Features of barley treatment on the eye

Gordoleum or barley on the eye is a common disease characterized by acute inflammatory process of some parts of the eye. Often the disease develops suddenly and is the most frequent infectious pathology of the eye. According to statistics, 85% of the population at least once in their life faced with barley on the eye. And immediately the question arises: "Is barley contagious?". The prognosis for treatment is always positive, if the therapy was prescribed on time and serious complications did not begin. Let's figure out what to do with barley on the eye.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Features of treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley on the eye (gordoleum) - a deep inflammation of the century caused by infection in the sebaceous gland of Zeiss or Mole or in the hair sac of the eyelash.In addition, the internal appearance of the disease associated with the inflammation of the mouth of the meibomian gland is separately identified.

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Almost always the disease is expressed by the inflammation of only one eye, but in rare cases, a bilateral ailment may develop. Depending on the location, two forms of barley are distinguished:

  • Outer. This form is diagnosed most often. Visually represents an abscess on the outer part of the eyelid;
  • Interior. It is characterized by the presence of inflammation on the inner side of the eyelid from the mucous membrane of the eye. It occurs infrequently and almost always turns into a chronic form.

In most cases, the disease begins suddenly and is characterized by an acute course, and with complications, hyperthermia and strong pain sensations in the eye area are often observed.


Barley on the eye always develops due to infection with a bacterial infection, most often, Staphylococcus aureus. The causes of barley on the eye:

  • Weakened immunity against disease, stress or fatigue;
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • Chronic infections, for example, caries, tonsillitis;
  • Non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and helminthiasis;
  • Presence of demodex on eyelashes;
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

Some experts identify a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of barley on the eye, justifying it features of the anatomical structure of the eyelid and sebaceous glands in the eye area, however this version remains only at the level hypothesis.

According to statistics, barley is more often diagnosed in women who touch the eyes during the application of make-up, as well as in young children who have not yet mastered the rules of personal hygiene.


The ailment always develops rapidly, so it's easy to miss the onset of the disease and notice the barley when the protruding edema over the eyelid has already formed. The primary and secondary signs are distinguished depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. There is puffiness on the eyelid;
  2. In the eye area there is severe itching and burning;
  3. Part of the century blushes, when you touch, you can see the hyperthermia of this area;
  4. At the edge of the century, a small swelling is formed;
  5. When touching the inflamed place, painful sensations arise;
  6. With time, swelling increases in size.

The signs of internal and external barley are almost identical, the only difference is that when developing pathology within the century, pain is much stronger, since the tumor irritates the mucosa directly eyes.

Internal gordoleum is considered much more dangerous due to the fact that if the abscess ruptures, purulent discharge can get on the mucous membrane of the eye, causing a secondary infection.

As the growth occurs, the following symptoms occur:

  • At the site of inflammation develops a strong puffiness, which can disrupt the lacrimal glands if the problem is localized from the edgecentury;
  • Redness changes to the entire conjunctiva of the eye. Outwardly it seems that the eye is covered with blood;
  • Within a few days the puffiness acquires a round shape characteristic of the disease;
  • After 3-4 days, purulent secretions accumulate on the top of the barley, a hard crust is formed, which can not be removed categorically;
  • Starting from 4-5 days, a purulent exudate can begin to break out, which leads to a decrease in edema.

In rare situations, multiple barley appears on the eye, which greatly complicates the treatment process and increases the risk of complications.

Possible complications

The greatest danger is the rupture of barley and the ingestion of its contents on the mucous membrane and the circulatory system of the eye. That's why doctors do not recommend to open the abscess on its own or squeeze out its contents.When pus comes into contact, multiple abscesses of the eyelid, thrombophlebitis of the orbital age, and phlegmon of the orbit can develop.If there has been a breakthrough in the internal gordoleum, there is a possibility of purulent meningitis and sepsis, which can lead to the most severe consequences without urgent medical help.

Features of treatment

Ophthalmologists recommend only drug therapy for barley, as the disease is caused by infection with bacteria, which the people's medicine can not cope with. In severe cases, surgical removal of gordoleum can be performed. Treatment is always complex and includes the following procedures:

  • At the first signs of the disease treatment with antiseptic drugs is necessary(iodine, ethyl alcohol or a brilliant green solution);
  • Instillation into the conjunctival cavity of antibacterial drops, means based on sulfacetamide;
  • Application of antimicrobial ointments of tetracycline, erythromycin, and also levomitsetinovoy group;
  • To accelerate the process of maturation of barley, it is recommended to use physiotherapy procedures - UHF therapy, compresses from dry heat and quartz. It is strictly forbidden to apply moist compresses capable of provoking the development of secondary abscesses;
  • If there is a spontaneous rupture of the tumor, then it is necessary to continue using eye drops based on sulfacetamide, and also to remove purulent discharge with a cotton disc.

In rare cases, to avoid the occurrence of complications, it is recommended to open the gordoleum on an outpatient basis. As a rule, the operation lasts for an hour, but subsequently the regular post-operative treatment of the eyelid is important.For this, antibacterial drugs and topical antibiotics are used.

With the chronic form of the disease and regular relapses of barley, eyelash epilation is recommended, which allows normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in this area.



Eye Erythromycin: instructions for use

Glaucoma: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention are described here.

Astigmatism Treatment http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/astigmatizm/vzroslyx-techenie-zabolevaniya-oslozhneniya-simptomy-i-lechenie.html


Preventive measures prevent not only the development of barley on the eye, but can reduce the risk of complications. Here are the main methods of prevention:

  • Observance of simple rules of personal hygiene, washing hands with antibacterial agent;
  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Avoidance of drafts and infections;
  • Strengthening the defenses of the body, adherence to a balanced diet and regular intake of vitamins;
  • Proper care of contact lenses and washing of hands during their installation;
  • Careful selection of cosmetics, the use of individual brushes and brushes for applying makeup.

Ophthalmologists strongly do not recommend opening the ripening barley at home, which leads to the most severe complications and can cause a secondary infection of the eye.



Barley is a common infectious disease of the century, which occurs in both adults and young children. It is believed that you can avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, if you observe simple prophylaxis. If nevertheless gordoleum has appeared, it is necessary urgently to address to the expert, instead of to be engaged in a selftreatment, that can lead only to complications.

Also read about what a pterygium of the eye is.