Coughing attacks in a child before vomiting

The child coughs before vomiting

The majority of people, becoming parents of the kid, regularly face such phenomena as cough and snot. This can be explained, first of all, by the physiology of the child and his still insufficiently developed immune system. Cough and mucous discharge from the nose are natural phenomena designed to clean the respiratory tract. With the help of such protection mechanisms, particles of dust, small foreign bodies and mucus formed there from the upper parts of the respiratory system are removed. It should be borne in mind that small children catch colds much easier and more often than adults. Therefore, snot and cough are often perceived as ordinary companions of childhood.

Some parents do not attach much importance to such manifestations of the disease. However, when a child has a cough to vomit, even they are usually frightened and realize that the problem is much more serious. In such cases, moms often begin to panic, call doctors or, more significantly, give the child various medications not recommended by the doctor.

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It must be remembered that coughing up vomiting in children is quite common and common. This can be confirmed by any pediatrician. This development is due to the fact that in children the emetic and cough centers in the brain are located close to each other and have a large number of connections among themselves. Therefore, when one is excited, the excitation of the second often occurs, and as a result, the child coughs up to vomiting.

But not all so unambiguously. Coughing up to vomiting can also be a symptom of severe pathology. In such cases, a favorable outcome and the absence of any consequences often depend on the timely recognition of the disease and the initiation of treatment. Therefore, if a child has a cough to vomit, it is worth paying attention to, and if it repeats, other symptoms of the disease or if there are suspicions of its presence, it is better to turn to specialists.

Possible cause of coughing before vomiting - whooping cough

If coughing in a child goes into vomiting, then initially it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing pertussis. One of the most characteristic signs of this pathology is just a convulsive dry cough before vomiting, which has a paroxysmal character. In this case, coughing quickly becomes violent, there may be signs of lack of air. The face of the child can strongly blush and stiffen, the eyes are watery, and the tongue usually protrudes from the mouth - this is a typical posture for patients with whooping cough. The use of various antitussive drugs and drugs does not bring any result - the cough persists, and the child's condition does not improve.

Pertussis is characterized by worsening of the condition and a more frequent onset of coughing attacks before vomiting at night. One of the important signs that make it possible to recognize this disease is the characteristic sound that the child emits after the coughing episode. An experienced doctor will easily catch him and be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the first stages of the disease, it is rather difficult to detect whooping cough. Since in the beginning the child usually develops a common cold or respiratory viral disease. But over time, cough does not decrease and does not go away, but begins to intensify after about, - 2 weeks. Gradually, he acquires a convulsive, paroxysmal character, becomes suffocating and very strong. At night, the cough can go to vomiting.

If parents are suspected of developing a baby whooping cough, then you need to visit a pediatrician and ask him for directions to the tests. In the first week of the disease, mucus sowing will become indicative, at a later time it is possible to diagnose pathology only by blood analysis.

Other Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

After a number of possible causes that caused the child coughing up vomiting, whooping cough was excluded, other possible causes of this condition can be started to be considered.

One of them - banal ORVI or cold. This is usually the reason why pediatricians are called. Do not be too easy to treat these diseases, because they also require timely diagnosis and full treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go further, as a result of the baby develops bronchitis. There is also a certain difficulty in diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi, since not every pediatrician can correctly listen to the lungs of a baby. Often, doctors confuse the withdrawal of phlegm with the appearance of wheezing, prescribing antibiotics in cases where it is quite possible to do without them. It happens and vice versa, and the existing bronchitis is not detected on time. However, it is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious enough pathology requiring compulsory treatment, therefore pediatrician recommendations must be followed.

At the child cough up to vomiting can be provoked by a simple rhinitis. This is especially common in children who do not know how to blow their nose. They swallow the mucus secreted from the nose, and it can drain down the back wall of the pharynx and accumulate. To get rid of it to help the body comes a natural defense mechanism - a cough. It can be quite intense, reaching vomiting. In this case, the child may not have severe external symptoms of rhinitis or cold. The amount of excreted mucus is small, but it can almost all fall into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, causing their irritation, and, as a consequence, coughing.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose can be associated not only with an infectious lesion, but also with an allergic reaction. It is in this case, most often there is a strong puffiness of the mucosa, because of which mucus does not go outside, and almost all get into the bronchi, draining on the back of the pharynx. The causes of an allergic reaction may be covered in the use of certain medications, the ingestion of certain substances: food allergens, dust, pollen of plants, household chemicals and other things. The allergy has a pronounced hereditary predisposition, but it can also appear in children of perfectly healthy parents.

How to help your child with a cough before vomiting

If the child coughs before vomiting, the most correct decision will be to find and visit a good specialist. In this case, you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives, but it is desirable to choose a competent, responsible pediatrician, who has sufficient experience behind him. Such a doctor will help cope with many unpleasant and questionable situations and choose the most optimal treatment in each case.

The technique for treating coughing before vomiting exists in large numbers, often they do not fit together at all. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously give the child drugs that suppress the cough reflex and coughing attacks, and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stimulating expectoration and withdrawal phlegm. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and many other factors, so the doctor will do the best.

Often when coughing up before vomiting, specialists prescribe a child inhalation with various medications, such as beryl, hydrocortisone and others. From home remedies with a strong coughing attack, you can apply steam inhalation over boiled crushed potatoes. Instead of potatoes can be used and other means, for example, mineral water, broth chamomile, sage or other medicinal plants. To quickly remove the edema and a strong attack of cough in the absence of other means, you can simply take the child to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Increased humidity and hot steam will help cope with the attack.

With a strong coughing attack, when it is likely that vomiting is about to begin, you can try to raise both hands of the child and wait for relief. To improve the condition of the baby is also used warm, plentiful drink, but not at the moment of a fit of coughing before vomiting. As a drink for a cough, the so-called "oatmeal milk" is good. It will require a glass of unpeeled oats. It is thoroughly washed several times, then it is poured into a liter of milk and boiled on a quiet fire for at least an hour. After that, the milk is left for cooling, and then given to the child. One serving can range from a few sips to half a glass.

If the coughing up before vomiting in the child is caused by a slime flowing inward, then one should not allow it to accumulate. Children who do not know how to blow their nose correctly should regularly wash their nose with special solutions. Suspicion of allergies should be an occasion to bring "order" in the apartment. To do this, remove all the things in which dust can accumulate, such as wall carpets, soft toys, decorative pillows and so on. In addition, careful wet cleaning of the entire room should become regular. It is important to maintain a good microclimate, pay attention to humidity, abandon household chemistry, which includes phosphate-containing substances, and artificial food.

All of the above recommendations can be considered only tips for alleviating the condition and organization of life of a baby who has severe coughing attacks. The correct diagnosis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the recurrence of such a situation can be determined only by a doctor. Before his arrival, it is not necessary to give any medicines to the child, this can make it difficult to diagnose and lead to the wrong choice of treatment.

Cough until vomiting in the baby

There are many different diseases that cause coughing. Most of them are usually associated with upper respiratory tract infection. There are cases when the child has a cough before vomiting. It is not necessary to panic at the same time, it is quite common in childhood, in adults it is much less common. This is connected with the close location of the vomiting and cough center, in children. Cough can be caused by such common diseases as common cold and bronchitis. Pertussis is also the cause of this cough. Despite the fact that cough with vomiting is not as dangerous as it can be dangerous infectious diseases that caused it and possible complications, if not to resort to timely treatment.

Possible Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

  1. Before the appointment with a doctor, you can try to determine the cause of the child's vomiting after a cough, based on the symptoms. First you need to exclude pertussis. It is easy to determine by the characteristic sound of the published patient at the end of a coughing fit. Cough due to whooping cough occurs, as a rule, not immediately, but only after a while (10-14 days), after the child has transferred a cold or ARVI. Cough is increasing every day, increasing, becoming paroxysmal and comes to vomiting. But in any case, all of their own diagnoses are only conjectures without confirmation by their respective analyzes (mucus intake, blood test).
  2. With the exception of whooping cough, the most likely cause of such coughing can serve as a cold or ARVI. In the beginning, the child develops snot, fever, cough, which subsequently passes into a cough with vomiting. This can happen in the absence of proper and timely treatment of the baby, which contributes to the development of bronchitis. There is a certain difficulty in detecting bronchitis, as some pediatricians sometimes confuse, with the listening of the child, outgoing phlegm with hoarseness. In time, no appropriate treatment is prescribed, as a result of which bronchitis develops.
  3. Another common cause of this cough in a child can be, just snotty nose. Since a small child does not always get to sniff out the snot to the end and some of the mucus drips down the back wall, and some he swallows. As a result, it accumulates, and the body tries to get rid of mucus, in this case, a fit of cough causing the child to vomit. It is worth noting that not all cases should flow nose, when the cause of vomiting is mucus. The nose can simply swell without having a common cold.
  4. There are cases when various allergic reactions provoke a cough before vomiting in the child. It can be an allergy to household chemicals, some plants, animals, medicines and much more. But this, as a rule, occurs in children who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies.

When there are symptoms of a cold in a child and especially coughing with vomiting, do not delay

and try to solve the problem yourself. To avoid complications, it is best to provide experienced professionals. They will accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment. But before you have time to consult specialists, you can resort to proven folk methods, they definitely will not harm the child. Well helps with diseases of this kind, hot tea with raspberry jam or warmed milk with honey. It is necessary to regularly air the room with infectious diseases and humidify the air as needed. Take various medications, without consulting a doctor, is not recommended. This can cause allergic reactions in the baby.

What is the cause of coughing with vomiting?

Very often with a strong cough in a person, a vomitive reflex starts to develop, while specialists point to several causes of its origin. So, according to them, when a strong cough comes up to vomiting, one can assume the development of several respiratory diseases. This phenomenon causes parents anxiety and anxiety, especially if there is a coughing up before vomiting in a child who has not yet turned a year old. Having discovered such a process, it is important to understand why it can occur.

Why do children have a vomiting cough?

Coughing with baby vomiting - one of the symptoms of whooping cough, pediatrician consultation required

Simultaneous occurrence of cough and vomiting in a child is much more common than in adults.Pediatricians to such a process find a fairly simple explanation: the fact that the children have cough and vomiting centers are very close, moreover, they are closely related.If parents repeatedly notice the occurrence in a child of a cough with vomiting, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the development of such a dangerous disease as whooping cough. One of the brightest and most important signs of this disease is a dry convulsive cough, which always causes vomiting. In addition, with such a process, any antitussive drugs that were previously considered effective in treating colds are powerless. During coughing, the baby tries to clear his throat, but he does not succeed, his face turns red, his tongue protrudes. In some cases, as a complication of the disease, swelling of the vocal cords may occur, presenting a great danger to the life of the patient. That is why it is so important at the moment when the child has a strong cough before vomiting, immediately seek medical help from experienced specialists. To diagnose "whooping cough" pediatrician can only by results of the analyzes.

In the case where pertussis is excluded as the cause of vomiting, it is worthwhile to consider other possible variants of this state of the organism. Such an unpleasant and dangerous process can be caused by the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • ARI;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • runny nose.
Very often, when coughing is neglected, accompanied by a catarrhal disease, bronchitis begins to develop.The accumulation of thick mucus in the bronchi causes a cough, which can reach vomiting because the sputum is not separated and not removed to the surface of the respiratory tract. In addition, it is possible that the phenomenon of coughing and vomiting can be the result of the accumulation of mucus in the nose.It can be intensively produced and accumulated in the nasal cavity not only because of a cold, but also as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen. In this case, the mucus begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, causing a dry cough and vomiting in the child.

Why does this process occur in adults?

In adults, vomiting is rare when coughing

In adults, coughing attacks that lead the body to the development of a vomiting reflex are extremely rare. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that their immunity is much stronger, and therefore catarrhal diseases carry them much easier. But, nevertheless, adults can also sometimes frighten a phenomenon when a strong cough causes vomiting. The cause of coughing before vomiting usually becomes a neglected disease, which occurs in a very complicated form, when there is a strong inflammation of the airways. According to specialists, the gag reflex is produced by irritation of the receptors of the throat wall. Usually, this complication is typical for pneumonia and bronchitis at an advanced stage of their development. Most often, vomiting due to severe coughing attacks occurs in the evenings, as well as during a night's sleep. It is not excluded and cough at night in a child who is especially dangerous, because during sleep the child can suffocate from getting into the respiratory tract of vomit.Therefore, for the entire period of treatment in order to exclude such irreversible consequences, the mother must sleep with the child, watching the whole night for his condition.This condition in children and adults is always accompanied by severe pain in the throat and chest, as damage to the mucous membranes occurs. A muffled cough that occurs mainly in the morning or on the street, causing a gag reflex, may indicate a chronic bronchitis in the human body. In adults, coughing, causing vomiting, can be associated with the development of such diseases as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.

In addition, such complaints can be from heavy smokers, as well as people who work in dusty premises.

How to help the patient?

Having discovered such a debilitating cough, it is important to help the patient until the doctor has examined him. Experts recommend that the following steps be taken to alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. Provide a warm drink and properly selected food. During this period it is useful to drink warm milk with butter and honey or raspberry tea, which soften the inflamed respiratory tract well. The diet of the patient should consist mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, the food should be low-calorie, so that the body does not spend energy to digest it.
  2. To create a quiet environment for the rapid recovery of the patient, it is important to rest more without overworking the body.
  3. Do inhalations with medicinal herbs - use lime flowers, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, which will make the cough more productive.

Parents who see that the cough is about to cause vomiting in the child can raise his hands up, after which temporary relief should come. If the baby does not know how to blow his nose, it is necessary to constantly wash and clean his nose of mucus, or teach him spit it through his mouth. In any case, when coughing, which causes vomiting, medications without a doctor's appointment can not be taken.

Help is needed! The child 1d. 6m. night attacks of coughing up vomiting, the doctor said it's on his teeth. But I do not agree who will help


Anna Pipchenko

Take a survey, although I can say that the reaction to the teeth may not last a day or two. Serve Phyto-Ptussin, he stops the cough, just lift the child's head (pillow) during this period, try, that the child lay on his side and gently massage (patting the lungs) to him in the area of ​​the ribs - this stops such seizures. And during the day, also massage the child, gradually the seizures will pass. If the cough is dry, then give Ambrobene (5-6 days) or a drop of Stoptussin (there from the weight of the baby), if expectorant, you can also drink Lazolvan


can be on the teeth contact another doctor


it does not look like teeth. address to other doctor.


Consult another doctor, it's not teeth. Coughing attacks occur with whooping cough, bronchitis

Anna Ya.

Call an ambulance! Address to other doctor. Do not pull


Another doctor will help. At least, even if it says that it's from the teeth, you will be more confident. Look now on the Internet, what happens in children, when the teeth are cut. for sure there is something that seems unobvious.


it is exact not on a teeth urgently to druomu to the doctor and nache all can be badly

Tatiana Trubina

can be allergic to anything?


Go to the forum moms:

M @ rinchik

Dear Oksanochka! My oldest daughter (her, of the year) also had this summer. We donated blood from the vein to RPGA. We were diagnosed with whooping cough. So do not pull, urgently to another clinic, up to 3 years old the disease can be dangerous. It manifests itself in the form of a strong cough at night, sometimes with attacks of vomiting, most often at the same time. Cough with suffocation. If you do, then it's urgent to the hospital!!! Pah-pah-pah, but the child can suffocate. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!! GET WELL!!!


At us all on a teeth at such age spiral, at me also was and the age same at the child was, so we have spat and in a ballpen in reception rest, ate have rescued the child have told or said if have still held on. would not have it now with us, and deagnosis put a month of spleen only in intensive care were lying. Our doctor was only reprimanded. So take the baby and go to the hospital.

Olga Svetlakova

I have a granddaughter in July nights coughing up to vomiting than only not cured cough wet macrocardia leaves a lot of it she swallows and then she vomits these sputum, also do not know what to do


Try milk with figs. I have a son for 2-3 months and cough medications did not help antibiotics for stuffed. Boil milk with figs for half an hour and three times a day to give half a glass, for a week everything passed. Figs light cleans and is very useful even from the temperature helps. For a liter of milk, 6-8 pieces of figs.

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