Swelling of the ankle: causes of treatment


  • 1Ankle swelling: causes and characteristics of treatment
    • 1.1Features of pathology
    • 1.2Why does the disease develop?
    • 1.3Symptomatology of pathology
    • 1.4First aid for the victim
    • 1.5Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.6How to get rid of the disease?
    • 1.7Folk remedies in the treatment of edema
    • 1.8Useful recommendations
  • 2Swelling of the ankle joint: what to do if swollen and aching ankle?
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Injuries
    • 2.3Arthritis
    • 2.4Inflammation of the joints
    • 2.5Diseases of blood vessels
    • 2.6Cardiac diseases
    • 2.7Infection
    • 2.8Medications
    • 2.9Other reasons
    • 2.10Readers often study together with this material:
    • 2.11Mechanical damage
    • 2.12Edema caused by diseases
  • 3Edema of the ankle: causes, symptoms and treatment with a photo
    • 3.1Causes of edema
    • 3.2Gout
    • 3.3Osteoarthritis
    • 3.4Arthritis
    • 3.5Plantar fasciitis
    • 3.6Bursitis
    • 3.7Dislocation and fracture
    • 3.8Stretching
    • 3.9Principles of therapy
    • 3.10Physiotherapy
  • 4Help with swelling in the ankle: the causes of foot swelling, diagnosis, treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What diseases are typical?
    • 4.2Arthritis
    • 4.3Osteoarthritis
    • 4.4Gout
    • 4.5Plantar fasciitis
    • 4.6Injuries
    • 4.7Doctor's choice and diagnosis
    • 4.8Ankle joint swollen and aching: how to treat illness
    • 4.9Trauma treatment
    • 4.10Conclusion
  • 5What to do if the ankle is swollen
    • 5.1Causes of ankle swelling
    • 5.2Principles of treatment of an ankle tumor
    • 5.3Treatment of ankle edema with folk remedies

Ankle swelling: causes and characteristics of treatment

Swelling of the ankle (the reasons for the development of pathology will be described later) is a real problem for some people.

It means that in the soft tissues of the articulation there is an inflammatory process.

Naturally, such a pathological condition is accompanied by painful sensations, impairment of mobility.

Features of pathology

If a person has swelling of the ankle, the reasons should be clarified in the first place. Only in this case the treatment will be effective.

The disease is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the indicated articulation.

However, if it does not appear due to injury, then the person usually has no pain.

In general, the swelling of the ankle joint (its causes can be quite different) does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient and is more common in the elderly. However, there are cases when a doctor's consultation is mandatory. Sometimes a patient may not even know what caused this pathological condition.

Why does the disease develop?

If swelling of the ankles swells, the reasons can be:

  • Injuries: dislocations, sprains or ruptures of ligaments, bone dislocations, bruises, wounds or fractures.
  • Varicose veins. In this case, the tone of the venous walls is lost, the pressure in them becomes larger, the blood circulation is disturbed.
  • Arthritis. This is an inflammatory pathology of the joints, characterized by swelling and pain.
  • Osteoarthritis. This chronic pathology is accompanied by dystrophy of the joint tissues.
  • Gout. This disease is very common among men. Its peculiarity is that the swelling of the ankle joint (the reasons for its development represent a more serious danger for human health) appears due to an inflammatory process caused by the deposition of uric acid salts in articulations.
  • Bursitis. Here the disease arises from the excessive production of synovial fluid, which accumulates in the ankle.
  • Cardiological diseases.
  • Bacterial or viral infection of soft tissues.
  • Excessive body weight.
  • Long standing in the standing position or too much load on the joint.
  • Acceptance of some hormonal drugs.
  • Blocking the function of the lymphatic system.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

The cause of swelling and pain in the ankle should be determined as accurately as possible. Otherwise, therapy may not have the desired effect.

Symptomatology of pathology

So, the signs of the disease depend on what the reason lies in its basis. However, we can distinguish such basic signs of pathology:

  1. Pain in the affected area.
  2. Redness of soft tissues surrounding the joint.
  3. Sensation of pulsation.
  4. Increased temperature in the affected joint.
  5. The feeling of having and fluctuating fluid in the ankle.

First aid for the victim

If the causes of swelling of the ankle joint (erythema) consist in his injury or too much work, it is urgent to call a doctor. Prior to his arrival, the victim can be given first aid.

First of all, the damaged limb should be immobilized, and put a cold compress on the ankle. To eliminate pain, you can apply an anesthetic ointment Voltaren.

In addition to swelling, the patient may have other symptoms, which should immediately call a doctor. This should be done if:

  • Puffiness is aggravated by poor functioning of the kidneys or heart.
  • The affected area has become warm to the touch.
  • The basal body temperature rose.
  • Puffiness appeared abruptly during pregnancy.
  • Any home therapies did not help get rid of the pathology, and its manifestations only intensified.

Diagnosis of the disease

During treatment, the doctor should tell him when there was swelling, at what time of day he becomes worse, if there are other symptoms. In addition, the patient is assigned a whole range of instrumental studies:

  1. Radiography.
  2. ECG.
  3. MRI or CT scan.
  4. Ultrasound of the damaged joint.

In addition, the patient gives laboratory tests of urine and blood. It may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, cardiologist or other specialists.

How to get rid of the disease?

Treatment of the swelling of the ankle joint and the reasons for its development should be determined by a specialist. Self-diagnosis can only aggravate the patient's condition.

Drug treatment involves the use of such drugs:

  1. Diuretics: "Ketazon "Benedom". They help reduce the amount of fluid in the body.
  2. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen. They are prescribed if the edema is caused by arthritis, arthrosis or other pathology that causes inflammation. In addition, a person is recommended to comply with bed rest.
  3. Chondroprotectors: Ortroflex, Teraflex.
  4. Local anesthetics.
  5. Intra-articular injections of hormonal drugs that can quickly eliminate pain: "Hydrocortisone." They can be used only 1-2 times a year.
  6. Medicines to improve blood circulation in the affected joint.

In the case of inflammatory diseases, it may be necessary to remove purulent contents from the joint, as well as the use of antibiotics.

Also, the patient is prescribed therapeutic massage, exercise therapy. However, all exercises and techniques should be carried out very carefully, so as not to harm even more.

In particularly difficult cases, the patient is shown surgical intervention.

An important part of the therapy is a diet, as the patient needs to establish metabolic processes in the body.

Folk remedies in the treatment of edema

If the patient has swelling of the ankle joint, the reasons (treatment with folk remedies, too, gives a good effect) must be eliminated. If you remove only the symptoms, they will soon return with a vengeance.

Useful will be such recipes:

  • Decoction with the use of flax seeds. It takes 4 large spoons to steam with a liter of boiling water, insist about 60 minutes (preferably in a dark place) and strain. Take the drug should be 150 ml to 8 times a day.
  • Tincture of birch buds. It will take 20 grams of dried raw materials and 100 ml of alcohol. Infuse the mixture for 3 weeks. Apply the remedy as follows: 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before eating. This medicine allows you to accelerate the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Compress of burdock leaves. The plant must be crushed thoroughly and mixed to a viscous liquid. Next, the mixture is spread on the damaged ankle and covered with fleece. You can also wear a warm woolen sock.
  • Honey-vinegar mixture. Ingredients are taken in the same proportions - 1 teaspoonful. Then the mixture dissolves in a glass of warm water and is taken three times a day. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 weeks.

Useful recommendations

If a person periodically swollen an ankle joint, causes, treatment of pathology - This is information that must necessarily be studied in order to be able to combat disease. Naturally, you also need to know the rules of disease prevention. It is important to follow such recommendations of specialists:

  1. After a long walk, the foot should be allowed to rest. It is necessary to lie down, and put the ankle on the pillow so that it is at a level above the heart.
  2. Give up a sedentary lifestyle. It is desirable to perform daily uncomplicated gymnastics, strengthening muscles and ligament apparatus.
  3. Reduce the amount of salt consumed, which only delays excess fluid in the body.
  4. It is required to maintain the body weight at all times.
  5. Pick up such clothes and clothes, which will be good to fix the ankle and thigh. However, there is nothing to squeeze the limb very strongly.

That's all the information about this pathology, like swelling of the ankle joint. The reasons for treatment are now known to you.

A source: http://.ru/article/285933/otek-golenostopnogo-sustava-prichinyi-i-osobennosti-lecheniya

Swelling of the ankle joint: what to do if swollen and aching ankle?

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

Swelling of the ankle joint is a very common phenomenon. It is manifested by inflammation, pain and swelling of the soft tissues, causing discomfort.

Ankle joint of a person performs important functions and is a complex system. It consists of the talus, tibia and tibia.

The complex structure of the joint ensures the performance of diverse functions and loads

The joint is constantly subjected to a lot of physical exertion, participates in the process of finding the body in a standing position. Therefore, when the ankle joint swells and hurts, how to treat, you need to think right away.

Swelling of the leg in the ankle leads to an incorrect drainage of the fluid, a violation of blood circulation and the development of painful transformations.

Appears skin redness, swelling, pain, difficulty walking


information for reading

The causes of swelling of the ankle joint are different. The severity of the manifestation of the symptoms and painful sensations directly depends on them.


They often lead to swelling of the ankle. There are types of injuries:

  • injury;
  • fracture of bones;
  • sprain;
  • wounds.

When injured, the blood enters the soft tissues and articular bags. Local blood circulation is broken, blood stasis is formed, which causes swelling.


This is another common reason why the ankle swells. The disease contributes to the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, its "encroachment".

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Over time, the altered areas begin to rub against each other, there is swelling. Arthritis of the ankle joint affects mainly people in old age.

It happens as a consequence of rheumatism, gout, any infection or autoimmune disease.

Inflammation of the joints

Bursitis, synovitis, arthrosis is often the cause of swelling of the ankle joint. Disturbance in the allocation of articular fluid leads to its accumulation, as a result - the feet swell.

Diseases of blood vessels

Pathological transformation of veins, occurred against a background of diseases such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, promote the rise of pressure in the veins, violate the outflow of venous blood.

Cardiac diseases

Heart failure, kidney disease and other organs that lead to serious disruptions in work cardiovascular system, provoke fluid accumulation and manifest edema of ankle joints without injury.

Kidney diseases lead to malfunctions in the processes of removing fluid from the body, which can be immediately noticed by edema on the legs


Soft tissue infections caused by viruses or bacteria are another cause of swelling in the legs.


Some medications can cause fluid retention in the body and lead to swelling of the ankle. These include antihypertensives, antidepressants, hormone replacement drugs.

Other reasons

Swelling and pain in the ankle are not always a consequence of trauma or a symptom of the disease.

They can be caused by excessive consumption of liquid or salty foods, poor-quality footwear, pregnancy. Often people swell legs and hands in extreme heat.

As a rule, such swelling passes after rest in the supine position.

The pathological edema does not always appear in the evening, and it is not immediately possible to eliminate them even medically.

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Treatment of ankle edema directly depends on the cause that caused it.

Mechanical damage

Mechanical injuries or injuries in the joint occur quite often due to the heavy load on it, which is mainly related to the upright.

Athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle, in the first place fall into a risk group.

But it is possible to damage the leg and simply on an uneven or slippery surface.

The most common injuries - sprains or ligament ruptures, dislocations, fractures, bruises - are accompanied by pain syndrome.


In addition, almost always there is tissue cyanosis (blueing) at the site of injury.


Edema is always associated with damage to the blood vessels and hemorrhage into the periarticular space.

Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to provide a damaged leg rest.To remove the swelling and reduce pain, you can put ice.

Diagnosis, performed with the help of palpation, X-ray examination or MRI, allows to determine the severity of the injury and to appoint the right treatment.

The damaged joint is fixed (pre-set in case of a dislocation, it is collected at a fracture). Depending on the degree of damage, rigid fixation (gypsum, tires) is used or an elastic bandage is used.

The injured joint must be fixed in order to prevent further damage to the joint bag and nearby tissues

Then the accumulated fluid is removed from the joint, antibiotics are injected. Edema is well removed with drugs containing horse chestnut, injected into the body by a drip. Various gels and ointments are used. The result is visible after 1-2 days.

Edema caused by diseases

When the reason that the ankle is swollen is not a trauma, there is a serious reason to pay attention to your body.

With varicose veins, edema appears gradually, imperceptibly. Usually this happens later in the evening, after a long stay on the feet during the day.

After rest, the tumor disappears. With the progression of the disease, other symptoms begin to appear. Edema, as a rule, asymmetric. There is a heaviness in the legs.


We also recommend to pay attention to the article: "Treatment of ankle dislocation".


Appearing edema in the ankle joint area in the absence of trauma can be a sign of a hidden disease

In the case of kidney disease, edema is formed not only on the legs. The patient has a fever, a change in the color of urine, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, swollen eyelids.

When thrombophlebitis swells, as a rule, the ankle joint on only one leg. There is pain and burning when walking. Redness is observed on the site of the diseased vein.

Heart failure is characterized by edema on both legs. When you press the swollen joint, there is a groove that aligns very slowly.

Read also the article "Treatment of tendonitis of the Achilles tendon" on our portal.

When pressing a finger in the place of the swollen joint, a well-marked fossa

Treatment of an ankle tumor is prescribed by a doctor only after an accurate diagnosis of the causes that caused this condition. And the symptom is not eliminated, but the disease itself is cured.

To remove stagnant biological fluids in the body, mainly prescribed diuretics, drugs that improve blood microcirculation in tissues. In some diseases, physiotherapy courses are prescribed.

Physiotherapy is successfully used to treat early stages of arthrosis and arthritis

In cases of inflammatory processes for the reduction of pain, patients are prescribed analgesics. Treatment is done with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Traditional medicine has also accumulated considerable experience in the treatment of edema of the shin joints. Successfully applied diuretics, which include kidneys of birch, horsetail, knotweed. A wonderful effect gives seeds of flax and elderberry. The healing effect is the juice of black radish with honey, as well as parsley.

Phytotherapists recommend the use of medicinal baths. It uses warm water with the addition of herbs of St. John's wort, linden, mother-and-stepmother leaves. Baths are done before bedtime for 15-20 minutes.

Herbal baths not only relieve swelling, but also stabilize sleep

Excellent effects on the body have such products as cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelon, raisins, apricots. They well remove from the body stagnant liquid, they contain a lot of vitamins.

Everyone has the right to decide for himself, go to a specialist for him if there is swelling of the ankle, or try to heal himself.


But it should not be forgotten that the appearance of edema without prior injury can be a signal of the onset of the disease.


And the sooner effective treatment begins, the more chances for a full recovery.



A source: http://SustavInfo.com/travmy/lechenie-oteka-golenostopnogo-sustava/

Edema of the ankle: causes, symptoms and treatment with a photo

The ankle joint needs to withstand enormous loads every day: walking, running, jumping, maintaining balance. With an intense rhythm of life, it is difficult to do without various kinds of injuries.

If there is swelling of the ankle, even without the pain syndrome, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help. After all, swelling is only a symptom, and the underlying disease can be very dangerous, it is important timely treatment.

Causes of edema

The structure of the ankle

The ankle is a complex joint, consisting of small and tibia bones (namely the ankles) and the talans.

Connecting with tendons, this joint provides the ability to turn the foot, bend and unbend it. Unfortunately, this joint does not have "protection" in the form of a developed muscle layer and fatty tissue.

Therefore, any, even minor damage can have unpleasant consequences.

Swelling of the foot in the ankle does not always mean an injury. It can also occur with a number of other diseases. If you find out the cause of the swelling of the ankle in time, the prescribed treatment will be correct and effective.


Gout on the big toe

This disease, in the pathogenesis of which is a violation of the metabolic processes of purine compounds, as a result of which uric acid accumulates in the body in a large amount. Most often, this pathology affects the joints of the toes, but in advanced cases, the process involves larger joints of the bones.

Incorrect therapy, drinking alcohol, visiting a sauna or sauna, excessive consumption of meat or fatty foods can trigger the development of swelling and tenderness of tissues in the joint region.


In this chronic disease, deformation of the cartilaginous surfaces is noted, which leads to a gradual "wear" of the joint. Over time, bone tissue is involved in this process.

Since arthrosis belongs to the group of degenerative-inflammatory diseases, with the aggravation of the process, the swelling of the tissues will necessarily be noted. With age, the probability of developing this pathology only increases, and with traumatic damage to this area, the chances are steadily increasing.


Arthritis of the ankle

The appearance of this inflammatory process is often associated with infection or autoimmune processes. Clinicians distinguish the following types of disease:

  • psoriatic arthritis, in which the main disease is psoriasis. Its main signs are pain in the joints, swelling and stiffness of movements; All joints of bones can be affected without exception;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a massive inflammation of the surrounding tissue, which is the cause of the appearance of an impressive edema;
  • with septic or infectious arthritis, the inflammatory process affects the joint bag or synovial membranes. The articular surface itself is involved in the process in the second turn.

Plantar fasciitis

What does the plantar fasciitis look like?

Fasciitis is another inflammatory disease in which swelling of tissues is noted. In this pathological process, the fascia of the sole is involved.

Particularly susceptible to this disease people who lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical activity.

Overweight, prolonged wearing of incorrectly matched shoes or an abnormal foot structure can also be considered risk factors.


This inflammatory disease, in which purulent exudate accumulates in the joint cavity, thereby affecting all the components.

Edema and pain syndrome is caused not only by the mechanical action of the accumulated fluid.

As with any nonspecific inflammation, the exudate cells themselves and the mediators of the inflammatory process affect the condition of the surrounding soft tissues.

Dislocation and fracture

Fracture of leg with bias

When dislocated, the structure of the joint itself is violated, but not the integrity of the capsule.

This is an important difference between this injury and ligament rupture, which is accompanied by similar symptoms.

Dislocation of the ankle is a frequent trauma in sportsmen, ladies who prefer shoes with high heels, people with excessive weight.

Edema at a fracture is similar in many respects to edema when stretched or dislocated.

However, if the bone itself is damaged, there is pain at rest and under strain, leg deformity, redness and, with some types of fracture, crepitus.

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Tumescence is noted not only in the area of ​​the joint itself. It extends medial and lateral from the site of injury.

For any mechanical action on the soft tissues of the foot, urgent medical attention should be sought. After all, timely medical manipulations will help to avoid a huge number of menacing complications.

One of the important moments of the course of the recovery period with fracture of one of the constituent parts of the ankle is the reduction of the load.

Stabilization of the position of the talus can be disturbed, which leads to the disposition of both tibia bones.

If at this stage you are not alert, there may be a rupture of the intercellular ligament with subsequent traumatization of the bone itself.

Also, prolonged edema can lead to a disruption of lymphostasis, which only provokes an increase in swelling. The compression of the blood and lymph vessels does not contribute to the rapid and proper restoration of damaged tissues.


If the edema is determined solely in the area of ​​the ankle itself, and the foot itself can not be turned to the side due to sharp, dragging pain, then this symptom indicates exactly the sprain of the ankle. AT

In this case, effective local treatment with warming and restoring gels or ointments. In any pharmacy you can find Diclofenac or Finalgon.

To improve the condition after stretching the ligaments it is recommended to provide a damaged limb rest and immobilization. For this, a tight bandage of elastic bandage and a reduction in the daily load are perfect.


In case of severe trauma, a special ankle retainer can be used to immobilize the injured limb.


To reduce edema and quickly restore tissue, you can use folk remedies.

But do not be guided by them as the main and only methods of treatment.

Principles of therapy

Injection to relieve edema and severe pain

Treatment of ankle edema directly depends on the symptoms. Thus, it is possible to find out the main cause of the developed state and to act directly on it.

For example, with exchange diseases, compresses and tight bandages will not produce any result. Yes, and compliance with a diet with a cracked bone does not contribute to its early healing. There are basic principles of treatment of ankle edema:

  1. Restoration of tissue integrity (repair of fragments, taping, gypsum immobilization, Ilizarov apparatus, etc.)
  2. Improved microcirculation of blood and lymph.
  3. An increase in the tone of the veins.
  4. Reduced permeability of the vascular bed.
  5. Removal of exudate.

And if with the reposition of fragments with fracture and stabilization of the bones everything is clear, then in the correction of metabolic or inflammatory processes there are certain nuances.

With bursitis, the exudate accumulated in the cavity should be removed as soon as possible. Thus, not only the mechanical action of the liquid on the surrounding tissues is reduced.

The mediators of inflammation themselves, the lysosomal components of pus will no longer provoke the development and increase of edema. Antibacterial drugs are injected into the joint cavity, which actively fight the pathogen.

Steroid hormones can also be used for treatment (but not simultaneously with an antibiotic).

Vitamins of group B actively contribute to the restoration of damaged nerve fibers. After all, when developing edema, not only the various vessels suffer, but also the peripheral nerves. Intramuscular introduction of vitamins helps not only to improve conductivity, but also the overall trophism of tissues.


UHF procedures for preventing leg edema

This technique is based on local restoration of damaged tissue structure and can be used for all diseases of the ankle joint. Regular sessions of physiotherapy exercises with injuries of bones and soft tissues will help quickly restore the structure and function.

Exposure to tissue with ultra-high frequencies (UHF) stimulates vasodilation and restoration of their walls, thereby reducing the yield of plasma in surrounding tissues.

Ultrasound as an independent method of physiotherapy or in combination with medications helps not only normalize the blood and lymph flow, but also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic act.


After this procedure, the skin better "conducts" therapeutic ointments and creams. To remove the pain in the first hours after the injury, paraffin therapy is used. It is most effective at stretching and dislocation of the ankle joint.


A source: https://NogoStop.ru/golenostop/bolezni/otek-golenostopnogo-sustava-prichiny-i-lechenie.html

Help with swelling in the ankle: the causes of foot swelling, diagnosis, treatment

The ankle joint may begin to swell and ache due to careless actions or other causes.

In this case, the person will be bothered by the only question - how to help yourself.

And in order to understand how to get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to know the symptoms and causes of this pathological condition.

An ankle joint is considered to be a site where the bones of the foot are connected to the shin. It is a mobile connection of the peroneal, tibial and talus bones of a man.

Such a jointhas a complex structure. It looks like a block, which is formed with the articular surfaces of the distal epiphyses of the tibia, which through the fork cover the block of the talus.

This joint can only move in certain directions:

  • along the sagittal axis. In this case, the foot is taken back and forth for a considerable distance.
  • On the front axis, when the foot simply straightens and bends.

What diseases are typical?

To select the most effective methods of treating a condition when the ankle swells up, only an experienced doctor can. According to specialists, such states canvariety of reasons.

  • In the place of articulation, pain can occur as a result of previous injuries.
  • Another common cause is the development of various diseases.


This inflammatory process can disturb in various forms. Depending on this, acute and chronic arthritis is isolated.

The main symptom of arthritis of the ankle is intense pain, which is supplemented by impaired mobility.

In addition, the inflammatory process causes swelling at the joint site, redness and a rise in temperature at the source of the pain.


In this pathological state are actively developingdegenerative-dystrophic diseasesjoints caused by damage to the cartilaginous tissues of the joint surfaces.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is one of the complications that provokes violations of large joints.

Therefore, for a person, this becomes a big problem, because because of it, he can no longer, as before, engage in familiar work activities.


Our body does not always work as a clock, and there are times when it breaks down metabolism, as well as the process of producing uric acid.

This can lead to inflammation of the ankle joint. A similar reaction of the body can be observed as a result of increasing the level of salt concentration in the joints and blood.

This is precisely what provokes the appearance of pain and swelling in the joint.

Plantar fasciitis

With this disease alsoan inflammatory process is observed, which affects the fascia, which is a thick band of connective tissue, located at the bottom of the leg.

Most susceptible to this pathological disease are people who often have to expose themselves to physical stress, accompanied by strong pressure on the heel. Very often this disease is diagnosed in people who have a disturbed foot structure and are overweight.

It is worth noting that the appearance of plantar fasciitis can also be caused by improperly selected shoes.


Although pain in the legs can be caused by a variety of causes, most often they are caused by injuries.

This part of the body receives bruises, fractures, dislocations and sprains of ligaments as a result of the action of force orfall from height or impact.

According to experts, stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint speeds up the process of the appearance of swelling in the affected area.

The cause of this is a hemorrhage from the outer or inner side of the joint.


In addition, a person can feel sharp pains in the lower extremities, especially when he tries to turn the feet inside.


If you try to feel the area under your ankles, you can cause severe pain. If the sprain of the ligaments happened precisely at the time when the fracture of the metatarsal bone was received, the person will feel a sharp pain whenever he touches her base.

To select the technique of treatment should an experienced specialist, because due to his knowledge he knows what methods and tools will help the mosteffectively suppress the disease.

According to doctors, the site of the appearance of the dislocation may be different - this may be the site of the connection of the heel and talus bone. If the pathology is manifested in this form, then this leads to a serious thickening of the ankle joint and its deformation.

This is most often observed in the calcaneal region.

Doctor's choice and diagnosis

To find the right methods for treating the pathology of the ankle joint, the specialist must take into account the patient's condition and the peculiarities of the disease.

Usually it is necessary to show pain in the lower limbs, and the patient immediately turns to the therapist for help.

He also, to obtain more accurate data, writes out the direction to specialists of a narrower profile -arthrologist, surgeon, rheumatologist or orthopedist.

When the doctor examines and talks with the patient, he directed him to undergo a medical examination.

In order to accurately determine the diagnosis, the patient will have to undergo ultrasound, radiography, and also submit a number of mandatory tests.

Only on the basis of the results of all necessary research the doctor will be able to select the most effective treatment for the patient.

Ankle joint swollen and aching: how to treat illness

Today, pharmacies offer a large list of medicines that can help relieve painful symptoms in the ankle.

The most common among them are NSAIDs.

The possibilities of these drugs allow, in addition to pain relief,remove and inflammatory processes.

So, if the patient is faced with swelling of the ankle joint of the leg, then first of all it is necessary to take a pill of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.


Also, within the treatment, an intramuscular injection can be made. Sometimes after the examination, doctors write out various anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.


They perfectly help to remove pain symptoms, as well as inflammation and swelling.

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NSAIDs are not the only drugs that help to relieve the patient's condition. To remove the edema, you can also use local ointments for complex treatment of ankle joint disease.

These are countedmultivitamin complexes, in the composition of which there is calcium and vitamin D3.

At home, swelling of the ankle is possible with the help of dietary supplements, the positive effect of which is manifested in strengthening the bones and accelerating the recovery of the patient.

Trauma treatment

Regardless of the nature of the ankle joint damage, it requires special attention from the specialist.

If you neglect unpleasant symptoms and do not go to the doctor for a long time, it can lead to the development inflammatory process, and in addition there may be complications - internal hemorrhage and others unpleasant phenomena.

According to experts, if the swelling of the ankle is stored for a long time without appropriate treatment, then at some point there may besoft tissue lymphostasis.

To this disease must be treated with all seriousness because of the great risk to health. In addition, when untimely treatment requires a long and expensive treatment.

If you are injured or have noticed swelling and pain in the area of ​​articulation of bones, then you should not calmly take these symptoms, it is necessary to visit the trauma clinic as soon as possible for the examination and begin to treat the pathology that arose in ankle.

But keep in mind that the appointment of an effective treatment of ankle edema is only possible by an experienced doctor. If, by virtue of certain circumstances, you are unable to contact the doctor, then youa number of rules should be observed:

  • Take measures to immobilize the injured foot;
  • Apply a cream on the affected area, which can take away the pain;
  • Perform a light massage of the joint using a suitable ointment;
  • For the removal of inflammation it is recommended to apply cold to the site of the lesion.

With a small area of ​​the lesion, doctors recommend taking painkillers in combination with anti-edeminal ointments. If you are faced with a fracture or a serious dislocation, you may need a gypsum or an elastic bandage that is applied to the ankle area.

One of the effective methods of treating ankle injury is physiotherapy and exercise. But keep in mind that at the same time you need to follow a diet that should contain a lot of calcium-rich foods.


Edema in the ankle gives serious inconveniences with each movement. But it is especially unpleasant ifin addition to everything is accompanied by pain.

Already these alone symptoms are sufficient reason to consult a doctor for the treatment of edema.

It can be assumed that there is a serious pathology in the ankle of the foot, which requires surgical treatment.


A person who is not an expert can not be sure that a trauma or bruise will not lead to complications. Diagnostics is necessary here, and in some cases additional tests may be required.


If the ankle joint swells and hurts, then it's better not to take risks, but should, without delay, seek counseling from a specialist.

All the same, each of us can only guess if the edema is only a superficial injury or it can lead to complications in the future, includingmake a person disabled.

Considering such risks, it is better to find time and visit the trauma center to exclude suspicions of unpleasant pathological processes.

A source: http://artrit.guru/patologicheskie-sostoyaniya-i-novoobrazovaniya/otek-nogi-v-oblasti-golenostopa.html

What to do if the ankle is swollen

Ankle joint is one of the large joints. One of the pathological manifestations of the joint is puffiness.

If you feel pain while moving or without it, and the ankle joint has increased in size and turned blue, then it is a dislocation or stretching.

When the possibility of flexion or rotation of the ankle joint is exceeded, ligaments and tendons are affected.

As a result, the body is injured in the form of a swollen joint. Convexity and tenderness of the zone means stretching the ankle.

Banal "podvorachivanie" feet when walking on ice or uneven surface as a result will lead to injury.

Swelling of the ankle joint may occur during exercise.

Causes of ankle swelling

Since the ankle is a three-bone formation - ramming, large and small tibia - it is considered a complex articulation. The block-shaped ankle joint allows it to take dynamic and static loads.

Walking, running or standing in one place - all these are loads on the joints of the lower extremities. Of course, this joint is more than other subject to change. Redness of the epidermis, pain, swelling, immobility - the main symptoms of the disease.

The main causes that cause swelling of the ankle are:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Fasciitis plantar;
  • Dislocation;
  • Fracture.

When the metabolic activity is destabilized and uric acid is produced in the body, the bone on the ankle joint in the region of the thumb swells. This is caused by the accumulation of salt in the joints and blood. Excess leads to the appearance of joint soreness.

Autoimmune or infectious processes lead to inflammation: this is how arthritis begins.

At bacterial infection, the septic type of the disease develops, and in the case of immunity disorders, rheumatoid disease develops. In this case, the disease is characterized by prolonged treatment.

Psoriatic arthritis is associated with a skin ailment characterized by the periodic formation of red scaly spots.

With loads associated with constant pressure on the heel area, plantar fasciitis may begin. Incorrect shoes, anomaly of the structure, excess weight of the body are the main reasons for the development of this ailment.

A common cause of joint edema is a rupture of the tissue or ligaments during walking, significant stress. When the dislocation swells up the ankle joint: the treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of the tests and X-rays.

Subsequently, fracture can also occur swelling of the ankle. Strong cramping in the ankle region characterizes the trauma.

With a strong turn of the foot, the lower part of the leg begins to swing outward.


It should immediately begin treatment, otherwise the injury will only worsen if the pressure on the leg continues.


Puffiness of the ankle can be caused by muscle damage in injuries, a decrease in venous tone, a violation of blood circulation and accumulation of exudate. In the latter case, a purulent fluid with an admixture of blood accumulates in the capsule of the joint.

Principles of treatment of an ankle tumor

To improve the condition of the patient with swelling of the ankle after an injury, you should begin treatment.

When they found out what the ankle joint swollen, exudate should be removed, bone fragments repositioned, vascular permeability reduced.

With edema of traumatic origin, dislocation is removed, bone fragments are aligned, fixed with gypsum. The reliable locks are the Ilizarov apparatus or metal plates.

After removing the accumulation of pus from the cavity, antibiotics and steroid hormones are introduced there. Inflammatory and traumatic edema is well removed medications based on horse chestnut. To improve blood circulation at the capillary level, intravenous drippers are prescribed.

The patient, whose ankle swells and hurts, is interested in how to treat this ailment.

You can use the general recommendations of doctors, until you are examined by a specialist.

  1. The injured ankle should be immobilized.
  2. Use ointment to relieve pain.
  3. Rubbing the medicine, do a light massage, dispersing the swelling.
  4. Cooling compress.

Puffiness is not the cause of the disease, but only an external symptom, so it is better not to engage in self-medication.

Speed ​​up recovery will help exercise and physical therapy. The rule is AFTER will help in the first days after getting injured.


The first letters of the abbreviation mean - raise, put ice, rest, tightly bandage.


You can not wind your leg too tight to not disturb the blood circulation. If you apply the back of the hand to a healthy and aching joint, you feel a difference, which means that the edema is still progressing, and the treatment needs to be continued.

Treatment of ankle edema with folk remedies

How to remove the ankle swelling with the help of folk methods to supplement traditional medication? Start with a simple method - applying ice to injury.

However, this procedure is effective only in the first days after the appearance of edema, and then, on the contrary, warming procedures should be used.

For example, heated sand is placed in a pouch, and then applied to the ankle.

You can rub into the joint area a mummy mixture with rose oil, performing a massage around the wound. Raw potatoes help relieve pain.

Kashitsu put on the ankle for about twenty minutes, then removed with a damp cloth. Geranium can be used for compresses.

Spoon the grass on a liter of water: the composition is brought to a boil and filtered.

To remove the edema, you can use compresses on an alcohol basis. A clean napkin is moistened in a solution of alcohol with water in the proportion applying to a sore spot. On top of the napkin should be covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a plaid of wool.

Furatsilinovy ​​solution will bring a pleasant warmth. Such a compress can be left on the damaged area for the whole night. In the presence of open abrasions, pus and blood, warming actions are contraindicated!

To help remove swelling, you should limit salt intake. Eliminate fat, smoked food from the diet. To wash out the decomposition products that appear as a result of the inflammation process, a sufficient amount of liquid should be taken.


Necessarily include in the menu sea kale, parsley, salmon, tomatoes. All of the above products have collagen, which synthesizes chondrocytes, and this will immediately affect the condition of the joints.


A source: http://dlyasustavov.ru/opuh-golenostop