Ear Otitis Symptoms and Treatment

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Ear Otitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. How to treat otitis with folk remedies

Otitis is a disease that occurs because of the development of the inflammatory process in various parts of the hearing organ. Most often this illness manifests itself with pain and intoxication syndrome, fever, and in some cases even hearing impairment is observed.

ear otitis

Why there is an external otitis

Often the otitis of the external ear is accompanied by lesions of the middle and outer parts of the organ. An external disease can develop as a result of an infection that penetrates tissues through minor scratches that occur when the outer shell is damaged. The cause of this can be thermal, chemical burns, mechanical injuries and so on. In this case, the main causative agents of the disease are staphylococci and streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and so on. Also, external ear otitis most often occurs in people who suffer from metabolic disorders in the body, hypervitaminosis, gout and diabetes.

It should be noted that this ailment begins with an inflammatory process, which initially captures only the surface layer of shells. Gradually, the otitis is transferred to the surrounding tissues. Often, the disease spreads to the eardrums.

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Causes of otitis media

As for otitis media, it develops mainly due to infections of the nasopharynx. In this situation, the causative agent of the disease penetrates into the middle ear cavity through the auditory tube. In this case, the agents of ARVI will cause otitis media. Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. What provokes such a disease? Often the middle ear otitis occurs with parainfluenza, influenza, rhino- and adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial disease and others. Also, this ailment develops in diseases caused by such bacteria as hemophilic rod, moraxella, streptococcus pyogenic, pneumococcus.

otitis treatment

Most often there is an average otitis of the ears in children, since the auditory tube is short and wide. It is worth noting that the infection can penetrate and outside with a barotrauma of eardrums or mechanical damages. Also, this infectious disease is promoted by such infectious chronic diseases as adenoids, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

In the beginning, the otitis media of the middle ear occurs as an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the organ. At the same time, active fluid production takes place. In viral diseases, exudate is serous. If the process is caused by various bacteria, then purulent otitis of the ear may begin with the corresponding secretions. Often, the accumulated fluid causes protrusion of the tympanic membrane. In extreme cases, it breaks. This is what is the main cause of hearing loss in the middle ear otitis.

Main symptoms and signs of external otitis media

With this disease the patient suffers from severe pain in the area of ​​the auricle or inside the organ. Often patients complain of itching of the skin. At the same time, from the external part of the auditory organ there is separation of putrefactive secretions, which have a rather unpleasant odor. With the development of external otitis often there is an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators.

Main symptoms and signs of development of otitis media

Begins otitis media of the middle ear acutely. In this case, strong painful sensations of the shooting or pulsating character are manifested. This disease causes a rise in body temperature, usually up to 38 ° C and above. There are also symptoms such as intoxication, manifested by muscle pain, loss of appetite, headache, weakness. Often, when otitis media appear signs that correspond to acute respiratory infections, such as coughing, swelling in the throat, runny nose. In this case, the patient is greatly concerned about the decrease in hearing, noise and stuffiness in the ears.

otitis treatment

In newborns, the otitis media of the middle ear appears slightly differently. The child is constantly naughty and worried. In this case, the baby is not able to suck. A few days later the perforation of the eardrums takes place. As a result, the pain sensations decrease. From the ear canal, fluid gradually begins to flow out. It can be in the form of pus or transparent. Over time, the number of excretions decreases, as the eardrum begins to scar, and pain sensations decrease. With proper treatment, the ear otitis in the child disappears, and the hearing organ is fully restored.

Complications of otitis

If you do not engage in timely treatment of the disease or treat it incorrectly, the following complications may occur: thrombosis of venous sinuses, and in rare cases even sepsis, abscess and meningitis, labyrinthitis and purulent mastoiditis, impaired hearing functions and even deafness, cohesive otitis media of the middle ear, chronic inflammation, persistent perforation of the drum webbeds.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose "an otitis of an ear" the expert of a narrow profile can only. Diagnosis of the same disease is based on otorhinolaryngological and clinical examination of the patient. With the instrumental method of identifying the disease, otoscopy is usually used, which allows to examine the drum membranes and an external auditory canal with the help of an otoscope, as well as omicroscopy, carried out with the help of surgical optics. Often used audiometry, determining the severity of hearing, and tympanometry, which is a study of the mobility of tympanum membranes.

drops in the ears with otitis

In order to exclude the development of complications of this disease, the doctor can apply a computer tomography of the skull bone structures, as well as brain research using radiography.

Often, to produce the correct diagnosis and to distinguish purulent and viral otitis media, a puncture of the tympanic membrane is done. This allows you to extract a certain amount of accumulated liquid for its further investigation. In this case, even bacteriological culture can be made, which allows to determine what is the causative agent of the infection. After all, before treating the otitis of the ear, it is necessary to know the cause of its occurrence.

Treatment of otitis media

So, otitis ears - how to treat this disease? Most often, his therapy is conservative and is performed on an outpatient basis with an easy flow in the otorhinolaryngologist. Mandatory patients are hospitalized, who have severe otitis media in their ears. Treatment of such a disease under the supervision of a doctor allows you to avoid complications. Children with otitis media of any degree are also in need of hospitalization. At the same time, the definition of tactics of combating the disease and its direct treatment is carried out only after a thorough examination of the patient by the doctor.

Usually, the patient is prescribed antibiotics if he has a bacterial otitis of the ear. Treatment in this case is carried out by such drugs as "Ceftriaxone" Cefotaxime "Cefuroxime" Clavulanate "Amoxicillin and also by means of" Midekamycin "Azithromycin" Clarithromycin ". If the patient suffers from purulent otitis, then his therapy uses respiratory fluoroquinolone, for example, the drug "Moxifloxacin" or "Levofloxacin". For the treatment of external diseases apply special drops in the ears with otitis. For example, it can be means of "Polidex" or "Otofa".

than to treat otitis media

To reduce pain and other manifestations of the disease, drops are used in the ears in otitis, which are used in complex therapy: Otopix and Otisol. Many specialists prescribe washing with solutions of antiseptics of auditory canals. However, this method is effective only in otitis externa. In order to overcome the inflammatory process, the doctor can prescribe for the intake of antipyretics - ibuprofen and aspirin. These medications have moderate analgesic properties.

As for warming up and physiotherapy, these methods of treatment are allowed only after consulting with specialists. In most cases, everything depends on the degree of the disease.

Bee products for otitis treatment

To cure otitis media, you can prepare drops based on honey. For this, it is necessary to dilute this product in warm water, observing the proportions one to one. Several drops of solution are added to the patient's ear.

Supplement this therapy can be tincture of propolis 20%. This means is impregnated with a tampon made of gauze, which is injected into the diseased ear. The course of such therapy is two to three weeks.

10% tincture of propolis can be used to instill ears. To do this, you need to tilt your head to your shoulder and drop just a few drops into your ear canal. So the remedy will penetrate into the middle ear. The head should be held in this position for several minutes.

Tincture of mint at otitis

So, than to treat otitis in the home? Of course, herbs. An excellent remedy for this disease is tincture of mint. For its preparation, several spoons of dried mint should be poured with about a glass of ordinary vodka. The drug should stand for several days in a closed container. In the finished product, pieces of gauze are moistened and injected into the ear. This tincture can quickly eliminate otitis media. Treatment can be supplemented with medicines with the permission of the attending physician.

Herbal tincture

This is another tincture, which is considered to be quite effective in otitis. To make it, you need to take a few spoons of dried herbs and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. The drug is injected seven days in total darkness. Gauze turundas are wetted in the finished tincture, and then they are put in ears.

The same method prepares tinctures of calendula and St. John's wort. These funds can eliminate the main symptoms, ease the patient's condition and eliminate otitis media.

otitis ears how to heal

Teas and tinctures against otitis of the ears

Improve the overall condition of the patient allows a variety of teas made from plants. Healing qualities are possessed by a drink prepared from the petals of a red rose, black currant berries, dog rose and raspberry roots.

To wash the ear can be used infusion of leaves of the noble laurel. To make it, take a few spoons of pre-crushed leaves. This amount of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for several hours. The present leaves are filtered, and the infusion is used to treat otitis. Before use, it should be heated to be slightly warm. With purulent otitis, the infusion of leaves of the laurel is buried right in the ear.

Medicine from vegetables

Against purulent otitis can be used ordinary garlic. For this, the cleared tooth is inserted into the ear. A good drug for otitis ear is the onion, the gruel of which is laid out on a piece of gauze. The received compress is put in a sick ear. Red beet has the necessary properties. The vegetable is rubbed on a grater and transferred to an enameled container. To the resulting gruel is added a glass of water and a dessert spoon of honey. Capacity is put on a small fire, and its contents are brought to a boil. Keep the broth on fire for another 15 minutes. The finished mass is cooled and used as compresses, wrapped in a piece of gauze. Polyethylene film and cotton wool are placed on top. It is fixed with a warm scarf for several hours. Follow the procedure should be several times a day.

Ear otitis in a child


When otitis external or middle ear, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice. A neglected disease without timely treatment entails severe consequences. Before treating the otitis of the ear, you need to undergo a complete examination. It is not necessary to engage in the therapy of folk remedies on your own, as an incorrectly selected medication can only lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.


Otitis symptoms and treatment | How to treat an ear otitis

Otitis is the inflammation of the middle ear. The disease causes streptococcus, pneumococcus, and others. bacteria. The acute form of the disease can arise as an independent disease. Otitis often develops secondary as a complication or manifestation of a common infection (influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, in children - scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, etc.); may be a consequence acute and chronic inflammation of the pharynx and nose; hypertrophic processes in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx (hypertrophic rhinitis, adenoids, hypertrophic pharyngitis and other). Classification of the disease is complex and diverse, as well as the number of possible pathogens.

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Symptoms of otitis media development

There are three periods during an acute purulent otitis media. The first period is the onset of the inflammatory process in the middle ear:

In the first period of the development of the disease, the symptom of otitis of the ear is a strong, growing, pulsating, aching pain radiating into the teeth, the temple, the back of the head. Patients noted increased pain when sneezing, coughing, swallowing, which is associated with increased pressure in the tympanic membrane. Symptoms of the disease include:

1. decrease in hearing, which depends on the stiffness of the tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles and is characterized by a disturbance in the sound performance;

2. noise, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, which, as a rule, are painful for the patient;

3. increase in body temperature to 38-3, ° C, after suppressing the temperature decreases;

4. pain during palpation of the mastoid process, which is due to the reaction to inflammation of the periosteum of the mastoid process. It passes after suppuration from the ear.

The second period is perforation of the tympanic membrane, suppuration. Clinically, the pain subsides, the general well-being improves. The third period is the subsidence of the inflammatory process, the cessation of suppuration, the closure of the perforation.

The eardrum at the otitis of the ear is closed due to granulation of the edges of perforation and subsequent scarring, and there remains a thin, imperceptible scar, sometimes with the deposit in the hole of calcareous salts - petrificates. With a large perforation, the hole in the tympanic membrane can remain, its edges become osmozolivayutsya, after which they become resistant. With considerable granulation, spikes and scarring in the tympanic cavity are often formed, which leads to permanent hearing impairment.

Types of otitis and their signs

1. Infectious external otitis can be: bacterial, fungal and viral.

2. Traumatic external otitis of the auricle can be caused by any trauma that somehow damages the skin of the ear, enabling it to penetrate various bacteria.

3. Granulomatous diseases of the auricle: necrotic otitis, histiocytosis, Wegener's granuloma.

With any of the possible inflammations, a swelling of the cartilaginous ear tissue is observed. Purulent masses are collected between cartilage and skin. In this case, all of the ear to the lobe may be affected. In this regard, it is important to immediately identify and correctly diagnose inflammation. Timely intervention of doctors in the treatment of this inflammation will contribute to a speedy recovery and avoidance of complications.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish two forms of otitis according to the type of inflammation of the auricle: diffuse and limited. With diffuse inflammation, the patient complains about:

1. Constant itching (which disappears after 4-5 days);

2. Earache;

3. Excretions from the auditory canal.

Also diffuse inflammation of the auricle can affect the headache, inflammation of the lymph nodes, which causes pain when opening the mouth and chewing.

Patients with limited ear otitis have complaints of tinnitus, and sometimes local headache. Most often, all complaints are concentrated on the outer ear.

The main syndromes of otitis media:

1. inflammatory,

2. painful,

3. hydropic,

4. intoxication,

5. fibro destructive

6. and dyscirculatory.

How to treat with traditional methods of ear otitis?

Complex treatment of otitis patients includes local, general (anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, desensitizing) therapy. According to the indications, antibacterial therapy, sulfonamides, sedatives, antipyretic and analgesic agents are prescribed.

With the timely intervention of specialists who will identify the root cause of inflammation, special ointments and compresses can be prescribed that will prevent possible complications. Rarely with otitis ear is prescribed warming up, because if the inflammation began to progress - pus accumulated enough, and it can not be heated. In neglected forms of inflammation, surgical intervention is required to purify the cartilaginous ear tissue from accumulated pus.

Physical methods of otitis therapy

The purpose of physiotherapy: to provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, decongestant, defibrizing action, accelerate the restoration of hearing. Physical methods of otitis treatment are prescribed for the relief of inflammation (anti-inflammatory methods), edema (decongestants), decrease in intoxication (bactericidal methods) and immune dysfunction (immunostimulating methods), as well as a reduction in fibrodeodulation (defibrizing methods) and stimulation of the auditory nerve (neurostimulating methods). These tasks help to implement the following methods of physiotherapy:

1. Anti-inflammatory methods for treating otitis media: low-intensity ultra-high-frequency (UHF) therapy, high-intensity centimeter wave therapy, red laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, infrared laser therapy.

2. Antidiarrheal method: low-frequency magnetotherapy.

3. Bactericidal methods: KUF-irradiation, local darsonvalization, endaural electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs.

4. Immunostimulating methods: LOC, high-frequency magnetotherapy of the thymus, SUF-irradiation in suberythmic doses, 1 air bath, thalassotherapy.

5. Defibrizing methods: ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations, drug electrophoresis.

6. Neuro-stimulating methods: diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy.

Antidiarrhoeal methods of physiotherapy otitis

Low-frequency magnetotherapy. A low-frequency magnetic field causes the formation of magnetohydrodynamic forces, which, when inflammatory process and edema in the middle ear increase the venous tone, stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce swelling, accelerate diffusion dipoles of water. To stop edema, the effect is carried out on the area of ​​the affected ear. The frequency of the magnetic field is 50 Hz, the induction is 15-25 mT, the duration of the procedure is 10 min; course of treatment of otitis 7-10 procedures.

Bactericidal methods for treating otitis media

Endoaural electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs. Under the influence of the electric field in the middle and inner ear, the concentration of the drug substance increases, there is ionization of medicinal substances and their penetrating ability in the mucosa of the middle ear increases. Antibacterial drugs selectively act on microorganisms, inactivating and destroying their structure.

For the procedures, use antibiotic electrophoresis (single dose), 2 ml,% Dioxydin solution (from the anode). Endoauric electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs is used: one electrode is injected as a turunda into the auditory meatus, the second is placed in the behind-the-ear area. Current strength 1 mA, duration of exposure 10 minutes, daily; To treat otitis of the ear, you need a course of 7-10 procedures.

How to treat otitis with defibrizing methods?

Ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations. In the ultrasonic field, the molecules of medicinal substances acquire greater mobility and penetrate into the tissues of the tympanic membrane. Under the influence of ultraphonophoresis of enzyme preparations, proteoglycan complexes of Scarring tissues are destroyed, disaggregation of glycosaminoglycans, inhibition of proliferation of connective tissue. Introduced with the help of ultrasound, proteolytic enzymes promote the resorption of connective tissue scars, which prevents scar deformation of the tympanic membrane.

Apply lentase ultraphonophoresis (64 units are dissolved in 1 ml of 1% solution of novocaine, applied to the affected area). The procedure is carried out in the position of the patient lying on the opposite side of the sick ear. The auditory canal is filled with a solution of the drug substance, after which a radiator of a special design with an area of ​​4 mm2 is introduced into it. Lidase ultraphonophoresis: pulsed, stable, intensity, W / cm2, for 5 - 1 0 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, a course of 10-12 procedures is needed.

Electrophoresis of defibrizing drugs for the treatment of otitis media. Introduced medicinal substances contribute to the resorption of connective tissue scars, cause depolymerization of its basic substance. For the purpose of resorption of cicatricial formations of the tympanic membrane, 2-3% iodine solution, lidazum (64 units in 30 ml acidified - pH, - water) is used. Gauze turunda, moistened with this solution, is injected into the external auditory canal. Its free end is laid on a hydrophilic pad moistened with the same solution, and a metal electrode (2x3 cm) is placed on top. An indifferent electrode is located in the region of the cervical spine. Current strength, -3 mA, duration of exposure 10-20 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, a course of 15-20 procedures is needed.

Neuro-stimulating treatment for otitis media

Diadynamic therapy with currents of DW, CP and DP. Rhythmic ascending afferent flows lead to the activation of cortical and subcortical centers and the formation of descending efferent impulse flows that enhance blood flow in the middle ear and contribute to improving the mobility of auditory bones. One electrode (cathode) in the form of a turunda moistened with warm water is injected into the external auditory meatus; The second electrode (anode) is placed in the BTE area. Current strength, -1 mA (up to the sensation of vibration), for 10 minutes, daily; To treat otitis of the ear, you need a course of 8-15 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy The most pronounced stimulating action is the PM current (I PP). The modulation frequency is 100 Hz, the depth is 75%, the III RR, the duration of the parcels 3-4, the amperage - until the appearance of a distinct vibration, for 3 to 5 minutes, daily; To treat otitis media, you need a course of 10-12 procedures

Contraindications to physiotherapy in the treatment of otitis media:

1. encysted purulent inflammatory processes without outflow of purulent contents,

2. violation of the integrity of the mucosa of the middle ear,

3. benign tumors with a tendency to growth,

4. the presence of indications for surgical treatment (before surgical intervention), for example, a widespread carious process in the temporal bone, etc.,

5. symptoms of labyrinth irritation,

6. general contraindications to physiotherapy.

Sanatorium-resort method of otitis therapy

Patients with chronic otitis exacerbation, with a tendency to recur, are referred to climatological coastal, forest, medium-high-mountainous, and also mud-cure resorts Anapa, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Evpatoria, Sochi, Odessa, Feodosia, Jurmala, Palanga, Kuyalnik, Liepaja, Druskininkai, Albena, Bad Woerishofen, Costa Blanca. Some patients with reduced adaptation mechanisms may be recommended to stay in local sanatoria.

Contraindications to sanatorium treatment: in addition to general contraindications, acute period of the disease, exacerbation of chronic otitis media.

Physioprophylaxis is aimed at preventing exacerbations of the disease, reducing their severity by increasing the general resistance of the body (immunostimulating methods), reduction of puffiness (decongestant methods of otitis treatment), inflammatory manifestations (anti-inflammatory methods), preservation of the mobility of the auditory ossicles (neurostimulating methods).

Causes of otitis media

Penetration of infection in the middle ear occurs in three main ways - through the auditory tube, damaged the tympanic membrane (with its trauma) or through the wound of the mastoid process and hematogenous way (comparatively rarely). Ear canitis is possible with scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, tuberculosis, etc.

When microbial flora enters the tympanum, hyperemia of the mucous membrane and cells of the mastoid of the process, then the exudate accumulates in the tympanic cavity, which initially has a serous character, then - purulent. In the inflammatory process, all three layers of the tympanic membrane are involved. Further development of otitis is accompanied by perforation of the tympanic membrane and suppuration. With the timely start of otitis treatment, the process proceeds relatively easily, without a pronounced general reaction of the organism. But it can be difficult to react with pronounced reactive phenomena of the body.

In addition to the tympanic membrane, an auditory tube, a cave and cells of the mastoid process are involved in the inflammatory process. As a result of a strong exudate pressure, the tympanic membrane with perforation (opacity) is perforated. With the reverse development of the process, inflammatory changes subsided and disappear. There are reparative processes.

In the development of acute otitis media, an important factor is the reduction of local and general reactivity of the organism. Often, the initial factor is a cold, local or general cooling of the body.


Ear Inflammation in Adult Symptoms and Treatment | How to treat ear inflammation

The ear is the organ of hearing. Distinguish: the external ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Inflammation of the ear in an adult should be eliminated, and do not delay this. The sooner you go to the doctor and start treatment, there you can get rid of the complications, or worse, from hearing loss. That's why, do not delay the visit to the doctor. If the ear hurts, go to the ENT, he will prescribe a course of treatment for ear inflammation. And do not self-medicate. Many people try to buy drugs, which then worsen the situation.

Symptoms of ear inflammation in otitis in adults

The most common disease of the ear is otitis, it is an ear inflammation. Symptoms of the disease depend on its shape. Otitis can be external, middle, internal, acute and chronic.

The doctor examines the picture of the disease. And if it detects a lesion of the tissues of the ear and auditory canal, it is external otitis.

The situation is more complicated and serious when the mucous membranes of the middle ear are affected. It is difficult to imagine that a cold can cause complications on the brain. But such a probability exists with an average otitis.

Inflammation of the ear is caused by pyogenic microbes and other microorganisms that enter the tympanum through the ear tube. Since this tube connects the nasopharynx with the middle ear, then any inflammatory processes in the nose or infectious diseases contribute to the development of otitis. Other ways of infection: through the trauma of the tympanic membrane or the inflow of blood during the period of infectious disease are extremely rare.

Swelling of the auditory tube causes ear congestion. The mucosa of the middle ear is swelling. There is a throbbing pain in the ear. Inside the ear pus accumulates. Pain with symptoms of ear inflammation is worse, body temperature rises. Further, the eardrum melts, the pus exits, after which severe pains in the ear leave. From this moment the process of recovery begins.

Symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear in adults

The first symptoms of ear inflammation that will be noticeable are:

1. Earache.

2. Noise in ears.

3. The ear is laid.

4. Partial hearing loss.

5. Dizziness.

6. Hearing loss.

7. Itching with inflammation of the ear in the region of the ear canal.

8. The skin at the ear canal became red and there was swelling.

9. In the area of ​​the auditory passage, purulent discharge appeared.

10. Temperature.

11. Sometimes diarrhea, nausea with vomiting as symptoms of middle ear inflammation in adults.

Signs of inflammation of the external ear

In a patient with ear inflammation of this type, moderate and severe pain is manifested, intensified by touching the ear, clenching the teeth, chewing movements and opening the mouth. Also, fever, offensive discharge from the ear, hearing loss increase.

Inflammation of the outer ear caused by fungi can be asymptomatic, but loose growths in the ear canal, which look like blotting paper, may appear. Chronic inflammation of the external ear is characterized by itching, thickening of the skin, peeling, and sometimes secretions.

Symptoms of ear inflammation with labyrinthitis in adults

Labyrinthitis (internal otitis media) is a disease that results from the penetration of pathogenic microbes or their toxins and manifested in the form of a combined disturbance of the functions of the vestibular and auditory receptors.

Most often, the first symptom of inflammation of the inner ear becomes severe dizziness, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, disturbance of dynamic and optical balance, noise in the ear and a significant decrease hearing. A patient with symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear is not able to raise his head independently or turn it aside: any movement increases nausea, causes vomiting, discoloration, and profuse sweating. These symptoms of inflammation persist for two to three weeks, then gradually lose their severity and, finally, disappear.

Treatment of various forms of ear inflammation

It is very important in this case to immediately and qualitatively treat. First of all, you need to take off the pain. This can be done through the use of painkillers. Also help vasoconstrictive drops for the nose. The task of these drops is the expansion of the pharyngeal mouth of the auditory tube to quickly establish an outflow of aeration of the middle ear. To do this, lie on your back, turn your head towards the sick ear, then drip as far as possible into the nasopharynx. At an early stage of development of ear inflammation antibiotics are most effective.

In the case of not getting well after the treatment of inflammation, doctors often produce paracentesis (piercing the tympanic membrane), releasing pus from the cavity and reducing the pressure in it. Sometimes patients refuse this procedure, in vain fearing deterioration of hearing. The hole from the puncture is quickly tightened. A common method of treatment for ear inflammation is the introduction of drugs into the ear canal with a sterilized pipette. The vial with the medicine is lowered for a couple of minutes into warm water and heated to body temperature. After the procedure, lie down for 10 minutes.

How to treat inflammation of the middle ear?

The treatment is prescribed by an otolaryngologist, in accordance with the results of the tests and examination. The classical method of care for this disease is systemic, complex.

In case of inflammation:

1. Introduce gauze turund, it is moistened in alcohol (70%);

2. designate warming compresses;

3. apply physiotherapeutic methods of treatment - UHF, sollyks;

4. vitamins;

5. antibiotics (for acute inflammation);

6. sulfanilamide preparations - Ciprofloxacin (for acute inflammation of the middle ear and high temperature).

7. bed rest;

8. warming compresses;

9. at high temperature - antipyretic (acetylsalicylic acid);

10. for anesthesia dig in warm alcohol.

External ear inflammation therapy

To relieve pain with ear inflammation, you need to use heat in the area of ​​the external ear, using a special lamp, warming compress, etc. It is also necessary to use aspirin and codeine to remove inflammation of the ear from external location acute pain. If the temperature does not drop for a long time, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

In case of fungal inflammation, the ear should be washed as thoroughly as possible with a special disinfectant solution. And the use of acidified ear drops will not allow most fungi to develop in the auditory canal.

With chronic inflammation, the main treatment is ear lavage. Ointments, drops, creams are also prescribed. Which contain an antibiotic, for example, Polymyxin B, Neomycin.

If chronic ear inflammation is not severe, you can simply dig in drops twice a week that contain antibiotics, use earplugs during bathing, showering and washing your head.

Inflammation of the inner ear and its treatment

The traditional treatment of such inflammation involves the use of antibiotics. Patients are prescribed medications that belong to several groups:

1. antiemetics (for example, Kompazin, Tserukal and Fenegran) - drugs that help to eliminate or reduce nausea and vomiting in case of ear inflammation;

2. antihistamines (for example, Suprastin, Diazolin, Dimedrol and Fenkaron) are drugs that help reduce dizziness in the treatment of ear inflammation;

3. Steroid drugs (for example, Methylprednezalon) are drugs that help to relieve inflammation;

4. sedatives help to treat ear inflammation (eg, lorazepam and diazepam) are drugs that help reduce the patient's anxiety.

With inflammation of the inner ear, the patient is shown peace and strictest bed rest. In a number of cases, he may need to have an operative intervention in the form of opening a labyrinth or a discharge operation (for example, anthropotomy). It is important to remember that even after eliminating the inflammation of the patient, severe dizziness may be disturbing, however, over time, these symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Causes and Prevention of Ear Inflammation

Inflammation can be caused by staphylococci and streptococci, pathogens of otitis, fungi. In some cases, the cause of chronic inflammation can become the ear of seborrhea and psoriasis. There are factors, because of which there is inflammation of the ear:

1. getting dirty water in your ear while bathing;

2. cleaning of the ears with fingers, matches - from this the auditory canal is irritated, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms;

3. getting dust, hair care products;

4. constant use of headphones, antinoise;

5. discharge from the tympanic membrane.

The source of infection is most often located in the immediate vicinity of the focus of inflammation. Most often, viruses and pathogens fall into the labyrinth of the inflamed middle ear, and also from the meninges for tuberculous, scarlet fever, typhoid, influenza or measles meningitis. In some cases, inflammation can be caused by trauma.

How to prevent the inflammation of the ear in an adult?

To prevent inflammation, the incidence of upper respiratory tract disease should be reduced. Tempering and physical education can help. Smoking and alcoholism cause enormous damage to the respiratory tract, they often lead to chronic inflammation of their mucous membrane and, consequently, to inflammation of the middle ear. To prevent otitis, it is also important to blow your nose properly (you need to clean the left and right holes of the nose one by one).


External diffuse otitis in acute and chronic form

/External diffuse otitis is a diffuse inflammatory process localized in the external auditory canal and proceeding in a chronic or acute form. It is accompanied by severe pain and a feeling of raspiraniya in the ear, the appearance of a serous, later purulent discharge. External diffuse otitis is a fairly common disease and occurs in patients of different age groups. The risk group includes people with weakened immunity and multiple chronic diseases, and Also persons who are engaged in any water sports, for example, swimmers, divers, synchronists and others. As a rule, external diffuse otitis does not give serious complications, but this unpleasant disease significantly reduces the quality of life, reduces the ability to work and complicates communication.

Causes of diffuse otitis

Diffuse otitis is characterized by a significant area of ​​inflammation in the ear canal. Most often, the cause of the disease is streptococci, as well as other bacteria that penetrated the human wound and microcracks, which often remain after cleaning the ears. The main provoking factors are:

  • allergy;
  • propensity to form sulfur plugs;
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Too careful and incorrect hygiene of the ears is also capable of provoking the development of the disease, since during such cleaning is the progress of sulfur inside the ear, its compaction and gluing into a single lump, as a result is formed bung.

Symptoms of diffuse otitis of the external ear

/Diffuse otitis of the external ear is manifested by a sensation of bursting inside the diseased organ, itching appears and the temperature in it rises. Then the pain syndrome develops, accompanied by the irradiation of pain in the head. At the same time, painful sensations, greatly enhanced by swallowing and chewing. Often acute diffuse otitis externa leads to a worsening of the general well-being of the patient due to sleep disturbances and anorexia due to the inability to chew and swallow food.

The following characteristic symptoms are also observed:

  • a decrease in hearing, which is due to the fact that puffiness of the inflamed auditory canal leads to its narrowing and diminishing of the lumen;
  • presence first serous, and subsequently purulent discharge from the ear;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes.

As a rule, diffuse otitis of the external ear, the photo of symptoms and manifestations of which can be seen above, takes about two weeks in acute form. Then there is a significant improvement in the condition, and the patient quickly goes on to recover.

Sometimes the symptoms of diffuse external otitis are mildly expressed and remain unnoticed especially inattentive to their health people. In this case, the disease takes a long time and eventually changes into a chronic form, accompanied by the appearance of scars, which reduce the lumen and cause persistent hearing loss.

Diagnosis of external diffuse otitis media


If there is a suspicion of diffuse external otitis, the photo of which is presented above, various diagnostic methods are used. When palpation of the sore ear is markedly pronounced soreness, especially when pulling the auricle or pressing on the tragus. When performing otoscopy, total swelling and reddening of the skin, which lines the auditory canal, as well as the presence of erosion and serous discharge are detected.

If an examination of the ear is carried out in a later period, occlusion of the auditory canal is detected, cracks and ulcers are visible, a clearly distinguishable greenish-yellow pus. Audiometry of the inflamed ear testifies to the development of hearing loss of a conductive type.

Assigned for any inflammatory processes, bacteriological study allows verifying the pathogen in order to establish its sensitivity to the main antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of acute diffuse otitis of the external ear

Treatment of external diffuse otitis media is performed using antibiotics, multivitamins and antihistamines, which are taken in the system. If necessary, immunocorrective therapy is performed. For local treatment of diffuse otitis of the outer ear, yellow mercury ointment, Burov's liquid, hormonal antibacterial ointments injected into the auditory canal with the help of turunda are used. The passage is also dripped with antibiotic drops.

Treatment of acute diffuse external otitis media can often be performed only in hospital settings. When the purulent character of the ear canal is separated, the ear is washed with an antibiotic solution. External otitis, caused by fungi, is treated with antifungal preparations of local and systemic use.

To prevent infection of the skin of the auditory canal and the development of diseases, one should avoid combing and injuring the auricle, as well as the ingress of small foreign bodies into the ears.

When bathing in the shower and even more so in the sea, it is necessary to protect the ear from getting water into it. If there is a foreign body in the ear, you should not even try to get it yourself, it's best to entrust this work to a specialist.

It is important to remember that the sulfur released by the ear is a natural barrier to microbes and bacteria and its too zealous removal reduces ear protection and increases the risk of developing inflammatory process. Independent cleaning of the auditory canals should be performed with the help of a special ear stick (not ordinary cotton wool!) To a depth of not more than, cm for purely aesthetic purposes.


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