. At night, pour dry mustard into dense warm socks and dress them. If your feet are soaked and frozen on the street, get your feet stiff and massage your feet.
  6. Garlic, thanks to the large content of phytoncides, is simply an indispensable remedy for respiratory infections. Peel 5-6 cloves of garlic, finely shred and dilute in a glass of milk. Boil the milk, allow to cool and take a teaspoonful 5-6 times a day. This option is good for night coughing.
  7. With a strong cough, freshly squeezed radish juice helps. It has excellent expectorant properties. Mix one part of the radish juice with two pieces of honey. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Another option - cut a few tubers of black radish thin slices, thickly sprinkle each slice with sugar and close the lid. After about 10 hours, a sweet juice is formed, take it on a tablespoon every hour.
  8. If treatment of common coldmeansDo not bring relief, and the symptoms intensify, you should see a doctor.

Effective cold treatment of folk remedies

Unfortunately, the cold is all-season. Sometimes it is enough to drink a couple of sips of chilled water or eat a small portion of ice cream - and here you are, please, in the summer heat, a cold disease provided... A small draft can also provoke this painful condition, when nothing is wanted anymore, just to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Treating a cold with folk remedies helps to get rid of it in a matter of days, especially if you start fighting the disease yourself the initial stage, literally at the first sign, when only begins to perspire in the throat, there is weakness, the body temperature rises, e.

A good remedy for the first signs of a cold for adults

It is necessary to prepare a hot beverage based on beer. To do this, grind two chicken yolks to a thick foam with sugar in the amount of two spoons. Half a liter of light beer warmed to a temperature of 40º to 50ºC, add 2-3 cloves, a whole lemon peel and a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Then the beaten yolks are poured into a saucepan and with continuous stirring gradually added warmed beer. On low heat continue to heat the composition for five minutes. After the potion has cooled down a bit, drink a glass of hot drink, put on woolen socks, cover with warm blankets and try to sweat in bed.

Another very effective remedy, which folk medicine recommends for colds, is onion infusion. Take a medium sized bulb, chop finely and pour boiling water, cover and let it brew for five minutes, after which they quickly drink while the phytoncides are alive (up to three minutes). It's worth to overcome yourself and still drink this tasteless medicine, believe me, the result will follow very quickly.

Cold treatment of folk remedies. Cough recipe: With a painful dry cough, onion potion is great. Purify ten medium sized bulbs and one clove of garlic, pass through a meat grinder, add to the composition one liter of cow's milk and boil on low heat for 30 to 45 minutes, then add bee honey (two spoons). This recipe eliminates the medication on an empty stomach. Three times a day, take a decoction of a tablespoon.

Treating colds with folk remedies: when coughing, the composition of lemon juice, glycerin and honey, taken evenly, helps. Ingredients are mixed and taken on a teaspoon three times a day.

An exceptional remedy for a very strong cough is freshly squeezed black radish juice. Prepare it this way: two parts of honey bee mixed with radish juice. Take the drug three times a day on a spoon (canteen).

Treatment methods for colds include such a recipe that will help cope with malaise and cough. It is necessary to take 6-8 root crops of black radish, cut it with thin plates and cover it well with sugar, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours. Isolated juice is taken every hour on a spoon.

Cold treatment of folk remedies. Runny nose: When breathing becomes difficult due to a runny nose, it is sometimes good enough to wash your nose with a warm water solution of soda. If this method does not help - try inhaling, inhaling a couple of decoction of chamomile or boiling water with the addition of several droplets of fir oil. Beetroot juice perfectly removes the symptoms of the common cold. Positive effect of warming the nasal sinuses with the help of heated salt, poured into a linen pouch.

With painful sensations in the throat, rinsing helps infuse medicinal herbs: violets of three-color, sage, chamomile. Prepare the infusion as follows: a glass of steep boiling water pour a spoon (canteen) of one of the selected herbs and insist for 15-20 minutes. Gargle for a result should be at least 5 times a day, take infusion also inside.

With cold diseases, garlic works great. In folk recipes for cold symptoms and problems with upper respiratory tracts, the following remedy is used: grind 5-6 cloves of purified garlic and dilute it with a glass of milk. Preheat to a boil, after the broth has cooled, start taking it on a teaspoon regularly several times a day.

How can I quickly cure a cold?

There is no such person who would not experience unpleasant feelings from the approaching cold. Unfortunately, most people believe that this is not a dangerous disease, which you can not pay attention to. But this is not so! A cold can cause more serious chronic diseases. Therefore, only after feeling the first signs of an approaching illness, you should be alert and have knowledge about how to quickly cure a cold to avoid serious complications.

What is a cold

First, let's see what the common word "cold" means, because in medical textbooks there is no such thing.

The official name of the disease is ARVI, that is, the disease of the respiratory tract caused by a viral infection. The microbes that cause a common cold are rinovirus, adenovirus, rotavirus, syncytial virus and many others. What happens to the body in case of a disease? Begins the internal struggle and the development of protective cells of immunity, which must destroy the viruses that have settled in the body.

Many years of medical experience shows that curing a cold for 1 day, alas, can only units of lucky ones. To all other mere mortals, you need to wait about a week while the immune system wins the war on viruses. Usually the body copes without additional intervention, but there are means to help relieve the disease.


People who have a subtle sense of their body and the changes that have occurred in it know that a cold can be cured when it has not yet begun. At an early stage of the disease, you just need to take a multiple dose of vitamin C, not exceeding the daily dosage (60-100 mg per day). However, this is important when the first symptoms appear.

Also, everyone has their own individual secrets of fighting the disease. Someone is treated with onions, to someone from the common cold helps garlic. We will consider the experience of folk medicine, Tibetan medicine and standard medication. Also touch on the topic of prevention and proper nutrition and drinking during the course of colds.


The main thing in preventing a disease is strong immunity.And that he was strong, you need to carry out hardening procedures, starting at the youngest age. The seasoned organism suffers less from frequent diseases, and also tolerates all kinds of colds and other diseases more easily.

An important factor to prevent the spread of infection is bed-insulated treatment. Thus, the infection will not be transmitted to other people.

It is necessary to take as a habit to well ventilate all rooms, especially during the cold, because in the moving air of the microbes is not comfortable to be, and they become unable to attack the weak organism.

What drink

With any disease within the person, intoxication processes begin which affect all the systems of the body. Disposal of toxins is the main task during hospital leave. Since a good appetite is not usually a companion of cold, it will help in the treatment of drinks.

Decoction of dried fruits to strengthen immunity

Grandparents are very fond of making herbal teas for colds to their children and grandchildren, but one should not get involved in phytotherapy without the advice of a doctor. Excellent fit unsweetened compotes, decoctions of dried fruits, fresh fruit or frozen berries. A good dose of vitamin C contains a decoction of lemon in a liter of water. An interesting combination of boiled milk with honey and ginger, as well as a pinch of pepper will revitalize the body and saturate it with vital energy, and also relieve the disease.

If there are no contraindications from the gastric system, then it is possible to drink alkaline water, for example Borjomi, essentuki and others. Such water saturates the body with essential minerals and trace elements.

What to eat

To eat it is necessary, even if from the type of food turns and it seems that you do not want to eat at all. But during the catarrhal disease, you should not abuse fatty digestible food. An excellent lunch will be fresh soup and a salad of seasonal vegetables. For example, in the summer it can be a cucumber with tomato and vegetable oil, and in the winter - sauerkraut. The traditional anti-catarrhal dish is chicken broth, and some people have lamb soup. Since the body is struggling with toxins, it is not worth eating in large portions, it is better to stick to the principle of fractional nutrition.

Saving Throat

Colds are often accompanied or begin with a sore throat.
To quickly get rid of the perspiration in the throat, you can use a rinse: a glass of beetroot juice with one tablespoon of vinegar added. In cases of acute pain in the throat, it is mandatory to use disinfectants, for example soda or salt, as well as a solution of hydrogen peroxide, 5% (a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution per glass of water).

Young children can gargle with a decoction of chamomile or eucalyptus.

If there is no allergy, you should definitely drink hot milk with honey, but do not add honey to the milk, but eat with a spoon.

Relief from the cold

When cold, it is useful to breathe potato broth

Rapid treatment of cold usually begins with getting rid of obstructed nasal breathing, because the runny nose causes headache and a significant deterioration in well-being. The body becomes weakened and the mood worsens. Our grandmothers advise you to breathe a potato broth, covering your head with a towel. This procedure is very effective. You can also warm the nasal and frontal parts of your face with a warm egg or a tissue bag filled with salt. You can lubricate the inner surface of the nose with sea buckthorn oil, which kills germs. An expressed antibacterial action is possessed by the Kalanchoe juice, which can be buried in the nose. Without prescribing a doctor, do not use vasoconstrictive drops. The proven fact is their harmful effect on the body and the fact that they are addictive.

Elimination of cough

Boiled milk with soft butter, salt and figs will help relieve coughing. Professional massage of the breast area will facilitate the removal of mucus from the lungs and bronchi. This is especially effective in infants, who can not cough. Of herbs, the licorice root, sage has a good expectorant effect.

Medications at hand

Common products have anti-cold properties. For example, chili actively fights viruses and protects the body, and honey is a kind of elixir of health. Good medicinal properties and has a black radish.

Onions and garlic for our area are characteristic vegetables-medicines for colds.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Drug treatment for colds, unfortunately, can not even be called a cure, as in most cases, symptoms are muffled, and the body remains weakened.

Drugs with proven efficacy often have a homeopathic origin or contain proven substances, egremantadine or oseltamivir. The appointment of drugs should be handled by your family doctor, in no case should you abuse antibiotics!

Tibetan medicine against colds

Tibetan medicine treats the disease from an energetic point of view, so it takes into account when treating the belonging of a method to cold Yin-energy or to hot Yan-energy. Eastern medicine refers to the body as a whole, so when diagnosing a disease, all body systems are analyzed.


Using the knowledge and advice listed above, it is possible to guarantee a reduction in the time of hospital leave, and in the liberated period simply to relax and gain strength. Now you know how to quickly cure a cold, do not forget to share this important information with relatives and acquaintances. And all who read this article wish good health!

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