Breath over a potato with a cough

It is worth breathing over a potato with a cold, coughing

Popular pharmacy inhalers and nebulizers had to squeeze out popular methods of prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. But, this did not happen. Children and adults continue to cure a cold, breathing over a potato, like a hundred years ago. Is this a popular way of treatment? In order to understand this, you need to know how the pairs of potatoes act on the body.


Inhalation of water vapor with various additives leads to a direct effect of temperature and bioadditives on the mucous membrane. In this case, useful substances naturally fall into different parts of the respiratory system.

This method of local therapy has proved its effectiveness after going through the centuries.Modern research confirms its usefulness. It turns out that potato steams contain:

  • tetradecane;
  • dipropylene glycol;
  • ethanol.

The video tells how to breathe properly over a potato with a cough:

These biologically active additives, getting together with the steam into the body:

instagram viewer
  • normalize the blood flow;
  • activate metabolic processes in the body;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • remove the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Potato steam gently envelops.It has a large contact surface.In this case, there is such a therapeutic effect:

  • the influx of blood to the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract increases;
  • sputum is diluted;
  • stagnant phenomena are eliminated.

Inhalation in potato pairs also improves mucociliary clearance (excretion of sputum, microbes, mud particles out). It's all about the structure of the airways. Their surfaces are covered with microvilli, which constantly wiggle and move to the outside out of the body foreign elements. During illness, villi do their job worse, and hot steam activates their work. There are other ways of treating dry cough in children with folk remedies, inhalation with wet cough in children.

Application features

The "grandfather's" method of treatment has a wide range of applications. Why breathe over the potatoes? Potato inhalations are good for:

  • coryza (rhinitis);
  • pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa);
  • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • coughing;
  • bronchitis.

Highly appreciated the effectiveness of this procedure patients with bronchial asthma. Inhalation over potatoes makes it possible to prevent the appearance and arrest of seizures that accompany this dangerous disease.

With inflammation of the lungs this method also helps, but it should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. In order not to worsen the condition of the patient, you need to consult a doctor before the procedure.


Popular tubers have long been used in folk medicine. As for inhalations from potatoes, they are prepared in three different ways.

  1. Inhalation from welded "in uniform" tubers (before use they knead).
  2. Inhalation of vapors of purified potatoes (often the addition of essential oils, soda and salt).
  3. Inhalation of fumes of cooked potato peelings (suitable dry or fresh).

Whichever method you choose, you will need to perform the procedure:

  • a casserole with a volume of about 3 liters;
  • a dozen potatoes of small size, or 5 pieces of medium size;
  • dense blanket, better cotton or artificial in a natural case (wool causes allergy);
  • towel;
  • chair and comfortable stand for the pot.

Potatoes for the procedure need to be washed thoroughly.

Do not take sick tubers with different spots and deformations of any nature. Especially it concerns inhalations with unpurified potatoes. Such tubers can contain fungal spores, bacteria and pathogens of various diseases. Most of them die during heat treatment, but, nevertheless, such substances can cause allergy when inhaled.

When preparing the inhalation, you must follow some simple rules:

  • potatoes cook for 10 - 15 minutes (depending on the size of the tubers);
  • for boiling take tubers of the same size, otherwise they are welded unevenly;
  • potatoes should not be raw or boiled;
  • water should only cover potatoes;
  • after the readiness the water is drained;
  • set the pan on a comfortable stand;
  • wrap the pan with a thick towel to keep the heat;
  • They lean over the pot with a potato and cover with a blanket;
  • Cold air should not penetrate under the blanket.

Caution does not prevent: hot steam can burn the skin and lead to burns of mucous membranes. To bend over a potato it is necessary not too low.You should find your height, getting used to the temperature gradually.And if there are any painful conditions: be it dizziness or a knock at the temples, the procedure should be stopped.

So that nothing hinders you, chop long hair before the procedure. Breathe correctly. The exhalations should be smooth. The inhalation-expiration technique will differ depending on the diagnosis.

Whether it is possible to do or make inhalations at a genyantritis?

Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis:

Here you can read what antibiotics are taken with pharyngitis.


Pair of potatoes warm up the nasopharynx well and release the respiratory tract from the mucus. To get a quick result with a cough, you need to breathe alternately through the nose and through the mouth. The main task is to warm up and cleanse the nasopharynx. With their help you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

This scheme showed itself well: 3-4 breaths through the mouth and exhale through the nose, 3-4 inhalations through the nose and exhale through the mouth, then 3-4 inhalations and exhalation through the mouth and as much through the nose.Breathe over the potatoes need 5-10 minutes.

Dry cough is treated with hot potatoes with the addition of soda and salt. These ingredients are put in a pan at the beginning of cooking. Potatoes take the peeled. After its ready, the tubers are mildly kneaded. Salt and soda are added at the beginning of cooking at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 medium potatoes.

The video tells whether you can breathe over a potato to pregnant women, children, bronchitis and sinusitis:

Runny nose

If you put a nose in, the potatoes will quickly bring it back to normal. To do this, you need to breathe in pairs in turns: then one, then another nostril. Close first one side of the nose, make 4-6 slow breaths of one nostril, then repeat the same with the other.

To strengthen the effect of the procedure in the potato, you can add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda. To do this, the boiled potatoes are mildly kneaded and powder is added. All mix well and start to breathe healing steam.

If the runny nose is accompanied by pains in the throat, breathe according to this pattern: 2-3 inhalations with the nose and exhale through the throat, then 2-3 breaths through the throat and exhale through the nose. Breathing should be smooth, calm, moderate depth.

If the rhinitis has passed in the catarrhal form, inhalations to do or make it is impossible. They will not only not help, but vice versa, they will exacerbate the situation.

The video tells how to breathe on a potato, what is the use and harm, what is useful to breathe:


Without consulting a doctor, you can not breathe on a potato with maxillary sinusitis!Only an expert can determine the stage of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. When warming the maxillary sinuses, in which pus accumulated, you can achieve the opposite result. Self-medication in this case can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form or to exacerbation of sinusitis.


But with a cold, this remedy is quite effective. Inhalations with potatoes can be done immediately after the appearance of the first signs of malaise. If everything is done correctly and on time, the disease can recede without beginning.

For inhalation suitable potatoes, cooked in a peel, or peeled, you can take even cleaning. A few drops of essential oils of fir, juniper, pine, eucalyptus, mint are added to the boiled potato paste. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the oils will dry the mucous membrane, enough 2 drops. You can use ready-made compositions of essential oils from colds. Instead of them, salt and soda will work together, or separately. It takes 5-7 minutes to breathe with such pairs.

With bronchitis

Potatoes help to reduce unpleasant tickling in the bronchi with a cold. Breathe over the potatoes need alternately with your nose and mouth. The bronchi warm up so well. Adding soda and salt to the potatoes during cooking will help to cure bronchitis more quickly.

After the procedure, warm potatoes can be mixed with a spoon of alcohol, form a cake from it and put a compress in cellophane.The cake is wrapped in a cloth and placed on the area of ​​the bronchi.

Is there any harm from the procedure, and can I breathe over the potatoes at a temperature? In any treatment, an individual approach is needed. That which for some will be an effective way, the other will only bring harm. Even such an inoffensive method of treatment has its contraindications.

You can not breathe over a potato to those who suffer from such diseases:

  • heat;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • pneumonia;
  • vasodilation.

With increased body temperature, steam inhalation and hot compresses can not be done!

Can I use it for children, pregnant

Inhalation over potatoes is a safe method of treatment.It is suitable for pregnant women and during lactation. Potato pairs do not harm the baby, which can not be said with certainty about herbal preparations (some plants have a number of contraindications).If there is a need to treat a runny nose or a cough in a pregnant woman, it is better to choose inhalation over potatoes than procedures with medications. Here you can read what else can be treated with a strong cough during pregnancy.

As for children, the method has age limits. It does not suit small children.

  • The temperature of the steam for children should be about 45-50 C.
  • A pan with potatoes should be well wrapped with a towel to prevent burns.
  • The procedure should be reduced to 3-5 minutes.

Hot steam for children is dangerous. And the smaller the child, the more likely it is to burn the mucous membranes. Another danger is airway obstruction. In children, the bronchial lumen is much narrower than in adults. When wet steam enters the bronchioles, it expands viscous mucus in a narrow space. This can lead to narrowing, and even to the complete closure of the lumens in the small bronchi.

The effectiveness of this method of treating colds, coughs and colds is proven not by one generation. Even adherents of traditional medicine do not refuse such a safe way to combat the ailments.How much to breathe depends on the patient's condition.Its main advantage is simplicity and accessibility. But even they can not get carried away. If the common cold is accompanied by high fever, or the inflammatory processes are lowered to the lower respiratory tract, then you should abandon such a popular treatment as potato inhalation. By reference, you can read what else you can cure cough and perspiration in the throat. Perhaps you also need information on how to cure nasal congestion with folk remedies.

Cough potatoes

When you feel the approach of a cold, do not rush to take medication. Methods of traditional medicine are much safer and more effective. Often in such cases, recommend potato inhalation, whose pairs have a therapeutic effect on the entire body.

Inhalation over potatoes when coughing

In order for this method to bring benefits, you must follow certain rules:

  • for cooking you need to choose the same tubers, preferably of medium size, so that the vegetables are at the same time ready;
  • for inhalation it is important not to let cold air pass and carefully inhale hot steam. You can leave a small gap in the covered towel, then the procedure will be safer;
  • if you are allergic you should not use a wool blanket. Synthetic blankets or blankets are placed in a coarse or cotton blanket. The blanket should be warm and thick;
  • The pan for inhalation also needs to be wrapped up to protect from exposure to cold air;
  • do the procedure in bed, so that it is convenient for you, and there was an opportunity to lean back or lean against;
  • The capacity should be about three liters and is well and reliably installed

You can make potato inhalation with salt. To do this, cook three to four potatoes in a uniform with the addition of a tablespoon of large salt. Drain the water, wrap the pan with a blanket, cover with it and proceed to treatment. Breathe, following the recommendations, you need within five minutes. If you feel unwell, drop the blanket, leaving a small gap, or stop the procedure.

How to breathe over a potato with a cough

The procedure can be carried out only in the absence of temperature. Breathing over the potatoes is good during the runny nose and coughing, as the couples actively warm up the nasopharynx and the respiratory tract. After that, you can feel a reduction in sore throat and coughing attacks.

Having prepared everything you need for inhalations, you can start treatment. You need to breathe properly. Do not breathe deeply or deeply. Categorically, you can not draw the steam with sharp movements.

With severe stuffiness, breathe alternately with two nostrils. To do this, close first one side and make a few gentle breaths, then also the other side. If you have a runny nose and a sore throat, take two to three breaths through your nose and exhale through your nose, then vice versa.

Breathe over the potatoes for several days and the cold will recede. To conduct such treatment it is possible and at pregnancy as pairs favorably influence the weakened organism of the future mum, and will not bring harm to the kid.

After the procedure, mash the potatoes, add a few spoons of alcohol and use for massage.

Compress from potatoes from a cough

One of the most famous folk recipes in the treatment of cough are compresses. If you are sensitive to honey and oil, then the ideal option will be a potato compress. Take two medium potatoes, wash with an abrasive sponge. Cut them in half and cook. In the meantime, prepare two towels or gauze. The fabric should be tight. Peel the cooked potatoes and lay one part on the towel and cover with a free half. Do the same with the rest. Wrap the towel over your chest and back. Put one compress on your chest, the other on your back. Cover with polyethylene and secure with a scarf.

The next morning there will be a significant improvement, and after three or four procedures the cough will pass. Potato compresses should not be taken at elevated temperatures and skin conditions. Ventilate the room before the procedure and avoid overcooling and drafts after it. In addition, you can spend daily inhalations over potato pairs.

Pellet cough from potatoes

A cake for cough is used for a long time as a popular and proven remedy. It is suitable for the treatment of adults and young children, and is a good substitute for medicines. Before use, consult a doctor, as cough can be caused not only by the common cold, but also by more serious diseases. Pellet warms well and removes inflammation, being an affordable and cheap tool for any person. Contraindication is fever, skin diseases, wounds and scratch in the area to which it is applied. Do not use the method if you are allergic to honey. During preparation, observe proportions to avoid burns. Apply the potato cake on the back, avoid the heart area.

For cooking, take five potatoes, boil them in a uniform and mash. In the resulting mass, add a spoonful of vodka and vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. We form the balls and place them in gauze or a bag. Put the compress on your chest and tie it with a warm scarf. Leave for two to three hours, then wipe the skin and warm clothes.

Recipes for coughing potatoes

Use in the treatment of cough available and proven recipes of traditional medicine:

Boil two potatoes, mash, with the addition of two tablespoons of sunflower oil, a tablespoon of dry mustard and honey. Stir and form flat cakes. It should not be too hot. Wrap it in polyethylene, then in a napkin, put it on your chest before going to bed and cover it warmly. It warms the airways well and will be gradually cleared.

In the boiled potatoes add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and three drops of iodine. Mix and, warmed, we put on the chest.

Onions, potatoes, apple from cough

Healer Vanga recommended to boil an apple, potato and onions in a liter of water for coughing, until it boils twice. The resulting broth should be given to the patient three times a day on a teaspoonful. This is also suitable for children.

Potatoes in the uniform of a cough

Cook the potatoes in a uniform, open them and place them first in a bag, then in a towel. Attach to the chest, avoiding the heart area. Top a warm handkerchief and cover with a blanket. Potatoes can keep heat for a long time and increase blood circulation. Such a recipe is suitable for children and even allergic people, who are countered with mustard plasters.

Cough for children

For a child's compress, boil three potatoes mixed with a quarter of a glass of flour, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of honey and mustard. Put on your back or chest for one hour and warm your baby's cover.

Boil or bake in the microwave four or five medium-sized potatoes. In hot form we put in a plastic bag and knead it in a flat cake. We lay out on the pillow and closed flannel diaper folded in half, or a terry towel. Put the baby on his back and stir the cake in the lungs and shoulder blades. Cover with a warm blanket for two to three hours. The child sweats, so you need to immediately change it. Then water the baby with warm tea. A packet of potatoes can be used several times, warming up in a microwave oven.

Inhalation of potatoes

The most effective remedy for colds and the first manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection is inhalation of potatoes. With her help, dry, unpleasant cough will become deeper, which will help get rid of phlegm. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly, because it can bring both benefit and harm to health.

Does inhalation help the potatoes when coughing?

If you know exactly how to do inhalation with potatoes when you cough, you can assume that the problem is solved. Already after the first time you will feel a significant relief - coughing will become much easier, the muscles of the press will cease to strain, and the likelihood that the stuffy nose will become free breathe. Inhalation of potatoes with a cold helps no worse than vasoconstrictive drops. This folk way is not addictive and very useful. If you do the inhalation of potatoes by the rules, you will cope with the disease quickly, and without unnecessary hassle.

Inhalations with potatoes and soda - recipe

Pair of potatoes warm up the upper respiratory tract well and stimulate sputum evacuation. However, this liquid contains the bulk of pathogenic microbes, which can lead to the spread of infection into the lungs. In order for this to happen, inhalation should use antibacterial additives - essential oils:

  • eucalyptus;
  • sandalwood;
  • carnations;
  • lemon;
  • tea tree and others.

At the same time, ordinary baking soda will cope with this task. The recipe for the most effective inhalation with potatoes:

  1. Take 8-10 potatoes of the same size, wash thoroughly.
  2. Boil until cooked, drain the water, mash potatoes into large pieces.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 4 drops of any essential oil, stir.
  4. With one towel, wrap the pan, so as not to burn yourself, bend over it. Another towel covers the head, the upper part of the trunk and the outer edges of the pan.
  5. Lean over the potatoes to a distance at which you will be comfortable breathing, without burning with steam. Take inhalation for 5-15 minutes, depending on the condition.

Remember, inhalation of potatoes is prohibited at elevated body temperature.

How correctly to breathe over a potato - whether to merge water, to remove from fire?


Personal Cabinet Removed

from the fire shoot!
cover with a blanket and breathe under the blanket. Let the water drain. Otherwise it will be too hot. Do for the night. do not smoke after that do not breathe cool air (do not go out to the landing)
about obzhchsya - do not lean too close and inhale too much for the first minute.
And yes - breathing 5-7 minutes. You can 10.

Dmitry Serkov

remove and drain, you can then, breathe out, stretch lightly and put it on the breast in a rag


Drain the water, bend over the steam, throw a large terry towel over your head... And breathe over this steam... By the way, a very effective tool)


cook the potatoes in their uniforms, drain the water, and now with the pot crawl under the blanket and breathe for health


You can easily get burned. There are so many aerosol sprays!


Water drained, covered with a towel and breathe steam hot potatoes cooked in a uniform.


Remove from fire. drain the water, climb the blanket and head into the casserole, breathe until it cools, then lie on the blanket and cool down. You can just have a towel over the table, the main thing is that the steam past your lungs did not pass, and then do not get cold.


Of course, remove from fire, drain, cover with a towel

betty coltrain

remove from heat, drain the water, cover with a towel and... breathe!

Neznakomka Tridtsat pyat

Water drain, remove from the fire - otherwise you will get burns. Cover yourself with a terry towel and breathe the steam - do not bend too much - otherwise you can get burned.

Maria Gromova

from childhood I remember my favorite medicine to breathe over a potato, my sister and I climbed together under a blanket, and my mother brought a saucepan with potatoes boiled in uniforms, and we took salt with ourselves and peeled potatoes under a blanket !!!


To breathe it is necessary so: potatoes boil in the peel!, drain the water, cover the towel with a towel

lena Gromova

I always take off and drain the water I put on the table on the stand I cover myself with something darker and breathe

Victoria Orlova

For some reason, recently proven proven folk remedies for treating colds, however some of them remain very effective, just need to use them correctly. Here's a great article how to breathe properly over a potato

How to breathe over a potato with a cold?

Everyone knows that with a cold, effective treatment is the administration of inhalation of the respiratory tract and sinuses of the nose.

For these purposes, there are special devices that any pharmacy offers. But many believe that you can do without additional costs, if you learn to breathe over a potato. And this is so. It is only necessary to know a few simple recommendations on how to conduct the procedure at home in a safe and effective way.

At what diseases can you breathe steamed potatoes?

This procedure is considered a good tool for the treatment of the common cold and various inflammatory processes in the bronchi. Immediately it is worth noting that there are contraindications to inhalations. These are purulent processes in the throat, sinuses of the nose or lungs, pneumonia and various heart diseases. In other cases (it was still practiced by our grandmothers' grandmothers), you can try to cope with a cold and cough without drugs of synthetic origin.

Why is it useful to breathe on a potato during a cold?

First, the positive effect is the heating of the respiratory tract with steam. This leads to moistening of the mucous membranes, which leads to liquefaction of accumulated sputum. Wet and warm steam contributes to the escape of mucus from the bronchi, which is the main condition for a positive outcome of the disease. In addition, the potato peel contains a huge amount of substances that, together with the steam, penetrate the respiratory tract, soften them and even remove the allergic reaction. The patient feels relief after inhalation: it is easier for him to breathe, it is easier to clear his throat and not to have a tick in the throat and in the bronchi.

How to breathe properly over a potato?

It would seem that nothing is easier than boil potatoes and inhale its steam. However, for a long period of use of potato steam for medicinal purposes, our ancestors developed a special scheme for the procedure.

If you first do steam inhalation, you need to prepare in advance. When all things are at hand, the procedure will be as comfortable as possible for you. So, in order to breathe over the potatoes, you will need a light but dense blanket, a towel or a blanket for wrapping a pot of potatoes and a handkerchief.

Boil the clean potatoes in the peel until completely ready, drain the water for safety and wrap the pan with a prepared rug or towel. Cover yourself and the container with a blanket and inhale steam for at least 15 minutes. In order not to interfere with the hair, collect them in advance on the back of the head. Breathing should be uniform, deep, slightly hold a breath before exhaling. Breathe in the air with your mouth, and exhale through your nose. Then, on the contrary, inhale the steam alternately with one or the other nostril, and exhale through the mouth. Thus, you can effectively warm up both the nasopharynx and the bronchi, which will enhance the positive result of inhalation.

You can breathe over the potatoes in the morning and in the evening. Do not recommend eating an hour before and after the procedure. Adjust the temperature under the blanket, relying on your senses. The steam should be slightly hot, but not burning.

Treatment of cough with potatoes: cakes, broths

Few know that ordinary potatoes, which are one of the most frequent meals of any family, can be used as a very effective medicine. Doctors advise to apply it at high pressure, kidney stones and gall bladder, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system and, of course, reflex spastic exhalations caused by various catarrhal and viral diseases.

Potato from cough used by the Slavs has long been. It is recommended that a sick person always eat puree from this product. And it's not surprising. After all, the use of tubers in food is the key to getting into the body of such elements:

  • Vitamins B, C.
  • Potassium.
  • Yoda.
  • Magnesium.
  • Bora.
  • Nickel.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Cobalt.
  • Gland.
  • Calcium.
  • Sodium.
  • Manganese.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Starch.
  • Irreplaceable amino acids.

These substances contained in ordinary potatoes help the body to replenish its vital energy and actively strengthen the immune system overloaded with the fight against the disease.

In addition to eating tubers for food, there are several other ways to use this vegetable in the fight against reflex spasms of the respiratory tract.

Cough treatment with potato cake

Such a folk remedy is done very easily and quickly. It is necessary:

  • Wash and boil several potatoes directly in the peel.
  • Stretch them without cleaning.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey, mustard powder, baking soda and 2 - vegetable oil.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Cut the cough from the cough into two parts. Each of which is wrapped in a cellophane bag, giving a flat cake shape.
  • The compress is placed on the chest and back of the patient, immediately from two sides. It is fixed by a string or scarf.
  • Doing the procedure is best before going to bed, as a person should lie down in the heat for several hours.
  • When one and the second cake of potatoes from the cough cools them off, and the skin is wiped with a clean towel.

You can do a simplified version of such a compress:

  • Boil two about the same size potatoes.
  • Put each in a bag.
  • Stretch and shape cakes.
  • Then everything is done, as in the first case.

Such folk remedy very well helps or assists at a thoracal cough. Symptom markedly reduces the intensity after 2-3 applications.

Cough treatment with potato by inhalation

In addition to compresses, they are good in the treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms and heating with steam. Doctors strongly recommend that they be used by those patients who have an increased viscosity of phlegm that interferes with the expectoration of coughing. Inhalations from potatoes well dilute mucus. They help the body to get rid of the environment in which harmful viruses and bacteria multiply and live.

To properly conduct inhalations of potatoes from cough, you need:

  • Boil until soft 3-4 washed uncleaned tubers.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat, drain the water.
  • Mash potatoes, add a pinch of soda to it.
  • Put the saucepan on the table, bend over it.
  • Cover your head with a towel or a blanket.
  • Breathe steam for 5 minutes. For children, the procedure is halved.

Cough treatment with potato broth

In addition to compresses and inhalations, it is possible to conduct symptomatic treatment of reflex spastic exhalations by ingestion of a liquid in which the tubers were cooked. For the correct preparation of such a composition from cough, it follows:

  • Clean one big potato.
  • Put it in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water.
  • Add one apple and a bulb.
  • Cook the potatoes until the amount of liquid is reduced by half.
  • The received structure to drink 3 times a day on 1 table spoon.

After a few days of regular application of the decoction, the intensity of the reflex spastic exhalations will noticeably decrease.

How to treat cough with potato: features and contraindications

Before using curative tubers to combat respiratory reflex spasms, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with certain rules and nuances of their application:

  • Inhalations and potato cakes from a cough are allowed to be done only in the absence of a patient having an increased temperature.
  • After the warming procedure, using a couple of potatoes, within 2 hours you can not go out and eat.
  • When overlaying cakes, care must be taken that they do not affect the heart zone.

When treating a cough with potato broth, you need to know that it can not be taken by people who have:

  • Allergy to the product.
  • Low acidity of the stomach.
  • Diabetes.
  • Severe hypotension.

It should also be remembered that the symptomatic treatment of cough with potatoes is necessary only if it is appropriate, which only a doctor can determine. Therefore, a visit to a medical specialist should be the initial step taken at the appearance of reflex respiratory tract spasms. If the doctor combined with other methods and techniques recommended cough treatment with potatoes, you should approach this advice seriously, perform the appropriate procedure accurately and regularly. Only in this case it is possible to quickly recover and regain a good mood and good health.

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