First aid for strangling and drowning children

Here we will consider the algorithm for rendering the first emergency aid for strangulation and drowning in children, since the precious life of the child depends on its timeliness.

None of us is insured against accidents and every adult person needs to know and own first-aid procedures, be able to perform artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, and what is necessary is a determination to act adequately in critical situations.

Doctors-pediatricians - Eugene Komarovsky and Larisa Anikeeva arm us with the necessary knowledge.


First aid for strangling

A small child can put on a cellophane bag unintentionally, and a teenager intentionally, having put a substance with a pungent odor in it, in order to breathe in before getting a "buzz".In both cases, a tragic outcome is possible -

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death from suffocation. Ten years ago there were cases of deaths of children, for the sake of mischief wandered into refrigerators with mechanical locks, which could not be opened from the inside. Fortunately, modern refrigerators are easy to open both from the outside and from the inside. However, some houses still have old refrigerators-traps, so we should remember about the possibility of an accident and warn children against ill-considered actions.

Death from suffocation( asphyxiation) can occur as a result of hanging. It's regrettable, but this way out of the difficult life situation is sometimes chosen by adolescents with unbalanced psyche. In other cases, this outcome results in a game of "going to war", when a captured enemy decides to hang a "make-believe", but barely a hanged man begins to wheeze and grow blue, as brave warriors run away in fear, leaving the unfortunate dying alone.

Accident can happen as a result of strangulation scarf( climbed over the fence, the end of the scarf caught on the nail).The baby can unintentionally pull up the tape, during which time the nipple hung on the neck. Teenagers during the fight do not abhor forbidden methods and can strangle an opponent with a chain on which an Orthodox cross hangs.

All of the above causes death from suffocation. The effectiveness of first aid depends on the time that has elapsed since the moment of the accident. Often help comes too late, when biological death has come and resuscitation is impossible.

If an accident occurred in front of an adult, the chances of recovery are .It is necessary to eliminate the cause of difficulty breathing: to tear the packet from the head, cut the rope, to free the neck from the compressive object. With saved breathing and ongoing cardiac activity, take measures to protect the tongue and tongue and vomit into the respiratory tract.

If the breathing stops, the heart stops, immediately start resuscitation( they will be described in the publication below, and also see the video), having first ascertained the patency of the upper respiratory tract( deducing the lower jaw forward and down).

When cramping, take action to avoid further injury to the child.

First aid for drowning

Every year, with the beginning of the swimming season, an account is opened for accidents resulting from a violation of the rules of behavior on the water. Many of them end in the death of the victim. In this mournful list, many children's names, and some of them drowned in front of their parents. Even more absurd is the death of a child who drowned at home in his own bath, when my mother went away "literally for a minute."

The kid can slip and drown if the water level in the tub does not reach even the knee. Therefore, the main requirement that you must perform when you bathe a child is not to leave it unattended for a second.

Let the phone ring, and someone demandingly knocks on the door, and on the stove roast cutlets, and runs away the milk - no leaves from the child in the water. Even if your 4-5-year-old "Ichthyander" swims and dives from birth, you can not leave him alone in the bathroom. He can accidentally slip, hit his head and lose consciousness for a few seconds. This time is enough to cause a tragedy. Taking out a soaped baby from the water, remember that it can slip out of your hands and hit, so be extremely careful.

Such a tragic event occurred one summer in the presence of hundreds of vacationers. A hot day a young couple with a one-year-old baby was riding a boat along the Moskva River. From time to time his father dipped his son in the water overboard to the general pleasure. Before the next dive, the baby was soaped, in water, he slipped out of the stout paternal hands and went to the bottom with a stone. Dozens of young men who witnessed the tragedy rushed into the water with their father and dived, hoping to save the child, but, alas. The body was found only a few days later, it was carried by the current far from the scene.

Teenagers are drowning more because of the inability to behave on the water. They like dangerous games: diving, pulling at their feet, compulsory immersion of a friend with a head under the water, etc. They tend to disdain for danger, recklessness, mischief and imprudence when riding a boat, as well as bathing in unfamiliar places and in a state of intoxication. Many vacationers give them an example in this, taking "sea bathing" after a fair dose of "fire water".And another teenager needs a few sips of beer or gin and tonic to develop alcohol intoxication.

Before rendering first aid to the drowned, must be pulled out of the water. It is advisable to do this with a foreign object: rope, stick, lifebuoy. The sinking person is always in a state of panic fear and can grab the rescuer with a dead grip, dragging him to the bottom with him. Therefore, saving the sinking, do not forget about your own safety.

When a person accidentally falls into water, especially in cold water, reflex spasm of the glottis arises, and water does not enter the respiratory tract. The cause of death in this case is mechanical asphyxia. And although such a person will be told that "he drowned", this kind of drowning is called "dry", or asphyxic.

If the child was immediately able to get out of the water, then in most cases it is possible to return it to life by performing artificial respiration.

True or "wet" drowning develops as a result of water entering the lungs. You will be surprised to learn that drowning in fresh water differs significantly from drowning in the sea. Fresh water has a lower osmotic pressure compared to blood, so it quickly rushes from the pulmonary alveoli to the vascular bed, causing it to overflow, destruction of red blood cells, pulmonary edema, etc.

Seawater containing an increased amount of salt, on the contrary, carriesa plasma from the vascular bed into the alveoli, which is filled with liquid, and the volume of circulating blood decreases, and its viscosity increases.

But this is a theory, and the rescuer, and even more so the most drowned, does not care about the theoretical subtleties at the time of first aid.

Before proceeding to the artificial respiration, must release the upper respiratory tract from water, sand, silt, vomit. The rescuer descends on one knee, and on the second puts on a stomach a head downwards of the victim and, pressing it on area epigastria by hands, helps to get rid of water.

Only after this should begin resuscitation: artificial respiration and indirect heart massage. Do not forget about the need to warm the victim: remove wet clothing, wrap in a blanket. Do not try to remove all water from the lungs. This requires additional time, which you do not have now. The main thing is to return the child to life through resuscitation, and the water will resolve later.

Artificial respiration and indirect heart massage

Preparation of

If the child has stopped breathing and there is no pulse on the major arteries, which indicates the cessation of cardiac activity, you can not linger. You have in stock only 3-4 minutes, which can bring it back to life. The time of clinical death can be extended by covering the head and area of ​​large vessels with ice packs. In conditions of low temperature, the demand for oxygen in cells decreases.

Immediately call an ambulance, and without losing time, begin resuscitation

. Relieve the child's respiratory tract from mucus, phlegm, foreign body. Toddler up to the year , lift by the legs and lower head down( with the head slightly unbent), and remove the contents of the oral cavity and pharynx with your finger.

If you suspect a foreign body, lay the baby face down on his left arm, supporting his chest and lower jaw. Use your knees to support.

With your right hand, apply a few quick, strong backstrokes between your shoulder blades. Child over the age of lay his belly on his thigh with his head down. Generate 3-4 jolt-like impacts between the blades.

Restoration of airway patency is a prerequisite for successful resuscitation.

Place the baby on a hard surface. Toss his head, placing a roller under his shoulders from clothes or blankets. Lift and lift the chin forward. This position serves to create free airway patency.

Technique: algorithm

Having inhaled and pressing your mouth to the baby's mouth, blow into his lungs air, clamping the nasal passages of the child.

The technique of artificial inspiration for infants under 1 year of is somewhat different: do not maximize the head, it should be set in a neutral position, at the time of inspiration, cover your mouth with the mouth and the baby's nose. If it is impossible to simultaneously cover the nostrils and mouth, it is possible to perform artificial breaths in the child's mouth, covering the nose to avoid leakage of blown air.

Having finished the injection, it is necessary to make sure that the baby's chest is lowered. If the air does not enter the lungs, but into the stomach, and does not come out again, then with each injection the upper abdomen will rise.

The frequency of injections during resuscitation of children under one year should be 38-40, for older children 20-24 per minute.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain circulation by indirect heart massage.

If two people provide help, one of them "breathes" and the other performs heart massage. It is necessary to act in such a rhythm: 15 compressions of the chest and 2 blowing in the respiratory tract.

To a kid, the rhythmic pressure on the heart region is made by two fingers on the lower edge of the sternum with a frequency of 100-120 pressures per minute for up to a year. Pressing the sternum is permissible not more than 2 cm to avoid fractures of the sternum and ribs.

In older children, the palmar surface of the left hand is placed on the lower third of the sternum along the middle line, the other hand is placed on top and produces rhythmic pressure with a frequency of 80-90-100 times per minute, depending on the age.

If resuscitation is performed by one person, then 30 blows of the chest should be made by 2 blowing air into the lungs. Signs of the effectiveness of resuscitation are the disappearance of cyanosis, pallor, marbling of the skin, the appearance of a pulse on large vessels( carotid, femoral), narrowing pupils and the emergence of independent breaths.

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  2. «Pediatrics: A complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".