Eye pathologies affect both the young population of the planet and older people.However, in the latter group, the frequency of diseases is often associated with age-related changes and affects the most important structures of organs and systems. As for eye diseases, pathological processes most often develop in the retina and vascular system.Such serious diseases as glaucoma, degeneration and retinal detachment, macular degeneration, are inextricably linked with age-related changes in the nervous tissue.And macular degeneration also affects the very center, which provides the quality of visual perception, which is called the macula.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medication Therapy
5.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
The macula, or yellow spot, is the focus of special nerve cells, called cones.They are very tightly located on the site of a yellow spot, the size of which does not exceed, mm. The cells of the macula are saturated with a special yellow pigment, the color of which depends on the quantitative content of lutein and zeaxanthin. However, these substances are responsible not only for coloring, but also are powerful antioxidants.
And their lack leads to the development of dystrophic processes in the retina and, in particular, in the macula.
Progression of the pathological process is inextricably linked with the violation of metabolic processes in the eye tissues caused by diseases of the vascular system.At the same time, eye structures invariably suffer from a lack of nutrients and oxygen, which is the beginning of macular degeneration.
The main reason for the development of pathology is age-related changes, during which irreversible metabolic disorders occur. Due to fatigue of tissues and organs, an increase in the number and progression of chronic somatic diseases there is a gradual decrease in motor activity, which invariably entails pathologies cardiovascular system.
Deterioration of blood supply due to vascular diseases, in turn, causes poor nutrition of all systems and organs.This invariably affects the eye structures. The likelihood of the disease with macular degeneration increases with age:
After 50 years - 2%;
From 66 to 75 years - 10%;
Over 75 years old - 30%.
The mechanism of the development of the disease remains unclear until the end, but there is an undeniable dependence of its occurrence on the following factors:
Smoking- intoxication of the body, as well as reduced immunity due to adverse effects increase the risk of the disease;
Obesity- the connection between the progression of many diseases, including macular degeneration, is shown to be associated with an increase in the degree of obesity;
Race- in people with white pigmentation the risk of developing the disease is much higher than that of African Americans;
Heredity- in the presence of close relatives of retinal disease, the likelihood of its development increases;
Floor- it is proved that women are at increased risk;
Diseases of blood vessels- the risk of developing makulodystrophy in atherosclerosis increases by 3 times, and in hypertension - by 7;
Ultraviolet- the emergence of not only retinal diseases, but also other eye pathologies is diagnosed much more often with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Any factor that has a negative effect on defense mechanisms can be an impetus to the development of pathology. However, only two have been proven to date in official medicine: age and smoking.
The disease can occur in two forms:
Dry. Typical for most cases of the disease (up to 90%) and has a longer course. Initial symptoms: difficulty in seeing small details, fogging, the appearance of flies, an increase in the pupil. Initially it develops on one eye, distortion of clear contours and their vagueness is possible. Such changes occur gradually. With ophthalmoscopy, the doctor can observe yellow macula-like maculae - druses, which are harbingers of the progression of pathology;
Wet.Usually it develops in patients with dry form, it accounts for only 10%, however, the progression of the disease proceeds very quickly, destroying the central vision. Upon examination, the doctor can detect the growth of new blood vessels behind the macula, as well as numerous small hemorrhages that damage nerve cells. In the case of even a complete loss of central vision, the patient does not face complete blindness, since peripheral vision is not affected.
Symptom of macular changes can be the inability of patients to consider objects located in the central field of vision: they are "something closes" the image. Another disturbing sign may be a violation of color perception - it is a symptom of the destruction of cones.
Possible complications
Degenerative changes in the yellow spot have a significant effect on reducing the severity of central vision.In the worst case scenario, it can be lost completely, thus depriving the patient of the possibility of maintaining a normal lifestyle.
However, this can happen only in the most extreme case, when the patient does not take absolutely any action at the initial stage of the development of symptoms, and the disease progresses for a long time.
Most often, the following types of complications can be threatened by the patient:
With the development of pathologies until the late stage of lesions on one eye, the risk of a second eye is 4 to 15%;
In such patients, visual acuity can drop very rapidly to 25% in about 1 year;
Wet macular degeneration, as a rule, develops against the background of a long course of dry form of the disease.
When dry form of the disease should be given as much as possible close attention to its treatment, to prevent the development of a moist form, fraught with significant damage in the vascular system eyes.
Exact diagnosis of the nature and strength of intraocular lesions is achieved by the following methods:
Ophthalmoscopy- method of examination of the fundus;
Optical coherence tomography- a method of studying various layers of a yellow spot with an objective estimation of parameters;
Fluorescent angiography- is carried out with the use of special substances, which, by means of the color of the vessels, reveal the smallest lesions in the area of the macula;
Computer Perimetry- a method for studying the visual fields, used to detect the presence of lesions in the central vision.
Medication Therapy
The choice of therapeutic tactics in the treatment of the disease depends entirely on the form of the disease and the severity of the lesions.Conservative treatment is used mainly for the treatment of dry macular degeneration. In this case, the following are used:
Preparations with antioxidants and zinc. Allow to slow the progression of the disease;
Vitamins (A, C, E).As a rule, they are issued in the form of complexes and are necessary for the restoration of metabolism;
Drugs with lutein and copper. Provide saturation of the eye tissues necessary for normal functioning of the components;
Vasodilator funds. In addition to strengthening the vascular walls, contribute to reducing the permeability of their walls and the dilution of blood;
Blood thinning medications. Prevent the increase of IOP and reduce the risk of vascular damage;
Decongestants. Timolol - vasodilator eye drops
Selection of the necessary medicines takes place under the strict supervision of the doctor and in each case strictly individually. If the drug is ineffective, surgical treatment of macular degeneration is possible.
Conservative methods also include:
Photodynamic therapy- a method of affecting the newly formed vessels with a laser after the introduction of the photosensitizer. However, such a measure is purely temporary, since it does not prevent the growth of new vessels;
Intraocular injections- a method of introducing directly into the eyeball some drugs (for example, "Lucentis"), preventing the growth of blood vessels. The negative for this method of treatment is the selective effect of drugs - they do not work at all. On the basis of clinical studies, the International Congress of Ophthalmologists recognized that the therapeutic effect is achieved only after 3 injections. The subsequent administration of the drug is considered useless.
In the treatment of a moist form of the disease, surgical methods of action are recognized as the most effective:
Laser surgery.The use of the laser in the treatment of macular degeneration is indicated in the case when it is necessary to "weld" the vessels located behind outside the macula, but those that sprout under it, can not be blocked with the help of a laser, without damaging the nerve cells. Therefore, laser treatment is prescribed in rare cases;
Regenerative therapy. The most progressive method, which has the highest% of successful outcomes. It consists in placing your own stem cells, processed in a special way, in the problem areas of the eye structures. After this, intensive regeneration and restoration of the functionality of damaged tissues takes place.Laser surgery
Drug treatment of macular degeneration of the eye (conservative or operative) should be necessarily complex and under the control of qualified specialists.
Folk remedies
As an additional therapy, it is possible to use folk treatment directed, in most cases, to strengthening the immune forces and normalizing the metabolism:
Dissolve 50 ml of mummy in 100 ml of fresh aloe juice. Take 10 ml in the morning and evening and instill in the eye for 1 drop for 10 days. After a month's break, repeat treatment;
Brew 1 tbsp. l. marigold with a glass of boiling water. Insist, strain and take 50 ml three times a day. Bury in the eyes of 2 drops. The course of treatment - 6 months. ;
Pine or fir needles to grind, after 1 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave to insist on the night. After this, strain and drink in small portions several times a day. Store the broth for up to a week.
Macular degeneration of the retina is a process of degenerative changes in the retina, and for its cessation the increased attention should be paid to diet. It is necessary to saturate the diet with products containing a large number of substances useful to the eye: strawberries, blueberries, nettle leaves, tomatoes, cabbage, greens (parsley, dill, spinach, celery).
If you want to avoid dangerous pathology, especially in old age, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:
To pass preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist;
Use sunglasses;
Observe a certain diet: with a high content of greens and vegetables, without digestible fats, with saturation of seafood;
Take vitamins, both for systemic exposure, and specialized - for the eyes;
Avoid hypodynamia and excess weight - the first enemies of the vascular system;
To refuse from bad habits.
Macular degeneration is a severe, mainly age-related, lesion of the retina.And, as a rule, irreversible. However, timely measures can postpone the process of degenerative changes for many years.
And the first point, which should be given increased attention, should be prevention.Healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition, motor activity and regulated day regimen, as well as positive emotions will help to keep the health of not only the eyes, but the entire body in whole.