Runny nose in a 4 month old baby how to treat

Urgently! What to treat a cold for a 4-month-old baby?


@ WIFE TURKA I ruskaya))) @

sea ​​water at the pharmacy

And [email protected]

we must wash all the same with aquamoris!


aloe juice






rinse with dolphin.


rinse anyway! this is the reaction of the mucosa to air. do often more wet cleaning in the room where the baby sleeps, walk in the fresh air. suck off the mucus necessarily, although I know what it is torture for the child and parents. The technique is this: first drops of aquamaris or something like that, they will dilute the mucus, then suck it off. then when will be in the nose relatively clean, nazivin. last do not get carried away, as soon as the bubble ends, do not buy or drip any more. week snot-still a little. we had three weeks, but it was like that one day. in the morning and nanoch necessarily. and by the way, by themselves, nasal drops of saline water runny nose are not treated at all. they only help to clean the nasal mucosa and do not injure it.

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Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the Kalanchoe and bury your nose. The baby will swell and all the snot will come out. Then immerse the interferon.


influferon, at night if not breathing nazivin. (removes stuffiness). Protargol dries the snot.

Queen Margo

aquamaris, sanoline

Neonilla N

We were very helped by Nazivin, 1% "he can be given to children from birth... Highly recommend.
But it will be better if you consult with a doctor about this.
Another advise juice Kalanchoe, it causes sneezing and snot just "fly out" from the spout.
Once Nazivin has not helped or assisted - go to the doctor unequivocally. Perhaps this is an allergic rhinitis. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

Olga Sokolova

we decoction of St. John's wort washed, and sulfacil sodium (Albucid) dripped

Brown Fox

it looks like a strong renite
salt water is not treated and the nose is washed, it is better to make it at home, and instead of a pile of drops, buy expensive baby vasoconstrictors that are not addictive


So, for starters of what color snot? if yellow or green, then go to Laura - this is an infection! !
and if transparent or white, you can try the following way: drip aquamaris, clean the aspirator with a spout, then drip nazivin or vibrotsil (my vibrocil helped my daughter better, and it does not cause addiction as opposed to nazivin) drop by drop into each nostril, wait for 5-7 minutes and again with an aspirator, cleanse, then drip dropwise a levomecitin eye drops into the spout or protagrole. Do this all three times a day, not more than 5 days.
Well, if you are for folk remedies, then aquamaris, cleanse the aspirator and drip 2-3 drops of chamomile broth.


It is very good to mix albucid with sofradex. Only immediately it is necessary to drip, mixed are not stored. Nazivin only for the night.

Help the advice. 4 months old baby has a stuffy nose. than can be treated



galazolin for children


with their mother's milk, a couple of droplets in each nostril

hope gringauz

rinse with salt and suck up the hairpieces with an elephant, and we are also very much helped by Laferabion!


Read the advice of Dr. Komarovsky! helps

Natalia East

aquamaris poured, aspirator sucked, drenched Nazivin ...


first ask your pediatrician a question. but do not have time yet - rinse with aqualar for babies, or aquamaris every four hours and try to understand the reason - cold or allergy. but such questions should be answered by a qualified doctor after examining the children, and not the users of the mail. this is not a toy.


Rhinitis is a natural reaction of the body, helping the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacterium. But to help the baby to runny nose "did not really bother" it is necessary.
1. Maintaining moisture in the nozzle, when it is necessary to prevent the drying out of the mucosa - is considered the main task! At home cool air is desirable (at a temperature above 22 degrees mucus dries quickly) and high humidity. Use an air humidifier. Or get an aquarium. Or just arrange cups with water. In addition, it is good to breathe the saturated-moist air in the bathroom. Go there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, give the saplets liquefy and pour out, then wash the baby. In the water, you can add a drop of lemon oil with lavender.
2. It would be good to provide a comprehensive treatment, because the common cold usually goes along with other catarrhal phenomena.
3. Healing baths. Herbs: calendula, birch leaf, yarrow, sage. In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large bath, 25 on a baby bath. 2 hours insist in the thermos. The water temperature is not less than 36-37 g. Bath for at least 20 minutes. Not less than 5 days.

Directly nose
1. The simplest means is saline solution. Although every hour for half a pipette into each nostril, it is impossible to overdose it. You can make a semblance of saline solution yourself: for one liter of boiled water add one teaspoon of salt, if you be more precise, then 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, it is better to eat salt. Attention! Saline is used only! for "dripping" into a spout, and not for washing the nasopharynx. In no case can not wash the nose with a baby using a small pear or a clyster. Children very easily pass the liquid from the nose into the Eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis). But if saline solution - nothing like this will happen.
2. Just like physical. solution, you can instill the infusion of herbs. Calendula, yarrow. 1 hour l. collection or mixture for 1 cup of boiling water and 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool it down. Bury a half-pipette in each nostril several times a day.
3. Liquefy snot in the ways described above and remove the surplus only from the outside. Suck off excess pear from the nose just before bed, if they interfere with breathing. Attention! At the child at a rhinitis it is impossible to suck off mucus from a nose. To us after all on the contrary it is necessary to make with a rhinitis a nose even more wet! Soplyki is the protection of a poor, small, strained and irritated mucous nasal. In addition, intensive suction leads to an even more severe swelling, which as you know, leads to a vicious circle.
4. Moistening of the mucosa. If the runny nose is liquid, then the inside of the nose should not be lubricated, the mucous membrane is so moistened. If it does not flow, then it is good to lubricate the mucous membrane so that it does not dry out. For example, peach butter or Vitaion. It's to lubricate the turundochka, and not to bury, in addition to all the above events


and at us from a birth a nose was pawned, aqua-maris bought drip and cleaned a nose then


Correctly Rita has written. and PROTARGOL. (in the pharmacies they do not do it)
rinse with chamomile.
and galazolin and nazivin do not treat (note) only facilitate breathing.

Oksana Nikitina

Nazon baby. Only not Aqua Maurice!!! What water, that Aqua Moris - the difference ZERO !!!


influferon, dernate, weak saline solution, breast milk

Vovchik Musienko

dripping No-salt for babies, he dilutes the droplets 3 times a day and then sucked the bulb carefully carefully so that the nasal mucosa is not damaged and then his milk dripped while not counted how many times just many many many times. I write this as I do, but I think that it is necessary to consult a specialist not to risk the health of a baby because every child is individual.


When the teeth began to be cut, nothing helped us... dripped a couple of drops of aqua maris, then sucked and buried Nazivin... only this and saved... a couple of times a night, but the child slept a little, or even grunted and could not breathe... Do not be ill ...

Julia Poddubnaya (Kostylkova)

try-fresh carrots on the grandson, squeeze the juice and bury. suck off sots. but do not forget about the doctor.

Vera Bokareva

breast milk was drenched, and then a waffle was scrubbed in milk and soaked and cleaned, only milk helped us.

Treating a cold 4 month old baby!!! Help!!!


Irina Babich

If you are against any chemistry - that's advice: suck off nipples and bury with mother's milk - there are immunostimulants!


candles Vephiron the doctor prescribed that the disease did not develop.

Fluffy Catty Cat

consult a doctor, you are still too young)

Alexander Nagovitsin

Juice Kalanchoe in half with water and honey, add a little - swabs in a nose and wipe a little bit to give.


Keep the baby warm, put your sleep on the barrel, laying the roller under your back, the baths while canceling-enough for washing


I AUBLUBIN directly in her mouth dripped. At me in 1 month so was. And VIFERON candles.


Candles Viferon or Kipferon, with any Gedelix cough, spout sea water and vasoconstrictive drops, if there is no nasal congestion, then Albucid. Get well!


Aflubin need to constantly take the scheme before the disease for prevention, so that he would act. And if the cold only begins to buy an Anaferon child, in the spout of the saline solution.

The old woman for 40

Drink chamomile and suck off sopelki

Ekaterina Tatarintseva (Egorova)

I gave Aflubin - he to maintain and stimulate immunity. In a bottle with a mixture of drops 10. If breastfeeding feed, then dilute in juice or water. But the volume should be decent - 100 mg, otherwise there will not be an ice, still there is 43% alcohol. But the remedy is good. Homeopathic, so there are no complications and contraindications.
This is about general prevention, and with a cough I would have to fight with ointments. Doctor MOM or something like that will do. You will smear a crumb, it will warm up the lungs and prevent severe inflammation, but read the instructions - I do not remember from what age! My rhinitis how many I remember them was treated with Ximelin for children 0.05%. Does not burn, does not irritate and does not dry. Drip any baby droplets, but not menthol, pinosol or other muck!
Do not bathe the baby, I once treated bronchitis 2 weeks, the doctors said that it is unacceptable to wash! Only causal places. So forget about the baths. See that it was wrapped and there were no drafts. Good luck!


We recommended Vifeiron a candle. Another spout was washed with sea water French in ampoules (I do not remember the name). And honey can be allergic, you can not give anything like that. It is necessary to call the doctor - to listen to the breath and the throat to see the child. Do not be ill.

Natalia Vit

In general, call the doctor at home, as well as suppositories wiferon, in the nose spray sinomarine, chamomile 1 tea lodges 3 times a day, and more often suck back the hairpieces after splashing spray with a column. try not to run up to antibiotics. RECOVER !!!

Elsa Kravets

suppositories viferon-antiviral, cough syrup or aflubin syrup. From the common cold I do not remember, aquamarine like, for lavage recommend, drops of antigrippin on 1 in each nasal passage. And there is still oil "olbays" or "olvays" (on essential oils) I do not remember exactly what is called, it is dripped on a handkerchief and gives the baby breathe, is used both for prevention and treatment, I do not get all my hands to buy it (Start something for prophylaxis, not the fact that it's a cold, in children snot is a protective reaction, and maybe even on teeth, anything it happens.


Interferon, if you can buy it right now, after a day it will be useless, dilute with boiled water and drip into your nose. At the beginning of the disease it helps.


We were sick in a month. To us have registered from a rhinitis Vibrotsil, and from cough Miramistin. This is the most harmless treatment for young children and Kipferon suppositories, as a general restorative. And a week passed.


My son was three months old. I was afraid that everyone would get coughing there. It turned out. The first two days dripped into the spout of interferon every two hours, necessarily aired the room (very often), and the saline solution dripped. In general, the child can not be accustomed to heat. It is necessary to temper.

Prompt pozhalujst, ak to cure a rhinitis to a 4-month-old child ???


Kostya Komar

Inoculate with breast milk.
In a flash the rhinitis will evaporate.

Emilia Khabibullina for friends

marina, we also said so, but not Aquamaris, even, but simply saline. but before cleaning, for a few minutes, according to his recommendation, vasoconstrictive drops dripped (nazivin up to a year). I can not say that this basically helps in the treatment, but it is easier to rinse and it turns out less often. Vooot. good luck, do not be ill.

Nadezhda Trubnikova

Elementary. Soak the cotton ball with breast milk, soak your nose to a level that you can swallow, then take it syringovku the smallest (in the pharmacy), close your finger with one nostril and suck the syringe sop from spout. Milk will help them to dehydrate in the sinuses and they will come out easier. Then oksolinovoy ointment grease is not greasy. Repeat the procedure. Look in a couple of days, everything will be ok. And cut the onion into a plate and put it near the crib. Be healthy.


Breast milk (it is possible and a glazik both in a nose and in an ear), and if you art-and, protorgol!

***** Lenuska

In Aquamaris, the same goal is to make the scrapers less dense, and then, buy in the drugstore otrivin baby (with 3 nozzles) and suck out the nozzles (the type of vacuum cleaner). In the transparent tip it will be seen what happened. Nazivin for Mladets is also good, but not more often 2 times a day. It narrows the blood vessels, removes the swelling of the mucous membrane, so the scapulae exit better and the baby breathes easier (swelling is removed).
And the milk in your nose... -Orshe-da (grandmother's method, when there was nothing else) Especially since it is in itself sterile, but the viruses and bacteria that can be found on the nasal mucosa are very fond of and diligently eat them and multiply.
Make the air in the child's room more damp, from dry mucous dries (so the doctor appointed aquamaris). Get well!

Evgenia Arzamastseva

drops nasal AQUA MARIS (for children) we are only saving ourselves with these drops... on the basis of a saline solution

Snezana Stochevan

Our pediatricians do not allow us to suck out any droplets, since the vacuum is increased inside the pressure, which can be disturbed. It is better to soak it well and let it flow down into the throat and swallow. It is good for drying the nose to drip the albucid, rinse the nose with the bark of the oak (it also dries a little) ..

olga gingerbread

may runny nose from alergia

Hello everybody. Prompt please than it is better and how to treat a rhinitis at 4 monthly child?


Maria Petrova

Do not call a doctor on the house, let him look and listen.
And so - in the nose, a drop of aquamarine and a minute later aspirator to remove the mucus. Nazivin can be dripped only when the nose is not breathing and not longer than 3 days.
Aspirator is the most convenient (in my opinion) Otrivin, is sold in a pharmacy


Do not engage in self-medication! Refer to a doctor! Soplyki can be removed with a pipette and bury the nose with special drops (for a certain age) !!!

happinnes exists!!!

So, we just got worn out (pah-pah). I advise you to go to an appointment with Laura right away, they have an excellent appart, which sucks out snot, home otkoski, could not cope with our snot. So we first treated ourselves for a week ourselves, then went to Laura, she prescribed a vibrocil (one drop in each nostril) three once a day, but I did, of course, drip more often, knowing that it is harmful, but how else to sleep a 2-month-old baby, if the nose does not is it breathing? suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, suppositories, vifeferon supplements, morning and evening,


my pediatrician, a doctor with a great experience, taught me from infants to treat the rhinitis ALBUCID (eye drops), he not only eliminates the common cold as other types of Nazivin, Pinosol, etc. namely CURES a runny nose ...

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