What to do if you do not have a cough for a long time

Cough does not pass with an adult for two weeks or a month: what to do

Among many symptoms of cough is a complex and unpleasant manifestation. Therefore, if it does not go through a week or a month, the patient begins to worry and suspect the presence of serious illnesses.

Sometimes after the course of catarrhal disease there is a cough that does not end for a long time. At the same time, various means and methods of treatment were tried. In such a case, medical care must be treated if the cough does not go away for more than 15 days.

But why does this symptom not disappear quickly? Perhaps the body was depleted during the course of the cold and at this inopportune time it was infiltrated by an infection or a virus.

The organism can overcome viruses independently, but only if it is not weakened. Therefore, in order to successfully cure a prolonged cough, it is necessary to find out which microorganism triggered its appearance, so it is necessary to conduct all necessary studies.

Prolonged cough: causes

instagram viewer

If the cough does not pass for a long time, for example, a cough does not pass a month, then the following infections and diseases contribute to it:

  1. pneumocysts;
  2. mycoplasma;
  3. fungal microflora (chlamydia, candida);
  4. tuberculosis.
In addition, the infection can be mixed. This option is the worst, because the course of such diseases is quite difficult. At the same time, the patient experiences weakness, his temperature rises and sweat becomes abundant.

It is worth noting that the wrong, inferior or untimely treatment of such diseases leads to their progression.

All the above microorganisms can enter the body by airborne droplets, when the infected person sneezes or coughs.

The chances of infection are doubled if the adult's body is weakened or he experiences heavy workloads.

Therefore, the immune system should be strengthened, there are plenty of vegetables and fruits, sleep and play sports.

What if the cough does not stop a week?

Coughing is an involuntary exhalation reflex that occurs as a result of irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, bronchial tubes or throat and lung tissue. Thanks to this symptom, the airways are cleaned of foreign bodies, harmful microorganisms, mucus, dust and sputum.

To the reasons provoking a long cough, it is possible to carry:

  • colds;
  • allergy;
  • emotional overstrain.

Moreover, the cough can be wet or dry, night, day, periodic, paroxysmal and so on.

Treatment of a week cough

If the cause of the weekly cough was ARD, then the doctor prescribes antitussive drugs, with this you can not take antibiotics, since they only affect bacteria. But antibacterial agents may be appropriate for bronchitis and pneumonia, which are accompanied by symptoms such as fever and severe cough syndrome.

In addition to antibiotics, if the week does not pass a severe cough, expectorants are prescribed on the basis of medicinal plants. In addition, the doctor can prescribe immunomodulating drugs, which activate the protective functions of the body and expel the effect of antiviral drugs.

It is worth noting that if the cough is not only not more than a week, but also accompanied by pain in the chest, high temperature (38 and more), and when expectoration is allocated bloody, green or yellow sputum, then you can not do self-medication, but you need to quickly turn to the doctor.

There are some recommendations that are important to observe when treating a prolonged cough in an adult. So that the throat is not dry, you need to drink a lot of liquid. To this end, every evening you can drink warm milk with honey.

Morse and juices are no less useful. In addition, if a dry cough does not pass for more than a week, you should drink fresh juice from black radish (three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.).

What if the cough does not stop within a month?

Why there is a long cough and what to do to eliminate it? If this symptom does not last a month, then perhaps the whole fault is the following factors:

  1. congenital pathologies of the lungs;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. bronchial asthma.

For successful treatment of a long cough it is important to know whether this symptom was the root cause of the disease or whether it developed during its course. In addition, it is necessary to determine its character - productive or unproductive, frequent or rare, spastic or paroxysmal and so on.

It is necessary to consult a doctor quickly if a cough with phlegm does not last more than a month and is accompanied by such signs as:

  • severe swelling;
  • sweating;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • colorless, thick discharge or sputum with blood impurities;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • heat;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • retrosternal pain.

In addition, a long cough can become chronic. To prevent this from happening, one should go to the doctor if the cough reflex does not stop within five days. Many people do not pay enough attention to this symptom, and even more so if it is not accompanied by weakness, runny nose and fever, but in case of no treatment the time will be irretrievably lost.

When the cough does not stop for about four weeks, it is necessary to make an appointment for an ENT, a therapist, an allergist, a phthisiatrist, and possibly a pulmonologist. Doctors after the survey will be able to determine why the cough does not stop for so long and what to do to cure it.

So, a cough lasting for a month may indicate the presence of:

  1. pneumonitis;
  2. chronic bronchitis;
  3. heart failure;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. cancerous metastases or lung cancer;
  6. sinusitis;
  7. asbestosis;
  8. tuberculosis;
  9. whooping cough;
  10. pleurisy;
  11. silicosis.

But in order to finally determine the cause of prolonged cough, additional research will be required. This can be a blood test, sputum culture on the flora, a blood test for mycoplasma and chlamydia, a Mantoux test and a lung X-ray.

In addition, a cough that lasts for more than 4 weeks is typical for smokers and people working in harmful production, where they constantly inhale mold and dust.

So, silicosis often develops in miners, asbestosis - in builders, and pnevonit - in the agricultural sector.

Treatment of a cough that lasts longer than a month

It is worth noting that without medical advice to treat a prolonged cough is inappropriate. After all, depending on the cause, a certain method of treatment is needed, for example, with heart failure it is senseless to drink antitussive syrups, swallow tablets or do inhalations.

So, for the successful treatment of an incessant cough in an adult it is important to restore the water balance, so the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. In this case, the patient's diet should not be too high in calories, it is best to enrich it with fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is effective to perform inhalations with cough with the addition of coniferous oil, coltsfoot, baking soda, thyme, sage and chamomile.

When productive cough with viscous secretions, you need to use drugs that dilute sputum. These drugs include mucolytics and expectorants.

And it is better, if the basis of such funds will be medicinal plants. And with a small number of excretions are assigned expectorant syrups and tablets.

But it is worth noting that such drugs should not be taken together with antitussive drugs.

Prolonged cough

A prolonged cough is one that does not last 4-8 weeks. Therefore, a two-week cough is considered only a suspicion of a prolonged symptom.

So, if a cough for a long time does not pass, then its causes can be covered in the presence of such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • left ventricular failure;
  • HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.
In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the patient, allowing to identify the causes of a long-term cough. Thus, rapid and confused breathing is characteristic of cardiac (acrocyanosis) and pulmonary insufficiency. If there is a suspicion of bronchiectasis and lung cancer, the ENT conducts a test called "drumsticks."

Still mandatory inspection of the mucous nasopharynx or pharynx. In this case, the doctor examines the discharge from the nose, confirms or excludes the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity and sinusitis, manifested by pain sensations in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.

It is worth noting that the temperature with prolonged cough may not always be elevated. It accompanies only a few diseases, such as sinusitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

In addition, the doctor should examine the patient's neck. In the process of investigation, such manifestations as a positive venous pulse can be detected, which indicates pulmonary insufficiency.

With an increase in the posterior or anterior cervical lymph nodes and nodes of the supraclavicular area, there is a suspicion of cancer of the larynx or lungs. And when listening you can find signs such as noise, local or scattered dry wheezes.

To get rid of a protracted cough, the most commonly prescribed drugs that activate the immune system. To this end, the patient should take funds based on rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutterococcus. As a rule, they are used after antibiotic therapy. in the video in this article, the expert will tell. what to do with a prolonged cough.


What if I can not get rid of a cough?

Every person at least once a year overtakes a cold. Since childhood, unpleasant symptoms are familiar to everyone: cough, fever, runny nose, weakness, sore throat. Unfortunately, some symptoms can torment a person even after a complete, seemingly healing. The most common case, when the cold has passed, but does not pass cough. A prolonged cough can be observed for several more weeks after a cold. What is the reason for coughing and how to deal with it?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies that enter our body. It is included as a protective reflex, when a person choked or even inhaled through the mouth various substances, such as dust. During colds, sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, which the body perceives as an alien body and with the help of a cough tries to get rid of it and various microbes.

Thus, it becomes clear that the cough should be treated not as a result of the disease, but as a process that helps to recover to the end. This means: it is more correct not to get rid of cough, but to make it more productive.But sometimes the cough becomes very intense, sometimes, not allowing a person to fall asleep, or even causing vomiting. In these cases, undoubtedly, measures should be taken to reduce the strength of this process.

Causes of prolonged cough

Most often, cough occurs with colds:

  • flu;
  • respiratory syncytial virus infection;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

When a cough occurs, you need to undergo a checkup to find out the cause of his appearance

Of course, there are other serious diseases, which lead to an intense and prolonged cough. If a person does not get a cough for a month, then first you need to see a doctor, and only then start the possible self-treatment. In any case, when a person has a prolonged cough, it is necessary to do a fluorography or even an X-ray.

If a cough during a cold does not go along with the disease, then post cold cough should be treated. Usually it is accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. Treatment should be aimed at liquefying and spitting out of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of a protracted cough

It is wrong to talk about the cough treatment, because it's just a symptom. He either is removed as a symptom, or heals the disease itself, as a result of which he appeared.

There are 3 main components that can help cough:
  • abundant drinking;
  • inhalation;
  • drugs that dilute sputum.

When you cough, the patient should definitely drink plenty of liquid to restore the water balance in the body. Water helps the process of liquefying phlegm and getting it out of the body.

Alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi or Essentuki, are especially useful. Addition to a high intake of liquids should be the right food, containing many vitamins - fresh fruits and vegetables.


As for inhalations, this is one of the most effective methods for relieving cough. It is not difficult to make inhalation, besides there are many different ways, and each patient can choose for himself the most accessible of them. One of the options: brew such herbs as chamomile, sage, thyme, coltsfoot, add a teaspoon of soda food and a couple drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil, and then inhale the vapors. You can administer the inhalation several times a day.
By the way, essential oils are very effective in steam inhalers. You need to choose those that contribute to the dilution of sputum, softening of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.The lavender essential oil has a softening effect. Antiseptics are eucalyptus and thyme. An expectorant effect will be achieved with the use of incense and majorana essential oil. You can prepare a mixture of oils for inhalation yourself, or buy it already ready in the pharmacy.

Medicinal products

Reception of medicines at a cough should be carried out only on purpose of the doctor

As for the drugs, then it's worth to be especially careful. As in the case of other drugs, the choice of medicine should only be trusted by a specialist. Come to the pharmacy and on the advice of a pharmacist to purchase a popular expectorant is a big mistake many patients make.

In some cases, it can help, but in others it can even do harm, because a pharmacist can not deliver an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, it is worth to go to the doctor and find out what exactly is the reason for a prolonged, not passing cough.

Speaking generally about medicines, you should know that drugs for liquefying sputum are divided into mucolytic and expectorant. Mucolytics are prescribed in cases when sputum is very viscous and it is difficult to be excreted from the body. Expectorant medications are needed in situations where sputum, on the contrary, is small. They help bronchi to extract phlegm, making it more fluid. At the same time, the medicine causes a cough, so that the bronchi are cleared.

A separate group of drugs are antitussive drugs. As you know, cough is not always worth eliminating, because it helps the body to clear itself of germs and sputum. But in some cases, with a dry suffocating cough, antitussive drugs are prescribed.

Do this only a doctor, because these drugs can have strong side effects. In addition, in the presence of phlegm, the taking of these medicines must be stopped immediately. Even if you take medication for a while, the cough worries for another 1-2 weeks, then you need to see a doctor, you may need to change the treatment.

How to relieve lingering cough?

There are some simple methods that will help make the cough less painful. Using these tips, available to everyone, you can bring the sick body a lot of benefits:

  1. Rinse the throat with saline. Solution: warm water with a diluted teaspoon of salt. You can make this solution with baking soda and add a drop of iodine. The irritated throat will not hurt so much when coughing.
  2. To give up smoking. If the patient smokes, then at least for the period of treatment, it is worth to give up a bad habit, or at least reduce the number of smoked cigarettes to a minimum.
  3. Humidified air. If there are special devices for humidifying the air, then you must use them, and if not, you can simply put a couple of cans of water in the corners of the room. Humid air easily penetrates into the lungs, and dry - irritates them, causing coughing attacks.
  4. With a dry cough, you need to use a spoonful of honey. Strengthen the effect of honey with finely chopped garlic or onions. This remedy softens the throat and has an antibacterial effect.
    Thus, with the right approach to treating the disease, you can effectively get rid of the cough, eliminating its complications. It must be remembered that any disease that has not completely disappeared can have serious consequences for the body.


What if I do not get a cough for a long time?

The temperature has passed, the doctor closes the sick leave, it's time to return to work. But untreated cough for a long time does not pass and does not give a normal return to normal healthy life. Why is it so delayed and what needs to be done in such situations?

Post-infection cough

Periodically, every person faces acute infectious diseases. Often they lead to damage to the mucous membranes and cause why the cough does not pass. In this case, it is called "postinfection". This situation can last for a long time: from several weeks to two months. Additional symptoms are perspiration and itching in the trachea. It can not be said that this is painful, but the discomfort is obvious. If the epithelial tissue of the bronchi can not come back to normal due to bacteria and viruses, you do not have a long time cough, try to use herbal preparations that can be purchased without recommendation doctor. They are available in the form of a variety of syrups, and in the form of pastilles or lozenges.

What if the baby does not have a cough for a long time?

You should show the sick kid to the doctor.

With infectious diseases, cough can even be beneficial - it clears the respiratory tract from sputum and dust accumulating there. But if the illness is delayed, it is worthwhile to follow the body of the child more closely. In addition to colds, the reason that children do not cough for a long time, often worms. Larvae can live in the lungs, irritating the respiratory tract. They travel between the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract, leading to a protracted cough. In this case, not an antibiotic or an expectorant is required, but antihelminthic drugs prescribed by a doctor.

How to be treated if the cough does not go away for a long time?

If the cause of coughing is still in infectious diseases, you can use different recovery tactics.

You can try to make a mustard compress. Dampen the mustard in warm water, squeeze a little and put it on the skin. Cover with a towel and a warm blanket. Lie down about a quarter of an hour. After the compress is removed, this area needs to be wiped and oiled, and then covered again with a rug to keep the heat received during the procedure. If burning during the application of mustard plasters is too strong, and the skin after them will turn red more than usual, then, perhaps, you show signs of allergic reactions. In this case, it is better to choose other methods for treatment. If the cough does not go away for a long time, you will most likely be helped by a doctor to pick up the medicine. Probably, these will be mucolytics, which promote the rapid excretion of sputum, aerosols for moistening the damaged mucosa, and also enveloping agents that form a protective layer in the oropharynx. You can help yourself and proper nutrition. Try to include in the diet cabbage, juices, grapes and milk porridge. Effective means - a black radish, sliced ​​and baked in the oven with sugar. Syrup from it should be taken three times a day, drinking two teaspoons. Another remedy is mixed honey and onions in equal amounts, which must be taken on a tablespoon three times a day.


Cough for a long time does not work out what to do?


Irina Korea

go to the doctor

The Wizard of Oz

Go to the doctor and do not invent any garbage

Milash Milash

I also had a cough for several months, nothing helped. So much money flew away to drugs ((((((I went to a loroy, said there may be an allergy. I went to the therapist, said that tracheobronchitis. I do not know whose diagnosis was right. But a miracle happened, I went to rest on nature for a month, and coughing as it happened)))

No one knows

what kind of aggression? You are advised that it helps realistically, and you are all the ukolchik "magical" waiting ...

Tatyana Timofeeva

Go to the doctor. I had a cough once-a complication after a cold on my legs, which later turned into bronchitis.


It's good to cough with a massage with honey - it's a creepy thing, but even with an old cough, 2-3 sessions are enough. A spoon of honey is rubbed on the back in the area of ​​the lungs and then sharply tear off the palm and so for 15 minutes - it will hurt, the back should be red. Then the back is covered with a film and a shawl and go to bed.
A nyxis appoints only a doctor, since only he can determine the cause of the cough (I'm an idealist and believe in our doctors)))

Veronika Sevostyanova

Go to the doctor and make a fluorography


Watching what cough is a dry cough, and coughing with phlegm all treated differently!


Well, the truth, why should I call garbage what the garbage is not? Just cough can cause very, very different causes and pathogens, and it is on them that this or that treatment option depends. But to identify them is not so easy. Well, one and the same remedy can not help everyone, no matter how good it is. In your case, you have to poprinimat antibiotic. Erythromycin. He, perhaps, is the safest of all and quite effective (I, in any case, helped in due time when nothing else worked).

Chris Chris

I grated onions + honey helps... do not be afraid... it is not necessary to eat... just in an hour 2 juice appears... it is necessary to drink it... not disgusting... will cough after 2-3 days. The dose is 5 times a day.

Long does not pass cough in the child

Children's illnesses hardly passed at least one mother, and the most common among them, of course, are influenza and ARI. One of the main symptoms of such diseases is cough. It can be dry and wet, but usually within a week or a year and a half the baby recovers. But sometimes a cough in a child does not last long, and parents do not know what to do in this case. First of all, let us consider the reasons for this.

Why does the child not cough for a long time: the most important factors

To understand how to deal with painful coughing attacks, you should know what they can be caused. Among the reasons for this state, we distinguish the following:

  1. Wrong atmosphere in the home.The apartment can be too hot or dusty, so it is recommended that you do a wet cleaning every day, moisten the air well, remove such dust bags as carpets or soft toys.
  2. A crumb does not drink enough,which leads to increased dryness of the throat and, as a consequence, to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. That's why a child does not cough for several weeks.
  3. Someone from your family or neighbors smokes,which also provokes throat irritation.
  4. In your home are often walking drafts,so that your baby, unable to recover, can catch a cold again.
  5. At your son or daughtercough of an allergic nature,as a reaction of the body to wool or dust.
How to deal with dry prolonged cough?

If a child has a dry cough that does not last for weeks, it is worth considering how to correct the situation. For this:

  1. Carefully watch that the humidity of air is 40-60%. A great option is an air humidifier, but if it does not, you can do with wet towels that hang on batteries in the warm season, frequent washing of the floors and installation of a multitude of containers with water for it evaporation.
  2. Consult a doctor who will write out special medications that turn a dry cough into a wet cough: Stoptusin, Gerbion, Libexin, Sinekod, Bronholitin, and others. If, according to the results of the tests, a bacterial infection has joined, antibiotics are prescribed.
  3. A good result is steam inhalation with a solution of soda or alkaline mineral water.
What to do with a prolonged wet cough?

Often the child does not pass just a wet cough. But you can also cope with this condition:

  1. Try to keep the child's warmth (18-20 degrees) and clean. A large role is played by the humidity of the air, which must be high enough to prevent the mucus from thickening in the respiratory system.
  2. Ask the doctor to prescribe medications that dilute sputum and promote her expectoration: Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, and others.
  3. Try a folk effective remedy: mix in equal proportions pine buds, licorice, anise, marshmallow, sage, fennel. 8 g of herbal mixture pour, l boiling water and insist an hour and a half. Let's 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.


How to treat a long-lasting cough

About 30 percent of the population suffers from different types of cough. This condition not only reduces working capacity, but can completely change a person's way of life, as there is insomnia, headaches and depression. Especially painful is a long-lasting cough. It can appear as a complication after catarrhal or other diseases. If the cough does not pass more than a month, then

it is necessary to be examined by a doctor, as this may be a symptom of asthma, cancer, or heart problems. In this case, it can not be cured, without eliminating its cause.

What are the causes of protracted cough?

It is believed that a long non-passing cough torments mostly smokers. It is impossible to get rid of it completely. But people who do not have this bad habit, sometimes suffer from a protracted cough.

1. Most often, it remains after cold or viral diseases. With proper treatment, the cough goes away after a while.

2. One of the most common causes of protracted cough is asthma. This disease is now found in every twentieth person. In this case, the cough is episodic or permanent. Sometimes it is the only symptom of the disease. It is necessary to treat it with asthma, because it can lead to suffocation.

3. Often coughing occurs due to irritation of the throat with discharge from the nose. In this case, it intensifies at night or in the morning.

4. A long cough that does not pass can signal the onset of tuberculosis, lung cancer or pleurisy.

5. Sometimes a prolonged cough occurs as an allergic reaction to various stimuli.

6. With some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, too long a non-coughing is possible. This occurs with rotavirus infection, reflux, dysbiosis or helminthic invasion.

Treatment of a protracted cough

First of all, you need to eliminate its causes and cure the underlying disease. But there are also special medicines to suppress the cough reflex, as well as various mucolytic drugs. Modern medicines often have a complex effect and treat different types of cough. The most effective are "Bromgexin" and "Ambroxol". They are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of syrup for children.

If a wet cough does not pass for a long time, you need to take medications that dilute sputum and help her evacuation from the lungs, for example, ATSTS. In addition, it is recommended to use folk remedies.

Traditional medicine for cough

The most famous are inhalations from decoction of kidneys of pine, eucalyptus leaves or essential oil of mint. It is also useful to warm up the chest and back with a blue lamp or mashed boiled potatoes. When a cough for a long time does not pass after a cold, it is good to drink currant juice or cabbage with sugar, decoction of lime-colored or apples with a core. Cockberry juice is effective for the rapid escape of phlegm or

viburnum with sugar or honey. It is also recommended to eat baked pears, drink carrot juice with milk or a decoction of wheat bran.

A long-lasting cough worsens and leads to a decrease in working capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and treat it and the diseases that cause it.


At the son the cough does not pass or take place already the third week, prompt what to do or make?



The small cough always lasts a very long time.
Make cakes on your back and on your chest, warm up well.
(a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of oil, a spoonful of mustard and flour,
how many will take, knead)
And another cough syrup. If the house is cold, it is better not to bathe the child.
Get well!


honey compresses on the chest at night, it helps me


At me too most was! Well, bring him to the pediatrician, and he will send you to somewhere! although... he went to me myself after 6 months! the truth is now the outcome is bad... again begins the heaviness in the lungs! so do not delay this)))

Frau Snork

[link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
it only helps me. the child in the garden was ill for 2 years, until he poked for it


Now the virus runs around like this, coughing. It's hard to tell when you do not know what you're drinking.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Inhalation!!! Boiled potatoes-breathe over steam 15min. For the night out of it, do the compresses


Previously, they put mustard plasters, breathed over the steam, covered with a towel. A drop of Vietnamese balsam was added to the water. I personally drink bromhexine, cough syrups on the mall.

Personal Cabinet Removed

try inhalation with potatoes

Personal Cabinet Removed

a tablespoon of onion juice with honey on an empty stomach.

Ilya Nikolayev

He or you suppress the desire for something loud to say, so that everyone can hear it!
And this depressed desire is expressed in a cough!
Free yourself and the baby! Be just people!!! !
Although official medicine also needs to be followed, but in parallel!

Marina Machina

I hope you drink the medicines prescribed by the doctor, you can not fully remedy the means, especially when the child is sick, there is a different coughing, and all the same it is better to solve these problems with the pediatrician


Lead to a good doctor! He listens to the lungs, sends the X-ray and finds out everything: why the cough does not pass. And medications will advise.


Gedelix in droplets, with dyspnea and coughing, Erespal syrup. And, in general, in Moscow there is an infection since September with a strong cough and no temperature, from which immunity is practically not developed and after 2-3 weeks it begins again. We have been sick 3 times!


I fly my son these things for a week. grown up without antibiotics (fie, fie) means, so: for the night to soar the legs, so that there are reddish, as if in a high boot, every 2-3 hours an expectorant mixture (1 tbsp. spoon of pertusin, 10 tablets from cough, 2/3 cup of boiled water to insist for at least 2 hours) and after you get your feet, smear your chest and back with a gold star. and yet, I heard, with running cough and bronchitis helps goose fat.


If there is no allergy to honey: onion juice with honey in equal proportions, you can compress at night: smear the chest with honey and put a cabbage leaf on it, wrap it around something warm, fasten it the bandage.


If there is no temperature, then you can make such a compress. To do this: Put a container on the fire-1 spoonful of buckwheat honey + 1 l. fat (bearish, badger or fox). All this warm up the stirring, then making up from the fire add 1 box. alcohol. Dampen in this 2 layers of gauze. Wrap the baby's breast completely (vzzlest) on top of a thin polyethylene (it will also stick to it) then lower or put on a T-shirt or a hoodie. from above to tie a thin (spider web) down. with a handkerchief, folded it in corners in the middle to get. Straight. ending. corners and put the baby to bed. If everything is done as it should, the child will cough all night. But you will not hear any more coughing (until you catch a cold again). For information: Fat (listed) is sold in so-called pharmacies "Life Bench" If you can not succeed buy the prescription, can be replaced with goose or pork fat, but in this case, the consumption is not one procedure. Still I advise a gauze, polyethyl. and make a kerchief and measure everything in advance. At the kerchief the nodule should fall on the sternum. The recipe shows the relationship. Depending on the age of the spoon, either tea or table.

Virus detected

If there is a temperature, then just to the doctor!
And so treat better with herbs or syrups on them.
And further. Do not warm your back and chest at all.
A speedy recovery for you !!!


The cheapest, but the right tool is mukaltin. It helps better any syrups.

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