
Omacor is a medicinal product containing omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The drug regulates lipid metabolism, reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, has some hypotensive effect and somewhat reduces blood clotting.

Active components of "Omacor" - omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty essential acids - EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic), which determine the therapeutic effects and mechanism action of the drug.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A hypolipidemic agent.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much does Omakor cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of1 700 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

Medicinal form of Omacor - gelatin capsules.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • 1000 mg of ethyl esters of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which: 46% is ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid and 38% is ethyl ester of docosahexaenoic acid;
  • 4 mg of alpha-tocopherol as an auxiliary component;
  • The composition of the shell covering the capsule: glycerol, gelatin and purified water.
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Omakor capsules are sold in 28 and 100 pieces each. in polyethylene bottles, packed in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological effect

The polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids contained in the preparation contribute to a decrease in the level of lipoproteins and triglycerides of low density.

Lycoproteins - protein compounds, carriers of cholesterol along the bloodstream; triglycerides - the kind of fats contained in the blood. Their elevated level is a direct threat to heart health, which leads to cardiovascular diseases. The content of lipoproteins and triglycerides can increase with alcohol and high-calorie foods, because of sedentary lifestyle, kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction.

The use of Omacor prevents the development of stroke, sclerosis, heart attack, and also reduces the risk of lethal outcome in these diseases.

Indications for use

According to the instructions to Omakor, the drug is prescribed:

  1. In combination with other lipid-lowering agents (in particular, with statins - HMG-CoA inhibitors reductase) for the treatment of endogenous hypertriglyceridemia of types IIb and III in accordance with the classification of Fredrickson.
  2. As a monotherapy in addition to a special hypolipidemic diet for the treatment of endogenous type IV hypertriglyceridemia, according to Frederickson's classification, in the case when only dietary nutrition for the correction of the state is not enough.

In addition, as part of combination therapy (with ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, antiplatelet agents agents or HMG-CoA inhibitors of reductase) Omacor is prescribed for secondary prevention of infarction myocardium.



  • Pregnancy;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Exogenous hypertriglyceridemia (type I hyperchylomicronemia);
  • Age to 18 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Relative (should be used with extreme caution, since there is a chance of complications):

  • Surgical operations (associated with risk of increased bleeding time);
  • Simultaneous therapy with fibrates, oral anticoagulants;
  • Severe injuries;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Dysfunction of the liver;
  • Elderly age (over 70 years).

Use in pregnancy and lactation

The drug containing polyunsaturated fatty acids is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding. It is not recommended to plan pregnancy during treatment with Omakor, since there is a risk of its interruption at an early stage.

Dosage and route of administration

The instructions for use indicate that Omacor should be taken orally, preferably during meals (to prevent unwanted reactions from the gastrointestinal tract).

Recommended doses:

  • Hypertriglyceridemia: the initial dose - 2 capsules per day, with insufficient therapeutic effect, the dose is increased, up to the maximum allowable daily dose (4 capsules);
  • Secondary prevention of myocardial infarction: 1 capsule per day.

The duration of therapy is set individually by the attending physician. If necessary, repeated courses are held.

In the context of the discussion of the effectiveness of Omakor, one study, conducted under the auspices of the European Congress of Cardiologists, is of interest. It lasted about four years and encompassed more than six thousand patients. The study demonstrated that Omakor significantly reduces the rates of sudden mortality and hospitalization of patients with cardiovascular pathology. With regular daily use of Omakor, mortality decreased by,%, and hospitalization rate by,%. For these criteria, the drug is superior to standard therapy with the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, etc.


Side effects

When carrying out therapy with a drug with different frequency of manifestation (usually rare), the following adverse reactions were noted:

  1. Immunity: rarely - hypersensitivity reactions.
  2. Respiratory system: infrequently - bleeding from the nose.
  3. Metabolism: infrequently - hyperglycemia, gout.
  4. Heart and blood vessels: infrequently - a slight decrease in blood pressure.
  5. Nervous system: rarely - headaches; infrequently - perversion of taste (dysgeusia), dizziness.
  6. Digestive tract: infrequently - functional liver disorder, gastrointestinal bleeding; often - constipation, eructation, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and other disorder.
  7. Dermatological reactions: extremely rare - hives; infrequent - a skin rash.

Reviews of cardiologists confirm that it is possible to burp with the smell / taste of fish (appears with long-term use of the drug in a dose of at least 4 grams per day).


In case of an overdose of the drug, it is possible to develop and increase the severity of side effects. In this situation, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy.

There is no specific antidote.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. Experience with secondary endogenous hypertriglyceridemia is limited (especially in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus).
  2. With caution should be used in elderly patients (over 70 years), with violations of liver function, simultaneous reception with oral anticoagulants, with fibrates, hemorrhagic diathesis, with severe injuries, surgical operations (due to the risk of increasing time bleeding).
  3. In some patients, there was an increase in ACT and ALT activity (within normal limits), with no data indicating an increased risk of using this drug in patients with impaired function liver. It is necessary to monitor the activity of ACT and ALT in patients with signs of impaired liver function (especially when used in a high dose).
  4. Due to a moderate increase in bleeding time (when used in high doses), monitoring of patients with impaired the sides of the blood coagulation system, as well as those receiving anticoagulant therapy or drugs that affect the hemostasis system (acetylsalicylic acid as antiplatelet agent, NSAIDs), and if necessary - appropriate correction of the dose of anticoagulant or agents affecting system of hemostasis.

During treatment, there is a small risk of developing dizziness, which can affect the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Drug Interactions

When Omakor is used in combination with oral anticoagulants and other drugs that affect the hemostasis system, the risk of increasing bleeding time increases.

Data on the combined use of the drug with fibrates for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia are absent.

With simultaneous application of Omacor and warfarin, no hemorrhagic complications were observed. However, when using this combination, or in the case of Omakor withdrawal, it is recommended to monitor prothrombin time or its derivative - the international normalized ratio (INR).


We picked up some feedback from people who used Omacor:

  1. Irina. My doctor prescribed Omakor for prevention. the doctor said that to strengthen the heart cells is very useful.
  2. David. I took a course of taking the drug. I drank two censules, and my head began to spin. Then switched to 1 all passed. Omacor strongly affects the circulatory system, mother-in-law saw after myocardial infarction.
  3. Tamara. At the last examination at the doctor, I submitted blood tests and received a disappointing diagnosis - I develop hypertriglyceridemia. This is dangerous because vessels can become clogged, atherosclerosis will occur. To prevent this condition, I drink Omacor capsules. At first I took two meals a day, but this helped me poorly, I had to double the dose.
  4. Boris. After myocardial infarction, I was told to adhere to diet therapy and take medications. The doctor prescribed Omakor to prevent the recurrence of the disease. I drink the drug according to the instructions, I notice that I feel wonderful. There are no side effects from the medicine, it is transferred just fine.

An objective assessment of the appropriateness of prescribing such remedies can be considered the opinion of specialists who are not interested in high sales of Omakor. Reviews of cardiologists in this case are reduced to a common denominator, in which the effectiveness of the banal remedy Fish Oil is in no way inferior to Omakor.


There are many analogues of Omakor in terms of action and evidence. One of the most famous is the preparation of Omega-3 triglyceride. It is similar to the original and the composition, and the principle of action.

Below is a list of pharmaceuticals that can replace Omakor (after consulting with the appropriate specialist):

  1. Air-sea;
  2. Tioctacid;
  3. Ateroclephitis;
  4. Lysivitis C;
  5. Peponen;
  6. Pumpkin seed oil;
  7. In:
  8. Software;
  9. Vinblastine-teva;
  10. Medotsef;
  11. Cinnabsin;
  12. The Dentokind.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry place inaccessible to children and protected from light, at a temperature of up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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