It is generally believed that the dilatation of the pupils is due to the use of certain drugs, drugs or alcohol. This opinion is deeply mistaken, since dilated pupils can appear even in children, and this occurs in connection with serious abnormalities in the body, which will be discussed further.
1Definition of a symptom
3Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
The diameter and size of the pupil of the eyes change under the effect of contraction of the muscular structures.Due to the circular or circular muscle, the pupil narrows, and the radial muscle expands it. Therefore, mydriasis is observed with a weakening of one and spasm of another muscle part.
Determine the presence of the disease is not difficult, t. this is manifested externally and immediately reveals itself with a close look at the pupils of a person, but to find out the cause of such external changes is for specialists.
Dilation of pupils
Only after a comprehensive and comprehensive examination can we talk about the presence of a disease and prescribe a therapy.
The dilatation of the pupils (mydriasis) can occur for various reasons. Among them are:
Physiological features of vision: dilated pupils with insufficient illumination, fear, excitement.It is not pathology and does not require any treatment. In this case, the dilatation of the pupils will always be symmetrical, the pupil itself retains its original shape, which is not characteristic of other varieties of mydriasis.
Effects on the body of various medications to increase pupils during the diagnosis.Most often it is tropicamide, atropine, and iritin. The pharmacological expansion of the pupil is induced artificially to examine the fundus. As a rule, mydriasis in patients with such a problem passes some time after the end of taking medications that provoked it.
Paralysis of the sphincter of the pupil. Most often occurs with pathologies of the nervous system, including meningitis, epilepsy. In such cases, there will be no reaction to light.
Intoxication of the body.This symptom is observed when poisoning with toxins or narcotic substances, in particular cocaine. These factors cause a spasm of the muscle, which dilates the pupil.
Acute attack of glaucoma.With this factor, mydriasis also has a paralytic type.
Mechanical injuries, as well as surgical intervention, including corneal transplantation.These factors can lead to persistent dilatation of the pupil, requiring plastic surgery.
in some cases, the pathological dilatation of the pupil can be caused by lesions of the central nervous system, neuroses, traumas of the skull. If the place had such factors, the pupil will increase in bright light, and the narrowing will occur in the dark.
Diagnostic Methods
To establish the correct diagnosis with the expansion of the pupil, the patient needs to undergo a series of studies.These include:
Anamnesis, interview with a patient.In the course of it, the ophthalmologist must find out how long the person has had this pathology, and what exactly preceded it: the transferred illness, trauma, the use of eye drops.
Neurological examination.In its framework, the pupils' reaction to light, disturbance of consciousness, respiration, signs of damage to other nerves is investigated.
Inspection of the eyeball.In the course of it, the doctor must determine whether there are any eye injuries: bruising, breach of integrity.
Blood test.It is necessary to detect infections in the body and signs of inflammatory processes.
MRI and CT.These procedures are carried out in order to detect abnormalities in the work of the brain. It is necessary for suspected trauma or infectious diseases, in which there is damage to the brain.Ophthalmological examination
if necessary, the ophthalmologist may appoint additional tests and consultations to the patient from a neurosurgeon or other specialists. Their spectrum will depend on the data of the primary diagnosis and probable causes of mydriasis.
Therapy in the pathological dilatation of the pupils is selected depending on what factors it was provoked.So, if the site had a paralytic mydriasis, caused by a disruption of the sphincter of the pupil or dilator, alpha-adrenoblockers, for example phenolamine or prazosin, may be prescribed to the patient.Good results in the treatment of this pathology also give M-holinomimetiki, in particular acekledin. Also, patients with this pathology are prescribed funds that increase fluidity of the blood, and nootropics, which improve the nutrition of the brain.
Fentolamine refers to alpha-blockers
When poisoning the body, for example, with botulism, the patient's treatment is reduced to eliminating the cause of the pathology. With botulism, this is the introduction of anti-botulinum serum. For temporary relief of a person, alpha-adrenoblockers are used.
With the expansion of pupils, caused by medications, the patient is prescribed a course of cycloplegia.This helps to relieve muscle spasm. The duration of treatment with this drug varies from a few days to several weeks. If a patient has taken medications to dilate the pupils for an ophthalmological examination, he is not prescribed specific therapy to eliminate this symptom. Usually it passes in a few hours.
When traumatic dilatation of the pupil, patients are usually prescribed pilocarpine.Initially, it is given in low concentration to reduce the risk of human side effects. Over time, the dose of the drug is increased. Also, thymoxamine may be prescribed to the patient instead of this remedy, however, this medication is used much less frequently in medical practice.
Pilocardin is used for traumatic dilatation of the pupil
In addition to the main drug treatment, a patient can also be recommended to wear sunglasses constantly. It can be canceled only if the therapy is successful.
Recommendations for the care of eyesight:
Rejection of bad habits, especially the use of alcohol and drugs.
Doing sports and fitness, without the danger of getting a bruise or injury. Traumatic sports are excluded.
Healthy nutrition and vitamin therapy will strengthen the vessels of the eyes, muscle tissue.
Eye gymnasticsalso positively affects the muscles, and a timely rest will relax the spasms.
You should also avoid heavily polluted places and limiting viewing gadgets have a positive effect on the operation of the eye system.
Timely visit to the ophthalmologistwill allow time to detect this or that eye disease and prevent the emergence of irreversible processes associated with the retina and optic nerve.
Constantly widened pupils, just like narrowed ones, are a sign of pathology, and one should not wait until the process passes into a life-threatening stage.Nothing just does not "resolve" and will not disappear. As for the health of the child, special attention is required here. If you contact a doctor in time and find out the cause of mydriasis, you can help get rid of it at an early stage and prevent diseases of a more serious level. Your health is in your hands, remember this!