Psychosomatics of the child's rhinitis

What is the psychosomatics of the common cold and other respiratory diseases?

Practically each of us has a stuffy nose. Psychosomatics of the common cold psychologists are treated at different angles. All their opinions converge in one: the nose is the body responsible for self-esteem. When he is free and fully works, a person lives in harmony with his feelings. Nasal congestion is the projection of inner feelings into the external world. At the same time, a person experiences heaviness, discontent with himself, his dignity is restrained.

The modern world presses on people. Unloved work, loans and mortgages, discord in the family, hidden grievances - all this is accumulated inside. The feeling of confusion becomes a constant companion. It seems that there is no way out of this situation, and we blame ourselves on everything. There are times when self-esteem is understated by surrounding people, constantly paying attention to shortcomings, pointing out mistakes, quibbling. Not surprisingly, the body is protected, because when you are sick you can hide from the problems at home.

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Psychological background of asthma

Bronchial asthma is considered the most complicated and poorly studied disease of the respiratory tract. The body reacts to external stimuli, resulting in an attack of suffocation. It is not always possible to predict which substance will become a catalyst. Suffocation can arise from dust, pollen, stress, fear. When a patient can not cope with his feelings, an asthma attack is most difficult to stop. During choking, often pawns the nose, then the person begins to "snap" the air with his mouth, trying to get his own saving oxygen.

Children sometimes use the disease to attract attention.Asthma is associated with feelings of inferiority, fear, panic. An attack can occur with an overabundance of feelings, such as anxiety, anxiety, depression.

The patient does not cope with the life situation, and the body helps to escape. At the same time, the psychosomatics of the common cold is obvious. Such people are susceptible to excessive excitability, fearful, emotionally changeable, prone to a depressed mood.

Psychologists also explain the occurrence of asthma by the lack of the ability to express negative feelings in other ways, for example through tears. The asthmatic tries to suppress the accumulating negative, and he, in turn, breaks out in the form of a bronchial spasm.

To reduce the frequency of attacks, patients are advised to learn how to splash emotions. The patient needs to understand the cause of his fears, then they can be dealt with and they will stop "choking" him.

Dejection as a cause of influenza

Influenza is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract, accompanied by fever, chills, a severe runny nose, fatigue.

The flu is always connected with the world of interpersonal relationships. A person suffers from troubles with colleagues, friends, family, and the body "includes" a protective mechanism. When diagnosing influenza, the patient is shown bed rest and sleep, at which time the inner sense of balance is restored, the emotional background stabilizes.

The flu is also sick people who can not formulate their desires, understand what to do and how to behave. The stronger the disease, the harder it is to understand her psychosomatics. The patient feels like a victim of the circumstances and does not see a way out.

In such a situation, the best solution is not to run from the problem, but to understand its causes, change your attitude to what is happening. It should be remembered that influenza dominates where immunity is weakened, which, in turn, decreases from the general negative mood.

Psychosomatics of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a lung disease. The lungs, filled with air, saturate the blood with oxygen, which spreads life throughout the body. Problems with the lungs symbolize the inability to take what is needed. Also, pneumonia is associated with special events, which are intercepted by breathing. Most often this is grief, fear, impasse. Psychosomatics of pneumonia is rooted in a strong emotional shock.

Solving the problem on an emotional level:

  1. Accept the situation. It is important to understand the cause of fear, stress, depression. Such an event will affect life, it's hard not to notice. Separate it, outline the boundaries. Changes have occurred only in some areas of life, in the rest - everything is in order.
  2. Consider the problem in parts. In this way, you can step-by-step proceed to a solution without taking over all the work at once.
  3. Assess the prospects. Look at the problem from different angles. Think about what will happen when this or that development of events.
  4. Find a solution. The outcome can be anything, it all depends on how it is achieved. Consider all possibilities, even the most fantastic ones. Perhaps in them lies the very same way out.
  5. Control thoughts. Life is the way we will adjust. Try to think only in a positive way.
  6. Act. The problem will not move from its place, if not to meet its solution. The plan is designed, embody it!

Psychosomatic causes of ARVI

ARVI is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, the constant companion of which is the common cold. It is known that, being in the same room with a sick person, not everyone present will fall ill at once, but someone will be completely healthy. The frequency and severity of respiratory diseases largely depends on the emotional background of a person. Disrespect for yourself, betrayal of your own ideas and principles, low self-esteem - each of these conditions increases the risk of illness. The immune system weakens and can not fight the virus. On the one hand, the person is ill to not solve the accumulated problems, on the other - the body is completely exhausted by illness and stress. So the circle closes, and respiratory diseases are more and more difficult.

At the same time, ARVI does not always have a psychosomatic basis. A significant role here is played by the genetic predisposition of the patient. Only a relapse of the disease signals a worsening of the emotional state.

Sometimes the disease helps meet unrealized human needs, such as extraneous care, communication with (hobby), rest and sleep, which due to high importance can not be constantly ignore. In this case, it is worth exploring the problem, rather than running away from it. Take time for yourself and your desires.

Bronchitis or hidden insult

With bronchitis, the chest squeezes so tightly that it is impossible to inhale.

Psychologists suggest that this disease is more common in people with secret insanity.

Such a state can last a long time, taking roots deeper and deeper. Often, bronchitis occurs on the basis of childhood insult, which was inflicted by parents or close people. Disease acquired in childhood, can go to a chronic condition in adulthood. The psychosomatics of bronchitis is similar in many respects to the causes of bronchial asthma. Unspoken resentment accumulates, begins to search for ways out and finds them, squeezing the bronchi, splashes out with a cough.

If treatment with conventional means does not help, you need to find a psychological problem. The optimal way to solve is to understand the reasons for resentment and forgiveness of the person who inflicted it. Forgive not work? Then take it for granted, do not blame yourself and do not rebuke your opponent. Try to change your perception of the situation.


Each of these diseases is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, the patient sneezes, coughs. It is widely believed that the main cause of the disease is hypothermia, and the rhinitis is transmitted by contact with the carrier of the infection. Such an installation is embodied in a real illness, but its emotional instability and weakened immunity complicate it. If everyone had reconsidered their perception of the common cold, healthy people would have been much more.

We can distinguish the following factors contributing to frequent relapse:

  • personal anxiety;
  • low resistance to stress;
  • depressive disorders;
  • anxiety and stress;
  • difficulties in social contacts.

For the prevention and treatment it is necessary to regulate the emotional state. It is not necessary to keep a storm inside, feelings are proportional to circumstances, and their output should be uniform. Do not get hung up and blame yourself in all the cataclysms of the world. Look for yourself in the happening events, without delving into flaws. Simple rules will help to achieve stability in the psychological and physical state, and the diseases will remain in the past.

Psychosomatics is a cold in a child. Causes and Treatment

The psychosomatics of the common cold in children and adults has been studied by specialists for many years. However, in the understanding of an ordinary person, the cause of the development of such a pathological condition is nothing more than a cold, hypothermia, allergies and so on. But how to be, if there are no obvious causes for the onset of a cold, and rhinitis worries the patient for quite a long time and yet does not respond to treatment? In this case, experts point to a medical direction, such as psychosomatics. Runny nose, according to this direction, can arise because of a number of psychological factors. Which ones, we will tell below.

basic information

What is psychosomatics? A rhinitis caused by a person can have not only a physiological character, but also a psychological one. It is these factors that study the mentioned direction in medicine.

According to the opinion of psychologists and other specialists, almost all human diseases somehow develop because of psychological inconsistencies and other disorders that occur in the subconscious mind and mind patient.

Psychosomatics of the child's nose is not fully understood. At the same time, many doctors argue that the psychological causes of the development of diseases such as bronchial asthma, headache, syndrome irritated colon, essential hypertension, dizziness, tension and autonomic disorders, they have been are known.

Causes of a common cold in adults

Why there is a runny nose? Psychosomatics (the causes of this ailment will be called just below) this pathological condition should be studied by all patients suffering from it with constant regularity.

Summarizing the psychological parallel of body parts and spiritual qualities, one can say the following: a person's nose symbolizes self-esteem, as well as an assessment of one's actions and oneself as a whole. It is not without reason that there are many metaphorical expressions. Surely everyone has heard a saying about a man who is depressed and insecure about himself, about which they say that he hung his nose, and with excessive pride, on the contrary - is bullying him.

Opinion of experienced specialists

Why does a person have problems with the nasal cavity? What is their psychosomatics? A rhinitis that has arisen without a cause is associated with the suppression of one's own self. Experts argue that if you transfer a very strong shock, which is associated with humiliation and experience, a person may experience rhinitis, which can not be treated with medication.

Quite often there is such a situation when people suffer humiliation in marriage or at work, and they are not able to protect their dignity due to unwillingness to lose a family or a place. Such disharmony often leads to the destruction of personality. Over time, this psychological process can be aggravated by the accumulation of offenses. As a result, there is not only a cold, but also sinusitis.

Cough and allergic rhinitis

Now you know the psychosomatics of the common cold. Treatment of this ailment is senseless, especially if a person visits those places where he feels oppressed (at work, in the company of people who treat him disdainfully, etc.). For the same reason, people often develop cough and allergic rhinitis. By the way, such pathological phenomena can be observed when there is a desire to express their discontent about the situation. If such desires are suppressed with a regular periodicity, then the cough can be significantly aggravated and develop into bronchial asthma.

It should also be noted that the causes of dry cough, which is chronic, are often found in the constant discontent of a person around people and their criticism.

Treatment of a cold in adults

How to get rid of a cold? The psychosomatics of this pathological condition is such that a person needs to confess himself to the emotions and feelings that he has to constantly suppress. To implement the plan, the patient should consult an experienced psychologist. The specialist will help to establish an attitude to change his attitude to life, as well as restore harmony with himself.

Causes of development in children

Why do children have problems with the respiratory system? What is their psychosomatics? Coryza in a child occurs more often than in adults. It should be noted that such a pathological condition in children can develop for entirely different reasons.

In view of the fact that a child for a long time perceives himself as a part of the family, and not a separate person, he very often has a desire to become ill, in order to attract the attention of his parents.

At the older age, the children easily reproduce those moments in which he was constantly surrounded by care and warmth, especially during a cold or other illness. Thus, the child's subconscious realizes his desire, which causes the development of the disease.

Other reasons

Very often cough and runny nose in children occur with heavy loads in school. What is the reason for this? The fact is that the child's body tries to protect him from nervous exhaustion, creating an unplanned day off for the time of the disease.

It should also be noted that causeless cough in adolescents has a clear psychological underlying reason in the impossibility of their self-expression. If a child is forced to live by the rules and he does not have the right to choose, as well as the opportunity to express his opinion, then over time such disagreement necessarily develops into an allergic cough, pulmonary diseases and asthma.

Treatment of a psychosomatic rhinitis in a child

To help the child and cure him of psychosomatic illnesses, and also to overcome a runny nose and cough, it is necessary to change the situation around him. As you know, children are extremely sensitive to various quarrels. Very often they blame themselves. In this regard, in the emergence of conflict situations it is necessary to solve family problems without the presence of the baby.

So that the child feels warm and caring, it is necessary to show it not only household affairs, but also emotions.

Any child has the right to his own opinion and his space. To prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases, parents are encouraged to ask their advice more often, providing options for choice. Thus, the child is given a sense of significance.

To help your child, parents should reconsider their attitude to the world. Therefore, you will not be able to cope with psychosomatic diseases without a psychoanalyst.

Psychosomatics: cough. Psychogenic cough

Many diseases have their own psychosomatic. Coughing is no exception. Sometimes even people with "iron" health have this disease. Moreover, it can not be cured at all. Then they make a diagnosis, similar to a "chronic cough". In fact, this is a wrong conclusion. If a cough does not pass for a long time, and also appears for no apparent reason, then the problem lies precisely in the psychosomatic origin of the disease. But why does it happen? Whether it is possible to recover from the given illness or disease?

Living Conditions

The psychosomatics of diseases is an extremely important point. Often even quite healthy people get sick with terrible diseases, although there was no reason for that. Then how do they appear? Your head is to blame for this. Or rather, what is happening in it.

The primary cause of psychogenic cough is unfavorable living conditions. This factor has an impact on the health of both adults and children. If in the house and the family "something is wrong, the body reacts quickly to an unfavorable situation. This is especially noticeable in children.


Here's an interesting psychosomatics. Cough - the disease is not too terrible, but unpleasant. It appears for many reasons. If the situation in the house and the family is all right, you can try to pay attention to some other factors that affect the body.

No wonder they say that all the "sores" of stress. It is one of the earliest factors for which a variety of diseases occur. Cough including. Most often, you can see that this reaction of the body is manifested in people who have been in stressful situations for a long time.

Children have a similar disease. And the child "check" the reliability of the impact of stress is very easy. Usually psychogenic cough manifests itself in a few days after another stressful situation. Most often this is only the beginning. In the future, due to negative emotional turmoil, more serious problems may arise. For example, there will be bronchitis.


The psychosomatics of diseases is diverse. And not always negative emotions cause their occurrence. The thing is that sometimes cough can appear not only because of negativity or unfavorable living conditions.

The slightest emotional shock can provoke the disease. This is very noticeable in children. If you have recently experienced a situation that has "been postponed" in your memory and shocked by something, do not be surprised. Cough really can manifest itself in the days following the event.

As already mentioned, not always the shock should be negative. A very joyful event can also provoke a disease. But such cases are quite rare. Often it is negative emotions and events that cause health problems to some extent.


What else hides psychosomatics? Cough in children and adults is able to appear due to experiences. And not only personal. Usually experiences for close people negatively affect human health. Hence a variety of ailments.

Psychogenic cough is no exception. It often occurs when a person worries or worries for someone. Even the banal message about the illness of a loved one can provoke a negative reaction from the body.

For children, the psychogenic cough that has arisen because of feelings for people is quite dangerous. Cure it is very difficult in this case. All negativity and all experiences in childhood are almost not forgotten. So, there is a possibility that the psychosomatic illnesses received will not pass at all.


The psychosomatics of coughing in adults and children is similar. In children, the causes of the disease are even greater. Sometimes this disease occurs due to overwork. And it does not matter which type of fatigue it is - emotional or physical.

It is noticed that people who seriously and long work, get sick more often. And they have coughing quite often. Emotional exhaustion also affects the body negatively. Because of this, a person is able for a long time to suffer from a psychogenic illness.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, fatigue appears in children and adults. So, no one can be insured by the consequences of the negative effect of fatigue. It is for this reason that it is recommended to rest more and not allow children to do something through force.


This is not all the surprises that psychosomatics has prepared. Cough - the disease is not too dangerous. But getting rid of it can be very problematic. Especially if it occurs for psychosomatic reasons.

These include a negative situation. And not at home or in the family, but surrounded by a person. For example, at school or at work. If a person often visits a place that brings negative emotions and stress, as well as feelings and worries, one should not be surprised at the appearance of a psychogenic cough. After all, this is quite normal.

Usually strongly marked this disease in children. For example, if in a kindergarten a child is uncomfortable, he gets a negative from this institution, most likely, he will have a cough. Some argue that frequent illnesses in children in kindergartens are associated with psychosomatics. At schoolboys too often there is a psychogenic cough.

Less affected by this factor are adults. Nevertheless, cough (psychosomatics, the causes of which are established) is treated much easier than it seems. In any case, the probability of recovery in this case is increased. Adults change the situation without unnecessary stress and other negative things easier than for children.


It does not matter whether you have an allergic cough or not. The psychosomatics of these diseases is still the same. It is noted that even your mindset and behavior can influence the body and its condition.

Therefore, you should always monitor your emotions. It is noticed that people who are not friendly, angry, aggressive suffer from coughing most often. It turns out that negative emotions directly affect the appearance of our current disease. This is what psychosomatics is. Cough with phlegm - this is the main feature inherent in overly aggressive people.

But if you have it dry, most likely, you just want to be in the spotlight. Your psychological attitude literally asks "Notice me!". This opinion is shared by many psychologists. After all, the desire to be seen really has a negative effect on the body. It's kind of stressful.


This is our psychosis today's illness. Cough that has arisen for emotional and psychological reasons is very difficult to cure. Especially in children. After all, for them, the only cure is to eliminate the source of the negative. Sometimes you may even need the help of a psychologist.

But the adults in this regard are easier. They can take advantage of a variety of medications such as antidepressants to get rid of a cough. But this does not relieve them of the need to eliminate the source of negative influence on the body. Resorts are very popular in the treatment of psychogenic cough. And in general, rest in general. Sometimes it's enough just to have a good rest to get rid of most psychosomatic illnesses.

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