Why does barley appear on the eye?

In some people this phenomenon happens regularly, and they, of course, are wondering why this is happening, what causes the disease? Barley not only spoils the exterior, it is quite painful and hinders the eye review, it causes discomfort and spoils the mood. What are the ways of treatment and prevention? How to rid yourself of the disease, and is it contagious or not barley?


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of disease

Everyone knows that the human visual organs are very complex and at the same time a gentle mechanism. Precisely because they are so sensitive, often there is a collision with various pathogenic viruses and bacteria.Any slight contamination or non-sterile contact with the eye can result in irritation, lacrimation or even inflammation.

One of the most common problems associated with the eyes is a disease, like barley. Of course, it does not pose any threat to human life, but it becomes an embarrassing and painful ailment, from which one immediately wants to get rid of.

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Barley itself does not appear, it is only an external manifestation, the cause itself is hidden inside the body.

In order to find out the available factors for the appearance of the disease, you need to clearly understand what it is. Barley appears due to an inflammatory purulent process in the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelash.


As already mentioned, the general cause is the weakening of the protective properties of the body, but there are many specific causes that provoke the appearance of barley on the eye:

  • The most frequent can be diseases of the eyelids or eyes.Barley is only a consequence of such diseases or a complication that subsequently arose. That is why it is so important to regularly be examined by an ophthalmologist, not only for visual acuity, but also to undergo a complete examination of the entire system.
  • One of the popular reasons for jumping out of a painful phenomenon is the non-observance of personal hygiene.Many people just have some kind of craze, constantly touch their eyes, scratch them, and this happens, as a rule, with dirty hands. The results of such actions are damage to the delicate skin of the eyelids and the penetration of the skin of viruses and bacteria, which very quickly cause inflammation.
  • Can develop against the backdrop of demodectic eyelids.
  • One and the reasons are frequent hypothermia and colds.Here just in this case barley is a witness of weak immunity and gives a warning and eloquent signal to a person that it is time to strengthen "defense".
  • After a severe illness, during rehabilitation, when the body has not fully recovered.
  • The surrounding polluting environment also acts as a provocative factor.Especially in the urban environment is a lot of external stimuli. It is dust, smoke, evaporation of harmful properties.
  • Inflammation of the bulb of the eyelash also occurs due to problems in the digestive system, few know about it, but this is the case in practice.
  • Stressful situations or prolonged nervous tension can become provoking factors for the appearance of this phenomenon.
  • Due to the weakening of immunity, the internal functional of the organism, including metabolic processes, is violated, this can be most directly related to barley.

As you can see, the reasons for the inflammation are enough, and this only once again proves how important it is to keep your body clean and good health, have strong immunity, in order to be sure - harmful bacteria can not penetrate into and damage health.


Define the symptoms can be quite simple, because a person has pain in the eyelids and eyes, which can be accompanied by headaches. Barley can cause an increase in temperature, but the most significant symptom of barley visual character is the appearance on the century of redness and swelling.

Symptoms begin to manifest in the form of redness at the site of future barley. Then you can observe the swelling of this part of the eyelid, usually one or several eyelashes.

The focus of the disease can appear suddenly, start to get very sick, about him and say "jumped out". Within three days, the localization is more pronounced, that is, a yellowish-colored head appears at the site of the inflamed area. On the fourth day, the hearth is opened and the pus comes out.This happens without human intervention, with what, after the outpouring of the purulent mass, the pain passes.

Edema usually occurs if the external angle of the optic organs is inflamed, this indicates abnormalities in the lymphatic process. We can say that the main reason for barley popping out is in the weakened immune system.The disease is only a warning or the body's response to a deficiency of immunity, like temperature, sore throat or runny nose, if they do not have an underlying infection.

If a person often has the appearance of barley, you need to turn to an ophthalmologist. Only he will tell how you can get rid of it.

In no case can you interfere with this process, touch the purulent focus, and even more so try to squeeze it out. This threatens with very negative consequences.Inflammation passes for a fairly short period of time, especially if the person is quite healthy and the immunity is in good condition.

Specialists distinguish two types of disease. They depend on the causes of occurrence and have a different appearance:

  • An external form, in which the lap of the eyelash or sebaceous gland is inflamed.
  • The internal, the most painful form, when the inflammatory process in the meibomian gland is stated.

Possible complications

About the usual form now everything is clear. Here the disease is of a short nature and disappears after the purulent contents have appeared. The person feels a noticeable improvement in the condition, and the pain sensation passes.

The internal type has a more complex process, since an infection of the mucous membranes of the eyeball can occur when the abscess ruptures. This becomes most dangerous when there are minor injuries or damage.For this very reason, one should consult specialists, and not wait for the abscess to swell and leak out.

One of the most difficult consequences is the occlusion of meibomian glands. In this case, there is a process in which barley turns into a capsule and the formation of a halazion is obtained.Here you can not do without surgery. To prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to begin to treat the disease in its very germ.

It is impossible to wear contact lenses with barley and apply any make-up.


With minor inflammation and normal condition and well-being, treatment is not necessary. It is only necessary to observe this phenomenon.

I happen such situations when the head does not ripen, and after strong reddening and edema, the inflammation passes by itself.In other cases, urgent rescue measures must be taken.

Treatment of the focus of inflammation should be regular, for this use antiseptic means, among them: iodine, zelenka or tincture of calendula on alcohol. A cotton swab neatly handles the dangerous area several times a day.


Drugs that can cure the inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the century, pharmacies are offered quite a lot, among them eye drops, ointments and gels. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment, such as:

  • Tetracycline ointment.
  • Hydrocortisone preparations.
  • Erythromycin ointment.
How to apply ointment on eyes

Sedi drops are most often used:

  • Floxal,
  • Albucid,
  • Tobrex,
  • Gentamicin.

There is another known anti-microbial agent, which belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones of the 2nd generation. This is Ofloxacin.It can be either in the form of an ointment, or in the form of or drops for the eyes. But without consulting an ophthalmologist, you should not use any of their medicines yourself. In this case, individual actions are completely excluded.Well, and about known national methods, it is necessary to keep silent at all, as they have nothing in common with the correct and civilized treatment.

With a good warming, barley can swell faster and break through. Procedures for warming up are prescribed only when the abscess has not matured to the end.Warm compresses also speed up the process, but they should only be dry.Mono use the salt, heated in the pan, sand or grits, boiled eggs. Neither placed in a kerchief or a napkin and applied to a sore spot.

Warming up is carried out no more than 15 minutes. The procedure can be done up to several times throughout the day.

The doctor sometimes appoints UHF procedures.


In those infrequent moments, when the abscess "stayed but never swelled, an operation is prescribed.Surgeons make a cut, make a drainage output for pus. After completion of the manipulation, the sore spot is treated with antiseptics for a period until the wound is fully healed.

People's means

This approach is possible, unless it is limited to spitting in the eye. But jokes aside.

Indeed, there are folk methods that can help with this disease. Several recipes and methods for their application, we now offer:

  • Treatment with aloe.Leave the plant cut and pour hot boiling water, insist 30 minutes. It is advisable to treat the eyelid with a cotton pad several times a day.
  • Strong brewing can also wipe the affected area during the day.
  • Infusion of chamomile medicinal helps to relieve pain, especially with large localization of inflammation. Dry mixture to insist in boiling water and use as compresses for ever.

Why do eyelids swell over your eyes?

What this Okutiarz drops are assigned from will tell this article.

Eye drops antibacterial and antiviral Okoferon http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kak-primenyat-glaznye-kapli-okoferon.html




Barley on the eye does not pose a threat to life or health. However, and without attention to leave this phenomenon is not worth it. Without much fanaticism and hysteria, one should observe the process and, in case of instability, simply come to the doctor's office. This will help together with him to solve the problem and make effective steps towards an early recovery.

Do not forget about the role of immunity for your own life. People with a strong immune system, as a rule, are not exposed to such unpleasant incidents as the appearance of barley on the eyelids. Remember this, and take care of immunity - it's our everything!

Also read about what is meibomite, and about what ointments are used to treat barley on the eye.

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