Cough in lying position in an adult

Coughing: causes

coughing lying downSuch a symptom as a cough can occur for various reasons. These are colds, allergies, infectious diseases, but reflex action can To be provoked and irritated by cough receptors, due to poor withdrawal of secretions from the bronchi and lungs. The main symptom of this is a cough that increases when a person lies down.

The causes of cough lying

There are several signs that help to recognize this ailment:

  • Cough in prone position, worse at night. This is a reflex act of an asthmatic nature. The fact is that people with this disease have a strong sputum discharge. At night, it accumulates in the airways and blocks them. At this point, a person has a strong and deep cough with abundant mucus secretion.
  • Natural processes in the body. Especially often this symptom is observed in people working in harmful industries and in the inhabitants of megacities. During the day, a lot of harmful substances get into the lungs with air and therefore when you go to bed you get a cough.
  • With remission of chronic bronchitis, the reflex act has the following characteristic signs: sputum is present, a short duration of the involuntary act is present.
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  • Cough lying downPneumonia with an implicit course of the disease. One of the most common myths about this disease is the assertion that pneumonia always flows with a high temperature and is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant sensations. In fact, this is completely wrong. If a person coughs, when he goes to bed, then he may have a low-symptom pneumonia. In this case, during the reflex act that occurs when a person is in a supine position on the back, there is a heaviness in the sternum. The duration of the reflex act can be quite significant. Often observed paroxysmal manifestations of involuntary action, which result in a sensation of suffocation.
  • The presence of bad habits, such as smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages. The reflex act can be present also in the afternoon, but it is amplified in the supine position.
  • Allergy. Involuntary action can occur due to reaction to the feather pad filler, wool blanket.

After analyzing all the symptoms accompanying involuntary action, it is possible to determine the exact cause of its occurrence with a high probability.

Why do you fall asleep when you cough?

This process has two physiological explanations, which can be present either individually or simultaneously:

  • Cough lying downThe cough lying on the back begins because the mucus, draining over the larynx from the nose, irritates the cough receptors. This leads to the realization of an involuntary reflex action in the horizontal position.
  • Accumulation of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. In this case, a deep chest cough occurs, which can occur paroxysmally. If it is present during the day, but in the prone position it becomes worse, then before bedtime it is necessary to take mucolytics that dilute sputum.

A cough that begins in the prone position is very unpleasant, since it occurs at the moment when a person is going to sleep or just to rest. It is impossible to get rid of reflex action without taking special medications. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to undergo a complete examination. This will help to identify the exact cause of the disease, prescribe adequate treatment and in a short time completely get rid of the disease.

Cough in adults at night - causes of seizures

Cough at night in adultsCoughing in an adult, arising only at night, when the body is in a horizontal position, is a very serious symptom, indicating the development of serious diseases. For the appearance of such a reflex action, there must be strong bases. Therefore, it is very important to correctly establish the causes that caused the onset of a severe dry and sudden cough.

It is necessary to understand that not only the disease accompanying this symptom is dangerous, but the very strong dry night cough is fraught with many unpleasant moments. So, one of the serious consequences that can cut a person in a dream can be reflex attacks, leading to apnea (short-term loss of consciousness). Here it is impossible not to mention the process of coughing itself, which can be accompanied by suffocation, nausea, and severe shortness of breath.

Causes of a night cough in an adult

If the reflex act is only present at night, then the following factors may be the cause of its development:

  • Cough only at night in adultsExtremely overdried air in the room. It irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract, which leads to a coughing attack only at night in an adult. In this case, getting rid of the obsessive reflex act is quite simple. In the evenings, it is necessary to switch on the humidifier in the bedroom. When you go to sleep, you can turn it off.
  • Involuntary action, which appears only in the prone position, may indicate the development of pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition to this symptom, there is severe shortness of breath, even with minor physical exertion. In severe cases, the nasolabial triangle becomes blue.
  • Negative effects of allergens, which can end in an adult with a violent and sudden attack of coughing with suffocation. Also, loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen is possible. Such reflex actions are observed in people suffering from asthma. The cause of nocturnal involuntary action is the influence of stimuli, for example, such as pollen of plants, got into the room from an open window, or the smallest particles of household dust from a feather pillow.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, in particular bronchitis and inflammation of the pleura. In this case, a strong cough is observed not only at night, but also during the bright time of the day when the person is not lying.
  • Pathology in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cough only at night in adults is an important symptom that requires very serious attention on the part of doctors and the patient himself. A person must necessarily undergo a full medical examination to exclude the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the cause of coughing when lying down? What can be done?



After a sore throat, she coughs for a long time, especially when lying down. And even if she has a feather pillow - throw it away and buy it with artificial filler - allergy is possible.
And just for the night, give libexin, so that at night you can not cough, and in the daytime treat it with expectorants.


Stagnation of phlegm in the lungs. It rises higher when you lie down and begins to irritate the receptors. Warm, make an iodine mesh on the chest,
Make the solution in very warm water, (salt-a little soda-butter)
and give a drink. Just drink hot before going to bed.

Natalia Tolkach

All will pass. Lechis Georges wrote everything right. Do not throw out the feather pillow. She is normal. And synthetics bring us nothing but grief!

Cough in the evening: what are the reasons for its development

Evening coughCoughing is a visible manifestation (symptom) of a huge number of diseases. And with some of them, the patient may not even associate this reflex action directly with the existing ailment. Only with a cold or SARS, bronchitis, this act is observed throughout the day. But even with these diagnoses, by the evening the reflex action becomes stronger and may even resemble an attack. In principle, the only type of cough that can not be present at this time of day is associated with alcohol intake. This kind of symptom is observed only in the morning or immediately after a person wakes up.

In the evening, a cough begins: what are these seizures talking about?

A person can feel completely healthy throughout the day. However, having come home in the evening, and only having taken a horizontal position, it begins a reflex action with abundant sputum discharge. Sometimes there is an absolutely different kind of cough - dry, intermittent, with wheezing and whistling. Evening cough, as evidenced by such a symptom:

  • Distinguish reflex action, which is absent during the day, and closer to the evening the symptom intensifies. This condition may indicate the presence of a chronic course of respiratory illness, for example, bronchitis, pleurisy.
  • Reflex act with sputum discharge. This symptom is accompanied by a number of ailments: bronchial asthma, allergy, interstitial lung diseases.
  • A dry strong cough is a companion of professional ailments.
  • Evening coughDuring the reflex action, sputum leaves, in which there are bloody clots. This symptom is a sign of several diseases, among them tuberculosis, heart failure, etc. For the correct diagnosis, you need to know the average blood volume. Serological and other types of research should also be conducted.
  • The presence of bad habits. This category includes not only smoking cigarettes, but also hookah. The thing is that inhaling the products of combustion of smoking mixtures, even after their partial purification by water, harmful substances enter the human body, including the lungs. Evening cough, in this case, is a natural process. Lungs are cleared of those components that should not be in them.

Each of the listed moments has a significant influence on the determination of which symptom of the disease is the present reflex action.

Why a violent cough occurs in the evening

In fact, the factors that influence the appearance of this reflex action are closer to the end of the working day or, in general, only when a person has already gone to bed to sleep, very much. Here you need to highlight the following reasons, as their availability is guaranteed to lead to the appearance of an evening cough:

  • Disdainful attitude to the reception of herbal decoctions and other fees related to traditional medicine. Often people are very lighthearted about them, which leads to the appearance of side effects due to excess dosage.
  • Acceptance of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors) inhibitors. The problem is that this type of substance is included in most drugs that are prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The paradox of the situation is that many of these ailments, in turn, also cause a cough in the evening.
  • Presence of chronic bronchial diseases, including asthma. In this case, there is an increase in the manifestation of reflex action not only in the evening, but also in the morning.
  • Manifestation of occupational diseases. Very often it can be observed in people whose work is associated with a high probability of inhaling toxic substances, that is, those that work in the chemical industry, painters, etc.
  • Interstitial lung diseases. Their etiology in most cases is very difficult to accurately set. These ailments are rare.

Types of evening cough

Reflex actions, which manifest themselves in pronounced form only towards the end of the second half of the day, can be divided into groups according to the presence of the following symptoms:

  • By the type of sputum discharge: its complete absence, presence of blood in it, abundant or weakly expressed.
  • When you change the position of the body, when a person goes to rest and changes the location of the body, that is, turns from side to side.
  • There is only an evening cough. And at all other times of the day this reflex action is absent.
  • The person coughs and then vomits. Most often, such an attack occurs in young children, as they have cough and vomiting centers located in close proximity. The reason for this reflex action is often banal overeating.

Evening cough: does the age dependence

Evening coughThere is a pronounced relationship between the presence of this reflex action and the age of the patients. Very often, children younger than 7 years of age may have attacks of severe evening cough. However, its origin is not associated with any disease. The cause of this ailment is cough receptors, which at this age are fairly closely located with the nerve endings responsible for the gag reflex. As a result of overeating, the child is irritated with vomitive receptors, which cause a cough. To get rid of such a symptom is quite simple. We must stop feeding the baby for the night.

In adults, the appearance of this reflex action in the evening indicates the presence of cardiovascular diseases, chronic ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In a separate category, it is necessary to identify those who work in hazardous industries. In this case, coughing in the evening can be observed in more than 80% of cases. In order to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of this symptom it is necessary to use upper respiratory protective equipment, not to neglect the requirements of labor protection.

Both children and adults can have a violent cough in the evening. Before proceeding to its treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence.

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