Cones on the toe


  • 1How to get rid of bumps on toes
    • 1.1Causes of pathology
    • 1.2Symptomatology of pathology
    • 1.3Rules of therapy of pathology
    • 1.4Therapy with medicines
    • 1.5Operation
    • 1.6Therapy with folk remedies
    • 1.7Use of proofreaders
    • 1.8Prevention of pathology
  • 2What are the bumps on the toes: how to get rid of, the causes and treatment
    • 2.1The first manifestation
    • 2.2Deformity of the foot
    • 2.3Deformation of Taylor, arthrosis and hygroma
    • 2.4Bursitis, polyarthritis and gout
    • 2.5Methods of treatment
  • 3Cones on toes
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Mechanism of cone formation
    • 3.4Gouty tofusi
    • 3.5Hygroma of foot
    • 3.6Pathology of the joints
    • 3.7Treatment
    • 3.8Surgical operations
    • 3.9Folk methods
  • 4Cones on toes
    • 4.11. Cones in the region of I metatarsophalangeal joint, formed by osteophytes
    • 4.2Osteoarthritis of I metatarsophalangeal joint
    • 4.32. Soft-tissue lumps in region I of metatarsophalangeal joint
    • 4.4Bursitis of the mucosa of the metatarsophalangeal joint
    • 4.5Arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.63. Bumps on 2-4 toes of the feet
    • 4.74. Deformation of Taylor (tailor)
    • 4.85. Osteoarthritis of the tarsal joints
    • 4.96. Hygroma of foot
    • 4.107. Gouty tofus
    • 4.11How to proceed? Self-medication or orthopedic help?
  • 5A cone on the leg near the thumb: causes, treatment, surgery or folk remedies
    • 5.1What is the bump on the big toe?
    • 5.2Cones on the foot near the thumb: the reasons for its formation
    • 5.3Cones on legs: photos and symptoms
    • 5.4Stages of development of the disease
    • 5.5What are the complications of the disease?
    • 5.6Basic diagnostic methods
    • 5.7Cones near the big toe: conservative treatment
    • 5.8Orthopedic devices for deformation
    • 5.9Surgical methods of deformation elimination
    • 5.10Can I get rid of cones at home?
    • 5.11Basic preventive methods
    • 5.12Gymnastics for feet

How to get rid of bumps on toes

Bumps on the toes often occur together with other deformities of the front of the foot.

If the cone grows in the area of ​​the thumb, women can not wear shoes with an open toe, and men feel great discomfort.

Therefore it is important to know how to get rid of bumps on the toes to restore beauty and health to the foot.

Causes of pathology

To remove bumps on the big toes is important to find out the true causes of the pathology.

Factors that lead to the formation of formations on the phalanges of the fingers. Wearing shoes with a narrow nose and high heels.

Shoes with heels with a daily sock lead to the fact that the foot is deformed, and cones are formed.

To deformation of the foot also leads to excess weight. To remedy the situation in this case it is important to try to lose weight and drink a course of vitamins, especially calcium. Hereditary predisposition also plays a big role in the appearance of cones on phalanges.

On the big toe, formation can arise due to the development of flat feet, pronation of the part feet, an increase in the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones, and also due to the contraction of the Achilles tendons.

Having ascertained the exact causes of the deformity, it is important to start treating the cones to help a person feel good and wear any shoes.

Symptomatology of pathology

At the initial stage on the toe, the soft bud begins to grow, ache. The finger can also swell, become inflamed and blush. The foot inside burns, the legs get tired quickly. The thumbs bend from their normal position by 15 °.

With an average defect, the angle of inclination is 20 °. The cone is compacted, which makes it difficult to choose comfortable shoes. The soles are covered with painful bumps. The limb constantly hurts.

For the advanced stage of the disease, the deviation of the toe is more than 30 °. Appear cones on the joints, which are located next to the thumb.

Since simple shoes are difficult to wear, you will need to wear special, orthopedic shoes or boots. It becomes difficult for a patient to walk and stand on their feet.

Rules of therapy of pathology

To treat cones on the leg can be with the help of medications, special ointments, surgery or the use of folk methods of therapy.

Therapy with medicines

To make the inflamed patch of the thumb make smaller, the doctor prescribes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs: Hydrocortisone, Diprosana. Such drugs are injected into the inflamed joint as a prick.

Since steroid therapy has many contraindications, most often non-steroidal therapy is provided. Such treatment removes inflammation and soreness, but can not remove the defect itself. Because of this, the advanced stage of the disease is treated with surgery.

To steroid and non-steroidal ointments, injections have brought more benefits, the doctor recommends using them together with massage, medical gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures.


There are many ways to remove cones on the joint of the lower limb. The operation can be performed on soft tissues, bone tissues or combined (on soft and bone tissues simultaneously).

If the extremity has strongly inflamed and swelled up at the started stage of development of a cone on a leg, carry out following kinds of operations:

  • Exostectomy. This operation helps to remove a small part of the cone on the finger joint.
  • An arthrodesis. The operation allows you to fix the finger joint in a fixed position.
  • Osteotomy. The operation, during which the removal of the affected part of the bone is performed and the joint is fixed with a metal knitting needle. After such an operation, rehabilitation is required.
  • When correcting the transverse arch of the foot, the weak ligaments are restored, which hold the joint of the finger to ensure its normal position.
  • The operation of endoprosthetics performs a complete replacement of the joint with a prosthesis in a neglected situation.

Restorative therapy after surgery depends on the type of surgery, which can last for two weeks or even six months.

Therapy with folk remedies

If the lump on the finger hurts, you can use traditional medicine together with traditional therapy. Below are some methods of alternative therapy.

Before going to bed, attach a compress to the bumps with medical bile. You can put it on for 2 hours, and you can keep it all night. After 15 procedures, the pain disappears, the formation stops swelling. After 35 procedures, no trace remains of the cones.

A bottle of medical bile is mixed with camphor alcohol (150 grams), chopped hot pepper (4 pods) and red pepper (a tablespoon).

Stir all the ingredients and put the jar in the dark and cool. A couple of days from the product, make compresses before going to bed. Duration of treatment 10 days.

Then you need to take a break in 90 days and repeat the course of therapy.

In the same proportion, mix the flowers of chamomile with linden, black elderberry, perforated St. John's wort. 30 grams of herbal collection pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for half an hour. Take the drug 100 milliliters three times a day. It will help to remove the inflammation and remove the accumulated salt.

Chop six tablets of analgin. Add 50 grams of iodine. Apply the product to the growing growth. You can apply the drug at least five times a day. It helps to remove even the most painful attack.

Any folk methods of treatment can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

Use of proofreaders

If the fingers begin to inflame on the feet, it is recommended to use special correctors. They are of different types and, accordingly, perform different functions.

Corrector Valgus is used for the prevention and treatment of ossicles on the soles of the feet. Due to this fixation, the development of deformation stops, the pressure on the finger decreases and after a while it becomes equal to the natural position.

Such a corrector fits snugly to the foot, is made of a delicate and elastic material, has a universal size, protects against pressure and friction, helps even when the stage is started. The clamp is transparent, so it can be used even when wearing an open shoe. It is recommended to wear it daily for 7 to 10 hours a day.

Corrector Altus is used for those patients who have sensitive skin.

It prevents the appearance of calluses between the fingers, abrasions in the foot area, coarsening of the skin.

The corrector fixes the thumb in the correct position and after 14 days the first results in the treatment will be visible.

Corrector Antichiston helps to get rid of cones on the soles of the feet.

It successfully stops the development of pathology, affects the cause of cones, supports the finger in the right position, protects against abrasions and pressure, eliminates pain.

Such an adaptation can be used even by children. The first results will be visible after a week of wearing the corrector.

Prevention of pathology

To prevent the appearance of cones on the legs, it is recommended to buy shoes with orthopedic insoles or soles. You can also do gymnastics, sometimes have a massage with a professional.

Gymnastics for legs to prevent cones on the fingers can include such exercises:

  • bend and unbend the ankle joint;
  • move your feet inside and out;
  • bend and unbend your toes;
  • Collect small items from the floor into the basket with your fingers;
  • crumble a small piece of paper with your toes;
  • move each finger on the soles separately.

Such exercises will strengthen the phalanges of the fingers, as well as prevent the development of valgus deformity of the foot. At the first symptoms of pathology, it is important to go to the doctor to be treated on time.

Now you know why the bump on the toe is formed and hurts, and also in what ways it can be disposed of. When the first symptoms of pathology appear, go to the doctor.

Only the doctor will tell you which treatment will help to get rid of the cones on the finger: medication, operative or therapy with folk remedies.

To achieve a quick result, to fight with cones can be integrated, applying all possible methods of treatment.

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What are the bumps on the toes: how to get rid of, the causes and treatment

Many people are familiar with such a problem as a bump on the toe or a convex bone. The reasons for which it appears, there are many - from minor to signs of complex pathologies in the human body.

Such phenomena can cause discomfort and a whole series of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, many people, faced with this problem, tend to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Some in general, without waiting for the bumps to appear, actively use preventive measures.

The first manifestation

Inflamed lumps on the fingers

The knobs on the toes are the formations that appear in the area of ​​phalangeal joints. Outwardly they look like a bone, but to the touch - soft and capable of delivering many inconveniences.

As this growth increases, painful sensations increase. There may be problems with the choice of shoes, because the bones are rubbed, and the wounds appear.

Although the disease under consideration visually always looks about the same, the reasons for which the cone appeared may be different.

It is because of this that treatment should be selected strictly individually.

Such a disease can occur at any age, but most often it concerns the elderly.

Not often, but still there are cases when the build-up is formed for no apparent reason. Usually it is difficult for the patient to perform elementary movements, there are sharp painful sensations, and also the finger visually changes the direction of growth. A cone on the leg is often accompanied by a characteristic inflammation.

Deformity of the foot

Hammer-shaped change of finger

If there are bumps on the toes, the reasons for their occurrence can be very diverse.

The first and main cause of the onset of bones on the fingers are bony outgrowths, which are a manifestation of the deformity of the foot.

With this development of the disease, the cone is formed slowly. To the touch it is firm and motionless.

When the disease worsens, you can observe redness and some swelling on the affected area of ​​the skin. It is not excluded the feeling of discomfort and stiffness of the joints when performing certain movements.

There is a deformation of the foot on the "valgus principle" and hammer-shaped modification. This disease can strike all the toes, but does not appear on the big toe and little finger.

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If you choose uncomfortable and tight shoes, then the bones can rub, which will cause pain and bleeding.

When there is a lump on the thumb, this means that there is a valgus deformation.

Deformation of Taylor, arthrosis and hygroma

In the case of the emergence of a bulging stone on the little fingers, one can speak of deformation of Taylor.

This disease is characteristic only for phalanx of the fifth finger and is accompanied by varus deformity. Curvature occurs as a result of the deviation of the joint outward, and the very finger inside.

As a result, not only do the inconveniences of the aesthetic plan appear, but movements are restricted.

The cause of the formation of cones on the fingers can serve as a degenerative change in the articulation on the feet. The growth appears due to arthrosis of the joints.

In the case of such a disease, cones are called osteophytes. Such formations occur most often in the region of the arch of the foot.

Such formation is also evident due to diseases such as joint arthritis or bursitis.

Cones on the legs may appear for various reasons, and the hygroma of the foot is one of the most common. In this case, an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed:

  • on the back of the foot;
  • in the ankle;
  • on the foot;
  • under the knees.

The problems of this plan most often arise in athletes who are subject to high stresses on the joints. The most common knee hygroma. But the foot also often acts as the place of origin of the education in question.

The disease occurs not only in adults, but also in children. The cause of cones is not only physical activity, but also the consequences of injuries, hereditary predisposition.

Hygroma is not a painful disease, but if it becomes large, it can cause discomfort.

Bursitis, polyarthritis and gout

Inflammation of the joint with gout

Often bursitis is manifested by the formation of cones on top of the finger and below it. Such a disease requires long-term treatment.

Sometimes even you have to resort to surgery to cut off a part of the inflamed joint. This is done to eliminate the painful build-up.

When there are cones on all phalanges, except for the big toe and little finger, we can talk about the development of such a disease as polyarthritis of small joints.

A similar ailment appears due to various infections, metabolic disorders in the human body or rheumatism. It is necessary to get rid of growths by treating the underlying disease.

The speed of appearance of a result depends on the neglect of the inflammation and the stage in which the disease is located.

Cones on legs can be and not inflammatory. In this situation, we are talking about gouty tofus. With such a disease, the cone, more often, painless, is not soldered to the surrounding tissues, the consistency is solid.

If such symptoms are observed, then it can be assumed that the patient has gout.

What is gouty tofusi? These are deposits of uric acid salts in soft tissues, accompanied by the formation of a cavity filled with salt crystals.

Methods of treatment

Before and after the surgery to remove cones

People who are confronted with this disease, a natural question arises - how to cure legs from growths. Currently, in medicine, there are several options for getting rid of the bumps on the toes.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to do a lot of analyzes and clinical studies. Based on these results, the patient is treated.

Local therapy with medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, or a cone removal operation may be chosen.

Below are the main options for dealing with the problem in question.

  1. When choosing a drug treatment method, experts advise using ointments and creams, which consist of anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents. Compresses are also recommended. As a result of this treatment, the cone decreases in size, painful sensations disappear, the full functioning of the limbs is restored.
  2. Physiotherapy is a good complement to medical treatment and is of an auxiliary nature. Such procedures as electrophoresis, ultra-high-frequency therapy, paraffin applications are effectively applied to gouty tofusam, non-inflammatory formations, hygromes, as well as during rehabilitation after more serious interventions in the body rights.
  3. What if the cone has already been launched and reached a huge size, or in the case of deformation, displacement of the joints? In this situation, you will have to resort to surgery. When surgical treatment, a cone is cut. But, unfortunately, this operation does not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the disease, since the consequence is eliminated, but not the cause of the ailment.
  4. Methods of traditional medicine are also effective. Independently choose the treatment is not worth it. Before starting the use of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, who will prescribe a method suitable for a specific diagnosis. Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition, and exacerbate the disease.

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Cones on toes

The cone on the toe is the result of various deformities of the feet and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Patients who seek medical help from an orthopedic doctor often complain of painful growths that interfere with walking and wearing normal shoes.

According to statistics, in women, cones appear much more often than men. With age, the probability of formation of growths is significantly increased, and they are found in about 30% of people of retirement age.


The main reason for the appearance of cones on the legs is the deformation of the feet by the type of valgus curvature of the thumb. This disorder is caused by a deviation in the structure of the bone and ligamentous apparatus of the feet and can be combined with other types of deformations. These include:

  • transverse flatfoot;
  • plantar corns and corns;
  • the appearance of a cone on the little finger;
  • hammer-shaped curvature of the index finger;
  • ingrown nail.

Transverse platypodia is formed due to congenital weakness of the ligaments and muscles of the feet. The first metatarsal bone gradually deviates from the central axis of the foot, and a flattening of the transverse arch occurs.

External factors:

  1. wearing narrow, stiff shoes with high heels. A platform or heel above 5 cm unnecessarily loads the front of the foot, and a narrowed sock aggravates the situation. Due to improper load distribution and restriction of freedom between the toes, the inflammatory process in the metatarsophalangeal joints develops. This leads to the appearance of outgrowths in the form of cones at the base of the first and last fingers;
  2. Excessive body weight is another factor that contributes to increasing pressure on the feet from above and overloading the foot;
  3. professional activity associated with prolonged standing or walking.

In pregnancy, the center of gravity is shifted forward, the body weight increases, and the pressure on the feet multiplies

In addition to external, there are internal causes - bumps on the toes can be formed during pregnancy and lactation, with menopause.

Endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland) can also have a negative impact on the health of the feet and contribute to the development of deformities and outgrowths.


Outward deviation and internal rotation (inward rotation) of the metatarsal bones of the large toe greatly contributes to changes in bone articulations. The muscles that hold the thumb in anatomically correct position begin to work differently, and the metatarsal head loses its supporting function.

As a result of the redistribution of the load, the heads of the remaining metatarsal bones suffer, which do not withstand pressure and begin to deform. Due to the fact that small bones are squeezed, the soft tissues are traumatized from below and on the bend of the fingers.

The consequence of deformation of the foot can be the displacement of the last metatarsal bone of the little finger

Due to the violation of blood flow in the blood vessels of the feet, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is thinned, and the soft tissues lose their damping protection. This leads to the formation of corns and calluses mainly near the base of the middle and ring fingers.

Valgus deformation progresses due to the wearing of standard footwear, designed for a healthy foot and compressing the joint of the thumb. Constant friction and pressure lead to inflammation of the joint bag, the so-called bursitis.

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Chronic inflammation, in turn, leads to an increase in cones on the joint.

At this stage, the situation can be corrected by replacing the standard footwear with orthopedic models.

Otherwise, the deformation will intensify, which is fraught with the deviation of the last bone of the metatarsal and the formation of a painful outgrowth on the side of the little finger.

With transverse flatfoot, the load on the bases of the second and third metatarsal bone increases, and pressure on the ligament and flexor muscles of the corresponding fingers grows.

As a result of the reflex reduction of the muscular structures, the fingers flex into the interphalangeal and extension in the metatarsophalangeal joints.

That is, the fingers are raised in relation to the rear surface of the feet, and a hammer-like deformation develops, which is accompanied by the formation of cones on the phalanx of the second and third fingers.

In severe cases, the development of subluxation or dislocation of phalanges of the fingers, as well as a persistent contracture, is possible, when the fingers remain in a twisted position.

Mechanism of cone formation

Transverse platypodia and valgus deformation pass through 3 stages of development. In the first stage, the first finger is rejected by no more than 15 °, and the last, the little finger, is displaced by 6-8 °. This extension of the lateral foot was called "Taylor deformation" or "tailor's tail".

Many years ago, people who were engaged in sewing, did their job, being in a "Turkish" position. Constant pressure on the external areas of the feet led to the appearance of a painful build-up near the base of the little finger

As in ancient times, today's patients complain of fatigue of legs and heaviness in the feet after a long walk, a transient pain syndrome in the joint of the thumb. At this stage of the place where the buds will appear in the future, they become red and swollen.

The second stage of flat feet is characterized by an increase in the intensity of symptoms, and further displacement of bones a metatarsal, accompanied by the appearance of solid cones next to the first and last finger, as well as calluses on soles. The pain syndrome acquires a permanent character and does not subside even at rest.

At the third stage, the foot deforms even more, and the lump grows on the raised phalanges of the second, third and fourth fingers, which is largely facilitated by their hammer-shaped curvature.

Gouty tofusi

If one or more bumps on the toes grows, then this can be caused by a disease like gout.

With its long flow next to the joints are formed the so-called tophi, which is a cluster of crystals of uric acid.

It is these formations that force patients to consult a doctor because they can not cope with pain and inflammation.

Gouty-tofus nodules are not formed immediately, but after five or six years from the onset of the disease

The clinical symptoms of gout are as follows:

  • tophi are localized mainly over the joints of the fingers and toes, but may appear in the area of ​​the ear shells and the upper part of the face;
  • the size of the cones varies from a few millimeters to 6-8, and sometimes 10 centimeters.
  • In Tofus, a yellow-white mass accumulates-urate salts;
  • the consistency of the formations is dense, when pressed, soreness does not arise;
  • when in contact with tight shoes tofu can inflame, it is possible their infection and suppuration;
  • fistulas sometimes form in the gouty node, and the contents come out.

Hygroma of foot

Hygroma is a benign neoplasm with a serous fluid inside and most often occurs near the tendon sheaths and joints. In most cases, it can be found on the back of the feet.

Hygromes are not dangerous, but they can cause considerable inconvenience, and at large sizes squeeze surrounding structures and become inflamed. Depending on the location of the hygroma, it can be soft and elastic or harden as a sole plantar.

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To understand that the hygroma has grown, it is possible by the following characteristic signs:

  1. clear contours, flat surface, dense consistency;
  2. the shape is round or oval, resembling an egg;
  3. can be ill with pressure;
  4. the skin over the hygroma and next to it sometimes blushes and peels, the local temperature rises.

Hygromes of feet often remain unnoticed until they begin to cause discomfort when walking and ache. With the compression of the nerve roots, the pain syndrome acquires a non-exhausting character, and the affected blood vessels cause circulatory disturbances and cooling of the feet.

Hygromes do not pose a threat to human health and never degenerate into a malignant tumor

In a number of cases, hygromas absolutely do not interfere with a person and do not hurt, but this is not an excuse for refusing treatment. Cure hygroma in the early stages can be conservative methods, if they are ineffective, surgical removal of the neoplasm is performed.

Why do hygromes appear? Doctors did not agree on the reasons, but the factors that contribute to the formation of gigrum are the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma to the feet;
  • tight and narrow shoes;
  • high physical exertion on the legs;
  • articular pathologies.

Pathology of the joints

Cones on the toes are one of the symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is characterized by the destruction of the cartilaginous tissues of the joints.

Already in the second stage of this disease the heads of metatarsal bones thicken, and connective tissue grows around the joints.

As a result, the foot begins to deform according to the type of valgus, the fingers are curved, and their mobility gradually decreases.

It should be noted that osteoarthrosis of the feet is a serious pathology, often leading to disability. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor and find out how to treat joints.

Cones and knotty formations are also characteristic for arthritis of any origin - infectious, rheumatoid, etc. The therapeutic tactics will depend on the reason that caused this symptom.


The main directions of treatment of accretions on the fingers are:

  1. elimination of inflammation;
  2. Relieving the patient of pain;
  3. restoration of the motor ability of the foot, if it was broken;
  4. prevention of various complications;
  5. preventive actions.

Silicone protectors are widely used for various deformations, preventing friction and corns formation

One of the effective methods of conservative treatment is wearing orthopedic adaptations.

To slow down or even stop the deformation, interdigital gaskets, special cuffs to protect the bones of the metatarsal from excessive pressure, as well as all kinds of retainers and bandages for the feet.

If the deformation managed to acquire a threatening character, then patients are advised to order individual tailoring of shoes, taking into account specific features. Thus, the painful parts of the feet are unloaded, and the progression of the disease slows down.

Surgical operations

With transverse flatfoot and valgus deformity, operations on soft tissues and bones are performed, as well as combined interventions. Most often it is required to remove bone growths or to make a partial resection of bone structures.

Surgical removal of the hygroma is called a bursectomy and is performed under local or general anesthesia. Resection of the bursa, that is, of the entire synovial bag and capsule of pathological formation, is performed.

After the operation, a plaster bandage is applied to restore the joint as soon as possible.

Currently, the laser is chosen as the method of choosing removal of gigrom, since the surrounding tissues are not damaged during the operation, there are no complications, and the rehabilitation period is shortened.

Salt foot baths relax the lower limbs and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases

Folk methods

It should be noted that it is impossible to get rid of cones on legs with folk remedies, and even at the initial stages of the disease competent medical consultation is needed. The doctor will recommend how to choose the appropriate footwear, will send to physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

However, the products prepared according to folk recipes can perfectly complement the basic therapy - to reduce the inflammatory process and relieve the pain syndrome.

For example, foot baths with the addition of iodine and salt will help improve blood circulation and remove fatigue after a hard day. It will take 1 tbsp. l.

table salt, 10 drops of iodine and 1 liter of warm water.

To the painful places you can apply a variety of compresses and lotions from grated potatoes, propolis, burdock with turpentine, etc. These products have anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.

When cones appear, one should not engage in self-medication, but immediately go to an orthopedic doctor who will tell you how to remove them. Legs on legs may have different origins, and it is necessary to establish the cause of their formation.

It is possible that by contacting the clinic immediately, you can avoid surgery and serious complications.

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Cones on toes

Cones on the toes are a manifestation of various diseases and complex deformities of the foot. Despite the common features of all these "cones" - something starts to bulge on the finger or on the foot, the reasons for the appearance of "bones" are completely different, and accordingly, their treatment is different.

In spite of etiology, all the "bumps" cause a cosmetic defect, they give pain, prevent the wearing of shoes.

With some "bones" conservative methods of treatment are sufficient and surgical treatment is not required. In others, surgical methods of treatment are the only solution to the problem.

Familiarize yourself with the different types of "cones" and with some diseases in which their formation is possible.

1. Cones in the region of I metatarsophalangeal joint, formed by osteophytes

This is the most common cause of cones appearance. It is accompanied with the lowering of the arches of the foot. The bone with valgus deformation has the following features:

  • solid, fixed, increases in size slowly;
  • the rapid increase in bone size is associated with the development of bursitis;
  • is located at the base of the first finger;
  • the first finger is turned outward;
  • on the sole of the foot may be formed homozyolosity (napotypes);
  • often a deformation of 2 fingers is observed.

Osteoarthritis of I metatarsophalangeal joint

On the perimeter of the articular surfaces of the I metatarsal bone and the base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st finger, bone growths are formed.

  • "Bone" is formed mostly in the region of the head I metatarsal bone on the back of the foot, but osteophytes can be along the entire perimeter of the joint;
  • I metatarsophalangeal joint is mainly deformed in isolation.
  • first of all, the movements in the joint are limited, and in the future may be completely absent;
  • patients feel severe pain, which eventually becomes permanent.

a. type of foot sideways. type of foot from the top. radiograph of the feet. changes in the joint "Shishka" with arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint

2. Soft-tissue lumps in region I of metatarsophalangeal joint

Characteristic features: soft, mobile, painful, warm to the touch, can quickly increase in size.

Bursitis of the mucosa of the metatarsophalangeal joint

Most often, this disease occurs when there are bone growths in the region of the I metatarsophalangeal joint. Sometimes it can develop independently, for example, when wearing a tight shoe the mucous bag is chronically injured, rubs against the shoes.

  • there is a swelling on the inside of the foot at the base of the first finger;
  • appears suddenly, rapidly increases in size;
  • there is redness of the skin in the cone, it is often hot to the touch, painful, soft;
  • sometimes the liquid in it is determined;
  • conservative treatment is effective and quickly yields good results.

Bursitis in combination with hallux valgus and deformation of Taylor, hammerlike deformation of the 2nd finger

Arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

In arthritis, the "lump" is formed due to inflamed soft tissues, edema, an increase in the amount of synovial fluid.

The most common causes of arthritis are gout, infectious diseases (reactive arthritis), systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis).

Characteristic symptoms of "lump" in arthritis:

  • the skin in the area of ​​the base of the first finger is reddened, the swelling is located around the entire perimeter of the joint, often very painful;
  • to the touch it is soft, hot, can be very painful;
  • in some cases, the overall body temperature increases;
  • conservative methods of treatment are effective and quickly give a positive result;
  • The choice of method of treatment depends on the causes of arthritis.

Acute arthritis of the I metatarsophalangeal joint

3. Bumps on 2-4 toes of the feet

Cones on 2-4 toes of the foot are the result of a hammer-shaped, clawlike and hammer-shaped deformation of the fingers. Distinctive features:

  • it is always formed by the head of the proximal or distal phalanx of the finger and bone growths. Sometimes the volume of the "stone" increases due to inflammation of the soft tissues;
  • it is always located on the back surface of the finger in the area of ​​the proximal or distal interphalangeal joints;

Hammerlike deformation of fingers, the form of the foot from above and from the side

4. Deformation of Taylor (tailor)

The deformation of the Taylor is characterized by the varus V of the finger and the valgus deviation of the fifth metatarsal bone.

Characteristic signs of "bumps" on the foot:

  • is located at the base of the little finger;
  • the fifth finger is deflected to the inside, in some cases also upward;

"Bone" with deformation of Taylor in combination with bursitis - "cone" sharply increases in size, becomes painful when bursitis of the mucous bag of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint develops.

5. Osteoarthritis of the tarsal joints

Tarsal joints are formed between the bones of the middle part of the foot. The middle section of the foot constantly carries heavy loads during walking and running, injured (micro-trauma).

Articular surfaces are damaged, cartilage is thinner, osteophytes appear (bone growths) - arthrosis develops.

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. these "bones" are hard, often painful, can increase in size with inflammation of soft tissues;
  2. they appear on the rear surface in the area of ​​the lift of the foot;
  3. walking in narrow shoes can be very painful.

6. Hygroma of foot

Hygroma is the "hernia" of the joint capsule or tendon sheath. The protrusion can form on the back surface of the foot from the ankle to the toes.

Features of hygroma on the foot:

  • It forms on the back surface of the foot. Hygromes on the plantar surface of the foot are more like an exception.
  • At the beginning of the occurrence, it periodically appears and disappears, then becomes permanent.
  • Painless, dense or soft-elastic consistency, often mobile.
  • When rubbing with shoes, there may be signs of inflammation: redness, pain, swelling.
  • When wearing narrow shoes causes discomfort, pain.

7. Gouty tofus

Gout is a disease associated with a violation of purine metabolism. Tofusi with gout are deposits of uric acid salts in tissues.

  1. Gout more often sick men, and the main reason for turning to the orthopedist are tofu;
  2. the location of tofusov strongly fluctuates: from the toes' fingers to the auricles.
  3. their size varies from a few millimeters to a giant size;
  4. tofusnye tumors dense and painless;
  5. when chronic traumatization of shoes, they can become inflamed, infected and inflamed;
  6. when the tofusi are opened, at the same time a white mass (urate crystals) is released from them;
  7. 15-20% of patients with gout are carriers of urate stones.

Tactics of treatment:

  • After conservative therapy and stabilization of the level of uricemia, removal of tofus is indicated.
  • It is preferable to perform operations with small amounts of tofuscous tumors, without waiting for their growth or purulent complications.
  • The operations are locally phylogenetic and individual, depending on the size and localization of tofus.

How to proceed? Self-medication or orthopedic help?

Having learned, what different there can be "bumps" on the feet, you can understand that the treatment is different!

However, many people, instead of turning to a qualified orthopedist for an accurate diagnosis of the disease (cones) and proper treatment, are looking for easy ways to remove the "bone". And there are a lot of proposals for treating "cones" - from miraculous drugs and ointments to insects and urine.

Modern medicine, of course, does not negate the effectiveness of folk treatment in certain cases, but for their proper application, it is necessary to know what we are treating. It should also be understood that two or more diseases can be combined.

Alas, often we perceive the desired as the real. To understand the causes of the disease and to take effective methods of treatment, self-medication is unacceptable.

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A cone on the leg near the thumb: causes, treatment, surgery or folk remedies

The cone on the leg near the thumb is a problem for many. And this is not just an aesthetic drawback.

After all, as a rule, the appearance of such education is associated with deformation of the joints and bones of the foot, which, accordingly, is accompanied by discomfort.

That is why today many people are interested in questions about why such cones appear and what methods of treatment modern medicine offers.

What is the bump on the big toe?

Of course, the cone on the leg near the thumb can have a different origin.

For example, swelling and soreness in the joint area may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or starting arthritis.

In addition, the formation of small sizes can be a common corn (natypes).

But in most cases, cones on the legs indicate a so-called valgus deformation (in medicine, the term Hallux valgus is also used).

This ailment is very common among women, which most researchers associate with wearing uncomfortable shoes.

But in men, a bump on their legs can be seen extremely rarely - in only 2% of cases.

Cones on the foot near the thumb: the reasons for its formation

In fact, there are many factors that can provoke the development of valgus deformation:

  • To begin with, it is worth noting the genetic predisposition to this disease.
  • On the other hand, the curvature of the axis of the joint is often associated with the constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes with high heels and with narrow toe capes.
  • Risk factors can also include flat-footed transverse type, since with this pathology the load distribution during walking varies.
  • Excess weight is also potentially dangerous, because extra pounds - this is an additional burden on the bone apparatus of the foot.
  • In some cases, the deformation develops after an injury, for example, after a severe bruise or fracture of the foot bones, dislocation, etc.

Cones on legs: photos and symptoms

Signs of the development of valgus deformity depend on the stage of the development of the disease. As a rule, in the initial stages, patients note rapid fatigue and heaviness in the legs. Gradually, a bulge begins to appear on the joint near the thumb.

As the cone grows, one can note changes in the position of the thumb - it deviates toward the remaining phalanges of the foot. Along with this there is discomfort, which increases with prolonged walking, standing or physical exertion.

Many people also note that the lump on the leg hurts. And if at first the soreness appears only from time to time, then as the deformation progresses, it becomes practically constant. Skin over bone can swell and blush.

Stages of development of the disease

The cone on the leg near the thumb can look different, because the external symptoms directly depend on the stage of the disease. In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish three phases of deformation:

  1. In the first stage of the disease, cones are small in size. This period is rarely accompanied by severe pain - most often discomfort occurs with prolonged walking or physical exertion. Only the thumb deviates from the normal axis.
  2. At the second stage, the presence of pathology is much easier. After all, the bone gradually increases in size - patients, as a rule, can no longer walk in the usual shoes. At this stage, not only the large but also the second toe is deformed.
  3. The third stage is accompanied by constant discomfort. After all, big cones hinder walking, and deformation spreads to the other toes of the foot.

In any case, it is worth remembering - if you notice that there are bumps on your legs, go to the orthopedic doctor as soon as possible, because the initial stages are easily amenable to conservative treatment.

What are the complications of the disease?

The cone on the leg near the thumb is perceived by most patients at first as an aesthetic disadvantage. This, of course, affects the life of a person, bringing emotional discomfort to it. But this is far from the most terrible consequence.

As already mentioned, in the absence of appropriate treatment, the deformation progresses. Gradually, this leads to a restriction of mobility of the joint, and then the entire foot. After all, twisted phalanges interfere with normal walking, turning every movement into a real torture.

On the other hand, changing the shape and position of the finger complicates the choice of shoes - most patients with this and the diagnosis complain of the constant occurrence of calluses and abrasions on the feet. Another common complication is ingrowing the nail, which is also accompanied by pain, inflammation, and often suppuration.

And do not forget that deformed joints are often inflamed, which is also extremely unpleasant and even dangerous.

Basic diagnostic methods

In fact, the diagnosis of valgus deformity is rarely associated with any difficulties, especially when it comes to its advanced stages.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient needs to take X-ray pictures of the feet in three projections - they will allow the doctor to see the deviations of the metatarsal bones and the curvature of the phalanges of the fingers.

Sometimes additional research is prescribed.

For example, computer plottography allows you to make an accurate footprint, which allows you to judge the degree of disruption of the load on the bone.

In the early stages, the disease can be diagnosed with computer-assisted sub-metering (the study helps to detect characteristic gait changes), as well as biomechanical studies.

Cones near the big toe: conservative treatment

In fact, drugs that can stop further deformation and align already crooked bones do not exist.

Therefore, various methods of physiotherapy are most often used to treat this disease.

A good effect will also be provided by regular massage and specially selected gymnastic exercises.

If the deformation is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation and redness of the skin, the patient may be assigned reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - in most cases it is ointments and gels for external use.

Approximately, this will look like therapy in the event that you have a cone on your leg near your thumb.

Treatment in this case is a long and complex process.

The success of therapy largely depends on how accurately the patient complies with the doctor's instructions, so do not neglect the advice of specialists.

Orthopedic devices for deformation

If you have bumps on your feet, then it's time to seek help from an orthopedic doctor. To date, there are many different devices that help stop the process of further deformation, and sometimes even align already twisted joints.

Patients with an initial stage of the disease, doctors are usually recommended to use special insoles for shoes, insteps, as well as rollers, which are placed between the toes. Such products provide the correct distribution of the load, and also reduce the discomfort that occurs during walking.

Quite popular are the finger-type correctors - special devices that are placed on the big toes, keeping them in a normal position. As a rule, proof-readers dress for the night.

There is another design, with which the lump on the leg near the thumb is treated.

The photo shows a special orthopedic tire that fixes the toes in a normal position, not allowing them to deviate from the normal axis.

By the way, there are models that can be attached to shoes, which is also very convenient.

Surgical methods of deformation elimination

Unfortunately, conservative drugs from cones on the legs are not always effective.

With the help of orthopedic adaptations, massages and gymnastics, it is possible to prevent the development of further deformation, but only at the initial stages. More severe cases require radical treatment.

Surgery allows you to almost completely get rid of the disease, fix the slope of the bones, eliminate pain and discomfort.

In fact, the first procedures for surgical removal appeared quite a long time ago. During the operation, the doctor simply cut or completely removed part of the metatarsal bone. Of course, such a procedure entailed a lot of complications, in particular, loss of foot support.

Modern operations allow almost completely to get rid of deformation without any serious consequences.

During the procedure, the doctor shifts the tendons and changes the angle between the phalangeal bones, which makes it possible to form the correct arch of the foot.

As a rule, after a few days the patient can normally move using special orthopedic shoes.

There are also more severe cases, when the above procedure does not completely eliminate the cones on the legs.

The operation for such patients looks different - the bones of the phalanx are fixed with the help of special medical cogs.

This is a more complicated procedure, so the rehabilitation period lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

But it is worthwhile to understand that even after carrying out a surgical operation, it is necessary to follow preventive precautions.

Can I get rid of cones at home?

Of course, you can improve the condition of feet and at home. For example, doctors recommend that you regularly make warm foot baths using sea salt.

In addition, you can prevent further deformations with foot massage - you can easily do it yourself.

All these methods will help improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.

Today, many people are interested in questions about whether there is a non-traditional therapy that allows you to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a lump on the leg near the thumb. How to treat folk remedies like this disease? Of course, there are many means.

For example, some folk medicine men recommend every evening to lubricate the skin around the stone with a small amount of iodine.

A leaf of fresh cabbage is considered effective enough to be smeared with honey and applied to the affected area. To the bump, you can apply a lightly heated beeswax.

But all these tools help to eliminate pain and inflammation - they can not get rid of curvature.

Basic preventive methods

It is much easier to avoid valgus deformation, than to try to get rid of it later. That's why doctors recommend to observe precautions. In particular, this applies to people who are genetically prone to such a disease.

Of course, first of all it is necessary to take care of shoes that should be comfortable and, preferably, have orthopedic insoles or soles. Regular exercise of simple gymnastic exercises will also positively affect the condition of the feet.

And doctors recommend that you follow the weight of the body, since the additional load on the joints of the legs can trigger the development of deformation. From time to time, go to massage sessions.

And, of course, if the first symptoms appear, contact your doctor immediately.

Gymnastics for feet

Certainly, special exercises for feet are extremely important. Here are the simplest and most effective of them:

  • extension and bending of the ankle;
  • the withdrawal of the feet inside and out;
  • flexion and extension of toes;
  • throw a small object on the floor (for example, a pencil) and try to lift it with your toes;
  • take a small piece of paper and learn to crumple it, using the toes;
  • Try moving your toes on your legs separately.

These exercises are very simple - they can be easily performed even sitting at the desk. Nevertheless, the effect of regular gymnastics is simply invaluable. This not only helps to speed up the healing process and restore the fingers mobility, but also to prevent the development of valgus deformation.

A source: http://.ru/article/160709/shishka-na-noge-vozle-bolshogo-paltsa-prichinyi-lechenie-operatsiya-kak-lechit-shishku-na-noge-vozle-bolshogo-paltsa-narodnyimi-sredstvami

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