Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home


  • 1Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home with drugs
    • 1.1Which doctor treats gout?
    • 1.2How to treat gout on legs during an exacerbation
    • 1.3Therapeutic diet
    • 1.4Medication Therapy
    • 1.5Treatment with folk remedies at home
    • 1.6Prevention of exacerbations
    • 1.7: what is gout and how to treat it
  • 2Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home by folk remedies. Treatment of gout in a sanatorium, surgical method. What should be the diet?
    • 2.1Characteristics of the disease
    • 2.2Recommendations for the patient with exacerbation
    • 2.3Folk remedies
    • 2.4Methods for exacerbation
    • 2.5Medication help
    • 2.6Treatment of a chronic ailment with folk remedies
    • 2.7Sanatorium treatment
    • 2.8Surgical method
    • 2.9Diet. Prohibited products
    • 2.10Nutrition recommendations
    • 2.11Important recommendation
  • 3Treatment with medicines and diet for gout during an exacerbation
    • 3.1Medication for gout
    • 3.2Folk treatment of gout exacerbations
    • 3.3How to eat with an exacerbation of gout
    • 3.4What is forbidden with exacerbation of gout
    • 3.5Prevention of gout exacerbations
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Treatment of gout
    • 4.1«Footcap»
    • 4.2Stages of gout:
    • 4.3The onset of a gouty attack
    • 4.4Treatment of gout with exacerbation
    • 4.5Gout: medications
    • 4.6Gout: treatment with folk remedies
    • 4.7Foot baths with iodine
    • 4.8Poultice flaxseed and activated charcoal
    • 4.9Compresses with tincture of valerian
    • 4.10Diet
    • 4.11Forecast

Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home with drugs

Gout is a disease of rheumatic type, the cause of which is the accumulation of urate crystals of uric acid in the kidneys and joints.

The disease, most of the suffering from which are men, is characterized by relapses, during which the patient experiences severe pain. Over time, there are gouty nodules - tofus, which interfere with the normal functioning of the joints.

Treatment of gout with exacerbation implies a reduction in pain, cessation of inflammation and a decrease in the level of uric acid. About this in more detail in the article.

Which doctor treats gout?

If there are suspicions of gout, then you should not look for photos of the disease on the Internet, you must immediately make an appointment with the therapist.

If he or she is diagnosed with this ailment, he will refer the patient to a rheumatologist who will further treat the patient.

Gout is a serious illness, for which there is no simple method to cure, to each case the physician approaches separately, developing an individual strategy.

Exacerbation of gout can torment the patient for a long time even if the doctor's prescriptions are strictly followed. To reduce the difficult period, you must unconditionally observe bed rest. Painkillers have almost no effect on such pain.

Modern methods of treating gout can help. A doctor can prescribe a prescription for medications that fight inflammation that do not have steroids. It is advisable to hold the patient's arm or leg higher, on a soft platform.

If the pain becomes unbearable, cold will come to the rescue.

Than to treat a gout? It will be appropriate to compress with dimexidum or ointment Vishnevsky.

Often, doctors insist on a diet consisting of vegetable broths and cereals, and a large number of alkali-containing beverages, such as mineral water, jelly, milk and oatmeal.

It will be useful even for ordinary boiled water with a small amount of lemon juice. The latter promotes the dissolution of urate deposits. A sick gout needs to drink at least three liters of fluid.

How to treat gout on legs during an exacerbation

To treat gout with exacerbations on the feet, the doctor always considers the individual case of the patient and offers a set of measures that the patient must perform continuously, and not only in times of relapse.

The patient takes a special drug "Colchicine". Among other prescribed drugs can be both painkillers, and funds to suppress the production of uric acid, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.

If you do not know how to treat gout on the big toe, then it is recommended to apply ice or a compress with alcohol to a sore spot. The patient should forget about the existence in the world of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.


In the case of a violation of the diet to reduce the level of uric acid will be more difficult, a consequence of this can become kidney stones and general exacerbation of gout.


If the damage to the joints and tissues has reached significant dimensions and can not be cured medically, the doctor will propose a surgical operation.

Therapeutic diet

Diet for gout during an exacerbation is an essential element of treatment. The patient should receive food four times a day.

It is necessary to avoid a lack or an overabundance of food - this will lead to an attack. If the patient is overweight, he should lose unnecessary kilograms, but avoid at the same time a sharp weight loss.

Positive feedback from people suffering from gout, about the 6th diet.

A sick gout should receive the necessary volume of fluid. Of drinks the best choice would be:

  • broth of dogrose;
  • weak tea;
  • mineral water;
  • fruit drinks;
  • compotes.

The most important is to reduce the amount of salt consumed. The patient's diet excludes:

  • meat and fish products;
  • smoked meat;
  • animal fats;
  • liver;
  • kidneys and lungs;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned fish;
  • caviar;
  • salted and fried fish;
  • sharp and salty varieties of cheese;
  • fatty fish;
  • mustard;
  • pepper;
  • horseradish;
  • beans;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • cocoa;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • cream cakes;
  • grapes;
  • figs;
  • raspberries;
  • a combination of fruit broths, vegetable, fermented milk, dairy products;
  • chicken;
  • a rabbit;
  • turkey.

As sweet are allowed:

  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • paste;
  • fruit;
  • sweets without chocolate.

Nutrition for gout should be special. Include in the diet:

  • porridge on the diluted milk;
  • boiled fish;
  • shrimp;
  • squid;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese with low fat content.

There are almost no restrictions with regard to vegetables, except for:

  • asparagus;
  • spinach;
  • cauliflower.

Medication Therapy

Treatment of gout with medicines is aimed at reducing the edema of tissues near the affected area, reducing the level of uric acid. There is a difference between drugs that are taken during relapse and between seizures.

Some medicines for gout should only be used under the supervision of a doctor who monitors blood parameters. In the case of the first attack of arthritis, the patient receives anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of drugs to reduce the level of uric acid can lead to negative results

When developing gout, drugs are designed to relieve pain, eliminate swelling of the tissues. To do this, use inflammatory and steroid-free medications, special anti-gout remedies such as Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Movalis.

Do not use aspirin. "Colchicine" is a special drug that helps fight the worsening of the disease. If colchicine and painkillers are rendered helpless, glucocorticoids enter the case.

To treat gout with exacerbation of ointments and other means are already useless.

Between attacks of exacerbation the patient prescribed drugs to suppress the production of uric acid. How to take allopurinol for gout? Tablets are washed down with water after eating. What should be the dosage - the doctor should calculate.


To improve the removal of uric acid from the body, "Colchicine" is used, the use of which is permissible under the prescription of the doctor. There is also alternative medicine - homeopathy. Often for the treatment of gout in case of exacerbation, the herb is a cesspool, formic acid.


A quick way to recover is sanatorium treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Here are the most famous methods:

  1. Compress with fish fillet. Apply to the hearth of illness, fix and hold all night. Repeat for 10 days.
  2. Half a cup of activated carbon is turned into a powder, mixed with one tablespoon of flaxseed, diluted with water, rubbed over the sore spot before going to bed.
  3. Ointment from melted butter mixed with the same amount of vodka. Alcohol should be removed from the mixture. To do this, it must be set on fire, after which the ointment is rubbed into the affected areas to reduce pain.
  4. A mixture of five aspirin tablets, 10 milliliters of iodine. After use on a sore spot, wear gloves or socks.
  5. Baths of three liters of water, three teaspoons of soda, nine drops of iodine.
  6. Fat. Rub the pieces into the adjacent areas or leave them overnight fixed on the sore spot.
  7. Ointment from gout on legs with sea salt. A half-kilogram of white ingredient should be poured with boiling water and left on the stove until water boils. After that, two hundred grams of Vaseline are added to the salt, a compress is made from the resulting ointment, which is insulated and left overnight.

Prevention of exacerbations

Gout occurs where the joint has been damaged. It is necessary to avoid uncomfortable and narrow shoes, so as not to injure the big toe, often affected by the disease. Especially dangerous is the disease for small joints, which should be constantly loaded with movement.

A healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the level of urate and uric acid. Daily exercise, walking will have the most beneficial effect. Vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, cheese will always be useful.

You should forget about nicotine and alcohol, they interfere with the excretion of uric acid.

: what is gout and how to treat it

In the story, the doctor explains what factors are talking about the development of gout. The expert explains why the disease is noted in fat people.

In the video below explain, on the basis of what the disease is confused with osteoarthritis and flat feet. Diagnosis, the causes of the disease and the treatment of gout when exacerbated - is available in simple language.

See and take note of effective advice.

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Treatment of gout with exacerbation at home by folk remedies. Treatment of gout in a sanatorium, surgical method. What should be the diet?

Gout disease is known to mankind since ancient times. All the main signs of the disease were described by Hippocrates. Previously, this disease was called a disease of kings. After all, problems with joints often occurred in representatives of the upper class.

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The reasons are quite obvious: lack of mobility, excessive addiction to alcohol and meat. The disease continues to remain treacherous today.

However, various techniques that provide treatment for gout with exacerbation, give many patients a chance to improve their condition.

Characteristics of the disease

Some people are familiar with the ailment of literary works. Others, unfortunately, experienced it on themselves. Gout is one of the types of arthritis. It has a very definite reason.

Pathology provokes an excess of uric acid, which accumulates in the body as a result of impaired metabolism. This substance is formed into microcrystals and settles in the joints.

Most often they are deposited in the joints of the foot, thumb, knee. A distinctive feature of the crystals is the needle-shaped form.

That's why they dig into the tissues of the joints, provoking unbearable pain.

The attack usually begins at night. There is a lot of pain, which in a short time becomes unbearable. The joint swells and turns red. Only adequate and timely treatment of gout with exacerbation can reduce the severity of symptoms.

An ailment can appear in any person. But according to statistics, the most common pathology is observed in men 40-50 years old.

Quite often gout, which is not treated with adequate methods, leads to the development of kidney stone disease. There may be other, no less serious ailments.

That is why it is so important to start the fight against an insidious disease in a timely manner.

Recommendations for the patient with exacerbation

Of course, if the pain has arisen for the first time, be sure to see a doctor. After all, only with the help of tests can you properly diagnose an ailment.

If you are sure of the disease, then the treatment for gout with exacerbation at home will be as follows:

  1. Mandatory compliance with bed rest.
  2. It is recommended to fix the patient's limb in a slightly elevated state. Be sure to give her complete peace.
  3. Use anti-inflammatory drugs. On the damaged area you can apply Vishnevsky ointment or Dimexide solution.
  4. The patient needs a certain drinking regime. Alkaline mineral water, acidic freshly squeezed juices, rice broth are useful.
  5. The patient should adhere to a half-starved diet. Vegetable broths, jelly, water porridges are useful.
  6. In severe pain syndrome, analgesics or NSAIDs are taken. Most often with gout medications "Diclofenac "Nimesulide "Indomethacin" are recommended.

Observance of such recommendations allows to stop an attack literally for 2-3 days.

Folk remedies

Medication methods recommended by doctors in the fight against pathology do not exclude the use of home prescriptions.

Treatment of gout with exacerbation of folk remedies has fully confirmed its effectiveness.


After all, for the millenniums of the existence of the disease, many wonderful methods have been accumulated that can alleviate the patient's suffering.


Doctors often recommend that patients include various folk methods in therapy. Their advantage in accessibility, careful checking of time and absence of contraindications.

Methods for exacerbation

So, what methods can be used if suddenly there was an attack?

Doctors and healers recommend the following treatment for gout when exacerbated by folk methods:

  1. Activated carbon. If for several hours a strong attack does not pass, this therapy will be effective enough. Take 4 tablets and diligently chop them. Add a little water to the powdery composition. To ensure an excellent effect, it is recommended to put 1 tbsp in the gruel. l. of linseed oil. Stir the ingredients. Apply the mixture to the damaged area at night. By the morning the pain syndrome will decrease significantly. However, remember that the activated charcoal can not cure gout. But he will perfectly eliminate the pain.
  2. Lemons. You will need 1 kg of citrus fruit. It takes 5 minutes to pour the lemons with boiling water. Be sure to keep them all submerged in water. Cut the citrus, remove the bones. Pass them through the meat grinder. This "medicine" is stored in the refrigerator. Take the next drink once a day, once a day. Add 1 hour to a glass of water. l. lemon billet and ¼ h. l. soda.
  3. Copper. Do not be surprised. Treatment of gout with exacerbation with copper is one of the effective ways. You can use ordinary wire. In severe pains, the wounded area should be wrapped around with copper. The patients' testimonies indicate that even the strongest sensations start to subside in about 30 minutes. And after an hour the discomfort completely disappears. The tumor after such treatment comes off on the second day. The patient is able to fully return to everyday life.
  4. Cherry berries. They have the strongest anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to eat at least 300 g of berries per day. Such treatment should last 7 days. Cherry perfectly reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood. And, as you know, it is she who provokes the development of gout.
  5. Fresh celery. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of it. Its use significantly reduces the pain in the joints. It is recommended to apply the remedy before meals for 3-4 hours. l. To get a beneficial effect of treatment, you should repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Medication help

However, one should not rely solely on folk remedies. After all, the disease of kings can retreat only with complex therapy. Therefore, the treatment of gout with exacerbation must necessarily include medication. But remember that they should be assigned only by a specialist.

Most often, therapy in the acute period is based on the following medications:

  • anesthetics: "Ibuprofen "Voltaren "Nimulid
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: "Colchicine "Indomethacin
  • medicines that reduce the concentration of uric acid: "Purinol "Allopurinol
  • external ointments: Diclofenac, Butadion, Fullflex.

Treatment of a chronic ailment with folk remedies

It should be understood that even outside the exacerbation of gout continues to disruptively affect the joints. Therefore, do not throw the therapy as soon as you manage to stop the attack. Otherwise, soon, gout treatment will be needed again, with exacerbation.

Herbs are very popular. They are a powerful remedy for gout.

A wonderful therapeutic effect will be provided by the following baths:

  1. Camomile. It will take 100 g of plant flowers and 200 g of sea salt. Components pour boiling water - 10 liters. Be sure to let yourselves infuse. When the fluid gets a temperature of 38-40 degrees, you can begin treatment. In the bath, immerse the patient joint and hold it in the liquid for a while.
  2. Sage. To prepare the infusion, you need 6 liters of water and 100 grams of the above-mentioned herbs. 15 minutes mixed ingredients should be boiled. After cooling to 38 degrees, the liquid for treatment is ready.

The course of therapy with trays implies 25-30 procedures. If we talk about the duration of one manipulation, then it lasts 30-40 minutes. However, it should be remembered that when cooling the liquid, it must necessarily be heated.

Sanatorium treatment

Such therapy is very popular. Its main goal is to fight the main cause of the disease - increasing the concentration of uric acid.

However, the treatment of gout with exacerbation in a sanatorium should be prescribed by a doctor. Because such therapy has contraindications. In addition, not all procedures can be prescribed during an attack.

It is strictly forbidden to sanatorium-and-spa treatment to individuals who are diagnosed with:

  • renal failure in chronic form;
  • arterial hypertension.

Most often the therapy is based on two directions:

  • taking medicinal baths;
  • the use of mineral waters.

Patients are recommended certain resorts. As a rule, these are sanatoriums in which the patient is offered baths containing radon, sodium chloride, sulphides, nitrogen. Useful iodine-bromide.

Alkaline mineral water is recommended for use. They contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. Alkali provides the splitting of uric acid. Thus, painful crystals do not increase in size, and no tofus formation occurs.

Surgical method

To the operational method is used extremely rarely. Treatment of gout with exacerbation by surgical method may consist of puncture of the joint. During the operation, corticosteroids are inserted into the articulation.

As a rule, the need for surgical intervention arises if the deposits are greatly expanded and have a negative effect on the tissue.

In this case, the nodes are removed surgically.

If there is a significant destruction of the cartilage, the patient is shown a recovery operation - arthroplasty.

Diet. Prohibited products

One of the most important roles in the fight against the disease is proper nutrition. Observing the diet, you provide effective treatment for gout with exacerbation.

What products are not allowed in the first place? Doctors advise to refrain from using:

  • fatty varieties of meat, fish;
  • by-products;
  • meat, canned fish;
  • animal fat;
  • smoked products;
  • rich broths.

These foods increase the production of uric acid.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude food that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease:

  • mushrooms, beans;
  • spinach, cauliflower, sorrel;
  • chocolate;
  • raspberries;
  • strong tea;
  • figs;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • alcohol (especially dangerous beer).

Nutrition recommendations

What kind of foods should people eat who are prescribed gout treatment, with exacerbation?

The diet is based on the following food:

  • vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) - raw, boiled or stewed;
  • fruit, berries;
  • fruit drinks, fruit drinks, tea, jelly;
  • dairy;
  • vegetable broth;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • cereals, macaroni from durum wheat;
  • fresh citrus juices;
  • bread - rye, wheat, it is possible with bran;
  • alkaline mineral water;
  • marmalade, pastille;
  • broth from a dogrose.

Important recommendation

People suffering from gout should remember that dietary nutrition is the basis of treatment.

The right diet can gradually save the patient from painful symptoms. However, be aware that digression from the diet will cause new attacks.

Therefore, the observance of the diet described above should become the norm of life for gout.

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Treatment with medicines and diet for gout during an exacerbation

Diet for gout during an exacerbation is one of the methods of treatment, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient.

This disease is so unpleasant and dangerous that it can deprive a person not only of working capacity, but also of mobility.

Since the exacerbation of gout is in most cases caused by disturbances in the diet, the effect on the disease is also carried out by appropriate methods.

At the first signs of an exacerbation of the disease, you should immediately contact a rheumatologist. After conducting the diagnosis, the doctor will tell the patient what to do to ease his condition, what kind of treatment and where to go.

Typically, the patient is assigned to bed rest, pain medication and a number of medications to eliminate the causes of the disease. With a timely appeal to medical help, the outlook is positive.

Proper treatment of gout with exacerbation at home can return the patient to a normal state in a week.

Medication for gout

When appointing a course of treatment, physicians take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the state of health of each patient.

First of all, we take into account the intensity with which the main gouty syndrome manifests - the degree of joint enlargement, their soreness and the possibility of complications.

When acute pain is prescribed strong drugs that affect the individual joint or the central nervous system as a whole. By prescribing an anesthetic for gout, the doctor takes into account the condition of the liver and kidneys of the patient.

If there are contraindications to the intake of powders and tablets, then intravenous and intramuscular injections are used.

At the same time, soft drugs are selected so as not to disrupt the work of the digestive and cardiovascular systems already suffering from gout.

In complex medicamentous treatment, the patient is prescribed medicines of such groups:

  1. Painkillers. Reduced pain syndrome allows a person to return to normal sleep and nutrition. He acquires the ability to move around for hygienic and therapeutic activities. Typically, prescribed drugs such as diclofenac, analgin, but - shpa, paracetamol, aspirin, nurofen, ketans. Their reception ceases immediately after the onset of even a slight improvement.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Because mothrin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, indomethacin, sulindac, ketoprofen, dexibuprofen and voltaren affect not only the infection, but also internal organs, their appointment is carried out only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.
  3. Antifedial. Preparations of this group lower the level of uric acid in the patient's blood, contributing to the fastest recovery of the disease. Depending on the age and health of the patient, he is prescribed allopurinol, purinol, alopron, allupol, egis or sanipipurol. Dosage and duration of medication is determined by the attending physician.
  4. Anti-rheumatic. Nimesulide is prescribed only to adults who have no problems with kidneys, liver and stomach. The abundance of side effects in this drug limits the possibility of its intake by children and people of age. In addition, its reception is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Hypotensive. Quite often, patients with gout suffer from increased blood pressure. Dosirovanny reception of capsules and tablets allows you to bring the heart activity in order. This reduces the likelihood of an infarct and stroke.

Folk treatment of gout exacerbations

Most of our ancestors had to find ways to fight gout at the stage of exacerbation.

Their experience, accumulated over many centuries, can successfully treat gout even in our time with the developed field of the pharmacological industry.

The cause of many diseases, our ancestors quite rightly considered contamination of the body with slags and products of vital activity, bad habits, lack of food or its low quality.


To cleanse the digestive system and blood circulation, you can take advantage of such time-tested and approved by modern medicine recipes:

  1. Tincture of laurel leaves. In 500 ml of hot water is added a tablespoon of raw materials. The solution is brought to a boil, after which it is poured into a thermos bottle. You can eat immediately after cooling down. One sip is enough several times a day for three days. After this, a one-week break is made.
  2. Products of beekeeping. Honey is an excellent medicine that helps with gout in the stage of exacerbation. It is consumed or smeared on a sore spot. In the absence of allergies, bees are applied on the inflamed area. All these actions contribute to the rapid removal of uric acid from the joints.
  3. Onion. Several heads should be cooked until the onion completely falls apart. The resulting product must be kneaded to a homogeneous mass and take 100 ml before dinner. The substance from the bow well anesthetizes the inflamed area. Treatment in this way should be at least two weeks.
  4. Baths from a solution of salt and plants. Hot water, vegetable oil, sea salt and dry chamomile are added to the pelvis. The time of therapy is not limited. The temperature of the solution must be constantly maintained, periodically adding boiling water.
  5. Decoction of oats. A cup of grains is added to a liter of water and brought to a boil. Boil on low heat should be within an hour. After that, the broth merges and is added to the milk. The solution should be consumed one glass before each meal.
  6. Ginger root. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with sugar or honey. The mixture must be insisted for 24 hours. It is used as a part of tea or as an independent means.
  7. Teas from berries. Well-established tea, infused with lilac flowers, alternating leaves, cowberry leaves and strawberries. Prepare the medicine as an ordinary tea - the raw material is poured into a container, filled with boiling water and insisted.

How to eat with an exacerbation of gout

An important role for the speedy recovery of the patient is proper nutrition with gout.

Together with food, not only useful and nutritious substances enter the body, but also uric acid, which exacerbates a difficult clinical picture.

That is why during the exacerbation of gout you need to carefully organize the nutrition of the patient.

This disease involves switching to a fractional diet, when food is taken 4 to 6 times a day in small portions.

Diet should be composed of such groups of products:

  1. Cereals in any form. Preparing soups, cereals and mashed potatoes. They should not be added animal fats, salt, sugar and a lot of vegetable oil.
  2. Vegetables. They must be consumed in large amounts only after heat treatment. The best option is steaming.
  3. Eggs. It is a useful and caloric product that neutralizes uric acid. It is better to boil or fry the eggs without using oil and grease.
  4. Dairy products. The patient can drink kefir without restrictions, there is cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream.
  5. Poultry meat and sea fish. Cooking meat products should be steamed or boiled. Avoid using spices and salt.

As for bakery products, you can eat only gray and stale bread, lying for at least a day.

What is forbidden with exacerbation of gout

From the menu it is necessary to exclude all products that provoke the production of uric acid and cause weight gain. Even using healthy substances, you should not overeat. All the time, while continuing treatment, the patient should experience a slight feeling of hunger.

From the diet should be deleted:

  1. All kinds of alcoholic beverages. Even in small volumes vodka, cognac, wine and beer are contraindicated.
  2. Strong tea, cocoa, brewed and instant coffee.
  3. Fatty, smoked, salted and jerky. This restriction applies to poultry and fish.
  4. By-products of all kinds and categories.
  5. All kinds of vegetable and meat canned food.
  6. Sweets (sweets, cakes, pastries).
  7. Salted, boiled and fried mushrooms.
  8. Fresh bread and rolls.

Correctly organized nutrition contributes to the rapid arrest of the disease and its transfer to the stage of remission.

Prevention of gout exacerbations

To prevent the aggravation of this dangerous disease is much easier than wasting time and money for her treatment. Prevention will prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant and painful relapse.

Rheumatologists recommend the following events:

  1. Constantly monitor your diet. Avoid excessive consumption of tasty, but harmful food with high purine content.
  2. Regularly engage in physical education. Loads with high intensity and duration are not needed. It is enough to devote not more than half an hour a day to jogging, bathing or light gymnastics exercises. Musculature will reduce the load on the joints, taking it upon yourself.
  3. Use at least two liters of water a day, increasing this amount in the summer. Together with the liquid, uric acid is excreted from the body.
  4. Do regular industrial gymnastics if the work is associated with a prolonged stay in a sitting position.
  5. Wear large shoes and clothes. Compression of the joints provokes exacerbation and progression of gout.

According to statistics, timely treatment of gout can get rid of this ailment as soon as possible. The maintenance of a healthy lifestyle gives a certain hope that the ailment will forever remain in a state of remission.

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Treatment of gout

Treatment of gout

"Disease of kings" or "disease of rich people" - more recently just so called gout, a disease whose fault is a violation of the exchange of uric acid.

Accumulating in joints, salts of uric acid cause their inflammation and destruction, therefore, once diagnosed with gout, treatment should be selected immediately.


Abuse of protein foods, smoked products, seafood, carbonated and alcoholic beverages indeed contributes to the development of gout, but more and more often the disease can be found in various social layers. The majority of patients are men over 40 years and women in the postmenopausal period.

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The first episode of gout in most cases begins with the big toe, hence the literal translation of the name of the disease - "trap for the feet."

Even if initially the joint of the big toe is not affected, as a rule, in 90% of patients this sign develops with further progression of the disease.

With gout, the level of uric acid in the blood increases several times and there is hyperuricemia.

This phenomenon can be triggered by excessive production of uric acid or a violation of its excretion through the kidneys, as well as a combination of both of these factors.

Attacks of acute arthritis in this disease are associated with the deposition in the tissues of the joints of sodium monoaurate crystals, which cause the inflammatory process.


In the moments of exacerbations, intense pain arises, depriving the person of the opportunity to move fully.


Approximately two days before the onset of an acute attack, the patient may feel a general malaise, slight discomfort or pulling sensations in the area of ​​the thumb of the foot and other joints. Dyspepsia, chills and fever can also occur.


To answer the question: how to treat gout, it is necessary to examine the patient in detail, to identify concomitant diseases and to determine the stage of the disease.

Stages of gout:

  • Asymptomatic hyperuricemia. In this condition, the uric acid level in the blood exceeds the level of 60 mg / l, but no signs of the disease are observed.

    In addition to regular monitoring of uric acid in the blood and compliance with a low-purine diet, special treatment is not required in this case.

  • Acute attack.

    The active inflammatory process, caused by crystals of uric acid, is accompanied by severe pain, which subsides in a few days even without treatment.

    An acute attack of gout should make you consult a doctor and start treatment as soon as possible, as it can happen again at any time.

  • Subacute current.

    These are intervals between attacks, during which there are no symptoms of the disease, and the joints of the affected limbs are working normally. At this time, the uric acid crystals continue to accumulate, which in the future leads to more severe and painful attacks.

  • Chronic nodular gout. Chronic form of the disease, which leads to the destruction of bone and cartilaginous tissue. It is possible that further kidney damage and the development of kidney failure.

The onset of a gouty attack

The attack of acute gouty arthritis usually begins at night with sharp pain in the area of ​​the joint of the big toe. At the slightest movement, as well as when touching with linen or clothes, painful sensations intensify.

The onset of a gouty attack


  • Pain of an increasing nature
  • Swelling of the joint
  • Hyperemia of the skin (redness) around the focus and its compaction
  • Chills
  • Temperature increase

After a few days, the symptoms of the illness subsided, and the working capacity of the affected joint is gradually restored. However, we must not forget that after a certain period of time gout will certainly remind us of its existence by new, more and more frequent, attacks.

In the chronic course of the disease, new joints are damaged and deformed, up to their immobilization; on feet, bends of elbows and hands, painful tophi are formed; can be affected by blood vessels and internal organs.

Symptoms of gout

Treatment of gout with exacerbation

In case of an acute attack of gout, the patient should be provided with peace, and it is recommended that the patient's leg be given an elevated fixed position, and a pillow can be placed under it. It is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, mineral waters are best: Borjomi, Essentuki, Truskavetskaya, water with the addition of lemon juice, oat broth.

Colchicine - a plant product containing alkaloids of the tropolone series, effectively stops the attack, especially when taken in the first hours after its onset, but is not capable of completely curing gout. Initial dosage, mg orally. The intake of colchicine during the interictal period is not only irrational, but also dangerous.

The drugs of choice for exacerbation include NSAIDs - Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Nimesulide. Acetylsalicylic acid is not prescribed for gout. If the colchicine and NSAIDs are ineffective, glucocorticosteroids are injected into the inflamed joint, and in addition, they are administered internally.

Indomethacin for gout

Recently, medicines for gout have been effective, and other methods of therapy have been "marginalized". Even strict adherence to diet is not able to reduce the majority of patients uricemia and daily uricosuria at the required level.

Gout: medications

Treatment of gout with medicines has two main directions: arresting an acute attack of gouty arthritis and constant systematic correction of purine metabolism disorders. An important role belongs to the prevention of exacerbations, as they complicate the course of the disease and contribute to the occurrence of complications.

Principles of treatment:

  • Therapy with special drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing hyperuricemia, can not be started during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Such drugs are taken for a long time, for years, making small breaks (no more than 4 weeks) during the normalization of the content of uric acid in the blood.
  • When selecting drugs, it is extremely important to consider the type of impairment of purine metabolism (mixed, metabolic, renal).
  • If the type of violation can not be established use uricosinhibitors. (
  • At the beginning of treatment for the prevention of joint crisis use Indomethacin or Colchicine.

Urikodepressivnye means (Allopurinol) - reduce the synthesis of uric acid by inhibiting xanthine oxidase.

Urikozuricheskie funds (Probenecid, Azapropazon, Sulfinpyrazon) reduce the channeling reabsorption of urates, because of which uric acid is intensively excreted by the kidneys.

Also there are preparations of mixed action.

Allopurinol for gout

If gout or asymptomatic hyperuricemia is combined with hypertension, you can use Losartan, which along with the anti-hypertensive effect has a uricosuric effect.

Application of Allopurinol allows to reduce the number of exacerbations of gouty arthritis, simultaneously eliminating the risk of formation of urate stones in the urinary tract.

The minimum effective dose of the drug is selected individually for each patient in order to reduce possible side effects.


To prevent the formation of xanthine stones, when treating Allopurinol, the patient should take in sufficient quantities of alkaline drink.


About 20% of patients do not tolerate this drug, and they have a question: how to replace Allopurinol with gout. With intolerance of allopurinol, uricosuric agents are prescribed.

If treatment with other drugs does not bring the desired effect, short courses use corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone).

Gout: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home can be done only in periods between bouts, having previously agreed the chosen technique with the doctor. Completely get rid of the disease in this way will not succeed, but delay the occurrence of exacerbations is quite possible.

Gout allows treatment at home with the help of preparations and decoctions for internal use, external ointments, compresses and foot baths. The only thing that needs to be considered is that it will be very lengthy.

Foot baths with iodine

Foot baths are best performed before bedtime and at least 4 times a week.

To prepare the necessary solution in three liters of hot boiled water, 3 teaspoons of conventional baking soda are diluted and 9 drops of iodine are added.

The solution for the bath should be at a temperature such that a burn does not occur.

The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes, after which the sore spot is lubricated with iodine, wrapped in wax paper and wrapped up warmly until the morning. In the morning, the treated areas should be smeared with petroleum jelly or olive oil. During treatment it is recommended to use only dairy products and vegetable food.

Foot baths with iodine

Poultice flaxseed and activated charcoal

Four tablespoons of powdered activated carbon tablets are mixed with two tablespoons as much as possible crushed seeds of flax, add a little warm water, to get a uniform thick mass of consistency resembling sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to a sore spot overnight, covered with a warm cloth from above.

Compresses with tincture of valerian

3 bottles of pharmacy tincture of valerian must be mixed with a bottle of triple cologne or 50 g of ethyl alcohol and left overnight (give it a day). Every day before going to sleep, moisten the mixture with a piece of cotton wool, put it on a sore spot, and wrap it in heat, leave it overnight.

Compresses with tincture of valerian


In patients with a relatively low hyperuricemia and infrequently repeated arthritis, adherence to a special diet has a noticeable effect.

Low-purpinic diet presupposes the restriction of products of animal origin: meat, liver, seafood (mollusks) and plants with a high protein content (peas, beans, soybeans).

The influence of alcohol and food of animal origin on the development of gout is scientifically proven, but the role of plant sources is not always confirmed.

The uricosuric effect is produced by milk proteins, which helps to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Therefore, dairy products and cereals are recommended.

The use of a large number of vegetables and fruits, nuts is encouraged.

Diet for gout

Components of tea and coffee, although similar to purine bases, in healthy individuals do not increase hyperuricemia, which can not be said about people with concomitant diseases.


Despite the fact that it is impossible to cure completely of gout, in most cases the prognosis is quite favorable.

Of great importance is the timely detection of the disease and the appointment of rational treatment.

Aggravating factors include: the onset of an illness in the age of up to 30 years, the combination of urolithiasis with infections of the urogenital tract and the progressive impairment of kidney function.

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