Antibiotics for colds are inexpensive and effective

Names of antibiotics for colds and flu

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, direct-acting drugs are used that affect the cause of the disease. They depress the pathogens. Such therapy is called etiologic. In the fight against the flu and cold the main thing is right - to choose the right medication. Some people, trying to get better sooner, begin to drink strong antibiotics from a cold at the first symptoms of ARVI. Is it correct?

When it is necessary to drink antibiotics for colds and flu

In most cases, respiratory diseases are caused by viruses to which antibacterial drugs do not work. Therefore, their reception from the first day of the disease is not justified. Therapy of respiratory diseases with antibiotics is justified, if on the 5th-6th day of the course of the flu or cold, the person's state of health is consistently poor. As a rule, these are symptoms of bacterial infection, which provokes the development of purulent sore throat, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.

Signs of complications of the flu and colds:

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  • after the onset of acute respiratory viral infection, the body temperature rises sharply after 5-6 days;
  • general health worsens, fever, coughing, shortness of breath;
  • pain in the throat, chest area, ears;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

When treating colds and flu with antibiotics, do not interrupt treatment while improving well-being. People who commit such a mistake then suffer twice as much. In this case, the improvement of a person's condition does not mean that the disease has passed. The batch of bacteria under the influence of antibiotics died, but another part of them adapts to the drug and begins to attack the weakened organism with new strength. This leads to a new round of disease with subsequent complications.

What antibiotics are better for taking cold?

For the treatment of respiratory diseases, bactericidal preparations are used to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics in the fight against colds and influenza are given the role of heavy artillery when there is a risk of acute complications. For treatment of respiratory diseases, three main groups of antibacterial drugs are used:

  1. penicillinic - ampiox, augmentin, amoxaplav;
  2. cephalosporins - cefotaxime, cefpyr, cefazolin;
  3. macrolides - roxithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin.

List of effective antibiotics for adults

For colds of bacterial origin, doctors prescribe antibiotics in extreme cases. Prolonged cough, prolonged angina, severe fever, stably high body temperature - these are alarming signs of the development of an acute disease. In this case, traditional antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins and medicinal herbs are powerless. For effective therapy, you need to know which antibiotic is better for a cold to an adult:

  • amoxicillin;
  • arlet;
  • fleumoclave;
  • rovamycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • hemomycin;
  • suprax;
  • cefepime;
  • erythromycin;
  • levofloxacin.

Names of good drugs for children

To treat bacterial diseases at an early age, antibiotics are used in extreme cases. With pneumonia, acute otitis, purulent angina, resulting from a respiratory illness, it is justified to take such drugs. The form of antibiotics is prescribed depending on the age of the child. Breastfeeding - drugs in pricks, older children - in pills. Babies do not always make injections, it is allowed to open the ampoule and give the child a medicine in the proper dosage. Baby antibiotics for colds:

  • ampicillin;
  • flemoxin solute;
  • moximac;
  • avelox;
  • augmentin;
  • zinnat;
  • Macropen;
  • gt;
  • esparoxy;
  • alpha normix.

Often parents mistakenly believe that antibiotic therapy is necessary for the successful treatment of influenza and colds in children. This is a misconception about the effect of antibiotics on the baby's body. In viral infections in children, the prescription of these drugs is unreasonable even at high temperatures, which persists for a long time.

Treatment with antibiotics of children leads to dysbiosis, weakening of the immune system, anemia. To conduct antibacterial therapy for babies is advisable exclusively in critical situations. For example, when there is aerobic streptococcal angina, acute otitis media, pneumonia, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The use of antibiotics to treat children with colds and flu without complications is justified when:

  • expressed signs of reduced resistance to the body - a constant subfertile body temperature, frequent cold and viral diseases, HIV, oncology, congenital disorders of immunity;
  • rachitis, malformations of general development, lack of weight;
  • the presence in the history of the child of chronic recurrent otitis media.

Gentle medications for treating colds in pregnant women

When treating complications of respiratory disease in a woman in a position or nursing mother, take into account the effects of the antibiotic on the development of the fetus. For treatment select sparing antibacterial drugs. To find the right medicine, the doctor identifies the causative agent of the disease, its resistance to various drugs. If it is impossible to conduct such a study, prescribe sparing antibiotics for pregnant women:

  • ampicillin;
  • oxacillin;
  • cefazolin;
  • erythromycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • bioparox;
  • minocycline;
  • oxam;
  • ericcicline;
  • ristomycin.

To treat influenza and colds in pregnant and lactating mothers, in order to avoid the occurrence of dysbiosis, it is advisable to take drugs in the form of injections. To avoid allergic reactions, the use of antibiotic therapy is combined with antihistamines. From the diet of pregnant and lactating women, chocolate, citrus and coffee are excluded.

List of broad-spectrum antibiotics

In bacterial therapy for the treatment of complications of influenza and cold prescribe drugs aimed at inhibiting groups of pathogens. Such drugs are called broad-spectrum antibiotics. They help to cure the complications of influenza and acute respiratory disease. Cheap tablets are effective, as are expensive ones. These types of drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. Before taking the drug, read the instructions and read reviews about antibiotics. A good drug has a small number of side effects. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action:

  • amosin;
  • beccampicillin;
  • ospamox;
  • eco-ball;
  • zinforo;
  • kefelim;
  • flamixi;
  • cefodox;
  • klatsid;
  • oleterin.

Antibiotics for colds: indications and specific uses

By the term "cold" is meant a whole group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which can be characterized by both the viral and bacterial nature of origin. As a rule, all diseases have a similar symptomatology, which in most cases is relatively easy to treat. But it does not exclude situations in which complications of the common cold develop, it is impossible to get rid of them without antibacterial drugs. Almost all people take antibiotics for colds with fear, because they are also capable of causing side effects.

In order for the treatment to only benefit the sick organism, eliminating the accompanying symptoms, it is important to choose and apply a medicinal antibacterial preparation correctly.

When you need antibacterial drugs for colds?

If in the treatment of colds on day 5 after the start of taking medicines did not come improvement of the patient's condition, it is worth considering that it is possible to join the cold with a bacterial infection. It is in such situations and it becomes mandatory to use antibiotics. Such therapeutic actions for ARVI and common cold are very important, as often their course can be complicated by the development of other diseases, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia.

Also indications for the use of antibiotics are such diseases as purulent tonsillitis, otitis media, purulent sinusitis - sinusitis and frontalitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the lymph nodes with the formation of pus, laryngotracheitis.

Choosing antibiotics for colds should be particularly careful, in addition, they must be taken on such recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to take the drugs inside. If the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, an infection can be introduced into the blood. In addition, such procedures are very traumatic for the child.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to monotherapy using one antibiotic from the selected group of drugs.
  3. Take only the drug that is effective. If, during its use for 48 hours, the patient's condition has not improved, and the body temperature has not decreased, it may be necessary to change the antibiotic.
  4. It is forbidden to apply antipyretic drugs in parallel, as they hide the action of the antibiotic.
  5. The duration of treatment should be at least 5 days, and if necessary more. For such a period, the activity of the pathogen will be suppressed. Also, experts recommend not to interrupt therapy even after the expected effect, continuing treatment for 2 more days.
  6. In the severe course of a cold and the occurrence of its complications, the patient should be hospitalization, and the use of antibiotic therapy should be administered and supervised specialist.

How to choose a drug?

Many patients often face a problem caused by the fact that they do not know what antibiotics to drink in case of a cold.It is important to know that all existing antibiotics are divided into groups, each of which is designed to treat certain bacteria. That is why it is so important to make an accurate diagnosis and then choose the right drug.

Types of drugs for colds

All antibiotics used for colds are divided into the following groups:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Cephalosporins.
  3. Macrolides.
  4. Fluoroquinolones.

Penicillins by their nature can be natural - benzylpenicillin, or synthetic - oxacillin, ampicillin. Such drugs are effective in fighting bacteria, destroying their walls, which inevitably leads to the death of a pathogenic microorganism. Virtually never in the treatment with drugs of this group there are no side effects in the form of allergies or fever. The main feature of penicillins is their low toxicity, so they can be used in high dosages, and treatment is often carried out for a long time. Because of this advantage, very often such antibiotics for colds for children are used in pediatrics.

Cephalosporins are a group of antibacterial drugs with high activity. When they penetrate into the source of infection, the bacterial membrane breaks down. These drugs are used only intramuscularly or intravenously, orally, with the exception of cephalexin. Occasionally, minor allergic reactions and impaired renal function may occur.

Macrolides used to be widely used in the treatment of those patients who had an allergy to penicillin. Such drugs are non-toxic and do not cause allergies.

Fluoroquinolones have a high activity against gram-negative bacteria. In a short time, they penetrate inside the cell and affect intracellular microbes.This is one of the safest and non-toxic antibiotics, in the treatment of which there is not even a violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of respiratory tract


Among diseases of the respiratory tract is tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia. All of them in most cases combine two common symptoms - fever and cough. As soon as they arise, you should immediately consult a doctor for the appointment of the correct treatment. Such actions will avoid many complications.

Among the drugs effective in controlling bacteria that affect the respiratory tract, it is worth highlighting Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. All these antibiotics for colds belong to the penicillin group. Some bacteria that cause respiratory diseases can be resistant to penicillin. In such cases, Avelox is prescribed, Levofloxacin is trifluoroquinolone and fluoroquinolone.

Cephalosporins are effective in diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy and bronchitis. For these purposes, Zinatsef, Zinnat, Supraks are widely used. Atypical pneumonia, the causative agents of which are mycoplasmas and chlamydia, can be cured by Chemotin and Sumamed. Each of these drugs is the strongest antibiotic for the common cold.

Treatment of ENT diseases

The most common diseases of ENT organs are sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. They can cause streptococcus, hemophilic rod, staphylococcus. In the treatment of such diseases, the following remedies are prescribed:

  1. Augmentin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin- apply with angina, frontitis, pharyngitis.
  2. Azithromycin, Clarithromycin- the most effective antibiotics for colds, namely with genyantritis, pharyngitis, otitis.
  3. Ceftriaxone, Cefatoxime- are used in cases when treatment with other antibacterial drugs has not brought improvements.
  4. Morsifloxacin, Lefofloxacin- are used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.

Consequences of taking antibiotics

If improperly prescribed or treated with antibacterial drugs, many unpleasant consequences can occur. The most common side effects are:

  1. Dysbacteriosis.On the mucous membranes and skin of the human body there are always bacteria that perform protective functions. When multiplying pathogenic microorganisms, beneficial bacteria do not survive. In this case, the imbalance is disturbed, which is usually manifested by candidiasis and diarrhea.
  2. Stability of pathogenic microorganisms.With improper treatment, selection of more resistant bacteria takes place, which rapidly multiply in the body.
  3. Allergic manifestations.Some drugs may cause an allergy in patients, which can not always be easily eliminated.

Antibiotics for colds should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician on the basis of examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and other studies. Antibacterial agents should in no case be used by patients without
appointment of a specialist.

Antibiotics for colds: what you need to know. What antibiotics can be prescribed for colds?

After the doctors started using various antibiotics, the medicine entered a new stage of development. These drugs have unique properties, destroy or slow down the development of dangerous microorganisms, which allows them to be widely used in the treatment of infectious diseases.

Pharmacists are creating more and more medicines, and today it is very difficult to find a family in the medicine cabinet which would not have antibiotics. Some people, getting sick with the flu or ARI, manage to prescribe drugs themselves, causing irreparable harm to health. Can I take antibiotics for a cold? At what diseases it is better to refrain from their use?

Rules and patterns

You should know that antibiotics are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. These drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor, and they must be taken with great care. Especially when antibiotics are used for colds for children. When using any medications, you should carefully read the instructions and be sure to pay attention to the period of their validity.

If you are going to take antibiotics, you should know that they help only with bacterial infections. They will not bring any effect for influenza and ARVI, as these diseases occur in the body due to the vital activity of viruses. Against them antibiotics are powerless.

At high temperature or inflammatory processes, these drugs are also not prescribed. They are not antipyretic agents, so there will be no effect on their intake in case of high temperature.

Antibiotics for colds

Today, many drugs are advertised on TV, but this does not mean that during illness you can assign them yourself. With the question of what antibiotics to take with a cold, you need to go to the doctor, and not to the best friend or mother.

After a complete examination and obtaining the results of the tests, the specialist can prescribe the following drugs:

  • macrolides ("Clarithromycin" Azithromycin "Roxithromycin");
  • penicillins ("Augmentin" Ampioxus "Amoxiclav");
  • cephalosporins ("Cefiprom" Cefotaxime "Cefazolin").

Antibiotics for colds are prescribed according to the type of disease, its severity and other characteristics. When identifying side effects or allergic reactions, the drug can be replaced with another.

Some features of diseases

When a cold (or ARI) occurs, the body is attacked by viruses. There is stuffy nose, throat pershin and blushes, it overcomes the cold. During this period, immunity actively fights disease, there is a temperature and chills.

The best means for treatment at this time are not antibiotics. For flu and cold at the initial stage, antiviral drugs are used. The most common of these are Anaferon, Laferon, Reaferon, drops and candles. To medicines containing natural plant components, include "Proteflazid "Immunoflazid."

When are antibiotics prescribed?

Usually within a week the patient's condition improves. If this did not happen, on the basis of the tests the doctor concludes that a bacterial infection has joined the disease. In this case, antibiotics for colds are prescribed.

This is very important, as the patient's condition can become complicated, and the flu or ARI acquires a dangerous form - it can be pneumonia, acute bronchitis or purulent angina. Only strong antibiotics help the body cope with the attack of bacteria.

In this case it is very important to choose the right drugs. What kind? Antibiotics for colds are appointed, based on bacteriological examination of the patient's sputum. The laboratory, after making an analysis, provides results on the resistance of bacteria to certain drugs.

Having determined the most suitable antibiotics, the doctor appoints them to the patient. If this medicine has an allergy or has side effects, another drug is prescribed. You should know that you can not abruptly cancel the antibiotic. For a cold, an adult person needs to use it for another two to three days. Even after a visible improvement in the general state of therapy, discontinuation is not recommended.

Antibiotics for colds for children

All parents should know that drugs of this category are prescribed to babies in extreme cases and only by an expert. Do not use drugs without consulting a doctor!

The best cold remedies for a child are plenty of drink, febrifuge (in the case of temperatures above 38 degrees) and antiviral syrups.

If the baby's condition does not improve, stronger medications are prescribed. A good antibiotic for colds is "Amoxiclav." It is used for bacterial infection in the respiratory tract. With pneumonia, the drug "Avelox" can be prescribed, with pleura - "Supraks with fungal atypical pneumonia, "Hemomycin" helps. However, remember that the medicine can be prescribed only by the doctor after reviewing the results of the tests!

Strictly contraindicated for children!

Many antibiotics for colds can cause side effects in the child's fledgling body. This can be a decrease in appetite, unstable stool, abdominal pain, nausea, anxiety.

Therefore, there are a number of antibiotics that are not prescribed to children, their use can cause a terrible harm to the health of the child. These include:

  • "Levomycetin
  • "Ceftriaxone
  • aminoglycosides and tetracyclines (contraindicated to children under 8 years old).

Uncontrolled use of these drugs can lead to liver damage, malfunctions in the nervous system, dysbiosis. Some drugs have an irreparable effect on the hearing and can even lead to complete deafness of the child. Cases of toxic shock, and even a lethal outcome, are not uncommon. Therefore, in any case, do not self-medicate and always seek help from a specialist.

Effective drugs with bronchitis

In ARI, you must observe bed rest, take a sufficient amount of warm liquid and try to do everything to make the disease recede. In the event of a deterioration in the general condition, an adult can be given appropriate potent drugs. The name of antibiotics for colds (in the case of bronchitis) will tell the doctor. Often appointed:

  • "Macropen
  • "Lendacin
  • "Rovamycin
  • "Azithromycin".

Complication in the form of a sore throat

It is very bad if the patient's condition does not improve within four to six days. Even worse, if the disease takes a dangerous form in the form of purulent sore throat.

The name of antibiotics, if taken cold, in that case will be different. The following preparations are used:

  • "Spiramycin
  • "Cefradine
  • "Oxacillin
  • Clarithromycin.

There are many more effective medicines that successfully kill bacteria in the human body. However, they are written out only by a doctor and are taken strictly on the recommendation.

In what cases are antibiotics necessary?

With a mild form of acute respiratory disease, laryngitis, rhinitis, viral tonsillitis, these drugs are not prescribed. Antibiotics for flu and cold can be used only in extreme cases, if there is often recurring diseases, prolonged temperature, as well as patients with oncological diseases or HIV infection.

Strongly active drugs are indicated if:

  • Purulent complications of ARI;
  • acute otitis media;
  • sinusitis of severe form, flowing for more than 14 days;
  • streptococcal angina;
  • pneumonia.

How to take antibiotics?

For adults, medicines of this group are mainly produced in tablets or capsules, for children - in the form of syrup. The drug is taken internally. Antibiotics for colds should not be combined, preferring monotherapy (the use of a single drug).

Take the medicine in such a way that its maximum concentration falls on the focus of the infection. For example, with the disease of the upper respiratory tract, the antibiotic is administered in the form of aerosols or drops. So the components of the medicine instantly manifest their effect and quickly have an effect.

The effectiveness of the drug is judged by reducing the body temperature within 36-48 hours after its administration. If this does not happen, use another antibiotic. It is not recommended to combine the drug with antipyretics. In severe cases, immediate hospitalization is recommended.

Treatment Scheme

The dosage of the antibiotic depends on the causative agent of the disease, the form of the disease, its severity and the age of the patient. In the case of prescribing the child, its weight is taken into account. With antibiotic therapy of a newborn, the gestation period is taken into account: for a child born on time, and a premature baby, the doses of the drug will be different.

The regimen is strictly observed throughout the course of treatment. Usually, the drug is recommended to take at least 5-10 days. Continue treatment more than the due date is strictly prohibited, as well as self-abolish the drug.

A good antibiotic for colds is able to cope with bacteria in a few days. However, it should be remembered that when combined therapy is not prescribed drugs with a similar composition and action. This can lead to toxic damage to the liver.

Possible side effects

The discharged antibiotic for a cold to an adult person will certainly hurt less than a child. However, this potent drug can cause a number of side effects, such as rash, nausea, vomiting, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

If the antibiotic used uncontrolled, it can cause such reactions of the body:

  • allergic rashes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • resistance of bacteria to a certain type of drugs.

Most often, allergic manifestations occur after taking antibiotics of the penicillin group. If there is a rash or other unpleasant sensations after taking the medicine, it is better to interrupt his reception and see a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Combine several medications is undesirable, especially if one of them is an antibiotic. If you are taking any medicine, be sure to tell your doctor. He will choose the best treatment option. But in any case, the antibiotic is taken at a different time and preferably without combining it with other medicines.

Special instructions should be given to women taking hormonal contraceptives. When interacting with certain antibiotics, their effect decreases, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy.

Also, any medications are not recommended for use during lactation. Antibiotics are able to penetrate into the mother's milk and have a negative impact on the baby, causing dysbiosis or allergic rashes. Categorically, you should not take any medication while you are pregnant.

Be attentive!

Our body is populated with many useful bacteria that perform a number of necessary functions. Remember that during the antibiotic intake they are killed simultaneously with harmful microorganisms. Most potent drugs destroy the normal microflora of the intestine, stomach and other organs, provoking the appearance of the fungus. Therefore, very often after taking antibiotics, candidiasis can develop.

You should also think about if you are allergic reactions. Maybe it's because of the uncontrolled use of antibiotics? People who use these drugs for a long time are very likely to develop allergies to any stimulus: dust, smells, flowering plants, detergents.

The matter is that antibiotics weaken our immunity, not allowing it to cope independently with the infection that has arisen. Without natural stimulation, normal body protection deteriorates, and it reacts painfully to any stimulus.

Do not take long one kind of drug. Pathogenic microorganisms can quickly form a stable strain against this drug, and getting rid of them in the future will not be easy.

Now you know what antibiotics are, when it is advisable to use them. Free sale of these drugs in the pharmacy can not be a guide to action. Any medicines can be prescribed only by a specialist, and what antibiotic is better for a cold, your doctor will decide.

What pills to drink for colds

Without a common cold and flu, there is not a single cold season. We spend money on expensive medicines, trying to quickly get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms, forgetting about effective and inexpensive drugs. Meanwhile, there are pills for colds, which are several times cheaper than the advertised counterparts. The main thing - to understand the mechanism of action of drugs, use them competently and purposefully.

What pills to drink with flu and colds

Drugs that help cope with colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, are divided into two groups. The first of these is for symptomatic treatment. Tablets from the common cold of this group have antipyretic (aspirin), antihistamine (dibazol), anesthetizing, vasoconstrictor, diluting sputum (acce) action, are struggling with the following manifestations diseases:

  • nasal congestion;
  • elevated temperature;
  • lacrimation;
  • itching;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

The second group of drugs affects the immunity and causative agent of the disease. They are appointed only in case of detection of the viral nature of the common cold. Funds of this category include:

  • inducers of interferon;
  • viral protein blockers;
  • inhibitors of neuraminidase.

Antiviral drugs

Medicines for colds of antiviral action do not belong to antibiotics. Their task is not to destroy the pathogen, but to destroy its protein membrane, which blocks the development of the virus in the body. Antibiotics for colds are prescribed only if there are bacterial complications. Popular effective antiviral drugs:

  1. "Tamiflu" is a drug based on oseltamivir (azintomivir, aziltomirin). Suitable for an adult and a child.
  2. "Grippferon" is a complex preparation based on interferon alfa-2b.
  3. Relenza. The main active substance of the drug is zanamivir. It is prescribed for treatment of influenza A, B.
  4. "Ingavirin" is an effective remedy for swine flu, ARVI.
  5. «Amiksin». The analogue of the preparation is Tiloron and Lavomax.
  6. "Arbidol" is a drug for the treatment of influenza A, B, subtypes H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and H5N1.
  7. "Acyclovir" is an antiviral drug based on thymidine nucleoside.
  8. "Cycloferon" is a drug containing methylglucamine acridone acetate.


To this kind of medicines are homeopathic and synthetic medicines. With catarrhal diseases, thymus preparations, interferons, cytokines are prescribed:

  • "Imunofan
  • Betaleikin;
  • "Timogen
  • "Amiksin
  • Aflubin;
  • "Roncoleicin
  • "Kipferon;
  • Ribomunil;
  • "Bronhomunal
  • "Pyrogenal
  • "Galavit
  • "Dyuzifon."

It should be remembered that it is impossible to take synthetic immunity modulators on your own. Assigning them, the doctor necessarily takes into account the age of the patient, the degree of weakening of the body's defenses, the variety of the disease. In some cases, stimulation of immunity is limited to the intake of vitamins or medicines of natural origin (tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginger, medinitsa, chicory, etc.).

List of the best drugs for treating colds in adults and children

Modern combined cold preparations for simultaneous symptomatic treatment:

  • Anaferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • "Baralgetas
  • "Antigrippin
  • "Grammidine
  • "Coldrex
  • Kagocel;
  • Remantadin;
  • "Rinza
  • "Rinikold
  • Sinupret;

Tablets that help quickly get rid of cough:

  • Butamirat;
  • Glaucin;
  • Mukaltin;
  • "Dextromethorphan
  • "Ledvropropizin
  • Prenoxediazine.

From a sore throat:

  • Strepsils;
  • "The Trachian
  • "Linkas
  • "Grammidine
  • Septefril;
  • Faryngosept;
  • "Lisobakt".

Homeopathic preparations:

  • "Ocillococcinum
  • Aflubin;
  • "Engystol
  • "Aconite".

What can I drink to pregnant and lactating mothers

Antiviral in ARVI in its most contraindicated during pregnancy, feeding newborns, so the main task of women is the prevention of colds. If you can not get rid of the disease, you have to choose safe drugs that help to knock down heat, cope with a cough, giving an anti-inflammatory effect. From a fever it is best to take paracetamol. This medicine has both antipyretic and analgesic effects. Analogues of "Paracetamol" - "Panadol "Efferalgan."

Safe (according to the instructions!) For pregnant and lactating mothers, medicines for sore throat will be pills based on lysozyme (natural enzyme) - Laripront, Lizobakt. Tablets for colds, accompanied by a strong cough, will be "Lazolvan "ACTS" (powder), "Coldrex broncho" (syrup). Homeopathic "Ocillococcinum "Anaferon "Aflubin" are also allowed. In any case, the medication should be agreed with the doctor, who will make a final verdict in favor of or prohibition of any medication.

What drugs are inexpensive but effective for preventing colds?

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge assortment of cold pills, which are easy to find cheap analogs. Thus, for example, most combined drugs for symptomatic treatment include paracetamol, which tops the rating of cold tablets. You can take it at the beginning of the disease. High-speed effervescent aspirin will successfully replace inexpensive acetylsalicylic acid, and included in antiviral drugs interferon is easy to find in pharmacies as an independent medicine for prevention influenza.

To this end, it is worth using oxolin ointment, inexpensive tincture of eleutherococcus or rhodiola rosea, ascorbic acid. Expensive "Immunal" will be replaced by a tincture of Echinacea, "Nurofen" - "Ibuprofen "Lazolvan" and "Ambrobene" - "Ambroxol "Mukaltin tablets "From a cough". Gargling with throats of furacilin tablets will help either "Strepsils" or "Grammidine."

Feedback on results after application

Marina, 30 years old: The best medicine for ORZ than the powerful "Cycloferon" I just do not know. Excellent cope with a viral infection in five to six days! I bought the notorious "Coldrex "Teraflu" and other new-fangled medicines, but paracetamol is much more effective and cheaper! I recommend everyone to take our domestic analogues of expensive imported tablets and not to overpay money.

Irina, 36 years old: I caught a cold one time at a conference where I had to make a report. Coryza, the temperature is just a nightmare. I asked the pharmacy to choose something effective, I was advised to "Rinikold". I drank a pill at night, and then in the morning. All the symptoms as a hand took off! It was easy to perform, in the photo the nose was not red. So the tablets are excellent, but they need to drink according to the scheme, every 4 hours.

Dmitry, 56 years old: Do not buy expensive imported pills for colds. Instead, take a package of paracetamol, Echinacea and ascorbic in the pharmacy. It's just that they are part of all sorts of cadavers. To not get sick, use oxolin ointment and interferon, and on the temperature of drinking aspirin. Do not be tempted by fashionable names, at the first sign of inflammation drink "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol".

Antibiotic against coughing. List of drugs

For many people, spring and autumn are associated with bouts of painful cough. In some, this protective reflex of the body appears as a symptom of an allergic reaction, in others - against a background of colds. Not wanting to go to the hospital, most people who suffer from coughing decide on their own to buy an antibiotic in the hope that it will help. Most often, this self-medication leads to dysbiosis and other disorders in the body, but the real problem remains unresolved. So let's try to figure out which one and when to use the antibiotic for cough and in what situations it is better not to use it.

What do you need to know?

Few bother to study the information about the disease, which struck them. And at the first cough, without understanding the causes of its occurrence, they run after the antibiotic and buy the one advised by a neighbor or girlfriend. This approach to treatment is totally unacceptable. If the doctor does not come to the plans for the next few days, you need to understand what caused the load on the larynx, and determine the nature of the cough. And only then go to the pharmacy, consult a pharmacist and buy the right medicine. But we will remind that the best variant will be, if the doctor will appoint or nominate an antibiotic at tussis and temperature.

By the amount of sputum cough is divided into productive (wet) and unproductive (dry). The first testifies that the inflammatory process no longer progresses and the mucus began to depart from the bronchi and lungs. However, cessation of treatment of the disease with such a cough is absolutely impossible. As for non-productive cough, it appears much more often and is a consequence of excessive irritation of the mucous respiratory tract. Such a symptom may appear as a result of mechanical effects on the throat or allergic reaction, as well as against a background of various diseases.

According to the nature of the manifestation, the cough can be short, continuous, paroxysmal, barking, periodic and hoarse.

Do I need an antibiotic for cough?

Doctors quite often prescribe antibacterial drugs with a productive and protracted dry cough. And sometimes such therapy can be aimed at preventing the occurrence of complications of the disease. However, there is a proven fact that both wet and dry cough antibiotics can not be cured if the disease has a viral etiology. In addition, the result of such therapy can be various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the adaptation of bacteria to the drug, which further complicates treatment.

What antibiotics can be prescribed?

It should again be recalled that the doctor can choose the right antibiotic for coughing. It is the specialist who, after examining the patient, will assign a series of laboratory tests to determine the bacterial infection. And only after receiving the results of the study, he will prescribe an effective antibiotic for a particular case of cough.

Patients with bacterial infection of the respiratory tract may be recommended a drug that is included in one of the four major groups. And the first position in this list is occupied by penicillins. All drugs of this group destroy the walls of bacteria, resulting in pathogenic microorganisms. The second position is occupied by antibiotics-cephalosporins. As for the third place in the list of frequently recommended antibacterial drugs, it belongs to macrolides. Finish the list of fluoroquinolones. Each of these groups will be considered in more detail.

It is also worth noting that antibacterial is not always required if coughing or treatment has appeared. Antibiotics are prescribed only in cases of bacterial infection.

Penicillins: a list of drugs

As the basis of all drugs in this category, penicillin is used. This active substance prevents the production of the pathogenic cell peptidoglycan, as a result of which it can not be renewed and quickly dies. Drugs penicillin series are constantly being improved by pharmacists, as many bacteria have adapted to this effect and have begun to produce the so-called antivenom - beta-lactamase. Modern penicillin antibiotics can destroy this protective substance of pathogenic microorganisms, without affecting the human cells.

Most often from this group of drugs for cough appoint drugs:

- "Augmentin

- "Flemoxin Solutab

- "Ampioks


Cephalosporin antibiotics

The chemical structure of all drugs in this group is 7-aminocephalosporinic acid. Features of the drugs are high bactericidal activity, a wide spectrum of action and a high resistance to beta-lactamases. Prescribe these antibiotics for coughing in children and adults in situations where treatment with penicillins has proved ineffective.

To date, cephalosporins for sensitivity to beta-lactamases and the spectrum of activity are divided into preparations of I, II, III and IV generations. The first group includes funds "Cephalexin "Cefazolin "Cephalotin etc., which have high antistaphylococcal activity.

Cephalosporins of the second generation are prescribed when the cause of the cough is penicillin-resistant strains. Most often used drugs "Cefaclor "Cefotiam "Cefuroxime etc.

As for cephalosporins of the third generation, which include such drugs as "Cefotaxime "Ceftazidime " "Ceftriaxone "Cefixim "Ceftributen etc., their spectrum of antimicrobial activity is much wider than that of of the above groups. To date, these drugs are prescribed often enough for both children and adults.

To the cephalosporins of the IV generation belong the means of "Tsefepim "Tsefpyrom etc.

Macrolides: action and list of drugs

The basis of the structure of these new generation antibiotics is the lactone macrocyclic ring. All drugs of this group are active not only to intracellular pathogens, such as chlamydia, mycoplasma and legionella, but also to gram-positive cocci. In addition, macrolides in comparison with other groups of drugs are the least toxic. Because these antibiotics when coughing in children are prescribed more often than others.

The list of such drugs is wide enough. Only a doctor can say with certainty what antibiotics to take when coughing in each particular case. Most often prescribed medicines:

- "Clarithromycin"

- "Azithromycin

- "Sumamed

- "Erythromycin etc.

Fluoroquinolones: a list of drugs

According to the spectrum of antibacterial action, the leader among all groups is undoubtedly fluoroquinolones. They are widely used in medical practice for the treatment of severe forms of ailments, and also have good compatibility with other medicines. But apart from the pluses they also have a lot of side effects. Therefore, these antibiotics are used for coughing in adults. Children are prescribed only in exceptional cases in limited doses, since the drugs of this group accumulate in bone tissue and are able to disrupt the development of cartilaginous tissue.

In diseases of the respiratory tract and their clinical manifestations (in particular, coughing), funds can be prescribed:


- "Levofloxacin

- "Moxifloxacin"

- Norfloxacin,

- "Ofloxacin etc.

How is the antibiotic selected?

Regardless of the age of the patient, the choice of an antibacterial drug should be approached competently. Even if all the signs of a bacterial infection on the face: body temperature over 38 ° C, pronounced leukocytosis and dyspnea, a long toxic course of the disease - sputum analysis should be submitted. Such a study will identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to drugs. Based on the results of the sowing, the doctor will be able to prescribe an effective antibiotic against coughing.

It would seem that everything is simple, but there are situations when the patient's health is rapidly deteriorating and there is no time to wait for the results of the study. In such cases, the doctor empirically determines which antibiotics for adults coughing can stop the infection. In this case, most often the patient is prescribed antibacterial preparation of a wide spectrum of action in the form of suspension, tablets or powder.

However, it is worth repeating and saying that taking antibiotics without the appointment of a specialist can cause many health problems. Therefore, if a cough or other signs of an illness have started, you need to seek medical help urgently. Only such an algorithm of actions in the course of the development of the disease will help to quickly restore the state of health and prevent negative consequences without too much time and effort.

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