Cervical radiculitis: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Cervical radiculitis: how to treat, symptoms and causes
    • 1.1Symptoms and treatment of cervical radiculitis
    • 1.2Stages and signs of radiculitis of the neck
    • 1.3Primary and secondary cervical radiculitis
    • 1.4Clinical symptoms of cervical radiculitis
    • 1.5Treatment of cervical radiculitis
  • 2Symptoms and treatment of cervical sciatica
    • 2.1Symptoms
    • 2.2Diagnostics
    • 2.3General recommendations
    • 2.4Medication Therapy
    • 2.5Physiotherapy
    • 2.6Therapeutic exercises and massage
    • 2.7Operation
  • 3Symptoms and treatment of cervical radiculitis
    • 3.1How to recognize a disease
    • 3.2Use of medicines
    • 3.3What folk medicine offers
    • 3.4Other methods of folk treatment
    • 3.5What other methods of therapy
  • 4Cervical radiculitis
    • 4.1Causes of cervical radiculitis
    • 4.2Diagnosis of cervical radiculitis
    • 4.3Prognosis and prevention of cervical radiculitis
  • 5Cervical radiculitis symptoms and treatment
    • 5.1Causes
    • 5.2Symptoms of the disease
    • 5.3Radiculitis of the cervico-thoracic department
    • 5.4How to treat sciatica
    • 5.5Treatment of radiculitis folk remedies
    • 5.6Gymnastics with radiculitis
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Cervical radiculitis: how to treat, symptoms and causes

Usually, when talking about radiculitis, we associate pain in the lumbar region with it. But deciphering the phenomenon itself as the pain of the irritated root, you can understand that it actually occurs in any part of the spine.

Not an exception - and the neck. Osteochondrosis is a disease, all the symptoms of which we have already learned, as they say, along and across.But what is cervical radiculitis - this was talked about very rarely.

Symptoms and treatment of cervical radiculitis

To begin with, there are any differences between cervical osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

According to its symptoms, it goes through four stages:

  1. The first stage: Primary dystrophic changes - and almost imperceptible externally symptoms, including tension, minor discomfort and pain in the neck
  2. Second: More pronounced deformations in the discs and joints - and the appearance of acute radicular pain with irradiation in the nape, shoulder, arm, shoulder blade
  3. Third: The formation of a hernia, deforming arthrosis, canal stenosis - and chronic attacks of pain, dizziness, VDD, loss of sensitivity and the phenomenon of paresthesia in innervated areas
  4. Fourth: Education of osteophytes - and restriction of mobility of the neck, ischemic attacks, flaccid paresis, the threat of ischemic stroke and paralysis

Stages and signs of radiculitis of the neck

Conditionally it can be divided into two stages:

  • The first neurological:
    • severe intense pain in the neck, giving up, shoulder-shoulder area
    • protective muscular spasm
    • increased soreness and sensitivity in the paravertebral painful points (usually, these are the spinous processes of the vertebrae of the neck)
    • activation of tendon reflexes
  • The second neurotic
    • Reduction of symptoms of pain and sensitivity in the area of ​​nerve damage
    • The extinction of muscular reflexes and partial muscular atrophy
    • Preservation of muscle tension and sensitivity of paravertebral points

The causes of radiculitis can be very many diseases, including osteochondrosis.

Comparison of cervical osteochondrosis and radiculitis

  1. Radiculitis is distinguished by symptoms of pain, manifestations of sensitivity, activity of muscles and tendons
  2. Osteochondrosis - along the chain of successive events within one DCF leading to radiculopathy and other symptoms

And although osteochondrosis is called one of the most frequent causes of radiculitis, in reality, not all neck pains are due to osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is still a complex chronic process, spondylosis, which is triggered in the body under the influence of very many factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition, in which the body lacks collagen
  • Congenital malformations of atlas and axis
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Rheumatism
  • Prolonged intoxication
  • Thermal and mechanical damage
  • Stress

Primary and secondary cervical radiculitis

From the first "inconspicuous" stage of osteochondrosis to changes in the vertebrae, joints and discs and manifestations of radiculopathy usually takes a lot of time.

Such processes include:

Primary cervical radiculitis develops on the soil:

  1. Influenza, sore throats, pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Osteomyelitis
  4. Syphilis, gonorrhea

Pain in the neck is not always sciatica

The signs of cervical radiculopathy are also evident in everyday things:

  • draft
  • constant tension behind the computer
  • any work that requires concentration and constant mobilization of the neck

However, these symptoms can in fact be a simple muscle inflammation (myositis).

Clinical symptoms of cervical radiculitis

Cervical radiculitis manifests itself quite clearly:

  1. The pain appears suddenly, usually with a sudden unsuccessful bending of the head or turn
  2. Irradiation of pain - in the nape, upper part of the trunk and limbs
  3. Symptoms of radiculopathy are associated with zones of innervation of certain roots (total in the neck section - seven vertebrae and eight pairs of roots:
    • C1 - C2 - head area
    • C3 - C4 - diaphragms
    • C5 - shoulder-shoulder area
    • C6 - zone of wrists and biceps
    • C7 - triceps
    • C8 - Hands

Treatment of cervical radiculitis

Treatment is diverse, depending on its cause.

Treatment of primary radiculopathy

  • Complied with bed rest and taking painkillers
  • The fight against infection and its prevention: if necessary, a specific therapy
  • In a subacute period and during remission - sanatorium treatment: alneotherapy, hydrogen sulphide baths

Treatment of secondary radiculopathy

With exacerbation, drug treatment is performed:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroid group are prescribed:
    • Ketoprofen
    • Diclofenac
    • Movalis
  2. NSAIDs are combined with muscle relaxants - drugs that relax the muscles
  3. Applied additionally:
  4. Help in home treatment can have:
    • Neck Corsets
    • Ointments and patches of pain

But do not forget that you can use these funds for a little while:

  • Constant wearing of the corset will weaken the neck muscles
  • Ointments and patches exert a superficial annoying effect

It is not necessary to try to cope independently with radiculopathy - without diagnostics it only will lead to a deepening of the disease and its transition to the chronic form.

In the subacute period, you need to switch to non-drug treatment methods:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Manual therapy
  3. Acupuncture
  4. Physiotherapy exercises

A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/dorsopatiya/shejnyj-radikulit.html

Symptoms and treatment of cervical sciatica

The problems of the spine are now becoming a reality for a large number of people.

In conditions of spreading hypodynamia and increased loads, the skeletal pathology becomes the leading position in terms of morbidity.

It's no secret that such a situation is characterized by a decrease in the functional activity of a person, and sometimes is the cause of disability.

Quite often you can meet patients who complain of pain in the cervical spine. Many of them reveal signs of sciatica.

This disease, contrary to popular belief, mostly affects not the elderly, but individuals aged 25-35 years. And this trend is growing every year.

This is due to many factors, which include the high mobility of the neck and its susceptibility to external influences. But to understand what caused the disease, only a specialist can.

Cervical radiculitis is characterized by inflammation of the roots that extend from the spinal cord. Its development can be mediated by both local and general pathological processes in the body.

A major role is played by factors contributing to compression (compression) of nerve fibers or diseases of other structures of the cervical spine.

And the main task of the doctor is to determine what was the reason for the development of radiculitis, because the correct diagnosis will determine the course of treatment.

Most often cervical radiculitis occurs as a result of the following conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Herniated discs.
  • Spondylitis.
  • Bechterew's disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord (arachnoiditis).
  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Injuries.
  • Myositis.
  • Tumor processes.
  • Subcooling.
  • Prolonged forced postures.

It is often possible to find a combination of several factors in one patient. At the same time the risk of inflammation of the nerve roots becomes much higher.

It should also be noted that in some cases, the process can be of a primary nature, when radiculitis does not occur against the background of the pathology of the spinal column, but as a result of common diseases.

This applies to infectious processes, more often viral nature, metabolic diseases (gout, diabetes mellitus), kidney failure or various intoxications with chemicals.


Radical process in the cervical spine can not pass unnoticed. Inflammatory changes in the rootlets provoke sufficiently pronounced symptoms that cause patients to consult a doctor. The disease is characterized by a clear stage of the pathological process:

Stage 1 - disciplinary, when symptoms of irritation predominate.

2 stage - neurotic, when there are signs of loss of function.

The first manifestation of the disease is pain.

It has a sharp, piercing character, it can be stabbing, cutting or shooting, it increases with the slightest movements in the cervical region, coughing and sneezing.

Noticeable is the irradiation in the head (occipital-parietal zone), the foreleg, hands, the upper part of the thorax. In addition to the pain syndrome, the following symptoms are typical for the discalgic stage:

  1. Tingling, burning of the skin.
  2. Feeling of "crawling creepy."
  3. Revitalization of tendon reflexes.

There is a protective tension of the peripheral muscles and a significant limitation of mobility in the neck. Palpation of points of exit of nerves is also painful.

Depending on the etiology of the disease, one-or two-sided nature of the lesion may be observed.

The latter is more often observed in the case of primary radiculitis.

In the second stage cervical radiculitis is accompanied by signs of a decrease or complete loss of function of roots.

Since they have different fibers - motor, sensory and vegetative - the changes will affect those parts of the body that get innervation from the affected nerves. This is manifested by the following signs:

  • Inhibition of tendon reflexes.
  • Muscular weakness in the upper limbs.
  • Reduction of the volume of movements in the hands.
  • Sensation of numbness of the skin.
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Hypotrophy.
  • Pale or "marble" shade of the skin.

If the nature of the inflammation is pronounced, especially when other structures of the spinal column are involved or in the case of a common infectious disease, the body temperature rises.


Confirm the assumption of the doctor about the radiculitis assisted by additional methods of examination.

With the help of instrumental and laboratory methods it is possible to establish the nature of local changes in the spine and general disorders in the body.

Thus, patients are recommended to undergo the following procedures:

  1. General tests of blood and urine.
  2. Biochemical blood test (glucose, uric acid, urea, creatinine, acute phase parameters, rheumatic tests).
  3. Radiography of the spine.
  4. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography.
  5. Neuromyography.

You should always consult a neurologist, and if necessary - a rheumatologist and endocrinologist. Only a comprehensive examination will show the true picture of the disease and will allow us to establish the final diagnosis.

Radiculitis of the cervical spine, like any pathology, requires an integrated approach to therapy. This means that it is necessary to influence not only the symptoms, but rather pay more attention to the use of pathogenetic and etiotropic agents.

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Since the inflammation of the roots is, as a rule, the consequence of the main pathological process, then the treatment should be aimed at improving the condition of the spine and eliminating metabolic metabolic disturbances in organism. To do this, use conservative and operational methods, the first of which have an undoubted advantage in the early stages of the disease.

General recommendations

The main condition for the restoration of the function of the spine is to reduce the load on the spine.

For this, it is recommended to limit movement in the neck, especially turns and slopes. Of great importance is wearing a special bandage - the collar of Shantz.

He not only fixes the cervical section, but also unloads it, contributing to the decompression of nerve fibers.

In addition, you should pay attention to the nutrition of patients. Proper diet will help to normalize the disturbed metabolic processes and improve the overall condition. And for patients with excess weight will be a good help in the fight against obesity. In doing so, follow these recommendations:

  1. Eat regularly, but in small portions 4-6 times a day.
  2. Refuse the sweet, spicy, salty, fried and dishes, semi-finished products.
  3. Preference is given to products in boiled, stewed and baked form.
  4. Limit flour products, canned food.
  5. Be sure to eat dairy products.
  6. Include in the diet vegetables, fruits and greens.
  7. Exclude alcohol and smoking.

Dietary recommendations will help unload the spine and a quicker recovery.

Medication Therapy

The basis of conservative treatment of radiculitis is the use of medications.

With their help, it is possible to influence all the links of the pathological process in order to have a full and long-term effect.

In this case, each drug is prescribed in accordance with the indications. Given the clinical situation, you can use the following drugs:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Larfix, Revmoxicam).
  • Muscle relaxants (Tolperil, Midokalm).
  • Improving blood circulation (Latren).
  • Vitamins of group B (Neuromax, Milgamma).
  • Chondroprotectors (Mukosat, Teraflex).
  • Vascular (Solcoseryl).
  • Antiedematous (L-lysine escinate).
  • Antioxidants (Mexicor).

After injection therapy, when acute manifestations of the disease are eliminated, you can switch to the use of tablets and local forms: ointment, gel, patch.


Methods of physical impact on the skeletal and nervous systems can enhance the effect of prescribed medications and accelerate recovery.

The complex treatment includes a variety of drugs that help eliminate inflammation, reduce muscle spasm and improve blood flow in the affected area.

Patients can benefit from the following procedures:

  • Electro- and phonophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Paraffinotherapy.
  • UHF-therapy.
  • Reflexology.
  • Spa treatment.

It is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy, which includes at least 10 sessions. Which of the techniques is best used in a particular case, the doctor will tell.

Therapeutic exercises and massage

To restore the function of the cervical spine, treatment should necessarily include exercise therapy exercises.

For each patient an individual gymnastic complex is developed taking into account all the features of the disease.

Exercises can only be carried out after the elimination of acute events, and during the lessons follow these instructions:

  1. Avoid sudden and high-amplitude movements.
  2. First, exclude deep slopes and head rotation.
  3. All movements are carried out at a slow pace.
  4. Perform exercises with post-isometric relaxation (PIR) - after the static tension follows the period of muscle relaxation.
  5. If some movements cause pain, then they should be temporarily abandoned.
  6. Do gymnastics every day, 1-2 times a day.

The course of exercise therapy can be 1-2 months or more, which depends on the type of pathology of the spinal column that provoked the appearance of radiculitis. Before classes it is recommended to pass a massage of the neck-collar zone to prepare the muscles for exercises.


When conservative measures do not bring the expected effect due to serious changes in the spine, one has to count only on surgical treatment.

At the same time, the very cause of compression of the nerve root - osteophytes, intervertebral hernias, tumors - is eliminated.

If necessary, fix the vertebral segments (spondylodesis).

Cervical radiculitis is a serious disease that requires timely and adequate treatment. Only in this case it is possible to avoid undesirable phenomena and to remove restrictions for active life.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-zabolevaniya-pozvonochnika/simptomy-i-lechenie-radikulita-sheinogo-otdela.html

Symptoms and treatment of cervical radiculitis

In order to determine cervical radiculitis, you need to know its main symptoms, determine the degree of the disease and proceed with immediate therapy. It is best to see a doctor, as only an expert can provide effective help.

How to recognize a disease

Cervical sciatica can be recognized by severe cutting pain in the neck, shoulders and numbness of the upper limbs.

In addition, this condition is accompanied by constant headaches and unpleasant sensations in the crown and occiput.

Sometimes, with radiculitis, there is an increase in body temperature, and also there is a strong weakness and fatigue.

If you have cervical sciatica, the symptoms may be different:

  • persistent dizziness;
  • soreness and tension of neck muscles;
  • problems with the sensitivity of the upper limbs (there is numbness, tingling and "creepy");
  • reduction in the number of movements and strength in the hands;
  • nausea.

If you have chronic neck sciatica, then only permanent pain is felt, and other signs of the disease become less pronounced.

Specialists noted that in patients very often alternations improve the condition and exacerbation of the disease.

At the last stages, a critical change in the cervical flexure occurs and the posture is disturbed.

Use of medicines

Treatment of cervical radiculitis begins with the use of conservative methods. If there is no positive dynamics for 30-60 days, surgical intervention will be necessary.

Medications that are prescribed for ailment are aimed at combating the inflammatory process and removing the pain syndrome.

In addition, medicines should improve metabolism and circulation in the area of ​​affected joints.

Most often, cervical radiculitis is prescribed novocaine blockades, which are injected deep into the tissues to reach the nerve endings. The main purpose of such drugs is to relieve the pain. Common means from this group:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Movalis;
  • Mukosat;
  • Nerobeks.

In addition, prescribe and painkillers Analgin and Aspirin.

Such drugs can not get rid of the cause of radiculitis, but they can dull the unpleasant sensations, which significantly improve the patient's well-being.

Along with medications, B vitamins are prescribed, as they actively participate in the functioning of the nervous system, and can also reduce neurological disorders.

What folk medicine offers

To treat cervical radiculitis it is possible and with the help of folk recipes that effectively help to remove inflammation and get rid of painful sensations:

  1. Very often, the disease is treated with sage. For this recipe you need to take 5-6 tbsp. l. crushed plant (to a powdery state) and pour the mass, l of sunflower oil (boiling). Then the agent should be put on a water bath (for 60 minutes). After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to apply the mixture as a compress. The lotion is made overnight and placed on the cervical vertebrae. The multiplicity of such therapy is approximately 12-14 compressions. It is very important to implement such procedures systematically, without interruptions, because this is how they will benefit more.
  2. Radiculitis of the neck is effectively treated with clay. To do this, you need to take the substance, dilute it with water to get a mushy consistency, and then add 150 ml of kerosene. Such a tool is required to be applied around the neck at night, with the course of therapy consisting of 10 compresses, which are used with a break in 1 day.
  3. A good result demonstrates the use of birch leaves. To conduct such treatment, you need to take leaves of this tree, rinse them with boiled water, then put them in paper or oilcloth and put a compress on your neck. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour. Such therapy is carried out twice a day - in the morning and evening.
  4. To quickly get rid of the painful sensations, it is recommended to use the flour with a burdock infusion. It is necessary to take 3 tbsp. l. roots of such a plant (crushed) and pour them, l of alcohol or vodka. Then the drug should be left for 2 weeks, so that it is infused. When the specified time passes - the remedy can be used for rubbing the sick places. This is allowed 3-4 times a day.
  5. With radiculitis of the neck, the horse chestnut fruit is often used. They need to be ground and mixed with bacon (preferably pork). If you do not have such a product, you can replace it with camphor oil. After the preparation of medicinal mass, it is required to spread on a piece of black bread and attach to the affected area for 20-30 minutes.
  6. The neck is allowed to warm up and with the help of mustard plasters. To do this, they should be well moistened with warm water and applied to the cervical region for 5 minutes. If they are unbearably hot, then you must immediately stop the procedure. Then you need to take 50 ml of water, add ¼ tablets of Furacilin, boil and add 1 tbsp. l. honey. After this, it is necessary to dip the mustard plasters in such a solution and again apply to the cervical vertebrae for 5-7 minutes.

Other methods of folk treatment

Radiculitis of the cervical spine is often treated with special baths.

It is required to take the root of the horse-radish and grate it on the grater (should leave approximately 50 g), then wrap it in a linen bag and put it in a warm bath.

The water temperature should be about 37-38 ° C. Perform bath procedures are recommended every day before going to bed.

There are also folk remedies, which are used for internal reception. Often the preparation is made from aspen buds.

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It is necessary to take a glass of boiled water, add 1 tbsp. l. crushed kidneys and insist for 60 minutes.

After this, the drug is recommended to eat up to 6-7 times a day for 3-4 hours. l.

To receive inside, prepare and cranberry tea. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water, put in 3-4 tbsp. l. such a berry (pre-washed) and hold it on low heat for 2 minutes. Take a drink on, l twice a day.

Sometimes an effective medicine is prepared from garlic. To do this, 3 big heads of the vegetable should be placed in a pan (enameled) and put in 500 ml of water.

Then the agent needs to be put on fire (preferably weak).

After 2 minutes you need to remove the container from the plate, and crush the mass to the formation of gruel and place on a paper napkin, which is applied to the neck. It is necessary to wrap a lotion with a film and a scarf.

Compress should be on the sore spot for 12 hours, so it is usually done at night. To completely get rid of discomfort, it is necessary to conduct up to 5 procedures.

Since ancient times radiculitis of the neck has been treated with the help of sawdust (always fresh). They need to boil with boiled water, leave for 20 minutes, then drain the liquid and squeeze the gruel.

The mass should be placed on a cloth (cotton), attach it to the affected area and wrapped in a scarf. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes.

It is best to conduct such manipulations before bed.

What other methods of therapy

If you are diagnosed with cervical radiculitis, treatment should be immediate. In case of unwillingness to use medicines, other methods of therapy can be used. Although experts advise to carry out a comprehensive impact on the problem.

Very often doctors prescribe massage courses for the neck and collar zone. Usually for complete relief from pain, there are 10-12 sessions.

No less effective is the use of acupuncture and magnetotherapy.

It is also necessary to hold special gymnastics for 30 days.

To facilitate the course of the disease, you need to limit yourself in the use of certain products. Experts recommend eating often (up to 8 times a day), but in small portions. In the daily diet must be present:

  1. dairy;
  2. vegetable stew;
  3. lean fish and meat;
  4. buckwheat soup;
  5. oat soup.

It is not recommended to eat:

  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • various shop sauces;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • carbonated drinks.

If you find symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and seek qualified help, you can quickly and effectively get rid of sciatica.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/radikulit/shejnyj-radikulit-simptomy-lechenie.html

Cervical radiculitis

Cervical radiculitis- a symptom complex that occurs when the spinal roots are injured in the cervical spine.

It is characterized by pain, paresthesia, hypoesthesia, muscle weakness and atrophies in the neck, arms, upper part of the shoulder girdle. Cervical radiculitis is determined by the symptomatology and examination data.

Additional surveys are aimed at finding a causal pathology and include radiography, MRI, CT, EMG.

Conservative treatment is carried out in a complex way with the use of anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, vascular drugs, physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology and massage.

In the cervical region there are 7 vertebrae, on either side of which the spinal roots originate in the spinal cord, or the spinal nerves.

In total there are 8 pairs of cervical roots, since the first pair emerges above the first cervical vertebra, between it and the base of the skull.

It is the defeat of one or more cervical spinal roots that causes cervical radiculitis.

Cervical radiculitis is the second most common form of radiculitis. The first place belongs to the lumbosacral radiculitis. Statistics indicate that about 95% of cases of cervical radiculitis are due to osteochondrosis of the spine.

The highest incidence is in the age range from 50 to 55 years. With complaints about pain in the neck, 10-12% of people of this age are turning to the doctor. On average, cervical sciatica in the population leads to a loss of ability to work of 5% of people.

In neurology cervical radiculitis is also called cervical radiculopathy. Modern clinicians note a trend towards a decrease in the age-specific peak of the incidence.

The relevance of cervical radiculitis for neurology, orthopedics and vertebrology is due to its prevalence, age, the likely secondary nature of root damage (for example, in the oncology process in the spine.

Causes of cervical radiculitis

The most frequent etiofaktorom, provoking cervical radiculitis, is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

The formation of osteophytes or, as they say, "deposition of salts has an irritating effect on the spinal spine at the point of contact with it.

Chronic irritant effect leads to inflammation of the root - radiculitis.

Increasing in size, osteophytes with time can squeeze the spine, causing its compression, which is exacerbated by inflammatory edema. In addition, osteochondrosis is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc and can be complicated by a hernia of the cervical region, which, in turn, squeezes the spine.

Other causes that cause cervical sciatica are injuries of the spine in the cervical region, subluxations of the cervical vertebrae, circulatory disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis), extramedullary tumors of the spinal cord, craniospinal tumor.

To promote the appearance of radiculitis may be anomalies and curvature of the spine in this department: some vertebrobasilar anomalies, cervical scoliosis or lordosis. In the elderly, cervical radiculitis can occur against the background of cervical spondylosis. Individual cases of the disease are associated with lesions of the roots with herpes zoster, although usually herpetic infection provokes thoracic radiculitis.

In the initial stage of radiculitis, clinical manifestations associated with irritation of the root are predominant. Characterized by acute pain paroxysms, which are provoked by turning or tilting the head.

The localization of pain depends on which root is affected. The lower cervical roots are most often affected. In 5% of cases - C5, in 20% - C6, in 60% - C7, in 10% - C8.

With pathology C2-C3, pain in the occipital region, radiating in the ear, mastoid process is noted.

Cervical sciatica C4-C5 manifests with pain in the neck, shoulder and upper arm, C6-C7 - pain along the outer surface of the shoulder and the back surface of the forearm, C8 - along the inside of the arm.

The pain syndrome provokes the tension of the neck muscles, forcing the patient to limit movement of the head. It can be combined with paresthesias, which capture the same areas as pain.

Patients with cervical radiculitis experience problems with falling asleep, because they can not find a position comfortable for the head. They often wake up because of pain in the neck and arms. Against this background, the development of insomnia (insomnia) is possible.

Over time, the pain takes a subacute and chronic character, becomes almost constant with periods of exacerbation, arising from sudden movements in the cervical region, sneezing, coughing.

Compression of the root is clinically manifested by symptoms of loss of its function: numbness of the corresponding root of the neck, shoulder or arm, weakness of the muscles of the shoulder and arm, muscle atrophy.

If cervical radiculitis has a secondary character, then its clinic is combined with signs of the main pathology (tumor, trauma, vascular disease).

With the intervertebral hernia of the cervical region against the background of radiculitis, there may be a syndrome of the vertebral artery - circulatory disturbance in the basal parts of the brain with dizziness and vestibular ataxia.

Diagnosis of cervical radiculitis

The patient's complaints do not always indicate a lesion of the cervical spine.

With radiculitis of the upper cervical roots, patients can consult a neurologist or therapist for headaches, with inflammation of the lower cervical roots - for pain in the shoulder or arm.

Survey of the patient allows to determine that the problem is actually in the spine. This is indicated by soreness in the palpation of the paravertebral (located on the side of the spine) points.

Inspection also reveals the tonic tension of the neck muscles, more pronounced on the affected side. It is necessary to differentiate cervical radiculitis with cervical myositis. Identified in assessing the neurological status of hypoesthesia (decreased sensitivity) and muscle weakness indicate compression of the cervical spine.

Cervical radiculitis is diagnosed by a neurologist, a therapist, a vertebrologist, or an orthopedist according to clinical data. However, it is important to establish its cause.

For this purpose, an instrumental examination is carried out: radiography, CT or MRI of the spine, a general blood test, electromyography (EMG).

When identifying data for the tumor process, oncologist advice is required.

A blood test usually shows inflammatory changes. Radiography of the spine can detect curvatures, subluxations, a decrease in the height of intervertebral discs, the presence of osteophytes, destruction of the vertebral tissues (with a tumor).

CT scan of the spine in more detail visualizes its bone structure. However, it is possible to assess the condition of rootlets and other soft tissue components, revealing their tumor lesion only with the use of MRI of the cervical region.

EMG allows to exclude the muscular nature of the disease and to establish which rootlet is compressed.

In the initial stage, cervical radiculitis, as a rule, succumbs well to conservative therapy. It is carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide, etc.), vascular and neuroprotective medicines for internal reception, external agents (dimexide, anti-inflammatory ointments), physiotherapy (CMT, UHF, electrophoresis hydrocartisone). For the purpose of arresting pain, reflexotherapy may be used.

Manual therapy is effective in eliminating subluxations and spinal distension to reduce compression of the cervical root. However, in the cervical region, it should be carried out with extreme caution and only an experienced manual therapist.

If you suspect a tumor, physiotherapy and massage are contraindicated.

In an acute period, patients with cervical radiculitis show rest. To limit the movement of the cervical spine, it may be recommended to wear a Shant collar. In the period of convalescence, massage and exercise therapy are included in the treatment.

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In the future, patients are recommended permanent exercises of exercise therapy and periodic courses of massage to strengthen the muscles of the spine. It is especially important to strengthen the muscular corset necks after wearing the collar of Shantz, because during the period of wearing the muscle to a certain extent atrophy.

Cervical radiculitis is treated surgically with stable compression of the roots with the lack of efficacy of conservative therapy. In such cases, the cause of radiculitis usually is an intervertebral hernia or tumor, the removal of which greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

But it should be remembered that surgical intervention on the cervical spine is always traumatic and can have complications. In respect of hernias, depending on their size, open or endoscopic microdiscectomy, a discectomy, is performed.

The tactics of removing the tumor of the spine depends on its nature and growth.

Prognosis and prevention of cervical radiculitis

As a rule, cervical radiculitis due to osteochondrosis can be treated well. But, since osteochondrosis persists, in the future there can be relapses of radiculitis.

And along with the cervical form, there may be lumbar and thoracic radiculitis.

The most unfavorable prognosis is if cervical radiculitis is a consequence of a malignant tumor, especially when it grows into the vertebral canal and metastases.

The best both primary and secondary prevention of cervical radiculitis is proper nutrition and maintaining your body in good physical shape.

Reduction in the diet of salts and fats detaches and slows the development of osteochondrosis.

Moving lifestyle, swimming, moderate exercise with exercises for the muscles of the back and neck It allows to strengthen the latter so that they hold the vertebral column, not allowing the vertebrae to shift and to sag.

Prophylaxis of cervical radiculitis is especially relevant for persons with sedentary work (accountants, programmers, copywriters, jewelers, cashiers, etc.).

To prevent a prolonged motionless and often forced position of the head and neck, they are recommended breaks with the implementation of simple exercises to unload the waist, back and neck.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/zabolevanija_neurology/cervical-radiculitis

Cervical radiculitis symptoms and treatment

Cervical radiculitis is manifested by pain in the neck, extending to the muscles and fingers. It arises from the infringement of the roots of the nerves of the spinal cord. Causes radiculitis age changes, inflammation in the ligaments or muscles, as well as the consequences of the intervertebral hernia.

This disease is not as common as sciatica in the lumbar region, but discomfort is more painful. Cervical radiculitis interferes with sleep due to the fact that a person can not find a comfortable position.

He can lose the sensitivity of the hands or decrease their muscle strength.

According to its origin, this disease is divided into primary radiculitis, which was caused by inflammation and secondary, caused by changes in the zone of the spine.


To provoke cervical radiculitis can such factors:

  1. Infringement of spinal nerve endings. This problem can lead to diseases of the spine, for example rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, Bechterew's disease, intervertebral hernia. Infringement can provoke congenital diseases present in the cervical spine, namely cervical lordosis and scoliosis, as well as various injuries.
  2. Myositis of the neck muscles.
  3. Subcooling the body.
  4. Spondylitis (inflammation in the cervical spine).
  5. Lifestyle. Some habits can lead to radiculitis. It can be an activity that requires a long stay in a certain position. If you constantly stay in a position in which the muscles of the neck are straining, as do tailors, jewelers and teachers, you can earn radiculitis in the neck. Excess weight, constant presence in unheated rooms, endocrinology diseases can also provoke this trouble.

Symptoms of the disease

The most common complaint, with which people with cervical radiculitis refer to a doctor - pain in the neck. Most often it appears suddenly, for example, with a sharp inclination of the head.

With a gentle turn of the head in the direction of pain can be a little soften, but severe pain is returned with unsuccessful movement.

Also, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • pain in the occiput;
  • dizziness;
  • swaying while walking;
  • pain of a cutting type in the neck;
  • limited motor activity of the neck;
  • tension of the neck muscles;
  • weakness of the hands;
  • pain in the head;
  • vegetative disorders;
  • tingling in the fingers;
  • forced head holding straight;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the neck.

The above symptoms can occur together or separately. If the patient has passed the disease into a chronic form, the main symptom is the pain in the neck. The remaining signs, although they acquire a permanent character, become less pronounced.

The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after examining and testing the sensitivity of reflexes and muscle strength.

At the reception it will be found out in which vertebra there is an inflammatory process with the help of palpation of the cervical department. Also, this disease is determined on the x-ray, computed tomography or MRI.

In addition to these procedures, a general blood test can be used to identify the inflammatory process.

Radiculitis of the cervico-thoracic department

This kind of radiculitis occurs quite rarely and can become a problem that hinders the life of a sick person due to the complexity of the diagnosis. Its manifestation can not be distinguished without certain equipment from other diseases, for example pneumonia or pleurisy.

Radiculitis of the thoracic region can cause degenerative processes after complication of osteochondrosis. Also, the causes of severe pain syndrome may be back injuries and the appearance of foci of neoplasms.

Diagnosis of radiculitis of the cervicothoracic part consists in examining the patient, in which all modern methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics should be used.

Despite the fact that this type of radiculitis does not threaten the life of the patient, it has a negative impact on his habitual life due to the limitation of painless movement and calm breathing.

The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to treat.

How to treat sciatica

Complex treatment is used to successfully combat cervical radiculitis.

It includes exercise therapy, a special massage course and medication.

In the absence of positive dynamics within two months after the start of treatment, the doctor can decide on a surgical procedure.

Taking medication is aimed at getting rid of the pain and stopping the inflammatory process. Proper use of drugs improves blood circulation and metabolism in damaged tissues.

In the period of treatment, analgesic tablets such as analgin or aspirin can be prescribed. Drugs that relieve pain significantly improve the quality of life of the patient, but can not cure the disease.

Together with drugs, B vitamins are often prescribed, which contribute to the reduction of neurological disorders.

In addition to massage of the cervical collar zone, such physiotherapeutic treatment as electrophoresis on the neck region with hydrocortisone, acupuncture and magnetotherapy is successfully used.

Speeding up the recovery is possible by observing the prescribed diet. The doctor who prescribes treatment usually advises eating small portions several times a day, include in the diet as much as possible sour-milk products and refrain from smoked, salted and sharp dishes.

Surgical treatment consists in decompression of the nerve root. The operation is performed under general anesthesia: the cause that caused the nerve infringement is removed surgically.

Treatment of radiculitis folk remedies

In combination with the above physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient can be offered treatment with the help of folk remedies.

For example, treatment with sage will be to apply a compress to the neck with a decoction for the night.

Preparation of broth from a sage simple: 6 table spoons of a powder it is necessary to fill in with vegetable oil and not less than two hours to keep on a water bath. The course of treatment in this way lasts about two weeks.

In the fight against radiculitis, clay is effective. It should be diluted with boiled warm water to the state of gruel, add 150 ml of kerosene and also apply to the neck on a night's sleep.

Gymnastics with radiculitis

Treatment and prophylactic gymnastics can be performed both in the chronic form of the disease, and in its acute stage after the reduction of severe pain. At the first lessons, you must make a bandage that will fix the neck in the right position, and ensure peace of the vertebrae and muscles.

The first exercise should be performed sitting on a chair or standing straight with his hands down. The patient should turn his head to the side to a corner of 90 degrees and not hurrying to return it to its original position. Repeat this exercise need 5-6 times.

The second exercise is performed standing straight with the hands down. The head must be lowered, trying to touch the chest with the chin. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 8 times.

Another exercise is performed in the same position. The patient tilts his head back and slowly returns it to its original position. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

With timely treatment, cervical radiculitis is completely eliminated without requiring surgical intervention. For prevention, you need to monitor and immediately treat any inflammatory processes in the body, sleep on a hard mattress, eat well and observe sleep and rest. It is also recommended to put on a warm knitted scarf when going out into the cold.

A source: https://helportoped.ru/zabolevaniya/radikulit/shejny-j-radikulit-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

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