Barking cough in babies

Cough in an infant

Any symptoms and signs of the disease of nursing babies should alert the mother. Serious reasons to consult a doctor include a cough in an infant who may indicate the development of many unpleasant illnesses.

Causes of coughing in an infant

Coughing in an infant may be caused by a number of reasons that can be recognized if you closely watch the baby. Of course, it will be better if the child's doctor helps you in this.

  1. Catarrhal disease is the most frequent cause of coughing in an infant. The baby first coughs only occasionally, but soon the cough becomes more intense, especially in the second half of the day. On examination, you can find reddened neck. Breast children, due to still weak immune defenses and an imperfect system of thermoregulation, are prone to colds. Therefore, "catching" a draft or an infection at this age is easy. The mother's task in this case is to find out the problem in time and contact the doctor, otherwise the disease can be delayed.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the upper parts of the respiratory system - this can be a runny nose, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, caused by a bacterial infection. During a runny nose, mucous discharge can get into the trachea, which can cause a cough in the baby. In other cases, cough may be caused by narrowing of the airways (as a result of inflammation), that is manifested firstly by a dry persistent cough, which later can develop into rales, whistles and disturbances respiration. Of course, you should not wait for the deterioration of the condition: you should immediately consult a doctor.
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  3. A low degree of humidity in the room is a very common cause of coughing in a child. Excessively dry air causes drying of the mucous membrane of the baby's neck, which provokes first the appearance of a scratching ("scratching") of the throat, and then, as a consequence, a cough.
  4. Otitis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear, the presence of which causes the appearance of a reflex cough. How to determine this state? Push a little on the ear of the baby: if it causes a sharp cry or crying, it means that the child has an earache. Call a doctor.
  5. Getting into the respiratory tract of a foreign object - unfortunately, too often a frequent situation that requires immediate medical attention, otherwise the baby can suffocate. If the child starts to cough sharply and strongly, with an anguish, "breezes" - it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Trying to extract a foreign body from the trachea on its own - the occupation is very dangerous and often only worsens the situation.
  6. Intolerance to smells, unwellness of the room - these are the reasons that not only can cause a cough in an infant, but also serve as an impetus to the appearance of bronchial asthma. This state of the baby can develop if it is often in a smoke-filled room, or in the air there are constantly other abnormal and unpleasant smells for the child. In such situations, an improvement in the condition of the baby after ventilating the room is noted.

All these are the most common causes of coughing in an infant. Less often, cough may be associated with diseases of the digestive and heart, but such pathologies can only be determined by a doctor after a thorough examination of the baby.

Strong cough in an infant

The appearance of a severe cough can be triggered by the influence of some damaging factor on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This may be an infection, or other causes. As a rule, a strong cough in the infant indicates that the baby is "interfered" in the airways - it can be excessively dry mucous, foreign objects (crumbs, animal fur, toy elements, etc.), sputum and mucus accumulating in trachea. As a result, a strong cough occurs, the main purpose of which is to eliminate the obstruction to normal breathing, to clear the respiratory tract.

A strong cough is dangerous for the baby. In case of its occurrence the doctor's help is obligatory. Emergency medical assistance is required in such situations:

  • if a strong cough appeared suddenly and does not stop;
  • if a strong cough is accompanied by wheezing;
  • if a severe cough occurs at night as an attack;
  • if the background of a strong cough is allocated sputum pink or green.

Also, fear should cause a severe cough that does not go away for a long time, or occurs against a background of increased body temperature or difficulty breathing.

Wet cough in an infant

In a healthy state, a wet cough in an infant may appear immediately after the baby has woken up. If the child was sleeping on his back, mucous discharge from the nose could get into his neck. In this situation, the baby can slightly cough, but this cough ceases, if you turn it on the barrel. The same condition develops when a lot of saliva or breast milk gets into the neck: the child simply does not know how to swallow properly and in time.

If we consider moist cough as a manifestation of the disease, then the most common pathologies in this case may be:

  • infections of the upper respiratory organs (which are accompanied by the formation of sputum);
  • inflammatory process in the bronchi with violation of the patency of the respiratory tract (obstructive bronchitis);
  • pneumonia;
  • diseases of allergic origin (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis);
  • abscess of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.

If a wet cough indicates the onset of the disease in the baby, mandatory medical attention will be required.

Dry cough in an infant

It should be noted that a dry cough in an infant is most painful for a small patient, since with a dry cough traumatizing the mucosa, which causes the baby pain and extremely unpleasant Feel.

How can I tell if my cough is dry? As a rule, such a cough is loud, sharp, without characteristic "gurgling" sounds. It is possible to "whistle" and barking sound when coughing. The child often cries, while the voice of the baby can change due to loss of the larynx and vocal cords. With the progression of the inflammatory process, the ligaments can swell and cease to pass properly the air, which will cause the child to suffocate.

As a rule, a sick child with a dry cough becomes capricious, sluggish, his appetite disappears. In such a situation, it is important not just to call a doctor: it should be done as soon as possible. Moreover, dry cough can be a terrible symptom of beginning bronchitis or pneumonia, as complications of acute respiratory infections or ARI. If the doctor suspects such diseases, then the baby, most likely, together with his mother will be sent to the hospital.

Breastfeed: cough and runny nose

The main cause of cough and cold in an infant is a cold, or ARI is mostly a viral disease that primarily affects the respiratory tract. The disease can also affect the middle ear, lungs, and in severe cases - the meninges and the bone system.

Catarrhal disease a baby can "pick up" from a family member who is sick with ARI, or is a carrier of the disease, and also by means of dirty hands and means leaving for the child. An important role is played by the immunity of the baby: inadequate nutrition, hypothermia, drafts - all this can adversely affect the baby's health.

What symptoms of a cold can be demonstrated by a baby: cough and runny nose, high fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, possibly upset of the chair, constant crying and regurgitation of food.

In uncomplicated course of the cold, the disease can regress on the 4th-5th day: the body temperature is normalized, and signs of the inflammatory process are weakened. If the condition has not improved, then it is possible to suspect the attachment of a microbial infection. In such a situation, the doctor's intervention is simply necessary. Sometimes you have to connect antibiotic therapy.

Breastfeeding for children from coughing

The question of the use of nursing fees in young children is quite controversial. Most doctors do not recommend giving such decoctions to children, at least to children under 1 year old, so How can plant components cause an allergic reaction or even poisoning in a small child.

If you still decide to use any of the 4 existing nursing fees, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not start treatment without consulting a doctor;
  • start treatment using a very dilute broth at the beginning to check the reaction of the baby to the medicine. If a negative reaction of the child is not observed, you can move to a more concentrated broth;
  • the total daily volume of decoction from breastfeeding for an infant is not more than 30-50 ml.

Remember: breastfeeding can become the culprit of some side effects, such as rashes on the skin, itching, allergic rhinitis, symptoms of poisoning.

Coughing in an infant should in any case be a signal to call a doctor: the newborn baby is too weak to cope with the disease on its own. A timely doctor's help will never be superfluous: often it helps to prevent dangerous complications and consequences.

Who to contact?

Pediatrician-neonatologist Pediatrician Pulmonologist

Treatment of cough in infants

If we are dealing with a slight cough due to an irritated mucous throat, then medicamental cough treatment in infants can not be carried out. Such irritation is eliminated by increasing the humidity in the room, by warm drinking (incl. breast milk).

If there is an inflammatory process in the trachea or bronchial tubes, warm, mineral non-carbonated water (30 to 50 ml / day) can be added as a warm drink.

To facilitate the allocation of sputum should periodically turn the baby, do not limit it to active movements, do a light massage of the chest. To carry out the massage the baby is laid on the stomach and gently tap on the back of the fingers with the pads on the ascending line.

With the consent of the doctor, expectorants like Lazolvan or Gedelix can be used, the dose of which is determined by the doctor depending on the weight and age of the baby.

Of the anti-inflammatory drugs, Erespal enjoys a good reputation.

Thermal procedures for infants should not be carried out in any case. Such procedures include hot baths, mustard plasters, cans, warming plasters, etc. Rubbing and warm compresses are also not welcome, although their use is possible, if the attending physician-pediatrician does not mind. The fact is that rubbing and compresses can in some cases worsen a child's condition, increasing blood circulation and thereby aggravating the swelling and inflammatory response in the respiratory system. Moreover, the use of drugs with eucalyptus, menthol or coniferous oils can provoke bronchospasm in the baby, or cause an allergic reaction.

Than to treat a cough to a baby?

The doctor will prescribe medications for coughing the infant to the baby: we'll talk about them below. And what if a baby's parents can make a cough to ease his condition?

  • Call a doctor, regardless of whether the child has a fever.
  • Maintain the optimum moisture level in the apartment, especially in the winter, when the air in the room is certainly dry. The best degree of humidity for a child to feel good is 50-60%. The ideal device for achieving the optimum humidity level will be an air humidifier. However, if it is not, then you can do with improvised means. For example, it is possible to place on a battery a container of water, or put on a battery of water-soaked towels. You can use a spray gun and treat the room with clean water several times a day.
  • Provide fresh air to the apartment: ventilate the room, at least in the morning after waking up, in the afternoon before feeding and at night.
  • To provide activity and mobility of the child, to conduct to him easy gymnastics, massage.
  • Often offer a baby to drink, especially at elevated temperatures.
  • Despite the common cold, it is necessary to go out for walks (dressing the baby according to the weather, so that he does not overcool and does not overheat). Winter walks should be short-lived.

Medicamental treatment of the baby will tell you the treating pediatrician.

A cough medicine for a baby

  • Propane is an expectorant based on an extract from ivy leaves. It helps to soften the bronchial secretions, relieve spasm of the bronchi. Propane can be used both from birth and to older children, starting from, ml three times a day.
  • Ascoril - an expectorant in the form of a syrup, promotes the removal of bronchial secretions. Use 2-3 ml of syrup three times a day.
  • Lazolvan syrup - stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory tract, reduces the appearance of cough. Children up to 2 years old are administered, mg syrup (, ml) twice a day.
  • Ambroxol (syrup and solution for injection) is a drug that stabilizes the secretory activity of the bronchi and prevents airway obstruction. Assign, ml syrup twice a day, or in the form of / m injections of ½ ampoules twice a day.
  • Ambrobe is a mucolytic drug used in the form of a syrup (twice a day, ml) or injections (half an ampoule twice a day).
  • Stodal - homeopathic herbal preparation, expectorant and bronchodilator, which does not have age-related contraindications. Use up to 5 ml of syrup for every 8 hours.

Do not use medications for children on your own, first consult a doctor

Not always a drug marked "baby" can be used to treat infants.

Barking cough in a child: causes, mechanism of development and differences from sniffing

  • Without temperature
  • With temperature
  • Dry barking cough

Barking cough in a child is a common symptom in pediatric practice, which occurs against the background of common cold or allergic rhinitis in children of different ages.

In newborns and infants, a barking cough in the background of a common cold or acute stenosing laryngotracheitis develops several times more often than a child older than three years old.

Barking cough is typical for the lower respiratory tract infection in the initial stages, without sputum discharge.

It develops with inflammation of the larynx, bronchi and trachea, disrupts the general state of children due to changes in the physiological act of breathing, the increase in hypoxia and spasm of the respiratory musculature. Diseases that cause barking cough in a child include the most dangerous infection for early childhood - whooping cough.

For this pathology, fits of a continuous cough with a pimple of the face, a tongue sticking out and a sharp wheezing at the end of the cough paroxysm are pathognomonic. Parents seek help from a doctor with the first symptoms of the disease for the initiation of antibiotic therapy and prevention of complications.

Causes of barking dry cough:

  • allergic bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma (debut, initial stages);
  • acute stenosing laryngotracheitis;
  • flowing mucous discharge when the nose is strongly blocked;
  • colds (flu, ARVI);
  • infectious diseases (pertussis, diphtheria, adenovirus);
  • foreign bodies of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Allergic diseases develop as a result of the pathological reaction of the child's body to the ingestion of an allergen. Inflammation is eosinophilic, steadily progressing to bronchial asthma with a gradual manifestation of symptoms of progressive bronchial obstruction.

Symptoms of a barking cough in a child are repeated dry coughing, accompanied by a sharp inhalation, stitching (burning behind the sternum).The mild course of viral infections begins with a dry cough that grows into a damp cough. Symptom of loss of voice indicates a lesion of the larynx and vocal cords.

Cough in young children develops as a result of swelling of mucus from the nasal passages in the common cold against a cold. Rarely encountered granulosa pharyngitis with massive vegetations in the lumen of the respiratory tract leads to irritation of the pharyngeal wall, leading to a protracted severe cough.

Barking cough in a child requires early treatment, which is due to a high risk of complications. With an attack of acute stenosing laryngotracheitis, urgent help is shown to restore the normal lumen of the airways. Bronchial asthma and infectious diseases differ in the methods of drug exposure, the principles of drug therapy.

Cough is a physiological reaction aimed at clearing the lumen of the bronchi and trachea from the mucus, but with excessive accumulation, cough passes into seizures that disrupt the night sleep of the child.With severe allergies, swelling of the nasopharynx and allergic rhinosinusitis, excessive formation of exudate leads to the appearance of a cough in the morning. Increased risk of developing bacterial bronchitis or tracheitis due to bacterial invasion, especially in younger children.

Treatment with medicines barking cough in a child is appointed by the attending physician after examination and auscultation of the patient, taking into account the conditions of origin and characteristics of the cough.

Drug treatment has several directions:

  • etiotropic (antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic);
  • expectorant;
  • mucolytic;
  • antitussive;
  • vasoconstrictive;
  • bronchodilator.

How to relieve the child's condition when barking cough?Abundant fractional drink with the addition of citrus or berry juice reduces the risk of intoxication, improves the condition of mucous membranes and stimulates the production of sputum. Taking medications prescribed by pediatricians, according to the schedule, has a curative effect towards the end of the first day of the disease.

The active lifestyle of the child in the absence of temperature and abrupt violations of the general condition leads to improved breathing, restoring airway patency. Aromatherapy in the absence of bronchial asthma exerts general relaxing and restoring effects.

Useful advice of Dr. Komarovsky and domestic pediatricians on child care with barking cough:

  • when coughing a child lies in bed on a high cushion to prevent inflammation of the lower respiratory tract;
  • when mucolytic drugs are prescribed, a large intake of liquid (mors, water, compotes) is shown;
  • the use of a humidifier and an air ionizer accelerates the healing process;
  • the use of medicinal herbs and decoctions with the permission of a pediatrician physician favorably affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Prevention of barking cough in the child is aimed at preventing the flow of mucus, the use of vasoconstrictive drops and regular nasal rinsing, the use of suction in a pronounced rhinitis. An early call to a doctor will prevent the progression of infectious diseases, whooping cough, flu and colds.

The use of expectorant syrup during the first signs of the disease reduces the risk of developing cough symptomatology by protecting the mucosa and stimulating the outflow of mucous exudate. Comments on the forums indicate the high efficiency of vasoconstrictive therapy in the prevention of stenosing laryngotracheitis.

Barking cough in a child without fever: causes and methods of treatment

Barking cough in a child without temperature develops with chronic diseases of the respiratory system or ENT organs, against the background of trauma or foreign objects of bronchi, trachea. Depending on the general condition of the baby, the doctor prescribes a treatment plan and determines the methods of specific therapy.

The symptom is widespread in pediatric practice among children of early preschool and school age. Characteristic for various diseases, in the absence of treatment, a prolonged barking cough without temperature steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the quality of life child.

The causes of barking cough in a child without temperature:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, ARVI, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus) against a background of primary or secondary immunodeficiency;
  • allergy (pollinosis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • tracheoesophageal fistula;
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetovascular dystonia).

The penetration of the virus into a weakened organism with immunodeficiency is not accompanied by a typical hyperthermia reaction. The infection develops at normal body temperature, requires complex treatment with the use of etiologic agents and preparations to stop the reproduction of a pathogenic microorganism.

Unlike wet, a barking cough in a child without a temperature is accompanied by a burning sensation in the throat, irritation of the bronchi and general impairment of the condition. With laryngitis, the child loses his voice, switches to whispered speech. The combination of allergic and infectious pathology is characterized by a severe course, a long recovery period.

Barking cough in a child without fever in infancy is a sign of the fistula of the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and prolonged inflammatory process.An incessant cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts the physiological breathing and normal development of the child.

Treatment is aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea. Appointed expectorant drugs, combined with mucolytics for the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.

The following derivatives are used:

  • acetylcysteine ​​(ATSTS, Vicks, Fluimutsil);
  • carbocisteine ​​(Libexin, Bosalek);
  • Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambroghexan);
  • bromhexine (Nycomed, Bronhosan).

Bronchor diluting drugs are used for bronchospasm and chronic obstruction to enlarge the lumen of the bronchi and restore breathing. A rapid onset of the effect allows the use of inhalers during asthma attacks, exacerbation of the smoker's bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease.

Barking cough in a child with fever: causes and methods of treatment

Barking cough in a child with a fever is a widespread symptom typical of both acute and chronic diseases.

Infectious diseases accompanied by this syndrome:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (rhinovirus, anovirus, influenza, parainfluenza);
  • mononucleosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • bacterial infection.

A strong paroxysmal cough in a child is a pathognomonic sign of whooping cough, a childhood infectious disease. With a light course of whooping cough, cough symptoms increase to 7 days and persist for up to two weeks, after which they slowly begin to fade. The severe course of the disease is characterized by a sharp increase in coughing attacks from 5 to 8 days, a high risk of development of pertussis-specific complications.

Rough cough against the background of general weakness occurs as a result of edema of the mucous membrane, violation of air permeability along the upper and lower respiratory tract. The condition is accompanied by a high temperature, a general intoxication, requires an urgent start of treatment.

Treatment barking cough in a child with a temperature has several characteristics due to the physiological differences of the child's body.In childhood, the most effective drugs in liquid form, potions or syrups. Treatment of a cough against the background of a cold begins with the use of vasoconstrictive drops. Before the beginning of treatment it is required to create comfortable air conditions, humidification, ionization.

Strong antibacterial therapy is indicated for the reduction of signs of infection caused by gram-positive or gram-negative microbes. Antiviral treatment is prescribed for influenza, rhinovirus and adenovirus infection of the respiratory tract.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus.Individual herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Lipa, marshmallow and plantain, according to reviews on the forums, are used as antitussive drugs, but can only be used after a doctor's consultation because of the risk of side effects effects. Breast collection is the safest and most versatile method of softly stopping barking cough in a child with a temperature of over 10 years.

Dry barking cough in the child: when there is, urgent means of help and treatment with folk remedies

Dry barking cough in a child develops against a background of acute viral infection as a result of an inflammatory response from the respiratory tract.

Severe edema of the mucous membrane leads to a narrowing of the larynx or bronchus lumen, which leads to irritation of cough receptors and disruption of normal breathing.

Unlike adults, in childhood there is a high risk of developing acute stenosing laryngotracheitis. Unproductive cough with acute pharyngitis is triggered by vegetations of the pharyngeal mucosa, flowing mucus into the lower respiratory tract. Urgent ways to help the child. If the condition develops dramatically, is accompanied by loss of consciousness and an increasing cyanosis, it is required to call a doctor at the house by calling emergency services.

While waiting for an emergency visit, parents instill vasoconstrictive drops in the nose at an age-appropriate dosage of 3-4 drops in each nostril. Then the child together with the parent is in the bathroom with hot water turned on for steam inhalations removing the swelling from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Self-administration of medications in the initial episode is categorically contraindicated, since the risk of an allergic reaction is not ruled out.Treatment with folk remedies allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of coughing at home.

Methods of treatment:

  • tinctures and decoctions of herbs, honey and propolis with the addition of soda are extremely effective in fighting the manifestations of cough due to the relief of breathing, improving the outflow of sputum, reducing its formation;
  • compresses warm or hot, superimposed on the area of ​​the bronchus as a mustard, stimulate the blood circulation of the affected area, have a powerful warming effect;
  • Inhalation steam are aimed at increasing the outflow of sputum, clean the upper and lower respiratory tract, remove the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of dry barking cough in a child with the help of herbs:

  • oregano;
  • anise;
  • mother-and-stepmother;
  • elecampane;
  • Ledum;
  • pine buds;
  • sundries;
  • Ipecacuanas;
  • violets;
  • althea;
  • licorice;
  • thyme;
  • plantain;
  • thermopsis.

Possible complications include dissemination (generalization of infection) for cold or bacterial diseases, lung damage. With pertussis, the consequences are dangerous by stopping breathing, intracerebral hemorrhages at the height of coughing tremors.

In bronchial asthma, complications include persistent bronchospasm and asthmatic status, when breathing becomes superficial, weak, and symptoms of oxygen starvation increase. With allergic bronchitis, it is dangerous to develop anaphylactic shock and Quincke edema with a high risk of death in the absence of specific therapy.


What does cough and rhinitis mean for a baby without temperature?

Cough in the baby is a symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases. If cough occurs along with a rise in temperature, a runny nose, then these are obvious signs of a cold. But when a cough is not accompanied by an increase in the temperature regime, then the situation is more complicated, because it is sometimes difficult to understand the cause of such a symptom. However, treatment should be performed immediately after the symptoms are detected.

Causes and treatment of cough

Cough without fever can be of three types: dry, wet and barking. Each of them has its own symptoms and risk factors.


In infants, the musculature is not yet fully formed.For this reason, very often they suffer a so-called "barking" cough.It is so called for the very reason that it is very similar to barking a dog. The symptom can be rough and accompanied by wheezing, whistling. If a cough occurs very often, then the baby is simply exhausted.

The result of the pathological process is the formation of a strong hoarseness, during which the baby can even lose his voice.

The main reasons for the formation of barking cough are the following:

  • diphtheria or pertussis;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • too dry air in the room;
  • presence of a foreign object in the throat;
  • cyst in the larynx;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases.


This symptom is characterized by a lack of abundant sputum discharge. Cough can take a strong, disruptive nature, accompanied by painful sensations. The formation of an unproductive cough without temperature can be affected by catarrhal disease or defeat of ENT organs by infections.

At the initial stage of the common cold, a baby has a sore throat and an unproductive cough. After a few days, the intensity of symptoms decreases, the cough turns into a wet form, as the body begins to reproduce phlegm.

But then the cough again turns into an unproductive form, because the mucus is released in less quantity.To the most frequent reasons of a dry cough it is possible to carry:

  • influenza virus;
  • smoke from cigarettes, overdried air in the room;
  • sharp chemical smells.

So do not ignore the fact that a dry cough that infects the baby many times throughout the day is a clear sign of laryngitis, an infectious disease, whooping cough, and measles. It describes the treatment of dry cough in a baby without temperature.


If a small child is able to cough up phlegm, then the cough is called productive. This name he received for the reason that there is a clearing of the bronchi from the secret. The cause of the formation of this cough is the presence of acute respiratory disease, common cold, allergies, pneumonia and bronchitis.If phlegm is allocated a viscous consistency, then it is important to take care of its early evacuation.Otherwise, it will multiply pathogenic microorganisms. This phenomenon causes serious complications.

With a wet cough, the secret that separates can take a hazy shade, which indicates the onset of the formation of the inflammatory process. With a rusty shade of mucus, you can recognize allergies, and green indicates sinusitis, tuberculosis.

Intensive release of mucus can confirm the development of bronchitis and tracheitis. If a productive cough is detected in the baby during the treatment period, then this is a good indicator that the patient is recovering. The spitting out of such small children is difficult because the viscosity is too high, and the musculature is not yet so developed.


Drug therapy involves the use of mucolytic drugs that exert an expectorant and diluting effect. When receiving synthetic expectorant drugs, high productivity and quick excretion of viscous mucus are achieved.

Excellent antitussive drugs are herbal medicines, but before taking them, you need to make sure that the baby is not allergic.During the therapy, it is necessary to fill the room with fresh air. During the ventilation the baby should not be in the room.

Provide a plentiful drink to the kid, preparing him tea, mors, broth and mineral water. Also, a positive effect can be obtained with the use of warm milk, radish juice.

Since the formation of a cough is influenced by various factors, the drugs aimed at its elimination also have their own. Their selection should be carried out by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient. Treatment will give a positive result only if the parents strictly follow all the recommendations. Only safe and appropriate therapy will lead to a successful outcome. Sometimes there is a cough in the baby with teething.

Causes and treatment of colds

In infants less than a year, infrequent cough without fever is considered a normal symptom. Thus, they cleanse the airways of dust and mucus, trapped in the trachea and bronchi. Typically, it is a cough in the baby in the morning or after eating. But sometimes parents notice from their children such a symptom as a runny nose or snot without temperature. He appears very often after walking on the streets in the cold season. The reason is the temperature difference. It also passes suddenly, as it did. But there are situations when the runny nose causes a certain ailment.

On video, a baby cough and runny nose without fever:

Very often the runny nose without temperature in young children is the result of a cold that has occurred when the respiratory system is infected with viruses.The immunity of the child comes into conflict with it and actively removes them. This explains the absence of temperature.

The next cause of a cold without temperature is an allergic reaction. The symptomatology of allergic rhinitis is very similar to the manifestations of the common cold, but it has more definite differences:

  • unproductive cough;
  • edema of the nasal mucosa, discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • Skin covers turn red, and they form a rash.

Regardless of what triggered a common cold - a cold or an allergy - treatment should necessarily involve moistening the air in the room. Often ventilate the room in which the crumb is located, or use a special humidifier for these purposes. Also, the water in the bowls struggles with dry air, which must be placed all over the room.

It is compulsory to give the child as much drink as possible. It is the liquid that facilitates the rapid evacuation of toxins, the dilution of viscous mucus in the nose and rapid cleansing. For these purposes, you can use ordinary water or special children's teas. Well-proven decoction of chamomile.

You should wash the nasal cavity as often as possible with a solution based on sea water or table salt. On a glass of warm water you have a small spoonful of salt. To get the maximum effect, it is worth adding a few drops of iodine.

To cleanse the nose, pharmacies can be used.Here are in great demand:

  • Akvalor,
  • Aquamaris (here you can read reviews about nasal drops for children Aqua Maris),
  • SALIN.

Thanks to them, it is possible to moisten the nasal mucosa and the internal cavity of the nasopharynx. Presented drugs have antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

To combat nasal congestion, parents can use vasoconstrictive drops.

Help in this can:

  • Nazel Baby,
  • Nazivin for newborns.

If during the day the baby's nose is not heavily clogged, then it is necessary to drip with vasoconstrictive drugs only for the night. You can apply these medicines for no more than 7 days.

Read how to treat a cold with a nebulizer in children.

It describes the treatment of a wheezing cough in a child.

Reviews on the use of the inhaler for cough and cold:

Causes and treatment of bronchitis

To provoke inflammation of the bronchi can defeat their viruses and bacteria. The most frequent pathogens may occur:

  • influenza virus;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • paragripp;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • chlamydia and mycoplasma;
  • pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci.

All these microorganisms can affect the baby's body by airborne droplets from carriers of infection. Vectors can be people who are sick for this disease and are next to the baby.

With this disease without temperature, it is important to ensure the baby the right care, diet and nutrition. Regardless of the form of bronchitis, it is important that the patient consumes dairy products, as well as products of plant origin. Give the baby a different drink. Watch the humidity in the room, often ventilate the room.

In the video - tells about the treatment of bronchitis in a newborn without a temperature:

Take care that the baby breathes through the nose. To facilitate breathing it is necessary to wash the nose with a solution based on sea salt and apply vasoconstrictive drops. The most effective are Tizin, Galazoline, and Pharmazoline. If the child has an allergy, then it is worthwhile to use antiallergic drops in the therapeutic process. But it's not worth using for a long time, otherwise there will be a malfunction of the nasal mucosa.

In the fight against coughing, a doctor can prescribe antitussive drugs - Sinekod. But it is advisable to use them in a debilitating cough. When the baby leaves mucus, then it must be used expectorant drugs - Althea, Licorice, Thermopsis. To eliminate the viscosity of sputum, mucolytics can be used - Ambroxol, Chymotrypsin, Bromhexine. It is best to use these medications by inhalation. When a cough is accompanied by a spasm of the bronchial tubes, the boy needs to use bronchodilators - Atrovent, Erespal.

Opinion of Komarovsky

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all parents immediately go to the doctor after the appearance of such symptoms as cough and runny nose without fever. Sometimes such signs can hide a dangerous disease.At home, the baby needs to wash the nose, give as much drink, moisten the air.Such, at first glance, simple measures, will quickly relieve the patient's condition and eliminate unpleasant manifestations.

In the video - about a wet cough in a baby without temperature, says Komarovsky:

Runny nose and cough without fever in infants can occur for a variety of reasons. The success of treatment will depend directly on how accurately the cause of the pathology was determined. Parents should simply follow all the recommendations and surround their child with care and attention. Here you can read about the treatment of mucus in the nasopharynx of the baby.

Barking cough in a child - treatment and reasons

Barking cough in a child can be caused by colds, infectious diseases, viruses, or allergic reactions. Diseases in which dry barking cough develops in children:

  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous larynx, pharynx.
  • Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis (LSLT) is also a false cereal - a disease in which an infection or a virus provokes the development of laryngeal edema, vocal cords in children
  • Influenza, orgi, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial infections in children prone to allergies.
  • The true croup (diphtheria)
  • Whooping cough

Thanks to vaccination - and diphtheria, and whooping cough is now a rare disease. Therefore, consider other causes of barking cough in a child, whose treatment should be immediate, since with such a cough the child suffocates. Barking cough is also in children from 4 months old, and in older children, most often they suffer children under five.

In the emergence of OSLT, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial viruses usually play a leading role. A few days after the onset of these diseases, the virus causes inflammation, severe swelling and an increase in the mucous discharge in the area of ​​the vocal cords and trachea. Less often, it is the first manifestation of the virus or cold that the swelling of the larynx and barking cough can serve.

In children under 5, the larynx is much narrower than in older children, so viruses can contribute to a significant swelling in the mucous membrane of the larynx. At the same time, the laryngeal lumen almost completely overlaps, the air does not enter the lungs and the child can suffocate.

If your child has the following symptoms that present a health hazard:

  • Dry, painful cough, barking character
  • Temperature increase
  • Periodic loss of voice, hoarseness
  • Sometimes a rough cough, soundless
  • Sighing breath on inspiration
  • Dyspnea
  • Pale complexion
  • Night cough with attacks of suffocation, from which the child wakes up,

it is necessary to immediately call a doctor or call an ambulance. Usually a false cereal passes by itself, however 5-8% of children will need hospitalization. Doing self-medication is very dangerous, especially if the child is prone to allergic manifestations. To launch such cough in no event it is impossible. The pediatrician should be informed about the temperature of the child when and how the disease began. The doctor should examine the child's throat, listen to the lungs and bronchi, send for a blood test, and possibly an X-ray of the lungs.

If the doctor recommends hospitalization, you should not refuse, after diagnosis in the hospital, the withdrawal of an acute period, the normalization of the state can now easily abandon the services of the hospital. If there is a barking cough in a child, treatment with medicinal herbs before an accurate diagnosis is made and results of tests are not recommended, as they can provoke an allergy and only worsen the condition child.

Treatment of barking cough in children

What should I do if the child has a strong barking cough? Here are some tips on how to act in such cases.

  • Calm yourself and calm the child

At excitement, the child begins to cough even more, as the muscles of the larynx are compressed during excitement, the child becomes harder to breathe. Take the baby in your arms, calm down, sing a song, tell a fairy tale, or give a bright toy, the older child can turn on the cartoon.

  • Steam inhalations

Steam inhalations very well help to remove the laryngeal edema. To make inhalation with laryngitis, bronchitis above the steam, take a pot of boiling water, (in the absence of allergy, add sage or chamomile) soda and sunflower oil. After boiling, remove from heat and sit the baby next to the pan. If the child is very small, then close the door to the kitchen and leave the pan boiling, and keep the baby next to the stove. Let the child breathe useful vapors. It is also effective in a pre-heated bathroom (having boiled water), periodically bring a small child for 10-15 minutes. From moist warm air, the cough softens and the baby will breathe easier.

  • Inhalations with mineral water

This is one of the main, important tools in fighting barking cough. If there is an inhaler, then very well help inhalation with mineral water. If a strong barking cough is caused by pharyngitis, and the child is not prone to allergies, you can also do inhalations with eucalyptus.

  • Antihistamines

It is necessary to give the child an antihistamine drug, allergy tablets, a wide variety of them: Suprastin (chloropyramine), Clemastin (tavegil), Claritin (loratidine), Zirtek, Tsetrin (cetirizine), Kestin (ebastin) - in dosage for children according to instructions. If the child is under 3 years old, it is better to give the medicine in the form of a syrup or crush the tablet and give in a tablespoon together with water.

  • Free the child from the shy clothes

Clothes should not constrain the baby's chest, unbutton all the buttons on the collar of the shirt.

  • Copious warm drink

It is necessary to give a drink to your child with any warm drinks. It is better to give natural freshly diluted juices than milk. The aching baby always loses a lot of fluid, so it's important to give it a drink in time. Frequent copious drink dilutes sputum and does not allow dehydration (signs).

  • The air in the room must be wet

It is important what air is in the room where the child is. It must be fresh, moist and warm. Ideally, if there is a humidifier in the house, this greatly simplifies the creation of tropical air, so necessary for the baby now. If it is not, you can use wet diapers, fabrics on batteries, and arrange in all rooms a container with water.

  • Antipyretic

If the fever has risen - give the child a febrifuge in a dose appropriate to age.

  • Heating procedures

If there is no high body temperature, it is possible to warm the calves of the legs with mustard plasters or warming creams, a warm bath - this will increase the flow of blood to the legs and distract from the larynx, hence will not give edema intensify. It is necessary to warn parents against the use of warming ointments on the chest and back of the child. Such ointments contain essential oils (for example, Dr Mom), which many children under the age of 3 may have an allergic reaction and develop bronchospasm, bronchial obstruction.

  • If the child suffocates do not use aerosols from bronchial asthma alone

When it is difficult for a child to breathe and the child does not suffer from bronchial asthma, do not use cans of asthma alone. Of course, signs of false cereal decrease, but asthma medications in aerosols contain potent substances, hormonal drugs, prescribe and dose which only a doctor can. If the child has a very noisy breath, the jugular fossa is pulled in, call for an ambulance and continue the steam inhalation. The doctor, if he sees fit, will replace such inhalation with Pulmicort, Benacort.

  • Expectorants or antitussives

Medicines and herbs to improve sputum removal - Gedelix, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, vegetable syrup Dr. Mom, Herbion from dry and wet cough, Mukaltin, Alteika, etc. or antitussives with a dry cough, which can only be used as directed by a doctor. If the barking cough is provoked by acute laryngotracheitis, it is desirable that the dry cough become wetter faster, as a moist cough removes bacteria from the body. After the wet cough appears, expectorants are needed. Remember that with prolonged use expectorants themselves can provoke a cough, so their use should not be long. You can supplement the treatment with a massage of the chest, grinding the breast and back of the baby.

  • General care

Of course, parents should provide the child with proper care - as often as possible to carry out wet cleaning, provide a variety of food, with enough fruits and vegetables. Everything that is necessary to maintain children's immunity.

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