Thermal and solar shock in a child, sunburn

We live in a climate where it is dangerous to stay in the sun for a long time, especially with bare skin.

In recent years, especially solar radiation is intense and the child can even in a few minutes on any clear summer day get a heat and sunstroke, as well as sunburn.

Consider the symptoms and treatment of sun and heat strokes, sunburn, how and what, treat and provide first aid to the child at home according to the recommendations of pediatricians L. Anikeeva and E. Komarovsky.


Prevention of heat and sunstroke and burns

We live in a climatic zone where "twelve months winter and the rest is summer."Of course, in this statement there is some exaggeration, but the shortness of summer makes our fellow citizens literally every sunbeam turn to their pale bodies, neglecting caution. As a result of this maximalism, sun burns are familiar to many people, not by hearsay. But if adults, aware of the danger, fry for a long time under the sun - it's their business. But you must protect children from burns and overheating. The best remedy for sunburn is prevention.

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The child should not be in the sun without clothes for a long time. The baby is not allowed to walk in direct sunlight at all, its destiny is to sunbathe in the lacy shade of trees and shrubs. Moving on your own feet the baby you can not keep in the shade, so take special care with sunbathing. On the delicate skin of the "baby", apply sunscreen with a degree of protection of 20 and above, and after 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun, put on it a light loose shirt made of natural cotton with long sleeves. The head of the child must necessarily be covered with a bright panama or kerchief.

If you are going to the shore of a pond for the whole family on a day off, create a shady corner for your baby with a tent or a beach umbrella, where he should spend most of the time and can even sweetly sleep in the fresh air.

First aid for sunburns

If, despite protective measures, the baby's skin is still burnt, know how to provide first aid to the sufferer. Reddened areas of skin wash with cool fresh water and apply to them any anti-burn agent: panthenol, olazol, legrazol - they all have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

In the absence of medications, use folk methods: smear the burnt surface with yogurt, yogurt, yoghurt.

To protect your eyes from bright sun and glare on the surface of the water, offer the child sunglasses matched to fit so they do not slip off a small spout and do not irritate the baby. Protection for the eyes will also provide wide fields of panama or a long visor cap.

In hot daylight hours, sleep is necessary in a cool room or in a thick shadow of trees.

Sunstroke: symptoms, treatment, first aid

When exposed to direct sunlight for an unprotected head for a long time, there are violations from the central nervous system that make up the content of the concept "sunny blow".

The child complains of a headache, dizziness, weakness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, heartbeat and shortness of breath. The skin becomes red, the temperature rises, sweating increases, and sometimes nosebleeds occur. If help is not provided during the time, there may be seizures with loss of consciousness.

Immediately transfer the child to a shade or cool place, lay it horizontally( without a pillow), free from restraining clothes, wipe the body with a wet towel. On the forehead, put a cold, let me inhale a couple of ammonia. Drink plenty of cool water, juice, compote, tea with ice. As a rule, these activities are enough to cope with a sunstroke.

Henceforth, do not let the child out into the bright sun without a hat, wear it in light, loose clothes made of natural fabrics. Install a container with water in the garden area so that the baby can splash in it. Well, if you can swim in a natural pond or in the pool. In the conditions of the city, coming from a walk, put the baby under a cool shower or wipe it with a damp towel. In a stuffy room, make a draft, use a fan, air conditioning. Drink your child more often with cool drinks. In hot weather, take a bottle of water with you for a walk and from time to time invite the baby to apply to it.

Heat stroke: symptoms, treatment, first aid

Thermal impact on clinical manifestations does not differ from sunstroke, but its cause is a violation of heat transfer, while heat production remains at the same level. The pathological condition develops with prolonged stay in a room with a high temperature and high humidity, especially if the child is actively moving.

Often, young mothers throw the baby into a heat stroke by excessive wrapping, forgetting about the imperfection of the thermoregulatory mechanisms in infants.

Fans of bath pleasures, trying to attach the baby to a therma from the "youthful nails", sometimes forget about the gradualness and caution of the process, leading to overheating and heat shock.

First aid to is no different from that of with a sunny .

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