Newborn baby, babe: why constantly grinds and groans

A newborn baby or baby who is a month old does not have the opportunity to clearly articulate their needs and desires in order to communicate them in understandable form to their parents. Therefore, they use loud screaming or crying to attract attention, the task of parents is to guess what is going wrong with the child and what needs to be done to return the baby to a comfortable state.

Small children signal to adults about their condition - comfort or discomfort. They may want to eat, drink, sleep, it can be painful, unpleasantly wet. Crumbs quickly realize what an effective tool - cry and crying - is in the management of reality and other people. Otherwise, no way to survive without such forms of communication.

But what do the attempts and groaning in babies mean? How to understand the parent, is it bad for the child or is it good that he tries to express when constantly grunting and grunting? Sometimes this behavior of children causes parents anxiety. Let's work out together why the baby grunts and tuzhitsya.

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Why grudnichokoften tuzhitsya and grunts?

It seems to be clear when a newborn child strains and groans, it does not mean that he feels pain or negative emotions. Because this is how most children behave. Provided that the baby does not cry, the tension of the muscles can talk about trying to pee or poke, because crumbs have to make efforts to commit these acts.

The fact is that the muscles of the abdominal and sphincter of the rectum in the newborn are not sufficiently developed, they can not fully decrease. A soft feces can not have the right pressure on the intestines. Therefore, the child tuzhitsya and grunts, when he croaks. This is the first reason.

The second, of course, that with the help of tension and pattering the baby can report some discomfort. If he is pushing and tossing in his sleep , he may be inconvenienced by the heat( cold), tight clothes, crumpled sheets and so on. Then, a disgruntled sniff can be a sign that the child has dried up the nasal mucosa and it is difficult for him to breathe. Then you need to adjust the air parameters, bringing them to the values ​​of 18-24 degrees of heat and 60-70% of humidity.

If the child is constantly pushing, groaning, blushing and crying heavily in a dream and in the daytime

To suspect the presence of problems is necessary when the baby is constantly pushing, groaning, blushing and crying strongly during the day and in a dream. Possible causes: constipation, colic;caused by increased gas formation.

Constipation in a child

Signs when a newborn child suffers from constipation:

  1. a prolonged absence of stools - for "artificial persons" more than 1 day, for children on natural feeding - longer than 3 days;
  2. the kid strains, blushes and groans, trying to empty the intestines even in a dream;
  3. feces come out very hard, dark and fetid.

Why can constipation occur in a baby? Often the reasons are in the diet.

In case of artificial feeding, the problem can be caused by improperly selected mixture, overfeeding, lack of water. And with natural breast feeding - abuse of mama white bread, meat, bananas, nuts, rice, whole milk.

If the baby already eats solid food, then the reason may be a deficit of plant foods in his diet.

What should I do to get a regular kakal regularly?

Adjust power supply :

  1. add to the diet a sour-milk mixture;
  2. enrich the mom's menu with fresh yogurt and yogurt;
  3. give the crumb to drink water, especially in the heat;
  4. after 6 months to feed the child with baked apples, prunes, beetroot and other "slavish" products.

Activate peristalsis :

  1. do regular abdominal massage - movements in the clockwise direction;
  2. bend the legs in the knees and pull them to the tummy.

If the problem is not solved, and the child strongly grunts and tuzhitsya before each act of defecation, then you can resort to rectal suppositories, laxatives and enema. But it should be done only according to the scheme appointed by the doctor. Regular use of such "assistants" can lead to the fact that the little woman will have difficulty with the evacuation of the intestine constantly.

A newborn baby can grind and groan if he has nothing to croak. This condition is called "hungry" constipation. Other of its signs are loss( slow set) of weight and weakness. In this situation, the baby needs frequent breastfeeding or supplement feeding with the mixture.

Colic in the abdomen

A newborn baby is pushing, groaning, crying, arching his back and moving his legs, and his tummy puffs up and becomes hard? Probably the baby has colic. Why do they arise?

Colic is associated with the immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems: as a result of overfilling of the gastrointestinal tract with food and gases, the infants experience strong pain. They do not appear all the time, but only a short time after feeding, but they can torment the baby in a dream.

Prevention of colic, what to do

Do not overfeed:

  1. when breastfeeding - keep it at the breast for no more than 10-15 minutes and take breaks between meals lasting at least 2 hours;
  2. with artificial - to prepare a mixture only by prescription, without increasing the mass of milk powder, to withstand gaps of 3-3.5 hours between feedings.

Observe the right diet:

  1. for children - "artificial" should be given a mixture with pro and prebiotics;
  2. nursing mothers are advised not to eat yogurt provoking gassing - yeast cakes, sweets, beans and so on.

Do not allow the baby to swallow air while eating, and help him to get rid of it. To do this:

  1. is correctly applied to the breast, decanting the front milk if it flows too much;
  2. does not pierce a large hole in the nipple, use anti-bulb bottles, it is true to keep the bottle so that there is always liquid in the nipple;
  3. laying the baby on the tummy before each meal;
  4. keep it "stamping" for 10-15 minutes after eating.

Do not overheat crumbs. Studies show that babies, who are constantly in hot and dry air or are too warmly dressed, often suffer from colic.

Treatment for colic

If the baby is already suffering from flatulence, then it can be helped so:

  1. put a warm diaper on your stomach or press it to your body;
  2. massage the tummy - pat clockwise around the navel, tighten the legs several times, bent at the knees, do the exercise "bike";
  3. put it on your knees with your belly;
  4. give a drink of water;
  5. supply the child with a gas pipe, after consultation with the pediatrician.

There are various synthetic and natural preparations that reduce gas formation and relieve the pain sensation: dill water, Espumizan, Bebinos, Plantex.

Help improve digestion and medicines containing beneficial bacteria and prebiotics: Lineks, Bifiform, Hilak Fort. But they should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

When you need a doctor

Get medical help if the baby grunts and tuzhitsya, stands in such situations:

  1. a child loses weight, poorly eats, completely refuses to breast or bottle;
  2. in feces appeared blood or a lot of mucus;
  3. constipation and bloating are constantly observed;
  4. babe very often archs back and cries both during wakefulness and in sleep;
  5. the newborn babies plentifully;
  6. increased body temperature.

These signs may indicate a health problem with crumbs or significant errors in caring for it.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of why a newborn or a baby often grinds and groans. This behavior can be the result of difficulties with defecation, a reaction to pain from the accumulation of gases, or indicate a slight discomfort caused by heat and uncomfortable clothing.

If the baby develops normally and only occasionally strains and groans, then there is no need to panic - he communicates with his parents. Frequent straining, accompanied by crying and expressed anxiety, is an occasion for a visit to a pediatrician.

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Source: http: // pochemu-grudnichok-tuzhitsya-i-kryaxtit.html

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