Chr. tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis - symptoms, treatment, causes, complications

Chronic tonsillitis is a condition of palatine tonsils, in which, against the background of a decrease in local natural protective functions, their inflammation periodically occurs. Therefore tonsils (tonsils) become a constant focus of infection, with chronic allergization and intoxication of the body. Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are clearly manifested during periods of relapse, when during an exacerbation increases body temperature, lymph nodes increase, pain appears, sore throat, pain when swallowing, unpleasant odor from mouth.

Against the background of reduced immunity and in the presence of a chronic foci of infection, patients with tonsillitis chronic form in the future may suffer from such diseases as rheumatism, pyelonephritis, adnexitis (see Fig. inflammation of the appendages of the uterus - symptoms and treatment), prostatitis, etc. Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis are social diseases of a modern inhabitant of a megalopolis, because the unfavorable ecological situation in cities, monotonous chemical nutrition, stress, overwork, an abundance of aggressive, negative information has a very negative effect on the state of the immune system of the population.

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Why does chronic tonsillitis occur?

The main function of palatine tonsils as well as other lymphoid tissues in the human pharynx is to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms that enter the nasopharynx with food, air, water. These tissues produce such protective substances as interferon, lymphocytes, gamma globulin. In the normal state of the immune system on the mucosa and in the depth of the tonsils, lacunae and crypts are always present both non-pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, in correct, natural concentrations, without causing inflammatory processes.

As soon as there is an intensive growth of bacteria coming from outside or present conditionally pathogenic bacteria, Palatine tonsils destroy and remove the infection, leading to the normalization of the condition - and all this happens unnoticed for rights. If the balance of microflora is disturbed for various reasons, described below, the sharp growth of bacteria can cause angina - acute inflammation, which can occur as a lacunar sore throat or follicular angina.

If such inflammations become protracted, often recur and poorly treatable, the process of resistance to infection in the tonsils weakens, they do not cope with their functions of protection, lose the ability to self-purification and themselves are the source of infection, then develops a chronic form - tonsillitis. In rare cases, approximately 3%, tonsillitis can develop without a preliminary acute process, that is, its occurrence is not preceded by angina.

In tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillitis, bacterial analysis reveals almost 30 pathogenic bacteria, but in lacunae the most numerous are streptococci and staphylococci.

It is very important, before the start of therapy, to take an analysis for the bacterial flora with the establishment of sensitivity to antibiotics, since pathogenic microorganisms are very diverse and each of them can be resistant to certain antibacterial means. When prescribing antibiotics at random, with the resistance of bacteria, treatment will be ineffective or completely ineffective, which will lead to an increase in the period of recovery and the transition of angina to chronic tonsillitis.

Diseases that provoke the development of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Violation of nasal breathing with polyps (polyps in the nose, treatment), adenoids (treatment of adenoids in children), purulent sinusitis, sinusitis (treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics), curvature of the nasal septum, as well as dental caries - can provoke inflammation of the palatines tonsils
  • Reduction of local and general immunity in infectious diseases - measles (see. symptoms of measles in adults), scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc., especially in case of severe leakage, inadequate treatment, incorrectly selected medications for therapy.
  • Hereditary predisposition - if in a family history there is chronic tonsillitis in close relatives.

Adverse factors provoking exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Low amount of liquid consumed per day. A person should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, as well as low water quality, consumed daily (use only purified water for cooking, special filters for water)
  • Severe or prolonged hypothermia of the body
  • Strong stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional overstrain, lack of adequate sleep and rest, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Work on harmful production, dustiness, gas contamination of premises in the workplace
  • The general adverse environmental situation in the place of residence - industrial enterprises, the abundance of vehicles, chemical production, increased radioactive background, abundance in the residential premises of household goods of poor quality, emitting harmful substances into the air - cheap household appliances, carpets and furniture produced from toxic materials, the active use of household chemicals (chlorine-containing products, washing powders and detergents with a high concentration of surfactants and etc.)
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking
  • Inadequate nutrition, an abundance of carbohydrates and proteins, limited consumption of cereals, vegetables, fruits.

When the process begins to acquire a chronic form in the tonsils, the lymphoid tissue from the tender gradually becomes denser, replacing the connective tissue, there are scars that cover the lacunae. This leads to the appearance of lacunar plugs - closed purulent foci, in which particles accumulate food, tobacco tar, pus, microbes, both living and dead, necrotic epithelial cells of the mucosa lacunae.

In closed lacunae, figuratively speaking, pockets where pus accumulates, very favorable conditions are created for the preservation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic products of vital activity of which with a current of blood are carried throughout the body, affecting almost all internal organs, leading to chronic intoxication organism. This process is slow, the overall work of immune mechanisms is lost and the body can begin to respond inadequately to a constant infection, causing allergies. And the bacteria themselves (streptococcus) cause severe complications.

Symptoms and complications of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis in the nature and severity of inflammation is divided into several types:

  • Simple recurrent form, when often there are tonsillitis
  • A simple lingering form is a prolonged sluggish inflammation in the palatine tonsils
  • A simple compensated form, that is, relapses of tonsillitis and episodes of angina occur rarely
  • Toxico-allergic form, which is 2 types

With a simple form of chronic tonsillitis, symptoms are meager, limited only by local signs - pus in lacunae, purulent plugs, swelling of the edges of the arch, lymph nodes increase, there is a foreign body sensation, discomfort when swallowing, dry mouth, smell from the mouth mouth. During periods of remission, symptoms are absent, and during exacerbations up to 3 times a year there are tonsillitis, which accompanied by fever, headache, general malaise, weakness, prolonged period recovery.

1 toxic-allergic form - in addition to local inflammatory reactions to symptoms of tonsillitis, general signs of intoxication and allergization of the body - increased body temperature, heart pain with normal ECG, joint pain, increased fatigue. The patient is more likely to suffer from influenza, Orvi, recovery after illness is prolonged.

2 Toxico-allergic form - with this form of the disease, tonsils become a constant source of infection, and the risk of spreading it throughout the body is high. Therefore, in addition to the above symptoms occur violations in the joints, liver, kidneys, functional disorders of the heart, detected ECG, heart rhythm is disturbed, acquired heart defects may develop, rheumatism, arthritis, urinary-genital diseases sphere. A person is constantly experiencing weakness, fatigue, subfebrile temperature.

Conservative local treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis can be surgical and conservative. Naturally, surgical intervention is an extreme measure that can irreparably damage immunity and protective functions of the body. Surgical removal of tonsils is possible in the case when with prolonged inflammation the lymphoid tissue is replaced by a connective tissue. And in cases when a parathonsillar abscess occurs in the toxic-allergic form 2, an autopsy is shown.

Indications for the removal of tonsils:

  • Increased tonsils interfere with normal nasal breathing or swallowing.
  • More than 4 sore throats a year
  • Peritonsillar abscess
  • Koneservativnaya therapy without effect more than a year
  • There was an episode of acute rheumatic fever or there is a chronic rheumatic fever, kidney complications

Palatine tonsils play an important role in creating an infectious barrier and inhibit the inflammatory process, are one of the components of support and local and general immunity. Therefore, the otolaryngologists try to preserve them without resorting to surgery, try to restore the functions of the tonsils by various methods and procedures.

Conservative treatment of exacerbation of a chronic process should be performed in the Lor center, a qualified specialist who will prescribe comprehensive adequate therapy depending on the form and stage of the disease. Modern methods of treatment of tonsillitis are conducted in several stages:

  • Rinsing lacunae

There are 2 ways to wash the lacunae of the tonsils - one using a syringe, the other using the Tonsilor attachment. The first method is now considered obsolete, since it is not sufficiently effective, the pressure created by the syringe, is not sufficient for thorough washing, and the procedure is traumatic and contact, often causes a vomitive reflex in patients. The greatest effect is achieved if the doctor uses the nozzle "Tonzilor". It is used both for washing and for the administration of medicinal solutions. First, the doctor makes the lacunae washed with an antiseptic solution, while he clearly sees that it is washed out of the tonsils.

  • Ultrasonic medicinal irrigation, treatment with Lugol

After cleaning from the pathological secret, you should change the tip to an ultrasound, which due to ultrasound the effect of cavitation creates a drug suspension and with effort delivers the drug solution to the submucosal layer of palatines tonsils. As a medicine, 1% Miramistin solution is usually used, this remedy is an antiseptic that does not lose its properties under the influence of ultrasound. Then, after this procedure, the doctor can treat the tonsils with Lugol's solution (see Fig. Lugol with angina).

  • Therapeutic laser

The laser therapy session also has a good effect, reduces swelling and inflammation of the tissues and mucosa of the palatine tonsils. To achieve better results, the source of laser radiation is placed in the oral cavity closer to the tonsils and the posterior pharyngeal wall.

  • Sessions of vibroacoustic impact, UV

Such sessions are made to normalize microcirculation, improve nutrition in the tissues of the tonsils. UV - ultraviolet irradiation is carried out for the sanation of microflora, this old time-tested method has not lost its relevance and is considered quite effective.

All described methods should be conducted in courses, the number and multiplicity of which are determined individually in each specific clinical case. To achieve maximum effect, 5 to 10 rinsing procedures are required until clean wash water appears. This course of treatment is able to restore the ability of the tonsils to self-purification and the period of remission is significantly prolonged, relapses become less frequent.

To avoid the removal of palatine tonsils and treatment led to a persistent result, such effective treatment is desirable. to spend 2-4 times a year and independently to conduct supportive preventive treatment at home, gargle (see. all solutions for gargling with angina).

Recent studies of scientists lead to the conclusion that in chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, an important role is played by imbalance of microflora mucous nasopharynx and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply with an insufficient amount of useful flora that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. (cm. The causes of sinusitis are in the sinus dysbiosis)

One of the options for preventive and maintenance treatment of tonsillitis can be gargling with drugs containing live cultures of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria - Narine (liquid concentrate 150 rubles), Trilact (1000 rubles), Normoflorin (160-200 rub). This normalizes the balance of the microflora of the nasopharynx, contributes to a more natural recovery and a longer remission.

Medication effective treatment

Only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, clinical picture, degree and form of chronic tonsillitis the doctor determines the tactics of managing the patient, prescribes a course of drug therapy and local procedures. Drug therapy is the use of the following types of drugs:

  • Antibiotics for tonsillitis

This doctor prescribes this group of drugs only with an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, antibiotic treatment should preferably be carried out on the basis of bacterial culture data. Appointment of drugs blindly may not lead to the desired effect, loss of time and deterioration of the condition. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics for angina as a short course the most light and safe means, and a longer course with stronger drugs that require probiotics (see also Sumamed in angina). In the latent course of tonsillitis, treatment with antimicrobials is not indicated, since this additionally disrupts the microflora and the gastrointestinal tract and the oral cavity, and also suppresses the immune system. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly).

  • Probiotics

With the appointment of aggressive antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, as well as with concomitant diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis, reflux, etc.) with the initiation of therapy should take probiotic drugs that are resistant to the action of antibiotics - Acipol, Rela Life, Narine, Primadofilus, Gastrofarm, Normoflorin (cm. the entire list of probiotics-BAA and Linex analogs)

  • Anesthetics

In severe pain syndrome, the most optimal is Ibuprofen or Nurofen, they are used as symptomatic therapy and with minor pain their use is not advisable (see. complete list and prices of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the article Stabbed back pain).

  • Antihistamines

To reduce edema of the mucosa, edema of the tonsils, the posterior pharyngeal wall, it is necessary to take desensibilizing preparations, as well as to more effectively absorb other medicines. Among this group is better to use the drugs of the last generation, they have a longer, prolonged action, do not have a sedative effect, stronger and safer. Among the antihistamines, the best ones are Tetrin, Parlazin, Zirtek, Letizen, Zodak, as well as Telfast, Feksadin, and Fexophast (cf. List of all medicines for allergies). In the case when a patient with a prolonged reception is well helped by one of these drugs, you should not change it to another.

  • Antiseptic topical treatment

An important condition for effective treatment is gargling, for this you can use various solutions as ready-made sprays, and dilute special solutions yourself. It is most convenient to use Miramistin (250 rubles), which is sold with a nebulizer, 1% solution, Octenisept (230-370 rubles), which is diluted with water 1/5, as well as Dioxydin (1% rp 200 rubles 10 ampoules), 1 amp. diluted in 100 ml of warm water (see. list of all sprays for the throat). Aromatherapy can also have a positive effect if you make a gargle or inhalation of essential oils - lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar.

  • Immunostimulatory therapy

Among the drugs that can be used to stimulate local immunity in the oral cavity, perhaps, only Imudon is indicated for use, the course of therapy is 10 days (resorptive tablets. 4 r / day). Among natural products for raising the immunity you can use Propolis, Pantocrinum, ginseng, chamomile.

  • Homeopathic treatment and folk remedies

Experienced homeopath can choose the best homeopathic treatment and if you follow his recommendations, it is possible to extend the remission as much as possible after the acute inflammatory process has been removed by traditional methods therapy. And to rinse your throat, you can use the following medicinal plants: turn, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, willow buds, Icelandic moss, aspen bark, poplar, as well as the roots of the bloodlet, elecampane, ginger.

  • Mitigating agents

From the inflammatory process and the intake of certain medicines there is dryness in the mouth, pershenia, sagging in the throat, in which case very it is effective and safe to use apricot, peach, sea buckthorn oil, taking into account the individual tolerability of these products (absence allergic reactions). To properly soften the nasopharynx, you should dig in any of these oils in the nose a few drops in the morning and in the evening, when burying the head should be thrown back. Another way to soften the throat is 3% hydrogen peroxide, that is, 9% and 6% solution should be diluted and gargled for as long as possible, then rinse the throat with warm water.

  • Food

Diet therapy is an integral part of successful treatment, any hard, hard, spicy, fried, sour, salty, smoked food, very cold or hot food, saturated with taste enhancers and artificial additives, alcohol - significantly worsens the condition patient.

How to cure chronic tonsillitis forever: traditional medicine

  • Councils of patients

How to cure chronic tonsillitis forever - this is the question that every person who is suffering from this unpleasant autoimmune disease asked himself. People with chronic tonsillitis constantly feel that they are walking in a vicious circle, because getting rid of an importunate illness is extremely difficult.

A slight hypothermia or a cold ice cream eaten on a hot day immediately causes a sore throat and general malaise throughout the body. All would be nothing, if it was not repeated with a constant periodicity, and the symptoms of malaise did not take such a long flow.

In order to understand how to treat chronic tonsillitis, you must first determine the etiology and causes of the disease itself.Chronic tonsillitis is considered to be an infectious-allergic disease that affects one of the greatest defense forces of the entire body - palatine tonsils. It is in the palatine tonsils that the necessary antibodies are produced, capable of destroying harmful bacteria that enter the human body.

To cause inflammation of the tonsils can:adenovirus, enterococcus, hemolytic streptococcus, fungi, staphylococcus and other pathogens. To contribute to the appearance of tonsillitis can also some of the accompanying diseases, for example: sinusitis, frequent tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries, etc.

Bacteria and viruses actively multiply in the cold, so the highest peak of exacerbations of tonsillitis occurs in cold seasons: autumn, winter, early spring. That's whydangerous hypothermia and a sharp temperature drop(for example, from heat to cold).

If you are diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, then do not despair immediately. Undoubtedly, long and unsuccessful treatment, as well as a string of eternally recurring unpleasant symptoms, cause many to go on a desperate step - an operation to remove the tonsils. Unfortunately, in medical practice such cases are far from uncommon. But surgical intervention is an extreme case, and doctors are sent to the operation only in the most neglected and critical cases.

It is always necessary to fight to the last for your health. You ask: how to do it, when unbearable pain literally squeezes the throat, and inflamed tonsils burn "fire and the treatment does not produce any result? It's very simple - go to folk medicine, and you'll learn how to cure chronic tonsillitis forever. There are many prescriptions for treating tonsillitis with folk remedies that can relieve you of tonsillitis. However, some recipes should be given special attention.

Read also "Than with an angina gargle".

Recipe # 1

It is necessary to dilute in 100 ml. 70% alcohol 10 gr. natural propolis (you can take 10 ml. alcohol per 100 ml. ordinary water). Then the solution will need to insist for a week. After a week, the ready tincture can be taken a few drops, along with tea and honey.

Natural propolis can not be diluted, but taken in raw form, that is, chew it. This will help increase immunity, as well as combat viruses and bacteria that have fallen on the tonsils. Chewing propolis is better after eating. Children can take 1 gr. propolis, adults - 2 gr. not less than 3 times a day. The course of treatment with crude undiluted propolis is 2-4 weeks.

Recipe No. 2

To make a garlic solution for rinsing the sore throat, you need to take 2-3 cloves of garlic (without green sprouts) and 1 tbsp. milk. The heads of garlic should be finely crushed and poured unheated boiled milk. Then, strain through the cheesecloth and rinse your throat several times a day with a ready warm solution.

The best result will be if you alternate rinse solutions. Therefore, the garlic mixture can be combined with other solutions and tinctures, that is, 1 day rinse the tonsils with one solution, the other day - with another. For example, to rinse your throat, you can make a tincture on alcohol from the flowers of chamomile, calendula flowers, sage, etc.

Recipe # 3

How to cure chronic tonsillitis forever? How to quickly cure angina? Traditional medicine claims that it helps the sore throat of a carnation. She acts as a medic, that is, clears the entire lymphatic system, especially in the area of ​​the throat irritated with the infection. Use cloves can be as infusion (at 1 tbsp. boiling water accounts for ½ tsp. peas of a carnation). Infuse the remedy for 30 minutes and then take it hot after the meal. According to reviews, this recipe helps to get rid of tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

To traditional medicine were most effective in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • in no case freeze;
  • eat right: eat foods that contain a lot of fiber, and eat less protein foods;
  • avoid active and passive smoking;
  • after eating, rinse the oral cavity so that there are no leftovers in the mouth, otherwise the bacteria may start to multiply in the mouth;
  • take a complex of vitamins, and also eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • correctly organize the mode of work and rest, this will help to strengthen immunity and restore the body's energy supply.

How to get rid of chronic tonsillitis: tips sick

Each of the patients with tonsillitis for years of struggle with the disease tried a lot of ways and means to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and the ailment as a whole. What means have become most effective can be learned directly from the responses of the patients.

How to get rid of tonsillitis with throat massage by voice vibrations

The first most recommended treatment for chronic tonsillitis is a massage of the sore throat with vocal vibrations. At first glance, the somewhat unusual way in practice turns out to be quite effective and effective. In order to massages the tonsils, you need to put your own voice correctly.

First, relax the neck, the throat and the muscles of the face. Then try to pronounce the sound "C" (2-3 times for 30 seconds), in other words, try to relax in a relaxed manner. At the moment of sibilance, you should feel a relaxation in your throat. After that, at the time of exhalation, give a light moan, while not straining your throat and do not change the position of the tongue. During the procedure, breathe in the air only with your nose and breathe with your stomach. To conduct such a massage gymnastics for the throat is necessary with an open (or closed) mouth for 3-5 minutes twice or thrice a day.

How to get rid of tonsillitis with the help of cold inhalation

How to treat tonsillitis this way? Everything is very simple. For cold inhalation, you only need to apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to any (better natural) tissue, and then inhale the fragrant healing drops. You can conduct cold inhalation and without tissue. To do this, simply inhale the oil directly from the vial for 5-10 minutes.

Of essential oils, you can make and aroma lamps. Dosage can be determined by their own sensations, but it is desirable to add from 3 to 7 drops of oil, per 15 square meters of the room. Inhalation with aroma lamps should be performed within 2-3 hours.

However, despite all the effectiveness and effectiveness of the above methods, preliminary consultation of a specialist to apply inhalations and other procedures at home is not recommended. Depending on the type of tonsillitis, a specific treatment is prescribed and often it is of a complex nature. Therefore, to do inhalations and massage the throat is possible only after all tests have been handed over and an accurate diagnosis is established.


Those who are skeptical about traditional medicine, you can always turn to the traditional method of antibiotic treatment for chronic tonsillitis and other medications. But even from many drugs you need to choose the right one!

Curing tonsillitis is certainly very difficult. It is necessary only complex treatment, which combines the intake of the necessary tablets, physiotherapy and various rinses of the inflamed tonsils. However, it will not hurt to take advantage of all the above mentioned tips. The main thing -be sure to consult a specialist. His opinion, based on the results of the analyzes, should be final. With full and correct treatment, the question: how to get rid of chronic tonsillitis forever, may soon become for you not relevant. After all, your healthy throat will begin to breathe freely, and no surgical intervention is required at all.


Chr. tonsillitis



to me have put this diagnosis 15 years ago and since then I never hurt - strengthen immunity

Julia Ofitserova

At me chronic. If the inflammation of the tonsils occurs too often, then it is called chronic tonsillitis. It can not be treated, but it is possible to make relapses with uitamines and herbs less often

Elizaveta Pushkareva

I have the same nonsense. You can suck pills tonzillotren (it seems), they are homeopathic: 3 times a day, a month and then another 1-2 months. I did not complete the course. therefore everything is as before. In general, as often as possible, rinse the neck with sage, chamomile and so on. Maybe it will help?


Chronic tonsillitis is treated only by washing the tonsils. The best solution is chlorophyllite. And also it is necessary to wash the nasopharynx. To treat carious teeth. Drink vitamins and check rheumatic test.


I had chronic tonsillitis. This is the liberation of the mendalines. I very longly was treated but results nebylo.. then the doctor said that you need to remove the tonsils. Removed... but right now Nenia.. like the best)

Baranchuk Ivan

After removing tonsils in 1985, I forgot about tonsillitis.


Drink the course of the drug Tonzilgon. The results are excellent and of course take care of your immunity

Nina Teider (Funk)

a chronic disease is therefore called, that has already acquired a permanent form. then no long and costly medication and treatment will not always save you from this. but.. to heal and maintain health is necessary and necessary. some kind of infection is in the body. it provokes with weakening immunity, exacerbation of cron. disease. therefore: rinsing, dental treatment, maintenance of immunity is all complex and every half a year is necessary. it is still possible to process Creon-cold, i.e., they put it on. there are plaques disappear completely. try this method. I wish you health !!


TONZELITIT, HOW I HEARD, DOES NOT BE TREATED TO THE END. I suffered greatly in my childhood. She was on the register. The disease itself has very terrible consequences in the future, as a result, rheumatism, polyarthritis, arthritis, heart disease. An ancient folk method was treated by my mother, a mouth rinse with a strong infusion marigolds / marigolds /, these are yellowish, like chamomiles, flowers that give obezs a planting, antiseptic effect. This should be done diligently and continuously, the effect is excellent.


means equipped. if interested, write more

Elizaveta Skibinskaya

I have tonsilitis for 30 years (from childhood) - I need to gargle with herbs (chamomile, sage) - it is desirable to find a good homeopath physician (homeopathy well helps with HR tonsilitis)
and if tonsillitis proceeds in severe form, persistent purulent plugs, frequent sore throats and no treatment helps - then the tonsils must be removed

Valery Kleinberg

Chronic tonsillitis is an analogue of chronic gland disease, provided that they are removed.
There is a treatment tactic with 3-4 types of antibiotics

Tatyana Pavlyshchik

Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils.
Tonsils - one of the important immune organs of man. They are the first to encounter pathogenic microorganisms from the environment and provide protection against infection.
It happens this way. The tonsils are located in the oropharynx. Diseases are affected mainly by the palatine tonsils (this is clearly visible through the open mouth). The outer part of the amygdala "looks" into the oral cavity and pharynx. Tonsils have a porous structure, they are permeated with special tubules - lacunae. Lacunas are traps for microbes and viruses and a kind of "polygon" where the immune system is trained to combat these microbes and viruses. The interior of each amygdala is connected to the pharyngeal tissue and the lymphatic duct, which secures the amygdala connection with the entire immune system.
Therefore, the removal of tonsils can be a blow to the defenses of the body.
Most often, chronic tonsillitis begins after a sore throat. In this acute inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils does not undergo complete reverse development, the inflammatory process continues and goes on into a chronic form.
In rare cases, chronic tonsillitis begins without previous angina. The emergence and development of it is often promoted by constant autoinfection from chronic foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity, sinuses, )
The most reliable sign of chronic tonsillitis is frequent angina in the anamnesis. Complaints of patients are usually not pronounced sharply: bad breath, a feeling of embarrassment or foreign body in the throat when swallowing, dryness, tingling, etc. Many patients, except angina in the anamnesis, no complaints.
Such diseases of the throat, as chronic tonsillitis or chronic pharyngitis, which are essentially diseases of the lymphatic system, practically do not give in to medical treatment. In particular, palatine tonsils, in case of their inflammation (chronic tonsillitis), it is customary to remove surgically. This method can be safely called obsolete and harmful to the body, since according to modern immunological research, palatine tonsils are designed to protect the immune system from pathogens and viruses. Inflamed tonsils can be cured by the method of regenerative cryotherapy, their painfully altered lymphoid tissue restored, they again begin to function normally and fulfill their natural purpose, destroying viruses and bacteria.
And I myself got rid of this disease when I was prescribed to take dibazolum to lower blood pressure. This drug has a good side effect - the stimulation of the immune system. And imagine - the throat has stopped hurting, and angina no longer happens. And so at me this diagnosis - a chronic tolzillitis - was since the childhood.


Physical blocking
The throat is the anterior part of the neck, which contains the beginning of the esophagus and the respiratory tract. The throat connects the nasal cavity with the larynx and the mouth - with the esophagus. It plays an important role in the processes of breathing, speech and swallowing.
Emotional blocking
As you already understood, the throat is a very important organ in the life of a person. Throat diseases have three basic metaphysical meanings. If the pain in the throat is accompanied by difficulty breathing, it says that there are few aspirations in a person's life. Cm. also an article LIGHT (PROBLEMS).
If the pain in the throat stops talking, article LARYNGIT.
If we are talking about the feeling of DARKNESS, if a person feels that they took him by the throat, then someone forces him to do something or say, He feels that he is being pressured.
If a person feels pain in the throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: "What situation is the moment difficult to swallow at the moment? What piece does not climb into my throat? "Perhaps this is some kind of strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a person or a new idea. This difficulty causes anger and aggressiveness in the person facing him or against another person. Often, when a piece does not get into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position of "poor me, unfortunate."
Mental blockage
It is in the throat is the center responsible for creativity; so if you have a sore throat, you must give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want, not. treading on his throat, not blaming himself and not being afraid to disturb others. Instead of being angry with yourself for an incorrect decision or an ill-considered act, learn to accept with love what you create. Only beats can reveal your personality.
I will give an example from my personal life. Several times my throat began to ache much before public speaking; it was difficult for me swallow this pill - the need for five consecutive evenings to speak at conferences or lectures overtime. It seemed to me that my body told me that it was too much work and I began to feel sorry for myself. In fact, it told me that I myself, without any coercion, made such a schedule. The pain disappeared as soon as I decided to hold all the conferences and lectures with love, no matter how hard it was for me.
It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and the head, or, at the metaphysical level, the love of self and I am. Creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your I am, you open up abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life at your own discretion, this will help you develop your creative abilities. Do what you think is necessary, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it.
If you feel that you were taken by the throat, know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat unless you yourself allow it. Do not worry that some people can become for you pieces that do not climb into your throat, that you can not control them. Those who seek to control others do not have the energy or the time to build their own lives.
Spiritual blockage and conclusion
In order to understand the spiritual blockage that impedes the satisfaction of your important need true self, ask yourself the questions listed in [the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration] this books. Answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


to all of the above, I can still add a few folk recipes: gargle with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, decoctions of herbs: marigold, peppermint, horsetail, bark of oak; as well as fresh juice of onions with honey (:) - drink 3-4 once a day

Unobtrusive Board

To me have removed in 10 years of an amygdala, then problems were in the form of a swelling of a century.. .
and then one of the experts said that it is impossible to remove the amygdala.. .
it is necessary to increase the immune status, annual trips to the sea, washing the glands with a special syringe... rinses and the glano do not cool your feet (warm and dry socks)


Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils. You can say - chronic tonsillitis. What happens to the tonsils in their chronic inflammation? The greatest changes occur in the lacunae of the tonsils, the soft lymphoid tissue is affected, which is replaced by a harder, connective tissue. Scars appear, some lacunae of the tonsils narrow and close, and as a result, closed purulent foci are formed. In the lacunas accumulate plugs, which are a congestion of the necrotic epithelium of the mucous membrane of the lacunae (necrosis of the epithelium is, in principle, normal, the old epithelium exfoliates, the new grows; but in this case it's bad that he does not leave, but remains in the lacunae), food particles, tobacco tar (from smokers), living and dead microbes, white blood cells. In addition to the stoppers, there may be liquid purulent contents. At the same time, very favorable conditions are created in the lacunae for the preservation and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. By their vital activity they support the inflammatory process in the tonsils.
In chronic tonsillitis tonsils can increase, but can remain small. In general, the diagnosis of "chronic tonsillitis" can only be made by a doctor: a preliminary diagnosis - a district therapist or pediatrician; specified - otorhinolaryngologist.


About 20 years ago, I forced my husband to gargle with water from a salt lake (this is called brine), since then he does not have angina, although before that they were at least 1 time per month.


Follow your speech, you can masirishsya or say a lot of negative and it destroys your throat. This is not from psychology, the Bible says: "By the work of your mouth, your belly will be filled." The fact that we say it or blesses us based on us or curses us. See for yourself. If everything is in order, then take local sprays in the throat containing antibiotics. Take a throat for life. Corn grass or salt in the morning and evening in case you are healthy. And every 10-15 minutes if sick. I also had tonsillitis chronic from childhood. And 5 days did not pass, that I did not have a sore throat. Then someone taught me the same way. I fixed everything that was wrong and everything is ok. If you eat a lot of sweet, then right after that, the mouth is rot. Sweet environment for germs expanse. Health to you!

How to treat chronic tonsillitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Palatine tonsils are considered to be the only serious obstacle in the path of pathogenic microorganisms that spread by airborne droplets. Getting on their mucous membranes and lacunae, which are a kind of gate through which there is a special secret that opposes infections, microbes provoke a reaction aimed at fighting with them. In some cases, palatine tonsils can not resist the attack of the infection and inflame themselves. This phenomenon is known in medicine as angina.

Untreated inflammatory diseases of the throat and palatine tonsils can lead to such a phenomenon as chronic tonsillitis (the photo in the article is provided). This ailment appears in most cases even in childhood. What is this disease, what are the causes of its occurrence and symptoms, and how does chronic tonsillitis work? All this is worth discussing in detail.

Why does tonsillitis occur?

The appearance of tonsillitis contributes to several causes, including numerous acute exacerbations of the disease or frequent tonsillitis. It is interesting that chronic tonsillitis in a child in 90% of cases arises precisely for these two reasons, while in adult patients the list of provoking factors is much wider. These include:

  1. The high level of air pollution that a person breathes.
  2. High content of pollutants in drinking water.
  3. Reduced level of natural defense of the body - immunity.
  4. Systemic hypothermia of the body.
  5. Stress.
  6. Chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs: caries, sinusitis.
  7. An improperly formulated diet with a predominance of products containing carbohydrates and proteins.
  8. Systematic overwork.
  9. The presence of bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  10. Hereditary predisposition.

Forms of the disease

With regard to such a disease as chronic tonsillitis, the opinions of specialists testify to the presence of several of its forms. Firstly, it is a recurrent form, which is characterized by the frequent occurrence of inflammations of the mucous pharynx, that is, angina. Secondly, it is a protracted form, in which the inflammation of the palatine tonsils proceeds sluggishly for a long period of time (up to 3 weeks). And, finally, the third form of the disease, in which exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and sore throats do not appear for a long time. Each form of the disease requires a special approach to the treatment and prevention of exacerbations. It is this knowledge that helps to understand how chronic tonsillitis is treated in each particular case and why this or that method is chosen.

Signs of the disease in adults and children

Chronic tonsillitis in adults and children manifests itself by various symptoms, which do not always directly indicate the presence of this particular disease. Let's consider the main ones. With an ailment known as chronic tonsillitis, in adults symptoms often resemble the usual fatigue and reduce to a constant headache, weakness and a significant decrease working capacity. This symptomatic picture is caused by intoxication of the body with the products of the vital activity of bacteria living on the surface of the palatine tonsils and inside them. The same manifests itself and chronic tonsillitis in the child. In this case, parents may notice that he is less able to absorb materials in school or kindergarten, become irritable and whiny.

The second most noticeable sign of having a chronic form of tonsillitis is the feeling of a foreign object in the throat. This phenomenon means that the lacunae of the palatine tonsils are blocked by large plugs consisting of caseous masses, which can also contain a small amount of food residues. As a rule, the appearance of such plugs is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth even in the absence of patients with carious teeth and with absolutely healthy gums.

Breeding in the palatine tonsils of staphylococci and streptococci can cause the appearance of unpleasant symptoms from the side practically all organs of the human body, as they penetrate from the affected tonsils into almost any part organism. Here are just a few of the symptoms that can disturb adults and children in the presence of chronic tonsillitis:

  • feeling of aches in joints and bones;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys, pain in their area;
  • disorders in the work of the heart, weak heart colic;
  • rashes on the skin that are not amenable to treatment;
  • a systematic increase in body temperature to subfebrile values.

It should be noted that chronic tonsillitis in adults and children manifests itself in many organs, but this is not means the absence of their pathology, since the microorganisms penetrated into them, unfortunately, cause an inflammatory process.

What is the danger of chronic tonsillitis if it is not treated?

The chronic form of tonsillitis is dangerous, first of all, by the fact that it quickly becomes the cause of various complications affecting many body systems. Produced by the pathogenic microflora inhaling in the tonsils, toxins affect cartilage and ligaments most often, because of which a sick person can constantly suffer from pain in the joints and muscles.

However, the most terrible is the relationship of tonsillitis with heart disease. This is due to the fact that the specific protein material synthesized by streptococcus in the tonsils is similar to the protein from which the connective tissues of the heart are composed. As a result of this similarity, immune cells begin to attack not only foreign cells, but also the heart itself, thus causing myocarditis or bacterial endocarditis.

The same causes are the basis for the emergence and development of diseases such as glomerulonephritis and rheumatoid arthritis. As you can see from the above information, you should not joke with such a disease as chronic tonsillitis. Symptoms and treatment of this disease require the most attentive attitude, otherwise its effect on the body can have serious consequences, especially in childhood.

Methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Let's consider some basic moments, how to treat chronic tonsillitis at the present time. It is worth reminding the readers that the methods of treating oral and pharyngeal diseases have changed somewhat due to the entry of high technologies into medicine. So, first of all, all ways to get rid of the chronic form of tonsillitis relate to conservative or surgical methods.

If 25-30 years ago at the time of diagnosis specialists tried to immediately resort to the removal of palatine tonsils, today ENT doctors try to use the maximum of ways to get rid of the disease with the help of medical technologies and medicinal preparations. It is caused by the fact that when the tonsils are removed the human body remains practically defenseless before infections transmitted by airborne droplets. In what features of these methods, we learn right now.

Conservative treatment of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis (photo above) in the clinics begin to treat according to the following plan.

  1. Purification of lacunas of palatine tonsils clogged with pathological secret by means of a syringe or special device "Tonzilor". The first method is less effective and more traumatic than the second, so recently it is used only in medical equipment not equipped with medical devices.
  2. Effects on the tissues of the tonsils and the posterior wall of the palate by ultrasound, laser, vibroacoustic apparatus, medicinal solutions. This group of measures is aimed at eliminating the swelling of the tissues of the throat and palatine tonsils, reducing the number of bacterial microflora in them and improving natural trophism.
  3. Medicamental therapy, the reception of antibiotics and immunomodulators of synthetic or plant origin.
  4. The appointment of a diet aimed at preventing irritation of the tonsils and increased immunity.

Surgical removal of palatine tonsils

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults and children is surgically divided into tonsillectomies and tonsillotomy. As a rule, during these procedures, palatal tonsils are removed from both sides, and very rarely with only one. What are these surgical operations? Tonsilectomy is a complete removal of tonsil tissue, and tonsillotomy is a partial surgical excision of the tonsils. All without exception, operations to remove palatine tonsils are performed under local or general anesthesia.

Along with these two operations, some medical institutions practice so-called abscessesillesectomy, which is a surgical removal of tonsils against the background of a fully developed paratonsillar abscess. The main disadvantage of this procedure is a high level of soreness during as suppuration of the removed tissues becomes an obstacle for sufficient assimilation of anesthetics preparations.

Chronic tonsillitis: treatment with folk remedies

Another fairly common method, which is even more popular than conservative and surgical treatment of tonsillitis, is considered folk medicine, which absorbed the experience of the hundreds of generations that faced this ailment. There are hundreds of recipes that help to alleviate the course of the disease and even completely eliminate chronic tonsillitis. Traditional treatment is divided into an external effect on inflamed palatine tonsils and normalization of the internal atmosphere of the body, which helps it to cope with the infection itself.

To external means include pastes for tonsils, infusions or broths for gargling, poultices and compresses on the neck area of ​​herbs and other products. The means for internal use include tea, decoctions, tinctures and infusions, extracts, inhalations and much more.

External means for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis

In order to get rid of sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils with such a disease as chronic tonsillitis, treatment with folk remedies offers several fairly simple in performance of recipes. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. A poultice of dried flowers of violets fried in a small amount of purified vegetable oil. In a warm form, put on the neck in front and leave for the whole night. This method is applicable at any age, but it is not recommended for pregnant women.
  2. Propolis - one of the folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is recognized as official medicine. It can be used in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. The easiest way: to keep for an hour a piece (1-2 g) of purified propolis in the mouth. In addition, you can use and infusion of propolis on medical alcohol (20 g per 100 ml of alcohol). Dissolve 10 drops of tincture in half a cup of boiled chilled water and rinse this composition with a throat 5-6 times a day.
  3. Paste for application to the tonsils. These preparations usually include parts of plants that have a softening and antimicrobial effect. For example, one recipe for folk medicine suggests using flax seed, mustard (not mustard powder!), Garden and parsley radish as a component of pasta, as well as a small root of horseradish. Chopping all the components to a dense mass, it can be slightly diluted with boiled water to make it easier to lubricate the tonsils.
  4. Inhalations using essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus and chamomile are carried out or customary in all ways using a pot of hot water, or with the help of a nebulizer. This method helps to eliminate inflammation and helps to reduce cough. It is worth recalling that the greatest effectiveness from the treatment of chronic tonsillitis by inhalations occurs if they are carried out during the period of remission, that is, in the absence of a pronounced inflammation in tonsils.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is considered by many to be absolutely safe and harmless, do not forget that when applying certain recipes, serious complications can arise. To such "dangerous" methods of treatment, experts refer to the use of kerosene and other petroleum products for the removal of inflammation of the tonsils of the tonsils. Remember that such specific and not always justified means can lead to the most severe poisonings and burns of the digestive tract.

Drinks for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis

You ask: "How is chronic tonsillitis treated with tea?" It's simple! First, healthful drinks include a lot of very useful not only for the throat, but also for the body as a whole herbs. Secondly, medicinal drinks are much tastier and more pleasant to use than pastes, which have to be applied to tonsils, or frequent rinses. And thirdly, it's just delicious!

The most effective for chronic tonsillitis are beverages that contain beekeeping products: honey and propolis, as well as citrus, ginger, garlic and onions. Such components of teas and infusions help to fight not only with inflammation of the palatine tonsils, but also directly with the infection in them. Here are just some recipes of medicinal drinks, the use of which, according to folk healers, helps get rid of chronic tonsillitis.

  1. In a liter of warm boiled water add juice from two fruits of lime and two lemons, 10 tbsp. l. natural honey bees, stir well. Drink a drink during the day. This remedy can be used to treat patients from a very early age and during pregnancy, provided there is no allergy to the components of the beverage.
  2. In a glass of hot milk, add a pinch of turmeric and white ground pepper, stir and drink a drink before going to bed. It is necessary to consume this remedy within 3-4 days.
  3. To make ginger tea, you need a piece of ginger root the size of a thumb, a pair of medium-sized lemons, one large clove of garlic and honey to taste. The root is ground on a grater, the lemon and garlic are also ground and placed in a bowl, poured, l clean water. The mixture is brought to a boil and heated for half an hour, without giving much bubbling. After percolation, honey can be added to the drink. This tea can be used to treat chronic tonsillitis in pregnant women and children.
  4. In pregnancy, folk medicine advises to use as a medicine for chronic tonsillitis tea, which includes: 30 grams of dried leaves of plantain and wild mallow and the same number of roots althea. For 1 cup of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. of the prepared medicinal mixture. To insist a drink it is necessary in a thermos for an hour, and take 1/2 cup twice a day before meals.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis by people's methods is always more prolonged than with medications from the pharmacy. Therefore, choosing such a way to get rid of the disease, you must have patience.

People! Help to cure hr. tonsillitis, nothing helps, the throat is red.



Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, mostly palatines. Distinguish between acute tonsillitis (angina) and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of the function of the heart, the appearance of pain in the joints. Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of repeated angina and acute childhood infections.
Symptoms: Unpleasant sensations, pain in the throat, giving in the ears, sometimes the smell from the mouth, cough. Often a prolonged temperature in the evenings, weakness, headache, disability.
Traditional methods of treatment: Flushing of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (antibiotics). With complications - the removal of tonsils.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take 4-5 chopped cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry shredded herb sage, pour 1L. boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 15 minutes, and cool at room temperature, strain. Take, 5 glasses 3-4 times a day and rinse with this infusion of the throat.
2) Conduct garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic, apply it to the fingertips and grease this juice with tonsils. After this, this procedure can be repeated with the infusion of propolis. This is a very effective tool. Consider that the juice should be diluted with water a little.
3) For pain in the throat, pour a teaspoonful of baking soda and salt into a glass of warm boiled water and add a few drops of iodine. With this solution rinse throat. The pain can pass after 1 day of rinsing.
4) For the treatment of tonsillitis rub 1 glass of raw beets, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar, insist, squeeze the juice with vinegar and rinse your mouth, throat and swallow a bit (1-2 tablespoons).
5) It is good to squeeze into the prepared dishes juice from 1 sheet of aloe. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink juice for 1 teaspoonful 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1 month.
6) In tonsillitis, lubricate palatine tonsils with aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio: within 1 week.
7) Brew 1 cup of boiling 3-5 clove buds (spice), infuse 2 hours. Infusion to drink or all at once, or on, 5 glasses. The procedure can be carried out once a year as a treatment, as well as with preventive purposes.
8) Lubricate the tonsils with fleece impregnated with fir oil (sold at the pharmacy) 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days. The effect is enhanced by simultaneously injecting 1 drop of this oil into each nostril at the same time. There may be unpleasant sensations, but they will pass in 10-15 minutes.
9) Collect the flowers of the potato, dry it in the shade. Boil 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 glass of water. These solutions gargle 3 times a day for 10 days.
10) 4 teaspoons of the crushed dry leaves of a sage to make 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist 30 minutes and to filter. To apply for gargles of a throat 2-3 times a day.
11) 3-4 tablespoons of elderberry brew 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool and drain. Gargle as often as possible.
12) Mix 1 part of linden flowers and 2 parts of oak bark. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold on low heat for 5 minutes and strain. Gargle by diluting the broth with honey.
13) Gargle with fresh potato juice or do inhalation with potato steam.
14) Take 5 gr. kidneys of a pine and flowers of a camomile chemist's. Collect 1 pint of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Do inhalation.
15) Grind 2 yolks of raw egg with white sugar, add butter and take between meals.
16) To make inhalations with essential oils of mint, thyme, eucalyptus.
17) Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped rhizome of calamus (sold at the pharmacy) with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes, strain. Gargle as often as possible.


Have ice cream and quit smoking


To smear the tonsils with Lugol's solution, the thing is unpleasant, but effective

Wendy W

There are tablets "Tonzilotren"
well, I rinse furatsilinom often, often. (maybe every hour)

Evgenia Taratutina

Inhalation with eucalyptus oil.

vanilla, tender here

tablets for resorption of Imudon
they can be used both for the prevention of exacerbations and for treatment
really expensive

Chr. tonsillitis



General weakness can be associated not only with hr. tonsillitis and the like. Rather, they are hardly even connected. Check hemoglobin, at least. And drink all sorts of vitamins and bifidoskefirchiki. Delete always have time. But in general you conservative lechnie offered? Or immediately cut? Bablo, maybe decided to cut it down?


Chronic tonsillitis is not an indication for surgery, for this at least there must be poor blood tests and frequent sore throats, you do not have this... I do not advise to hurry with the operation, the tonsils-gate for the incoming infection, but if they are removed, then the infection will go on the body further, ie, endless bronchitis, pneumonia, and so on. At you now tonsils cope with the function-stand on the guard of health, therefore a throat red Simply rinse it or him travkami, support tonsils.. But weakness and other complaints are not entirely characteristic of tonsillitis, you need to look for the cause in another, maybe you are overtired, eat poorly... Good luck and do not be ill!


Try to treat first at least on the apparatus tonzilor.

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