Prophylaxis of sinusitis

Features of prevention of sinusitis

Sinusitis is quite a painful and dangerous disease, which is due to the location and peculiarity of the structure of the maxillary sinuses into which infection can easily get into.In the complicated course of the disease, the upper respiratory tract, periosteum, eyes, teeth and brain can become inflamed.To prevent the onset of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, prevention of maxillary sinusitis is necessary. Preventive actions are needed not only in the case when the disease was transferred, but also with a tendency to develop sinusitis. There are many methods to prevent the development of sinusitis.

Preventive measures

Immunologists argue that it is necessary to conduct prophylaxis of sinusitis in the common cold, since people with this symptom are especially prone to sinusitis. In fact, as is known, the runny nose is very often transformed into a sinusitis. For this reason, experts strongly recommend that in the autumn-winter period people with immunocompromised use as much as possible vitamins, and sometimes the prevention of sinusitis in children and adults allows the use of special drugs, mainly vitamin complexes. The causative agents of sinusitis can be various viruses and infections, namely weakened immunity allows them to rapidly spread in the paranasal sinuses. It is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations, due to which the prevention of maxillary sinusitis becomes most effective:
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  1. Try not to freeze, especially to take care of the head and forehead, putting on warm hats.
  2. Getting sick with colds that are accompanied by a runny nose, in no case should the disease be allowed to drift. It is necessary to use vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Indeed, it is the stagnation of mucus in the nasopharynx that can cause inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.
  3. It is necessary to visit the dentist's office on a regular basis - every six months, because very often the genyantritis can arise precisely because of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  4. It is also important to visit an otolaryngologist for preventive purposes. After all, such processes as curvature of the septum or chronic inflammation, which does not have a pronounced symptomatology, can be detected only when examined by a specialist.Chronic inflammation of the tonsils, enlarged adenoids in children, a curved septum can become serious problems, due to which the sinusitis develops.
  5. In winter, it is recommended to constantly humidify the air in residential areas. In a room with very dry air, the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses dry up, because there are practically no blood vessels and mucous glands. As a result of its drying, there is a violation of the drainage function of the mucosa and its ability to self-purification is lost.
  6. If a person often suffers from respiratory diseases, it is necessary to regularly do inhalation as a prophylaxis in adults and children. In the absence of the disease, it is enough to inhale the steam of mineral water or saline solution.Humidified mucosa is less susceptible to the spread of viruses and infections.
  7. Favorably affects the maxillary sinuses, preventing the development of the common cold and sinus, massaging the area of ​​their location on the face. After such simple actions blood circulation in the paranasal sinuses improves, they warm up well and, thus, all stagnant phenomena resolve.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis in children should be carried out daily, for this purpose it is enough to wash out a nose with a saline solution. Also as a preventive agent, decoctions or infusions of herbal plants - chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, thyme - are ideal.With a predisposition to the formation of an inflammatory process, it is useful to drip the cyclamen juice into the nose, as it effectively cleans the nose of stagnant mucus and exerts a bactericidal effect on the mucosa.

Traditional medicine for disease prevention

In the people for many years in the therapeutic and preventive purposes in the case of predisposition to diseases of the nasopharynx are used products of plant, animal and mineral origin. Will solve this problem with health honey, potatoes, soda, salt, garlic and onions.

Honey - a powerful remedy for sinusitis

Among all natural products, actively used for the prevention and treatment of sinusitis, most often used honey. This product can be used for inhalations, because getting on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses, it has a powerful antibacterial effect. And if you dig in the honey in the nose, before diluting it with water in a ratio of 1: 1, you can clean the nasal passages from accumulated mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. It is best to use honey in combination with other products that enhance the beneficial properties of this medicinal product. The most accessible and effective is the following recipe for preparation of anti-maxillary antigen: mix honey and syrup juice in the same amount, a little warm and take a tablespoon every time before food.

It is important to remember that honey can be used in the treatment of any diseases only in the absence of a patient's allergies to this product, since it can cause many health complications in the case of its individual intolerance.

Useful inhalations

In addition to honey for preventive purposes, you can use potatoes, it is especially useful to breathe the vapor of this product as a prophylaxis of maxillary sinus after puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Good effect on mucous and soda, because it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 4 teaspoons of soda in a liter of warm water.It is very important that the water is warm, because at high temperatures soda loses all its useful properties.Carrying out of such procedures promotes liquefaction of mucus and its deducing from gimorovyh sinuses. Soda is often used and for washing the nose, however, in such a solution you still need to add salt.

Application of medicinal herbs

Prevention of sinusitis can be carried out with the help of medicinal herbs, which are used as a solution for inhalation or for washing the nose. To this end, the right choice will be chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula and other herbs that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is much more effective to use herbal preparations consisting of several plants.

Good remarks know such a tool as "Rotokan made according to folk recipes based on only natural ingredients - chamomile, calendula and yarrow. This drug has antimicrobial, astringent and healing effect on the mucosa, after the first procedure, inflammation is removed from the nasopharyngeal mucosa and maxillary sinuses.

To conduct the inhalation in a glass of warm water to dissolve 1 spoon of this product. Breathe for 10 minutes once a day. "Rotokan" can also be used for washing the nose, for this purpose it is better to use a rubber pear with a volume of not more than 100 ml. To wash the nose, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate and iodine, dissolving several crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of water and adding a couple drops of iodine.

Onion and garlic in the fight against sinusitis

Onions and garlic are actively used in the treatment and prevention of all colds for many years. The thing is that these products contain substances such as phytoncides - natural antibiotics. In comparison with all synthetic antibacterial drugs, they have such advantages:
  • do not reduce immunity;
  • do not cause dysbiosis;
  • do not affect the liver and kidneys.

To extract the maximum amount of phytoncids, before using onions and garlic, it is recommended to rub them into gruel. After that, it can be inhaled, because the phytoncides along with the vapors will settle on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, destroying the pathogenic microorganisms.

Prevention of sinusitis helps to avoid the development of the inflammatory process, preventing the occurrence of many complications of this dangerous disease. It is desirable to use several methods and preventive measures in the complex.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis: the most effective measures for children and adults

Sinusitis (or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) is a rather serious and insidious disease. Having begun once, it can appear again and torment a person for many years. No one is immune to this problem: it is possible to diagnose sinusitis in children, schoolchildren, adults and elderly people. To avoid painful inflammation and further complications, it is necessary to prevent sinusitis - and for those who have already had the disease at least once, and for those who simply have to go to it predisposition.

Features of the course of the disease

Complications of sinusitis can be very dangerous, which is why prevention is so important

Genyanthitis is the inflammation of the maxillary adnexa (maxillary) sinuses, traditionally the disease develops against the background of ARI and SARS - in the sinuses Through the nasal cavity or blood penetrate the bacteria (viruses), and the affected immune system is unable to withstand the enemy agents.

After reading the article it will become clear what is the danger of sinusitis in neglected form and how it can be cured.

Beginning of sinusitis with the fact that in the maxillary sinuses formed mucus. The outlets of the sinus are closed, the fluid accumulates and eventually turns into pus. The inflammatory process is developing.

The main danger of the disease is that the maxillary sinuses are located very close to the brain, and therefore, with the slightest complication, the infection is able to penetrate directly into the brain.The most serious complications after sinusitis are meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), meningoencephalitis and even a rhinogenic brain abscess.The disease can also provoke angina, pharyngitis, inflammation of the optic nerve and other ailments.

First signs and symptoms

The first signs of sinusitis in adults largely depend on the form of the course of the disease - acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis occurs against the background of dental inflammations, rhinitis and all kinds of colds, it is usually diagnosed in schoolchildren and young people. Chronic sinusitis can occur for years with periodic exacerbations and fades, most often found in adults and elderly people.

Discharge from the nose, first liquid and transparent, then thick, yellow-green color - one of the first symptoms of genyantritis

The main symptoms of acute sinusitis are:

  1. Elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees), chills and general weakness.
  2. Discharge from the nose - first liquid and transparent, then thick, yellow-green color.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, is especially amplified at an inclination and a tension of facial muscles (a smile, laughter). Later, pain can be localized in different areas of the head.
  4. Pain and pain in the eyes, sharp deterioration of vision, sometimes - photophobia.
  5. Runny nose, nasal congestion, decreased susceptibility to odors.

In chronic sinusitis, dry night cough is often added, which is not amenable to traditional treatment. The reason is pus, which flows out of the maxillary sinuses on the back side of the pharynx.

After reading the article you can understand whether Amoxicillin helps with genyantritis or does not help.

General preventive measures

Prophylaxis of sinusitis is the only way to prevent the development of the disease or stop it at an early stage, thereby preventing serious complications.

In what cases is it necessary to prevent sinusitis?Measures to prevent this disease should be taken with a cold to prevent the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as in the cold autumn-winter-spring period.Especially important is the prevention for people who have already suffered acute sinusitis at least once in a lifetime.

What are the most effective drops in the nose with genyantritis used most often, is indicated in this article.

Today, there are many preventive measures to combat sinusitis and for small children, and for adults. It is also important to follow the general prevention, which will help to maintain health and prevent the development of acute and chronic sinusitis in the whole family. For this you need:

  1. Dress in the weather, always wear a hat in the cold months, cover your ears and forehead, do not overcool.
  2. Strengthen immunity - hardening, exercise, in the off-season - the mandatory intake of multivitamin complexes.
  3. In time to treat diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity: various infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and caries.
  4. Follow the microclimate in the apartment and humidify the air (you can use store humidifiers or ordinary vases with water and 2-3 drops of essential oil). In the dried air, the mucous membrane also dries, as a result of which the full work of the nose and paranasal sinuses is disrupted and a threat of sinusitis occurs.

From this article you can understand what the temperature for sinusitis should be and can be, specified in the article.

Prophylaxis in children

Sinusitis - a frequent complication after a cold in children

Children of preschool and school age usually have acute sinusitis as a complication after a cold.The main risk factors are hypothermia in the cold season, wet feet, poor nutrition and an undersized cold.

As there is a massage of the maxillary sinuses at a genyantritis, it is possible to understand having read through clause or article.

Provoke the disease can chronic inflammation of the tonsils, congenital curvature of the nasal septum, enlarged adenoids.

In this regard, the following measures to prevent sinusitis in children:

  • Teach children to wash their hands more often, after walking on the street - without fail.
  • Flush the baby's nose with ordinary water, during the outbreaks of acute respiratory infections and ARVI help daily washings with a solution of sea salt.
  • Observe the basic rules of hygiene: the child must have his owna plate, a spoon-fork, a comb, a toothbrush.
  • ROguljarno visit or attend an ENT-expert, in time to notice an inflammation of tonsils, adenoidesand etc.
  • Properly wear the child: in the cold months, clothing should be multi-layered, shoes - dry and comfortable (not tight!). Without fail -
    cap and scarf.
  • Carry out a full treatment for your child's cold: follow all the pediatrician's recommendations, buy special children's medicines, use sprays and drops with antibacterial supplements.Do not settle for piercing the nose at once, the kids are assigned only in the most urgent cases!

How is the cuckoo procedure for sinusitis, you can understand reading this article.

Do a baby anti-catarrhal massage: to do this, you need to rub points in the eyebrows, near the tips of the nose, under the eyes. Preschoolers can do such a massage before walking and before bed, after returning from the kindergarten. Older children can massage themselves.

  • Be sure to practice daily walks for 2-3 hours: it not only heals the children's body, but also trains the upper respiratory tract.
  • Do with the child inhalation: cover with a plaid or a large towel and breathe over a saucepan with hot water.For inhalations, ready-made or self-made collections of chamomile, calendula, thyme are ideal.
  • Form the children's habit of healthy eating. In summer, in the heat, you need to drink more pure water, fruits and fruit and vegetable purees (according to the age of the baby!).

The habit of healthy nutrition is one of the measures for the prevention of sinusitis in children

Prevention in adults

In adults, the cause of acute and chronic sinusitis is not only a common cold or flu. The disease can be caused by untreated teeth, unhealthy lifestyle (smoking and alcohol), work in hot and dry air, as well as reduced immunity and a transferred nose puncture.

From this article, you can understand what medicines to treat sinusitis in adults.

To prevent the development of sinusitis in adults, the following preventive measures will help:

  • Do not run colds and always heal the runny nose to the end.
  • Watch your teeth and go to the dentist regularly - once every six months at least.
  • Be sure to do preventive vaccinations against the flu.
  • In the off-season and periods of outbreaks of ARI / ARVI, rinse your nose with soap daily and make salt baths for the nose.
  • Eat well, do not smoke and limit alcohol consumption:bad habits cause irritation and swelling of the maxillary sinuses.
  • In the cold season, breathe regularly with hot water in pairs: you can do this simply over a kettle or a pot of boiling water.
  • In order not to provoke sinusitis in the rhinitis, you can use honey diluted with water in equal proportions: 3-5 drops in each nostril.An important condition: before honey therapy you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the sweet product.
  • After a puncture of the nose, inhalation, inhaling the fumes of boiled potatoes or soda solution (4 teaspoons per liter of water), will help greatly.

One nuance: the water for soda inhalation should be warm, not hot, otherwise soda will lose all the medicinal properties.

  • Use for onions and onions and garlic - you need to grind them in a blender, put it on a saucer and periodically inhale the vapors.Essential oils and phytoncides will settle on the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses, killing dangerous bacteria.

What local antibiotics for sinusitis are the most effective, you can understand from the article.


Video will tell you how to forget about sinusitis with this preventive method:

Prophylaxis of sinusitis is a very responsible process, the health of both you and your children depends on it. Official and traditional medicine have accumulated many different ways to combat this ailment, and for the best result it is necessary to use a whole range of measures: healthy eating, exercising, hardening and special therapeutic procedures.

The causes of sinusitis in children and methods of its prevention

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, so the prevention of sinusitis in children is simply necessary. The first sensations that can arise in a young child with a disease are a nasal obstruction, a heaviness in the frontal part of the head and the temporal region.

The main causes of sinusitis in children

In most cases, the main causes of sinusitis in the child are: viruses and bacteria, but there is a large range of specific conditions under which this disease can rapidly develop, and exactly:

  1. Reduced immunity: stress, lack of vitamins in the child's body, inflamed mouth and larynx.
  2. High virulence.
  3. Uneven nasal septum, rhinitis, allergic disease, inflammation of the nasal cavity and so on.
  4. Acute respiratory diseases.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Irritations in the nasal cavity.
  7. Infections of bacterial origin.

Mechanism of sinusitis

In the human body there are so-called accessory sinuses in the frontal part of the head and from two sides of the nose. It is in them that mucus appears that flows into the cavity of the sinuses of the nose. At the moment when the outlets of the maxillary sinus are closed, the process of accumulation of mucus occurs, and as a result an inflammatory process is formed - sinusitis. Sinusitis is a consequence of infection.

The flow of mucus is increasing every day, and then pus is formed. The disease can be caused by streptococci in the child's body. Increased accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses is dangerous for the health of the child, so self-medication can not be done in any case, because in this way, you can only aggravate the situation.

Prevention of disease

Prophylaxis of sinusitis in children includes, first of all, the correct mode of the child and the psychological atmosphere in which your child lives. So how to prevent sinusitis?

The diet of the child should not include any harmful products, for example: fast food or confectionery.Of course, all this is very tasty, especially if it is a question of the taste preferences of the child, but in fact the body experiences unpleasant and even somewhat painful sensations, which were caused by this kind of food. Subsequently, the child, in addition to gastric diseases, also develops sinusitis, because in the body of the child, as in the adult, everything is interconnected.

Food should be strictly cooked at home from high-quality products. Chips, salted nuts, crackers, sweet colored drinks - all these are considered the first pathogens of such a disease as sinusitis. In what way and how can you prevent maxillary sinusitis with the greatest effectiveness? Let's look at this issue together.

Methods of prophylaxis of sinusitis in children

To date, there are whole types of prevention of sinusitis in a child, but the most effective methods, and at the same time available for each parent, are described below.

So, the greatest effect is given by the heating baths, based on various herbal dues. This procedure should be done 1-2 times a week, then there is a high probability that your baby will not get sick with sinusitis.

Always need to wash your hands after walking outdoors, and before eating. This should be taught to the child as early as possible, so that the baby knows that dirty hands are bad, and you can pick up different diseases.

Excellent physical activity helps the child: walking, running (distance depends on the child's age), active games on fresh air (very important in the winter season), gymnastics in the morning, exercises for inhalation and exhalation of air through the nose and mouth. All this will help to avoid the appearance of sinusitis in a child, so do not be lazy, and spend a couple of hours a week on exercise, and your child will be safe from harmful microbes.

Several times a day you need to ventilate the room where most of the time there is a child, and it is best to ventilate the entire apartment.

In summer, the child should be given a sufficient amount of liquid (preferably simple boiled water). The child's organism should not be dehydrated, because it will be weakened and can not protect the baby from various microbes that fly even in the air. As shown by statistics, children most often get sinusitis in the summer and the reason for this, as already mentioned, is dehydration of the body.

When you have a cold, the child should immediately lead him to see a doctor, who in turn will tell you to parents, how correctly and for how long, and also with the help of what medicines it is necessary to treat a child runny nose. After all, improper treatment of normal nasal obstruction can lead to sinusitis.

Resort to hardening procedures.

They perfectly strengthen immunity of the child, but first of all it is necessary to consult the doctor, whether it is possible for your kid to take such procedures and whether they will harm him.

You can use simple inhalations: cook potatoes, and covering the head with a towel baby, let him breathe the steam for 10-15 minutes. This procedure should be done 2 times a week, especially if the street frosty weather.

Rinse the nasal cavity with a warm solution every 2 weeks. To do this, take a pinch of sea moth and dissolve it in 100 grams of warm water. Pull into the syringe some of the solution, and holding the baby's head over the basin, pour in, pressing the syringe into one nostril, while closing the other with your finger. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril. Wash your baby with warm water and wipe your face with a towel. It will calm him down, because the procedure is not very pleasant.

Treatment of genyantritis

Do not engage in self-medication, it will be right if the treatment of sinusitis is prescribed by a specialist.

Therefore, after seeing the first symptomatology of the disease, immediately you need to seek medical advice from a doctor who, in his the queue will primarily determine the type of genyantritis: viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, traumatic or mixed. The next stage of treatment of sinusitis will be either medication or special procedures in the clinic.

It should be noted that the treatment is assigned to the child and depending on the age of the baby, the structure of the oral cavity and at the same time takes into account the severity of the disease itself. In some cases, doctors prescribe special droppers or injections, the treatment of which will need to be observed in strict mode.

If you want to treat your child at home, then you should always visit a doctor to to consult which medicinal plants and herbs can be given to the child and in which quantities. All this affects the effectiveness of treatment, so first of all you need to think about your own child's health, and if the baby's condition requires hospitalization, then it must be done immediately.

Possible complications of sinusitis in a child with improper treatment

If the first signs of sinusitis in a child do not visit a doctor, then in this way you can cause complications of the disease in the child, which can be divided into two main groups. The first include disorders that are directly related to the ENT organs and the respiratory system itself: chronic sinusitis, inflammation in the tonsils and pharynx, pneumonia or acute bronchitis, acute otitis media (inflamed middle an ear). The second group includes damage to other organs of the system: brain damage to the child, inflammatory the process of the cerebral cortex of the brain, the defeat of the baby's heart, the vascular lesion, kidney disease, sepsis.


For today, there are frequent cases when parents bring their child's illness to a difficult stage of development and in most cases it is necessary to resort to surgical interventions.

In conclusion, I want to note that if you find the first symptoms do not need to hesitate, and urgently ask a specialist for help, who immediately examines the sick child and appoints the correct and effective treatment. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe those or other drugs that a child should take with genyantritis.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis

For the child's organism, the acute form of maxillary sinus is characteristic, as a complication after rhinitis. Prophylaxis of sinusitis in children will help not only to grow a healthy generation, but also to prevent disease in adults.

The main cause of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a common cold that has arisen as a result of a viral or bacterial infection. Most often, respiratory adenoviruses, herpes viruses, influenza are to blame for this.Observation of the epidemiological situation shows that the outbreak of acute respiratory viral diseases and influenza begins in children's groups. Then children become infected by adults.

Risk factors for childhood

The main factors contributing to the onset of a cold, complicated by sinusitis in children:

  • hypothermia in the autumn-winter period due to excessively warm or cold clothes;
  • hypothermia of feet after walking in wet shoes;
  • unbalanced nutrition in the summer heat, when lost with sweat a lot of fluid, minerals;
  • untimely treatment of the common cold.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis in children can be controlled, because it depends on parents and close adults.

Preventive measures for children

  • A small child needs to wash his hands more often, and older ones should be taught to do it themselves. This simple measure will provide protection from many troubles.
  • Teach your baby's finger to wash the nasal passages with ordinary water, especially during the epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza, after walking.
  • Do not let others play with toys, if they can not be washed with soap.
  • Remember that a child at any age should have his own dishes for food, a towel. Take care that he does not use general hygiene items, spoons, cups.
  • Ventilate the room where the baby is.
  • To create sufficient humidity, use an air humidifier or put blood vessels on the floor with water.
  • Keep track of the seasonal clothing of the child. In winter cold, a multilayered option is preferable. Shoes should always be dry and free. Do not allow older children to walk without a hat and scarf.
  • In the summer heat, give the baby more boiled water, age fruits and vegetable purees. The senior must necessarily daily consumption of fruit and vegetable dishes, sour-milk products, fresh juices.
  • Try to spend 2-3 hours a day in the air. Walking in any weather is trained by the upper respiratory tract.
  • Follow the doctor's instructions to treat a cold in the baby. The mandatory use of children's drops for the nose will remove puffiness, after them use sprays with antibacterial agents, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Puncture of the sinuses in children is very rare.
  • Use medical inhalation, cover with a baby bath towel and breathe over boiled potatoes or soda solution.
  • Teach your child a massage of the main points (in the eyebrows, near the wings of the nose, under the eyes, under the ears of the ears). Massage before going out to the street, before going to bed, after returning from the kindergarten.
  • Hardening procedures are carried out for the formation of immunity. Ask your pediatrician about their choice. A good revitalizing effect is noted when swimming in the pool.

Risk factors for adults

With age, the human body meets new difficulties and diseases that can be avoided with the help of reasonable prevention.

The main causes of chronic sinusitis in adults:

  • untreated chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, carious teeth, stomatitis;
  • smoking, drying the mucous and killing nicotine epithelial cells;
  • work in dry and hot air;
  • professional hazards (gas contamination and dustiness);
  • loss of general and local immunity after various chronic diseases, frequent punctures of the maxillary sinuses.

Preventive measures for adults

  • An adult should not initiate the treatment of a cold if the doctor finds the punctures of the maxillary sinus shown, then the procedure must be completed before the end of the course, after the puncture, a course of nose flushing with plant means.
  • In case of unfavorable epidemiological situation it is necessary to vaccinate against influenza, preventive washing of the nose.
  • Conducting a "nasal shower" is recommended after work in a gassy or dusty room, to remove the remains of mucus and pus after puncture.
  • Control over the condition of the teeth and timely treatment will help prevent the spread of infection in the maxillary sinuses, avoid punctures.
  • To restore immunity, a healthy diet is needed, including enough protein, vitamins and trace elements.
  • With the preventive purpose, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex 1-2 months in the autumn-winter period.
  • Sports activities allow you to learn how to breathe properly, strengthen muscles and all body systems (morning exercises before a slightly opened window, swimming, skiing in winter).

Punctures of the maxillary sinuses are conducted by an experienced doctor and only on indications not for prophylaxis, but during an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

In a complex of medical measures, to restore the mucosa after a puncture of the maxillary sinus, to prevent acute and chronic sinusitis in children and adults recommended the prevention of genyantritis folk means. This includes various ways of washing the nose with decoctions of herbs (marigold, chamomile, plantain), onion juice. Instillation of drops from the aloe juice, Kalanchoe.

Any prevention measures should be coordinated with the doctor. Their conduct requires perseverance and patience.

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