Which doctor treats laryngitis?

Laryngitis most often appears due to colds or seasonal infections. It is an inflammation of the larynx, which can have two stages:

  • Symptoms
  • Potential Hazards
  • Analyzes
  • Choice of the attending physician and primary examination
  • Which doctor treats laryngitis in children
  • Additional treatment at home
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  1. Short-term - lasts for several days, and passes without any difficulties and complications.
  2. Chronic - when the disease progresses much faster and lasts at least two weeks.


Often, with the disease, the temperature does not rise immediately, it can be normal and if there are other symptoms of laryngitis. There is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, scratching of the throat or burning sensation, a sense of presence in the guttural area of ​​a foreign object. At times, the disease is confused with sore throat, as painful sensations are possible upon swallowing. In some cases, there is a convulsive cough.

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IMPORTANT!In the presence of a chronic form of the disease, carefully monitor the presence of the corresponding symptoms, so as not to miss the onset of an exacerbation of the infection.

Acute laryngitis may well develop independently, due to severe hypothermia or excessive stress on the vocal cords.

Inflammation can affect all of the mucous membrane located in the larynx, which causes severe pain and discomfort during drinking, eating, swallowing and talking. Chronic form of the disease is acquired as a consequence of repeated repetition of the acute form.

In the future, an irritant can act as any slightest infection, and smoking or a slight overexertion of the voice. If the inflammation does not pass more than two weeks - it is necessary as soon as possible, without delaying to see a doctor. This may be a signal about the development of another, more severe disease that can affect any part of the body, only complex examination can reveal it.

Potential Hazards

Usually, the symptoms of laryngitis disappear after a couple of days. If you suffer from its chronic form, tell your doctor immediately if the symptoms begin to progress without any reason. In case of an attack of suffocation with false croup, it is necessary to stop the attack by touching a teaspoon to the back wall of the throat.

As soon as possible, call an ambulance, in the hospital you will be treated with mucosal medications narrowing the vessels, and also if necessary, laryngoscopy. Timely treatment to the doctor will save your health and life, therefore, it is extremely undesirable to engage in self-medication of this disease. Likewise, an appeal to a specialist is necessary even if the attack of laryngitis is not the first, in order to exclude the risk of complications.


At the initial examination, the doctor will examine your throat, examine the condition of the lymph nodes, examine the nose and mouth, in order to identify possible association of laryngitis with other infections. Often, the vessels become inflamed to the extent that blood seeps from them, it stiffens on the laryngeal cavity in the form of crimson spots.

In case of serious voice problems, additional tests and treatment will be changed:

  • laryngoscopy - with the help of a special, flexible endoscope, the treating doctor examines the throat to diagnose the stage of the disease, it is possible to take the tissue for additional analysis;
  • video laryngostroboscopy - examination, which allows you to test the vibration of the vocal cords.

There are many other methods of diagnosis, which are selected absolutely individually, depending on the severity of the disease. The blood test, which is most likely to be performed, will determine whether leukocytosis is observed and whether the laryngitis has a bacterial nature.

IMPORTANT!Address to the doctor at the first manifestation of infection, timely treatment will help to avoid a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Choice of the attending physician and primary examination

If you suspect a laryngitis, it is best to contact the nearest local ENT, so that you can always visit a doctor urgently if complications develop. To accurately diagnose the presence of the virus, the attending physician will conduct a survey, during which you will need to report all the symptoms that are present, as well as an examination to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of laryngitis.

The first thing to be done is laryngoscopy to detect edema and possible hyperemia of the mucosa. Before prescribing medication, absolute elimination of vocal cord tension will be prescribed, as well as exclusion of acute and too salty foods from the daily diet. In the event that the patient is a smoker, a complete rejection of cigarettes will be required, otherwise the treatment will not have any effect.

A warming compress will speed up the healing process, and in the case of crusts, one gram of any warm oil is recommended daily. Medication should be performed only strictly according to the prescription of the doctor, sprays are most often prescribed, which do not irritate the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.

Which doctor treats laryngitis in children

The risk of exposure to the virus is much higher in young children, sometimes for them there is enough insignificant hypothermia.

A child under two years of age with an attack is more likely to be taken to a hospital, since if there is no proper help in the next attack, it can lead to death, since laryngitis in children develops much more actively and is able to block the airways.

He will undergo inhalation therapy, and will introduce the necessary drugs and antibiotics. Staying in a medical institution will give confidence that the treatment will really bring a positive result, rather than self-medication at home.

Additional treatment at home

At the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to take a chamomile bath - pour half the packaging of the chemist's chamomile onto a full bath of water. It excellently promotes the withdrawal of infection and has a calming effect.

The temperature is preferably about 39 degrees. After taking a bath, grease your feet with cream and put on cotton socks, and on top of woolen ones to speed up the process of recovery and prevent further development of the disease.

Before using any folk remedies, do not forget to consult your doctor, it is not advisable to use them for children under 12 years old.

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