What kind of doctor should I go with a cough

To what doctor to handle with a cough??? cough for a long time! with a sputum. to whom to go then ???



To the therapist, and then ray to get tests, and just in case, to the oncologist... Ugh, pah, that would not jinx)))

I Am Dubbed

to the therapist


therapist, and then further on the situation


...therapist... X-ray lung and phthisiology ...

M @ [email protected]

To the district therapist.

Olga Sipacheva (Demidova)

to pulmonologist


to a therapist or a good masseur


to the therapist, and he will prompt and direct


First to the therapist, he should take a direction for x-rays, a referral to a pulmonologist.


And just a couple of days lie in a warm bed did not try ??

Alexander Vishnyakov

For a start, do a fluorography, and to the local therapist.

To what doctor to go if the throat hurts (red) cough a bad cold and the ear lays? To loru or to the Pediatrician?



ABOUT! And you have such a flu with the ears :) You can not go to anybody - antigripin (flukoldeks, terra-flu) abundant sour drink (cranberries, cranberries, currants) lie down in warm socks... will pass quickly - 3-4 days and you will be as good as new!

instagram viewer

Lenore ((Little Bunny Foo-Foo))

to the therapist

Vadim Vadimovich

To Laura and to the Pediatrician

* *

To the pediatrician if the child, to the therapist - if the adult.

Vadim Kolosov

with such trifles and to the doctor?

Alla Borisova

Depends on age, but you need to be treated anyway. Read here:
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I have been suffering with a cough for the second week already.


Blondie xD

And what does the doctor say? Try the figs cooked in milk.


It is necessary to know the diagnosis: coughing occurs with different diseases and is treated differently - you must agree, between angina and allergy, for example, still a big difference ...


Erespal 1tab 3 times a day, 5 days. will pass

7 the sky under the stars

Rinse the infusion of chamomile and his mache. I know how to rinse it unpleasantly, but it will pass quickly.

Natalia Eksatova

FROM THE CUZZLE (WAS THE BRONCHITH) I SAVE ONLY THE BAGGLE... brew with boiling water... a pinch on a mug... drink on the throat during the day,

Strong woman

Folk remedies will not help. You need to take a picture (X-ray)

Dry cough



try the simplest remedy for coughing - at night lubricate the breast with honey (roughly determine where the bronchi - well, at least according to the encyclopedia), on top of honey - apply cabbage leaf, it will stick, so you do not need to bandage it, you can put on a T-shirt or something else, for a night the honey will absorb, the leaf will dry out, and your cough will pass, health to you !

alexander rax

During the cough occurs
forced expulsion of air,
contained in the lungs. Consequently,
air is ejected to a large
speed, which allows him to capture
foreign particles found in
respiratory tract or
secretion in the bronchi. The speed that
receives a flow of exhaled air in
cough time, achieved in the bronchi up to 30
m / s, in the larynx from 50 to 120 m / s.
Several Causes of Coughing
Coughing is always a protective reaction
organism while in
respiratory tract of various foreign
bodies, such as bread crumbs, slices
food or bacteria and malignancy.
This reflex is caused by irritation
mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in
result of hitting and increasing the number of
foreign objects gases, dust,
selection. Simply put, if in the larynx
something prevents the normal flow
air cough occurs. He can
be a consequence of many diseases from
colds to cancer. There are also
concept of a chronic cough that
develops over time without obtaining
any treatment. With such a cough
suffer most often
Diseases accompanied by
dry cough
With this disease, cough
accompanied by scant excreta
phlegm. As a rule, it is dry, very
tiring, hard to bear.
Often accompanied by high
temperature, the patient most often
forced to lie in bed, that only
aggravates the situation with a cough. Treatment
cough with laryngotracheitis is
in its facilitation, strengthening of outflows

That's such a life

anything, go to the doctor for an X-ray and buy a medicine. Sinecod very well helps the very next day

Arina Kurakova

The diagnosis should be started with a visit to the therapist. It can be anything, from nasopharyngitis to side effects of certain drugs

Hard Candy

You have chilled the bronchi.
Bronchitis. Drink milk with honey and a little butter. Buy broncholitin and drink, tablets mukaltin - will help expectorant and treat bronchi.

How long will it take to cough?



5-7 days, vodka only in 1 day will give relief to 2 will be worse.


Do not drink vodka. From a cough buy in the pharmacy grass violet (violas) three-color, brew it and drink.


and you can cough for a month. Cough takes a long time.

Maria Zinchenko

If there is no temperature, then with a damp cough I compress with dimexide and calcium chloride. Such a compress with a damp cough warms up well and helps to cope faster with a cough. Plus, be sure to try a lot of drinking a lot of warm drink, because it helps to thin and remove phlegm from the lungs. From vodka, I would have refused, it's a myth that alcohol will help to cope with a cold more quickly. Antiviral drugs will help faster, I used Viferon ointment, it is just an antiviral, is applied to the nasal mucosa in order to quickly cope with the virus, avoid complications and strengthen the local immunity. Also, you can connect the same vitamin C, because it is useful for immunity and the body as a whole. By the way, even with a damp cough, you can grind the chest with an asterisk or any other warming ointment.

Ivanova Anna

Watching how to heal, what kind of organism. So I can not afford to be ill for a long time, so I have an arsenal at home - ibuklin, viferon, tera flu, miramistin, still no-spa and papaverine. All this perfectly knocks down the temperature and eliminates the virus.

[email protected]

for 3 days after drinking mukaltin

Here such problem. It seems like a back blew, it hurts closer to the right side. I do not know what kind of doctor to go to. tell me.


Tatyana Totskaya

First to the therapist, and then he will give the direction to which specialist you need to appear. The main thing is not to tighten


to the neuropathologist

Gennady Davydov

Quickly to the therapist, then to the urologist, can the kidney right cold or cyst on it, but what if anything ...

forest leshak

Take a woolen knitted shawl or scarf, tie the waist and lie on the couch. If it does not help, go to a neurologist ...

☂❀ℋIELE❀ ☂

To the neurologist! Capsicum - ointment for athletes - rub it! It helps me! Health ...

Without GMO

most likely neuralgia. This is a neurologist.

Anechka (Lord of Destruction)

intercostal neuralgia. not blown, and seized the nerve and he became inflamed.
is engaged in this neurologist. prescribe, most likely: NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) ointments, for example - Voltaren, Fastum or Ketanal + tablets - Naise, Ketanol, etc., or intramuscular injections - Ketanal, Revalgin.
the duration of treatment is about 2 weeks. it is necessary to eliminate not only the pain, but also the inflammation to the end. otherwise it will be repeated often.
however, this itself can go through 2-3 weeks, because the inflammation will partially fall off itself. but then it will be again - in a new way... but all this time will bother the pain.
In short - to the doctor!

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