Back pain between scapulae: causes and treatment

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  • 1The back is hurting between the shoulder blades - why? If the back is hurting between the shoulder blades, what does it say and how to cope with the problem
    • 1.1Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades
    • 1.2Pathology of the spine
    • 1.3Diseases of surrounding structures
    • 1.4Diseases of internal organs
    • 1.5Other diseases
    • 1.6Diagnostics
    • 1.7Treatment
    • 1.8Prevention
  • 2Back pain between the scapulae
    • 2.1What diseases provoke pain between the shoulder blades in the back?
    • 2.2Competent doctors who can help in the treatment of pain between the shoulder blades
    • 2.3Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades
    • 2.4Treatment of pain between the shoulder blades in the back
    • 2.5Which way of life is called right?
    • 2.6What products should I opt out of?
    • 2.7What should I eat every day?
  • 3Causes of severe back pain between the shoulder blades
    • 3.1Pain caused by pathologies of the spinal column
    • 3.2Intervertebral hernia
    • 3.3Overexertion in a complex with supercooling of back muscles
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Tuberculosis of the spine
    • 3.5Scoliosis
    • 3.6Osteochondrosis
    • 3.7Intercostal neuralgia
    • 3.8Spondylarthrosis
    • 3.9Myositis of the muscles of the back
    • 3.10Diseases of internal organs
    • 3.11Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • 3.12Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • 3.13Diseases of the respiratory system
    • 3.14Other diseases
  • 4Pain in the spine between the scapula: causes and treatment
    • 4.1The nature of the pain between the shoulder blades
    • 4.2The cause of the pain between the shoulder blades
    • 4.3Pain in breast osteochondrosis
    • 4.4Pain with radiculitis
    • 4.5Pain in scoliosis
    • 4.6Pain with associated uncomfortable sensations
    • 4.7Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.8Treatment of painful attacks in the area between the scapulae
    • 4.9Home relief from pain
    • 4.10Elimination of pain in hospital
    • 4.11Elimination of pain with the help of gymnastics
    • 4.12Warm up
    • 4.13Standing exercises
    • 4.14Exercises lying down
    • 4.15Stretching

The back is hurting between the shoulder blades - why? If the back is hurting between the shoulder blades, what does it say and how to cope with the problem

Our contemporary has absolutely no time to watch over his health.

Any pathological manifestations are considered as a temporary inconvenience, regardless of the underlying cause. Hope for "maybe" always prevails.

People give preference to domestic affairs, instead of having time to see a doctor.

One of the unpleasant manifestations is the pain between the shoulder blades.

This is a dual symptom: it can testify both in favor of harmless conditions, accompanied only by pain syndrome, and in favor of formidable conditions, such as a heart attack. In order to understand well the source of the problem, you should become more familiar with this symptom.

Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades

There are many possible causes, pain between the shoulder blades.

Speech always goes about any pathology, therefore the painful syndrome should be considered as a secondary symptom of the current pathology.

What are the causes of what hurts the back between the shoulder blades? All causes of back pain between the shoulder blades can be divided into three groups:

• Pathology of the spine.

• Diseases of surrounding structures.

• Pathology of organs.

There are also reasons that can not be attributed to any of these three groups. Consider them in order.

Pathology of the spine

• Herniated discs. Intervertebral hernias in the thoracic spine can cause a symptom such as pain between the shoulder blades. It should be noted that this type of disease is extremely rare, not more often than in 2% of cases.

All because the spine in the thoracic region does not carry such a static and dynamic load as a loin or neck.

The cause of pain in the back between the shoulder blades is in the development of inflammation: when the nucleus of the intervertebral disc falls outside the bounding fibrous ring.

• Tuberculosis lesions. They are also extremely rare. The overwhelming majority of the Russian population is infected with a tubercle bacillus.

People do not even suspect that they are carriers. In the critical period, this pest can become more active and form a tuberculous focus in the spine.

Fortunately, this is a rare phenomenon.

• Curvature of the spine (scoliosis). More than half of people suffer from curvature of the spine. This disease can be accompanied by pain in the back between the shoulder blades.

• Osteochondrosis. The real trouble is people leading a sedentary lifestyle. As a result of a prolonged static load, the vertebrae "wear out" as a result - the hernia may develop as a logical continuation of osteochondrosis.

Diseases of surrounding structures

• Neuralgia. It is a compression effect on the nerve roots in the thoracic spine.

Dangers for the patient does not represent, but it is extremely difficult to bear.

As a rule, pain is observed on one side of the chest, but it is possible to develop a pain syndrome between the scapula.

• Inflammation of the back muscles. It is also called myositis. It arises spontaneously after hypothermia, an infectious disease, intensive physical labor. It is impossible to distinguish myositis independently from other diseases.

Diseases of internal organs

• Pathologies of the heart. It is very difficult to distinguish between intercostal neuralgia and other diseases from the pathology of the heart.

Heart attack, coronary heart disease (CHD), angina, almost always these diseases are accompanied by pain between the scapulae.

Important timely diagnostics, otherwise there is a big risk to miss a serious illness.

• Pathology of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract). Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), reactive pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), gastritis, especially accompanied by ulcers. Here are the main diseases, the discomfort from which radiates (gives) in the back between the shoulder blades.

• Diseases of the lungs. This includes both pneumonia and bronchitis, pleurisy, etc.

Other diseases

They are rare. These include:

• Fractures of the spine. May be accompanied by extremely intense pain, or minimal discomfort, depending on the severity of the lesion.

• Metastases in the spine. Most often it is the spine that metastasizes the cancer of the stomach.

• Systemic lesions of the spine. Like Bekhterev's disease.

There are many reasons for pain in the back between the shoulder blades. Independently to differentiate this or that state is simply impossible: the probability of error is high. Each of these diseases and conditions is accompanied by a symptom complex.

Symptomatic of diseases

Symptoms of each of their diseases. Based on the described manifestations, one can suspect a particular pathology. However, self-diagnosis should not be done, you should see a doctor.

Herniated discs

The intensity of pain during the period of exacerbation is high. The pain is so strong that the patient is not able to move independently, nor sit or stand.

In addition to pain, there is a "chill" on the hands, starting from the shoulders, numbness of the upper limbs. In more severe cases, problems with the heart and lungs are possible.

In the chronic stage, the pains become aching, pulling, accompanying a person for days and weeks. There are no pain in remission.


A long time is not accompanied by any symptoms. In the developed period there are weak pains.


It is not accompanied by any symptoms at an early stage. At a later time, the curvature becomes prominent visually, there is a rapid fatigue of the muscles, pain sensations are localized on one side.



Symptomatics is similar to manifestations of a hernia, however, the clinical picture is not so bright. Among the symptoms:


• Painful syndrome in the chest and between the shoulder blades.

• Crunch in the spine

• Difficulty breathing.

• Decreased functional activity of the upper limbs and back as a whole.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain in the area of ​​the affected organ. In this case, the source is not always obvious, often the pain is localized between the shoulder blades and in the back.

Diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract

As a rule, the pain syndrome is intense, accompanied by breathing disorders, shortness of breath, suffocation, etc.

Heart diseases

It is very important to distinguish the heart disease from the pathology of the spine and the surrounding structures in time. In diseases of the heart, there are:

• Pain behind the sternum.

• Burning sensation in the center of the chest.

• Chest compress (feels like a heavy load on the chest).

• Pain giving to the left arm.


Diagnosis of a condition such as pain between the shoulder blades begins in the office of a surgeon. This is the first specialist to be contacted. In the future, depending on the specific cause of discomfort, a consultation is shown:

• Orthopedic physician for problems with the spine and surrounding structures.

• A neurologist.

• A cardiologist.

• Pulmonologist (deals with respiratory problems).

• The gastroenterologist.

At the primary consultation, you should tell your doctor about your complaints. The next stage is instrumental diagnostics. Are applied:

• Chest X-ray. To determine changes from the spine, lungs.

• Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.


• MRI / CT, for a more accurate assessment of the condition of the musculoskeletal structures of the spine.

Laboratory studies are usually not informative.


The answer to the question "what if it hurts the back between the shoulder blades?" Is obvious, one needs to be treated.

Self-medication can not be done in any case: it is fraught with complications. However, to stop the pain syndrome before visiting a doctor, you can take an anti-inflammatory pill (Ibuprofen, Ketorolac) and an analgesic (Analgin, Novigan, etc.) once.

Treatment, in general, is conservative, medicines of the following groups are prescribed:

• Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs). To relieve the inflammation.

• Analgesics.

• Chondroprotectors (to protect the spine from further destruction).

In the rest, the treatment is symptomatic, and also aimed at eliminating the root cause of the painful manifestation. It is determined only by a doctor and only after a thorough diagnosis.

In exceptional cases, the operation is shown.

At the end of the acute period of problems with the spine, exercise therapy is prescribed, massage (with caution), physiotherapy.


There are several rules for the prevention of pain between the shoulder blades. Following them, you can forget about the question "what to do if the back is hurting between the shoulder blades?".

• Do not physically work too hard. If relief is not possible, it is recommended to take breaks every hour.

• It is not recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Light physical exertion is indicated for the prevention of back problems.

• Every six months or a year you need to undergo preventive examinations with a surgeon.

• When sedentary work is recommended, every hour to do an easy charging.

• You need to sit properly. Ideal fit - when the back is straight.

• It is necessary to follow the work of the heart and at the first suspicions to go to the doctor.

These recommendations will help to prevent diseases of the back.

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Pain in the back between the shoulder blades is an unpleasant symptom, indicative of the pathological process. Only a doctor can understand his character, so do not postpone your visit to a specialist. Fortunately, speech is usually about easy and not life-threatening diseases.

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Back pain between the scapulae

Painful sensations in any part of the body are not normal. Do not delay the visit to a specialist, if they have a long and lasting character. The diagnosis is largely due to the focus of pain.

If pain occurs between the shoulder blades, establishing an exact cause becomes quite problematic.

It may take quite some time for the doctor to establish, because of the ailment. Pain is not always a consequence of problems with the spine.


It can provoke various pathologies with tendons, ligaments, muscles in the interblade area.


Often the pain between the shoulder blades in the back is associated with a rather unpleasant feeling of heaviness, as well as burning.

In most cases, it completely recedes or dulls when a person changes body position.

If the pain does not pass after a change in the posture, they are often due to heart disease, spinal problems and other ailments. There are quite a few reasons.

What diseases provoke pain between the shoulder blades in the back?

The appearance of interblade pain can be a symptom of any illness. When it is accompanied by shivers, a feeling of some frostbite and numbness, then a person can suffer one of the following ailments:

  • angina pectoris;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • kyphosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • herniated disc of one of the spines located in the thoracic region.

Persistent pain between the ribs often occurs due to prolonged physical exertion on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

They are not characteristic for trainings, but for the predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

This also causes the fact that this problem affects the workers of intellectual work, seamstresses and typists.

The thoracic vertebral part is practically immobile and deformation changes for it are not characteristic, especially any significant ones. Exceptional situations, of course, are possible.

The presence or absence of deformation shows an x-ray examination.

Pass it is strongly recommended, since the emergence of pain in this area is characteristic for a long-term load, therefore, curvatures may be present in one or the other least.

Interblade pain is felt in different ways. This is due to the root cause of its occurrence. If it is a problem with tendons, it feels completely different.

Competent doctors who can help in the treatment of pain between the shoulder blades

The circle of doctors to be contacted for an accurate diagnosis is extensive, due to the source that led to the problem. A person experiencing inter-flechet pain should be visited and then treated by one of the following specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • Traumatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurologist.

Treatment may involve referring to a manual therapist and a massage therapist. Everything is caused by a diagnosis.

Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades

The above sources of development and the origin of the problem are quite diverse, but taking into account the fact that in In most cases, the cause is associated with the loads, it often manifests itself as a result of a prolonged load on the shoulder girdle. The latter is most often due to an incorrect posture, which, in turn, leads to scoliosis or, to put it in simple language, to the curvature of the vertebral column.

Often the pain in the back, felt in the area between the shoulder blades, provokes an osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic vertebral parts.

This disease is often accompanied by a spondylarthrosis of the thorax.

Lesions of the internal organs are not a frequent cause, which leads to the appearance of interblade pain sensations. They are often accompanied by other symptoms.

Scoliosisis an "acquired" as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle ailment. Its development provokes a long stay in one pose. This leads to a significant burden on the muscular groups of the cervical region, as well as vertebrae.

Osteochondrosis, as a rule, develops as a result of all possible damages of the intervertebral discs. It can be stratification, inflammation, deformity.

The disease can occur at any part of the vertebral column. Scoliosis often occurs against the background of spondylarthrosis and osteochondrosis. Each of the ailments is usually accompanied by pain localized on the back in the area between the shoulder blades.

In addition, the problem can be caused by lung diseases, including inflammation, that is pneumonia.

To prevent such an extreme, doctors advise to undergo fluorography every year.

Diseases associated with impaired cardiac function are rarely accompanied by interblade pain. If the problem starts to worry, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Treatment of pain between the shoulder blades in the back

Most people, in order to ease their condition, resort to physiotherapy, suggesting the performance of exercises within the curative physical culture, medicines. Among drugs, anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs are most often used, among which are nimick, ketonal and other analogues.

Medication and physiotherapy treatment, as a rule, are combined with each other.

Often resorted to sanatorium and spa treatment, manual and acupuncture procedures, massage sessions, laser and magnetotherapy, ultrasound and electrophoresis of lidase. The exact scheme is chosen by the doctor.

The specialist chooses the treatment that best suits the patient, depending on the diagnosis, to quickly eliminate pain and accelerate recovery.


Therapeutic physical training, along with the above procedures, facilitates the relief and removal of pain in the interblade area.


It is appointed by the attending physician, when the painful syndrome begins to recede, involves the mastering and daily execution of certain exercises.

It does not stop doing and after recovery as a prevention of relapse.

Experts recommend that absolutely all people try to create the most comfortable conditions for an optimal load on the muscular system. This implies correct posture, gait, comfortable position during sleep and mobility, that is, a certain physical activity.

Which way of life is called right?

Everyone, from a young age, is told about the importance of abandoning bad habits, driving a mobile lifestyle and playing sports, but not everyone knows what is meant by this.

The concept of a healthy way of life is more complex, as it presupposes an account of the ecological situation and observance of the bases of proper nutrition, as well as other important factors.

But the diet is of paramount importance.

What products should I opt out of?

In order for the body to function properly, the following foods should not be in the human diet:

  • flour and confectionery products;
  • sugar, chocolate and butter;
  • sausage and sausage production;
  • fast food.

The amount of concentrated juice drunk should be kept to a minimum.

What should I eat every day?

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • ketu, pink salmon, horse mackerel, trout;
  • veal and beef;
  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • more vegetables and fruits;
  • dried fruits and cereals;
  • natural yoghurt, kefir and cottage cheese;
  • Adyghe and Dutch cheeses, as well as mozzarella and gouda.

It is necessary to monitor the compatibility of products, and not to use everything at once. Do not eat borscht, potatoes with meat at the same time, singing dishes with kissel.

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Causes of severe back pain between the shoulder blades

Most people with back pain between the shoulder blades associate its appearance with various disorders of the spine, nerve root ligaments, intervertebral discs or the disc itself. But it should be remembered that such pain can be associated with other diseases of the chest - stomach, heart, respiratory system, mediastinum.

Such a pain can be as acute, which is rapidly increasing and either passes quickly, or significantly increases with time, and chronic - which for a long time worries the patient and requires the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, since it can be a symptom of a serious pathology of any chest organs cells. Sometimes pain between the shoulder blades can occur only after severe physical exertion or after a long time in a certain uncomfortable position.

It should be remembered that pain in the interblade area is not a disease, but a symptom, and before use any ointments from back pain or shots, you should establish the real cause of their appearance.

When referring to a doctor it is very important to describe all the slightest accompanying symptoms that accompany painful sensations, the time of their occurrence, the provoking factors of it strengthening, because the doctor needs to help in determining the direction of the survey and sometimes it is very difficult to establish a correct diagnosis without accurate data on the nature pain.

Very often untimely detection of the true cause of pain between the shoulder blades, make a person go through a lot of expensive and long-lasting surveys, use different treatment options, which are sometimes not appropriate and therefore do not bring the desired result. Therefore, it is very important that the patient himself is aware of a possible list of diseases for which this pain syndrome is characteristic.

Pain caused by pathologies of the spinal column

On such obvious reasons as injuries, injuries, dislocations and vertebral fractures, we will not go into detail, but consider other possible causes of such pain in the back.

Intervertebral hernia

It should be noted that the vertebral hernia in the thoracic spine is a very rare phenomenon, since this part of the spine does not carry such an increased load as the cervical and lumbar parts.

To diagnose or rule out this pathology neurologist, the osteopath sends the patient to the MRI, CT.

Changes in the intervertebral hernia are due to the fact that the fibrous ring - the outer part of the intervertebral disc from tearing begins to act, while the distance between the vertebrae decreases and the nervous roots. That is, the fibrous ring is cracking, a pulpous nucleus (a shock absorber in the center of the disc) begins to protrude into it.

If such a hernia is detected, the doctors prescribe NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory drugs), physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, reflexology, in severe cases, a surgical operation.

The difference of such pain with intervertebral hernia of the thoracic spine from other pathologies is its localization only in one place, also the pain can be irradiated to the chest, which may resemble the symptoms of pulmonary function disorders or heart. With prolonged absence of treatment for the intervertebral hernia, the spinal curvature, paraparesis of the lower extremities, the disruption of pelvic organs, chronic pain syndrome may occur.

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Overexertion in a complex with supercooling of back muscles

From the overstrain of the muscles of the back, pain can also occur in the region of the scapula, this is not considered a disease, but with frequent excessive loads, weight, with a long stay in a sitting position, in a monotonous pose - increases the risk of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia. Very often, such pain affects people whose work forces them to be in the same position for several hours a day - these are seamstresses, drivers, office employees, surgeons.

Sometimes when a combination of such a profession and conditioner, hypothermia, there may be a so-called chamber, when the pain becomes more intensive and requires the appointment of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the use of warming, distracting ointments, massage and etc. To prevent such complications, one should try to avoid drafts, keep the most active image life, yoga, bodyfoot, therapeutic gymnastics, every six months to take a professional course massage.

Tuberculosis of the spine

About this disease to date, many doctors seem to "forget" and anti-tuberculosis services in the country by for some reason, decline, and in fact almost 90% of the population are infected with childhood mycobacterium tuberculosis.

If a person is injured, especially the back, or the joint, or simply very supercooled, with very weakened immunity, in place a bruise often enough occurs a tuberculosis foci, which even on x-rays for specific signs is not always possible on time recognize.

Often in such cases, the diagnosis is established only when the person is already exhausted from the terrible pain and has a number of complications.

In this human disease, a very strong, burning pain between the shoulder blades can be disturbed, the patients describe it as twisting or drilling in one point of the spine, as well as when the focus is located in the thoracic spine, the pain radiates into the chest, in which burning, fever, an ache.


Tuberculosis of the spine is a very insidious disease, and, when it occurs in the spine, it is not always the patient is found out foci in the lungs, it can be an independent focus of tuberculosis infection in any department the spine. People are used to the opinion that tuberculosis is a disease that affects only low social strata of the population and is localized, as a rule, only in the lungs. This is a huge mistake!


With a weakening of the body's defenses, the Koch's wand, which is practically in every human body, is activated in the weakened organs and a slow inflammatory process, it can be as kidneys, lymph nodes, female uterine fallopian tubes, prostate or testicles in men, and individual vertebrae in the spine or joints in extremities.


According to statistics, almost 50% of the population has varying degrees of scoliosis - bending, twisting vertebral column, and most often it is the thoracic spine in combination with cervical or lumbar departments.

And since the ribs are connected with the thoracic areas, there is a change in shape and chest.

There are a lot of reasons for its development: congenital pathologies of ligaments, bones, and also acquired ones - intensive physical overload, sitting office work or schoolchildren sitting at a desk.

With a lateral and direct chest X-ray, the surgeon, neurologist, orthopedist or osteopath can establish a similar diagnosis.

Therapy of such pathology should be very intensive and long-lasting - it is massage, wearing a special corset, therapeutic gymnastics.

In scoliosis, pain in the back between the shoulder blades is a leading symptom, and it has the following symptoms:

  • At an early stage, the visual distortion may be subtle, but with the progression of scoliosis when examining the patient from the rear, the curvature becomes noticeable.
  • Scoliosis increases fatigue of the back muscles
  • Shoulders and hands can be at different heights
  • The pain that disturbs the patient in the chest is localized more often in one side
  • Between the shoulder blades, pain can be either periodic from a strong overvoltage or a prolonged standing or sitting position, and can also be constant.


Since the primary stages of osteochondrosis are now found even in ten-year-old children, this pathology can rightfully be called a scourge of a modern urban resident.

Until recently, this disease was considered a disease of the elderly, but modern life, wrong, sedentary lifestyle leads to early development of dystrophic changes in the joints and spine. The cause of pain in the back contributes to the inflammatory process, which develops in the surrounding tissues around the damaged vertebrae, as well as by pinching the nerve roots. For osteochondrosis, the following symptoms are typical:

  • Constant, aching pains in the back, worse with sneezing, coughing, abrupt change of body position, with physical exertion
  • When straightening the shoulders, you can hear a crunch between the shoulder blades
  • Pain in the chest can be described as if "a stake is worth"
  • Reducing the mobility of the ribs leads to difficulty in breathing, and as if the person begins to breathe belly
  • Limited movement in the hands, there is a weakness, tingling or numbness in the hands.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia usually worries a person with pain in one side of the chest, but in rare cases it can be in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

This occurs in situations where there is a squeezing of the nerve roots in the thoracic excessive stress, with supercooling, injuries, infectious diseases or with osteochondrosis thoracic department.

With intercostal neuralgia symptoms, pain intensifies with pressure on the chest, when coughing, and can disturb the patient day and night.

Because the pain with osteochondrosis, scoliosis and intercostal neuralgia is very difficult to differentiate, for clarification of the diagnosis, you should contact a qualified orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, osteopath, surgeon.


This disease is very similar to osteochondrosis, the nature of pain, the factors of its amplification under load, the change in the position of the body. Also, it is chronic, with periods of exacerbation and remission.

To distinguish spondylarthrosis from osteochondrosis is possible only with the help of X-ray, MRI or CT.

With this disease, the cartilage is destroyed and replaced with bone tissue, therefore, on the vertebrae, bone protuberances can be found.

Myositis of the muscles of the back

After any hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infection, flu, muscle strain, back injury, inflammation in the muscle tissue - myositis may occur. Like any disease, it can flow sharply or chronically.

The pain can be in any part of the spine, they are nochy and they also increase with palpation, movement, and physical activity.

This is not a dangerous condition, and the use of warming and anesthetic ointments from back pain usually helps.

Diseases of internal organs

As we have already said, not always pain in the field of shoulder blades on the back are signs of diseases of the spine, almost all diseases of the mediastinum, heart, stomach, pancreas and gallbladder can contribute to the appearance of painful sensations in the back. In our time of oncological tension, when the cancer does not spare either children or adults, the development of tumors of the mediastinal, stomach, and lung organs can be manifested with pain in the scapula.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris are diseases that can also be the cause of such pains. With angina pectoris.

for example, the pain never lasts more than 5 minutes and when taking nitroglycerin it basically immediately passes.

However, with an acute attack, if severe pain lasts more than 5 minutes, the arterial pressure, there is a cold sweat, pale skin, you should immediately call an ambulance help.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis is a disease that can also be responsible for the onset of pain in the thoracic region, both in front and behind. Also, the development of oncological diseases of the stomach, pancreas can cause such sensations.

Diseases of the respiratory system

If the patient is coughing up for back pain, an increase in body temperature, even insignificant, the cause may be pathology of the lungs.

Usually, such diseases as pneumonia or pleurisy are preceded by hypothermia, transferred to ARVI, influenza.

Recently, cases of development of atypical forms of pneumonia have become frequent, when pneumonia is caused by such pathogens as mycoplasma or chlamydia, they are not accompanied by a very high temperature, and can occur against the background of subfebrile, with the pain in the back on the right, left, with inspiration, especially worse with deep inspiration. The main criterion for distinguishing lung pathology from other causes is the presence of temperature, not even high and coughing.

Other diseases

  • Osteoporosis with fractures of vertebral bodies, say against the background of long-term use of steroid hormones or the fall of estrogens in postmenopause in women.
  • Metastasis in the vertebrae of stomach cancer, for example, can also cause pain
  • Spontaneous fractures with irrational loads.
  • Ankylochirating spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) is a systemic disease. Striking more often men, in which the inflammation affects the vertebrae and the ossification of the ligaments occurs. As a result, the spine becomes inflexible, and radiographically described as a bamboo stick.

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Pain in the spine between the scapula: causes and treatment

Pain between the shoulder blades

Back problems interfere with all areas of life. It is very uncomfortable to walk, it hurts to turn, sleep is constantly interrupted and a person can not fully rest. In this article, we will expand on the shelves what to do when the pain between the shoulder blades is pursued.

The nature of the pain between the shoulder blades

The pain has a lot of larvae and manifestations. First, it is different in sensations. It can be a growing pain, irradiating, stitching, aching. Secondly, it differs in the field of distribution. There are pain between the shoulder blades, which gives:

  • in the neck;
  • in the sternum;
  • in one of the sides of the back.

And finally, pain in the spine between the shoulder blades can manifest at different times - after sleep, loads, long activity or immobility.

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The cause of the pain between the shoulder blades

There are a lot of factors provoking such a state. But among them one can single out the most basic reasons:

  1. The most basic problem that leads to discomfort is a sedentary lifestyle. The work that causes you to stay in one position for a long time will lead to pain in the back.
  2. High probability of pain between the shoulder blades after various back injuries.
  3. The lack of training, which includes at least charging, can affect not only the pain, but also serious illnesses.
  4. Too heavy loads are also undesirable.

All this can be manifested by pain. But also, the reason can lie in the already started disease of the thoracic spine:

  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion, herniation of the intervertebral disc;
  • radiculitis;
  • shoulder-scapular periarthrosis;
  • pathology of the heart, lungs, mediastinal organs;
  • infectious diseases.

Pain in breast osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis consists in the defeat of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc. As a result, the nucleus of the disc can protrude, the surviving nerves and vessels that pass through the spinal anus. In this case, there is a pain between the shoulder blades and in the sternum.

Muscles are very tense and require relaxation. Simple gymnastics, combined with warming ointments, will greatly facilitate the patient's condition.

Pain with radiculitis

Radiculitis is manifested by the defeat of the nerve roots. As a result, the innervation is broken, the edema of the tissues develops. Intervertebral discs lose their former elasticity, vertebrae are displaced and, as a result, nerve entrapment is observed.

The pain is more numb. But to confuse sciatica is impossible, because the rapid development of the disease fetters the movement.

Pain in scoliosis

Pain in scoliosis

At a scoliosis the pain appears because of a twisting of a backbone. It is chronic, especially intensifying in the morning. In general, when after a dream back pain between the shoulder blades, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The most innocuous thing that can serve as the reason is an uncomfortable bed, which causes the body to take a nonphysiological position.

As a result, the muscles can not relax at night. With problems with the intervertebral disc, pain, also especially pronounced in the morning.

This is due to the movement of blood vessels or nerves.

Pain with associated uncomfortable sensations

Very often the pain between the shoulder blades is manifested with burning. This can be the case:

  • hernia of the spine(pain increases with laughter, coughing and slopes);
  • muscular spasm(heavy loads are brought to him, without accompanying relaxation activities);
  • narrow spinal canal(burning does not stop for a minute, no position can ease the patient's condition).

Cervical osteochondrosis

Pain in cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis, which affects the cervical intervertebral discs, is less common than the lumbar disc. But it is most dangerous, as it is in close proximity to the think tanks.

Cervical vertebrae are very small for the volume of nerves and vessels that they miss. Accordingly, the slightest change in the structure causes sharp changes in the patient's condition.

Primary manifestations include pain between the shoulder blades and in the neck. In the first place, the muscles suffer. They are constantly tense, because of this, blood supply is broken and pain syndrome appears.

Then there is a frequent headache, turning into attacks, numbness of the hands, a constant feeling of lump or pain in the throat, which is associated with a violation of the innervation of the swallowing center. The lack of blood coming to the brain causes dizziness.

Treatment of painful attacks in the area between the scapulae

When the back is badly hurt between the shoulder blades, you can not tarry. As soon as possible, take up treatment. You can get rid of the pain in three ways - with the help of medication at home, giving yourself to doctors in the hospital and with the help of daily physical exercises.

Home relief from pain

Most often, the first stage of treatment of any back disease is the removal of symptoms. When a patient begins treatment, he can not still exercise or withstand a massage. The inflammatory process is at the stage when any irritation responds with a sharp pain.

In order to relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used. They penetrate into the affected area and relieve inflammation, by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. It is these cells that activate the inflammation process.

After the inflammation subsided (it takes about one week), begin treatment with ointments that irritate the nerve endings. For example, Efkamon. This ointment irritates the nerve endings and causes the expansion of blood vessels. The latter is achieved due to the thermal effect.

Elimination of pain in hospital

To all diseases of the back, doctors choose complex treatment. It includes:

  • anesthesia;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • removal of muscle spasms with medication;
  • relaxation of muscles with massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • complex of physiotherapy exercises.

Each complex is individual. The doctor selects it based on the overall picture of the patient's health, considering all the diseases.

The fact is that many drugs for the treatment of diseases of the back have an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.

With heart diseases, a ban on vasodilator drugs, etc. is possible.

This is the main reason for the ban on self-treatment. Maybe you can improve the condition of the spine, but along with this, new problems will appear.

Physiotherapy with pain between the shoulder blades

As a physiotherapy they use:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser exposure;
  • ultrasound;
  • electrotherapy.

But often the use of such methods is unreasonable. The reaction of the body is individual. And if one with new forces fights against the disease after magnetotherapy, then others may not even notice that there was some treatment.

At the expense of massage managed to form a general medical opinion. With its help, it turns out, relax the muscles, establish in the blood circulation, which in turn will trigger the normal course of metabolic processes.

Elimination of pain with the help of gymnastics

Gymnastic Exercises

Physical exercises need to be performed, both at home and in the hospital. Thanks to them, the muscles become more prepared for the loads, lactic acid does not stay in them and the whole body comes to order.

Gymnastics is performed during the period of calming down of pain. An important rule is to listen to your body.

Movement is slow and smooth, and at this time, all attention is focused on sensations.


With a feeling of pain, unpleasant tingling or tension, you need to exclude this exercise to "better times".


Such exercises are peculiar beacons of recovery. You can try them once a week. And as the list of forbidden movements melt, you will become clear - the process of recovery is moving.

Let us pass directly to the training. It contains 3 stages - warm-up, gymnastics, stretching. And it is executed from different initial position.

Warm up

This stage is necessary for warming up the muscles. If you miss it, you may get injured, as untrained and strained muscles can stretch out in inaccurate traffic.

  1. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Be relaxed, legs should serve as a kind of shock absorbers, like springs. Try to make a pair of springy little sit-ups. Remember this feeling and keep it in your legs.
  2. Join the hands of the hands below, then dilute them like wings and connect them at the top. In this case, breathe deeply and continuously. Repeat the motion 10 times.
  3. Place your hands on your shoulders and make circular motions 10 times with your elbows, then make similar movements with your shoulders, also 10 times.

Standing exercises

After that, go directly to the training.

  1. Neck: Carry your head down - up (10 times). The slopes are left-right (10 times), turns left-right (10 times) and circular motions clockwise, and then against (10 times in each direction). Be careful. Pull the neck easier than all other parts of the body.
  2. Shoulders: Open your arms, keeping them to the width of your shoulders. Do an exercise like scissors. After that, extend your arms at the chest level, one down, the other up. Pull your hands back to the maximum.
  3. an ore cage: for training these muscles, the slopes are ideal. Begin with the simplest - stretch up and lower your hands to the floor. Then raise your hands up, connect the palms and execute the slopes to the left - to the right. And finally, the hardest thing is to hold your hands together, perform circular motions with your whole body.

Exercises lying down

  1. Select a firm, level surface. Perfectly suitable floor. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body.
  2. Raise your head, keeping your chin steady. Hold in this position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position.
  3. Pull your arms forward, lift your chest as close as you can. Hold for 15 seconds, go back to the starting position.
  4. Raise both the trunk and legs.
  5. Turn over on your back and tear off the head from the floor, at first smoothly, then slightly tilting to the left - to the right.


After doing the exercises, you need to let the muscles slowly exit the active mode.

  1. Hug yourself by the shoulders and pull your shoulders to each other. You will feel the tension of the muscles, like in the morning after stretching.
  2. Pull your hands forward, turn your hands away from you and stretch. Then put your hands up and repeat.
  3. Place the palm of your right hand on the opposite side of the head and pull your head to the right shoulder. Then, do the same to the left.

At the end of the workout, take a warm shower to finally relax the muscles and drink sweet tea, which will restore glucose in the body.

Only a short list of the main exercises is given. The doctor, on the basis of the cause of pain, physical preparation of the patient, makes up the training himself.

How would you not want to recover on your own and save your time on trips to hospitals, you need to have extensive knowledge in medicine to be able to get rid of the disease.

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