What is the destruction of the vitreous body and how to deal with it?

Some visual impairments are temporary and usually do not pose a great danger to a person. However, there are also such phenomena that require immediate intervention of medicine, do not tolerate delay, neglect and self-treatment. Such a problem as the destruction of the vitreous body refers precisely to such disorders. And in case of manifestation of its symptoms and symptoms, it is important to know what steps to take. What is this "fly in front of your eyes let's look at this article.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The destruction of the vitreous body is considered partial or complete destruction of it.Such a violation can occur against the background of injuries and damage to the organs of vision or in old age.Also, the cause of pathology can be eye diseases and excessive load (including physical). With timely access to medical facilities, the problem can be reduced and even completely eliminated.

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Among the main causes of the violation:

  • Eye problems associated with age;
  • Diabetes;
  • Strong myopia;
  • Stress, depression;
  • Chronic eye diseases that occur with inflammatory processes;
  • Diseases of blood vessels and arteries;
  • Excessive and prolonged stress on the visual organs;
  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Cervical arteriosclerosis;
  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • Infringements of internal organs.

Due to these disorders, inflammation and changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the colloidal gel may occur, which leads to destruction. Myopia and other visual impairments can lead to deformation of the structures inside the eye. Also one of the reasons are traumatic injuries of the eyeball, including from a strong blow.


The main symptom of the destruction of the vitreous body can be considered the appearance of various short-term and long-lasting visual effects: "spots "flies "turbidity" and other.

Do not confuse the appearance of visual effects in the case of visual impairment with effects associated with changes in blood pressure and other physical processes. The first feels much different and feel more stable.

Possible complications

Turbulence, spots and other effects quickly become stable and can be preserved forever. The mild form of the disorder does not pose a great danger and does not lead to serious complications.

The more clearly and thickly visible optical effects, the stronger the destruction.It can develop up to a complete detachment of the vitreous. A sign of the appearance of more serious problems can be the emergence of "lightning" and "flares".

Whatever the form and severity of the disorder, when these symptoms appear, an immediate examination with an ophthalmologist is required. Delay can lead to even more serious consequences, up to complete loss of vision without the possibility of recovery.


The prognosis during treatment by any of the possible methods is always ambiguous.At present, there is no developed method, which is guaranteed to save the patient from the problem.The existing methods very often combine with each other and replace in the absence of the proper effect. The most important thing at the first manifestations of symptoms is to turn to medical workers and not engage in self-medication.It is also possible to observe specialists from several areas at once, depending on the causes of the onset of the disease.

Before the appointment of a treatment for the violation of the structure of the vitreous of the eye, the ophthalmologist must conduct a thorough diagnosis, which includes:

  • Examination of the fundus;
  • Analysis of visual quality;
  • Inspection and analysis of the disturbance by means of a slit lamp;
  • Anamnesis.

Then the results of the examination are compared with the patient's complaints and the oculist prescribes treatment.

In some cases, treatment for a violation of the structure of the vitreous body is not required and the problem disappears by itself. The decision to prescribe a treatment or its absence can only be made by a qualified doctor.The scheme and methods for the removal of pathology are also established on an individual basis.It is also worth noting that the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the correct identification of the causes and the possibility of their elimination, to which the actions are directed first.

During the treatment of visual impairment, it is necessary to provide the eyes with proper rest, to limit the use of electronic devices and TV, and to reduce the possibility of stress. It is important to observe everyday hygienic rules. Exercising is possible only with little physical exertion.


In the destruction of the vitreous for the relief of symptoms and improve the state of vision, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Slow-blowing: Wobenzym, Traumeel-C, potassium iodide solution;
  • Normalizing blood circulation: Cavinton, Cinnarizine;
  • Normalizing microcirculation:Emoxipine.


Surgical treatment of the disease can not always lead to the disposal of the problem and in some cases causes complications in the form of retinal detachment, inflammation, cataracts, hemorrhages.Particularly difficult to tolerate the operation of the elderly, the risk of complications in their case can significantly increase.

Currently, two forms of surgical intervention are used:

  • Vitreolysis - cleavage of opacities in the eyeball with the use of a laser device;
  • Vitrectomy - replacement of the vitreous body with artificial analogs (complete or partial).

People's means

If the disease is mild, you can use folk remedies:

  • Eye drops from honey and water (on two parts of honey one part of water);
  • Drops of honey and aloe juice;
  • Propolis solution;
  • Massage of the eyeballs with the pads of the fingers.

Also, these funds can be combined with the main medicines that are prescribed by the doctor.

The treatment of problems using folk techniques should only be under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication in this case is highly not recommended.


In order to avoid the problems associated with the violation of the structure of the vitreous of the eye, it is necessary to get rid of the visual and internal organs provoking them in time.It is important not to allow their appearance and development, and also to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene of the body, face and eyes.

It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise (excluding excessive physical exertion), and improve the quality of nutrition. A major role in the prevention of destruction is the prevention of depression and stress. It is especially important to follow these recommendations to elderly people and those engaged in the profession, which requires constant stress on the visual organs.


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Any violation of the eyes can not only be harmful to the health of the body as a whole, but also dangerous. Moreover, pathologies interfere with the conduct of a normal way of life and work. Therefore, prevention and timely treatment of the destruction of the vitreous of the eye is so important. It is difficult to get rid of problems if there is no guarantee of success for any of the existing methods. Nevertheless, even if the violation can not be completely eliminated, the manifestation of the disease can be reduced and alleviated.

Also read about cataract treatment with drops and about what to do if there are red spots under the eyes.