Black radish from children coughing

Radish with honey from cough is a slightly forgotten folk remedy, however, this does not reduce the medicinal properties of this drug. Radish is very popular in Eastern countries, and it is used in cooked, marinated and even dried form. What is useful for this vegetable?

Radish contains many essential oils, vitamins A and D, trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron. And in the root crop contains sulfur, which has an expectorant effect when coughing, and also reduces allergy manifestations. Fetoncides radish are able to fight viruses and bacteria. Thanks to these qualities, this black root has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating effect.

There are many varieties of radish - black, white, green, brown, however, the best medicinal properties is still a vegetable of black color. Black radish with honey from cough is used for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis, it removes hoarseness of the voice in colds, it is used even in whooping cough and tuberculosis.

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How to cook?

  1. Rinse the black large radish well and cut off its top: it will later serve as a lid for you. Leave the tail untouched.
  2. Scrape a thin knife deepening, leaving on the sides of about 3 cm. Do not cut too much, otherwise the juice will not be enough.
  3. Fill the vegetable with honey half, it will be enough 2 tablespoons, and cover it with a lid.
  4. Put radish with honey for 12 hours in a dark place to form juice. It is he who is the wonderful drug that helps to get rid of a cough.

You do not need to discard the vegetable after the first isolation of the juice, the same radish can be used for 3 more days for treatment, then take a fresh root.

How to use?

Isolated juice should be taken before meals on a tablespoon, it should be done 4-6 times a day. The recipe is great for children, they are given a drug for 1 teaspoon the same number of times.

Honey should be chosen only quality, better from a verified seller. The most valuable honey for coughing is lime or sweet. However, do not forget that honey can cause allergies, so before applying the product, ask permission from your doctor.

Despite the safety of radish juice, doctors do not recommend using it for more than 3 weeks in a row for adults and more than 1 week for children. There is evidence that with prolonged intake of this vegetable, depression may occur. Therefore, never prepare a drug from a radish with the use of alcohol.

Simplified methods of preparation. Recipes

  • If there is no time to wait until the vegetable is filled with juice, you can accelerate this process. For this, the radish is cut into small pieces and topped with honey, 3-4 tbsp. spoons. Isolation of juice occurs very quickly, it is filtered and can be taken immediately.
  • Another simple recipe for using radish with honey for coughing: grate the vegetable on a large grater, squeeze the juice and mix it with honey. It will take 100 grams of honey for a glass of pressed juice.

Recipe with carrot juice

It is used to enhance the effect of coughing, both in adults and in children. Make the drug can be as follows; mix 100 grams of carrot juice and radish juice, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. The treatment is carried out every hour, also on a tablespoon.

In addition, see a video about the benefits of black radish, as well as another recipe for a medicine from a black radish cough.

How to take the drug for children?

Since this is absolutely natural, devoid of all kinds of additives, a drug, it is not only possible, but it is necessary to give it to children. To make sure that the baby does not have allergies, start the radish with honey for a dry and moist cough with 1-2 drops before eating. If no reactions have occurred, the amount of juice is gradually increased by two drops, but one should not give the baby more than 1 hour. spoons at the reception.

Can I use the prescription during pregnancy?

Of course, the use of chemotherapeutic agents during this period is undesirable, therefore, natural medicines are recommended for the treatment of cough during pregnancy. However, take the juice squeezed out of the radish, it should be neat.

The fact is that the plant contains a huge amount of essential oils, which are slowly eliminated from the body and can lead the uterus to tone. If the cough is very strong, you can use this root for treatment, but instead of honey, put sugar in place of the honey (so as not to cause allergies). Take the drug no more than 3-4 days, after asking permission from the gynecologist.

Green radish

This plant variety has milder properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and has a bactericidal effect in pneumonia, bronchitis, angina and whooping cough.

The recipe for cough medicine with green radish juice: it is rubbed on a grater, honey is added and insisted for 2 days. After that, you can use it as a medicine, not more than a teaspoon per reception.


Although radish is a very useful vegetable, it can irritate the intestines and cause an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Also, do not use the vegetable to treat arrhythmia, palpitation, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gout and kidney disease.

How to give a baby radish with honey

Radish juice with honey is an excellent expectorant for the disease of the upper respiratory tract in a child. The composition of this vegetable includes a large amount of potassium, calcium, iron, phytoncides and vitamin C.

You will need

  1. - Radish;
  2. - honey.


  1. Kiss the radish thoroughly, cut off the tip and scrape the core with a knife. Fill the cup with honey. Cover the radish with the top off and let it sit at room temperature for 5-6 hours. The resulting liquid is poured into a glass bottle and stored in a refrigerator. Children older than 3 years, give 1 tablespoon of this drug 3-4 times a day before meals. Children up to 3 years - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. This tool is an assistant in the struggle not only with a cough, but also with arrhythmia and children's diathesis.
  2. Radish grate on a fine grater, wring out the juice and mix with honey in equal amounts. Let it brew for 1-2 hours. Children older than 3 years, give 1 teaspoon of this remedy 4-5 times a day before meals. Children up to 3 years - 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. At night, to relieve the symptoms of colds, you can give a double dose. This medicine is very effective in treating cough.
  3. For the treatment of cough and bronchitis in children, prepare the following medicine: radish wash, cut in small cubes, pile in a saucepan, add honey and put in preheated to 150-180 oven on, -2 hours. Take honey and radish in equal quantities. After this, strain the mass, discard the radish pieces, and cool the resulting liquid, and pour into a glass jar. Keep in the fridge. Children older than 3 years, give 2 teaspoons of this drug 3 times a day before meals. Children up to 3 years - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  4. There is another means for curing a child in a radish-based cough. To do this, grate the radish on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Spread one tablespoon of honey in 1 glass of water and mix with 1 glass of radish juice. Children older than 3 years, give 1 tablespoon of this remedy 5 times a day before meals. Children up to 3 years - 1 teaspoonful 5 times a day.

Honey with a radish from a cough for children. Preparation, application, feedback

There are many childhood diseases that cause huge problems not only to the child, but also to his parents. Especially often children are susceptible to various colds and bronchitis. One of the characteristic signs of such pathological conditions is cough. As a rule, parents use various pills, chemist's medicines and other chemical preparations to eliminate it. However, there are also such mothers and dads who use only ancient recipes to treat their child.

Honey with a cough radish for children was used by our grandmothers. About how this combination of products helps to overcome the disease, we will tell below.

What is useful for radish?

Black radish with honey from coughing to children is prescribed at the first signs of the disease. How useful is this product? In fact, the medicinal properties of this vegetable have been known for a long time.

According to reports of specialists, black radish contains a large amount of potassium, iron and calcium. Essential oils, which are part of this product, endow it with the strongest bactericidal properties.

Black radish is rich in such a strong antibacterial substance as lysozyme. It is capable of destroying the cell walls of many bacteria. Moreover, this component has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect. That is why radish with honey from cough for children effectively helps to cope with the disease.

Than honey is useful?

Honey with a radish from a cough for children is a unique folk remedy, which many have forgotten.

It is not a secret to anyone that honey is the oldest natural sweetener. But for the preparation of a natural medicine it is used not only for this reason. It is very nutritious and healthy. According to experts, honey has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Due to the presence of the ergogenic component, it increases the working capacity of a person. Also honey improves blood quality and digestion process.

Within a short period of time, this component can remove nasal congestion, reduce cough, eliminate inflammation and reduce perspiration in the throat, and also help in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

It should also be noted that the product in question naturally contributes to the retention of calcium in the body and relieves inflammation of the tissues.

With the regular use of honey in small doses, it supports the human immune system.

Honey with radish to children is an excellent remedy for coughing!

To help your child in the cold season and prevent the development of such a serious illness as pneumonia, you should start taking care of your child as soon as possible. Very often parents use honey with a radish from a cough for children. Such a remedy is not only effective, but also safe for health. After all, many medicines containing synthetic substances have a negative impact on the child's unformed body.

How effective is honey with a radish from coughing for children? Specialists can not give an unambiguous answer to the question posed, since it depends on the proper preparation of the drug. It is extremely important to take into account that the recipes that are used for adults are completely inappropriate for children.

As you know, coughing is not such a big problem to resort to strong medicines. At the same time, the folk remedy with radishes with honey has quite a strong effect. Experience shows that the reaction of the child's body to taking such a medicine is not always positive. Therefore, to get a good result, you must select the correct recipe.

Safety of use

Is it safe to treat cough radish with honey in children? As with any other diseases, parents should not rely solely on their efforts and experience. Even if numerous reviews indicate that such a method is completely safe, it should still be "checked" by the doctor.

There are several types of child cough. The simplest is wet. There is also a dry cough, wavy, superficial, barking, etc. The variety of such a pathological condition should be taken into account when choosing a prescription drug. Therefore, when developing a cough in a child, you should first consult a doctor, and only then use honey with a radish.

Operating principle

How does honey work with radish from cough for children? Reviews report that a drug based on such components always has a positive effect on a person. Thanks to honey and radish, the baby's organism can easily cope with the microbes caused by bronchitis. Especially good this folk drug helps if the cause of the disease is the presence of infection in the upper respiratory tract.

According to experts' reviews, such a tool gives an excellent effect if the radish with honey is used in the process of fighting a cough accompanied by a difficult sputum discharge. As you know, it is called "dry". Although it should be noted that with wet cough, this drug is also highly effective.

In the first case, the agent should be used about a week, and in the second - only 3-4 days.

Is it always an effective combination of radish-honey? Experts say that even if such a drug could not completely cure the disease, in any case it will allow the baby to move it more easily and not get a complication.

Radish with honey from cough: recipe

The child should be prescribed only with a weak cough. To do this, you must strictly follow all recipe recommendations. The product resulting from its implementation is distinguished by a rather high safety, since there are no artificial additives in it.

By the way, many pediatricians claim that with not very neglected cases, this means should be used, not various medications.

Since it is necessary to prepare a national medicine? You need to use the following products to create it:

  • black radish medium size;
  • sugar - about, a dessert spoon (you can do without it);
  • honey - about 2 dessert spoons.

Cooking process

The process of preparing radish with honey for the treatment of child cough consists of the following stages.

  • Black root is thoroughly washed in warm water, and then remove all contaminations from it, cut off the cap and skin.
  • Dessert spoon carefully take out the pulp of the radish. The resulting mass is rubbed on the smallest grater.
  • To get the bitter gruel add honey and, if desired, sugar.
  • After mixing all the ingredients, they are again placed in the root crop and left in this form for 2 hours. During this time, the medicine should be infused.
  • After 120 minutes, a pleasant to taste and sweet juice is formed, which, in fact, is treated for coughing in children.

Mode of application

Any national recipe, regardless of the composition, should be used by the patient with extreme caution. Radish with honey is forbidden to apply in the event that the baby is not yet one year old.

It is very important to treat a cough to choose a suitable time, in which the juice will be taken. The first time this drug should be given to a child until 12 noon. This is necessary for parents to be able to track how the baby's organism is affected by the effect of this medication.

Also after the first reception of a honey radish it is required to look, whether there are any allergic reactions in the child. In rare cases, such a remedy is not a rescue for the baby, but a cause of aggravation of his condition. So against the background of taking the drug in children can develop severe diarrhea and skin rashes.

If there are no side effects, you can safely go to a three-time reception of juice in the amount of one dessert spoon.

The duration of administration of such a drug depends on the patient's condition. With a decrease in cough, its dosage also decreases. After complete recovery, the folk remedy is canceled.

Parents' comments

Not all parents of young children are satisfied with the centuries-old experience of using the recipe in question. Many of them note that such a remedy does not always work effectively. Moreover, in rare cases, it aggravates the patient's difficult situation as well. After taking the juice, a child may develop a severe allergic reaction and diarrhea. In this case, the national drug is canceled.

There are also positive reviews about this tool. Some parents believe that honey and radish are much better cope with children's cough, than pharmacy potions, syrups, etc.

As for specialists, many of them are positive about the treatment of babies by folk remedies. However, they argue that in order to obtain a stable and pronounced therapeutic effect, it is very important to prepare the medicine correctly. After all, many people do it at their own discretion, adding those or other ingredients in one or another quantity.

It should also be noted that radish with honey should be used only with a weak cough. If it is strong, protracted and associated with any serious pathology in the respiratory tract, then for its treatment should refer to an experienced pediatrician.

Black, green and white radish from a cough

Radish costs as much gold as it weighs. These words belong to one of the ancient Greek authors. This vitamin is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Once he was considered almost a panacea. Of course, this is not entirely true, but there is still a benefit in radish. With its help, you can successfully treat a productive and unproductive cough. The treatment of radish cough and cold includes several effective recipes.

The radish recipe for coughing is baked in the oven

Black radish from cough is used for colds or bronchitis. This recipe assumes thermal processing of root vegetables. It must be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into small slices. They need to be washed again, put on a deep frying pan or in a glass pan and pour sugar. The container with vegetables needs to be removed to the oven and turned on at one hundred and eighty degrees. A kiln of lobules in sugar should be no less than forty minutes, one hour. As a result, you will get juice, which you need to merge into a clean ceramic container. You will not need root slices anymore. You can take juice on a tablespoon several times a day after meals.

Radish from cough recipe with honey

For the preparation of this vegetable juice with honey, no more than two tablespoons of fragrant nectar and one medium root will be needed. Wash it thoroughly and cut off the top (about one or two centimeters). Do not rush to throw away the cut off vertex, you still need it. The bottom also needs to be cut and made in it a small conical hole. Cut a small hole in the center of the root and fill it with honey. Top the vegetable with a cut top and put it on a small glass or piano. After a few hours, the container will fill with a fragrant and useful juice. Take it you need a teaspoon every few hours.

Black radish recipes for cough and sugar

There are two prescriptions for treating this symptom with a black root with sugar:

  • Take one medium-sized vegetable, cut off the top and make a small hole in the form of a hole in the pulp. Fill the vegetable with sugar and cover with the top as a lid. Wait a few hours. During this time, a syrup is formed inside the root crop, which can be taken from a cough by a teaspoon every two hours.
  • Treatment of cough radish with sugar can be produced in a different way. Black root, wash and peel. Slice it with lobes or plastics, pour the sugar and leave it for five hours in a cool place. Strain the resulting syrup and take it on a tablespoon three times a day.

We treat cough with recipes with a green radish

Green radish from cough is also effective, as is black. In order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom you need to make juice out of it. Take a few medium-sized root crops and peel them. Rub each of them on a large or small grater into a deep container. Take a pre-prepared gauze and squeeze the juice from the resulting composition. Mix it with liquid honey in the calculation of two tablespoons per glass. Take the mixture three times a day. It helps to cope even with a chronic cough.

Black radish recipe for coughs with carrots and milk

To prepare this useful drink, one large or two medium carrots, two medium black roots and a glass of milk will be needed. Wash and peel the vegetables and grate them separately. Squeeze juice out of them with gauze. Root crops can also be ground in a blender and passed through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice with milk. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar or honey to the drink. Take this remedy two or three times a day.

Can I cure a cough recipes with a radish outwardly

In addition to taking the juice inside, there are also recipes for its external use. The main one is the manufacture of a kind of mustard plaster with the application of this root crop. Make them very simple. Take four pieces of cotton fabric, folded in half. Prepare root vegetables in advance. They need to be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Back or area of ​​the patient's breast, depending on where the original compress will be placed, grease with olive or sunflower oil and cover with a cloth. Lay the prepared mixture on it, smooth it and cover it with a cloth. Keep this body on the body for no more than twenty minutes. Light burning is permissible at the same time. If the black radish juice from the cough used for this compress becomes unbearably burning the skin, you need to remove it immediately.

White radish is also used as black or green for the preparation of medicines. From it you can prepare carrot-milk or honey juice. They are also used for making compresses.

Before you prepare a radish from a cough, make sure that there are no skin rashes on the patient's body in the back and chest area (allergy, dermatitis and so on). In this case it is contraindicated to use this root crop. Cough can not be treated radish and people suffering from peptic ulcer.

A radish recipe with honey from a cough

The recipe for black radish with honey has been popular since ancient times. Radish in its composition has a large amount of iron, potassium, essential oils, and therefore is one of the best bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Cough can be cured with radish juice, it should be added honey.

Useful properties of black radish

Traditional healers use root crops for the treatment of a common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. It has a specific bitter taste, because it contains a large amount of essential oil. For a day you can use no more than 50 grams of black radish.

Juice is valued for cleansing the biliary tract, relieves stagnation of bile. Therefore, it must be used to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. Radish is one of the effective diuretic drugs.

Preparation of medicinal product with radish and honey from cough

It is necessary to choose already a ripe black radish, young not so effective. If correctly to prepare a medicine from a radish, it is possible to notice after three days of relief, with the help of its cough becomes productive and soft. It is necessary to insist 24 hours. For cooking, take a ripe black radish, add to it 4 tablespoons of lime honey. Wait until the juice starts to stand out. In a day you need to drink at least 100 grams of this syrup.

Root should be natural, without chemicals, so that the treatment will help, not harm. Some use green radish, if the black has not yet ripened. It is also useful, it contains a sufficient amount of useful substances.

There are a large number of radish recipes with honey:

1. The root is cut off from the root crop. The lower part, where the tail is, does not need to be touched. Then in the middle a groove is made, there it is necessary to put a tablespoon of honey. Cover with a cut portion. Black radish is placed in a deep plate so that juice can accumulate in it, which is then used for treatment. To increase the amount of juice, you need to make holes at the edges.

2. Peel the black radish, cut into small pieces, add to the plate, add honey. When the juice appears, you need to use it on a tablespoon three times a day.

3. Efficient and a recipe for radish juice with honey. You need to make a deepening in the root, pour a pinch of salt, add a tablespoon of vodka, honey - three tablespoons. This juice can not be drunk inside, it is used as an external means by which to rub the chest, the back of the child. This remedy has the same effect as the mustard that warms the ointment.

If a black radish is introduced into the diet, this will be the best preventative against viral infections, coughing. To get rid of the bitterness of radish, you need to take salted water and soak in it pre-grated root crop. So the bitter essential oils will come out of it.

When can not I use black radish with honey from cough?

It is proved that the root crop negatively affects the central nervous system, can cause a depressive state. But this happens only if a person often abuses a radish. It is forbidden to use self-prepared recipes with black radish for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the pancreas. Pregnant women are often recommended to use black radish for warming compresses. But the recipe for vodka and salt is contraindicated. Care must also be taken to take it inside.

It must be remembered that radish essential oils for a long time accumulate in the body, they are difficult to remove. If the pregnant woman exceeds the dosage, abuses the radish, everything can end in miscarriage, premature birth, because of the increased tone of the uterus.

Compress from cough with honey and radish

Care must be given to coughing in small children. At them he is not always a symptom of the disease, but can be a protective reaction, removes from the body a large number of viruses, bacteria, in this way clears the airway. If a cough accompanies a cold, it is recommended to drink black radish juice with honey on a teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Doctors advise using a white radish to treat children, it is useful and does not harm like a black radish.

Black radish and honey are effective ways to treat

It is proved that a black radish can cure a strong cough that accompanies laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. The drug has an antimicrobial effect on the body. To do this, you need to find the right treatment for yourself:

1. Traditional cure for radish cough. To do this, you need to make a hole in which to put honey, so the juice will form. Especially useful in the morning. If the cough is dry, sputum does not go away for a long time, you need to drink juice up to 5 times a day.

2. Radish with honey in its pure form. It is necessary to grate the radish, add honey and use this remedy 20 grams before eating. This is the best cough remedy that accompanies the common cold.

3. To quickly prepare syrup from radish and honey, you need to thoroughly clean the root, then grate. Take gauze and squeeze out juice from it. The remedy will be ready after the honey has completely dissolved.

4. A strong dry or wet cough can be cured with this recipe: take 1 root of black radish, honey - two teaspoons, raspberry - a tablespoon. Raspberry mixed with honey, add grated radish. Insist 6 hours. Use three times a day at least one teaspoon. In no case can you abuse the black radish, it can lead to intoxication of the body.

So, black radish with honey is the best medicine for cough, in spite of this you should use it very carefully, so as not to harm the body. It is important when taking into account how you individually carry the root, all contraindications.

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