How to treat spasm of accommodation in children

Accommodation is not a disease, but a feature of the visual organ, due to which the eye can see objects at a remote distance. But sometimes this ability is disrupted, resulting in a spasm of accommodation or false nearsightedness. Most often affects the pathological process of children.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication methods
    • 5.2Hardware treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

False myopia is a broken ability of the eye to see at a distant distance. It arises as a result of the tension of the ciliary muscle.Spasm of accommodation is a frequent phenomenon in pediatric ophthalmology. It occupies the second place after myopia.

You can remove the spasm of accommodation, but if false myopia lasts a long time, then this is fraught with true nearsightedness in children.


The following factors can influence the development of false myopia:

  • defective lighting;
  • improperly selected furniture for growth for school and home;
  • instagram viewer
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • inadequate sleep and rest;
  • irregular and malnutrition;
  • insufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • poorly developed neck musculature;
  • a long stay near the TV and computer.

In addition, false myopia can be caused by craniocerebral trauma, general concussion, hysteria or impaired metabolism. In this case, the force of the spasm will reach 1-3 diopters.


In order to start treating the pathological process in time, it is necessary to know what symptomatology is characteristic for it:

  1. Rapid eye fatigue when working at close range.
  2. The perception of objects located near, becomes clear. But to consider subjects that are far away, fails. They look vague and indistinct.
  3. Hyperemia of the eyes, pain, burning.
  4. At children in school the progress falls, as they quickly get tired.
  5. Headache.

Often the spasm of accommodation leads to the development of seizures of the hands, increased irritability and even fainting.

Almost every sixth schoolchild suffers from this pathological process.And the fault is incorrect posture, uncomfortable furniture or insufficient lighting. The duration of false myopia can range from a couple months to several years.

Possible complications

If you do not start therapy in time, the spasm of accommodation in children can lead to such complications as VSD, depression and tremor of fingers. In addition, the lack of adequate therapy will lead to the development of a stable form of myopia.


Treatment of accommodation spasm in children should be comprehensive. The doctor can prescribe both medication and hardware treatment.

Proceed with the treatment can only after it was accurately diagnosed.

Medication methods

The symptom of accommodation can be removed with the help of the following effective drops for the eyes:

  1. Irifrin. This medicine serves to expand the ciliary muscle of the visual organ and to stop the symptoms of false myopia. Analogue of eye drops Irifrin - Okomistin.
  2. Midratsil. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to eliminate the irritation, and still get on the ciliary muscle of the organ of vision, which results in its relaxation.
  3. Lutein. Its active components affect directly the main ciliary muscle. This allows you to alleviate the stress and symptoms of the pathological process. These drops can be used for children from 12 years old, but only after consulting a doctor.
  4. Tropicamide. A medicinal preparation that has gained wide popularity for the treatment of infantile myopia. It can be assigned to children from 12 years of age.
  5. Cyclomed. The medicine in the form of eye drops, thanks to which it is possible to overcome such symptoms as itching, burning, burning and burning. Another drop can be used to treat ciliary muscle.
  6. Atropine. This medication has found its application for relief of irritation of the visual organ and prevention of its development.

All these drugs can lead to relaxation of the ciliary muscle of the organ of vision. To achieve positive dynamics in real terms in 2-3 weeks. But after a while such a phenomenon will return again, since the treatment of the disease is complex.

Hardware treatment

Eliminating the spasm of accommodation in children is possible with the help of such methods of hardware treatment:

  1. Laser therapy. The essence of this technique is that the laser beam has a direct effect on the organ of vision. Thus, it is possible to slow down the pathological process, improve visual function and stimulate it.
  2. Magnetotherapy. This method is distinguished by its reliability and high efficiency. It is based on the use of a special eye magnet with an alternating field. The therapeutic effect of the magnet on the eyeball helps to reduce the rate of development of pathology, improve visual function.
  3. Electrophoresis. This method is based on the instantaneous penetration of the drug to the posterior pole of the optic organ. Thus, it is possible to apply the drug in a lower dosage without disturbing the therapeutic process.
  4. Acupuncture. This method is based on the use of a special type of acupuncture, which improves the eye, normalizes the visual function, increases the sharpness and clarity of vision. All this is achieved by stimulating the work of the ciliary muscle.

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The reasons for the edema of the upper eyelid on one eye are described in this article.

One-day or two-week lenses - how to choose



To prevent the development of a spasm of accommodation in children, it is possible if the following preventive measures are observed:

  1. It is nutritious to eat, using a product with a high content of carotene, vitamins C, C1 and E.
  2. Minimize the harmful effect of a computer or television. The child should be in front of the monitor at a distance of 65-7 cm.
  3. While watching TV, you should wear special glasses.This will minimize harm from prolonged exposure to the monitor.

Mixed astigmatism of both eyes

The causes and treatment of lacrimation from one eye are described here.

Riboflavin: instructions for use




Spasm of accommodation in children is a common phenomenon, as a result of which the child can not clearly see objects located in the distance. You can treat the pathological process only in a complex way, using medicines, hardware procedures and special glasses matched by the doctor.

Also read about what is myopia and hypermetropia.

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