How to quit smoking yourself at home, if there is no willpower

The topic of our meeting today is: " How to quit smoking yourself, easily and quickly at home, if there is no willpower ."Now there are many alternative ways, medicines and folk remedies, to quit smoking at home, without resorting to medical procedures, drugs for coding from smoking.

Perhaps the most important thing in refusing to consume cigarettes is a strong motivation that "I I will quit smoking necessarily!".

Without coming to the real awareness of the harm of smoking tobacco personally for himself, without the birth of a firm motivation, the desire to be completely free from smoking - the fact of quitting can not materialize, not be embodied. There will be a waste of money for pills from smoking and other tricky ways of applying a plaster from nicotine addiction, taking infusions, decoctions of folk medicine.


If there is no will power, how to quit smoking at home

If you are still determined to quit smoking, on the way to health you will have to go through several stages. Although you do not have much willpower to quit smoking, but if there is a desire to be non-smoker, focus on the positive image of how easily, quickly and simply to be a free person from tobacco smoking. You concentrate not on "quitting smoking," but on the ultimate goal of free, easy breathing, a sense of freedom, it's like flying with pleasure.

Preparatory stage: psychological preparation

The task of this stage is to develop for oneself a compelling motivation to quit smoking. Outline the reasons why you should stop smoking on paper, hang this sheet in a prominent place and read it daily.

Experienced fighters with smoking offer to collect cigarette butts in a jar of water. Keep this smelly dark oily liquid in front of your eyes and think about what's going on in your lungs, they advise.

The appointment of the day of the final cessation of smoking is also considered effective. This and the next couple of days should be calm, not requiring emotional stress at home or at work.

Women start to quit smoking right after menstruation, before ovulation. It is necessary to tune in to this date, to inspire yourself that there is enough will to give up smoking.

The main stage: quitting smoking, overcoming the feeling of "want to smoke"

When you give up cigarettes, smokers often feel signs of depression and anxiety. Since women are more prone to stress than men, it is more difficult to quit smoking.

To quit smoking, it is necessary to analyze and write down when and what emotional sensations cause a desire to smoke a cigarette;what goals does a person want to achieve by smoking. Further, those wishing to quit smoking are advised to think up how to avoid such situations or, if this is not possible, how to behave differently in these moments.

The task of this stage is to overcome the acute desire to smoke. Usually it lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. For this we propose:

  1. Apply the tactic of alternative behavior, if the desire to smoke is caused by something that was previously associated with cigarettes.
  2. Distract, do your favorite thing, read a book, play a computer game, etc.
  3. Get something to hand, for example, knit or count the number of matches in the box.
  4. Make some physical exercises. Deep breathe: relax, slowly, squaring your shoulders, gaining a full chest of air, hold your breath for a minute, slowly exhale. Do 5 times.
  5. Chew a chewing gum, suck a candy or drink water( green tea is more useful).
  6. Eat an apple, carrot, turnip.
  7. Take a shower or a bath, it will help to relax.
  8. Brush your teeth.
  9. Rinse mouth with soda solution.

Starting the process of getting rid of tobacco:

  1. Remove everything related to this ritual: cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays.
  2. Avoid places where people smoke, and vice versa, go to places where smoking is prohibited.
  3. The first two months are useful to take hot baths and visit the bath.
  4. Drink more fluids, preferably juices and mineral water. During the first two weeks, give up alcohol, coffee, spicy and salty foods - all this provokes the desire to smoke.
  5. Eat more vegetables and fruits, less flour, sweet.
  6. Be engaged in physical education, but remember that excessive loads are dangerous for smokers.
  7. Use methods of auto-training and deep relaxation. It is advisable for women in menopause to consult a doctor.
  8. Save money saved on cigarettes and from time to time to cheer them up, buy presents for them.
  9. Experts recommend refraining from diet during quitting because it is very difficult to sustain two such tests at the same time. This will make the increase in weight after quitting smoking even more significant.

How to quit smoking: additional methods and ways to quit smoking

There are several ways to help quit smoking.

The most common of these is smoking substitution using nicotine containing agents: with nicotine patches, chewing gums, inhalers. The mechanism of their action is the same: they provide access to nicotine in the body, in addition to cigarettes, thereby protecting the person from an unpleasant withdrawal syndrome. In this case, the effect of nicotine is preserved, however, the toxins contained in the tobacco smoke no longer enter the body. These funds can be used long enough, until the craving for cigarettes is lost.

Nicotinic patch .It is applied to the shoulder or thigh once a day and ensures the intake of a certain dose of nicotine through the skin. The course lasts 8-10 weeks. Every three weeks, the patch changes to a weaker one. Some people under the band-aid may experience skin irritation. In this case, you should stick it to another place next time.

Nicotine chewing gum .Provides the flow of nicotine through the mucous membrane of the mouth. Its disadvantage is unpleasant for some taste and need for long, about 30 minutes, to chew it. If you quickly chew and swallow saliva, the effect of the gum is reduced. Sometimes it also causes indigestion.

Nicotinic inhaler .It looks like a cigarette and allows you to inhale nicotine. Since its use mimics cigarette smoking, it can seem more effective to malicious smokers. At the same time, we have to do about 80 "puffs" to get a dose of nicotine, contained in one plate of chewing gum, which is not always convenient.

It is also possible to use special medicines for smoking( on the recommendation of a doctor).They do not contain nicotine, but are antidepressants restoring mental equilibrium in the initial period of quitting. They allow you to get rid of heart palpitations and other negative symptoms associated with the consumption of nicotine.

Tablets from smoking( "Champix") it makes sense to apply only to "inveterate" smokers.

Quitting tobacco smoking: alternative methods like quitting smoking

Alternative methods of treating nicotine dependence include acupuncture( reflexotherapy) and hypnosis. With acupuncture, needles are inserted into the auricle, affecting certain structures of the brain. As a result, the "smoker's reflex" is destroyed. The method of hypnosis is that, after bringing the patient to the state of relaxation, the doctor suggests that he is against smoking. It is believed that at the moment of manifesting the craving for smoking, the patient will "remember" these settings.

Sometimes they use the method of collective psychotherapy for large groups of smokers( 40-50 people each).

Drug, Champix tablets( Varenicline) to quit smoking

Few people are able to quit smoking on the first try. If the former smoker has lit again, you should analyze the reasons that forced you to return to the habit, make appropriate changes in the plan to quit and try again.

Champix( Varenicline) is a cessation medicine that does not contain nicotine.

Most other smoking aids - patches, chewing gums, candies, nasal sprays - contain nicotine and, by and large, simply replace cigarettes.

As a result of the "Champix" reception, the meaning of smoking is lost. The pleasure from cigarettes is no more, in addition, the desire to smoke and nicotine dependence disappear. Together, it gives maximum effectiveness in the treatment of tobacco smoking.

Here's how this drug works: By linking to those receptors in the brain that nicotine from cigarettes acts on, Champix selectively blocks nicotinic receptors in the area that is responsible for having fun( such as food, sex, games) and,thus, facilitates the cessation of smoking, reduces the intensity of nicotine lumps. So, getting rid of nicotine addiction is easier.

Thus, when nicotine enters the body, "Champix" "turns off" the positive emotions associated with smoking. It turns out that first the drug reduces the pleasure of tobacco, and after a person quits smoking, relieves from craving for a cigarette and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. This is the basis for the treatment of tobacco dependence.

Varenicline, by blocking receptors, partially activates them, as a result of which a person does not feel uncomfortable and does not feel disgust for tobacco smoke, despite getting rid of tobacco as such.

In the course of clinical trials involving several thousand volunteers, a 12-week course of the drug helped to quit smoking 44-64% of participants. Those who took pacifiers( placebo), this figure was 12-18%.A year after the start of the tests, more than 20% of people still did not smoke, and in the course of a repeated course - up to 50% of those taking the new drug.

The new drug was released on sale in 2006 and quickly gained popularity in many countries around the world. Since the start of sales, tablets from smoking have been accepted by more than 10 million people in the US and Europe, where it is included in official recommendations as a means to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Champix practically does not interact with other drugs. The most frequent side effect of the drug is mild or moderate nausea( 28.6%) - but in studies the refusal of treatment because of it was only 2.7%.Experience shows that to minimize this effect, "Champix" is best taken after a meal and washed down with a full glass of cold water.

Treatment is designed for 12 weeks, as the most difficult period for getting rid of tobacco lasts 10 weeks. The passage of the full course is extremely important for the treatment of nicotine addiction.

For the first 14 days of treatment, you need to buy a "start" package. Immediately after the start of the reception, you must set a date for stopping smoking.

The first 3 days should be taken 1 tablet of 0.5 mg( white tablets) 1 time per day.

From the 4th to the 7th day - should take 1 tablet of 0.5 mg( white tablets) 2 times a day. At this time, you can not quit smoking, but it is desirable to reduce the use of tobacco.

From the 8th to the 14th day - there is an increase in the dose of the drug. Take 1 tablet of 1 mg( blue tablets) 2 times a day. At the same time, you need to stop smoking. Usually, by this time, the organism adapts to the drug and reduces the possible side effects.

To continue the course you need to buy two packages: for 8 and 2 weeks.

Folk remedies: how to quit smoking at home

How do you make yourself quit smoking the most inveterate smoker? Wizards advise: dry in the shade cancer , pound it into powder and a small amount of this powder mix with tobacco. Having lit this potion, any most hopeless smoker will forget about smoking for a long time.

Barley, oats, rye and millet for 100 g boil in one liter of water for 10 minutes. Soak in a thermos for a day, strain. Take 3-5 times a day for 100 ml before meals, until there is an aversion to smoking.

Infusions and decoctions herb grass ( 1 tablespoon dry herbs for 500 ml of water).Drink one third of a glass 3 times a day for a month. The composition helps to overcome the habit of smoking and alcohol.

One of the most proven folk remedies is the oats .

Rinse well a glass of oats. Fill it with 3 liters of boiling water and boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Before removing from heat, throw in a decoction a teaspoon of calendula flowers .Insist 1 hour. Strain. Drink 100 ml, as soon as you want to smoke( oats removes cravings for smoking and alcohol).If the smoker lasts 3 days - he will quit smoking.

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Top 10 easy ways to quit smoking yourself

10 easy ways to quit smoking You will see in this video:

  1. Alain Carr: The book "Easy way to quit smoking".
  2. Alternatives.
  3. Impressions.
  4. Hypnosis or coding.
  5. For the company.
  6. Nicotine instead of nicotine.
  7. Willpower.
  8. Esoteric way.
  9. Economical way.
  10. Electronic cigarette.

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How to quit smoking quickly and forever!

On the video channel of Irina Lavrent. With the help of affirmations, we reprogram our subconscious mind for 3 weeks( 21 days minimum, and more, to the desired result).Continuing to smoke, we repeat 50-100 times a day: "I hate to smoke!", Or the fuller phrase: "It's disgusting to smoke cigarettes, I'm sick of nicotine and tobacco smoke!" You'll notice that the desire to smoke every day with youwill decrease, up to a complete aversion to cigarettes. Your faith, perseverance, discipline and result are important! Good luck to you!

On the subject of the power of thought and belief, I recommend authors' books: Louise Hay, Joseph Murphy, Valery Sinelnikov, the mood of Georgy Sytin.

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. Source: Iligov GN Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.