How to Bury the Eyes of a Child: Memo to Parents

Eye drops are prescribed not only for adults but also for children. It's not easy to dig in their baby - he does not understand the need for treatment, squeezes his eyes, twitches, cries and interferes with the parent in other ways. What to do? Follow the recommendations below and get the help of the second member of the family - he can keep the legs, pens and head of the baby or the older child. Read more about how to put drops in the eyes of children in this review of our site.


  • 1Situations where it is necessary
  • 2Preparing the child
  • 3Bury the little eyes baby
    • 3.1Recommendations for the preparation of children older than three years
  • 4Procedure of instillation
    • 4.1What if drops without a dispenser?
  • 5Rules for the storage of drops
  • 6How to calm the baby
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Situations where it is necessary

Eye drops for children are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  1. Infectious conjunctivitis.The disease is especially common in children under 3 years old. The doctor will prescribe you a drop of antibiotic.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Dry eye syndrome.These complaints most often occur in schoolchildren. Used moisturizing drops.
  4. Dacryocystitis in newborns.

Eye drops are also used during the vision test.Atropine dilates the pupil - and the ophthalmologist can determine the refractivity of the eye as precisely as possible.

Preparing the child

On how correctly you prepare the baby, depends on the degree of painfulness of the procedure for him, as well as the final result (the drops should get into the eyes, and not spread out over the centuries). Features of preparation for infants and children older will be different.

Bury the little eyes baby

Wash your hands thoroughly and swaddle the baby - so it can not spin, which means it will not interfere with you.If the eyelashes are stuck together, rinse your eyes and clean the crusts. To remove the crusts use ordinary water (it should be warm) and a cotton pad.You need to move in the direction from the temple to the nose. For each eye, use a separate cotton pad.

Standard droppers are not suitable for infants - in order not to injure the eyes, use a pipette with a rounded end.

Recommendations for the preparation of children older than three years

Child at the age of three and older put in the crib, clean the pillow. Ask your son or daughter to help you - this will distract him from unpleasant manipulations.The most "faithful" help is to give the baby two cotton pads and ask him to keep them at the outer corners of his eyes. Then gently pull the lower eyelid and drip the medicine.That's all - if the drops do not bake and cause a burning sensation, discomfort during the procedure will be minimal.

Is the baby afraid and screwing up his eyes? Do not try to open them by force and do not abuse the child. It is better to drip into the area of ​​the lacrimal sac - he will open his eyes, and the medicine itself will go where it is needed.

Procedure of instillation

  1. The procedure for instilling the eye is as follows:
  2. Check for medication and pipette (if the dispenser is not on the vial or you do not want to use it).
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  4. Prepare the pipette (it should be doused with boiling water).
  5. Remove purulent crusts with cotton wool discs (they need to be moistened in water, tea or a solution of furacilin).
  6. Warm the bottle in the hands if it is stored in the refrigerator.

The pipettes with which you buried your nose or ears, in any case, can not be used for eyes.

What if drops without a dispenser?

Buy a pipette. Do not forget to shower it with boiling water before each use. When filling the pipette with a solution, make sure that it does not get into the rubber part - to do this, keep the product vertically.

Rules for the storage of drops

Eye drops are recommended to store in the refrigerator.For detailed information on optimal storage conditions for the product, see the instructions.Be sure to monitor the expiration date and do not use those drugs that are expired - this can lead to infection.


Causes of yellow circles under the eyes

Droplet glaucoma drops are described in this article.

Demodectic eyelids


How to calm the baby

For the child, burying the eyes is a very unpleasant procedure.So do not shout at him, talk quietly and calmly, explain everything. Your confident voice, clear concerted actions will further calm the baby.

Helpful advice. Cold drops cause unpleasant sensations in the child. Be sure to warm the bottle in hands before instillation.



To bury the eyes of a small child is not an easy task, but feasible. It is advisable to swaddle the baby, and at the age of three, just put the baby on the bed without a pillow. Talk with your son or daughter during the procedure, do not shout at them. If the eyelashes have crusts, before instillation remove them with a cotton pad.

Also, read about what drops are used to treat childhood conjunctivitis and allergies in the eyes.