Exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region


  • 1Complex of exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region
    • 1.1Benefits of curative gymnastics
    • 1.2Principles of exercise therapy
    • 1.3Examples of exercises
    • 1.4Other exercises in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis
  • 2Exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region
    • 2.1Physiotherapy
    • 2.2Training course LFK
    • 2.3A systematic approach
  • 3Irreplaceable exercises with sciatica of the lumbar region
    • 3.1Complex of exercises
    • 3.2No. 1
    • 3.3No. 2
    • 3.4No. 3
    • 3.5No. 4
    • 3.6№ 5
    • 3.7No. 6
    • 3.8№ 7
    • 3.9No. 8
    • 3.10No. 9
    • 3.11№ 10
    • 3.12№ 11
    • 3.13No. 12
    • 3.14№ 13
    • 3.15№ 14
    • 3.16Sprain and relaxation of the spine
    • 3.17No. 15
    • 3.18№ 16
    • 3.19No. 17
  • 4Effectiveness of exercise therapy against lumbar radiculitis
    • 4.1The undeniable benefits of exercise therapy
    • 4.2Indications and contraindications
    • 4.3Rules for the implementation of a set of exercises
    • 4.4A complex of effective exercises
  • 5Gymnastics with radiculitis of the lumbar region
    • 5.1What is radiculitis, the symptoms?
    • 5.2Traditional treatment of sciatica
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Lfk for treatment of radiculitis, technique of performing
    • 5.4Conclusion
  • 6Exercises with radiculitis: technique and features
    • 6.1Features of the approach
    • 6.2Principles of the development of the complex
    • 6.3Treatment of cervical radiculitis
    • 6.4Treatment of thoracic radiculitis
    • 6.5Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis

Complex of exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region

Exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region can be done only after relief of acute symptoms. Begin classes should be in agreement with the attending physician. Premature resumption of physical activity can adversely affect the patient's well-being.

Benefits of curative gymnastics

Before the beginning of exercise therapy with lumbosacral radiculitis, you should consult a specialist in curative physical education. After all, with different diseases, the approach to employment will be significantly different.

The specialist will help to develop a set of exercises with radiculitis, which can help strengthen the muscular framework and improve the patient's condition.

Due to regular sessions, microcirculation and metabolism in tissues become more active. The lymph drainage increases, and stagnant phenomena in the pathological focus are eliminated.

Due to trained muscles, the functional capabilities of the spinal column increase, which is very important for the active life of each person.

LFK with lumbosacral radiculitis promotes an increase in the lumen between the vertebrae.

This positively affects the condition of the affected spinal nerves due to the fact that their compression and edema decreases.

In parallel with this, due to the increased blood flow, they receive more nutrients. As a result, the pain syndrome decreases, the volume of movements increases.

The additional goal of daily gymnastics is to strengthen the abdominal muscles. This will help prevent excessive spinal deflection in the lumbar spine.

Principles of exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical training should be conducted under the supervision of a specialist. At least the first few lessons. Once the patient has learned all the rules on exercise therapy and remembers the necessary movements, you can continue gymnastics at home.

During the development of individual exercises in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis the doctor must takes into account the condition of the patient and the stage of the disease, the presence of contraindications and related disease.

The main recommendations for the exercise of exercise therapy:

  1. The first classes should be short. Duration and intensity should be increased gradually.
  2. To begin exercise therapy it is necessary with simple tasks, each time adding new movements and complicating them.
  3. Training should be diverse and include a combination of different exercises.
  4. In the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis should use static and dynamic movements.
  5. Charging should be carried out daily, without omissions. The duration of physiotherapy is determined by the physician, and in some cases the exercises should be performed throughout life.
  6. If severe pain occurs, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

LFK with radiculitis of the transverse-sacral spine is desirable to hold in a supine position, sitting or on all fours. These poses can relieve the burden from the spine.

It is necessary to take care of a special mat or litter. This will ensure the most convenient position and even a slight depreciation.

In some cases, it is advisable to use a facilitated starting position.

Its essence lies in the fact that when the patient lies on his back, a roller or a blanket folded in several layers is put under his feet. And if a person lies on his stomach, a pillow is used under the belly.

Therapeutic gymnastics with radiculitis begins with exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles. Further training will include a complex of movements, with which you can strengthen and strengthen the muscle framework.

When developing exercises for the lumbosacral department, the presence of a pain syndrome is necessarily taken into account.

If it is present, the flexion and extension of the spine should be avoided.

This can lead to the development of serious complications, such as increased intra-disk pressure, especially in the area of ​​vertebrae L5-S1, which are the most vulnerable.

Examples of exercises

Before you start training, you need to gradually stretch out. To do this, lie on the surface, placed at an angle of 20-40 ° in relation to the floor.

In the area of ​​the armpits, it is necessary to provide support so that the person does not crawl down. The stretching time is from 3 to 20 minutes.

This manipulation will allow the intervertebral discs to disperse slightly, thereby reducing the pressure on the injured roots of the spinal nerves.

Another way to stretch is in the pool. Alternatively, you can try vertical traction, but you need to do it very carefully and only under the supervision of a specialist.

For the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis, the following exercises should be used:

  • Lie on the floor, legs bend at the knees and put your hands on your stomach. Straighten the rectus muscles several times in such a way as to feel it with your hands. If the posture is uncomfortable or painful, you can spontaneously change it a little - straighten one limb or slightly turn on its side.
  • Lying on the back with elongated legs, raise the upper part of the trunk and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Exercise is performed about 10 times at intervals of 5-10 seconds for rest. During the first lessons from radiculitis, this movement can be done with arms outstretched, in the future it is necessary to complicate the task a little - to interlock them in the lock behind the head.
  • Lying on his back, one leg bend in the knee, raise, pull out and after a few seconds smoothly lowered. All actions are carried out in the air by each limb in turn. For 1 lesson, 5-10 approaches should be taken.
  • From a similar starting position, it is necessary to bend both legs in the knees, raise it above the floor and lower it. Repeat 7-10 times.
  • Positive physical effect is provided by the use of exercises "Bike "Scissors "Bridge".
  • Lie down on the floor with your face, put your hands under your chin. Alternately raise each limb and hold it in this position for 5-8 seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, you should perform "Brass" - circular movements with shoulders.
  • From the initial position, lying on the abdomen, to attach hands behind your back and for a few seconds to raise the upper part of the trunk. In total, you need to do about 10 movements.

Other exercises in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis

After removing acute clinical symptoms and improving the patient's health, in addition to physical therapy, one can go for yoga.

The main thing is to find an experienced and competent instructor who can not only pick up the right exercises, but also determine the necessary intensity of the loads.

Yoga will help you fully relax after a hard day's work, relieve emotional and physical stress, and also provide effective help in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis.

By adopting special postures, it is possible to effectively stretch the spine, increase the gap between the discs, and remove pressure from the roots of the spinal nerves.

Correct position of the body ensures activation of all internal forces of the body, stimulation of the blood and neuromuscular system. The energy-information exchange is normalized, the state of health and sleep improves.

The most useful positions are the pose of a triangle, a fish, a wheel.

Good results are shown by breathing exercises. Despite the fact that such actions do not have a direct effect on the spine, they effectively expand the chest and contribute to a good oxygen saturation of the body. Due to this, bone, cartilaginous and muscle tissue strengthens.

Proper breathing will help relieve pain in the lumbar spine and even restore its mobility.

Regular attendance of classes or independent exercise of the necessary exercises will help to remove the inflammatory process and prevent the recurrence of exacerbation.

The use of yoga and physiotherapy exercises with radiculitis is carried out according to the principle: comfortable position, smooth and gradual movements, complete relaxation.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/radikulit/uprazhneniya-dlya-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar region

Exercises with radiculitis of the lumbar spine - this is perhaps the most effective means to curb the disease, especially in the initial stage of its development.

The principle here is simple: training strengthens the muscles, which in turn pulls together the vertebrae, not allowing them to relax pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Thus, the discs are deprived of the possibility to move to the side and pinch the lateral branches branching from the spinal cord innervating the lower limbs.

These branches (roots) in Latin are called radix'ami. Hence the name - radiculitis. "It" is a suffix, which in medicine is usually used to mean inflammation. That is exactly what happens when the roots are injured by the vertebrae that come in contact.


Gymnastics with radiculitis can not only stop the development of the inflammatory process, but also bring it to naught along with all the symptoms.

It normalizes the disturbed blood circulation and stimulates the exchange of mineral salts, vitamins and other substances necessary for feeding the lumbar region.

That, in the end, relieves and from the most annoying companion of radiculitis - a constant, painful pain.

Successful application of exercise therapy in radiculitis requires following certain rules. They include a number of fundamental provisions:

  1. The whole complex of exercises should be coordinated with the doctor. It is also necessary to consult with him in case of any difficulties in the course of the treatment course.
  2. In the presence of serious pain in the lower back to classes do not proceed. Analgesics at the first stage are also not desirable. We need to focus only on their own capabilities.
  3. Start training - with slow movements. Sharpness and increased loads are permissible only with sufficient preparation. This mode is the most physiological for the spine.
  4. All manifestations of the pain syndrome should be alarming: it is necessary either to slow down the pace of the exercises, or to contact the doctor if the pain does not subside. He can change the configuration of the exercises.
  5. The number of repetitions of each exercise should be increased in accordance with physical capabilities with an orientation toward the maximum at the end of the exercise therapy.
  6. Training should be conducted regularly and purposefully: preferably several times a day, emphasizing all the stresses on the waist region. Only systematic studies will lead to the desired goal.
  7. The room for gymnastics with radiculitis should be constantly ventilated, clothes - be spacious, not constraining movements.
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And the most important condition for success is an exclusively positive attitude.

Training course LFK

The main task of this complex is to strengthen the muscular skeleton of the lumbar spine. This is achieved indirectly: all exercises are performed with the tension of the muscles of the abdominal press, which tightens the lower back.

  • The first exercise is performed on the back, in the "lying" position. Hands stretched along the hips with support on the heels, pull the feet of both legs back, put the palms of both hands on the stomach. On inhalation, strain the press with a short breathing delay at the maximum (the loin should slightly bend). In case of pain, a lighter version can be performed - without bending the knees.
  • The initial position is the same: the legs are slightly bent at the knees with support on the feet. It is necessary to tear off the shoulders, shoulder blades from the floor, transferring the main load to the press, to fix the position for a few seconds at the maximum. Go back to the starting point, relax. Repeat the exercises 5-15 times, according to the above regulations. Complicated option - hands in the implementation of movements laid behind the head.
  • Exercise is carried out with support on the back, arms stretched out on the floor parallel to the hips. Bend the left leg in the knee joint, raise it above the floor, fix the position for 2-3 seconds. Straighten the leg, thereby increasing the muscle tone of the abdomen. Make the usual number of repetitions and duplicate the same exercise with the right foot, then - with both legs together. At the initial stage, 5 to 10 repetitions for each task are sufficient.
  • Support on the back, hands - along the hips, legs in the knees are attached. Raise above the floor and stretch out the left hand, palm rest in the right knee. Bend the right knee joint with the tension of the press, bringing it closer to the chest (the left hand should counteract this). "Fight" to continue at least 10 seconds. Duplicate the exercise on the left foot.
  • It is done on the floor in the "lying on the back" position. Legs and arms are stretched parallel to each other. Raise your legs, tearing them off from the floor of centimeters by 30, to fix the pose. Slowly, leaning on the press, the legs lowered into their original place. To complicate the task, you can put your hands behind your head.
  • The starting position is similar to the previous one, to balance the palm of two hands to the floor and pull the knees to the stomach. To imitate the riding of a bicycle: as if with the torsion of the pedals ("twist" follows 10-15 times in the directions "from oneself" and "to oneself"). Continue for 1-3 minutes according to the possibilities of the press.
  • Load on the lumbar spine is carried out from the "lying" position. It is necessary to rest on the floor with the palms of your hands, tear off the elongated legs from the floor by about 25-30 centimeters, fix the position for a second. Dilute to the side, and then cross one leg over one in a horizontal plane, making a kind of "scissors". To increase the load on the waist, the exercise should be performed with the hands laid behind the head.
  • Performed on the floor. Lie on your back, hands stretch parallel to your legs. From this position, slightly bend the knees, with support on the heels of both legs and the area of ​​the scapula to tear the waist from the floor and try to get out on the "bridge" (the arc should be the maximum possible). Lock the reached position for at least 5 seconds. Return to the starting position, relax and repeat the task at least 10 times.
  • From a position similar to the previous one, bend the legs compressed together, spread hands on both sides, palms rest for balance in the floor. Spread the legs first to the right, then to the left of the projection of the trunk with tension on the press and waist. The number of repetitions is standard.
  • Lie on the stomach, start the rear of the hands of both hands under the chin. Raise upwardly alternately the right and left legs with a delay at the maximum rise for about 10 seconds. 10-15 repetitions.
  • It is also performed on the stomach. It is worth lying on the floor, stretching your arms wide to the sensation of tension in the waist, "throwing" your hands forward, as when swimming with "breaststroke bring the brush to your shoulders, then stretch your arms again. The number of repetitions is normal.
  • Lechvniz back to the floor, pull both hands forward. Then, with a strain on the lumbar region, raise the right arm and left leg, hold the position for a few seconds. Relax and do the same task with the opposite limbs. Only 5-15 times.
  • Do not change the position of the body in the previous task to get your hands behind your back, to unite with the "lock" method, lifting your shoulders, bringing them in the shoulder blades, relaxing. Mode - up to 15 repetitions.
  • Strengthening of the lateral muscles of the waist. From the same position "on the back" legs bend, knees clasp your hands, clasping your fingers in the "lock pull your legs to the chest, tilt the body alternately sideways in different directions from 5 to 15 times.
  • Modification of the previous exercise: the body of the body with the knees pressed up is raised, then returns to the place. Thus, the anterior and posterior musculature of the waist, as well as the sacral spine, is strengthened.

A systematic approach

In conclusion, it should be repeated that LFK with radiculitis of the lumbar spine gives persistent encouraging results only in the systematic conduct of training. The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved by combining physical exercises with additional procedures, such as:

  1. Manual and physiotherapy;
  2. Acupuncture;
  3. Aqua aerobics;
  4. Special massage;
  5. Forced lumbar drawing on the simulator.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-pri-radikulite-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Irreplaceable exercises with sciatica of the lumbar region

With radiculitis, a more effective method of struggle is gymnastics, which includes exercises for strengthening the spine and developing its capabilities through trained muscles.

It is very important with radiculitis to pay close attention to strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Since in the case of weak muscles in the lumbar region, a greater deflection of the spine occurs, which causes problems with the lower back.

It is for this reason that strengthening the muscles of the press with radiculitis is the main goal of therapeutic gymnastics.

Complex of exercises

To perform exercises with radiculitis, you need a hard surface. The optimal solution will be the floor, on which you can lay a rug or towel.

It is necessary to wear comfortable clothes, an excellent option, will be a tights below the knees and a T-shirt. The room for classes must be warm. The whole complex is carried out in a lying position on the floor.

During execution, it is necessary to control the spine, which should be in the most gentle position.

No. 1

You should lie on your back, stretching your arms along the body, and your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Then in this position, the muscles of the abdominal press should be strained.

In order to be sure of the correctness of the task, put your hand on the stomach at the moment of muscle strain, they must become firm. And also the spine in the lumbar region slightly bends upward. Exercise muscle tension without delaying breathing.

If at this time there are painful sensations, it is necessary to change the position of the legs, laying them on the floor. Do 10-15 times.

No. 2

For this exercise, you need to stretch your arms along the body, and your legs are bent at the knees and fixed on the floor. Further, raise the upper part of the trunk, making sure that the legs do not come off the floor surface.

Fix the pose for 5-10 seconds and take the initial position slowly. After a five to ten-second rest, a repeat is made 10-15 times. In the future, it is necessary to complicate the manipulation by moving your hands behind your head.

No. 3

Lying on your back you need to stretch your legs forward, and your arms along the body. One leg bent at the knee, lifted, weight unbend along the thigh line and slowly lowered to the floor. Repeating 10-15 times, move to the next leg. After, the task is performed with two legs at once.

No. 4

From the position on the back, legs slightly bent at the knees and putting their hands along the body, perform the following manipulations. Pulling out the left hand with the left hand, put it on the right knee.

Simultaneously, trying to reach his right knee to the head, and with his left hand, creating an obstacle. Perform the task with a little effort for ten seconds. After it follows a ten to fifteen second rest and repetition of manipulations 10-15 times.

Next, they change their limbs and continue to do the exercises.

№ 5

They lay down on their backs, stretching their arms along the body. It is necessary to lift straight legs together over the floor to a distance of thirty centimeters. The pose is fixed for five seconds and without hurrying, return the legs to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

No. 6

The next exercise to strengthen the lumbar and press is the well-known "bicycle". They assume a position lying on their backs with their arms stretched along the trunk, and imitating riding a bicycle, begin to twist the pedals.

№ 7

You should duplicate the previous exercise, but you have to turn the pedals in the opposite direction.

No. 8

For the next load, the position on the back, the arms stretch along the body, the legs forward. Straight legs are raised horizontally above the floor and the "scissors" move, crossing their legs alternately. In the beginning of classes it is recommended to start with five repetitions, gradually increasing to 10-15.

No. 9

The position on the back is accepted. They stretch their arms along the body, legs bend at the knees. By focusing on the shoulder blades and legs, lift the loin up from the floor, representing the "bridge" and fix it for 5-10 seconds, after which they return to the initial position. Repeat 5-10 times.

№ 10

For the next exercise, they lie on their backs, hands are spread out to the sides and put their hands down. Movements are performed by knees bent at the knees, which together are placed in different directions alternately from the trunk. Repeat 10-15 times.

№ 11

They lie on their stomachs, their hands are placed under their chins. Straight leg is raised above the floor and fixed for 5-10 seconds, then lowered. The same is done with the second leg. The movements are repeated with each leg 10-15 times.

No. 12

In the position lying on your stomach, you should stretch your arms forward and duplicate the previous task, but with your right foot raise your left hand and vice versa.

№ 13

You should take a position lying on your stomach, stretching your legs, put your hands on your shoulders. Further, with bent hands, movements are made as during swimming with "breaststroke 10-15 times.

№ 14

They lie on their stomachs, legs stretch, and their hands are folded behind the back of the lock. Lifting your head and shoulders up, connect the shoulder blades together. Repeat exercises should be 10-15 times.

Sprain and relaxation of the spine

No. 15

They lay on their backs, arms stretched along the trunk, legs forward. Next, one leg, bend at the knee and pull to the chest, and then slowly return to the starting position, after which they change their legs. Repeat should be 5-10 times.

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№ 16

They lay on their backs, hands along the body, legs bend at the knees.

Then, clasping his hands with his knees, pull his legs to him and slowly perform twists and turns, alternately to the right and to the left. Repeat should be 5-10 times.

Performing these manipulations performs a good massage for the lumbar region of the back.

No. 17

Exercise duplicates the previous, but the body is turned alternately forward and backward, producing a massage of the entire spine. It should be repeated 5-10 times.

With radiculitis of the lumbar spine, you should begin the gymnastics with five repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing the load to the recommended number of repetitions.

After the first load, there may be pain in the muscles, which will take place after a few days. These exercises can be performed both with radiculitis, and in the form of prevention.

Regularly conducting gymnastics with radiculitis of the lumbar region, with the above exercises can be done well strengthen the abdominal muscles thereby relieving the load from the lumbar region, and also make the spine more flexible and mobile.

A source: http://etospina.ru/vosstanovlenie/lfk/uprazhneniya-pri-radikulite-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Effectiveness of exercise therapy against lumbar radiculitis

The composition of complex therapy, whose goal is to get rid of radiculitis, includes therapeutic physical training.

It is an individually selected set of exercises designed to restore the tone and mobility of the spine, as well as strengthen the muscles of the back.

Treatment of radiculitis of the lumbosacral section is more effective in combination with the implementation of special exercises.

The undeniable benefits of exercise therapy

Specially, individually designed gymnastics with radiculitis, allows not only to relieve the pain syndrome, but also to accelerate recovery, increasing the effectiveness of medicines. It contributes to:

  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Stabilization of muscle tissue stability;
  • Increased vertebral lumens;
  • Activation of the metabolism.

Systematic performance of the exercises prescribed by the doctor allows you to achieve a tremendous result in a short time - reduction of the inflammatory process in the nerve roots, improvement of their nutrition, elimination of puffiness and normalization of metabolism substances. In addition, at times the pain is reduced, and the muscles and tissues become mobile and electrically again.

And still, the constant performance of this gymnastics reduces the risk of recurrence and the secondary appearance of such problems in the future.

Indications and contraindications

Any physical activity, with the diagnosed sciatica of the lumbar spine, should be performed only as directed by the doctor.

LFK with radiculitis will be effective only with the daily execution of a set of exercises, developed individually for each case, with taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of the course of inflammation, the presence of concomitant pathologies and other factors affecting the condition health.

Indications for exercise exercise will be the diagnosis itself, and the principles of their appointment are as follows:

  1. Physical exercises are not prescribed during the period of acute sciatica of the lumbosacral spine;
  2. Regardless of the severity of the disease, the regime of exercise therapy must be gentle;
  3. Exercises are carried out in stages - from simple to complex;
  4. The gymnastic course should be combined and include, and dynamic, and static exercises;
  5. For complete recovery, exercise should be regular, in severe cases - throughout life.

With regard to contraindications in the radiculitis of the lumbar region to any physical exertion, it can be attributed to:

  • Exacerbation of inflammation of the radicular nerves;
  • Unsatisfactory general condition of the patient;
  • Severe heart damage.

Despite the common claim that sport is life, one should not begin gymnastics alone with radiculitis.

The correct decision should be to contact the doctor for drawing up an individual program of medical exercises in order to get rid of this disease and prevent its relapse.

Rules for the implementation of a set of exercises

Regardless of what kind of exercises were chosen by a specialist to remove the pain syndrome and to get rid of radiculitis as soon as possible, the rules for their implementation will be unchanged. They relate to the situation in which they will be done, the time of impact of physical activity and regularity.

All exercises prescribed for sciatica in the lumbar region, in most cases, are performed in a lying position, on all fours or sitting.

This allows you to exclude too much strain on the spine.

It is extremely rare, but still, according to individual indications, the doctor can prescribe exercises in standing position, clearly limiting their time.

Since, exercise therapy involves a gradual increase in the load, then with radiculitis, gymnastics is prescribed with relaxation of the cervical, thoracic, dorsal and brachial muscles. And then, for their strengthening, the physical exercises developed for each specific case are fulfilled.

For those patients who are experiencing intense pain, they are excluded from the complex of therapeutic physical training exercises aimed at flexing and expanding the spinal cord, since they can only aggravate the situation and slow down action of therapy.

A complex of effective exercises

Radiculitis of the lumbar region is excellent for treatment. And a significant role in this is therapeutic exercise.

Since her exercises perfectly strengthen the lumbar muscles and relieve inflammation of the nerve roots. Before they begin, a 10-minute warm-up is recommended.

In which quality can be running on the spot or walking.

After it, you can go to the exercises themselves, which are fairly simple and will not take more than 20 minutes to complete.

Below, we give their standard complex, but depending on the general condition of the patient, his age and history, they may change - some of them be eliminated, and others - added.

But, in general, the therapeutic charge will be unchanged:

  1. In the standing position, with legs shifted, raise your hands in front of you, and lift them up on the inspiration, lowering the outlet;
  2. In the same position, but with his hands down, smoothly stepping from the heel to the toe and back;
  3. To stand in the position of the arm on the belt, and the legs at the width of the shoulders and, bending the right leg, make the body tilt to the left, and then, bending the left leg, to the right;
  4. Stand up with your legs spread apart, exhale in exhalation, and return to the starting position on inhalation;
  5. In the position lying on your back with your hands on your waist, on the inhalation raise, first the right hand and the left leg, then, on the contrary, the left arm and the right leg, and on the way out to return to the starting position;
  6. Standing on all fours, inhaling the back and pulling the neck forward, and on inhaling, lower the head and arch the back, straining the stomach.

All of the above exercises, with radiculitis of the lumbar region, should be done at least 5 - 10 times in one session. And after a month of regular training you can feel the first result.

A source: https://sustavlechit.ru/oslozhneniya/uprazhneniya-pri-radikulite.html

Gymnastics with radiculitis of the lumbar region

Physiotherapy exercises with radiculitisFirst Assistant.

In contrast to drug treatment, which only helps to eliminate the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease, physical exercises help to eliminate the very cause of the appearance of radiculitis.

It is important to understand all the rules for using curative physical education in radiculitis, when you can perform physical exercises in order not to worsen the health situation and what they should be.

For treatment of sciatica, not all exercises are suitable.

Use only specially designed for this purpose complexes, developed by specialists.

What is radiculitis, the symptoms?

Radiculitis affects the peripheral nervous system. It comes as a result of pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

In this case, the latter are subjected to the inflammatory process and can even be damaged due to serious pinching.

This diseasecharacterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

During periods of exacerbation, severe pain occurs in the affected area of ​​the spinal column.

Below are the causes of the appearance of radiculitis

The cause of exacerbations of radiculitis may be:

  1. stressful situations;
  2. hypothermia;
  3. passive lifestyle;
  4. playing sports;
  5. progressive osteochondrosis;
  6. heavy physical labor;
  7. tumors of the spinal column;
  8. expanding osteophytes;
  9. deposited salts.

Depending on the site of localization, the following types of radiculitis:

Cervical Soreness appears in the neck and the occipital region. Pain is greatly enhanced by coughing and movements of the head.
Cervico-brachial Soreness occurs in the neck, shoulders and upper limbs.
Thoracic It is manifested by girdling pains in the sternum.
Lumbosacral Characterized by pain in the lumbar region, which can give to one of the lower limbs.

Traditional treatment of sciatica

Treatment of pain in the back is not complete without taking medication. Traditional radiculitis is treated conservatively. The patient is prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Orthofen, Ibuprofen);
  • anesthetics (Ketonal, Movalis);
  • Novocain blockades;
  • muscle relaxants ("Midokalm "Sirdalud");
  • warming ointments based on bee or snake venom;
  • vitamins of group B.

If serious damage to the intervertebral vertebral discs may require surgical treatment.

In addition to medical and surgical treatment with radiculitis, physiotherapeutic procedures on the removal of the inflammatory process, as well as contributing to the acceleration of tissue regeneration and providing a warming act. It is also recommended that manual therapy and visits to the massage cabinet and exercise room.

One of the most important roles in radiculitis is played by exercise therapy. Therapeutic physical exercises are prescribed for any kind of radiculitis. Only the whole set of exercises can differ.

LFK is aimed at strengthening the spinal column, increasing its functionality by strengthening the surrounding his muscular corset, including the muscles of the press, playing an important role in maintaining the lumbar region the spine.

Besidestherapeutic gymnastics improves blood circulation, which positively affects the state of spinal nerves, improving their nutrition and swollen soft tissue, contributing to the elimination of existing swelling.

With radiculitis, all exercises must initially be performed in a gentle mode. Only gradually you can increase the intensity of physical activity. Exercises should be performed from simple to more complex.

It is forbidden to do any physical exercises and loads when exacerbating radiculitis. Exercises, in which there is a lying position, must necessarily be performed on a firm, level surface. Ideally, during lessons, use a specially designed mat.

Occupational therapy is not prescribed to patients:

  1. in the period of exacerbation of radiculitis (there is a great chance only to aggravate health problems);
  2. with cardiac pathologies;
  3. with intervertebral hernias, in which there is a possibility of damage to the spinal cord;
  4. with increased ESR;
  5. with an increase in body temperature.

Even if you do not fit into the category of patients for whom there are contraindications to exercise LFK,Before the start of the exercises, it is still recommended to consult a specialist, which should give its approval for this method of treatment of sciatica. In addition, exercise therapy is an excellent prophylaxis of this disease, and also helps to recover more quickly after surgical treatment.

Lfk for treatment of radiculitis, technique of performing

With cervical radiculitis the following set of exercises is recommended:

  1. I.P. Standing, legs brought together. Head tilt to the chest so that the chin touches the latter. In such a position, move smoothly from the left to the right and vice versa, without lifting your chin from the chest. Repeat up to 15 times.
  2. I.P. Standing, feet together. Slowly pull back the back of the head, practically touching the upper back. In this position, be at least 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. In the standing position, make circular head movements, not allowing strong backward deviations (ie, movements must be made along the minor axis). Repeat at least 10 times.
  4. Fingers of both hands to connect together in the nape of the neck. In this position, tilt the head forward, completely touching the chest. In the final position, completely relax and stay about 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 head incline.
  5. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, place your chin on your right arm, while left, while hugging the occipital region. In this position, smoothly move your head to the right side, lingering at the end point for 20 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times. Then change your hand and repeat the same manipulations, but only in the opposite direction.
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With thoracic radiculitis, you can perform the following set of exercises in the original standing position:

  • The legs should be placed at the width of the shoulders, both arms should be bent at the elbow joints at the level of the thorax. Bend his hands to the sides on the inspiration, trying to connect the shoulder blades together and return to I.P. on exhalation;
  • Hands bend at the elbow joints and brush put on the shoulders. Alternately raise your left and right hands up so that they make a right angle in conjunction with your shoulders and in this position, stay for a few seconds. Then you can raise both hands together. It turns out: one rise - the left hand, the second rise - the right, the third rise - both hands together. Each position must be repeated at least 5 times;
  • Both arms bend at the elbow joints. To lift the arms bent in the elbows up and back in the IP, lingering at the top for 2-3 seconds;
  • In the supine position, alternately lift the left arm and left leg, and then the right arm and right leg. Rises should be carried out on inspiration. Each pair of limbs should have 8-10 lifts.
  • Legs shoulder width apart. Carry out mahi alternately each upper limb in the appropriate direction, i.e. left - in the left, right - in the right. The mahi must not be sharp. Repeat for 10-15 movements in each direction.

In the lumbosacral radiculitis, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. In standing position, spread your legs to the width of your shoulders. Hands bend in the elbows and locate on the waist. Perform smooth slopes alternately in the right and left side, at the bottom point, lingering for 3 seconds and returning to the IP. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, smoothly slant the body forward, backward, lingering at the bottom point for a few seconds. At the same time, the hands should be on the waist. Repeat at least 10 times.
  3. Standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands in a free position on both sides of the body, make inclinations back and forth. The slope should be inhaled, and hands should try to reach the floor. At the bottom point, it will be frozen for 2-3 seconds. Repeat for 5-10 slopes in each direction.
  4. Lying on your stomach, hands freely positioned on either side of the body. On the inspiration, leaning on the forearms, perform simultaneous head and shoulder lifts up, staying at the top point for 2 seconds, then return to the IP. Repeat at least 5-7 lifts.
  5. Lying on your stomach, clasp your hands in the lock behind your back. On inhaling, raise your head up, bending at the same time in the chest area. At the top, make a delay of 2-3 seconds, and then exhale back to its original position.

A few more exercises for back pain


LFK plays an important role in the treatment of radiculitis. But to resort to it without consulting a specialist is not worth it.

All exercises should be performed under the supervision of an instructor who will monitor the correctness of the exercises and help to prevent errors that can aggravate the state of health.

LFK is directed not only to strengthening the spinal column, but also to strengthening the muscular corset, surrounding it, and also improvement of blood circulation.

It is not always possible to resort to curative gymnastics with radiculitis. That's why the doctor's advice first.

Completely cure radiculitis, resorting only to exercise therapy, will not work, so treatment of the disease should be carried out in a complex way - it is not worth to give up medication.

A source: https://SpinaTitana.com/nevralgiya/radikulit/gimnastika-pri-radikulite-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Exercises with radiculitis: technique and features

Exercises with radiculitis play an important curative and preventive role. Correctly composed exercise therapy and optimal dosing of the load can greatly facilitate the course of the pathology and restore normal mobility.

Features of the approach

Treatment of radiculitis with the help of a medical-physical complex is recognized as an important element of complex therapy.

Such treatment is justified by the fact that the dosed physical load exerts a stimulating influence on blood supply and circulation of lymph, improves metabolic processes in tissues, eliminates stagnant phenomena.

Correctly composed exercise therapy provides strengthening of the muscular corset; increased intervertebral lumen, which reduces compression of nerve fibers; normalizes nutrition of joints; reduces symptomatic manifestations - puffiness, painful syndrome. As a result of the procedures, it is possible to completely restore the motor functions.

The best results of physical education treatment are observed with radiculitis of the lumbosacral type. In all cases, the exercise provides a stable remission.

It should be borne in mind, however, that the treatment of radiculitis with the use of exercise therapy does not aim to combat pain syndrome, and is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, stabilizing the muscle tone, increasing the vertebral mobility.

Physical treatment is not carried out with exacerbation, but is aimed at fighting the chronic form of pathology.

Principles of the development of the complex

The treatment complex should be composed of a specialist taking into account the characteristics of a person (sex, age, physical condition, body weight, etc.), the stage of the disease and the localization of the affected area.

Depending on the localization of pathology, exercise therapy varies for cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic and lumbosacral radiculitis. Exercise loads should be strictly dosed.

In the complex should not be introduced exercises associated with sharp and deep slopes, jumps, lifting weights.

Conduct classes on a daily basis.

The complex is designed so that at first the muscles of the shoulder girdle, limbs and back relax as much as possible, and after that, strengthening exercises are carried out.

Basically, exercises with the initial position of lying and sitting are included. Standing position is used at the stages of recovery.

To conduct curative gymnastics should not be under such conditions: deterioration of the human condition in somatic disorders; sharp exacerbation of the disease with the manifestation of a severe pain syndrome; heart problems; presence of fever or signs of other diseases.

Treatment of cervical radiculitis

Treatment of cervical and cervico-radiculitis is carried out with the help of exercise therapy, which can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Exercises from one starting position (PI) standing with slightly apart legs. Exercises are aimed at mobility only the neck. In this case, all other parts of the trunk must be fixed. Includes such exercises: head inclinations forward (up to 10 times); tilting the head back (in for 30-40 seconds); head inclinations in different directions; head rotation (12-14 times in different direction).
  • Inclusion in the lessons of the shoulder girdle. Exercises are performed from standing position with arms outstretched. Basically, 2 exercises are recommended: the rotation of the arms and the movement of the shoulders back and forth.
  • The third type of exercise therapy is carried out from the IP sitting. A typical exercise: one hand is located on the chin, the other - on the back of the head. The head turns with the help of hands with fixation in the extreme position for 15-18 seconds. The same is done with the arrangement of both hands on the back of the head with a tangle of fingers in the form of a lock.
  • Exercise to strengthen the neck muscles. IP: lying on his stomach with his legs straight, fingers on the shoulders, and elbows in contact with the body. The head rises, and then the shoulders and the body (the stomach is pressed on the plane). The number of repetitions is 8-12.

Treatment of thoracic radiculitis

In exercise therapy for thoracic radiculitis, it is recommended to include such exercises:

  1. Dorsal deflection. IP: standing on all fours. The back bends 6-8 times, while the head keeps straight all the time.
  2. Raising the body. IP: lying on the stomach. Leaning on the hands, the body is torn off the plane 5-8 times.
  3. Exercise "Month". IP: lying on the back, hands - along the body. The body flexes in the chest area with the subsequent lifting of the head and lower limbs. The number of repetitions is 5-7 times.

Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis

Lumbosacral sciatica is treated with the use of exercise therapy most effectively. You can recommend the following set of exercises:

  • Preliminary warm-up: walking in place for, minutes.
  • IP: standing with arms outstretched forward. Raising hands with the deflection of the body. The number is 9-12 times.
  • Flexion of legs with a body tilt: when bending to the right, the left leg is bent, then - vice versa; Hands are located on the belt. Number - 4-6 times.
  • IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered and relaxed. Alternate slopes to one and the other leg. Number - 4-6 times.
  • PI: on his haunches, his legs are slightly apart, his arms are extended forward. Body lifting with lowering of hands. The number of repetitions is 9-12 times.
  • IP: lying on the back. Raising the leg and the opposite arm, repeats 6-8 times.
  • From the same position, legs bend at the knees, while the body is pressed to the floor.
  • IP: kneeling with an emphasis on the hands. Deflection of the back 9-12 times.
  • IP: sitting on a chair with an emphasis on the hands behind. Cross legs are produced.
  • Similar PI. Body lifting with the help of hands. The number of repetitions is 8-12 times.
  • In the standing position, rolls from socks to heels are performed, one arm at the same time, then the other. The duration of the exercise is, minutes.

Therapeutic gymnastics with radiculitis plays a big role in the full complex of therapy. The LFK scheme should be developed by a specialist, and only in this case positive results are guaranteed.

A source: http://proosteohondroz.ru/radikulit/uprazhneniya-pri-radikulite.html

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