How to treat gout with legs medically and by other methods?


  • 1How and what to treat gout with legs
  • 2Methods of treatment of gout on the legs - medicamentous and not only
    • 2.1Treatment strategy
    • 2.2Principles of treatment
    • 2.3Risk factors
    • 2.4Medication Therapy
    • 2.5Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 2.6Combating excess uric acid
    • 2.7Physiotherapy methods
    • 2.8Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.9Decoctions and infusions
    • 2.10Baths and compresses
    • 2.11Self-Action
    • 2.12Short-term measures
    • 2.13The Role of Power Correction
    • 2.14Drinking Fluids
    • 2.15Products with low purine content
    • 2.16Strictly exclude
    • 2.17Limited use
    • 2.18Care for the feet
    • 2.19about gout treatment
  • 3Treatment of gout on legs in the home
    • 3.1Features of nutrition in the disease
    • 3.2Drinking regimen and drug therapy
    • 3.3Fighting the disease with iodine and iodized salt
    • 3.4Other home treatments for ailment
  • 4Symptoms and methods for treating gout on the leg
  • 5How to treat gout: the way a disease is treated, medicines and folk recipes for the treatment of leg joint gout
    • 5.1Medication
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2Physiotherapy
    • 5.3Features of treatment of illness of kings
    • 5.4Stages
    • 5.5Preparations for pain relief
    • 5.6Means for treating gout after an attack
    • 5.7Food
    • 5.8Home treatment
    • 5.9Prevention

How and what to treat gout with legs

Gout is very often perceived as arthritis. There is some sense in this statement, but the primary cause of the development of this pathology is the violation of purine metabolism. To know how to treat gout, you need to know the pathogenesis and the clinic of the disease.

Gout is a pathology in which joints are predominantly affected, but soft tissue, skin and internal organs are also possible.

Very often doctors see the astonished faces of patients when they find out that their gastrointestinal predilections are the cause of their illness.

Even the ancient Greek doctors noticed that the simple people, who had to work hard to earn a piece of bread, gout almost never found.

Then, like representatives of wealthy families, gouty arthritis was found in every second or third member of the family. And it was not in the genetic predisposition, but in the food habits of the rich and their sedentary lifestyle.

Frequent use of wine, and in those days it was drunk every day, only aggravated the development of the disease, which was called "the disease of the feet of kings".

Modern medicine has studied the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease, and now we can safely say that the development of gout is primarily affected by metabolism, as well as:

  • a burdened family history;
  • eating harmful and fatty foods;
  • excess body weight;
  • excessive and prolonged load on the joints;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • enzymatic insufficiency;
  • renal insufficiency.

In the development of this pathology an important role is played by the amount of synthesized and excreted urea from the body. If this ratio is approximately equal, then the patient does not have cause for concern, but if much more than is synthesized, then the joints are threatened.

In some patients who have a history of nephrologic diseases, the amount of synthesized urea can correspond to the norm, but because of renal insufficiency, it is not completely eliminated from the body, and its residues in the form of crystals settle in muscles, joints, skin and internal bodies.

To prevent gouty joint damage, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology in time and begin treatment.Than to treat a gout, the rheumatologist will tell, but here its first signs will suspect, everyone can independently.

A patient who has an anamnesis of excess body weight should carefully consider their health and skin condition.

The fact is that when violating the purine metabolism, on the skin of the ears, elbows, hands and forehead, small cone-shaped neoplasms (tofus), yellow-white, may appear.

Usually they do not bring physical discomfort, but have a cosmetic defect. In case of accidental injury, the skin in this place can become inflamed.

After removing the deposits of urea from the cavity of the neoplasm, the skin covers heal very quickly, without scars and pigment spots.

The presence of tofus should be the first reason for anxiety and changes in the habitual way of life and nutrition.

Otherwise, the patient will face a personal gout attack.

When people suffering from gout describe their first attack, then almost everyone claims that this was the greatest and most terrible pain in their life.

Usually, a gout attack occurs at night, when the patient is asleep. The pain has a pronounced acute burning type and a permanent character.

The patient feels completely immobilized, since even the slightest touch to the affected area of ​​the body causes very painful lumbago. As practice shows, the joint most often inflames near the big toe, but other parts of the skeleton may be affected.

In addition to local signs of disease, in the form of redness and joint enlargement, the patient feels general weakness, malaise, hyperthermia (up to 39-400) of the body.

Acute seizure lasts about 5 days and ends just as sharply as it began, regardless of the complex of therapeutic measures carried out.

The next attack may occur in a year or two, but it may not occur at all if the patient manifests consciousness and will undergo a course of comprehensive treatment during the period of remission.


Treatment of gout should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor who will not control only the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy, but also the patient's condition, as well as urea levels in blood.


To achieve a stable and pronounced therapeutic effect, you need to have an integrated approach to treatment, which will be aimed at:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • therapy of the inflammatory process;
  • decrease in urea excretion;
  • improvement of excretion of urea from the body.

Before proceeding to the recommendations how to treat gout on the legs, it is necessary to say a few words about the general principle of treating this disease.

When treating any ailment, first of all, it is necessary to correct the regime of the day and provide the patient with proper care.When gout, especially during an exacerbation, it is necessary:

  • provide bed rest;
  • The affected limb should be kept in a condition elevated by means of a roller;
  • provide dietary nutrition and sufficient drinking regime;
  • Apply cold compresses or a bubble with ice to the inflamed joint.

After the abating pain and the onset of the period of remission, it is advisable to switch to dietary nutrition, to engage in feasible species sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, do not interfere with the preventive goal of taking place once a year course of a sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

Despite the availability of information in the modern world, gout treatment should be addressed a highly qualified rheumatologist who will give recommendations and appointments on how to treat gout with feet medication.

In the treatment of gouty arthritis, the entire course of treatment can be conditionally divided into two periods:

  • relief of an acute attack;
  • treatment during remission.

To relieve pain during a gout attack, it is necessary:

  • provide patient care and peace;
  • take modern potent drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs funds that will help reduce pain and relieve inflammation in the affected area (Naise, Nurofen, Ibuprofen);
  • as an emergency aid in the acute period of gout, it is recommended to use a herbal preparation called Colchicine, which is taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor;
  • to achieve a pronounced anti-inflammatory process, hormonal preparations such as Prednisolone, Dexamethasone may be used;
  • Of the physiotherapy procedures, cryotherapy is the best practice, in which the active factor is cold.

With the classic course of the disease, an acute attack lasts no more than 3-5 days, after which it also abruptly passes, as it began.

But in order to cure gout as one of the necessary methods, it is necessary to apply long-term treatment during the period of remission.

To do this, the doctor will prescribe a course of medicines, which will include:

  • drugs that reduce the amount of urea released as a result of metabolic processes;
  • drugs that activate the amount of urea withdrawn from the body;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • local anesthetics;
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage and exercise therapy;
  • Spa treatment.

Among drugs that affect the processes of purine metabolism, there are a large number of drugs with a pronounced side effect.

In order to preserve the health and life of the patient, the appointment of a therapeutic course should be conducted only by an experienced doctor, which when choosing medicines will take into account the severity of the disease, laboratory tests, general health patient.

Most patients are interested in how to treat gout at home. Among the achievements of traditional healers, a large number of funds can be used to treat gouty arthritis.

But, despite the natural origin of the ingredients of traditional medicines, the use of these drugs should coordinated with the attending physician, because any interference in the metabolic processes can adversely affect the process recovery.

For internal use use herbal infusions and decoctions, which promote the excretion of salts urea from the body, prevent the formation of stones, and also maintain health and function kidney.Well-proven teas, which include corn stigmas, leaves of cranberries, strawberries, bearberry, birch.

Outwardly for compresses, fresh juice of cabbage, black radish, alcohol tincture of a saber or fisheye is used. Well during the period of exacerbation, a homemade ointment with a composition of butter and alcohol is recommended, in the ratio:.

In the absence of adequate treatment, gout can cause other diseases of the internal organs. Most often, kidneys are under threat, sodium urate salts are deposited in them in the form of concrements and cause urolithiasis with acute attacks of renal colic.

In the second place, the heart and lungs are in jeopardy, in the tissues of which urea salts can also be deposited, disrupting their activity. Very often urea and its crystals cause phlebitis and cellulitis on the legs.

Studies of physicians have also established the relationship between gout and the occurrence of eye diseases such as cataracts, dry eye syndrome, and reduced visual acuity.

To prevent such complications, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease in a timely manner. Many patients, after the elimination of an acute attack of the disease, independently abolish the prescribed treatment and soon encounter a re-attack, but more prolonged and pronounced.

A lot has been said about the treatment of gout, but every patient and his family should know about the therapeutic nutrition that is used in the therapy of gouty arthritis. The fact that the primary cause of the disease is a violation of purine metabolism, which directly depends on the quality and quantity of consumed products.

At the heart of diet therapy for gout lies diet No. 6 according to Pevzner, according to which it is recommended to exclude from his diet:

  • alcohol;
  • Fat varieties of fish and meat in any cooking;
  • strong coffee, tea, chocolate;
  • desserts, cakes, yeast pastries;
  • sorrel, spinach, cauliflower;
  • sauces and condiments of domestic and industrial production;
  • beans of all kinds.
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Limit in the diet of the patient the number of such products:

  • salt, up to 4-5 g per day;
  • chicken and quail eggs, no more than 3 pieces per week;
  • sweet fizzy drinks;
  • white dietary meat of poultry and fish, not more than 150 g 2-3 times a week.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • porridge and vegetable soups;
  • vegetables in fresh and baked form;
  • fruit jellies, fruit drinks, compotes;
  • sour-milk products with a low fat content;
  • alkaline mineral water.

Specific prevention of gout is not, in order to prevent this ailment it is necessary to adhere to the general rules and advice on the conduct of a healthy lifestyle:

  • to eat healthy and natural food;
  • drink as much pure water as possible;
  • engage in feasible sports;
  • refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

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Methods of treatment of gout on the legs - medicamentous and not only

Gout on the legs is a chronic inflammatory disease. It affects the area of ​​the joints on the thumbs of the feet.

Because of the violation of metabolic processes in these places, salts of uric acid (the final product of the decay of purine bases) are deposited. As a result, inflammation develops, accompanied by pain.

Treatment of gout on the legs includes a variety of different methods.

Treatment strategy

The treatment of gout deals with both official and traditional medicine. Regardless of the type of treatment, its main goal is to reduce urea in the blood. This should provoke a halt in the development of a gouty attack and, if possible, its development in the opposite direction.

Principles of treatment

All approaches to the treatment of leg gout are based on the observance of the main principles:

  1. Taking medications (in the form of tablets or injections) to suppress inflammatory processes and relieve pain.
  2. Taking medication that normalizes the urea content.
  3. Use of means of purification of the circulatory system to rapidly reduce the concentration of urea in the blood.
  4. A special diet that provides for a strong reduction or complete exclusion of products with purine bases.
  5. In the presence of excess body weight, which provoked an attack of the disease, the caloric content of food should be reduced with unloading days.

Risk factors

Gout more often affects people suffering:

  • arterial hypertension,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hereditary predisposition,
  • malnutrition.

Medication Therapy

The use of medicines solves the problems:

  • relief of the inflammatory process in the affected joints of the feet,
  • removal of pain,
  • stimulation of the production of cartilage tissue by the body.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Usually, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain medications:

  • Movalis,
  • Voltaren,
  • Ibuprofen,
  • Nimesulide.

If several joints are involved, non-steroid antibiotics are prescribed.

If the disease has gone far, the doctor can prescribe more powerful drugs that reduce edema and suppress the synthesis of urea:

  • Glucocorticoid,
  • Colchicine.

Acute attacks of goutare removed by injection directly into the joint. The injection is done once, but in some cases it is necessary to repeat it.

If diseases associated with metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes) are identified, the doctor determines the treatment regimen for these diseases.

Combating excess uric acid

To limit the concentration in the body of uric acid are appointed:

  • Aspirin in small doses to suppress the secretion of uric acid.
  • Butadione has a moderate effect, side effects are possible.
  • Anturan is the most effective drug today. It significantly reduces the presence of uric acid in the blood. A full normalization is possible within 2-3 weeks.
  • Ketazone in parallel has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • Benedict is widely recognized as a very effective remedy. Can be used for a long time constantly. Breaks are prescribed up to 5 months in the case of long-term therapeutic effect.
  • Atofan is able to relieve an acute attack. But it is used very carefully because of side effects.
  • Urodan increases the solubility of uric acid formations.

Physiotherapy methods

A modern way of treating gout is involving an electromagnetic effect orelectrophoresis.

With the help of electrical microcurrents, the salts formed undergo destruction, and uric acid is eliminated from the body.


The most modern method of purifying blood is the use of a special apparatus called "Plasmophoresogemosorption".


Another progressive method of treating gout and relief of seizures iscryoapheresis. It is based on the use of low temperatures, affecting the blood and its constituent elements. This method:

  • preserves and returns to the bloodstream cellular elements and nutrients in the maximum amount,
  • simultaneously removes uric acid and other components of the final exchange chain from the blood plasma, which must be removed from the body.

As an auxiliary method is treatment in a sanatorium and at a resort. In these places, there are all possibilities for a full range of physiotherapy procedures, including massage and physiotherapy.

Treatment with folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions

To remove excess urea from the body, folk medicine advises drinking decoctions and infusions, for example:

  • Infusion of cranberry leaves. A glass of boiling water pours 20 g of leaves. Insists half an hour. Drink during the day several times a tablespoon.
  • Juice of dioecious nettle taken three times a day for 1 tsp.
  • Decoction of leaves of birch leaves. For two glasses of boiling water, two tablespoons of leaves. 10 minutes to boil and insist for half an hour. After filtering, drink a quarter cup while eating.
  • Decoction of garlic and lemon. Very effective. Through the meat grinder, skip four lemons, chop three cloves of garlic. Pour the mixture with boiling water (7 glasses) and insist 24 hours in a dark place. Take in the morning before meals for 3 tablespoons. l.

Baths and compresses

A good result is obtained by treating gout with herbal baths. They can be prepared from:

  • leaves of sage,
  • camomile chamomile,
  • oat straw.

It is useful to soar your feet in a hot solution with laundry soap (rub half a piece) and salt (half-packs).

A simple and effective compress is prepared from 250 g of salt, which should be boiled in 100 g of water until the water evaporates. Then the medical vaseline (200 g) is squeezed into the salt, and everything is mixed. Warm the compress on your aching legs and hold for the night.

A good remedy for the treatment of painful cones on the toes is a compress made from pharmacy medical bile. After 15 procedures, the pain passes. And as a result of 40-45 procedures, the lump resolves.

More complex composition of the compress of medical bile (1 bottle) involves the addition of camphor alcohol (160 g), red hot pepper (1 tbsp. l.). The composition in the bank should stand for a week in a dark cool place.


Short-term measures

Sometimes the pain is removed by applying ice on the affected joint. In other cases, dry heat is more effective (for example, a blanket, a heating pad). But this means for a short while removes manifestations of the disease.

The Role of Power Correction

A good result in the treatment of gout is compliance with the diet. With it, you can greatly reduce the level of urea in the body. We should not forget about unloading days.

Drinking Fluids

In a day it is necessary to drink up to three liters of liquid:

  • ordinary or alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi),
  • unsweetened tea,
  • mors,
  • compote,
  • juice.

Products with low purine content

It is desirable to eat food:

  • low-fat soups of fruits and vegetables,
  • dairy and lactic acid products,
  • porridge,
  • bread,
  • potatoes,
  • allowed raw vegetables, fruits, berries,
  • eggs.

Strictly exclude

From the diet it is better to clean foods enriched with purine bases:

  • by-products (tongue, brains, kidneys, liver),
  • fatty meat and fish,
  • fish and meat broths (after cooking in the broth goes up to 50% of purine bases),
  • smoked products,
  • canned food,
  • sardines,
  • sprats,
  • herring.

Limited use

Purines are also found in many products of plant origin. In a limited number in the diet should be:

  • table salt (up to 7 grams per day),
  • sharp spices,
  • any oil (even vegetable),
  • beans,
  • cauliflower,
  • spinach,
  • mushrooms,
  • chocolate candies,
  • coffee,
  • alcohol.

Care for the feet

A good care in the treatment of gout is attentive to the legs:

  • shoes should be comfortable and not compressing your fingers,
  • in the acute phase of the leg disease is unacceptable to strain,
  • feet and feet as a whole should be protected from dislocations, sprains, microtraumas.

Gout is diagnosed with a special blood test. The process of its treatment is quite long. However, with timely access to a doctor, you can expect a favorable prognosis without complications.

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Treatment of gout on legs in the home

How to treat gout at home on legs? Completely get rid of gout is almost impossible. Patients who are diagnosed with this ailment are recommended lifelong treatment, which consists in stopping seizures and further preventing exacerbations.

Features of nutrition in the disease

Modern treatment of gout is carried out mainly at home.

The main requirement necessary to successfully combat this disease is adherence to a special diet, which allows to significantly reduce the uric acid content in the blood.

For this, the patient should exclude from his menu products that are sources of uric acid compounds. Restrictions in nutrition for gout is very important to adhere to constantly, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a long-term remission.

How should you make a diet for the accumulation of urate in the joints? A person who has gout diagnosed needs to completely stop using:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • by-products;
  • fried meat;
  • smoked products;
  • boiled broths from meat, fish and mushrooms;
  • sausages;
  • conservation;
  • sharp spices and spices (except only bay leaf and vinegar);
  • products and beverages containing caffeine (coffee, black tea, cocoa, chocolate);
  • alcoholic beverages.

In addition to completely abandoning the products listed above, the patient needs to minimize the use of lean varieties fish and meat in boiled form, fat, mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, celery, beans, peas, lentils, radish and color cabbage. Include them in the diet should be in limited quantities and not more than 2 times a week. Salt dishes with gout should be done with extreme caution, since the daily norm of this seasoning should not exceed 7 g.

It is useful to include food for gout in the diet, which helps to remove uric acid compounds from the body. Products possessing this property include:

  • boiled or cooked in the oven chicken, turkey and rabbit;
  • eggs (up to 3 pieces per week);
  • sour-milk products and drinks;
  • potatoes without peel (it can be cooked in any way);
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • green apples;
  • citrus;
  • watermelon;
  • olive oil;
  • herbal teas.

Drinking regimen and drug therapy

To gout as rarely as possible reminded of yourself, the patient needs to monitor the drinking regime. In a day you should drink at least 2 liters of bottled water. In addition to it, you must use:

  • mineral water;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • Morse from cranberry and other sour berries.

A large volume of liquid helps to remove toxins and salts from the body and helps a person avoid another attack of the disease.

At home, medical gout treatment is actively used today, which consists of taking medications that help reduce the uric acid in the blood.

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During the period of acute illness, the doctor prescribes the patient a medicine with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which allow you to quickly stop the symptoms of an attack and return a good person state of health. Take medication with gout should only be recommended by a specialist. Their independent use can lead to undesirable consequences and further aggravate the patient's well-being.

Fighting the disease with iodine and iodized salt

In parallel with traditional methods of therapy, gout on the legs today is successfully treated with the help of traditional medicine.

The recipes that have been given to us by grandmothers allow us to strengthen the effectiveness of medicines, however, in order for them to produce the expected result, they should be applied by permission of the attending physician.

To get rid of deposits of salts of uric acid in the lower extremities will help ointments, compresses and trays, in the preparation of which the ingredients available to people with any level of material income are used. Due to external use, these products are safe for health, so patients of different ages can use them.

During an exacerbation of a gout it is possible to process the inflamed joints with a drug for which preparation should mix 1 bottle (10 ml) of iodine alcohol solution with powdered 5 pills of acetylsalicylic acid. The resulting liquid needs to lubricate the painful area every evening, then put on the feet of terry socks. The solution should be kept on inflamed joints until the morning, and then rinse with warm water and soap.

The procedure eliminates the inflammatory process in the joint and helps reduce the salt deposits in it. It should be abandoned to people who are hypersensitive to acetylsalicylic acid and iodine. Use the product before the cones disappear completely.

Gout will recede if during the period of its exacerbation it is used an ointment prepared at home, the main component of which is iodized salt.

For its preparation, 500 g of salt is placed on the bottom of the pan, 600 - 700 ml of water is poured in and kept on the plate until the liquid completely evaporates. When the contents of the pan cool, add to it 200 g of Vaseline and 2 tablespoons. chicken fat.

The mixture is stirred well and placed in a cool place. It should be applied to the joints affected by gouty deposits and covered with an occlusive bandage.

Treatment with this method should be carried out until the dissolution of salts of uric acid in the problem areas is completely dissolved.

Other home treatments for ailment

Bumps on the thumbs will decrease in size and become less painful if on them twice a day (after awakening and before going to bed) apply ointment prepared from softened butter and alcohol.

To get it, you need to take the specified ingredients in the same proportions and, gently stirring, put in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours.

The resulting ointment should be carefully rubbed into the joints until the symptoms of inflammation disappear completely.


Gout on the legs is treated with a mixture made from the same parts of mustard powder, natural honey and baking soda.


The mass obtained as a result of mixing the ingredients, it is necessary to grease the pre-heated joint abundantly, and then wrap it with polyethylene. The procedure should be performed before bedtime, leaving the mixture on the foot for the whole night.

Repeating the described manipulations daily for 14 days, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the size of salt deposits in the joints.

With gout, treatment at home can be supplemented by the use of foot baths with sage infusion. To obtain a therapeutic solution, 150 g of medicinal plants are laid out on the bottom of the container in which it is planned to carry out the procedure, and pour, l, boiling water.

After the water has cooled down to 40 ° C, it is recommended to immerse the foot affected by gouty deposits for 10 to 15 minutes. If necessary, pour a little hot water into the tub. Soak your feet in sage infusion every day for 30 days.

If the patient clearly follows the recommendations of his doctor, regularly undergo a medical examination and observe a strict diet, he will succeed in the future to avoid such severe complications of gout, as the destruction of joints and the development of renal insufficiency.

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Symptoms and methods for treating gout on the leg

Gout is a chronic, relapsing joint disease associated with impaired uric acid metabolism.

The defeat of the joints is the most striking clinical sign of the disease, it significantly reduces the quality of human life, delivering unbearable acute pain. She forces you to see a doctor and begin treatment.

But the disease does not always begin with pain. Before gout, other organs may be affected earlier, which makes this disease dangerous.

Gout is a systemic disease characterized by inflammation on the background of the deposition of uric acid crystals in various organs and tissues.

This state is observed with an increase in the concentration of the substance in the body (more than 360 μmol / L) - hyperuricemia, which is due to environmental factors and genetics.

Uric acid is deposited in the target organs in the form of tofus.

Hyperuricemia occurs relatively often, but against its background the disease does not always develop, an important role is assigned to the genetic factor. Men are ill more often than women about 7 times, the age of debility of pathology is 40 years.

Risk factors for gout:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • myelo- and lymphoproliferative diseases;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • excessive consumption of food rich in purines;
  • taking certain drugs - antitumor drugs, Warfarin, thiazide and loop diuretics, Levodopa;
  • starvation.

Gout is rarely seen as a single disease, usually the patient has background conditions - diabetes, hypertension, obesity, steatohepatosis.

Lifestyle greatly affects its appearance.

The use of alcohol, overeating or starvation, the excess of meat products - all this affects the level of uric acid and increases the risk of disease.

Gout goes through 3 stages of development:

  1. 1. Hyperuricemia with accumulation of uric acid salts - urate.
  2. 2. Deposition in organs and tissues.
  3. 3. Response of inflammation.

The deposition of urates in the body contributes to insufficient blood supply to certain organs - cartilage, ligaments and tendons. In these places tofuy often form, and the primary localization of the gout is the joints of the thumbs of the feet.

Because of the onset, primary and secondary gout are isolated. The secondary is always provoked by external factors, for example, by taking certain medications.

With the course of the disease can be light, medium-heavy and heavy. The degree is determined by the number of seizures per year, the severity of clinical manifestations and a decrease in the quality of life.

With the passage of the doctors distinguish 3 options:

  • acute gouty arthritis;
  • interictal gout and recurrent gouty arthritis;
  • chronic tofusnaya gout.

The first symptom that worries a patient is pain in the area of ​​the affected joint. She is acute, torturous and does not allow to sleep. The joint swells and blushes, patients often say that "the bone on the finger has become very inflamed."

Acute gouty arthritis. The joint is swollen and hyperemic.

Diagnosis of gout consists in the detection of salts of uric acid crystals in the joint fluid by means of a polarizing microscope.

In connection with the high cost and low availability of this method, specialists have deduced other criteria for this disease.

The following signs are included in the diagnostics:

  • the severity of inflammation is maximal on the first day of illness;
  • arthritis attacks are acute;
  • redness of the skin above the aching joint;
  • unilateral articular syndrome, most often the big toe;
  • on X-ray - cysts without erosion;
  • in the biochemical analysis of blood - hyperuricemia.

Gout is characterized by extra-articular lesions. Crystals of urates are deposited in the kidneys, lungs, liver, eyes and nervous system.

The most common extra-articular lesion is chronic interstitial nephritis. This kidney condition can develop long before the onset of acute gouty attack.

Prolonged and progressive course of nephritis leads to the development of chronic kidney disease.

If suspected of gout, the uric acid content and the x-rays of the affected joints must be examined.

The substance is determined three times: during the exacerbation and twice during remission, as its level in the debut of the disease varies.

X-rays can determine the presence of intra-articular tophi to determine the severity of the lesion.


Tofus on the foot. Uric acid, deposited in the form of crystals, forms dense formations.


If in men the disease flows according to the classical type, debuting after 40 years and hitting the joints of the thumb of the foot, then the clinic is somewhat different in women. They get sick less often and mostly during the postmenopause.

The most frequent localization of arthritis in women is the joints of the hands, and several lesions are simultaneously affected.

There is inflammation in the ankle and knee joints.

If gout on the big toe appears in women, then it usually has a malignant character and is accompanied by the formation of a painful bump.

The goal of the treatment is the rapid reduction of acute inflammation and pain syndrome, prevention of recurrences and development of chronic gout.

Priority measures in therapy - modification of risk factors. The patient should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking, reduce body weight to normal, adjust the diet. These measures the patient must take on his own, at home.

A low-calorie diet is needed. Products saturated with purines are excluded from the diet. These include:

  • fatty fish;
  • heart, kidney and liver;
  • canned food and smoked meat;
  • too sharp and salty food;
  • excess amount of red meat;
  • lentils, peas and other legumes.

Fasting is also dangerous, as it is a provocation provocation. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime - 2 liters of simple clean water a day.

During the period of exacerbation, complete rest and lying with the elevation of the patient's leg are recommended, as well as strict adherence to the diet.

Treating gout with folk remedies is a wrong approach, since such recipes can not affect the basic mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the disease. However, they help reduce the severity of symptoms.


To this end, use foot baths with chamomile (100 g of flowers mixed with 20 grams of salt and 10 liters of water). It is also advised to use boiled rice, which has passed several treatment procedures.


Adhering to these recommendations, the patient significantly reduces the occurrence of recurrent gouty arthritis.

To treat gout is medicamentous - the most effective technique. Therapy with tableted drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and in accordance with the stage of the disease.

With aggravation of gout, Colchicine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are considered to be the drugs of choice. Colchicine is prescribed in a low dose (up to 2 mg per day), which is divided into 3 doses.

The drug starts to act after 6-12 hours. The average course of treatment depends on the severity of the attack: usually the therapy lasts 7-10 days - until the joint syndrome disappears completely.

After treatment, a general blood test is needed, since Colchicine has a number of side effects that affect the hematopoietic system.

The second treatment option - NSAIDs - does not have any advantages in terms of effectiveness, but has less toxicity. It is best to use Nimesulide in tablets of 100 mg twice daily. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

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In the interictal period, allopurinol is used for treatment, a drug with anti-uricemia effect.

During an exacerbation, his appointment is unacceptable, as he strengthens the pain syndrome and lengthens the attack of arthritis. This drug is necessary to maintain the remission achieved with the help of colchicine or NSAIDs.


The dosage of the medicine is determined by a rheumatologist and requires a gradual increase (up to 800 mg per day).


Patients with gout are regularly examined by district therapists - at least once every six months. It is accompanied by the determination of uric acid in the blood, the control of general and biochemical analyzes of blood and urine. Every year it is necessary to carry out a radiography of patients joints and ultrasound of the kidneys.

With timely diagnosis, correct therapy and adherence to the patient's treatment, the prognosis for gout is favorable.

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How to treat gout: the way a disease is treated, medicines and folk recipes for the treatment of leg joint gout

Gout is a disease of kings. The truth is in this, because most often affects the ailment of people leading a sedentary lifestyle and adoring lavish feasts.

But the cause of gout can be and kidney failure, and taking certain medications. As a result - restriction of motor activity and joint destruction.

It is important not to start the disease, suffering from pain, butconsult a doctor as soon as possible. Treat gout comprehensively, make up a diet, select medication and supplement it with folk methods and physical exertion.

Existrecognized classical scheme of treatment of the disease. Begin the application after examination and an accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis is set - gout.

How to treat the disease? The first stage is the elimination of symptoms. Prescribe analgesics and provide complete rest of the legs.

After stopping the inflammation and getting rid of the tumor, the pain subsides.

To accelerate the withdrawal of uric acid take diuretics. Mandatory strict diet, control the weight of the patient and his diet specialist.

Than to treat a gout?The main drug is the drug on the basis of colchicum colchicinefor regulating the level of uric acid.


Anti-inflammatory action and excretion of urates will be provided by "Butadion "Ketazon" and "Philibutazone".


Strengthen the effect of drugs will help "Indomethacin "Indocid" and "Metindol".

With a condition close to pain shockprescribe injections of "fast analgesics". The joint is pricked with Prednisolone.

If the disease has passed to a chronic stage, combine two areas of treatment:

  • drugs to reduce the production of uric acid: "Allopurinol "Milurit "Hepatocatalase
  • preparations to accelerate the withdrawal of urates: "Anturan "Benedom "Etamid."

Reception is combined with abundant alkaline drink. Nonsteroid "Voltaren" and "Nimulid" are assigned only by a specialist.

Methods for treating gout are divided into:

  • interruption of acute attacks of the disease;
  • corrective disorders in metabolism treatment in periods between seizures.

In the absence of contraindicationsprescribe physiotherapy. Ultrasound, mud therapy and impulse techniques will relieve the attack and accelerate the recovery. Creams and ointments will complement the treatment of gout and relieve discomfort. For the time of an attack, complete rest and correction of the diet is necessary.


At very strong first pains to the big finger apply ice compresses. However, after getting rid of pain, warming is necessary. Acute attacks are removed with pricks in the joint of the legs. Repetition is needed only in severe cases.

Touric acid for goutdid not accumulate in the body, prescribe aspirin.

Butadion helps, but after it, side effects are possible. The most effective medicine is Anturan. Normalize the condition in 2 weeks.

"Ketazon" and pain relieves, and the inflammation blocks.

Effective with gout "Benemid". Accept it for a long time. For a therapeutic effect, a break after the course is done up to 5 months. Quickly removes acute attacks "Atophane". But he has too much side effects. Reduce the level of acid will help "Urodan."

The main direction in the treatment of gout is the stabilization of the balance of uric acid.

ANDhere non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective, drugs to reduce acid production and traditional medicine.

The complex involves medication, physiotherapy and, if necessary, surgery.


ToImprove blood circulation in the aching leg joint, prescribe physiotherapy.

To restore and relieve pain apply magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, applications with ozocerite, dimexide and paraffin. Individually prescribed therapeutic massage and exercise therapy.

In the chronic stage of gout, lithium electrophoresis is effective. Radon baths, hydrogen sulphide, iodide-bromine, mud therapy are effective.

Electrophoresis, electromagnetic influence - the method of physiotherapy. Salts are destroyed by microcurrents, and uric acid is excreted from the body.

Cryoapheresisis based on the effect of low temperatures. The technique stores the maximum amount of useful substances and returns them to the bloodstream. The drug removes uric acid and other unpleasant elements from the plasma.

Auxiliary methods - spa treatment or sanatorium.


More oftenThe illness manifests itself after a plentiful mealacute attacks. Without treatment, suffering will last for a long time, bringing a lot of trouble.


Often the gout affects the big toe. Then the leg is placed on the dais, providing complete rest to the limb. Position is optimal lying.

With particularly severe pain, before the doctor comes to the joint, ice is applied.

Features of treatment of illness of kings

To treat the first attack of gout is better in the hospital, to conduct a survey and make an accurate diagnosis.


In the classical treatment, several stages are distinguished:

  1. stopping the attack;
  2. stable improvement and prevention of further exacerbations;
  3. prevention of complications associated with an overabundance of uric acid;
  4. treatment of diseases that complicate the disease: obesity, arterial hypertension;
  5. prevention of kidney stone disease due to imbalance of urate.

Preparations for pain relief

Medications are prescribed for arresting an attack.

Non-steroidal agents are used, colchicine, diclofenac, ibuprofen and hormonal to reduce inflammation in the joint of the thumb.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve only the symptoms. Treat gout with other drugs.

For inflammationdirectly affects colchicine. It reduces inflammation and restores normal functioning of the joint of the leg.

Assign the drug immediately after the start of treatment every couple of hours for a day and a half until the attack does not come to naught or the ineffectiveness of treatment does not appear.

Then the drug is canceled and another medication is prescribed.

More powerful drugs with gout are rarely prescribed, only in the absence of treatment results. But sometimes the reception of colchicine causes strong side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. We have to treat them separately.

If taking the drug in the form of tabletscan give negative results, then the intravenous introduction when it enters a healthy vessel causes the drug to cause severe pain and necrosis. Another unpleasant effect of the drug is alopecia. High doses can cause breathing problems and even lead to death. Therefore it is important to keep the dosage exactly.

Fenoprofen and indomethacinless dangerous.

Assign indomethacin at the beginning of 75 mg, then 50 mg every 6 hours until the symptoms disappear.

After stopping the attack, the drug is administered every 8 hours to 50 mg. Possible aftereffect - violations of the digestive tract and the development of depression.

If treatment for gout is ineffectiveprescribe glucocorticosteroidsin the form of pills or injections. Dosage is important to calculate extremely accurately. With the defeat of several joints, the legs are prescribed non-steroid antibiotics.


Hormonal remediespierced inside the joint by a short course. Use drugs with inefficiency colchicine.


To remove inflammation of the joint, glucocorticoids betamethasone and methylprednisolone are used. Means powerful, but with multiple side effects. Because the course is short, and the reception - in the form of injections.

Such an attack provides suppression of an attack of a gout and a stop of an inflammation.

Means for treating gout after an attack

Medications during the attack outside the attack are powerless.After cessation of painprescribe other drugs. Allopurinol take a long course. The action of the drug is directed to the reduction of uric acid and to the increased withdrawal of its surplus from the body.


The basis of recovery is proper nutrition. Compliance with diet for gout is a necessary condition. After taking the course of allopurinol, one competently organized diet will relieve relapses of the disease.

In the treatment of salcohol and meat are completely cut off. Red meat and by-products contribute to the formation of uric acid. Limit consumption of seafood, protein foods, especially beans. Coffee and tea are not desirable. Recommended compotes, herbal infusions and clean water.

Among the desirable dishes with gout are macaroni, cereals, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts.

Home treatment

There are folk methods of treating the disease of kings. Buttheir use must be agreed with the attending physician. Relieve the pain of infusions of herbs, ointments, decoctions.

Natural remedies remove excess acid from the body. Positive shifts give the use of traditional medicine. Effective and simple honey-salt compress.

Components are mixed equally, add water and apply to the patient a large toe for the night.

Complete healing from gout is unattainable.Relapses are possible.

But the attack will be repeated only if there is a noticeable overload of the foot or if the doctor's instructions are not observed.

Compliance with diet, timely intake of prescribed medications and radical lifestyle changes ensure the success of treatment.

Recipes of traditional medicineexperts do not consider basic in the treatment of gout, but also do not deny.

Doctors believe that a strict diet, drinking regimen, consultations of a rheumatologist and lack of self-treatment are the main requirements for patients.


Homeopathic remedies based on herbal extracts relieve symptoms and promote relaxation. Supplement medicamental treatment lotions, decoctions, tinctures.


In 100 g of water, 250 g of salt is boiled until the moisture evaporates. 200 g of Vaseline are added to the salt and mixed. To the sick, the big toes impose a warm compress until the morning.


But it is also important to take care of your legs with gout.Must choose the right shoes.

The close and uncomfortable causes recurrence of attacks and exacerbation of the disease. Rubbing and light massage of the aching leg joint is an excellent prophylaxis for the return of gout attacks.

In the absence of contraindications, appoint small fiznagruzki.

There are also home methods of treatment. The most effective -Compliance with a strict diet and combating obesity.

Regardless of the method of treatment, medication or folk methods, the main task is to reduce and normalize the level of blood uric acid in the blood.

For this purpose, special drugs are prescribed.

  • Apply funds to purify the circulatory system to reduce the concentration of uric acid.
  • Develop a special diet to reduce the level of acid.
  • With excess weight, a low-calorie diet and fasting days are prescribed.

The main direction in the treatment of gout- Conservative. But with complete blockage of the joint joint work, accidents and frequent relapses of the disease use laser surgery and blood purification, plasmapheresis hemogasorption.

The process of treatment will take a lot of time. Butto delay a visit to a specialist is meaningless: the sooner specialists start treating the disease, the less likely the development of complication and the higher favorable outcome.

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