Treatment of a runny nose inhaler

How correctly to treat a runny nose inhaler with saline solution? (course of treatment, dosage ...).


Maria Zinchenko

Yes, it's very simple, you fill the nebulizer with saline and breathe, it is advisable to do inhalations throughout the day often, naturally, that after inhalation, go out on the street or a sharp temperature change will only go to harm. In addition to inhalations, with a runny nose, frequent washing of the nasal cavity with various solutions also helps, usually use saline, sea water or brine, which is prepared just 1h / l salt, a glass of warm water. Rinse your nose properly and with a weak pressure. In addition, with the cold, essential oils help, I use tiger balm, it just includes essential oils, I smear it with the nose, it helps to reduce the common cold and relieves congestion. In addition, for the treatment of the common cold, humidification plays a very important role, so do not forget to moisten the air, if there is, include a moisturizer, or hang wet towels on batteries, as will the frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa water.

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, ml of saline solution, pour into the compressor of the compressor nebulizer, connect it, inhale it with your nose for 10 minutes, exhale through the mouth. 7-10 days. You can do 2 times a day. If the nose is strongly embedded, add to the saline solution from the stuffiness (for example, naphthyzine or xylene (he has many other names)

vladimir frost

You pour hot water into the inhaler with the addition of crushed garlic head and just breathe through your nose. Tested on myself

Are inhalations good for a cold?

Despite a wide variety of drugs, with a cold in the inhalation - the most effective weapon against it. With the help of inhalation, the medicine quickly reaches the target, works in the most effective way and brings a quick result - getting rid of the cold.

Doing inhalations from the common cold is not so easy as, for example, taking a pill, dripping or spraying a medicine into your nose. But the time, effort and expense justify themselves.Runny nose goes away faster, and the result is fixed for a long time.There are many kinds of inhalers. Having appeared recently, the nebulizer with a common cold was well established.

Nasal information

Catarrh, probably, at least once had been ill every person on the planet. Therefore, to get rid of the cold, many drugs have been invented in different forms. But not in all cases they can be safely used, for example, pregnant women and children, many types of medications are contraindicated. In such cases, doctors recommend that treatment with inhalers.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The causes of this inflammation can be bacteria or viruses that get in the nose. The causes can be simple hypothermia, allergies, hormonal failure. The nose is very responsive to the environment around us. Coryza, called so in a simple, scientifically called rhinitis.

How does the common cold form? For example, under the influence of cold, the vessels of the nose cyclically contract and expand. Tightening, the vessels try to keep the heat, and briefly expanding, fulfill their function of supplying oxygen. As a result, there is swelling of the nose, as a protective reaction. And because of the irritation of the inner surface of the nose, the person sneezes.

With a virus attack, the picture is as follows. Viruses can multiply only in a weakened organism in two main cases: hypothermia and immunodeficiency. When the viruses multiply in the nose, a reaction occurs in the form of inflammation. Inflammation causes swelling of the nose. Then the blood flows to the area of ​​inflammation, forcing the glands producing mucus to work more actively. Hence, there are discharge from the nose - a runny nose.

The consequence of this picture are such unpleasant moments as a decrease in the perception of odors, with a strong runny nose, ears, there is increased tear. Bacteria that cause a runny nose usually work in combination with viruses. The manifestation of their action is thick discharge from the nose. This happens in the last stage of the common cold.

With proper treatment, the runny nose goes away within three days. Of course, provided the treatment started on time. If the runny nose is neglected, then it can last for several weeks. How to treat the common cold and what drugs and medicines to use for this, depends on the nature of the common cold and the reasons that caused it.

Remedies for catarrhal diseases

Coryza classification:
  • a common runny nose, is caused by the multiplication of bacteria or viruses against a background of hypothermia or weakened immunity;
  • an allergic rhinitis, is caused by reactions to external stimuli: flowers, wool, smells;
  • chronic rhinitis, in most cases occurs as a result of non-treatment - a prolonged runny nose.

In order to cure an infectious rhinitis caused by bacteria or viruses, inhalations should be used. The method is especially effective when used at the earliest stages of infection in the nose. As the basis of solutions for the inhaler, eucalyptus, fir, tea tree is used in this case, and it is best to use oils obtained from these plants. Experts recommend that such inhalations be carried out using a modern nebulizer device.

These procedures can be combined with other methods, for example, use drops in the nose. They are, of course, less effective than inhalation, but they relieve symptoms and ease the condition of patients. Well proven to be drops of pinosol, they combine a lot of useful for the common cold elements, such as eucalyptus oil, pine and fir. The composition of these drops includes a vitamin complex. With proper application, pinosol removes inflammation and normalizes the action of the mucous glands of the nose.

Pinosol can be used in the form of drops, spray and for the preparation of an inhalant solution. For inhalations, it is sufficient to add 50 drops of pinosol to the solution.

To remove the symptoms, other vasoconstricting drops are suitable, but they usually do not have a therapeutic effect, but only facilitate breathing. Use these drops should be strictly according to the instructions, because otherwise there may be side effects and addiction.

In the case of an allergic rhinitis treatment is carried out in a completely different ways. This runny nose is treated only under the close supervision of the doctor and after setting and confirming the diagnosis that established the allergen.

The treatment of a chronic cold is very long and should take place in the conditions of constant monitoring of doctors according to the methods prescribed by them.

Consider the most effective method of treating the common cold - inhalation with the help of a nebulizer. After all, with his help, recovery is much faster than with the use of standard tools.

Inhalation with a nebulizer for ailment

The nebulizer is designed for inhalation. When making an aerosol from a medical composition, it delivers it to all parts of the nose, ensuring the spread of the drug throughout the mucous membrane.

This small device is very convenient to use. It is used to treat colds in children of any age, in adults and in pregnant women. There are practically no contraindications, only the medicinal composition can differ.

By way of spraying the solution, nebulizers are divided into compression and ultrasonic. The main working element of the first is compressed air, in the second - this piezoelectric crystal, oscillating at ultrasonic frequencies.

Ultrasound nebulizers are more popular, as they work silently and are easy to use. Apply them with a long-lasting runny nose. Such inhalers are also useful for the treatment of bronchi, trachea and respiratory tract, and even for allergic rhinitis.

However, the compression device is more practical, it can also be used by children. The drawback is that it produces noise. The disadvantages of ultrasonic devices include high cost.

Each nebulizer is supplied with detailed instructions for its use. This instruction should be read in the first place.

General rules for the use of devices are that drugs are poured into a specially designed camera, the device only with the refueling chamber, the duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes, the course can consist of 5-10 procedures. Do not use the device at elevated temperature, the composition and concentration of solutions should be determined by the doctor. The procedure is carried out if after the meal has passed not less than an hour, you need to breathe only when sitting, breathing through your nose and exhaling through the mouth.

Solutions for inhalation can be very diverse. These are bronchodilators, solutions for normalizing pressure, solutions with hormones, antibiotics, solutions, suppressing allergic reactions, antiseptics, antifungal compounds, saline solution and simply mineral water.

Instructions for use of the inhaler

The composition of solutions is always determined by the doctor. When refilling the inhaler, the solution must be warm. To prepare the mixture it is recommended to use only saline solution. This avoids unwanted complications.

When using a nebulizer with several solutions, inhalations are alternately taken with interruptions of at least 15 minutes.

Since the inhaler may not be suitable for spraying certain solutions, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions before use.

Let us consider some examples of the preparation of solutions for the treatment of colds of different origin.

In case of staphylococcus infection, a solution of 1 ml of chlorophyllipt and 10 ml of saline solution is used for one procedure.


In acute infection of the nose, a solution of furacilin is used. It is prepared only in pharmacies. Inhalation is done 2 times a day.

Coryza of a viral nature is treated with interferon. The ampoule is dissolved in 3 ml of the base. Inhalations are carried out in the morning and in the evening.

With a chronic cold and cough, homeopathic preparations, such as tonzigon, which has many herbs as a part, have a good effect. The ratio of the drug to saline is equal. For children, make a weak composition and dilute in a ratio of 1 part of the drug and 3 parts of saline. Inhalation should be carried out 3 times a day.

Alcoholic tincture of calendula, diluted: 0, is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Propolis also helps in this case. Alcohol tincture is diluted 20 times.

The nebulizer is good in that newborn babies can also take care of the cold with it. It is easy to use. Inhalations are carried out, as a rule, at home. The device heals without causing any harm.


An inhaler with a runny nose has undeniable advantages over other methods of treatment in that it brings a quicker result. Doing inhalations with a nebulizer with a cold, you do not exert negative influence on other organs, for example, like the liver when taking tablets. The nebulizer delivers the medicine to the target in full.

Treatment of cough and runny nose inhalation

Symptom of many diseases is an unpleasant phenomenon, like cough. In order to get rid of it and the illness that caused it, treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive, comprehensive manner. For this, different methods exist in modern medicine. Inhalations for cough and cold are one of them. This is a fairly harmless and effective way to combat the disease. Its great advantages are ease of use, availability, and a wide range of selectable tools.

The effect of inhalations in the treatment of cough and cold

The secret of the positive effects of vapors on the body, their invaluable help in the fight against reflex spasms of the diaphragm lies in the fact that the smallest droplets of fluid when inhaled fall even into the most distant sections of the chest and are absorbed into the blood. This several times increases the strength of the therapeutic effects of various formulations, which are inhaled by coughing and runny nose, often accompanied by an unpleasant symptom. Besides:

  • The mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are moistened.
  • Sputum is diluted.
  • There is a prophylaxis of degeneration of the disease into a chronic stage.
  • Accelerated recovery of the patient.

Indications for inhalation in the treatment of cough and cold

Inhalation of medications is a fairly effective method to combat respiratory tract spasms, provoked by the following diseases:

  • Colds.
  • ARI.
  • ARVI.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Fungal infections of the respiratory system.

It should be remembered that before starting the procedure it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the limitations for its application.

Contraindications to inhalation in the treatment of cough

There are a number of conditions in which the inhalation of vapors is prohibited:

  • The presence of fever.
  • Excretion of purulent sputum.
  • Propensity to bleeding from the nose.
  • Coughing with blood.
  • Allergy to the medicinal product used.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis).
  • Diseases of the respiratory system in severe form.

If there are no contraindications, then you can choose the appropriate procedure and proceed with its implementation.

Types of inhalations for cough and cold management

Inhalants can be hot (evaporation has a temperature above 30 degrees) and cold. The mechanism of inhalation formation is:

  • Steam.
  • Instrumental.

In the first case, the medicinal substance evaporates naturally along with the water in which it was diluted, and the person breathes the obtained substance. For hot inhalation, two methods are used:

1. The medicinal composition is heated in a saucepan to 50-60 degrees, the fire turns off, the patient covers his head with a towel, breathes for 5-10 minutes.

2. If a teapot is used, a rolled paper tube is inserted in its spout and the vapors are inhaled through it.

When performing the procedure with the help of devices, the drug substance is filled into the compressor inhalers from a cough and sprayed directly into the respiratory system of the patient. Such devices break the drug into the smallest particles and squirt them.

Rules of inhalation in the treatment of cough and cold

For successful implementation of the procedure, there are a number of recommendations that need to be adhered to:


Do manipulations in a sitting posture.

2. To be silent.

3. Check the expiry date of medicines.

4. Use to dissolve drugs saline in inhalers and clean water for steam procedures.

5. Inhale slowly and deeply.

6. The procedure should be 5-10 minutes.

7. There are no earlier than an hour and a half before the start of the process.

8. After the procedure can not: smoke, eat, drink for an hour.

9. If inhalations are carried out with a cold and cough, then breathing is necessary with the mouth and nose.

When using inhalers, you must carefully read the instructions attached to them.

If a steam procedure is carried out, it is forbidden to lean over boiling water and inhale it, the temperature of the liquid should not be more than 60 degrees.

Solutions for inhalation in the treatment of cough

The use of drugs depends on the nature of the spastic exhalations and the illness they are caused. For the appointment of the necessary remedy, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will conduct the examination and recommend the most effective one. For the treatment of cough in children and adults, medicines and folk methods are used:

  • Expanding bronchi.
  • Thinning phlegm and facilitating the process of its separation.
  • Enzymes.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Antitussive.
  • Antiseptic.

The right choice of a medicine is the key to a successful fight against ailment.

Solutions for inhalation in the treatment of dry cough

Different types of reflex spastic exhalations are treated with different compounds.

With dry barking cough apply:

  • Soda solution.
  • Herbal decoctions (infusions of chamomile, linden, thyme, sage).
  • Essential oils or drops with water (eucalyptus, mint, almond).
  • Drugs diluted in saline (berodual, berotek, lazolvan, mukaltin, ambroben, tussamag, lidocaine, atrovent, ACTS, romazulan, narzan).
  • Miromistin, Rotokan.

The use of funds is directed to: removal of swelling of mucous membranes, acceleration of the process of sputum formation, degeneration of cough into wet, elimination of laryngeal narrowing.

Solutions for inhalation in the treatment of wet cough

Procedures for controlling wet productive spastic exhalations are aimed more at increasing sputum expulsion than at their arrest.

With a wet cough apply:

  • Salt.
  • Diluted essential oils.
  • Herbal preparations.
  • Potato.
  • Mineral water of alkaline varieties (Borjomi).
  • Fizrastvor, mixed with medicines: furatsilinom, chlorophylliptom, flujumitsilom).

Solutions for inhalation in the treatment of allergic cough

Procedures for weakening the reflex movements of the diaphragm caused by the allergen are carried out to eliminate the spastic reflex and reduce swelling of the tissues.

When treating this cough, saline is used with medicines:

  • Berotek.
  • Dexamethasone.
  • Ventolin.
  • Budesonide.

Universal prescription for inhalations in the treatment of cough and cold

Such a composition is well suited to combat any kinds of spastic reflex exhalations in patients of different ages:

  • Boil 1 glass of clean water, put a crushed tablet of validol, 1 teaspoon of soda, 7 drops of iodine tincture.
  • Composition pour into the kettle.
  • Lips clasp his nose, inhale the vapor.
  • At the end of the inhalation immediately go to bed.
  • The procedure should be repeated at bedtime for 10 minutes for 3 days.

Cold inhalation in the treatment of cough and cold

The easiest way to inhale the right substances is the cold in the room are placed cups, which you can put:

  • Bow.
  • Garlic.
  • Grate the radish.
  • Acquire essential oils.

Cold inhalations are not as effective as hot, but more simple, do not require special preparation.

It should be remembered that the most effective treatment for a strong cough and runny nose occurs with the combined use of different methods. Inhalations are one of the effective methods, but not the only one. For the correct choice of ways of treatment of ailment, their effective combination it is necessary to visit a doctor and get his advice.

What solutions are used to treat a cold with a nebulizer

How the catarrhalon is treated with a nebulizer, the solutions used for this procedure are of interest to many now. The most important thing in life is health. But every second person often develops a cold or other illness that leads to unpleasant symptoms. For example, there is a runny nose, which eventually can pass into acute rhinitis or even worse in sinusitis. To avoid such serious consequences, experts very often recommend the use of a nebulizer for the treatment of a cold. This device makes special inhalations. This procedure effectively helps in the treatment of the common cold.

Such procedures provide a full, soft and long-lasting effect of drugs on the nasal mucosa.Such treatment will be simple, and drugs will be delivered directly to the lungs. For people suffering from diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis, runny nose, cystic fibrosis, this device is perfect. Nebulizers are of several kinds.

Types of nebulizers

  1. Compressor nebulizers. In such devices, the drug in liquid form begins to transform into small droplets that look like fog. This process takes place by means of a compressor, which supplies air to the spray chamber. The only drawback with such devices is the noise during their operation.
  2. Ultrasonic devices turn a special agent into an aerosol. For such a conversion, high frequency vibrations of piezoelectric crystals are used in nebulizers. This type of device is excellent for antibiotics, hormonal drugs and for drugs that help to thin the sputum in the human body.
  3. Portable nebulizers are of two kinds: compressor and ultrasonic. Such a device can be taken with you anywhere, just insert 2 batteries into it and you can proceed to the procedure.
When choosing the right device, remember that ultrasonic nebulizers can not be used for drugs containing hormones or antibacterial substances.

If this device is necessary for carrying out procedures to bedridden patients or a small child, then it is best to buy an electron-net nebulizer. Note that such devices are completely inappropriate for solutions containing essential oils or decoctions.

Many people confuse a nebulizer with a conventional inhaler. The nebulizer, unlike the inhaler, turns a special solution into an aerosol, and not into a useless "shower which consists of small droplets. If the medicine gets into the nose, it is completely absorbed. This procedure is more effective for the patient.

Medicines for the treatment of rhinitis

In order for the treatment to be most effective, you need to choose the right solution for inhalation procedures. If you have a cold, then you need saline or ordinary mineral water. If the cold has a severe form, then in this case you will need additional medications.

In order to find out what exactly you need medicines, you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and, if necessary, prescribe the prescriptions for the preparation.

If the doctor prescribed you a dosage of 5 ml, then the device should be poured 6 ml. This is done only for those nebulizers that have a residual volume in the chamber. In such a device as a nebulizer, use only those medicines and solutions that can be used only for such a model of the device.

Medicinal preparations for the treatment of the common cold can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

It determines the patient's condition and the dosage of the medicine. For nebulizer therapy, the following drugs can be used:
  1. "Albuterol" is used together with a nebulizer. It is this procedure that will help the body to open the respiratory tract in a short time. Such a method doctors often use for patients who are sick with asthma, runny nose, pneumonia and chronic respiratory illness.
  2. The drug "Pulmicort" will help to effectively remove inflammation.
  3. "Fluimucil "Furacilin "Dioxydin as well as other antibiotics will help to quickly cure the rhinitis caused by bacterial infections.

Remember, before using any medication for a start, you should consult a specialist. Otherwise, you can only aggravate your condition.

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Solutions for nebulizers

For the effective treatment of the common cold, the following solutions are used:

  1. Salt. The use of such a solution will help quickly remove the accumulated mucus from the nasal cavity.
  2. Alkaline. For a nebulizer, doctors recommend using mineral water, for example, "Borjomi". This procedure will help you get rid of accumulated pus and sputum. Inhalation can be done several times a day.
  3. Special solutions for nebulizer, such as "Lazolvan "Berotek will help to facilitate breathing and cure bronchitis.

Antibiotics can be used to treat the common cold. For example, a solution of dioxidine, furacilin, etc.

After you have added the necessary dosage of solution and medication to the device, you will need to observe the following rules:

  1. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable to wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. For the child during the procedure, use a special mouthpiece.
  3. During inhalation, take slow, deep breaths. Each breath is delayed for a few seconds, and then exhale again. Thus, drugs better penetrate into the lungs.
  4. Continue to do the procedure until the medicine completely disappears.
  5. If you suddenly felt dizzy during the procedure, then you need to stop the procedure.

Inhalation perfectly helps to cure or alleviate the patient's condition in a fairly short period of time. If a runny nose (rhinitis) is treated with a pill or a drop, it can damage the stomach. And inhalations help to treat effectively and quickly different types of colds. Nebulizer can cure allergic, infectious, hypertrophic, traumatic and other types of colds.

Preparation of solutions for inhalations

A solution for inhalation with a cold can be prepared at home. But before using any prescription for the treatment of the common cold, it is necessary to consult the attending physician. The following recipes are used:

  1. Recipe number 1. When treating a cold that is caused by staphylococcus, it is worth using chlorophyllipt. To prepare, take 1 ml of chlorophyllite diluted with 10 ml of saline. (Most drugs for inhalation are diluted with saline solution).
  2. Recipe number 2. If you have an acute infection, it is best to use a solution of furacilin. It is prepared in a pharmacy. Do this inhalation should be at least 2 times a day.
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Do not run your health and heal the runny nose in time.

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