Turtle bandage, fixing: bandage technique


  • 1How to put a turtle bandage on the knee and elbow joint?
    • 1.1Basic rules of dressing
    • 1.2How to bandage?
    • 1.3Tortoise Headband
    • 1.4On the elbow area
    • 1.5Technique of a divergent bandage
    • 1.6The technique of convergent dressing
    • 1.7On the knee area
    • 1.8Technique of a divergent bandage
    • 1.9The technique of convergent dressing
  • 2Tortoise bandage on the elbow and knee joints: technique of application
    • 2.1Kinds of a turtle bandage
    • 2.2Fundamental rules
    • 2.3Technique of imposing a turtle bandage on the elbow joint
    • 2.4What is needed for dressing?
    • 2.5We impose convergent and divergent
    • 2.6The technique of laying on the knee joint
    • 2.7Foot bandage
    • 2.8Dislocations, sprains, bruises, inflammation of the joints. What is used?
    • 2.9The proper skill is to apply a bandage
  • 3Tortoise bandage on the elbow joint: a scheme of correct application
    • 3.1Types of dressings
    • 3.2Types of bandage dressings
    • 3.3Imposition of a turtle bandage
  • 4Turtle bandage on the knee and elbow joint: converging and divergent
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Bandage Options
    • 4.2Bandage Bandages
    • 4.3Converging bandage on the elbow joint and its features
    • 4.4Who is shown the turtle bandage
  • 5Tortoise bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: superposition
    • 5.1What is a turtle bandage and what is it for?
    • 5.2Benefit
    • 5.3Protective
    • 5.4Hemostatic
    • 5.5Immobilizing
    • 5.6Binted
    • 5.7How to apply this bandage?
    • 5.8We impose a descending bandage
    • 5.9Overlapping of a dressing
  • 6How to apply various bandages to the elbow joint?
    • 6.1Features of the device
    • 6.2Why do we need bandages?
    • 6.3Indications for use
    • 6.4Contraindications
    • 6.5Overlay technique
    • 6.6Spicate
    • 6.7Turtles
    • 6.8Fixing or immobilizing
    • 6.9Kosynochnaya
    • 6.10Overlay of elastic bandage

How to put a turtle bandage on the knee and elbow joint?

Bandage is considered a medical procedure, which involves the retention of materials and medicinal substances in a specific area of ​​the human body.

As a dressing material, gauze is usually used, since it absorbs moisture well, does not require high production costs, and can take any form.

It is usually used in the form of bandages of different widths.

Faced with everyday injuries, such as injuries to the skin and bruises, everyone at least once imposed a bandage. In case of injuries in the knee or elbow joint area, people often encounter slipping of bandages during movements.

Therefore for these elbows and elbows there are special types of bandaging - "tortoises".

Basic rules of dressing

The application of a bandage has a number of positive moments, in comparison with an adhesive plaster or fixation with glue. For example:

  • Advantage when used on the limbs - the tied napkin is more densely and reliably fixed, especially in the area of ​​the greatest mobility (joints).
  • Gauze does not leave any prints on the skin and does not cause allergies.
  • It is easy to fix the displaced bandage simply by pulling it in the desired direction.
  • In case of injury, you can adjust the pressure of the bandage to stop bleeding (it is easily weakened if necessary).

How to bandage?

In medicine there is a whole section devoted to the science of bandaging - desmurgy. But with a certain skill and knowing the technique of applying bandages can be completely handled independently. There are a number of points that concern both the preparation for the application of the bandage and the technique itself:

  1. It is important before bandaging to create a relaxed position of the limb (lie down, sit down, or put it on a stand).
  2. You need to take a comfortable pose (will not "sweat" the limbs and back).
  3. All time of dressing the arm or leg should be immovable (use a stool, nudge the elbow in the table).
  4. Select the necessary and correct width of the bandage (for the elbow joint 10 cm, for the knee joint - 15 cm).
  5. The bandage itself should be held in the right hand, and its free edge - in the left (the roller must always be on top).
  6. Do not stretch the fabric too much (try to roll over the skin with a weak tension).
  7. Always start with at least two fixing circles.
  8. For convenience, always move the bandage from left to right.
  9. If the edges of the gauze begin to "crumple" - do a twisting bandage (rotate it around its axis by 180 degrees and spread again).
  10. Fastening can not be carried out over wounds of the skin or moving parts of the joints (elbow or knee cap).

During the procedure, we must observe three basic rules. The bandage needs to correspond to the purpose (fixing, creating immobility or stopping bleeding), not to cause inconvenience and neat look.

Tortoise Headband

On other joints, except the elbow and knee, it is not superimposed. Only this species is able to securely and firmly fix the napkins, stop the blood or create immobility in them. Isolate converging and divergent varieties, depending on the place of origin and direction of bandaging.

On the elbow area

This bandage on the elbow joint can be performed in the form of an independent, and also spread to the shoulder and forearm (depending on the amount of damage).

Usually impose a divergent form, since the immobility of the hand is easier to create. And the extra pressure, on the contrary, will limit the performance of the limb too much.

Technique of a divergent bandage

The free end of the bandage is taken in the left hand, and the roller itself - in the right hand.

The edge of it is applied to the elbow joint bend and, rolling over its surface, make a circular turn for fastening.

It is necessary that the elbow process (a knob on the elbow) pass exactly in the middle of the first circle of the bandage.

Each subsequent circle should close the previous two-thirds. Usually enough 8-10 turns (in addition to the previous one), after which the end of the bandage is fixed with a brace or knotted.

The technique of convergent dressing

Before applying, it is necessary to bend the arm at the right angle at a right angle and put a cushion of cotton wool on the folding area. The beginning of this species is always on the forearm - ten centimeters below the elbow fold.

At this point, three circular turns are fixed. After that, the bandage is directed obliquely upward along the front surface of the arm, covering the elbow from the upper side. Having made a circle on the skin of the shoulder, he returns again on the fold, but obliquely down on the forearm.

After covering the securing moves by two thirds, the actions are repeated 4-5 times (gradually approaching). Finish the bandage after the last revolutions converge in the area of ​​the elbow bend on the front surface.

On the knee area

Turtle bandage on the knee joint is often imposed independently, but it can be part of the full (for the entire lower limb).

The most commonly used is a convergent variety - it allows you to firmly fix the material and immobilize this large and powerful joint.

Crossing of bandages when performed in both cases is performed on the back of the knee.

Technique of a divergent bandage

The leg is in a relaxed and relaxed state. The free edge of the bandage is placed on the middle of the kneecap and makes two fixing turns. Subsequent circles make up and down from it, covering the previous ones by half their width.

It is required to monitor the condition of the toes - if they become pale or "creepy" in them, then you need to relax the pressure.

The technique of convergent dressing

The leg needs to be relaxed and slightly bent. The fastening turns are performed on the middle part of the tibia (15 cm below the kneecap).

Securely fixing the bandage, it is rolled on the back surface of the knee and directed obliquely upward on the thigh.

They perform one full circle and then go back to the shin, making a cross behind them.

The first circles of bandage on the shins are captured higher, covering them half. Next, repeat the same with the circle on the hip, just descend below. Repeating these actions about 5 times, they achieve complete convergence in the patella area. Bandage is fixed and observed for the appearance of the fingers.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/vosstanovlenie-sustavov/kak-nalozhit-cherepashu-povyazku-na-kolennyi-i-loktevoi-sustav.html

Tortoise bandage on the elbow and knee joints: technique of application

The knee and elbow joints are the most mobile parts of the body. No one is immune from damage to these parts. Everyone at least once in life had a bruise or a knee or elbow cut. It is in such cases used turtle bandage.

It reliably fixes the dressing. The dressing is done with bandage or gauze.

Natural material provides air access to the wound surface, protects the wound from infection, well retains medical substances on the mobile part of the body.

Kinds of a turtle bandage

This bandage is superimposed only on the knee and elbow joints. Sometimes this kind is used in case of injury or injury of the foot. To apply to other parts of the body this dressing does not apply.

The usual bandage on the moving area does not hold, it slides. This is due to the peculiarity of the knee / elbow structure.

The dressing, imposed by a tortoise method, is very convenient in case it is necessary to make a dressing on a damaged knee or elbow. There are two types of imposition of a turtle bandage - convergent and divergent.

The difference is how the bandage begins. In the rest the techniques of both species are similar.

Fundamental rules

When applying a dressing, you should consider a number of rules:

  • Dressing should be done in a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. In this case, the damaged limb should be in a relaxed state.
  • During the application of the bandage, the limb must be stationary. It is best to use an emphasis, this position is most convenient.
  • The correct choice of dressing material for bandaging. For the elbow use a bandage 10 cm wide, for the knee - fifteen to twenty cm.
  • For proper bandaging, hold the bandage from left to right, holding the roller in the right hand from above.
  • Moderately pull the dressing, without creating excessive pressure on the skin and do not do too weak bandage.
  • Beginning of bandaging - two or three fixing circles.
  • If during this process the edges of the bandage (or gauze) begin to "swell wrap the bandage around the axis 180 degrees and continue the dressing by straightening it.
  • The superimposed layer should overlap the previous one. Only in this case the dressing will be strong, provide a reliable fixation and will not be weakened.
  • The binding of the bandage at the end of the bandaging should not be carried out directly above the wound and the moving part of the knee / elbow joint.
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It is important to remember, the bandage should not bring discomfort to the victim. She is obliged to perform her functions (stop bleeding, fix the joint, keep drugs, protect the injured area from infection, if it is an open wound) and be careful.

Technique of imposing a turtle bandage on the elbow joint

In case of a fall, the elbow joint is the fulcrum. Therefore, cases of its damage are not uncommon. The usual bandage is inconvenient because on the moving part it does not hold and slides. Turtle is best for dressing the damaged elbow.

For damage close to the joint, it is better to use a turtle-converting bandage. It will better fix the wound and the necessary remedies.

For a lesion located just below or above the elbow joint, a divergent dressing is used.

What is needed for dressing?

Materials for dressing:

  1. bandage or gauze;
  2. scissors as needed;
  3. pin or staples to fasten the bandage.

When applying the bandage, various medications can be used. It can be painkillers, disinfectants, healing remedies.

We impose convergent and divergent

How to make a turtle bandage on the elbow joint? Example of overlapping convergence:

  • The injured arm should be bent at the elbow at an angle of ninety degrees.
  • Then mentally divide the forearm into three parts.
  • Then it is necessary to begin to impose a bandage from the lower part of the forearm.
  • To fix the bandage, you must make three initial turns.
  • Run ten circles in the form of eights around the arm, so that the bandaging is completed in the middle of the elbow.
  • Apply a fixing coil on the elbow.
  • Fasten the end of the bandage with a pin or staple.

The divergent tortoise dressing on the elbow joint is applied in the same way, only in the opposite direction. That is, the bandage begins at the center of the joint with two or three turns. And then diverges from the center up and down the forearm.

The technique of laying on the knee joint

Who did not hurt the knee? Unfortunately, this is a common phenomenon.

In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, but if this is not possible, then you should make a bandage.

It will prevent infection in case of injury, dislocation, or severe bruise, will help immobilize the damaged joint. Most often, with damages, a turtle is applied to the knee joint.

It is effective for the injured knee joint and near it. How to make such a bandage? Now tell.

Example of imposing a divergent tortoise dressing:

  1. The pre-damaged knee should be bent at an angle of 100-120 degrees. For convenience, find a footing for the leg, so that the joint is not tense, and it was ensured maximum convenience when applying bandages.
  2. The bandage begins with the middle of the joint. Two or three fastening turns are made.
  3. Next, overlapping tours of the bandage overlap the previous layer and diverge from the middle up and down in the form of a figure eight.
  4. The last coils are performed above the knee joint, where two or three fastening bandages are made.
  5. Then the end is fixed with a pin or a clamp.

The technique of applying a turtle bandage to the knee joint does not differ from that imposed on the upper limb. The difference is only in the material used. For bandaging of the upper extremities a bandage 10 cm in width is used, for the lower limbs - a bandage 15 to 20 cm wide.

Foot bandage

How is a turtle bandage applied to the foot? The same method is used for dressing in case of an injury or inflammation of the ankle joint and sprain. When bandaging is applied to the heel area, a divergent bandage is used.

The algorithm for imposing a turtle bandage on the heel area is the same as on the joints of the limbs.

Bandaging begins at the most protruding part, that is, on the heel. This is the most difficult part of bandaging.

Two or three start-ups are done. Then they should be fixed with one or two coils of bandage through the sole and behind on the heel. Then the bandage is superimposed, as usual, by making a bandage with eight, spreading upward on the ankle and down on the foot.

Dislocations, sprains, bruises, inflammation of the joints. What is used?

In these cases a tortoise dressing is applied using an elastic bandage. The latter is made with the use of stretchable yarns, which ensure tight fit and tightening, if necessary.

Bint is often used to limit mobility and create compression pressure that will be comfortable for the patient. Sometimes it can be applied over the existing bandage.

The application procedure is the same as using a normal bandage. The difference between the elastic is that it is not necessary to twist it during bandaging. Since stretchable fibers provide an ideal fit.

This bandage is fixed with the help of pins, staples or special plastic fasteners, sold with a bandage.

Appointment of an ankle bandage:

  • medicinal (for healing of damage);
  • compression (with sprain of ligaments, tendons);
  • fixing (used in sports medicine);
  • Protective (with an open fracture of the ankle).

Such a bandage will protect the injured ankle, accelerate healing and recovery.

The proper skill is to apply a bandage

The technique of imposing a turtle bandage is quite simple. The ability to make it at the right time can save someone's life or avoid the fate of being a cripple for the rest of the days. The most important thing in trauma is first aid.

After all, there is not always an opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. Correctly made bandage will protect from infection, help fix the damaged joint and wait for the arrival of doctors.

Of course, it's better that this skill is not useful, but from this no one, unfortunately, is not insured.

A small conclusion

Now you know what a turtle bandage is. We also described the reasons for which it is superimposed.

In addition, the ways of applying the dressing were considered in detail. Also in the article there are some more useful recommendations.

We hope that the information was interesting and useful for you.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/336086/cherepashya-povyazka-na-loktevoy-i-kolennyiy-sustavyi-tehnika-nalojeniya

Tortoise bandage on the elbow joint: a scheme of correct application

Absolutely no one is immune from accidents, as a result of which the skin is damaged, the integrity of bone tissue or the mobility of the joints is disturbed.

In any of these cases, a person needs emergency medical care. To get to the hospital or wait for the doctor to arrive immediately after receiving the injury, unfortunately, it is not always possible.

In this situation, each person will be very useful knowledge of how to help themselves and their loved ones on their own.

Types of dressings

In the photo, you can see the dressing in various ways. Each of them assumes use depending on what happened the damage. Thus, the following types of dressings are distinguished:

  1. Protective.
    This kind of dressing is used for injuries, due to which the integrity of the skin and soft tissues is disturbed. In order to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the open wound, it is necessary to protect it from contact with the environment. To this end, an aseptic dressing is applied, presented as a bactericidal adhesive plaster or gauze with a disinfecting drug and bandage.
  2. Hemostatic (pressing).
    These bandages are designed to stop the bleeding that opens up as a result of trauma. The main feature of their superposition is the need for tight tightening of gauze or elastic bandage around the injured part of the body.
  3. Immobilizing (fixing).
    Such bandages are used for joint dislocation and sprain. In this case, the injured limb should be protected from unnecessary movements and additional injuries. This can be done with a soft fixation bandage. For fractures, use a hard bandage (gypsum, thermoplastic, tires).

As you can see, each bandage has its own testimony and requires certain rules for its application. In this case, the choice of the dressing material depends on the severity of the injury.

Types of bandage dressings

The most widespread in medicine were bandage bandages, and they have been used since ancient times.

Bint is a universal material that combines all the properties necessary to properly care for the injured part of the body.

It combines strength, elasticity and the ability to pass air. There is a wide variety of bandages that can be made from gauze or other fabric.

Depending on the nature of the damage, this or that type of bandage bandages is applied:

  • circular (circular);
  • spiral: ascending and descending;
  • eight-shaped (cross-shaped);
  • creeping (serpentine);
  • spicate;
  • sinewy;
  • turtle: converging and divergent;
  • t-shaped;
  • complex crossing (bandage Dezo).

Each of these dressings is characterized by its own pattern of overlap. Individual types of injuries suggest a combination of several methods of bandaging.

Imposition of a turtle bandage

The application of the bandage to the elbow joint should be carried out only after some preliminary actions.

To do this, you must first thoroughly wash your hands and, if possible, put on rubber gloves.

The process of bandaging can be painful for the victim, so your task is to psychologically prepare him for the upcoming manipulations.

Remember that your movements should be very careful and careful. Rushing and sharpening can lead to a painful shock in the patient.

The end of the bandage should be held with the left hand, and the reeling head - in the right. In this case, the back of the dressing should be adjacent to the patient's skin.

Try not to stretch the bandage and do creases.

Converging turtle bandage is easy to perform, especially if you watch video tutorials. It should be superimposed according to the following scheme:

  • We bend the elbow joint at an angle of 90-100 degrees.
  • Visually divide the shoulder area into three parts and begin bandaging with the one that is closest to the elbow. We do several strengthening tours around this area. In the same way, you can start the bandage from the upper third of the forearm.
  • After that follow the eight-shaped tours, which are imposed then on the shoulder area, then on the forearm. Crossing each of the tours takes place at the very elbow joint.
  • Each subsequent layer of dressing should cover the previous at least half.
  • We put the dressing on when we reach the elbow joint line. At its center we impose a fixing tour and fix the end of the bandage.
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About how the divergent tortoise dressing is correctly executed, the general scheme of the sequence of actions for the given type of dressing will tell:

  1. The joint should be bent at the same angle as with a converging bandage.
  2. We make the first fixing tours on the elbow.
  3. All subsequent tours have an eight-dimensional appearance and are superimposed alternately in the upper and lower region relative to the joint, crossing on it.
  4. The fixing tour can be imposed either on the shoulder or on the forearm.

In general, convergent and divergent bandages are almost identical. The only difference is from which area it is necessary to begin bandaging.

Turtle bandage on the knee joint is imposed on the same principle as on the elbow. The most important thing is to carefully and densely impose each subsequent tour.

With the correctness of all actions, the pain in the affected joint should decrease.

A source: http://sustavu.ru/sustavy/kolennyj/cherepashya-povyazka-na-loktevoj-sustav.html

Turtle bandage on the knee and elbow joint: converging and divergent

If an accident occurs, damage to the skin, damage to the integrity of bone tissues and joint mobility often occur.

In this case, first aid is necessary. One way to help the injured is by applying a bandage.

Bandage Options

If the injured person shows a wound, fracture, dislocation, the first thing is to protect the damaged area from getting infection and excess body movements. For this, a dressing is used, which is superimposed depending on the type of injury.

Protective dressing is used if the skin and soft tissues are damaged. It helps to protect against harmful microorganisms.

It is applied by means of a bactericidal plaster or gauze, the wound is treated with disinfecting medicinal substances and bound with a bandage.

The pressure bandage helps to stop the bleeding that was discovered due to injury. Gauze or elastic bandage tightly stretches around the damaged area, providing the obstruction of blood through the broken blood vessels.

The fixing dressing is superimposed in the case of joint dislocation and sprain.

the goal of all manipulation is to prevent the possibility of unnecessary movements, which can lead to additional damage.

For this, a soft fixative bandage is used. If the victim is diagnosed with a fracture, the doctor uses a firm dressing.

Bandage Bandages

Most often in medical practice bandages are used with bandage. This material provides durability, sterility, is able to pass air and is universal in application.

Depending on the injury, several types of bandage dressings are used:

  1. Circular;
  2. Spiral;
  3. Cross-shaped;
  4. Serpentine;
  5. Spicate;
  6. Sinful;
  7. Tortoise;
  8. T-shaped;
  9. Difficult cross over.

Converging bandage on the elbow joint and its features

Often, as a result of falling or hitting a person injured such protruding parts of the body as knees and elbows.

To fix the damaged parts of the body, use a turtle bandage on the knee joint or the ulnar surface, do not confuse them with a device such as an orthosis on the elbow joint, for example.

This kind of dressing is performed in the form of a figure-eight and is most often superimposed on large joints.

In particular, the joints located above and below the limb bends may be damaged. Thus, the divergent and converging turtle bandage differs. Convergent is used when the joint is damaged, but divergent if the nearest site is injured.

A turtle bandage in the area of ​​the elbow joint is superimposed with washed hands. It is advisable that rubber gloves be worn.

Since bandaging can be painful, it is necessary to prepare the victim in advance so that he will have to endure the pain. All manipulations must be carried out in a calm environment so that the victim feels confident.

Manipulation should be done carefully and carefully, otherwise sharp and rapid movements can lead to painful shock. The end of the bandage is held in the left hand, and the head is unraveled by the right.

Convergent dressing is easily performed. If necessary, the entire process can be viewed on video. The overlay scheme is as follows:

  • The elbow joint bends at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • It is visually necessary to divide the surface of the shoulder into three areas and begin the process of applying a bandage from the near side to the elbow. Strengthening tours are made around the limb. Similarly, you can begin bandaging from another part of the forearm.
  • Further tours are made in the form of a figure eight, which are superimposed alternately on the shoulder and forearm. Crossing in this case falls on the elbow joint.
  • All subsequent layers of bandage should overlap the previous at least half.
  • After it was possible to reach the elbow joint line, the convergent dressing is no longer superimposed. In the central part of the joint, a tour is fixed and the end of the bandage is fixed.

The outline of the divergent bandage is as follows:

  1. The elbow joint bends at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. In the area of ​​the elbow, several fixing tours are made.
  3. The following tours are performed in the form of a figure eight and superimposed one by one on the upper and lower region and crossed in the joint area.
  4. Fixing tours are superimposed on the shoulder or forearm

The main condition of a turtle bandage of any type - a bandage should cross exactly in the central part of the elbow. In general, both types of dressing do not differ from each other, the difference is only in the place of fixing and fixing the bandage.

It is important to perform the bandage correctly, so that the elbow joint can quickly recover, without disturbance in the future. To do this, you must follow the technique of its implementation.

Who is shown the turtle bandage

A dressing of this type is usually indicated for joint bruises, for example, if it is a knee or elbow injury, hemarthroses, sprains, and also for a period after surgery. Most often, after applying bandages to the injured area, it is not necessary to visit a doctor.

Due to bandage, the patient's pain is reduced, the bandage prevents harmful microorganisms from entering and helps the injury to heal faster. If everything was done correctly, the patient usually feels relief and does not complain about the symptoms of pain.

Similar bandages are used not only for ulnar, but also knee joints. Bandaging is carried out in a similar manner as described above. A person who has learned the technique of imposing a turtle bandage can, if necessary, render first aid to the victim or himself.

A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/fiksacija/cherepashya-povyazka.html

Tortoise bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: superposition

Each person is at risk of injuring an arm or leg. This can be a bruise with a violation of the integrity of the skin, bone tissue.

With such damage, mobility of the elbow or knee joint is impaired.

When an accident occurred and the joint was injured, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help, especially if the skin was damaged, and an abrasion appeared.

Why? Because a surface of abrasions can get a tetanus stick. It is extremely dangerous. Also, if the joints are damaged, a situation arises where without an expert help one can get an injury that will bother the person for the rest of his life.

Sprain ligament is dangerous to health. But while waiting for an ambulance, you can help yourself by typing a turtle bandage. This article details what the bandages are like.

Also we will describe what types of dressings are, their purpose and ways of using.

What is a turtle bandage and what is it for?

This bandage perfectly protects the joints not only of the elbow, but also of the knee joints. It is made of bandage, produced from natural components. This bandage is strong enough, the material "breathes". In this case, the bandage itself has a high degree of elasticity.

A turtle bandage on the joint is superimposed when there is a serious elbow injury.

Trauma of this kind can occur when falling, because the main support of the body in the fall is exactly the elbow.

Such traumas can occur with any person in any conditions - be it sports, industrial or household situations.

So, in what cases is a turtle bandage on the joint (knee or elbow):

  • contusion in the joint region;
  • sprain;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • the rehabilitation period after the operation on the joint.


What are the advantages of this bandage:

  1. When using this dressing, it is likely that further medical care will simply not be necessary. The dressing will effectively help fix the position of the joint and restore its function.
  2. It removes the pain syndrome, soothes the joint.
  3. Protects the skin from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.
  4. It has the property of rapid restoration of damaged tissues.

In general, the competent use of a bandage will allow the patient to quickly feel relief.

Turtles dressings are of different kinds. They are applied depending on the type of damage and the degree of its severity.


Protective dressings are used to protect the skin. Accordingly, they are used for those injuries, when the skin is broken (abrasions, cuts, deep wounds).

The dressing has antiseptic properties, does not allow harmful microorganisms to penetrate through the damaged skin into the bloodstream.

This bandage consists of gauze and plaster with bactericidal action, as well as bandage.


These dressings have a crushing effect. They are designed to stop the bleeding after the injury. To ensure that such a bandage performs its functions optimally, it should be tightened tightly when applied.


Such bandages perfectly fix the tissues of the injured area. Therefore they are also called fixing. They need to be used in situations where the ligaments have stretched.


This is the most common type of turtle bandages that have been used since ancient times. Bint perfectly admits air and does not allow the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria.

Also it is elastic and therefore convenient to use. The density of the bandage allows to fix the ligaments well, if their stretching occurs.

Turtle bandage is convergent and divergent.

How to apply this bandage?

A convergent dressing is used when the joint has suffered damage, and the divergent one is used for injuries of the tissues located near the joint.

Before applying the dressing, you must follow the sanitary norms. You need to wash your hands thoroughly. Ideally, you should also wear rubber gloves afterwards.

After this, you need to calm down, if it comes to self-help, or to reassure the victim. Since the dressing application can cause severe pain syndrome. The victim should be ready for this.

The imposition of a turtle bandage should be neat and the movements careful. Because any imprudence can lead to pain in the area of ​​elbow damage.

The left hand should take the end of the bandage. The head, unwinding bandage, should be in the right hand.

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This rule works for right-handers, for left-handers everything should be the other way around. The back of the material for dressing the patient should fit snugly against the damaged skin.

The bandage should not be stretched, no creases should be created.

We impose a descending bandage

How should a tortoise be applied to the elbow joint? Overlapping occurs as follows:

  1. First, you need to bend the elbow joint approximately 90 degrees, but not more than 100.
  2. It is necessary to divide the brachial region into the mind into three equal parts. You need to start from the area that is in the closest proximity to the elbow. There you need to make several tours, to strengthen the area.
  3. Then the tours are arranged in the form of a figure eight. In this case, the bandage should be applied alternately in the shoulder and elbow areas. But it is important to remember, cross-over tours are always needed in the joint area.
  4. Each next layer of bandage overlaps the previous one.
  5. The bandage can be finished when the bandage has reached the level of the joint.
  6. The final fixation is performed in the center of the joint.

Overlapping of a dressing

The joint is bent in the same way as when applying a descending one. Fixing tours are performed in the area of ​​the elbow or knee joint.

Next, eight-shaped tours are produced at the top and bottom of the joint alternately, crossing each other on the joint.

The final round for fixation is made on the forearm or on the shoulder.

It turns out that the difference between the descending and divergent types of dressing is in the places where the dressing begins to be applied and its final fixation. Otherwise, all actions are the same.

A source: http://.ru/article/336038/cherepashya-povyazka-na-loktevoy-sustav-na-kolennyiy-sustav-nalojenie

How to apply various bandages to the elbow joint?

Features of the device

There are many devices that should be used after surgery or traumatic injuries. Such are the spiral, tortoises, fixing and other bandages.

These adaptations will keep the elbow during competitions, in which this part of the body is actively involved and it has a powerful effect on the musculoskeletal system. This fixative is used when the gypsum is not in demand.

He firmly fixes the joint and allows him to remain in a free position.

Orthosis is selected, based on the severity of the injury. With the help of it, not only fix the joint in a normal position, but also achieve a thermal effect that is similar to a massage one. This ensures a speedy recovery.

There are different types of dressings and they all differ between themselves: a model, a kind, color and value.

Optimal choice to implement you will help a doctor, as well as a sales consultant in a pharmacy or a special store.

If necessary, the latch can fix in addition to the elbow, forearm or even the shoulder area.

Why do we need bandages?

Many people do not have information about the useful properties of the bandage. It is indispensable for severe muscle pains that have arisen from stretching or rupture.

And also helps to restore the joint after a damage or surgery. The bandage minimizes the load on the joint during heavy physical exercises.

Another elastic bandage is used for varicose veins.

With the help of a bandage, the necessary compression is provided. It takes a perpendicular position relative to the plane.

Due to this, certain parts of the joints are mobile and soft tissues are not squeezed.

These attributes due to this specificity are used for therapy of the musculoskeletal system, vascular and lymphatic system.

Still can impose an orthosis on a plaster tire, for its fastening. But this can be done only a day after the application of gypsum, because immediately the bandage can be glued to the tire. This medical product can be removed and developed from time to time.

Indications for use

  1. The dressing is often used by professional athletes. It prevents diseases that are characteristic of their activities. Here, tennis players are advised to wear a retainer in order not to develop the so-called "tennis player's elbow" syndrome, which is also an epicondylitis.
  2. The latch is required for people who are at risk of elbow joint diseases. These people include those whose profession involves performing rotational movements with this joint. These are stevedores, auto mechanics, seamstresses or typesetters of texts and others.
  3. The bandage is shown when the corresponding area is injured. Since damage can begin to progress degenerative changes, and the product in question is able to prevent them. If a person has a trauma due to the corresponding profession, then he simply has to buy an orthosis.
  4. Orthopedists and traumatologists advise the use of a fixator in an acute period of trauma. His wearing will help to recover quickly, and eliminate the need for gypsum application. And also the bandage will contribute to postoperative rehabilitation and will return you in good shape.
  5. The bandage is used for affection of the joint with an inflammatory disorder: bursitis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, synovitis. Stabilization of the joint will reduce puffiness, will not allow the patient to carry out movements that can bring harm and reduce soreness.


Special bandages have a minimum amount of contraindications, which makes immobilization safe and does not give rise to complications. But the reason for prohibiting the use of orthosis may be:

  • Skin disease with ulcers in the area where you need to apply the device.
  • Open fractures or simply strong bleeding wounds.
  • Allergenic reaction to the material from which the bandage is made.

Overlay technique

For proper application, specific equipment, medicines and tools are needed. At first the patient is seated or laid down, what is provided by his immobility.

The procedure is carried out on a table or massage couch. For the correct location of the hand, you need a retractable stand, the height of which can be changed.

You will also need scissors, the ends of which are blunt, a scalpel and a razor.

You need medication: greens, iodine, adhesive plasters, bandages, medical glue, alcohol, ether (cleanse their skin) and ammonia. Muscles during the procedure of the patient should be completely relaxed. The patient's position should ensure normal access to the injured elbow.

The elbow joint should be given a normal position, according to physiology. The doctor, who will conduct the procedure, should face the patient to monitor the situation.

When symptoms are found that indicate that the dressing is not properly applied, it is removed and applied again.

These symptoms include edema, low sensitivity, pain.


This dressing refers to the cross type. It is often used to fix the elbow joint as a primary dressing.

When applying it, it is necessary to take into account that the crossings should be located on one line and be displaced after each tour by half or two-thirds of the bandage width.

A well-imposed spicate bandage should not subside with mobility and have a neat appearance.

The bandage should be applied from the periphery of the hand, directing it to the trunk. Begin the process with the tour, which fixes. It fixes the end of the bandage.

When applying, no creases should form, that is, the tension should be uniform. This will prevent possible swelling. The last round fixing.

It is placed on the narrowest part of the limb.

A bandage bandage does not need to be fixed above the projection of the damage. It should be displaced. Do not bandage your hand with an unwrapped bandage, because it is the cause of excessive or weak tension in some places, which will cause painful spasms.

Requirements for imposing spicate bandages:

  • must completely close the place of injury or patient site;
  • should not interfere with normal blood circulation;
  • thanks to her, a person should be relieved.


This kind of bandage is superimposed only on the elbow and knee. The dressing will firmly fix the napkins, stop the bleeding and make them immobile. It exists in two forms: divergent, convergent. Their main difference lies in the direction of the procedure.

It can be done only on the elbow, but it can also be strengthened by the shoulder and forearm. This will depend on how much damage is great. Often impose a divergent appearance. With it it is easier to achieve immobility. But additional pressure will limit the work on the house.

Fixing or immobilizing

This type of orthosis is used to fully immobilize the limb and achieve peace in it. Fixing bandages appoint those who have dislocation, bruises, inflammatory processes in the limbs, fracture, injury, tuberculosis of joints and bones.

Such a fixed device is hardening and bus-bar. Starchy bandages and plaster langets are disfiguring.

Such bandages can do not only from gypsum, but also from liquid glass (sodium silicate solution), gelatin solution and celluloid, previously dissolved with acetone.

Another basis, which cures, is used for busbar-sleeve apparatuses and corsets.


This bandage is easy to impose. At home, you can cope with the procedure of imposing. This kind is used after an injury. The bandage bandage will protect against various complications, such as rupture of ligaments, edema or damage to blood vessels.

  1. To impose her affected area, first cover with a sterile tissue.
  2. Then the cloth is unfolded and folded in a triangle.
  3. The longest segment should be located on the back, the top is fixed, and the second part of the scarf is tied with knots from different sides.

The advantage of this fixator is its ease of wearing and use.

For this reason, this method is suitable for emergency cases, it is also used to stop bleeding.

When the victim is given first aid, he should be taken to the hospital. If necessary, the bandage can be slightly weakened, but should not be removed.

Overlay of elastic bandage

  • Begin with an elbow, wrap an elastic bandage around this site once or twice.
  • Then they come to the forearm through the palm surface.
  • Do one round around the forearm.
  • They pass to the ulnar fossa and to the shoulder.
  • One round around the shoulder and go back to the forearm.
  • The last round should fall on the shoulder.

A source: https://prospinu.com/ortoped/povjazka-na-loktevoj-sustav.html

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