
Ofmelid - ointment with a combined composition, used to treat infected damage to the integrity of the skin.

The complex action provides simultaneously disinfecting, anesthetizing and regenerating effect.

Highly active against Gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis), Streptococcus spp.; Gram-negative microorganisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter spp.; anaerobes: Propionibacterium acnes; of intracellular microorganisms: Chlamydia spp. (including Chlamydia trachomatis), Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug with antibacterial, locally anesthetic and tissue regeneration-improving action for external use.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much is Ophthalomide ointment in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of120 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

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The white ointment is packed in cans of polymer (200 and 400 grams), aluminum tubes (30 g each) and jars of dark color (1000/2000 g). In a pack of cardboard is an instruction from the manufacturer with recommendations and 1 tuba / bank.

The content of active substances in 100 g of ointment:

  • dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (methyluracil) 4 g;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate - 3 g (in terms of lidocaine hydrochloride);
  • ofloxacin - 1 g.

Additional components: methylparahydroxybenzoate, macrogol 400 and 1500, propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Pharmacological effect

The effect is achieved due to the peculiarities of influence of each of the three components:

  1. Lidocaine hydrochloride- The component is responsible for local anesthesia by preventing the impulses from passing through nerve fibers. Local application of the substance causes vasodilation, increased oxygen influx and improved cell nutrition.
  2. OfloxacinAntimicrobial component with a wide spectrum of activity. The action is due to the blocking of the synthesis of proteins of the DNA of bacterial cells, because of what they die. Sensitive to the component microorganisms: staphylococcus, hydrophilic aeronad, brucella, enterobacter, streptococcus, pseudomonas, proteus, chlamydia, legionella, mycoplasma.
  3. Methyluracil- stimulates the recovery of tissue elements, accelerates the healing of wounds, accelerates the growth and maturation of granulation tissue. It is widely used in surgery to accelerate the healing of postoperative sutures.

The complex preparation during application simultaneously suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, minimizes the inflammatory process, accelerates the regeneration processes and exerts an anesthetic effect. Especially appreciated ointment due to the properties quickly remove redness, swelling, and restore complex damage.

Indications for use

The drug has an intense antibacterial orientation, suppressing the synthesis and multiplication of DNA in pathogenic microbes. As a result, the DNA harmful to the human body loses its stability, and the bacterial cell dies.

Oflomelid used externally in the following pathological processes:

  1. Trophic ulcers.
  2. Furuncles, purulent pimples.
  3. Burns infected - up to IV degree inclusive.
  4. Bedsores (with purulent discharge, initial stage of necrosis).
  5. Wounds, purulent, infected, of any origin with intense soreness.
  6. Wound lesions after surgical opening of carbuncles, abscesses, furuncles, hydradenitis with suppuration (infectious disease with inflammation of the sweat glands, or the so-called "bony udder"), phlegmon.

Also used for hemorrhoidal inflammation. Because ofloxacin inhibits pathogenic microorganisms in the foci of inflammation of the soft tissues, small pelvis, and methyluarcyl in the form Candles performed well in the treatment of hemorrhoids, stimulating cellular immunity, the drug can be successfully used with this pathology. In addition to influencing the hemorrhoidal lesions of the first components, anesthesia, which lidocaine exerts - is an additional positive factor for tenderness in the anus.


The use of ointment Oflomelid is contraindicated with several pathological and physiological conditions of the organism, which include:

  1. Pregnancy at any time of its course.
  2. Lactation period (breastfeeding).
  3. Hypersensitivity to active ingredients or auxiliary components of the drug.
  4. Children and adolescence is less than 18 years old.

Before you start using ophthalmic ointment, you should make sure there are no contraindications.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated the appointment Oflomelid pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Dosage and route of administration

In the instructions for use indicated that Ophthalomide ointment is applied externally, 1 time / day for 1-2 weeks. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 100 g of ointment. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the purification of wounds from purulent exudate and the timing of arresting the inflammatory process.

After the standard treatment of wounds and burns, the ointment is applied directly to the wound surface with a thin layer (after this is impose a sterile gauze bandage) or on a gauze dressing with subsequent application to the outbreak defeat.

Tampons impregnated with ointment loosely fill the cavities of purulent wounds after their surgical treatment, and gauze turuns with ointment are injected into the fistulous passages.

In the treatment of infected burns the drug is used daily or 2-3 times a week, depending on the amount of purulent discharge.


Side effects

In predisposed patients, allergic responses may develop.


The consequences of an overdose when applying the drug to the skin in excessive amounts are not described in the instructions for Oflomelid.

Drug Interactions

There were no cases of interaction with drugs that would lead to a decrease in the effectiveness and safety of the drugs used.


We picked up some reviews of people using ointment Oflomelid:

  1. Anna. Applyed Oflomelid to eliminate decubitus after six months of lying in a cast. Bedsores on the back in some places have already begun to turn into painful sores. The husband helped to process the wounds and applied ointment. Then covered them with a gauze bandage. The situation was aggravated by the suppuration of the wound. The procedure was repeated twice a day. Ointment relieves pain and helps to heal wounds quickly. For two weeks bedsores have left and there were only pinkish traces from them. Ointment is very effective and at the same time its price is acceptable.
  2. Ivan. I used ointment after I was cut out a furuncle. At first he did not bother me much and I just smeared it with iodine in an old fashion. When he was swollen and fester, I went to the hospital. After the operation, it was necessary to find a good healing ointment. A friend of mine brought Offmelide to the test, he used it after the burn. Ointment was literally in front of her eyes began to tighten the wound. Within a week she was seriously healed. I smeared twice a day and covered it with a gauze bandage. In total I used ointment for two weeks, more and I did not need it already.
  3. Zhenya. For the first time, I tried Offlomelid for the purpose of healing the wound after an operation to remove appendicitis. About five dressings ended perfectly, but then the seams began to get wet, the suture began to appear constantly and pus appeared. I found Outlomelid in the nearest drugstore and made a bandage with him. I treated with peroxide, and then with a thin layer Oflomelid. The wound was covered with a breathable bandage. The dressing was performed three times a day. The sutures began to cicatrize very quickly and within a week already noticeably healed.


There are no structural analogues of Oflomelid.

Analogues for the pharmacological group (antimicrobial drugs):

  • Abisil;
  • Baneocin;
  • Biopin;
  • Dermazin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Levomethyl;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Levosin;
  • Lingezine;
  • Metrogil;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Metroseptol;
  • Rhodoxol Ointment;
  • Rosamet;
  • Rosex;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Tomicide;
  • Trophodermine;
  • Fastin 1;
  • Fugentin;
  • Fusimet;
  • Furasol;
  • Chlorophylline OZ;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Chlorophylliptine solution in oil 2%;
  • Chlorophylliptine solution alcohol;
  • Eplan.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep in a place protected from light and inaccessible to children with a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

Shelf life - 4 years. Ointment in cans after the first opening can be stored for no more than 3 months.

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