Cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region


  • 1Cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region
    • 1.1Mechanism of coughing with osteochondrosis
    • 1.2Main reasons
    • 1.3Symptoms of coughing with osteochondrosis
    • 1.4Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.5Methods of cough treatment for osteochondrosis
    • 1.6Prevention
  • 2Cough with osteochondrosis
    • 2.1The nature of the symptoms and the accompanying symptoms
    • 2.2Characteristic features
    • 2.3Causes
    • 2.4Mechanical compression
    • 2.5Deterioration of blood flow
    • 2.6Deformation of the chest
    • 2.7Corrugating by ribs
    • 2.8Irritation of the trachea
    • 2.9In what case to the doctor and to what?
    • 2.10Who to contact?
    • 2.11When is the time for the reception?
    • 2.12First aid
    • 2.13Treatment
    • 2.14Dangers of the state
    • 2.15Conclusion
  • 3Cough, as one of the signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region
    • 3.1The reason
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostic measures
    • 3.4Therapy
    • 3.5Prevention
    • 3.6Denial of responsibility
  • 4Cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Medication
    • 4.3Exercises
    • 4.4Elimination of the root cause
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Manifestation of cough in chest and cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.1Can there be a cough for osteochondrosis?
    • 5.2What are the symptoms of cough during osteochondrosis?
    • 5.3Why does cough appear in the cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 5.4Treatment of cough with osteochondrosis
  • 6Cough as a symptom of osteochondrosis
    • 6.1Why does cough develop?
    • 6.2Symptoms
    • 6.3Diagnostic features
    • 6.4Than dry cough is dangerous
    • 6.5Methods of treatment
    • 6.6Prevention

Cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Many people are accustomed to believe that coughing is a sign of only catarrhal pathologies, taking appropriate medical measures.

Whereas, a dry lump in the throat, difficulty breathing and coughing with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are symptoms that are often detected.

To cope with unpleasant feelings helps timely access to a specialist and complex therapy aimed at stopping inflammatory manifestations in the vertebrae.


Mechanism of coughing with osteochondrosis

The degenerative lesion of the spine becomes an increasingly common pathology.

Medical statistics indicate an annual significant increase in the number of people applying for advice with complaints of osteochondrosis.

There is also a significant "rejuvenation" of the disease - signs of damage to the cartilaginous tissue are detected even in adolescents and children.

In the absence of adequate therapeutic measures, mobile elements of intervertebral structures are destroyed. This provokes an inflammatory lesion of the nerve endings and excessive overstrain of the muscle fibers in the focus of the disease.

In addition to pronounced permanent discomfort, a person begins to worry about coughing in the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.


Main reasons

By the XXI century, many professions are interrelated with a long stay in one static position, for example, office workers.

This provokes a significant violation of posture, the formation of stagnant phenomena in individual organs and tissues, which in the future can lead to degenerative modifications in the cartilaginous layer between vertebrae.

Other causes of osteochondrosis:

  • negative hereditary predisposition;
  • unadjusted diet;
  • obesity;
  • unbalanced metabolic processes in the body;
  • hypodynamia;
  • chronic stressful situations;
  • traumatization;
  • excessive overload;
  • frequent hypothermia.

Sedentary lifestyle

People at risk for forming osteochondrosis, whose lifestyle can not be called a model for imitation: eating fast food, hypodynamic, staying in the workplace in one position all day.

Symptoms of coughing with osteochondrosis

At an early stage, a dry cough with osteochondrosis disturbs a person only in the morning. It is characterized by paroxysmal and passes quickly.

As the disease progresses, difficulties arise with the separation of mucus in the air-conducting pathways, as the vessels responsible for the nutrition of the lungs are impaired, and the nerve fibers leading to the trachea. Cough becomes productive.


His appearance is often confused with signs of pneumonia. But such a condition is never accompanied by hyperthermia or other manifestations of general intoxication.


Since degenerative and inflammatory lesions extend to the neighboring regions of the spine, there are unpleasant manifestations and on their part - numbness in the hands, pain in the shoulders, a feeling of coma in the throat, hoarseness vote.

Strong cough and lack of air

Cough intensifies when turning the body, tilting it forward. Gradual deterioration of mobility in the vertebrae provokes compression of the diaphragm.

Air flow is not fully promoted into the lung structures, the patient is feeling a lack of oxygen.

Gradual progression of pathology may well lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Diagnostic Methods

Preliminary diagnosis of the specialist is helped by the alarming symptoms and complaints of the patient - difficulty of movement in the spine and limbs, numbness in the fingers, deterioration of their sensitivity, tenderness in the sternum time. But similar symptoms can occur and with other diseases.

The modern instrumental-hardware methods help to conduct an adequate differential diagnosis:

  • radiography;
  • CT, MRI;
  • angiography;
  • various blood tests;
  • sputum sample analysis.

MRI diagnostics

Only all the completeness of the information obtained after the above diagnostic procedures, allow the specialist to put the right diagnosis.

Methods of cough treatment for osteochondrosis

To achieve a complete cure is possible only when referring to a specialist in the early stages of pathology.

It is worth paying attention to the appearance of even mild discomfort in the thoracic spine after a busy day, or the lack of a sense of full rest, even with a quality night sleep.

In more severe cases, the efforts of specialists are aimed at preventing the progression of the disease and arresting the phenomena of inflammation in vertebral structures.

Complex treatment of cough for osteochondrosis of the thoracic department necessarily includes:

  • application of warming gels and ointments to the lesion focus (Finalgon);
  • oral intake of drugs from the subgroup of NSAIDs - to stop pain impulses, significantly reduce the inflammatory edema in the muscle fibers (Naise, Movalis, Diclofenac);
  • use muscle relaxants - to break the vicious circle of "pain-spasm-pain" (Midokalm);
  • various physiotherapy procedures - phonophoresis, pulse therapy, magnetotherapy;
  • excellent manual therapy;
  • effective and acupuncture;
  • Exercise therapy.

Anti-inflammatory agent

The entire extensive set of treatment procedures is selected by the specialist in each case individually - taking into account the whole picture of the disease: age the patient's category, the severity of his unpleasant symptoms, the tolerability of medicinal products, the presence of other associated somatic pathologies.

As the therapeutic effect of coughing in the patient will be less pronounced, he will feel the relief of the condition. However, other measures of struggle can be used in parallel:

  • Take baths with medicinal sea salt;
  • every day to perform a set of exercises for osteochondrosis;
  • in breaks at work, try to move more, knead the muscles of the neck and chest;
  • regularly use Kuznetsov's applicator;
  • undergo a course of medical massage.


A careful attitude to the recommendations of a specialist is a pledge to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as a cough with chest osteochondrosis.


The specialists developed general recommendations for the prevention of the disease:

  • adjust the diet;
  • provide a quality night rest;
  • avoid heavy physical overload and psycho-emotional shocks;
  • more often attend gyms, fitness centers;
  • normalize weight;
  • balance the work activity.


The main preventive measure can be called an annual medical preventive examination.

To reveal an osteochondrosis it is possible even at a stage of absence of clinical displays.

In this case, after going through all the recommended actions by the specialist, you can completely get rid of the pathology.

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Cough with osteochondrosis

What to do when the patient is coughing, and doctors spread their hands, without finding a respiratory disease? As a rule, people do not calm down on this and continue examining the chest to exclude tuberculosis or serious pathology of the lungs. But what is their surprise, when they find out that an osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical department can provoke such a symptom. Accompany the resulting syndrome of pathology with a small pain in the chest and a feeling of fatigue. In order to eliminate this type of cough,you need to seriously take care of the treatmentdamaged osteochondrosis site of the spine.

The nature of the symptoms and the accompanying symptoms

Whether there can be a cough at an osteochondrosis? If the osteochondrosis affects the thoracic spine, the patient pays attention to the limitation of mobility of the neck, neuralgia and irrigation pains in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms begin.

More rare is discomfort in the heart and gallbladder.

Another unpleasant symptom is a cough that occurs when the cervical spine is affected. In addition, the patient notes the dryness of the mucous membranes in the mouth.

This clinical picture manifests itself in degenerative destruction of the cervical vertebrae.

When the thoracic region is affected, the disease may not be as acute as it is when the neck is affected.

Most often, osteochondrosis can resemble angina attacks, inflammation of the lungs or resemble a myocardial infarction. It is characterized by pain syndrome, localized around the shoulder blades, in the chest.

The patient becomes difficult to breathe, he suffers from a dry cough. When you cough, your back may hurt.

In addition, the disease can be masked for respiratory illnesses, as the clinical picture of perspiration in the throat and dryness of the mucous membranes complements the clinical picture.

In chest osteochondrosis, the patient begins to cough during movement or after the body has been in a static position for a long time. This is due to a deterioration in the functioning of the diaphragm.

Patientdifficult to breathe, the breaths become superficial, and there is a great desire to breathe deeper.

Characteristic features

  • Cough is dry (wet).
  • There is a perspiration in the throat.
  • Sputum does not go away.
  • Cough intensifies with movement and inclinations.
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth and throat are dry.
  • Your throat may be sore.
  • When coughing, there are irrigation pains in the back area.
  • The patient feels a shortness of breath.
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What happens to the chest during osteochondrosis?

Mechanical compression


Disks between the vertebraebegin to lose elasticity, and their pathological mobility arises. With the development of osteochondrosis on the vertebrae, osteophytes begin to appear, compression of the vessels, nerve roots occurs, and the vertebral artery is jammed.

Blood enters the brain worseand to the tissues of the neck. The musculature of the pharynx is overstrained, and the patient can feel a foreign body or a "com" in the throat. Osteophytes continue to expand, causing mechanical irritation of the roots, which causes a sore throat.

If the osteochondrosis is not treated, then the compression on the vessels and nerves increases, the communication with the nervous system worsens, which negatively affects the functioning of the respiratory tract.

The patient begins coughing.

Thoracic department

Sedentary lifestyle and heavy load on the thoracic areacan deform the chestand contribute to the beginning of the destruction of its tissues. In this case, pain in the chest and cough begins due to the compression of the nerve endings, especially if the pinching occurs in the first six thoracic roots.

Deterioration of blood flow

After the appearance of a cough, the blood supply to the spinal cord and the vertebral artery continues to develop.

In the future, this can lead not only to problems with respiratory organs, but also to provoke the development of diseases of the stomach, heart and other internal organs.

Deformation of the chest

Another cause of coughing isdeformation of the structure of the chest. As a result, the diaphragm begins to press on the lungs and a cough arises.

This pressure increases with tilting motion and coughing is the protective mechanism of the body, which tries to release the airways so that the air passes better.

Corrugating by ribs

Cough can provoke and squeeze the ribs of blood vessels that supply blood to the lungs.

Irritation of the trachea

Another reason for the cough that has started in osteochondrosis is a constant mechanical irritation of the trachea, which starts due to deformity of the vertebra.

In this case, cough is very difficult to distinguish from the pathology of the respiratory tract. It can be similar to an ordinary acute viral illness or a common cold.

Cough becomes moist and even sputum is secreted.

In what case to the doctor and to what?

Who to contact?

Treatment of a coughimplies diagnosis and effective therapyth area of ​​the spine affected by osteochondrosis and visiting a therapist or pulmonologist will be meaningless. The patient is recommended to contact a neurologist, orthopedist, osteopath, manual therapist.

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis can be very dangerous, because it worsens the supply of the brain, can provoke heart disease, paralysis of limbs, numbness of hands and other unpleasant effects.

When is the time for the reception?

Immediate contact with a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • Strong cough with choking.
  • Dizziness with blurred vision.
  • Loss of sensitivity of the hands.
  • Pain in the heart.
  • Intensive pain syndrome, which is not removed by medication.
  • Temporary intermittent visual and hearing impairment.

First aid

If you need to relieve cough at homethe following methods should be used:

  1. We prepare a mixture of iodine, alcohol and a pinch of red pepper. In this case, iodine takes 1 part, and alcohol we take 4 parts. Add the mixture of water until the volume of the liquid is doubled. Wet the resulting medicine gauze or bandage and apply a throat to the patient.
  2. Another good way to quickly stop coughing is to rub the neck skin with a towel. Preliminarily, the towel should be moistened in warm water with sea salt diluted in it.
  3. Relieve cough and breathing exercises help. She will remove spasm of muscles, enrich the blood with oxygen, calm the irritated airways. The patient rises, drops his hands along the body and performs five deep breaths through his nose, and exhalation is done by the mouth. It takes a minute break and one more approach. This exercise is done five times. It calms cough, reduces pressure on the arteries of the nerves and blood vessels, improves the overall well-being of the patient.


Treatment of painful cough in osteochondrosisshould begin with the pathology of the spine. For this purpose, complex treatment with the help of medications is carried out:

  • Chondroprotectors.
  • Muscle relaxants.
  • Analgesics.
  • Ointments and gels for external use.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Injections.
  • Blockades with Lidocaine or Novocain.

Supplement such treatment complex of therapeutic gymnastics, massage and manual therapy courses, acupuncture, physiotherapy courses, hirudotherapy and other techniques.

As a rehabilitation, the patient is recommended to undergo a sanatorium-and-spa treatment to improve the overall condition and recovery of the body.

If there is a hernia and protrusions the doctor can decide on a surgical procedure.

Dangers of the state

What is dangerous cough for osteochondrosis? It provokes a violation of breathing, which negatively affects the work of the brain, heart, lungs.

In addition, the very disease of the spine, which causes a cough, is dangerous. Such a pathology can lead to disruption of coordination of movements, the patient has dizziness, constant compression of nerve endings. With prolonged compression of the vertebral artery, the development of a stroke is possible.

What can be dangerous consequences of breast osteochondrosis? The patient is disturbed by the sensitivity of the skin, hands, headaches begin, the head is spinning. A person quickly becomes tired, he has visual and hearing impairments, and his hands hurt.

In addition, this pathology can lead to numbness of the tongue, disruption of the functioning of internal organs, for example, the lungs or the heart.
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Cough with chest and cervical osteochondrosis is a symptom, on which you should pay attention and start treating the disease in time. The appearance of a cough testifies that the patient begins to compress the nerve endings, deforms the thorax, diaphragm, and vertebrae of the neck.

In addition to unpleasant sensations, this symptom leads to a violation of the patient's respiratory activity. This negatively affects the work of the heart, brain, lungs.

In order to cure a cough, one should not drink medicines that patients take for colds or acute viral infections. All the attention of the doctor should be directed to the treatment of the underlying cause, that is, osteochondrosis in the thoracic or cervical region.

In this case, treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner.

It should include therapeutic gymnastics, conservative medication treatment, massage and manual therapy courses and other techniques.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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Cough, as one of the signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can take place without manifestation of any symptoms and There is only one complaint of the patient for a prolonged cough, not associated with respiratory disease.

The reason

To date, osteochondrosis is very common among the population and, unfortunately, has become younger.

This is due to the modern way of life: reduced physical activity, prolonged sedentary work, heavy workload, especially on cervical spine, with computer activities, the presence of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system, excessive body mass.

Initially, there are no symptoms, but as the osteochondrosis progresses, the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc collapses, inflamed nerve endings located in the muscular apparatus of the larynx, because of this there is a perspiration in the throat, from where it appears cough.


However, there are no other signs of a cold. Cough is dry, not stopable by antitussive agents. Appears in the morning or even after a nap.


Over time, an unproductive cough passes into the wet due to a violation of the innervation of the trachea and bronchi.


Osteochondrosis can cause a variety of symptoms:

Symptoms of the disease do not all occur simultaneously, but may not occur at all. The brightness of the symptomatology will depend on the duration of the disease and its progression.

With the passage of time, without appropriate treatment, serious consequences may appear, which, in turn, can lead to even the loss of a person's ability to work. The most serious complications are the occurrence,.

And when a cough occurs, a thorough examination should be carried out to find out the exact cause. The faster it is detected, the easier it is to cure the disease.

In addition, with prolonged irritation of the bronchial-pulmonary mucosa, microtraumas to join a secondary bacterial infection, which will further mislead the diagnosis disease.

Diagnostic measures

If you have only a cough from complaints, then, of course, first of all, contact the therapist.

In the presence of headaches, cardialgia - pain in the heart, hypersensitivity of the skin and pain along the intercostal intervals, you need a consultation of a neurologist who will continue to monitor your examination and appoint a competent treatment.

But, in this case, it is still necessary to consult other narrow specialists, such as gastroenterologist, cardiologist, phthisiatrist, otorhinolaryngologist.

From instrumental research methods, to identify the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, it is sufficient to carry out a direct and lateral projection. On the finished images, the destruction and thinning of the cartilaginous plate of the disc will be seen.

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For a more detailed study, if the diagnosis is doubtful, do a computer tomography of the entire spine.


The earlier treatment is initiated, the greater the likelihood of a longer remission.

Therapy is based on anti-inflammatory drugs, both for injection and for topical use. The most popular in the pharmaceutical market now are "Piroxicam "Viprosal" and others.

To relieve the pain syndrome, if the patient already has a herniated disc, sometimes you have to resort to using narcotic analgesics.

With the combination of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, nootropic medications are required - to support the work of the brain.


No less effective are. After removal of the acute process of the disease is appointed,.


Special cough treatment, with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, no, it should be stopped after eliminating the root cause of the disease.

To facilitate the persistence, try to carry a bottle of water at room temperature, so that when symptoms occur you can drink.

Try to talk as little as possible so as not to provoke a cough. Cold air will also irritate the nerve endings and lead to tickling in the larynx, so breathing should only be through the nose.

You can try to learn a complex of respiratory gymnastics, many just this and are saved.


To avoid such insidious disease as osteochondrosis, move more, even if you sit all day in the office, instead of using the elevator, go down the stairs or go one stop early from the transport and stroll along the fresh air - it's good for the brain and the locomotor apparatus.

Go in for sports, for example, swimming perfectly trains back muscles, which in turn serves as a preventive measure for the development of scoliosis. Morning exercise will not only tone the whole body, but will also give you a charge of vigor and energy for the whole day.

Another great advice is the treatment of concomitant pathology, do not think, if you have scoliosis, then there will be no osteochondrosis. Alas, no one is immune from this.

In conclusion, I want to say that whatever the disease, it is better to warn than to treat it later. Everyone's health is in his hands.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


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Cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Whether there can be a cough at an osteochondrosis? Of course, yes! Thoracic osteochondrosis, like a cough with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, is the most frequent side effects of the course of the disease.

Inflammation and disruption of the joints is a dangerous problem that most people face. And not always it can be identified at an early stage.

In a neglected state, there may even be a cough in the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

How to determine that he is not contagious, and how to get rid of it?


It is very easy to determine such cough.

If you have osteochondrosis diagnosed in the cervical region, and the usual medications do not help, it is the joint disease that caused the cough.

How to identify an osteochondrosis cough? It does not always occur, therefore, the cause of this problem can be called:

  • Lack of sufficient level of physical activity. The disease itself and so strongly podbivaet physical form. Therefore, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle if possible. Well, if after the diagnosis you decide to lie on the couch and hang your legs - then get ready for pneumonia as a result of irritation of the lungs.
  • Being in the wrong position. The conduct of a sedentary lifestyle can be strongly pumped, and weaken the chest. In the presence of osteochondrosis, it can become an additional reason for the appearance of a "dry cough".
  • Excess weight. Additional stress on joints and other organs in the presence of disease can cause an epileptic cough.

If you have at least one of the prerequisites, you need to contact a doctor who can examine your throat and make a diagnosis. Usually there is enough hike to Laura. In rare cases, you need to contact a neuropathologist. And only in case of confirmation of the diagnosis, start cough treatment!

  • We advise you to read:Than to treat an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department of a backbone?


Cough during breast osteochondrosis is treated - although it is difficult. For this, you need to regularly take painkillers, use expectorants reflex alternately with blockers. Usually the list of purchases in the pharmacy should include:

  • Menovazine;
  • Capsicam;
  • Finalgon.

Warming, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. But this is just the elimination of symptoms. Treatment should be carried out in a complex way, and first of all it should be directed to the spine itself. Only in this case, you can get rid of this coughing forever.

  • We advise you to read: pain in the osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.


Cough with cervical osteochondrosis, especially if it is incurable, can be alleviated by bringing the nervous and respiratory system back to normal. To do this, you need to exercise regularly. A full set of physiotherapy will be prescribed by a doctor. But the minimum set is:

  • Thrust of small loads to the thoracic region;
  • Hyperextension;
  • Frontal thrusts;
  • If possible, pull-ups;

And other dynamic exercises that do not harm joints, but improve the muscular corset, helping the muscles perform spine-supporting functions.

At a young age, you can add hikes to the gym.

When osteochondrosis appears in an advanced period, it is better to use small weights, and to emphasize attempts at tightening.

  • Take note: ointments from osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Breathing exercises can completely remove coughing in case of a serious illness, increase the volume of the lungs, and saturate the joints with oxygen, which will slow them down. How can breathing exercises with such a cough? She develops lungs, trains the nervous system so that pinching the nerve or exciting it becomes more difficult.

In addition, you can use natural compresses that will help ease cough at once:

  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • Stone oil 3-5 ml.
  • 70 ml of ethyl, or a proportionate amount of vodka;
  • Iodine;
  • Ground pepper.

Such a compress will warm up the thorax and relieve inflammation. As a result, removal of the expectorant reflex and overall improvement in well-being. Dosage is not strict, the main thing is that the compress retains its warming and toning effect.

Elimination of the root cause

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, coughing is often a phenomenon. Therefore, the elimination of coughing occurs only in the complex treatment of joints.

To do this, special medications are prescribed - dietary supplements, as well as the approach to lifestyle changes. Joints should be developed without any load, and the spine should be constantly in work.

All this allows you to reduce the effect of destruction, and as a result, to cough.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a disease that prevents full-fledged life. Coughing is not the most terrible manifestation of it. If it is not treated, you can remain a sedentary disabled for the rest of your life.

In order to prevent it, use proper nutrition (balanced with vitamins and proteins), and lead an active lifestyle.

Even a 10 minute charge in the morning, significantly reduces the risk of this disease!

by HyperComments

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Manifestation of cough in chest and cervical osteochondrosis

Many patients are wondering whether there can be a cough for osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal column, which is characterized by deformation of intervertebral discs and inflammation of the connective tissues around them.

Can there be a cough for osteochondrosis?

At the site of localization, the osteochondrosis of the following parts of the spine is divided:

  • cervical;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbar.

To date, this is one of the most common diseases, and it can affect anyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, periodically falls into stressful situations, abuses alcohol or cigarettes.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of different areas of the spine are almost identical, but there are those that are specific for each of them separately. Can there be a cough for osteochondrosis? Maybe if the disease attacked the thoracic spine.

What are the symptoms of cough during osteochondrosis?

What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine?
The most basic and most common signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can be attributed to the following:

  • dry, irritating and not bringing relief cough with chest osteochondrosis;
  • change in the condition of the skin in the chest and back between the shoulder blades;
  • skin peeling and itching;
  • feeling of squeezing and pain syndrome of different intensity between the scapula, in the chest, shoulders;
  • pain or discomfort when breathing;
  • shortness of breath and some irregular heartbeat;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • disturbance of blood circulation, which can lead to stroke and ischemia in especially severe and neglected cases.
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The clinical picture of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is such that it can often be confused with manifestations of other ailments.

For example, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness and pain in the heart, which can cause the fear of death, is easily confused with the approaching heart attack.

A debilitating dry cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine may resemble problems with lungs and bronchuses, although the distinguishing feature of coughing with osteochondrosis is the very nature of the given manifestations.

With this disease, it is dry, not bringing relief after a coughing fit. When diagnosing, you should take into account all the manifested symptoms, which together correctly indicate osteochondrosis, and cough in this case will be one of the main symptoms.

With cervical osteochondrosis, there are similar symptoms. Moreover, with the defeat of the cervical region, there may be a sensation of a coma in the throat, which provokes the appearance of a cough symptom.

Why does cough appear in the cervical osteochondrosis?

In order to understand why there is a cough in the osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic areas, it is worth to understand the processes that occur in the lesion of the sternum and the corresponding department of the vertebral post.

Because of the defeat of this disease, the spine deforms, the discs of the thoracic region squeeze the nerve endings.

This disease entails arthrosis of the joints of the costal-vertebral structure, which also compress the nerves of the spinal cord.


As a result of all these pathological processes, a change and a violation of the structure of the thoracic cells, and it begins to squeeze the lungs, interfering with the free passage of air, especially when moving and slopes. Response of the pulmonary system is a cough symptom, which arises as a protection against pressure and leads to straightening and expanding the lungs.


In osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, in addition to the nerves, the vessels that nourish blood organs in the chest, oxygen supply to the lungs is violated, and thus caused by dry cough.

Cough with this disease is mostly dry, but there are cases when a wet cough with phlegm appears.

This can occur in particularly severe and neglected cases of this disease, or if a change in the structure of the spine has occurred in such a way that pressure is created on the trachea, its irritation entails a wet cough with discharge phlegm.

Treatment of cough with osteochondrosis

Usually prescribe a course of drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating the causes of exhausting cough. The complex of therapy in this case includes the following drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents for the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome, usually such drugs are prescribed intramuscularly for a more rapid and persistent effect. These medicines include: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Miloxicam, and others.
  2. Vasodilators for normalization of blood circulation and prevention of hypoxia. This includes such drugs as: Actovegin, Trental.
  3. Muscle relaxants, which can relieve tension in the muscles of the thoracic region, calm pain and restore blood circulation. This includes drugs: Sirdalut, Baclofen.
  4. Vitamin complexes based on B vitamins to restore the lost sensitivity of the nerve endings of the thoracic region and reduce the pain syndrome.

Widespread use of physical therapy and gymnastics for the treatment of cough with osteochondrosis.

A suitable set of physical activity for this disease is selected by the doctor.

Usually it is aimed at stretching the spine, restoring its correct structure and removing inflammatory processes.

A very effective method of combating the disease is swimming. It promotes the active work of a group of muscles, which normalizes the work of blood vessels in this area, removes symptoms and leads to normalization of blood circulation.

A breast massage performed by a professional also helps to get rid of cough and accelerate recovery.
Very good help:

  • acupuncture;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

To get rid of cough with osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical department, you can use folk remedies. Effective in this case will be such methods and folk recipes, as:

  1. Rubbing and compresses. To do this, you can use sea salt, diluted in boiled water at room temperature, a solution of alcohol and iodine with boiled water, tincture of calendula (you can buy it in a pharmacy or cook yourself), horseradish juice or wormwood.
  2. Drink broths of herbs, for example, chamomile pharmacy, mint, etc.

For the prevention of this unpleasant disease it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle, include in your daily regimen daily gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. Very useful and enjoyable is swimming.

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Cough as a symptom of osteochondrosis

The most obvious sign of cervical osteochondrosis is pain. In each individual case, it has different localization, the degree of intensity.

It is not uncommon to cough with osteochondrosis.Many people take it for a cold and carry out the wrong treatment.

Naturally, it does not do any good.

Why does cough develop?

Cough during osteochondrosis refers to pulmonary symptoms. It can cause disruption of the nerves leading to the trachea and as a result of the disruption of the blood vessels, supplying the lungs.

Most often it occurs as a result of the deposition of salts in the thoracic and cervical spine. This is due to the degeneration of the cervical discs.

Nerve fibers of this department and epithelial tissues are irritated. All this causes attacks of dry and persistent cough. Cough in the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is also a common symptom.

It is associated with a violation of innervation and irritation of the lung tissue.


Prolonged cough and dyspnea are specific symptoms of osteochondrosis. Unlike catarrhal, such a cough is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other signs of acute respiratory disease. The patient does not show signs of intoxication.

Many patients note a noticeable lump in the throat. It irritates the trachea, bronchi, causing the patient to cough. Since the nerves are jammed in most cases from one side, then one feels as one-sided.

Cough during breast osteochondrosis can be combined with weakness, headache, fainting, and painful sensations in the throat. The patient may feel that he does not have enough air. The surrounding people often perceive such signs for bronchial asthma.

Diagnostic features

It is necessary to distinguish between a cough in the chest and osteochondrosis from other types. When the spine is affected, it is combined with the following symptoms:

  • numbness of limbs;
  • deterioration of pain sensitivity;
  • Difficult movements of arms, shoulders, and neck.

However, such symptoms also indicate other diseases. Only an experienced doctor can identify them and make a correct diagnosis.

The patient should consult a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, and an otolaryngologist.

The best method of diagnosing cervical osteochondrosis of the spine is magnetic resonance imaging.

Than dry cough is dangerous

Persistent cough during cervical osteochondrosis is not only inconvenient. He breaks his breath.

Due to the fact that in this department of the spine there is a huge number of nerve endings, blood vessels (the largest of which is the vertebral artery), the brain suffers, heart, lungs.

The transmission of this artery disrupts the blood circulation, which in turn is dangerous by the development of a stroke.

If the main neck vessel of the spine is damaged, there may be such complications:

  • poor coordination of movements;
  • dizziness;
  • nerve endings of the spine.

If the thoracic spine is affected, the complications are also serious enough. After all, the disease can damage important centers of the autonomic nervous system. This worsens the work of all internal organs.

Methods of treatment

There are many effective folk remedies that can stop coughing. They have no side effect, are well tolerated by the body and can be used by everyone. So, doctors recommend to prepare a mixture of such components:

  • stone oil (3 grams);
  • boiled water (150 ml)
  • half a glass of ethyl alcohol;
  • iodine (25 drops);
  • red pepper (on the tip of the knife).

Treatment is carried out by external means. Wet gauze with this solution, applied to a sore spot and wrapped in a plastic bag overnight.

It is also useful treatment with sea salt. To do this, a tablespoon of salt is moistened in a liter of water, soak the resulting solution with a towel and apply it to a sore spot.


Every patient suffering from osteochondrosis in the cervical region is able to prevent it. Here are effective preventive measures preventing cough during cervical osteochondrosis and simplifying the treatment of the disease:

  • regular therapeutic gymnastics;
  • stimulation of immunity by administration of immunomodulators;
  • wearing clothes for the weather;
  • a proper diet enriched with vitamins and minerals.

A careful attitude to health, the implementation of all the recommendations of a doctor, the fight against bad habits - these are the main components of the way of life, in which coughing will not be painful for cervical osteochondrosis. Well, if it does come, immediately begin treatment, because delayed treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be dangerous.

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