Herbs for dry cough for children

Infusions and herbs from dry cough

Herbs from dry cough. A dry or unproductive cough can be a symptom of the underlying disease or a reaction to environmental substances that irritate the bronchi.

The epidemic of acute respiratory diseases is constantly beginning with the onset of the cold season. Curing the same disease is well helped by herbs and infusions.

Cough is carried by sick people usually with great difficulty, preventing them from resting, working, doing household chores. To alleviate the symptoms, of course, you can, if only in time to make infusions, brew herbal tea, and so on.

What is the best way to treat ARVI?

The organs of the respiratory system in some patients can be greatly weakened. Usually this happens if they suffer from bronchial asthma and other bronchopulmonary diseases. It is then that ARI is complicated by attacks of dry cough.

Patients constantly ask questions about how effective the folk methods of treating this ailment are.

Such a disease, as ARVI, appears with a weakening of protective forces in humans. The human body sometimes does not withstand heavy loads. After the infection, various microorganisms join. Medical workers of the highest category usually explain that a person is ill with tracheitis or with acute bronchitis.

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Symptomatology of the disease may be different:

  • increased body temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • general mild weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • presence of various changes in the lungs during the passage of the radiograph.

In order to cure bronchitis, doctors prescribe high-quality antiviral, antimicrobial drugs to patients. Sometimes they do not help with any cough. What then to do, how better to cure a cold? But everything is quite simple, conduct a dry cough treatment in an adult and a child at home, using folk methods. They will perfectly help you fully recover. But it is worth remembering that before using alternative medicine, you should always consult a doctor.

Mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort, and other natural plants you can always use to treat an allergic or inflammatory process. Cough with phlegm will pass quickly enough. The result of treatment will be only positive.

Application of medicinal herbs

Herbs for cleansing the bronchi from mucus were used by people since ancient times. Want to get a positive effect with a dry cough, consult a doctor-therapist.When you come to the polyclinic, keep in mind that people's fees are usually appointed by medical workers only on an extract.

Assistants in the treatment are such herbs:

  • mallow;
  • marshmallows;
  • thyme.

All these herbs usually contain unique substances. Their contact is realized by interaction with tap water. They form a viscous, colloidal solution that has a good anti-inflammatory effect on the inflamed and irritated mucous membrane of the larynx. Burning in the throat, pain, and other unpleasant sensations does not happen.

Many people have a rosemary success. This herb is usually used in the treatment of pertussis, bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and so on.

Much more often during the treatment of dry cough people use the juice of black radish. Make a small hole in the vegetable. Then put some honey in it and put it in a warm place for a while. Next, drink this medicine for several days, until complete recovery. In the case when the juice strongly irritates the gastric mucosa, dilute it with water. If you are allergic to honey, you can take sugar instead.

The first place during the disposal of dry cough is the preparation of phyto-tea and various useful broths.

Make home herbal infusions. Mother-and-stepmother possesses the property of enveloping the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth and larynx, protecting them from getting microbes into the body. All medicinal preparations and preparations can be purchased at pharmacies easily. They are completely harmless for both adults and children.

Licorice is naked - it's another plant that helps very well to cure a dry cough. You have a sick child - buy him a syrup of licorice root. In the absence of allergic reactions, treat dry cough with onions, lemon, lime flowers and other natural plants.

These herbs contain substances that perfectly stimulate the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract. They usually have a good anti-inflammatory effect. In the case when sputum is poorly expectorated, put woolen socks on your feet, putting a mustard dry powder in them beforehand.

Pour in a glass of hot milk with butter and soaked raisins. On the back and the area of ​​the bronchi put mustard plasters. Remember, this must be done daily! You can also mix the fennel with the tea and drink everything in one gulp.

Steam inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers and other medicinal plants is also helpful during the treatment of dry cough. Among the expectorating modern remedies, we can distinguish those medicinal herbs that have mucolytic effects. It:

  • rhizomes of elecampane and cyanosis;
  • pine buds;
  • grass thermopsis;
  • violet;
  • fruits of anise.

Do not forget that pertussin, produced by our pharmacists, is much better than "Lazolvan" made abroad.

Effectiveness of the use of herbs from dry cough is constantly much higher in combination with hemolytic modern means.

Advice to pregnant women

General muscle tension during pregnancy is highly undesirable due to the fact that it is harmful to the fetus. Dry cough for expectant mothers is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. Pregnant categorically contraindicated licorice root, because it strongly affects the hormonal background and provokes swelling.

Inhalation is considered to be the most effective and quickest method of treatment. The broth should not be very hot. Together with him, you can always apply essential oils and herbal decoctions. Good compresses with honey, cabbage leaf or grated onions. The most beneficial effect you can achieve by applying these methods in a complex manner.

Make a wonderful ointment by taking streptocide, mummy, aloe, beeswax, propolis, oil in equal proportions. Preheat the ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly. At the time when the wax melts, remove the dishes from the fire. Grind in the cup the remaining funds you have. Then pour them in a mixture prepared beforehand, adding aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in a cool place. At night, lubricate the chest and back, wrapped in a scarf. The nose will instantly start to breathe, the cough will pass quickly enough.

If you want to apply a mandarin peel for the treatment of a dry cough, twist it through a meat grinder. Then put in a glass jar and pour boiling water into it. Let it brew for several hours. Use infusion constantly.


Application of plants in folk medicine

Dates will be able to provide you with excellent help in the treatment of dry cough. Of course, if you only boil them in a liter of water. Always drink a mixture of hot. Dates will help you to relieve cough, if you cook them in milk.

Taking one peeled potato, an apple of green varieties, an onion, place the vegetables in an enameled pot. Pour water, wait until the products are completely welded. Strain through the cheesecloth and drink a decoction of the temperature that you can tolerate. Dry cough will leave you pretty quickly.

Cabbage freshly squeezed juice with sugar is usually used for coughing as an expectorant. Taking the mixture inside for colds, you can make and drink it with honey.

In berries, cranberries contain many useful substances. Benefit people bring and leaves. There was a temperature - use Morse from berries, it excretes toxins and inhibits the development of microorganisms.


There are a lot of time-tested folk recipes for treating dry cough, but remember, if after 3-5 days of treatment, folk remedies do not improve then the doctor's consultation is simply obligatory, since, probably, the inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi has reached such a phase that it is time to apply and antibiotics. Be healthy!


What kind of grass helps with coughing

Phytotherapy as a way to get rid of importunate cough is recognized and official medicine. The doctor will help you figure out what kind of grass it is better to drink with a dry cough, and which one when wet. Effective are rosemary, mother and stepmother, sage, plantain, elecampane and a whole list, which includes almost a hundred plants.

Cough itself is not a disease, but this symptom accompanies many diseases as a protective reaction to the accumulation of foreign bacteria in the respiratory tract. ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis - all these ailments are accompanied by a cough.

To cure the cough was effective, you need to cope, primarily with the disease that it provokes. Therefore, the collection of herbs from cough should have not only an expectorant effect, but also antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, expectorant and restorative. Many herbs fully meet all these requirements. They are slower than drugs, but they do not harm.

Selection of herbs according to the character of the cough

The list of herbs used for coughing includes about a hundred useful plants: licorice, rosemary, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, angelica, sage, marshmallow, anise and many others. They are selected for treatment, taking into account the patient's condition, his reaction to this or that herb and depending on the nature of the cough itself. When the composition of the chemist's breast collection is not entirely satisfactory, it is better, on the advice of the doctor, to complete an individual set of herbs.

Perhaps, in the first place in terms of frequency of application it is necessary to put a rosemary swamp. He showed in practice his effectiveness in all types of cough, including asthmatic. The stems with the leaves of the rosemary are used to treat children and adults as an antiseptic expectorant and a sedative for chronic and asthmatic bronchitis.

More inconvenience a person experiences from a dry cough, in which the mucous membrane of the throat is simply "torn". In this case, it is necessary to transfer this state to the wet stage, after which the sputum will begin to retreat and gradually disappear. A mother-and-stepmother, heather grass, a plantain leaf, a mullein scepeter-like, a root of an althaea, a lime-colored color possess a covering and softening effect. Thymus, oregano, angelica root, all the same ledum help to somewhat reduce the intensity of cough in whooping cough. Spasmolytic and analgesic effect with a dry cough will have St. John's wort, ayr, thyme, cumin.

The presence of sputum somewhat facilitates cough, but it usually contains all sorts of microbes and viruses. Sometimes spitting is accompanied by pus. Hence, the turn of such grasses as elder, goatee goose, medinitsa, mint, sage, elecampane has come. Although the already mentioned mother-and-stepmother, plantain, linden have no less antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Sage, cattail, St. John's wort and elecampane contribute to the same decrease in sputum.

Folk remedies for cough, based on herbs

With chronic attacks of cough, highly concentrated herbal infusions are effective, for preparation of which one tablespoon of collection is taken per glass of water. Depending on the collection used, the grass is either infused with boiling water, or boiled for 2-3 minutes and left for infusion. Sometimes, if the cough grass is used as an adjunct to the basic treatment, it can be added to traditional tea throughout the day. Such a therapeutic drink with oregano, lime blossom, sage or St. John's wort is pleasant to taste and useful.

With dry cough syrups based on herbs are effective, because they are absorbed faster than tablets and also soften the mucous membrane. Herbs for cough shedding need not be used inside. They are used for inhalation. Most often it is sage, elecampane, calendula, eucalyptus leaves, chamomile, burdock, nettle or plantain.


Herbs for coughing

Phytotherapy is actively used to get rid of cough. Long ago, herbs from cough used to relieve the pain in the throat and clear the respiratory tract from sputum. Of course, the use of certain medicinal plants is recommended as an additional means after consultation with the attending physician.

Why do herbs help cure cough?

Various medicinal herbs have expectorant properties, reducing the bronchial secret and facilitating an early escape of sputum. In addition, they soften the irritated and inflamed mucous membrane, relieving the patient of unpleasant sensations, pain, perspiration and burning in the throat.

Herbs contain unique amorphous substances - polysaccharides, which on contact with ordinary water begin to swell, forming a very viscous colloidal solution. This solution is layered on the mucous larynx and pharynx, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect on them and protecting them from irritation.

Properties of medicinal herbs

These or other herbs from coughing are selected individually, depending on the patient's condition and the nature of his cough. For example, one of the most popular plants is marsh rosemary, which is used for cooking broths and infusions. It dilutes sputum, removes it from the body and softens the cough. Ledum is successfully used in the treatment of influenza, SARS, pertussis, asthma and other pathologies, in which the patient suffers from a dry cough.

In order to soften the irritated throat, therapeutic herbs with a softening effect are used. These are such plants as mother-and-stepmother, common mallow, plantain, Icelandic moss and medicinal marshmallow.

If the patient suffers from a severe dry cough, he shows medicinal herbs that have expectorant properties. From these plants prepare a variety of expectorant charges, teas, infusions and decoctions. These herbs include hyssop officinalis, medicinal saponaria, blond chubby and spring primrose. They all contain a lot of saponins, which dilute sputum and promote its expectoration.

Coughing fees

In pharmacies you can often see on sale a breastfeed that is a mixture of medicinal herbs from which the infusion is prepared. Despite the fact that this remedy consists solely of natural ingredients, before using it, especially when it comes to treating children, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, any collection has contraindications to the use, for example, in some people it causes a serious allergy.

The doctor can appoint the collection for influenza, pharyngitis, pneumonia, chronic or acute bronchitis, laryngitis and other pathologies. As a rule, any collection has a complex effect: tonic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant. If a patient has a cough with viscous sputum, he dilutes it, and also stimulates its excretion.

Healing Tea

Often to get rid of an obsessive dry cough used all sorts of therapeutic teas. For example, to make tea from grustelia robusta you need two grams of this herb pour 150 ml of boiling water and insist this solution for about 10 minutes. The resulting tea, which has an antispasmodic and expectorant effect, you can drink a glass three times a day.

Grindelia herb contains valuable essential oils, resins, saponins triterpene and flavone derivatives. Despite the fact that this herb is considered to be relatively safe, it should be avoided with increased sensitivity to it.

Medicinal Decoction

Cough can help a decoction, for the preparation of which should be mixed in equal proportions with Ledum and mother-and-stepmother. Then this mixture should be filled with a glass of hot water and boiled for about five minutes. After this, the healing broth should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon every two hours.

You can cook a simple, but very effective decoction of lemon. To do this, pour a glass of water 10 grams of dry raw materials, and then put the mixture on fire. When the solution begins to boil, it should be allowed to pour for about a minute, then remove from heat and leave to infuse for another half hour. Then the broth should be carefully filtered and drunk three times a day before meals.

Inhalation with herbs

Often, cough herbs are used for inhalations, which are very effective and safe at the same time. When inhalation of the herbal medicinal phytoncides are allocated, the patient begins to sputum much better. This method of treatment is also great for children, if the pediatrician has not found any contraindications.

Medicinal herbs suitable for inhalation can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Excellent plants such as calendula, burdock, plantain, nettle and elecampane are suitable. A good effect is given by sage, chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves. For inhalation a glass of water is usually taken one or two spoons of dry raw material.

Tablets and syrups

In the pharmacy you can find a variety of medications intended for cough shedding, among which Mucaltin tablets are very popular. This drug, made on the basis of althea grass, should be taken three times a day.

The syrup is considered even more effective than tablets, as it is more quickly absorbed and also softens the throat. The natural composition has, for example, a syrup called Doctor MOM, which is distinguished by a democratic price. And in pharmacies there is an expectorant dry medicine, which is made on the basis of licorice root and althea.


Effective folk remedies for dry cough for children

Folk remedies for dry cough for children are used by very many parents in the period of their baby's illness. Often, some folk remedies can cure a child faster and without harm to health. Catarrhal and viral diseases are almost always accompanied by a cough in children. Very often he is dry, prolonged and barking, the child does not sleep well at night because of a debilitating cough. The child in such cases should be shown to the pediatrician who will prescribe the medication - medicamental or homeopathic, depending on the severity of the disease. In most cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics and antitussives, but what should children do that are allergic to sweet syrups and suspensions? Folk remedies and compresses come into the fight against this disease.

Recipes from improvised products

A very large number of recipes are prepared at home from the products available in the refrigerator of each hostess, or herbs, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or a store, and they will cost much less than ready-made syrups from dry cough.

For example, the most proven recipe for dry cough is a black radish with honey. The preparation is very simple: we cut the radish into cubes and fill it with honey; After the radish leaves the juice, the syrup is ready for use. It is very important to make fresh syrup every day, and take it up to 5-6 times a day for 1 teaspoon or dessert - depending on the age of the child. Cough is literally in a matter of days.

Dry cough well softens warm milk, which is added a little honey, a piece of butter and soda at the tip of the knife. This drink not only eases tracheal cough, but also soothes perspiration in the throat.

From coughing helps out a pharmacy decoction of herb-coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 cup of boiled water at room temperature, bring to a boil in a water bath, filter and take 25-30 minutes before eating.

There are other herbs, and ready-made antitussives, which are brewed in a manner similar to mother-and-stepmother. The effect of taking such herbal decoctions is a hundred times better and more useful than ready-made suspensions.

For cough, sugar is also used: 1 st. l. sugar-sand. When heated, it begins to melt and changes its color to caramel. Then the resulting candy is bred in a glass of boiled water. Thus, a ready-made syrup from a cough prepared at home is obtained.

Are inhalation effective?

In the old days our grandmothers knew that inhalations and heat were the best healers from coughing. To do this, they heated the bathhouse, brewed the herbs and inhaled the medicinal compounds in the steam room. Even in the fight against dry cough, the native stove helped: she warmed the sick child to the bronchi, as a result, the cough passed very quickly.

In our time, inhalations can be carried out in the bath and under the blanket with a hot water bottle, as well as buy a special inhaler. And the heating was replaced with mustard and all kinds of compresses from cough.

Inhalations can be done with:
  • eucalyptus;
  • baking soda;
  • decoction of calendula flowers;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • chamomile medicinal;
  • mother-and-stepmother.

After inhalation of a cold, a child needs to go to bed. Usually inhalations are carried out at night. After them, the child's well-being improves and sleep becomes normal.

Cough compresses

With the help of compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing, getting rid of a child's cough can be much faster. In places where the compress is applied, blood circulation increases, and thus the inflammatory process decreases.

Compresses are liquid, in the form of lozenges and alcohol. They can be prepared from pharmacies and antibiotics, but the composition of the compress is prescribed by the doctor. Gorchichniki and compresses are put to a sick child in the absence of increased fever. Consider the simplest and most frequently used recipes in everyday life.

  1. Recipe number 1. Cake. It is made from honey, corn oil and flour.
  2. Recipe number 2. Another cake can be prepared from boiled potatoes in a uniform, which must be crushed with a fork, add a little alcohol tincture, honey and mustard powder.
  3. Recipe number 3. Honey compress is an excellent treatment for dry cough. Honey is heated in a water bath to the body temperature of the person, spread on the chest or back of the baby, on top put a cabbage leaf, cover with cellophane and wrap. This compress is done for the whole night or at least 4 hours.
  4. Recipe number 4. Oil compress. It is prepared in a ratio of 1: from olive oil and the addition of essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, pine needles.

All the above compresses help cure dry cough in children, but the compress, which includes alcohol tincture, it is not recommended to put children under 2 years old or children suffering from thyroid disease glands.

In diseases of the respiratory tract it is important to replenish the body with vitamins. Perfect for these purposes is a decoction of rose hips. This berry is used as one of the best remedies for restoring the body's immune system.

Get rid of coughs

Honey and plantain can be used in the fight against coughing. You need to take honey and plantain juice in equal proportions, cook them on low heat for 20 minutes, then cool and take 1 tbsp. l. for 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

A very effective cough remedy is badger fat. Children up to 3 years of age are only used as rubbing for the feet, chest and back. Rinsing is carried out at night, the child is then wrapped in a warm blanket and woolen socks are put on feet. A few days of such treatment is enough - and the cold recedes. Older children can be given for 1 hour. l. badger fat, diluted with warm milk or mixed with honey, inside 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

It helps a lot from celery bronchitis. 4 g celery root pour 1 liter of water and insist 8 hours, filter and drink this infusion for 1 hour. l. 3 times a day.

Children are very fond of drinking delicious teas and compotes with raspberries, and this berry helps fight dry cough. If the house is not jam, you can break the sprig of raspberry or brew 2 tbsp. l. her leaves for 300-350 ml of boiling water, let the broth brew and take it half a cup 3 times a day. If desired, you can add sugar to it.

Cure a child can cure a currant. In a juice processor or a juicer, you need to make juice from 2 kg of currant, add 2 tbsp. l. honey or sugar. Such juice can be drunk instead of tea without restriction: it not only relieves of cough, but also saturates the body with vitamins.

To children prepare a decoction from oats, it perfectly fights with a cough. For this recipe take 1 cup of raw oats, pour, l fresh milk, dampen in the oven for 2 hours on low heat. Then wrap in a warm towel and leave until completely cooled down for about 4 hours, then filter and give a child a drink during the day for several receptions.

Onions in the fight against coughing

Traditional medicine has a large number of recipes containing this golden vegetable. This product is in every house, it is loved in many countries. Onions have curative properties: it contains volatile substances phytoncides, which destroy pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. In the fight against colds and coughs, he proved himself only on the positive side.

Onion recipes:

  1. To prepare onion syrup, it is necessary to grind 1 onion, add to it 2 tbsp. l. sugar and leave to infuse for the night. The next morning you need to start giving your baby a half-hour syrup. l. fractional throughout the day.
  2. 2 bulbs in the husks and 1 glass of sugar pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and languish on the stove for 1 hour, after which we cool to a warm state and take it inside.
  3. 2 bulbs of medium size pour 1 glass of milk, cook on low heat for 4 hours, then insist in a dark place. Such milk-onion syrup is given to children three times a day for 1 hour. l.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all children health, because traditional medicine is an excellent doctor in the fight against colds and cough, the main thing is to observe the proportions and follow the prescription exactly. If you treat complex, then the disease very quickly recedes, but if you treat negligently health, then a slight malaise can result in a number of complications. Be healthy!


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