Eye drops Albucid: the characteristics of the drug
Albucid is one of the most popular drugs used in ophthalmology against infectious diseases. It is considered one of the most affordable and safe to use. So that you can also use it, let's look at the features of this tool, and also understand what indications and contraindications to use it has.
1Description of the preparation
2Pharmacological action and group
3Indications and contraindications in use
3.1In pregnancy
3.2To small children
4Possible complications caused by the drug
Description of the preparation
Albucid - eye drops, the main active component of which is sulfacetamide.Are intended exclusively for topical application. Produced in plastic bottles-droppers of various volumes, most often on sale there are varieties of 5 mm and 10 mm.
Albucid is used to treat infectious diseases
since this drug is most often used to combat infectious diseases, the bottles of the Albucid drip should be used strictly individually. You do not need to transfer them to others - this can cause a second infection of the pathogen.
Based on the active substance of sulfacetamide, drops are produced with the name Sulfacyl Sodium. Also to the analogues include eye drops Floxal, Vitabakt, Norfloxacin, Vigamox, Danzil.
Phloxal is an analog of Albucid
Pharmacological action and group
Albucid is an antibiotic with a bacteriostatic effect.Effective against E. coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Chlamydia, as well as some other infections. Suppresses the viability of these microorganisms, because of which they lose their ability to reproduce and very soon they die.
Indications and contraindications in use
These drops are recommended for the treatment of eye diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to sulfacetamide.Such are the following diseases:
purulent conjunctivitis;
purulent corneal ulcers;
barley.Types of conjunctivitis
Also, this drug can be used to prevent infections after surgery.
Before using these drops, the patient should visit a doctor and take tests to make sure that this remedy is effective in his case. Otherwise, such drops can be useless in the fight against one or another pathogen.
Has this drug and its special contraindications.To them it is necessary to attribute first of all personal intolerance of the basic or auxiliary components of the preparation.With caution, you need to use this tool also to those people who take medications based on silver, as these medications are not compatible with each other.
In pregnancy
Pregnant women do not want to use such drugs.Use them only if the expected result from such treatment exceeds the level of danger to the mother and fetus.In this case, the use of this drug is recommended to be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician, informing him of any health problems that could have been caused by the taking of such medication.
How to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy is described in this material.
self-administration of Albucida pregnant is unacceptable. It can lead to various side effects.
To small children
For children there is no special form of this drug.For this reason, solutions with a low content of the main active substance in 10% or 20% are usually used in pediatrics.The drug is administered in this age category strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
in children, even with a minimal dosage of the drug, various side reactions may occur on it, including burning, itching, increased tearing. If they occur, it is recommended that the drug be discontinued and replaced later with another, more suitable product for the child.
Possible complications caused by the drug
Most patients tolerate eye drops.Only some people may experience side effects when it is used. These can be:
hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
increased tear;
itching, as well as inflammation of the skin of the eyelids;
Discomfort on the mucous, including itching and burning.
Very rarely this drug provokes the emergence of systemic side effects such as short-term dizziness, nausea, headache, as well as allergic reactions. Their appearance may indicate that a person has an increased susceptibility to individual components of the drug.
when such side effects occur, it is worthwhile for a person to choose an Albucid solution having a lower concentration. If this is not possible, stop taking the drops and consult a doctor for additional advice so that he can prescribe a drug that is more appropriate for you.
As you can see, Albucide is a sufficiently safe and easy to use drug that can be used to treat certain eye diseases in patients of different age groups. To treat them not lead to undesirable consequences, it is recommended to take this medicine only on the special recommendation of the attending physician, strictly following the instructions for its dosage and frequency application.