Pain above the knee in front and behind: causes


  • 1Pain under the knee in front
    • 1.1Factors of the disease development
    • 1.2When is it necessary to consult a doctor?
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment of pain under the knee
    • 1.5ethnoscience
    • 1.6Preventative measures to prevent pain
  • 2Pain under the knee (behind): causes, signs and methods of treatment
    • 2.1Risk factors
    • 2.2The causes of developing pain are the underlying diseases
    • 2.3Diseases of the joints
    • 2.4Diseases of accompanying structures
    • 2.5Symptomatology
    • 2.6Diagnostics
    • 2.7Treatment
    • 2.8Other ways to treat pain in the popliteal region
    • 2.9Dietary food
    • 2.10Folk treatment
    • 2.11Recommendations for prevention
  • 3Why do legs hurt above the knees? Effective methods of treating muscle pain
    • 3.1Manifestation of pain
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.4Localization of pain
    • 3.5From hip to knee
    • 3.6Above the knee
    • 3.7In front of the kneecap
    • 3.8From the side
    • 3.9Above the knee
    • 3.10Methods of diagnosis
    • 3.11Treatment
    • 3.12Medications
    • 3.13Physiotherapy
    • 3.14LFK and massage
    • 3.15Surgical methods
    • 3.16Folk remedies
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Pain under the knee at the back - what does it mean
    • 4.1What does this pain indicate?

Pain under the knee in front

The knee joint has a huge load throughout the life of a person, which is maintained, thanks to the anatomical structure of the joint, as well as the support of the ligament apparatus.

The most common injuries, accompanied by pain, occur in the region of the shin, which is due, above all, frequent muscular and tendon injuries and at the first visit to the doctor the patient complains that he has a pain in front of him knee.

Any pain requires first of all the clarification of their etiology, after which adequate therapeutic measures are prescribed.

Factors of the disease development

The reasons for which there is severe pain in the knee is quite a lot. The most common occurrence of pain symptoms in the knee region is accompanied by the following predisposing factors:

  • various kinds of trauma - in this case the appearance of pain under the knee in the front part is caused by damage to the frontal part of the knee, which can provoke a break in the meniscus. When a trauma occurs, severe pain occurs, and the patient can not bend the leg;
  • physical load - pain symptoms can occur only once with prolonged physical exertion on the knee. In this case, bone pain under the knee in front can indicate a patellar deformation, and the intensity of further therapy directly depends on the damaged cartilaginous tissue and, as a rule, always includes medicamentous means for restoration cartilage;
  • arthrosis and arthritis - in this case, pain can be triggered by inflammation or joint deformities, which is most common in middle-aged and older patients;
  • chondropathy - if pain under the knee is accompanied by an unpleasant crunch during walking, then most likely, this symptomatology indicates damage in the knee cap of the cartilaginous layer. In the future, the lack of motor activity in the joint can lead to muscle atrophy;
  • hormonal failure - in the case of metabolic disorders, it is possible to develop a disease such as osteoarthrosis, the progression of which leads to pain and destruction of the articular cartilage. When the inflammatory process is started, the patient can be disabled;
  • weakness of the medial extensor head - in this case the pain is due to the fact that the head squeezes the knee cap and prevents normal motor activity. When the pathological process changes into a chronic form, the calyx is deformed and softens;
  • shift of the knee of the patella - this condition is most common in athletes, accompanied by pain symptoms and requires a fairly serious treatment;
  • tendinitis - in the event that the leg under the knee hurts in the front, tendonitis may develop. Especially often this disease occurs with increased physical exertion and lifting (descent) down the stairs;
  • lymphadenitis - in case of microbial infection, the development of an inflammatory process is possible. A characteristic feature of the disease is mild symptomatology. Quite often, a small tumor in the popliteal region and pain with active walking and extension of the limb is visually observed.

The most common cause of the inflammatory process is changes in the joint with arthrosis and arthritis

If the first signs of inflammation occur in the knee joint and pain symptoms, it is necessary to contact a medical institution to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, after which the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment, based on the general condition patient.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

For a more accurate appointment of medical measures, you need to know when and at what times you should contact a specialist.

A doctor's examination is required for aching and pulling pains in the knee area, which are most likely to indicate rheumatoid diseases, and severe sharp pains are characteristic of various kinds of injuries (ligament ruptures and tendons, and also fractures). The appearance of acute pain in the lower part of the knee may indicate a meniscus injury or lumbar radiculopathy.

Damage to the meniscus is accompanied by impaired motor activity of the joint

Symptoms requiring professional help include non-intensive pain, which lasts for 3-6 days, adherence to hyperthermia, edema, joint deformities and general malaise, as well as the inability to step on the entire foot and pain when click. All these symptoms together or separately allow the doctor to more accurately diagnose the disease, finding out the root causes of this condition and appointing adequate therapy.


Diagnostic measures are standard for all joint diseases. A good clinical base is possessed by phlebology, traumatology, osteopathy and orthopedics, therefore a complex examination of the patient by all specialists is recommended.

Diagnostic measures include the following:

  • external examination of the affected area;
  • clarification of anamnestic information, including professional activity and hereditary factor;
  • definition of the localization of pain, its nature and interaction with other clinical symptoms;
  • the testing (extension-flexion of the limb) is performed;
  • mandatory X-ray diagnostics and duplex joint ultrasound;
  • it is recommended to conduct a computer tomogram and MRI of bone tissue;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • if necessary, the angiography of the veins on the legs is performed, as well as the puncture of the joint cavity.

Procedure for performing a duplex ultrasound of the knee joint

Diagnosis of pain under the knee in front is carried out in a complex, usually in a hospital environment, and is closely interrelated with the nature of the lesion.

Treatment of pain under the knee

Treatment measures to relieve pain symptoms in the knee area directly depend on the severity of the symptoms and the intensity of pain. If necessary, the knee joint is immobilized, and the patient is delivered to a medical facility for further therapy.

In other cases, in the absence of acute symptoms, pain therapy under the knee provides for a phased assistance:

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  • for the removal of pain and swelling of the joint shows the use of cold compresses, bandage of the joint and its reliable fixation. Depending on the cause and type of damage, the administration of NSAIDs (tablets, ointments, injections) is prescribed, among which Orthofen, Ibuprofen, Diclogen and Diclofenac are most popular. In the infectious nature of inflammation, antibiotic therapy is used;
  • physiotherapy measures aimed at strengthening the muscles with the subsequent restoration of stability in the knee joint are mandatory. During rehabilitation, as well as during treatment, a special set of exercises is developed to maintain muscle tone and prevent atrophy;
  • at more serious traumas provoking a painful symptomatology in the field of a knee, operative intervention is carried out, the method of which is determined by the type and severity of the injury, an assessment of the risk of recurrent diseases, the presence of chronic pathologies. Surgical intervention can be performed in several ways, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process and the desired outcome;
  • when the meniscus ruptures, to restore the torn ligaments, it is recommended that the sparing operation be performed with small minor traumatic incisions (arthroscopy), and if the therapy is unsuccessful, it is recommended to perform an endoprosthesis replacement, in which part of the knee. With the development of osteonecrosis, the knee joint can be replaced completely;
  • In addition, modern therapy to relieve pain under the knee provides for the use of low-traumatic, but highly effective methods, for example, the introduction of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine into the joint in order to restore cartilaginous tissue. Remove the load from the knee joint, reduce pain with gout and flat feet will help bioprostheses, insteps and lining. To prevent the development of arthritic pain, the introduction of adrenosteroids into the joint is recommended.

Injection into the joint with drugs is performed exclusively by the doctor


In the case where there is pain in the legs (under the knee), the effective effect in complex therapy has the use of folk recipes.

However, it is important to consider that prior to their use, a compulsory consultation of the attending physician with a full diagnostic examination, since the reasons for this condition can be quite various.

To reduce the pain symptoms can be with the chestnut tincture, for the preparation of which you need to take 50 grams of chestnuts, fill them with liters of vodka.

The prepared solution must be poured into a glass container, which must be infused in a cool place for 1 month.

Once the solution is ready, it is filtered, and then can be used as a compress, rub and inward, previously diluting 30 drops of tincture in 1 tbsp. spoon of water. Take chestnut tincture should be 2 times during the day.

An inflamed area can be lubricated with natural honey bees, which are preheated in a water bath. It is best to do the manipulation before bed.

In the morning, the compress is removed, and the foot is rinsed with warm water. It is characteristic that honey effectively removes pain, swelling, and heaviness, not only in the affected area.

In addition, it is a natural antiseptic.

Positive action against the arisen pain in the region of the knees, exerts a compress of dandelions. To prepare the solution, take 3 tbsp. l. (with a slide) of yellow dandelion flowers, fill them in a glass jar and pour 500 ml of vodka.

The solution is infused in a dark place for at least 3 days, after which a gauze cloth is moistened in it and applied to the knee. On top, the wet napkin is closed with a food film and scarf.


The duration of the procedure on average is -2 hours (depending on the intensity of pain), the general course is not less than 8 days.


Spirals compresses from dandelions are used to relieve inflammation in the knee joint

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In the case where there is a painful character, it is recommended to use lotions from medical bile sold in any pharmacy chain. To make the tincture, mix 2 tbsp.

spoons of ammonia, bile and liquid honey, adding in them 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil (vegetable) and iodine (alcohol).

All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which a gauze (fabric) napkin is dipped into the solution and applied to the legs. As the drying time, the cloth needs to be wetted again. The total time for keeping the lotion with bile should not exceed 24 hours.

At the end of the procedure, the napkin is removed, and the knee is well rinsed with a jet of warm water. The next lotion can be done no earlier than a day later.

It is important to remember that folk recipes are most effective in complex therapy, which allows you to quickly get rid of pain, swelling and inflammation.

However, all procedures should be performed under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions to the components used in the treatment.

Preventative measures to prevent pain

Complications of diseases of knee joints, in which the first place on the symptoms takes a different character pain, it is possible to avoid, adhering to certain recommendations and rules, Providing:

  • people may have different pain thresholds and the pathological process may progress against a background of mild pain, so it is important to seek help from a doctor at the initial stage of the onset of pain;
  • prevention of pain in the knee area provides the correct distribution of loads on the knee, including for patients engaged in professional sports, so as according to statistics, more than 45% of cases of pain in the knee joint develops as a result of injuries and injuries directly in active occupations sports;
  • it is recommended to follow the body weight, as excessive weight increases the load on the joint, provoking their deformation, destruction and severe pain. Such patients, especially professional athletes, are assigned a special diet, in which there is a sufficient number of products that strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and cartilaginous tissues.

Prevention includes the maintenance of the knee with the help of elastic bandaging, the development of joints and the use of medications to strengthen the vessels, tendons and ligaments

Disregard for the appearance of pain symptoms in the knee area can lead to the formation of blood or purulent content, which, in turn, is dangerous to complete joint damage and immobilization of the limb, not only when moving, but also when you get up on his feet. With this, the pain will be present constantly, the skin in front (under the knee) changes its natural color, and the knee deforms.

The solution to this problem is impossible without professional medical assistance. If the inflammatory process is irreversible, surgical intervention is used. It is important to find out the cause of the pathological process in a timely manner, which will allow it to fight more effectively and successfully.

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Pain under the knee (behind): causes, signs and methods of treatment

Pain in the legs under the knee from behind is a serious reason to pay attention to one's own health. The human body is a complex mechanical and biochemical system.

Everything in it flows, changes, but at the same time is in a dynamic equilibrium. But sometimes it happens that the body's systems fail.

One of the most common pathologies is the disease of the knee joint and adjacent structures. According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population suffers from knee injury.


Among older people (60 and older), this problem occurs even more often: about 30% of elderly people are ill.


This does not mean that only elderly patients suffer from leg joint problems. You need to be on a check for young people. What should one know about possible problems with the knees and how to deal with it?

Risk factors

There are separate categories of people predisposed to connective and bone tissue diseases. Among them:

  • Professional athletes.Diseases of the knees - a terrible scourge of professional athletes. Over time, the joints of such people wear out due to excessive loads. In particular danger are hockey players, tennis players, football players.
  • Persons engaged in hard work.Load on the joints always leads to their destruction. Someone starts the pathological process faster, someone slower. With intensive physical exertion, the process is significantly accelerated, leading to health problems, and sometimes to a wheelchair.
  • Persons who have recently undergone surgery or infectious lesions.In this case, pain in the leg under the knee at the back can also be felt.

The causes of developing pain are the underlying diseases

The causes of pain under the knee from the rear are manifold, because the pain syndrome is non-specific and typical for many pathologies. There are a great many factors of possible pain under the knee from behind. These causes correspond to various diseases, which can be divided into three groups:

  • Diseases of the immediate knee.
  • Diseases that indirectly affect the knees. We are talking about periarticular pathologies.
  • Diseases not related to the musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of the joints

The answer to the question: "why do the legs ache under the knees from behind?" Lies on the surface. The original reason, however trivial it sounds, can be hidden in the pathologies of the joint itself. Allocate the following diseases affecting the cartilage itself:

  • Cystic (cystic formations).The risk group for developing a cyst (also known as Baker's cyst) is a female person older than 35 years of age. Men suffer less often. The disease often spreads simultaneously to both knees. The reason for the development of Baker's cyst is a chronic chronic inflammatory process, like synovitis, which develops due to arthrosis and osteoporosis. Is not it, an intricate scheme?
  • Cystic lesions of the meniscus.There are fewer occurrences.
  • With excessive zeal in the performance of physical work often developsbreak one or more meniscuses.This is a dangerous traumatic condition requiring immediate medical attention, otherwise irreversible changes occur and the risk of developing disability is high.
  • Arthritis of the knee joint.Occurs relatively infrequently, but it is more severe, due to the complex device of the knee. In this case, it hurts under the knee from behind when the leg is unbent. By itself, arthritis is provoked by various factors. The speech about manifestations of arthritis will go further.

Diseases of accompanying structures

In this category, the inflammatory processes of the periarticular structures prevail: tendons, joint bag, muscles. It is believed that these pathologies are less dangerous and more likely to be disabled.

Diseases not associated with musculoskeletal knee structures. These include:

  • Neoplasms of nerveslocated in this localization: tumors of the tibial nerves, etc. They are relatively rare, but they do manifest themselves from the early stages. In this case, the leg under the knee hurts behind, and the calf suffers no less.
  • The defeat of the circulatory structures of the knee and the near-rimmed regions.Here you can talk about the aneurysms of the popliteal artery, and also about vein thrombosis. And in the first, and in the second case the leg under the knee from the back is very sore.

As can be judged from the list, there are many possible causes of pain under the knee from behind. Only a doctor can understand the situation.


Symptomatology depends on the underlying cause that caused it.

  • Baker's cystic formationsaccompanied by:

Weak, pulling and aching pains under the knee from behind. Usually both feet are affected simultaneously, so the left and right leg under the knee hurts.

Externally, the cyst is easy to identify even the patient. It rises above the popliteal fossa and has the appearance of a rounded, soft formation.

Hence another symptom - the formation of a soft node in the popliteal fossa.

  • Cyst of the meniscus.Is manifested with acute pain in the knee. However, unlike Baker's cyst, this form of pathology is not visible to the naked eye.
  • Gaps and other meniscus injuries.Accompanied by intense pain in the knee. In this case, the leg hurts under the knee from behind when flexing. Often the patient can not bend and unbend the joint at all because of the severe pain syndrome. In addition to pain, there are symptoms of local inflammation: redness of the knee, swelling and so on.
  • Pathological processes in the periarticular structurespractically do not manifest themselves, except for the average intensity of pain and the inability to walk. In especially severe cases, it is possible to develop symptoms of general intoxication of the body: fever, headache, weakness, etc.
  • Arthritisalways manifest a triad of symptoms:
  • Decreased motor activity of the joint.The leg is hurt under the knee from behind when walking, often walking in an acute period is generally impossible.
  • Intense pain syndrome.
  • Redness and swelling of the lesion, in particular, the knee.
  • Vascular diseaseaccompanied by symptoms of general intoxication, numbness of the limbs, a sense of running chills, mild pain.


Diagnosis begins with the search for a specialized specialist. A physician dealing with the problems of the musculoskeletal system is called an orthopedist.

But first it is recommended to contact the district therapist or, better, the surgeon, they will help determine the tactics of diagnosis and will write out the necessary directions.

If the child has a pain in the leg under the knee, then it is necessary to scold the pediatrician and the pediatric orthopedist.

At the primary reception, the orthopedist will ask the patient about the nature and prescription of complaints. This is an anamnesis that helps the doctor determine the primary diagnosis. For the same purposes, a physical examination of the joint is performed: palpation.

In the diagnosis of pathology of the knee, x-rays are prescribed (it allows one to determine the presence of destructive processes in bone structures), an ultrasound joint, in exceptional cases arthroscopy (for visual assessment of the condition joint).

Among the instrumental studies, the most informative is MRI / CT, but due to its high cost, these studies are rarely resorted to. From laboratory studies, the most common blood test is the most informative.

It shows a picture of inflammation.


After reading everything written, the patient has a question, what heals, if his legs hurt under the knees from behind?

Treatment, mainly, conservative. The medicines are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory preparations of non-hormonal origin.To relieve the inflammation. This includes drugs Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Naise. They should be used only on the advice of a doctor and only a certain time (for longer than a week, such drugs can not drink). For temporary relief of the pain syndrome, 1-3 tablets per day are allowed, but one should not be zealous, as the clinical picture will be blurred. Do not complicate the doctor work, and yourself - life. Also, these drugs can be administered in the form of ointments and gels.
  • Analgesics, for relief of pain syndrome. Analgin, Nurofen, and others. Drugs can also be taken alone, but not longer than 1-2 days. Otherwise, the clinical picture will not be so obvious.
  • Hormonal anti-inflammatory.They are injected directly into the joint cavity in severe cases. Glucocorticosteroids such as Diprospan et al are prescribed. These drugs relieve pain, inflammation and inhibit destructive processes in the knee joint.
  • Chondroprotectors.Chondroprotectors allow to restore the affected joint, as well as inhibit the degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue. They are applied either orally (Structum, etc.), and in the form of injections, injected directly into the joint for better action. Drugs of the second type include Alflutop, Chondrolon, Fermatron, and others.
  • Antibiotics (with purulent lesions).Purulent lesion is an absolute contraindication to intra-articular injection of drugs.
  • Other drugssymptomatic and eliminating the original cause of action (uricosuric and diuretic for gout, etc.).
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In exceptional cases, you can not do without operations:

  • The least dangerous is puncture of the knee joint and popliteal region. The first is prescribed in case of purulent lesion of the knee structures. The second - with cysts.
  • Do not do without surgery for rupture of the meniscus, an aneurysm of the popliteal artery. Fortunately, the number of complications after such manipulations is minimal.

Other ways to treat pain in the popliteal region

In addition to the medicamental method of treatment, you can use the diet and recipes of traditional medicine.

Dietary food

It is well known that in addition to drug treatment, specialized dietary nutrition can be effective.

Not knowing the exact diagnosis, giving advice on dieting is difficult.

However, there are universal tips (everything else should be determined in a personal conversation with the attending physician). What products should I refuse:

  • The amount of animal fats in the diet should be minimal. It is especially true for people with arthritis and arthrosis.
  • It is necessary to abandon smoked products, semi-finished products, sausages.
  • Do not abuse the goodies.
  • You should give preference to fish, instead of meat. Meat products provoke a rise in the blood concentration of salts of uric acid. This can provoke a gout attack (although it does not affect the knees so often).
  • You can not eat fatty sour-milk products.
  • Spices should also be used with caution.

What can and should be consumed:

  • vegetable broth. Vitamins, trace elements are necessary for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue;
  • eggs, vegetable oils (linseed, sunflower, olive);
  • as often as possible porridge from buckwheat, millet, etc .;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • not less than 2 liters of water per day;
  • good help is fish oil, gelatin.

In a complex, such nutrition will promote normal regenerative processes in the body.

Folk treatment

Most of the folk remedies are either useless or, more often, dangerous, since the individual characteristics of the organism are not taken into account.

Therefore, people's methods of treatment should be treated skeptically and it is recommended to discuss all their undertakings with a doctor.

To stop the painful syndrome, there are three recipes:

  • Infusion of dandelion, chestnut and lilac flowers. In equal proportions ( 1 teaspoonfuls), pour 200 ml of vodka, insist 14 days. A similar agent is used for topical application. The gauze dressing, soaked in tincture, is applied overnight.
  • You can prepare an ointment from 5 tablespoons of honey mixed with 15 g of mummy. Blend the mixture, thus preparing a mush-like ointment. The resulting remedy is rubbed into the affected knee within 15 minutes.
  • If you do not have a mummy at hand, ordinary common salt will mix in a mixture with soda and mustard powder (only half a teaspoonful). All this mixture is also prepared with 5 tablespoons of honey. Ointment should be used in the same way.

Folk treatment can be a good help in treating problems with the knees.

Recommendations for prevention

To reduce the risk of pathology of the popliteal region to a minimum, it is recommended to adhere to simple recommendations:

  • Stick to a diet.
  • Maintain a normal level of physical activity: physical inactivity leads to joint destruction, as well as an overabundance of physical activity.
  • You can not take too long physical work, you should take breaks.
  • At a physical character of work it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations at least twice a year.
  • At the first suspicions it is necessary to go to the doctor.

Pain in the popliteal region is often evidence in favor of severe disabling processes. Understand the diversity of conditions can only a doctor. At the first symptoms, an immediate visit to the hospital is recommended.

A source:

Why do legs hurt above the knees? Effective methods of treating muscle pain

Most people attribute pain in the leg area to signs of trivial fatigue.

Butsymptom may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Local location, intensity of painful sensations and accompanying symptoms will help to detect the disease in time.

Manifestation of pain

The nature of manifestations of pain can be different. Distinguish between chronic and acute pain. The second occurs sporadically, but causes much more discomfort.

Chronic soreness is a dangerous phenomenon, indicating the progression of a particular disease.

And in either case, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

To determine the cause of discomfort, it is important to understand where it hurts. Pain can be localized in the following areas:

  • Ligaments and tendons;
  • Complex of muscles;
  • Joints and bones;
  • Skin and subcutaneous layers;
  • Vascular system;
  • Deep and superficial veins;

Important:Self-diagnosis is fraught with incorrectly selected treatment and the appearance of complications. Even the nature of pain can not always be determined independently.


Possible causes of painful sensations -a great many. The most innocuous include physical fatigue or the presence of meteosensitivity.

A woman's legs can hurt during pregnancy. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle may notice pain in the knee area after unusual physical activity.

The most common reasons for the occurrence of pain include:

  • Venous insufficiency;
  • Bruises and sprains;
  • Myositis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Malignant tumor in the thigh;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Fracture of hip or neck;
  • Period formation of bones in childhood;
  • Pregnancy;

Concomitant symptoms

Before the diagnosis, the doctor determines the presence of other symptoms.They help to make the right conclusion. For this purpose, careful palpation and visual inspection are performed. Together with the pain, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Edema;
  • The appearance of varicose asterisks;
  • Redness of the skin in the knee;
  • Characteristic crunch when moving;
  • Presence of seals under the skin;
  • Cyanosis of the skin;
  • Deformation of bone;

After analyzing the symptoms, additional diagnostic manipulations are performed. Only with their help can you make a final verdict.

Localization of pain

From hip to knee

The most common cause of pain from the hip to the knee is physical fatigue after intense training.

If no active actions have been taken recently, then it may be coxarthrosis.

In this case, the pain impulses are manifested only during movement.

In the state of rest, no discomfort is observed.Most often, the disease appears in women after 40 years.

Another cause of such pain may be necrosis of the femoral head or a hip joint infarction. Both diseases are characterized by intensive development. You can diagnose them in the first days of the onset of the disease.

Features: Very rarely the thigh hurts because of the development of rheumatism. The disease is accompanied by high fever, pain in the shoulder area and decreased performance.

Above the knee

Pain above the knee at the back of the legs can have, as a nagging, and sharp character with sudden movements. A muscle or ligament can ache over the knee.

Muscle pain is characterized by mild tension. Usually it appears after training specifically aimed at strengthening the hip.

Sensations in this area differ from the discomfort that appears in front of the knee.

One of the causes of unpleasant sensations from the back of the knee is the inflammatory process in the popliteal artery. This condition is extremely dangerous. In the absence of treatment, a blockage of the vessel may occur, which will lead to unfortunate consequences.

In front of the kneecap

The cause of pain in the muscles of the legs above the knee in the front is most often covered in knee injury or inflammation in the ligament or tendon. There may be a question why there is a crunch when driving.

It usually occurs with trauma or degenerative changes. To ache or whine at the top of the knee may be due to congestion of the legs. Treatment in this case is accompanied by a limited mobility of the patient.

Other possible causes of pain above the knee include:

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease;
  • Fibrosis of ligaments;
  • The pathological inclination of the patella;
  • Inflammation of the tendon of the thigh muscle;
  • Dystrophy;
  • Tendonitis;

From the side

For athletes the question is urgent - what to do if your legs hurt above the knees from the side? The sensations are slightly different from the pains appearing at the front of the knee. Can whine, pull or break the inside of the foot.

These symptoms indicate a meniscus injury.The reason for this phenomenon is intensive sport activities.


Why this happens and how to avoid injury, can tell the coach, controlling training.


Damage to the medial structures is accompanied by a crunch and swelling. The muscle tone decreases. It's painful to make foot movements. In this case, urgent medical attention is required.

Above the knee

Pain extending in the area slightly above the knee is often found in runners when the running technique is violated. There is a gradual stretching of the ligaments, which leads to a disruption of patellar function.

In the absence of proper treatment, the knee cap is able to move. The nature of pain in this situation is aching.

Another cause of pain in the knee area is damage to the hip tissue.

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Methods of diagnosis

The analysis of symptoms is not enough to establish an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe the right treatment. Additional diagnostic methods are provided. They include the following:

  • X-ray;
  • Delivery of biochemical blood test;
  • Ultrasound with dopplerography;
  • MRI;
  • Angiography;

If there is a suspicion of vascular disease, angiography or ultrasound is performed. If the soft tissues are damaged, MRI or ultrasound is prescribed. In case of a fracture, the most suitable option would be X-ray.


The treatment process includes complex therapy. It is appointed individually.The duration of treatment depends on whether the disease is in a chronic or acute stage. The main ways to get rid of pain in the knee include:

  • Reception of medicines;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Operative intervention;
  • Massage or exercise therapy;
  • Folk remedies;

Interesting:In the presence of an inflammatory process, antibiotics are prescribed. In certain situations, the use of hormonal drugs may be required.


Acceptance of medicines is practiced in the fight against any disease. Their goal is to reduce the focus of damage and strengthen the body. There are several groups of medications used for problems with the knees. They include:

  • Vitamin Complexes;
  • Painkillers;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Decongestants;
  • Muscle relaxants;


The use of physiotherapy is most often used in pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system.

Procedures are conducted by the course, in a specially equipped medical office.

The advantages of this method isin the possibility of its use in the period of exacerbation. Physiotherapy includes:

  • Mud treatment;
  • Electrophoresis (with the use of medications);
  • Paraffinotherapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Laser procedures;

Attention:Before carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, it is recommended to read the contraindications and possible side effects.

LFK and massage

Therapeutic physical training and professional massage are referred to as additional methods of complex treatment. These treatments have a limited area of ​​exposure.

In some diseases, massage and exercise are strictly contraindicated. It is possible to resort to such methods only with the permission of the attending physician.

Effective treatment will be in the following cases:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Fibromyalgia;

Caution:With the development of vascular diseases, active activity and massage can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Surgical methods

Surgery is required in the most serious situations - with fractures, diseases of the vascular system, necrosis of joints, etc. The operation can be scheduled or emergency.

The second option is typical for emergencies, with injuries to bones or leg tissues.Planned operation can be carried out in the presence of progressive osteochondrosis or osteoarthrosis.

The success of surgical treatment depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the timely treatment of the patient for help. Most often, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period takes place during inpatient stay in a medical institution.

Folk remedies

Experts do not approve of the use of folk remedies as a treatment. But to eliminate painful sensations when you can not contact a doctor, they will be the best option.

The most popular means, relieving pain - natural compresses.As ingredients, herbal decoctions, yellow clay or lard can be used.

The most effective in dealing with the painful sensations are:

  • Celandine;
  • Dandelion flowers;
  • Lilac;
  • Nettle;

Gauze napkins are wetted in a decoction, and then superimposed on a sore spot for several hours. Herbal decoctions can be taken or insisted on alcohol. The second option is great for grinding.

Painful sensations in the legs - a common phenomenon. Ignore them is highly not recommended. The legs are part of the body's support system. Their damage can significantly reduce the quality of human life.


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Pain under the knee at the back - what does it mean

The articular element of the knee consists of a cup, liquid, cartilage.

This structure allows a person to easily move around, play sports, sit, raise the ankle and the leg as a whole.

But often a person is faced with discomfort on the back of the knee, sometimes it seems that this is a minor ailment, but this is not so, because this leads to a violation of the normal way of life.

It is necessary to realize, a painful attack on the posterior surface of the knee, when bending, when walking causes the most require immediate intervention, which means that a highly qualified medical help. Consider the main causes of pain under the knee from behind.

What does this pain indicate?

If there are pains in the legs, it can be acute, aching, then you know, there are a lot of factors for the development of diseases.

For example, pain often occurs under the knee at the back, which is caused by infection of tissues, inflammation, Do not exclude the overload that a person encounters constantly, various injuries, malignant neoplasms.

After a visual examination of the legs,

what exactly caused the pain syndrome, also the specialist will ask the patient about the nature of the pain syndrome, that he feels and feels, as soon as a thorough examination is made, then a source will be supplied symptom.

Pain under the knee at the back - what is it? A topical, popular question, often asked by people who lead an active lifestyle, you can add athletes, and so on.

  1. If it pulls, as a result of which a person feels like someone is pulling at a knee cap - as a rule, such a pain is inherent in inflammation.

  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. One of the actual causes of this ailment. Such a disease arises from the inflammatory process, here you can include circumferential tissues.

  3. As a result, the disease causes a lack of mobility of the joint, in addition, it can give and serious consequences on other organs, however it may surprise, but here you can include liver, intestines, etc.

But the pulling pain is not the main symptom of this disease, it is characterized by weakness, stiffness in the morning, and weight loss. As a result, the joint begins to swell, the temperature rises.

  1. Bursitis, tendonitis. I would like to add that there are also such diseases, the main causes of which lie in the degenerative change of joints, articular bags.

    It usually occurs when physical overstrain for a person becomes a common occurrence, various traumas are listed here, even if they are not significant.

    We can not but add that in the cavities of tendon bags there is a process of accumulation of fluid, and this leads to limited mobility of the knee.

    In addition, often patients claim that there is reddening of the skin in this area, the skin begins to ache, there is swelling, as soon as a person starts to touch this place, it feels that the joint is warmer than usually.

  2. If there is aching pain, which often happens, then know that a specialist can immediately lead to suspicions of various injuries, in addition, they can there are also neoplasms in the knee joint, and as statistics show, today many people face such problems, especially athletes.

  3. Baker's cyst. With this disease, excess fluid accumulates in the tendon bag, and this, in turn, leads to the formation and formation of a cyst.

    In the event that the patient immediately, ask for help from a doctor, it is always easier to cope with illnesses. But as a rule, many ignore campaigns to doctors and go to specialists only in extreme cases.

    Therefore, it should be noted that a timely visit to a specialist will avoid many problems, of course, in this case, avoid operational interference will not work, but the patient will not face more serious problems and consequences in the future, which is important.


    It appears as a thickening, swelling of the external surface, and also if it feels noisy at the back of the knee. It does not necessarily happen much, as a rule, it can be tolerated, but it is never-ending, which means that it should alert and serve as a signal that you must go to the hospital.


    More about the disease

  4. Cyst of the meniscus. In the event that you have a aching pain under your knee from the back, and immediately you seek help from a doctor, then after the diagnosis you can hear that you have a "meniscus cyst".

    This problem usually appears in active people, athletes who often get various injuries to the joint, and they, in turn, do not pass without a trace, as many believe. If you are a professional athlete, then for sure you can not avoid the appearance of such a disease.

So, as soon as there is pain in the legs under the knees from behind, and which, which has been worrying for a long time, it is necessary to pass the diagnosis, as this is the most important condition.

  1. Rupture of the meniscus. If there is a separation of the meniscus, naturally without pain it does not pass. A person immediately, there are severe pain in the region of the knees from behind, while a person develops a feeling that his legs begin to buckle.

    It is important to realize that there are actually many types of meniscus tears, and each of them is accompanied and under severe pains, and this ailment is treated exclusively surgically.

  2. If you are concerned about acute pains that have appeared suddenly, then know that it reports illnesses related to the central nervous system, parts of the vascular system of the extremities.

  3. Thrombosis. This is another common reason why a person begins to ache in the leg under the knee, a hike to a therapist, an orthopedist can not, because in this case a person faces serious problems.

Do not forget that part of the disease is fraught with a serious threat to health, this applies to your life.

Consider that without careful examination it is impossible to identify the true cause of what was the main cause of the appearance of pain, therefore, diagnostics are mandatory.

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