Troxevasin and Troxerutin: what's the difference, which drug is better

From this article you will learn: Troxerutin or Troxevasin - which of them is better, is there any difference between them. Comparative characteristics, what are similar and how do these drugs differ, what to choose?

Article content:

  • Comparative characteristics of
  • preparations What preparation to choose

It is unambiguous to say that one drug is good and the other is worse - it is impossible. And for what reason: the funds are absolute analogues, since they contain the same active substance - troxerutin. They are both used in severe degrees of venous insufficiency, have angioprotective( contribute to the restoration of vascular walls) and anti-inflammatory properties, relieve swelling, itching, pain, prevent the formation of blood clots.

Both products are produced in different forms - in the form of a gel with a 2% concentration of active ingredient and in the form of capsules, so that they can be used both externally and inward.

An insignificant difference that does not affect the medicinal properties and effectiveness of the preparations is different companies-producers and the stably higher price for Troxevasin. Tube gel Troksevazin weighing 40 g, will cost in the amount of 215 to 297 rubles, the cost of Troxerutin - from 33 to 40 rubles for the same amount. On this, all the differences are exhausted.

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It is extremely difficult to independently determine the degree of varicose veins, therefore it is possible to apply angioprotectors for treatment only after consulting with a phlebologist.

Comparative characteristics of

preparations In order to avoid doubts that drugs are analogs, their characteristics can be compared.

Things similar to Troxerutin and Troxevasin:

Similarities between preparations Description
Active substance Troxerutin.
Form release 2% gel and capsules.
Duration of treatment Depends on the severity of the process. Usually the capsules take at least 5-7 weeks,( the daily dosage is determined by the doctor), the gel is applied up to 2-3 times a day.
Properties of Possess pronounced anti-inflammatory, angioprotective and capillary-protective action. They relieve itching, swelling, pain. Increase the elasticity of the vascular walls, prevent the formation of thrombi, enhance the metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels.
When is prescribed In the initial stages and with severe venous insufficiency, for the treatment of phlebitis, superficial thrombophlebitis, varicose ulcers, varicose dermatitis, hemorrhoids, including in pregnant women.
Contraindications Do not recommend the use of medicines for renal and hepatic insufficiency, lactose and galactose intolerance. Be wary appoint patients with gastrointestinal diseases, younger than 15 years, with sensitivity to components, pregnant in 1 trimester.
Side effects of It is possible to develop skin allergic reactions - hives, dermatitis.

No negative effect of the active substance on the fetus during pregnancy has been detected. But since all information is limited to individual cases of prescription, without clinical trials, the full responsibility for the consequences is assumed by the attending physician.

What is the difference between Troxerutin and Troxevasin:

Troxevasin Troxerutin
Manufacturer Actavis Group( Iceland), Balkanfarma( Bulgaria). Minskinterkaps( Belarus), Ozon( Russia), Sopharma( Bulgaria), Zentiva( Czech Republic).
Price Prices for the drug in the gel and capsules are several times more expensive than analogues( 40 grams of gel in the tube costs from 215 to 297 rubles, the drug in capsules( 50 pcs.) - 373 rubles). The preparation of domestic manufacturers is cheaper than imported analogues( 40 grams of gel costs from 33 to 40 rubles, the preparation in capsules( 50 pcs.) - 289 rubles).
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Which preparation to choose

Summing up, we can say: by the mechanism of action and properties, Troxerutin and Troxevasin are identical. The basis of drugs - troxerutin, there may be minor differences in the composition of additional components, this depends on the formula that the pharmaceutical company registered. But usually they are very insignificant and do not affect the effectiveness and medicinal properties.

In various forms( gel or capsules), Troxevasin and Troxerutin can equally improve the condition of varicose vessels, especially in combination with other drugs. To choose the form and duration of the period of application, a consultation with a phlebologist is mandatory, because it is quite difficult to assess the severity of varicose independently. In addition, all medicines, even for external use, have side effects.

Choosing one of the two drugs, you can be guided by the price - domestic analogues of Troxerutin is much cheaper than imported Troxevasin. Over the course of the course( and it is quite lengthy when treating varicose veins) this will save money.

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