Kalanchoe from the common cold to the children reviews

How to use the Kalanchoe when licking a cold in a baby?



The fact is that naphthyzine is not as safe as they say. Take a sheet of Kalanchoe, squeeze out the juice and mix 10 drops of juice and 5 drops of water. At us in drugstores sell drops for children which it is necessary to drink and the rhinitis passes or takes place. By the way, maybe it's a reaction to the teeth?

Butterfly Wings ...

And you are aware that Kalanchoe often in children causes allergies... ?
Maybe all the same it's better to turn to a good lor?

Natalia Golikova

Do not forget to dilute with boiled water, do not drip the juice in its pure form. In general, aloe-calanhae and others simply drop pipette into the nostril and that's it. Well, clean the nose before the procedure and lie down with the head thrown back (so that it does not immediately leak) and that's all. We have not tried, but everyone says that it helps.


Naphthyzine dries heavily and unfairly acts on the mucous spout. It is better to use Salin or Aquamoris. Kalanchoe need to drip a few drops, previously stirred with water:. If the juice is good (it can not be watered for three days) and freshly squeezed, the baby will begin to sneeze by itself many times, and then liquid mucus will go.

instagram viewer


Drip 2 times a day 2 drops in each nostril with Kalanchoe juice using a pipette. You can dilute the juice with 1x1 water.
By the way it can give an allergy, it will not stop sneezing. But everything will come out.
I can give you a couple of tested tips. Compress from cottage cheese. Only the cottage cheese needs a real, so fecund, and not flowing out of the pack. Cottage cheese warms up, we warmed ourselves on a steam bath, laid out on a cheesecloth wrapped - and put the child on the bridge of the nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it fits tightly on the nose.
Pediatric medicine Triaminic - cleans the nose thoroughly. NEVER use pears (suckers), Get treated, get well soon)))

Olga Bravina

Kalanchoe superfood, I advise it all, only it helped us, and these fucking drops, sucking out pears full of nonsense, we had 10 days of a cold (((Nitsche did not help!! It is necessary to squeeze out a few drops of Kalanchoe and mix them with half or half of the water... and to drip straight for a couple of drops, the baby will swell and everything will be fine!!! It's even much better than aloe !!


with this medicine should be more cautious. but the sister-in-law dripped beet juice

Ekaterina Berezovskaya

Naphthyzine is already out of date and the Kalanchoe can cause allergies in general it is bred with water: if the nozzles greenish or bright yellow color, pat of isofra 1 injection on the nostril cures for 7 days on their children verified

They said that with a cold, it's good to bury the baby with the Kalanchoe juice. How many species are there? And how? (3 years)



it is advisable to use only cooked juice. It is also not bad to introduce three to five drops of Kalanchoe juice into your nose several times during the day.
This Kalanchoe has a curative effect.

Larissa Strelchenko

Kalanchoe can be anything. And still there is an effective way from a cold. Add to the bowl 3 drops of onions + 7 drops of carrots. Bury 1-2 drops in the nostril 3 times a day. Good luck.

Happy Virus

this if the nose is hammered, REMEMBER NEED TO DEVELOP WITH WATER! after instillation begins sneezing very often, here and snot, saliva, lachrymation and sometimes the child writes out whether you are going to give this to such a baby, not every adult will suffer!

Alena Bezusaya

juice should be diluted: for this age this is a strong concentrate the child will long sneeze


how - I do not know! but you need to squeeze out the juice from the leaf and pipet the baby into the spout! the child immediately begins to sneeze, without interruption and all snot sucking out! I tried, really deisvuet!


the best way to steam but not legs and hands !!!

*** just me

Kalanchoe should not be any! its name is Kalanchoe pinnate. he has elongated leaves and babies grow on the edges. remember that it acts as an irritant and strongly wants to sneeze of it. try to soar your feet, drip the albucid, iodine freckles at night on the wings of the nose, children's nazivin or pinosol.


Only Kalanchoe Degremona: represents a plant with a straight, unbranched stem, a height of 60-100 cm and triangular leaves. The leaves are located at an angle to the stem, their serrate edges are folded inwards. At the teeth, tiny daughter plants are formed. Before squeezing juice from the leaf, it is necessary to put it in the freezer for several days. min., then unfreeze (quickly occurs) and easily squeeze out the juice, dilute: with water and drip.


Yes, just like in the photo above I'm dripping my children. I squeeze the leaf through the scabies and dilute a couple drops into my nose. The result is good. I tell the child - now we will sneeze. They even laugh at the same time.

Angelina Borodina

Kalanchoe can be anything. And still there is an effective way from a cold. Add to the bowl 3 drops of onions + 7 drops of carrots. Bury 1-2 drops in the nostril 3 times a day. Good luck.

Kalanchoe juice from the cold



dripped Kalanchoe. In its pure form. After him, such a fuss is attacking)) It's possible to swallow the brain) But not for long. Let the baby recuperate!

Malvina on Lamborghini

in a proportion of 1 to 1 to drip into the nose


all the reaction to the juice is different. I thought I'd hang myself when I dripped. Vessels of the girl are weak, I think you should not do this.
It is better to drip the juice of aloe


Do not overdo it, or else the child will get tired of sneezing, you'll get a taste of it, but she will not be laughing. My husband and I experimented on ourselves. The stomachs ached with laughter and with tears. 1 drop is enough. Sneeze will not start right away. prepare a towel and a video camera.


I was advised too by the Kalanchoe juice, from it a strong sneeze attacks and the child pushes everything out. but I refused to experiment

Kalanchoe: treatment of children and adults. Kalanchoe: medicinal properties, reviews

The amazing plant Kalanchoe - a resident of the hot tropical Africa, the islands of Madagascar and Reunion. At us in the country for curative properties it have nicknamed "a tree of a life". Quite often it is called "indoor ginseng". Today Kalanchoe is widely used in folk medicine. Treatment with this plant is becoming increasingly popular.

However, not all species have curative powers. The Kalanchoe Degremona is unique for its healing properties. It is quite easy to distinguish it. Kalanchoe medical has sitting on the edges of leaves of children with roots. It is these species that multiply.

This curative plant is cultivated in indoor floriculture relatively recently, it is attributed to the unique properties of ginseng, considering it a "tree of life." For the intended use only the ground part, in which the juice is beneficial. From it, various ointments and numerous tinctures are made. Kalanchoe (photo of the plant can be considered below) is widely used in homeopathy.

Historical reference

For a long time nobody knew about the medicinal qualities of the plant. However, nevertheless there were inquisitive minds who asked the question: "Does the Kalanchoe have medicinal properties? If so, which ones? "And it was only in about 1962 that they started talking about him seriously in scientific institutes. Scientists agreed that the juice Kalanchoe Degremona is very useful. Initially, it was about lubricating the mucous sinuses of the nose. Thus, the cold was perfectly cured. Healthy people were recommended as a preventive medicine during serious epidemics of ARI.

In the modern world, it is considered a real panacea for the Kalanchoe plant. The healing properties of "indoor ginseng" are not limited to fighting with the common cold. Fresh leaves of the plant perfectly stop bleeding, relieve swelling, inflammation, treat purulent wounds, fistulas, frostbite, rashes, burns, abscesses and even eczema.

Healing properties of Kalanchoe

The plant has become very popular and has become a common component of medicines. Ointment from Kalanchoe is treated with fistulas, non-healing wounds, ulcers, burns. It should be noted that the plant underwent many tests for harmlessness. And they fully confirmed his safety. Both externally and internally, the Kalanchoe juice is actively used. Treatment for them is safe for the body, and it does not involve great difficulties. And the result is simply magnificent.

The juice of this plant, obtained from stems and leaves, has antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory properties. Today it is produced in ampoules and vials. It is worth remembering that any drugs, including those based on Kalanchoe, should be used only for the doctor's prescription.

Do not forget, the mechanism of the biological effect of preparations created on the basis of a plant has not been fully studied so far. Most likely, there is a huge complex of compounds and biostimulators obtained in the process of producing juice. If you make tinctures on the Kalanchoe, keeping it in dark places at low temperatures, you can get even more accumulation of important therapeutic biogenic stimulants.

Kalanchoe with a cold

Very popular application of an amazing plant for children. Although adults often resort to the help of Kalanchoe. Treatment of the common cold is made by decoctions or plant juice. Sometimes it is added to it with aloe and onions. If you have chosen such recipes, you need to be very careful and correctly make up the proportions.

The therapeutic effect is created at the time of slight irritation of the nasal mucosa, resulting in an intense sneezing. Thus, the child gets rid of accumulated pathogenic mucus. For this reason, this plant is sometimes called "chihalochka."

Before applying the juice for a child, it is recommended to try this product on yourself. Such a procedure will make it possible to understand how it works. Another plus of this test is the opportunity to achieve the right concentration. It is also necessary to check whether the child has any allergies to this plant. And this is a very important aspect of the application of Kalanchoe juice for children. After all, the plant can unnecessarily irritate the mucous, thereby provoking a worsening of the patient's condition. But if everything is correct and accurate, then a positive result is guaranteed. The mucus in the child will come out, and it will be easier for the baby to breathe.

Decoction for infants

The uniqueness of the means lies in the fact that the plant is suitable for treating people of any age. In this case, even infants are advised to use a decoction of Kalanchoe. A wonderful effective tool will save the baby from an unpleasant rhinitis. It is important only to monitor the concentration of medicinal broth. The younger the child, the less it is.

In order to get a healing broth, you need the leaves of the Kalanchoe. A few pieces are enough. They should be filled with 100 ml of water. Boil this mixture, completely cool it. It is very important to start using small doses. This broth is recommended for treatment of babies up to 2 years. Of course, the Kalanchoe juice is more effective and beneficial, which can be obtained in various ways.

Juice of the plant

The simplest method is to squeeze out the juice from the leaves, squeezing them between the fingers in a section. If the leaves are rather dry, then they are first ground, then through a bandage or gauze carefully filter.

Just a little juice. Bury in the nose should be 1-2 drops. Juice Kalanchoe children up to 2 years old are bred with water. Sometimes even just rub the nasal cavity with a moistened cotton swab.

Very useful and effective use of drops for the nose from the juice of Kalanchoe and Aloe. They are mixed in equal proportions within 1-2 drops of each species. It is this tool that is the most mild and effective for the child.

If the baby has a good tolerance of Kalanchoe, the medicinal properties of the plant can be used for preventive purposes. In the period of different epidemics, it is recommended that the nasal cavity be treated a couple times a day. With this simple method you can save the baby, and yourself, from colds. Just remember that this tool should only be used in a warm form.

Ways of procurement

To make the Kalanchoe juice as useful as possible, it must first be properly prepared. Only the leaves and stems of the plant are used. They are cut, washed and stored for a week in the dark and cool. Only after this it is necessary to start to manufacture a curative liquid. The stale ingredient is crushed. The resulting juice is sent to the refrigerator. He has to brew for a couple of days. After the specified time, you can apply the Kalanchoe. The therapeutic transparent yellow juice is completely ready to fight with the common cold.

In connection with the duration of the manufacturing procedure, it is better to make an advance medicine for the period of the virus epidemics. That it does not deteriorate, it should be preserved. For this, vodka is added to the juice in the proportion: 0. This remedy for the cold is well preserved for a year and a half. And at any time, if necessary, it is always at hand. At the same time, the preserved Kalanchoe has its healing properties completely.

If you do not want to tinker with the preparation of a unique remedy, you can easily buy at the pharmacy ready-made preparations to combat the common cold, which includes the juice of the plant. After all, official medicine has long recognized the effectiveness of Kalanchoe. It is worth noting that pharmaceutical preparations have been developed to treat not only the common cold, but also other ailments.

Feedback on application

Many mothers have long experienced the effect of plants on their children. But at the same time their opinions on the use of Kalanchoe vary greatly. The use of "indoor ginseng" is praised alone. Others do not see any special effect from such treatment and even warn that this plant can provoke complications of rhinitis. That is why it is necessary to treat with special caution the use of the Kalanchoe juice. After all, such cases are not so rare. Even an adult can have a strong allergic reaction.

Therefore, in order not to seek subsequently flaws in this natural remedy, it is necessary initially to check the organism for susceptibility to the plant. If you start with this test, the allergy will not suddenly arise.

Usage for ear pains

Earlier it was noted that the plant helps with a lot of ailments. Those who have experienced ear infections will appreciate the following recipe from Kalanchoe. Treatment with alcohol tincture relieves of severe pain. It is used even with inflammation of the middle ear.

This will require 2 tbsp. spoonfuls of calanchoe juice and 200 g of 40% alcohol. It is necessary to insist 10 days right in the room. For treatment in the ear, 1-2 drops of tincture are instilled.

Use with furunculosis

To do this, it is necessary to place the cut plant for a week in a cool place. Then it can be grinded and squeezed through a bandage or gauze juice. Be sure to insist the remedy for two days. As soon as the precipitate comes out, you can dilute the clear liquid with alcohol in a proportion of 2:. Store the product only in a cool place.

If you want to make an ointment, the technology is as follows. Take 30 ml of juice. Add to it 50 g of lanolin and the same amount of Vaseline. This ointment is used as one of the most effective wound-healing agents for furuncles and trophic ulcers.

Amazing healing power

If we talk about Kalanchoe, the recipes of traditional medicine are inexhaustible.

  • So, the juice is treated with a stomach ulcer. For this, it is drunk for 1 hour. spoon three times a day for one month.
  • Excellent results were obtained in the treatment of sinusitis. The Kalanchoe juice should be diluted with water (proportion:) and rinsed with the sinuses of the nose.
  • With the flu, they lubricate the mucous surface of the nose three times a day.
  • If your ears are inflamed, the juice is digested 3-4 times a day for 1-2 drops.
  • If they are irritated on the eyelids, they should be rubbed 3-4 times a day.
  • For someone who has a mouth mucosa inflamed, it is recommended to rinse with this remedy.
  • People who are tormented by purulent wounds, prolonged abscesses and various boils, will also help the Kalanchoe juice.
  • When burned, it is mixed with chicken protein and oiled with wounds.
  • Erosion of the cervix is ​​well treated with this juice, for this you need to do 10-15 applications.
  • Mastitis compresses 2-3 times a day, and pain symptoms decrease.
  • A unique plant is used for inflammation of the kidneys, tuberculosis, psoriasis, warts, even with mental and physical fatigue.

Such a wonderful tool was modestly arranged in a pot on the window. Truly not for nothing was called the "tree of life" Kalanchoe. He is able to cure many ailments.


Juice Kalanchoe also has contraindications. Do not apply it to pregnant women, allergies, patients with liver and joint diseases, hypertension.


Man has used medicinal plants for many years for his own purposes. In time, folk medicine was born, which came to us from India, Egypt and China. And, I must say, Kalanchoe is one of the most popular and popular in medicine plants, which many consider their home healer.


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