Peripheral dystrophy of the retina: the main symptoms and methods of treatment

Peripheral dystrophy of the retina is one of rare, but quite dangerous diseases. When ailment occurs, the lack of timely medical care can lead to disastrous consequences, however, proper treatment will help to maintain vision. In addition, the problem can be difficult to diagnose and its analysis, as a rule, takes quite a lot of time.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Under peripheral dystrophy of the retina is usually understood the disease of the eye (most often hereditary nature), the development of which is accompanied by processes of tissue destruction with subsequent deterioration view.In advanced stages, complete loss of vision is not possible without recovery.

According to official statistics, up to forty per cent of people with hyperopia and up to eight per cent short-sightedness suffer from a disease.

People with eye diseases are recommended to have prophylaxis and periodic examination for the possibility of acquiring dystrophy of the retina.

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There are following forms of the disease:

  • Latticed. Characterized by the appearance of white bands, deterioration of blood circulation in the blood vessels of the eye and the formation of cysts. Often occurs against the background of retinal detachment.
  • Retinoschisis. Characterized by the retinal bundle, most often observed with the development of myopia. In most cases it is hereditary.
  • Ine-like. It is characterized by the appearance on the anterior surface of the eye of ine-like white inclusions. Passed by heredity.
  • With changes in the form of a snail trace. When the disease occurs, appearance of perforated pathologies resembling a footprint is observed. Often accompanied by tissue ruptures.
  • With changes in the form of cobblestone pavement. When the disease is observed pathologies in the form of rings of oblong form, it is possible to separate pieces of pigment. Often diagnosed with myopia.
  • Small-cystic. Characterized by the appearance of a large number of red small cysts.


The disease can occur in people of any age and category. Among the most common causes of its occurrence are:

  • Inflammation of the organs of vision;
  • Heredity (if relatives suffered from this type of problem);
  • Craniocerebral injury, eye damage;
  • Hyperopia (less often myopia);
  • Damage due to excessive physical exertion;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Disturbance of blood supply to the organs of vision;
  • Intoxication of the body.

Also, the accumulated degradation products in the body can serve as the cause of the problem. Rarely does the disease develop on the background of pregnancy.


In the first stages of the disease, most often there are no signs of its development. Most of the symptoms (with the exception of the visible symptoms) are the same for each of the types of retinal dystrophy:

  • Deterioration of visual acuity (not always symmetrical);
  • Shroud, fog before your eyes;
  • Wrong perception of colors;
  • Incorrect perception of the forms of objects of the surrounding reality;
  • Rapid fatigue, constant eye fatigue.

Sometimes symptoms can be observed simultaneously, but can occur either separately or in turn.

In case of abnormal fatigue of the eye, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist for diagnosis for the development of retinal dystrophy.

Possible complications

In the case of timely diagnosis of the disease, its progression is stopped by treatment. The quality of the results of the intervention depends on the stage of development of dystrophy.In the absence of proper treatment, it is possible to destroy important eye tissues, complete or partial loss of vision without the possibility of recovery.Detachment of the retina is also possible.


Currently, there are several methods for treating retinal dystrophy. Their choice depends on the type and stage of the problem.


Treatment of the disease with medicines gives positive results only in the early stages and in the case of combination with other methods. Among the main drugs for the procedures are:

  • Vasoconstrictive;
  • Medicines containing lutein;
  • Angioprotectors;
  • Means for strengthening of vessels;
  • Vitamin Complexes.


As a rule, surgical operations are indicated to improve blood supply and metabolism. However, most often the following procedures:

  • Physiotherapy. Therapy strengthens the muscles and the retina of the eye.
  • Laser coagulation. It is performed to prevent detachment of the retina of the eye. During the operation, the damaged areas are cauterized.

It is worth noting that these techniques can not restore lost vision, but will stop the development of the disease.

People's means

Folk methods will help prevent the irreversible effects of peripheral dystrophy and improve the overall vision.However, their use is recommended only after consulting an ophthalmologist and as an adjunct to medical methods.

As an additional tool used infusion of Japanese Sophora. Five grams of Sophora is mixed with half a liter of vodka and insisted for three months.Apply the drug one teaspoon three times a day, premixed with a small amount of water.


The main preventive method for peripheral dystrophy of the retina is a periodic examination with an ophthalmologist.Those who have problems with vision and frequent diseases of the eyes, especially important is the constant monitoring by a doctor.In addition, a healthy lifestyle, support of immunity and the adoption of vitamin complexes are useful.


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Peripheral dystrophy of the retina is a rare, but dangerous for health and vision disease. It is difficult to diagnose and not always treatable with full recovery. Nevertheless, its development can be easily prevented by seeking medical help with the appearance of the first symptoms, and development - stopping, thereby increasing the chances of preserving vision.

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