Features of treatment of retinal dystrophy

The retina is the inner shell of the eyeball, which provides contact between the organs of vision and the nervous system.It is responsible for the transmission of signals, which contributes to the perception of the brain images. If it is damaged, there is a rapid loss of vision, which can not be stopped without qualified treatment. That is why such an anomaly must be diagnosed in a timely manner. And for this, let's see what it is retinal dystrophy.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Kinds
    • 2.1Congenital (hereditary)
    • 2.2Acquired
      • 2.2.1Peripheral
      • 2.2.2Central
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medicated
    • 7.2Surgical
    • 7.3Correction optics
    • 7.4Folk remedies
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Retinal dystrophy is a complex disease involving degenerative eye anomalies. The disease affects the cornea and the capillary system of the organs of vision. If there is a violation of the blood supply, the tissues are destroyed, which contributes to the loss of visual quality. The lack of timely qualified assistance speeds up this process.

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The first stages of the disease are asymptomatic, while a person may not realize that his eyes are affected.The most common pathology is the elderly. At the same time, it is rarely diagnosed and accounts for only about one percent of all diseases of the retina.

Often there are cases when people become carriers of the disease. The likelihood of their disease is very low.


The main types of retinal dystrophy are found in two: hereditary and acquired.

Congenital (hereditary)

Congenital degeneration of the retina is inherited.It can take two forms:

  • Spot white. Visual perception begins to deteriorate from the moment of birth. At the same time, a noticeable deterioration in the state of eye health occurs already at preschool age. It is characterized by modifications in the form of dots on the retina.
  • Pigmentary.Characterized by a violation of the functionality of photoreceptors responsible for twilight vision.
Retinal pigmentary degeneration

Hereditary dystrophy often occurs with an alternation of remission and exacerbation. At the same time, by the age of twenty, it becomes pronounced and can subsequently lead to a loss of the ability to see.


Acquired type of disease is more characteristic for people aged 50 years.This pathology is almost impossible to cure conservatively.


As a rule, peripheral dystrophy affects only the peripheral part of the retina and is difficult to diagnose.One of the signs of its occurrence is the presence of optical effects in the form of "flies". It can be pigmented, fine-grained, latticed, and frost-like. In combination with the development of myopia can lead to detachment of the retina.

Peripheral dystrophy of the retina


Central dystrophy is located in the center, on the macula of the retina.With its development, vision quickly loses its clarity. It has such varieties as dry and wet, which are typical for age-related degradation of the eye tissues.Wet is characterized by the penetration of moisture into the retina, and vision can be lost in a few days. Dry variety is more common. With her, a violation of the quality of vision occurs gradually and contributes to the accumulation of cell decay products between the choroid and the retina.

Forms of macular degeneration

Diagnose also the generalized form of acquired dystrophy. It includes the characteristics of the macular and peripheral, thus affecting virtually all areas of the retina.


Diagnosis of the disease is possible in a timely manner in clinical settings, but during the diagnosis it is important to understand the underlying factor that caused the pathological process.If this is not done, then expect quick and effective healing is not worth it. There are following reasons for the development of retinal dystrophy:

  • disturbed function of the vascular system of the organ of vision;
  • bad habits;
  • improper meals;
  • prolonged course of infectious and viral pathologies;
  • previous operative intervention on the eyes;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • disturbed metabolism and obesity.


Vision atdystrophyis broken not instantly, but gradually.Thus the patient experiences a number of unpleasant symptoms, which complicates his daily life.

During the diagnosis, you can see that the pathology is rapidly progressing.

At an early stage, the dystrophy proceeds without any obvious symptoms, but after a while the patient notes the discomfort with blinking, loss of visual acuity, vision.

Symptomatics is very similar to other diseases of the eye, so that collecting anamnesis data is not enough to make a diagnosis.The following symptoms of dystrophy are distinguished:

  • narrowing of the field of vision;
  • poor eyesight at night;
  • the formation of a veil before the eyes;
  • impaired vision;
  • the formation of flares in the radius of vision;
  • distorted image;
  • metamorphosis.

Possible complications

Dystrophy of the eye retina, even in severe conditions, does not lead to blindness, so that despite all sorts of difficulties, a person is able to see and recognize objects in space.

Especially closely monitor the vision of women who are in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

At this time in these patients, BP decreases, contributing to the disruption of the stable functioning of the circulatory system.Because of this, the inflow of blood and nutrients to the vessels is disturbed, which provokes the onset of degenerative processes. The risk of their development increases several times, if before the conception of the child, a woman has already been diagnosed with a certain disease of the organs of vision.

To prevent unforeseen complications, a pregnant woman should urgently visit an ophthalmologist. If the risk of the formation of instantaneous dystrophy during the period of delivery is high, then to avoid loss of the fetus, a cesarean section should be performed.


For correct diagnosis of retinal dystrophy of any form, the following methods are used:

  • Visometry (definition of severity);
  • Perimetry (study of the patient's visual field);
  • Optical tomography (study of structures and tissues of the eye);
  • Kampimetry (definition and study of a blind site);
  • Ultrasound;
  • Testing using the Amsler grid;
  • Tonometry (measurement of fluid pressure inside the eye);
  • Ophthalmoscopy (checking the condition of the fundus);
  • Electroretinography (checking the state of the retina and the visual analyzer);
  • Angiography (examination of the state of the capillary system of the visual apparatus, the detection of abnormal vessels).
Checking visual acuity (visometry)

As a rule, using only one of the listed methods it is impossible to accurately diagnose, so a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out.In addition, it is important to obtain information from the patient's medical record and the information obtained as a result of his interview.


The purpose of the method of treatment usually depends on the type of retinal dystrophy and the degree of its progression.As a rule, it is aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition, improving the metabolism in the eye tissues, lengthening the stages of remission and strengthening the vessels and muscles of the visual apparatus.


Solve the problem of tissue degradation with drugs can only be in the early stages of the progression of pathology.In these cases, the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Corticosteroids;
  • Vitamins E and A, Riboflavin;
  • Vasodilators (local and general);
  • Antioxidants inside and in the form of eye drops;
  • Preparations containing lutein;
  • Means for strengthening the walls of capillaries;
  • Angioprotectors.


Operative intervention, as a rule, is applied at later stages of development. Laser coagulation is considered one of the most effective methods of treatment.It can prevent retinal detachment and loss of vision. Its essence is the cauterization of the laser apparatus of damaged areas pointwise. This operation does not require suturing and does not involve too long a postoperative stage.

Laser Coagulation Procedure

The surgical method using a scalpel improves metabolic processes in tissues and their blood supply.It is especially effective in the treatment of wet macular degeneration, as it prevents accumulation of fluid. The main methods of surgical intervention:

  • Vasorekonstuktsiya (carried out with the use of transplants);
  • Radiovascularization (aimed at expanding the lumens between the capillaries).

In order to fully restore lost visual functions, it is important not only to successfully perform the operation, but also to follow all the recommendations of the treating doctor after it.After applying the scalpel, a seam and a sterile bandage are applied, which must be constantly changed. In addition, the use of drugs that prevent the occurrence of infections is necessary.

Often in the early stages of the development of pathology, physiotherapy is also used. However, such treatment does not always give tangible positive results.

Correction optics

This method of therapy is attributed to the auxiliary.The task of corrective optics is reduced to strengthening the muscular system of the eye, stabilizing the intraocular pressure. Most often, laser correction is used for these purposes. This is one of the most successful and safe methods, allowing to ease the patient's condition and accelerate recovery.

Laser vision correction

After treatment, the patient should prepare himself for seeing that the vision is foggy and blurred for 3-4 hours.In addition, there may be glare or floating opacities in front of the eyes, burning sensation, sand and photophobia. But by the next day after laser treatment the patient can return to the usual rhythm of life.

Folk remedies

The means of alternative medicine should be used only for a speedy recovery, but they are not able to completely cure the disease.

Effectively use such recipes:

  • Take 4 leaves of aloe, wrap in foil, put in refrigerator. After 2 weeks they should be washed with water, chopped with a meat grinder, and then wrung out with sterile gauze. Add 5 g of mummy. Prepared medicine drip 2 drops in each eye 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy will be 9-10 days. After that, make a rest for a month.
  • Take the dried grass of dioecious nettle and lily of the valley leaves in the following proportions:. Add a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 9 hours, filter and place 5 g of soda. Store the product in the refrigerator, and use it for cold lotions.
  • Take water and goat's milk in equal quantities. The resulting composition is excellent for eye drops. Drip 2 drops once a day.
  • Take 180 ml of boiling water, add 20 g of cumin seed. Tear for 5 minutes. In a filtered broth place 10 grams of cornflower petals and infuse for 5 hours. Filter and drip 2 drops into the affected organ of vision.


To protect yourself from a disease such as retinal dystrophy, you must follow simple preventive measures:

  1. To provide the eyes with a full rest.
  2. Perform daily exercises.
  3. Avoid harmful and UV radiation.
  4. To conduct reception BADov with propensity to an eye dystrophy.
  5. In the diet include useful for the retina food.



Retinal dystrophy is an unpleasant disease that can occur for a variety of reasons.That is why treatment can be prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis and determination of the underlying factor.If therapy is carried out in order to eliminate one symptomatology, a relapse of the disease is ensured.