Inhalation with a damp cough nebulizer

Inhalation with nebulizer for coughing

Effectively combat the attacks of cough allow inhalation with the help of various compounds and funds. However, "grandmother's methods" - pots and teapots - are inferior in performance to special devices - nebulizers, which are quite popular, convenient and effective devices designed to treat reflex respiratory spasms ways. Their big plus is the ability to use without any age restrictions. They are suitable even for the treatment of newborns.

Inhalations with nebulizer for cough are successfully performed in outpatient and home settings. This is a fairly compact mobile device, very simple to use.

The principle of the effect of nebulizers with inhalations from coughing

The device is an apparatus in which a liquid medicinal solution under the action of compressed air is converted into curative vapors. Inhalation with a cough nebulizer occurs as follows:

  • A special amount of medicinal product is poured into the special container.
  • A tube or mask is put on.
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  • If inhaled, the air flow passes through a small hole containing the medicinal composition.
  • The aerosol cloud leaves the device and enters the human body, settling on the respiratory organs, penetrating into the blood.

The effect of using a nebulizer in the fight against cough

With the help of the device, simultaneously with the ingress of water vapor, the medicinal particles are sprayed and distributed evenly throughout all the respiratory and nasopharyngeal organs. The active substance spreads even to the remote zones of the respiratory system, having an effect that positively influences the cough treatment and helps the body to cope faster with the disease:

  • Increases and prolongs the therapeutic effects of drugs.
  • Increases mucus.
  • The blood circulation in the air capillaries increases.
  • The metabolism is accelerated.
  • The mucous membrane of the respiratory system is restored.

Successfully reduces the nebulizer cough dry and wet. Fights seizures caused by:

  • ARI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Features of inhalation for cough with a nebulizer

There are a number of recommendations for the effectiveness of the procedure. It is necessary:

  • Familiarize with all contraindications.
  • Carry out manipulations an hour and a half after eating.
  • Use medicinal compounds strictly according to the doctor's recommendations.
  • Breathe no more than 10 minutes.
  • After inhalation for an hour you can not smoke, eat, drink liquid, talk.
  • After inhaling the vapors, you need to hold your breath for a few moments, and then make a full exhalation.
  • Wear comfortable clothes that do not hinder movement.
  • No distractions.
  • Before the procedure, it is good to wash your hands.
  • Disinfect the device.

Solutions for nebulizer for coughing

The recipes of the formulations poured into the inhaler are quite diverse. Most often, the nebulizer from the cough is filled with the following drugs:
  • Antibiotics (kill the infection).
  • Mucolytics and bronchodilators (dilute mucus, promote expectoration).
  • Immunomodulators (increase the protective functions of the body).
  • Hormonal (have anti-inflammatory effect).

Do not forget that poured drugs, diluted with saline. The doctor selects the optimal composition, taking into account the patient's diagnosis and his individual characteristics.

Recipes for a nebulizer with a dry cough

Treatment of unproductive reflex convulsive respiratory tract spasms without sputum discharge with the help of an inhaler is aimed at:

  • Their degeneration into humid.
  • Counteracting the drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth, bronchi, and throat.
  • Reduction of irritation, sensation of lack of air.

In a nebulizer with a dry cough it is recommended to refill the funds that extend the bronchi:

  • Salbutamol.
  • Berodual.
  • Berotek.

These drugs are perfectly fighting the attacks of suffocation.

With dry barking cough, preparations suitable for starting the cough process are suitable:

  • Pertussin.
  • Tussamag.
  • Berodual.
  • Fluimucil.
  • ATSTS.
  • Dekasan.
  • Miramistin.

The inflammatory process associated with dry cough is perfectly removed with the help of solutions:

  • Calendula.
  • Propolis.

Recipes for a nebulizer with a damp cough

With wet reflex exhalations, inhalations are used to stimulate and produce more effectively the expectoration process, useful for getting rid of all the harmful microbes contained in the waste mucus.

In this case, nebulizer inhalations allow:

  • Dilute sputum, make it less dense, viscous and remove quickly from the body.
  • Reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucosa.
  • Restore local immunity of the body.

Great effect have such drugs:

  • Ambrogen.
  • Furacil.
  • Fluimucil.
  • Pulmonizing.
  • Rotokan.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Sinupret.

With a wet cough, inhalations recommended 2-4 times a day are recommended:

  • Mineral weakly alkaline water.
  • Sodium chloride.


When using a nebulizer, there are a number of limitations. It is forbidden:

  • Use as an inhalation liquid oil compositions. Their inhalation can clog the lumen of the bronchi, which is fraught with the emergence of oily pneumonia.
  • Speak.
  • Do inhalations with decoctions of herbs, as the appliance can become clogged.
  • Carry out the procedure immediately after eating.

Do not inhale the nebulizer, in the case of the following indicators in the patient:

  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Allergies or individual intolerance to the drug used.
  • Bleeding from the nose and inclination to them.
  • Heart failure.
  • Hypertensive disease 3 degrees.
  • Pre-infarction, pre-insult states and the rehabilitation period after them.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Respiratory failure 3 degrees.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax.
  • Bullous emphysema.
  • Giant caverns.

Features of inhalations with nebulizer for coughing in young children

Kids can be afraid to do the procedure. Before you can start it:

  • Show the whole process on yourself, demonstrate that it's enjoyable.
  • Let the child examine the device, hold it.
  • Do inhalations for a short time, a maximum of 3 minutes.
  • Before using the drugs, it's important to check with the doctor about their dosage, as some can be toxic to young children.

Despite the fact that procedures with the help of a nebulizer are a rather safe method for controlling a cough, their use should be started after consultation with the doctor and prescribing the necessary medicinal solutions used for inhalations.

Cough inhalation with nebulizer - recipes for children

Due to the fact that most parents now have the opportunity from the very first days of the disease To treat your child with a nebulizer at home, the disease manages to win much faster.

Most often, a compressor is used in everyday life, which splits the drug into molecules and delivers it directly to the bronchopulmonary system. There are specially developed recipes for children to do inhalations with a nebulizer for any cough. Prepare the solution immediately before use and store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Than to do inhalations at a cough to the child by means of nebulizer?

Drugs that can be poured into the device are many, but it should be borne in mind that some Nebulizers can not work with oily or herbal solutions, but only with sterile preparations from ampoules and bottles.

Depending on the type of cough prescribed a certain remedy - for the treatment of dry mucolytics will be required, which increase the amount of sputum and dilute it, and for the moist one needs expectorants.

Inhalations with a damp cough nebulizer children make with abundant sputum, which accumulated in the bronchi. Assign the means that dilute it and make the cough productive, for this use the following:

  1. Lazolvan in ampoules (ambroksol) - 2 ml of medicine for 2 ml of saline. Inhalation is carried out 2-3 times a day.
  2. Sinupret - 1 ml of the drug is diluted with 2 ml of saline and inhaled three times a day.
  3. Borjomi and other alkaline preparations are used at least 5 times a day apart from medicinal inhalations.
With a dry cough inhalation, the nebulizer is made for children to alleviate the urgency of desiring. In addition to drug therapy, inhalation with Borjomi is carried out several times a day. For treatment will be required:
  1. Berotek - use only at 6 years and for inhalation need 10 drops diluted in 3-4 ml of water for injection or saline solution.
  2. Berodual - 0.5 ml of the drug is diluted in 3 ml of saline.

In case of an allergic cough, the child is inhaled with a nebulizer using Pulmicort, Dexamethasone and some other drugs as prescribed by the doctor. They remove the laryngeal edema and reduce the cough reflex.

What inhalations are used when coughing in children?

Inhalation is one of the most effective and reliable ways to treat cough in children, with the help of them you can heal dry and wet cough. Inhalation helps the child to withdraw excess phlegm, get rid of dry cough, stop the inflammatory process. This remedy is the best substitute for medicine, injections, which adversely affect the child's body, causing serious pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, heart.

Features of inhalations in the child

At the beginning of the disease, the nebulizer reliably saves from further complications. With the help of his breathing system is filled with the right drugs. Steam, enhances the effect of drugs, with the help of it can remove spasm from the respiratory system, dilutes sputum.

Types of inhalers for children

1. Home - to breathe above a kettle, a pan.

2. A vapor form of the inhaler, it uses herbal preparations, soda, aromatic oils.

3. The oil inhaler can not be used for children who suffer from allergic reactions. Essential oils are used for inhalation.

4. An effective device is an ultrasonic inhaler, Borjomi, honey, herbal decoctions, Kalanchoe, lazolvan, furacilin are used for it.

5. The use of a compressor inhaler, with the help of its medicines, is turned into an aerosol, while they do not affect the stomach, intestines, liver.

Modern medicine uses inhalations for a child of two kinds:

1. Using an ultrasonic nebulizer, can be used for a small child, can destroy medicinal active particles, therefore it is impossible to apply for hormonal therapy, antibacterial means.

2. With the help of a compression nebulizer, small particles of drugs are produced. When choosing the type of camera, you need to pay attention to the age category of the child, diseases. The best is an inhaler that produces particles no more than 10 microns.

Preparations for inhalation for children

To cure a dry cough, you need to remove the inflammation from the throat, get rid of the viscous mucus, as much as possible to clear the sputum of the lungs, bronchi. With a dry cough, Berodual, Salgim, Berotek, Trent

If a child has a wet cough and needs to get out sputum as soon as possible, use Lazolvan, Fluimitsil, Abbroene, Borjomi, Narzan, Sinupret, Pertussin, Mukaltin for inhalation.

If a child's airways become inflamed, you need to use Rotokan, Malavit, Propolis, Eucalyptus, Calendula.

Using a nebulizer, a bacterial bronchitis can be cured in a child using Furacilin, Fluimitsil, Chlorophyllipt, Dioxydin, Miramistin.

Self-medication can not be done, the dosage should be prescribed by the treating doctor.

Sequence of inhalation in a child

1. First you need to do inhalation with medications that will help extend the bronchi.

2. After 20 minutes you need to use a remedy that will help to thin the sputum.

3. After 30 minutes, an inhalation is performed with an antiseptic drug.

3. After that, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

4. In the end, administering inhalation with drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Always after each use, the nebulizer is thoroughly washed out, it is possible to use only authorized solutions for it, they must be preheated first.

Inhalation for a child at home

It is hard to force to breathe the steam of a small child, but you need to try to do it. If there is no nebulizer or other inhaler, you can use home-made tools. In this situation, it is important to follow certain rules:

1. Use inhalation carefully for children who are not yet 2 years old.

2. It is best to put the child in a bath and fill with useful steam or a bath that is ventilated.

3. Teach the child to inhale the potato steam, covering it with a towel. You can put boiled potatoes, open the umbrella and get him to breathe. Inhalation should be conducted no less than 20 minutes.

4. Popular and this way, take a teapot, put a paper tube on his nose, start to gradually draw in pairs. The procedure should last no less than 10 minutes. For inhalation, chamomile, calendula, sage, soda are used.

If a child has laryngitis, sore throat, tracheitis, you need to use a specially prepared infusion. It will require a small amount of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, pine, elecampane, mint, thyme. Pour all 700 ml of boiling water, insist. After it is heated and inhaled by the child.

When a child suffocates when coughing, you need to use soda, with the help of it you can thin the sputum and quickly remove it, also helps alkaline mineral water "Borjomi "Essentuki."

At home, if the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction, he does not have bronchial asthma, it is possible to use inhalation on the basis of coniferous tree - fir, spruce, juniper, pine, larch. With the help of it you can get rid of painful germs, clean the airway.

When the child has a barking cough, steam is used, for this child it is necessary to take them to the bathroom, open hot water and breathe. So you can get rid of croupous cough.

Also used for inhalation is garlic, peppermint. In order to prepare the infusion, it is necessary in the water, which boils to add peppermint, all warm up to 5 minutes, after chopped garlic.

If the child is not allergic to essential oils, you can perform inhalations with the addition of cypress oil, eucalyptus, bergamot, ginger, sandalwood, rosemary.

So, inhalation for a child is an effective method of treatment, with the help of it you can quickly cure diseases of the upper respiratory organs, alleviate the symptoms of coughing. Despite the useful properties of inhalation, solutions, broths should be used with extreme caution, they can cause a serious allergic reaction and further exacerbate the disease.

Inhalation with cough

Cough inhalation is one of the most ancient ways of treating this symptom. Steam was obtained by heating aromatic substances, resins, infusions of herbs. To date, this method of physiotherapy has not lost its relevance.

For any inhalation, natural and artificial aerosols are used. The natural factors include the air of sea resorts, containing a large amount of iodine, bromine, sea salt. It is useful for chronic coughing more often in a coniferous forest containing a natural aerosol of phytoncides and aromatic substances. Inhalations from cough in the home are best done with the help of inhalers (nebulizers) with the use of medications. You can carry out a simple procedure for inhalation of warm steam. In this case, decoctions and infusions of herbs, mineral water, soda, essential oils are used.

The effect of inhalation on the body with coughing

Medicinal substances with inhalations have increased pharmacological effectiveness due to a significant increase in the active surface. For example, 1 ml of liquid forms in the nebulizer up to 15 million tiny droplets having a common surface, sq. M. m.Steam or aerosol easily penetrates into the deep sections of the bronchial tree and the alveoli, causing a rapid local therapeutic effect.

Cough inhalations act on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, enhancing the secretion of mucus, improving its transport from lower sections of the lungs up, which helps to cleanse the bronchial tree of mucus and the products of the decomposition of pathogenic microorganisms. There is a relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The inhalation of aromatic substances is soothing to the nervous system, including the cough center. All this leads to a decrease in the intensity of cough.

Inhalations with dry coughs contribute to its transition to moist. With such procedures, the pain in the throat, trachea, and muscles of the chest is alleviated. All this contributes to the removal of the inflammatory response of the respiratory tract, improvement of the general condition of the patient.

Treatment of dry cough inhalation

Inhalations with dry cough are indicated for such diseases as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. They are also used for pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, occupational diseases (for example, with silicosis). After the inhalation, the condition of the patients with the smoker's bronchitis improves.

Inhalations with dry cough are carried out using a nebulizer. It is possible to hold wet (with a temperature of up to 30˚), heat and moisture (30 - 40˚), steam procedures. Potato, lime blossom, chamomile, other substances with antiseptic action are used. It is useful to use soda solution, mineral water, sea salt solution. You can use for the inhalation of eucalyptus oil, pine.It should be remembered that in most nebulizers you can not use decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as oil solutions and aromatic substances.In these devices, special medicines should be used.

How to properly administer inhalation at home

Each procedure lasts 5 to 10 minutes, 10 to 15 procedures are performed daily or every other day, at least 1 hour after eating and exercise. Clothes should not impede breathing. The patient should sit comfortably, do not worry and do not get distracted. Breathing should be calm, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. During inhalation, break every 3 minutes for 30 to 60 seconds.

When carrying out steam inhalation, prepare a decoction of herbs at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of water, boil for 30 minutes at low heat. You can just bend over the pot with a decoction, covered with a towel, or inhale steam, for example, over the spout of a teapot. You can make an improvised funnel made of cardboard. It should be remembered that the temperature of the steam (especially for children) should not be above 40 - 45 degrees. After the procedure, you need to rest for 20 minutes. For at least 1 hour, do not drink, eat, talk a lot.

Inhalation with a damp cough

With a damp cough, sputum discharge is often difficult. This symptom is most typical for acute bronchitis. In this state, it is preferable to use the administration of drugs into the respiratory tract by means of a nebulizer. Apply funds that help to sputum (expectorant). If necessary, use solutions of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. Such treatment should appoint a doctor, having examined the patient beforehand and having established the correct diagnosis.

With a wet cough at home, you can carry out steam inhalations using decoctions of medicinal plants that have an antiseptic and expectorant effect (chamomile, coltsfoot, raspberry leaves and others). In the solution, you can add coniferous tree oil, "Zvezdochka" balm, drops containing menthol.

Contraindications for inhalation therapy

Inhalations in both wet and dry cough are not carried out in those cases when excessive load on the respiratory tract is harmful. These are conditions such as a tendency to pulmonary hemorrhage, spontaneous pneumothorax, bullous emphysema lungs, severe respiratory and heart failure, individual intolerance to drugs substances. Inhalations, like any physiotherapy, are not indicated when the body temperature rises above 3, ˚.

Inhalation with dry cough nebulizer. Preparations for inhalations with nebulizer

Before you do inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer, you should definitely visit the therapist. After all, if you have serious diseases of the lungs or bronchi, then they need to be treated with radical methods, rather than with ordinary steam procedures.

general information

Before you tell us how to do inhalations with a nebulizer, you should tell what the disease is all about.

Coughing - this reflex response of the human body to the presence of foreign objects, sputum or mucus in the respiratory tract. This deviation is usually divided into the following types:

  • dry cough;
  • wet.

The first option is the greatest danger for a person. After all, it is characterized by the absence of sputum. In this regard, the predecessor of dry cough very often acts a severe perspiration in the throat, which brings the patient tremendous discomfort. To get rid of such ailment follows with the help of medical devices.

Which treatment is better?

Inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer are very popular among patients. After all, using this device, a person can quickly get rid of an unpleasant sensation in the throat and cause separation of sputum.

However, it should be noted that there are a great many ways to combat dry cough. Someone prefers to use natural remedies such as "Mukaltin" tablets or breast herbal collection, someone quieter to use radical antibiotics, and someone and does trust only the people's recipes.

But despite all the existing methods of treatment, adherents of all these methods certainly will not deny that inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer also have a positive effect.

Features and types of devices

To understand how to do inhalations through a nebulizer, you should find out about its features and existing types.

The nebulizer is a modern device for carrying out inhalation procedures. Using it to treat the airways, a person can easily transform any drug solution into tiny particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs. Due to such properties, the nebulizer allows you to cure a dry cough much faster than other medications taken orally.

At present, compression and ultrasonic types of devices are on sale. The last device is quiet in operation and small in size. Thanks to this fact, it can be easily applied for the treatment of young children.

The only weighty drawback of such a nibularez is that it can not cure a dry cough with the help of antibiotics and hormones. This is due to the fact that ultrasound simply destroys them.

As for compression nebulizers, they create quite a lot of noise. However, such a device is able to produce very small particles and allow the use of almost all medical products.

Preparations for inhalations with nebulizer

In view of the effectiveness of treatment with this device, pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more appropriate drugs. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

So what medications are needed to make inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer? With this disease, doctors usually prescribe drugs that can soften the sore throat, reduce the viscosity of mucus, and also withdraw it from the lungs or bronchi. As a rule, the following means are used for this purpose:

  • Medication "Berodual." Usually, such a drug is prescribed for inhalation by a nebulizer to children. In this case, 1 procedure should be used, ml (up to 6 years) or 2 ml means (from 12 years). By the way, this medication should be previously diluted with 3 ml of saline.
  • The drug "Berotek". For the 1st inhalation you will need, ml (for a child over 12 years old). In advanced cases, you can use 1 ml.
  • Means of "Salgim". For one procedure it is necessary to apply, ml. It is recommended to administer the treatment up to 4 times a day at intervals of 6 hours, without the use of saline.
  • Medication "Atrovent". To administer inhalation with this drug is recommended for children over 12 years in the amount, ml, from 6 to 12 5 ml, and up to 6 ml. Preliminary means should be diluted with saline solution.

Other means for treating dry cough

Inhalation nebulizer, reviews of which are only positive, you can do not only through the above drugs. In fact, along with bronchodilators, coughing up dry cough is quite feasible with the help of immunomodulators (for example, the drug "Interferon"), anti-inflammatory phytopreparations (for example, Rotokan), as well as antibiotic agents (eg, Dioxydin, Furacilin, "Fluimucil"), and so on.

Among other things, dry cough can often be cured with hormones. If you need to cause a rapid dilution of sputum, we recommend using such mucolytics as "Pulmozyme" or "Lazolvan". They are inexpensive and are sold in all pharmacies.

One can not help saying that many experts recommend that patients receive dry cough therapy using ordinary and mineral water or saline solution.


How and how much to do inhalation nebulizer? These questions arise in almost all people who first encountered such a procedure. That is why in this section of the article we decided to tell you about what rules must be observed to independently conduct inhalation measures.

The basic rules of nebulizer treatment

So, for the treatment of dry cough nebulizer, you must follow the rules described below:

  • Inhalation nebulizer should be performed only in the sitting position.
  • During the procedure, you can not talk.
  • For inhalation, only fresh preparation should be used.
  • Prepare a solution for inhalation measures or open the ampoule with a drug preferably immediately before the procedure.
  • The maximum shelf life of the drug for inhalations in the cold store is 14 days.
  • As a solvent for the nebulizer, only sterile saline or distilled liquid should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use tap water, even if it has been boiled several times or passed through various filters.

How to exercise?

For the proper conduct of inhalation procedures, you should know:

  • To fill a nebulizer with an inhalation solution, you should use only sterile needles or syringes.
  • In the treatment of cough, which was caused by abnormalities in the work of the upper respiratory tract (for example, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.), it is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth cavity.
  • In the treatment of cough, which was caused by the pathology of the lower respiratory tract (for example, with bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia), you should breathe in deeply with your mouth, then hold the air in your chest for 2 seconds and exhale it evenly through the nose.
  • In diseases of the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses, one should superficially and calmly inhale the pairs with the nose.

How much to spend and what to do after?

Typically, inhalation nebulizer spend about 6-12 minutes. Moreover, these procedures are recommended not earlier than, in an hour after a meal or intensive physical exertion.

So what to do after the treatment activities are completed?

  • After inhalation, the patient should thoroughly rinse the oral cavity and nose with a nebulizer, and wash the face with clean water.
  • After the treatment, it is strictly forbidden to rinse the mouth and nose with antiseptic solutions.
  • After inhalation, the nebulizer is not allowed to smoke for 1 hour.

Among other things, after taking these measures for the treatment of dry cough, you can not eat for 30 minutes. By the way, if for the treatment of respiratory diseases you use several different drugs, then they should be applied strictly in a certain sequence. So, at first it is recommended to inhale pairs of bronchodilators (bronchodilators), and in ¼ hours - expectorant or mucolytic medicines.

If these procedures have contributed to the sputum, the nebulizer should be filled with antiseptics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alternative devices

It is not a secret to anyone that a nebulizer is a rather expensive device. In this regard, not everyone is able to buy it for the treatment of dry cough. In this case, experts recommend regular steam inhalations, using a kettle or a pot of boiled water. Of course, such treatment is less effective, but with the right selection of funds (herbal fees), the patient can still get rid of a sore throat or severe nasal congestion.

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