Is it possible to treat thyroid in women with folk remedies?

The thyroid gland is our invisible defender. It produces important hormones: thyroxine( T4) and triiodothyronine( T3), they respond to the assimilation and metabolism in the body. Thyroid gland we never notice when it is undamaged, but the failures in its work are very noticeable to us.

Violation of its activities leads to very painful and unpleasant consequences: metabolic disorders, the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, the work of the genital organs, because our body - a single mechanism, and the "breakage" of some detail fails the whole system.

There are hypothyroidism( lack of thyroid hormones) and hyperthyroidism( excess thyroid hormones), toxic goiter( infection in the gland), autoimmune thyroiditis( inflammation of the thyroid gland, which usually worsens in autumn and winter), thyrotoxic crisis, purulent thyroiditis.

Contents of the article:
  • Contents of the article:
  • The causes of the diseases
  • Common symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • instagram viewer
  • Traditional medicine recipes
  • Tincture
  • Compresses
  • Decoction
  • Infusion of the vestibule
  • Decoction
  • Infusion of the tinder silver
  • Necklace from amber
  • What is not recommended to undertake?
  • Preventative measures

Causes of

  • Diseases Various infections of that occur in the larynx or in the esophagus. Infection from them gets into the thyroid gland, infecting it with pathogenic bacteria. The longer a person does without treatment, the greater the percentage of thyroid damage.
  • Permanent stress .It's one thing when stress happens one-time, but it's impossible to get used to constant stress. Glands of internal secretion under stress release hormones, and at constant stress the balance of allocated hormones is broken: some become more, others less.
  • Intoxication or, if to say easier - poisoning by toxic substances. In every fifth city of our country, city-forming enterprises emit industrial waste into the atmosphere: phenol, mercury, and benzene. All of them negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. The gland itself begins to break down under their influence, patches up its wounds, but it is no longer possible to produce hormones necessary for the body.
  • Irradiation of by radiation from .
  • Pituitary dysfunction. The pituitary produces a hormone that controls the thyroid gland - thyroid-stimulating hormone( TSH).Without the control of this hormone, the thyroid gland function can fail, showing us unpleasant consequences.
  • No or small content in iodine food. Shchitovidke becomes nothing to eat and it "fades away."
  • Injuries to the of the thyroid. Occurs when the neck is injured, and if the thyroid gland was injured, the infection got inside and the wound was healed, the gland can not produce hormones as well as before.
  • Pregnancy .The load in this period on the body is significantly increased, and the gland may simply not cope, especially if the expectant mother is waiting for twins: in fact the thyroid gland is working for three during this period.

Symptoms of organ failure

  • Goob.
  • Sharp weight gain( less severe weight loss).
  • Tachycardia. The heart begins to beat violently for no reason.
  • Disorder of the menstrual cycle.
  • Bulging eyes.
  • Facial swelling.
  • Constipation. If the feces remain in the body for more than 2 days, this is already an alarming signal - the body is not all right.
  • Frequent mood changes for no reason: hysterics, tears, frustration, irritation.
  • Skin and hair condition. With a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid( hypothyroidism), the skin becomes dry, cracking, as with eczema, the hair becomes thinner, breaks, begins to fall out( read in this article how to strengthen hair at home).With an excess of hormones( hyperthyroidism) - the skin remains moist.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Temperature. With hypothyroidism, there is a sharp drop in body temperature - sometimes even up to 36.2-36.1 °.So you can determine that the body lacks the hormones produced by the thyroid iron. With an excess of hormones, with hyperthyroidism, the temperature on the contrary rises.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Swelling of the tongue in the mouth.

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General recommendations of

  • First of all you should contact a local endocrinologist and take a referral for tests.
  • Then undergo a test: take a blood test for hormones and do an ultrasound examination of the thyroid to find out what condition your body is in now.
  • Then the doctor prescribes treatment depending on the results of your tests. If benign nodules are found on the uzi, this result requires an annual observation by the doctor, you will need to donate blood to hormones and re-do the uzi. In the case of cysts less than 1 mm, observation is also recommended. If it grows, the doctor prescribes hormonal treatment, and if it does not help, surgery will be required. In neglected cases, when the thyroid gland has a malignant formation, it is removed entirely or partially, depending on the degree of injury.

How to treat at home?


The most popular prescription for treating the thyroid gland is a tincture on walnuts. Partitions from the shells of walnuts( about 200 grams of partitions) should be collected in a jar, with a volume of 1 liter, and pour them with vodka or alcohol. Put in a dark place and let it brew a month.

Then get it and take 10 days for 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals. Then make a week break. The next 10 days again take the tincture. And again, a break. The entire course of treatment continues uninterruptedly for 3 months.


  • Cover the walnut shell with steep boiling water and allow to stand well for more than an hour. Then strain through gauze or a thin strainer. At night, moisten the tissue flap in the infusion, squeeze a little, and attach to the neck area. Put a piece of polyethylene on top of the fabric, and a warm scarf on top. This course of treatment will also take 3 months.
  • Also good is a pack of oats. Its application is absolutely the same as that of a walnut-infusion, only to pour alcohol or vodka you need spikelets of oats.
  • In addition, the oak bark can help: 2 tablespoons of oak bark pour boiling water in a glass, let it brew for about an hour and drain.


With hypothyroidism , the thyroid gland produces insufficient hormones and this recipe will help them compensate. St. John's wort perforated and gravel the river - each of 3 tablespoons, mixed with 1 teaspoon eleutherococcus and 1 tablespoon black currant.

It's good to mix everything, you can put it down with a mortar. Take from this mixture 2 tablespoons and brew in a liter thermos or a liter jar tightly wrapped with a handkerchief and shawl. Infuse 4 hours, then carefully strain. Drink a broth you need 3 times a day a third of a glass for half an hour before a meal.

Infusion of the sparrow

When hyperthyroidism is , when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones, it can be helped by infusion of a vorane.2 tablespoons of sparrow pour boiled water, leave to infuse for about half an hour, strain and take in small portions( a third or a quarter of a glass) 3 times a day. The course of treatment: not less than a month.

Do not forget about vitamins : raw onion, seasoned with sunflower oil( do not overdo it with butter, add a little bit), salad of white cabbage with toasted peanuts( or walnuts) and turnips. Soy products can also be included in the diet: beans, beans.

Attention : in winter you should not eat these foods more than 2 times a week.


In inflammatory thyroiditis of different origin, the following decoction is used. Mix and crush

  • Mother-and-stepmother 4 tablespoons
  • Salvia wild 3 tablespoons
  • Eucalyptus 2 tablespoons
  • Horsetail field 2 tablespoons

3 tablespoons of the resulting hash, pour boiling water in a liter thermos or a liter jar covered with a thick towel. Infuse for 24 hours, then carefully strain. Drink 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating. Duration of treatment: 2 weeks. Then a break is done for 10 days. And if there are no improvements, then the course is repeated again.

Infusion from the tan of silvery

With nodular goiter will help infusion of tan silvery.1 tablespoon pour alcohol or vodka, insist 14 days in a dark place. Infusion of once a day should be shaken. After 2 weeks you need to drain the finished medicine. Drink half an hour before eating 1 teaspoon for two to three weeks.

Amber necklace

One of the popular remedies for goiter is an amber necklace. He is also worn with beads, and I put them in pieces for the night. However, do not forget that the stone should be periodically washed and cleaned.

What is not recommended?

  • If you have a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, do not rush to eat iodine-containing foods, you need to reverse the amount of iodine in the body so that your thyroid gland slows down.
  • If you have a goiter, do not crush it in any case! It is not recommended to massage the front of the neck where the thyroid gland is located. Surprisingly, but Shchitovid massage still loves, and you can massage the back of your neck. The muscles will relax, and the condition of the gland will improve, because she only needs you to calm down.
  • Forget about fried and spicy: all foie gras and spicy ginger remain in the past. In diseases of the thyroid gland, cholesterol is dangerous, and quite a lot of it in canned food.

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Preventative measures

  • It should be noted that if you had a partial thyroid resection or you cut it all out, you need to take iodine-containing drugs for life.
  • You need to pass an annual thyroid check to your PCP and you are aware of your condition.
  • The correct diet and moderate food .A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health, and this is not a poster slogan. If the uzi already found nodules in the thyroid, it's time to start eating properly to support your body, which has supported you so much. From the diet, fatty broths, strong drinks( strong tea and coffee including), spicy dishes, spices, and chocolate are excluded. Preferred food is steamed or boiled.
  • Baths with sea salt .They are useful, both for the skin and for the thyroid gland. In addition, they also contain iodine.
  • Morning gymnastics and auto-training. Remember: the thyroid gland does not like stress. So relax, reconsider your way of life.

For food you should use:

  • Iodine-containing products .This and sea kale, and shrimp, and shellfish, and fish, only necessarily sea, in the river does not contain as much iodine as in the sea. Salt for home meals to buy better iodized.
  • Cucumbers .But not salted and not pickled, but fresh. And the more, the better.
  • Also iodine is rich in walnuts, persimmons, kiwi, black choke , to which you can add honey. You can cleaned the feijoa in a blender or a meat grinder with sugar, put it in the refrigerator and eat several times a day.

Thyroid disease is plentiful, and before you begin to be treated with folk remedies, it is best to find out the exact diagnosis from an endocrinologist. Because the advice on curing hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is completely different, and by choosing a course that does not fit the diagnosis, one can only do harm.

In addition, to consult with your doctor makes sense also because many recipes of folk treatment may have contraindications for your body.

Stay healthy!

You can also watch a video about how you can treat the thyroid gland at home: